3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxvector4.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
20class FbxQuaternion;
22/** A four double mathematic vector class.
23 * \nosubgrouping
24 */
25class FBXSDK_DLL FbxVector4 : public FbxDouble4
28 /**
29 * \name Constructors and Destructor
30 */
31 //@{
32 //! Constructor.
33 FbxVector4();
35 /** Copy constructor.
36 * \param pVector4 The vector copied to this one.
37 */
38 FbxVector4(const FbxVector4& pVector4);
40 /** Constructor.
41 * \param pX X component.
42 * \param pY Y component.
43 * \param pZ Z component.
44 * \param pW W component.
45 */
46 FbxVector4(double pX, double pY, double pZ, double pW=1.0);
48 /** Constructor.
49 * \param pValue X,Y,Z,W components.
50 */
51 FbxVector4(const double pValue[4]);
53 /** Constructor.
54 * \param pValue X,Y,Z components.
55 * \remarks The fourth component of this object is assigned 1.
56 */
57 FbxVector4(const FbxDouble3& pValue);
58 //@}
60 /**
61 * \name Access
62 */
63 //@{
64 /** Assignment operation.
65 * \param pVector4 The vector assigned to this one.
66 * \return This vector after assignment.
67 */
68 FbxVector4& operator=(const FbxVector4& pVector4);
70 /** Assignment operation.
71 * \param pValue The pointer to an array whose elements are assigned to this vector.
72 * \return This vector after assignment.
73 */
74 FbxVector4& operator=(const double* pValue);
76 /** Assignment operation.
77 * \param pValue The vector with 3 elements assigned to this vector.
78 * \return This vector after assignment.
79 * \remarks The first three elements are assigned with pValue. The fourth element is set as 1.0
80 */
81 FbxVector4& operator=(const FbxDouble3& pValue);
83 /** Set vector.
84 * \param pX The X component value.
85 * \param pY The Y component value.
86 * \param pZ The Z component value.
87 * \param pW The W component value.
88 */
89 void Set(double pX, double pY, double pZ, double pW=1.0);
90 //@}
92 /**
93 * \name Scalar Operations
94 */
95 //@{
96 /** Add a value to all vector components.
97 * \param pValue The value to add to each component of the vector.
98 * \return New vector.
99 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
100 */
101 FbxVector4 operator+(double pValue) const;
103 /** Subtract a value from all vector components.
104 * \param pValue The value to subtract from each component of the vector.
105 * \return New vector.
106 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
107 */
108 FbxVector4 operator-(double pValue) const;
110 /** Multiply a value to all vector components.
111 * \param pValue The value multiplying each component of the vector.
112 * \return New vector.
113 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
114 */
115 FbxVector4 operator*(double pValue) const;
117 /** Divide all vector components by a value.
118 * \param pValue The value dividing each component of the vector.
119 * \return New vector.
120 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
121 */
122 FbxVector4 operator/(double pValue) const;
124 /** Add a value to all vector components.
125 * \param pValue The value to add to each component of the vector.
126 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
127 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
128 */
129 FbxVector4& operator+=(double pValue);
131 /** Subtract a value from all vector components.
132 * \param pValue The value to subtract from each component of the vector.
133 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
134 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
135 */
136 FbxVector4& operator-=(double pValue);
138 /** Multiply a value to all vector elements.
139 * \param pValue The value multiplying each component of the vector.
140 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
141 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
142 */
143 FbxVector4& operator*=(double pValue);
145 /** Divide all vector elements by a value.
146 * \param pValue The value dividing each component of the vector.
147 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
148 * \remarks The passed value is not checked.
149 */
150 FbxVector4& operator/=(double pValue);
151 //@}
153 /**
154 * \name Vector Operations
155 */
156 //@{
157 /** Unary minus operator.
158 * \return The vector that is the negation of \c this.
159 */
160 FbxVector4 operator-() const;
162 /** Add two vectors together.
163 * \param pVector Vector to add.
164 * \return The vector v' = this + pVector.
165 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
166 */
167 FbxVector4 operator+(const FbxVector4& pVector) const;
169 /** Subtract a vector from another vector.
170 * \param pVector Vector to subtract.
171 * \return The vector v' = this - pVector.
172 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
173 */
174 FbxVector4 operator-(const FbxVector4& pVector) const;
176 /** Memberwise multiplication of two vectors.
177 * \param pVector Multiplying vector.
178 * \return The vector v' = this * pVector.
179 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
180 */
181 FbxVector4 operator*(const FbxVector4& pVector) const;
183 /** Memberwise division of a vector with another vector.
184 * \param pVector Dividing vector.
185 * \return The vector v[i]' = this[i] / pVector[i].
