2 * _ _ ____ _
3 * Project ___| | | | _ \| |
4 * / __| | | | |_) | |
5 * | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
6 * \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
7 *
8 * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2019, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
9 *
10 * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
11 * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
12 * are also available at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
13 *
14 * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
15 * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
16 * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
17 *
18 * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
19 * KIND, either express or implied.
20 *
21 ***************************************************************************/
22#include "tool_setup.h"
24#include "strcase.h"
27/* use our own printf() functions */
28#include "curlx.h"
30#include "tool