186 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
187 */
188 FbxVector4 operator/(const FbxVector4& pVector) const;
190 /** Add two vectors together.
191 * \param pVector Vector to add.
192 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
193 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
194 */
195 FbxVector4& operator+=(const FbxVector4& pVector);
197 /** Subtract a vector from another vector.
198 * \param pVector Vector to subtract.
199 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
200 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
201 */
202 FbxVector4& operator-=(const FbxVector4& pVector);
204 /** Memberwise multiplication of two vectors.
205 * \param pVector Multiplying vector.
206 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
207 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
208 */
209 FbxVector4& operator*=(const FbxVector4& pVector);
211 /** Memberwise division of a vector with another vector.
212 * \param pVector Dividing vector.
213 * \return \e this updated with the operation result.
214 * \remarks The values in pVector are not checked.
215 */
216 FbxVector4& operator/=(const FbxVector4& pVector);
218 /** Calculate the dot product of two vectors.
219 * \param pVector The second vector.
220 * \return The dot product value.
221 * \remarks Being considered as a XYZ vector with a weight, only the 3 first elements are considered in this operation.
222 */
223 double DotProduct(const FbxVector4& pVector) const;
225 /** Calculate the cross product of two vectors.
226 * \param pVector The second vector.
227 * \return The cross product vector.
228 * \remarks Being considered as a XYZ vector with a weight, only the first 3 elements are considered in this operation.
229 */
230 FbxVector4 CrossProduct(const FbxVector4& pVector) const;
232 /** Calculate the Euler rotation required to align axis pAB-pA on pAB-pB.
233 * \param pAB The intersection of the 2 axis.
234 * \param pA A point on axis to be aligned.
235 * \param pB A point on reference axis.
236 * \param pAngles Resulting euler angles.
237 * \return \c true on success.
238 * \remarks Being considered as a XYZ vector with a weight, only the first 3 elements are considered in this operation.
239 */
240 static bool AxisAlignmentInEulerAngle(const FbxVector4& pAB, const FbxVector4& pA, const FbxVector4& pB, FbxVector4& pAngles);
241 //@}
243 /**
244 * \name Boolean Operations
245 */
246 //@{
247 /** Equivalence operator.
248 * \param pVector The vector to be compared to \e this.
249 * \return \c true if the two vectors are equal (each element is within a FBXSDK_TOLERANCE tolerance) and \c false otherwise.
250 */
251 bool operator==(const FbxVector4 & pVector) const;
253 /** Non equivalence operator.
254 * \param pVector The vector to be compared to \e this.
255 * \return \c false if the two vectors are equal (each element is within a FBXSDK_TOLERANCE tolerance) and \c true otherwise.
256 */
257 bool operator!=(const FbxVector4 & pVector) const;
258 //@}
260 /**
261 * \name Length
262 */
263 //@{
264 /** Get the vector's length.
265 * \return The mathematical length of the vector.
266 * \remarks Being considered as a XYZ vector with a weight, only the first 3 elements are considered in this operation.
267 */
268 double Length() const;
270 /** Get the vector's length squared.
271 * \return The mathematical square length of the vector.
272 * \remarks Being considered as a XYZ vector with a weight, only the first 3 elements are considered in this operation.
273 */
274 double SquareLength() const;
276 /** Find the distance between 2 vectors.
277 * \param pVector The second vector.
278 * \return The mathematical distance between the two vectors.
279 * \remarks Being considered as a XYZ vector with a weight, only the 3 first elements are considered in this operation.
280 */
281 double Distance(const FbxVector4& pVector) const;
283 /** Normalize the vector, length set to 1.
284 * \remarks Being considered as a XYZ vector with a weight, only the first 3 elements are considered in this operation.
285 */
286 void Normalize();
289 /** Set the Euler XYZ from a Quaternion.
290 *\param pQuat Quaternion from which Euler XYZ information is got.
291 */
292 void SetXYZ(const FbxQuaternion pQuat);
293 //@}
295 /**
296 * \name Casting
297 */
298 //@{
299 //! Cast the vector in a double pointer.
300 operator double* ();
302 //! Cast the vector in a const double pointer.
303 operator const double* () const;
304 //@}
306 /** Find out if the vector is equal to zero.
307 * \param pSize The number of element to test, starting at beginning. Value must range between [1, 4].
308 * \return \c true if all elements of the vector are zero, \c false otherwise. */
309 bool IsZero(int pSize=4) const;
311 // Fix value like 1.#IND, 1.#INF, nan, and inf
312 void FixIncorrectValue();
315** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
318 int Compare(const FbxVector4& pV, const double pThreshold=FBXSDK_TOLERANCE) const;
319#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
322#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>
324#endif /* _FBXSDK_CORE_MATH_VECTOR_4_H_ */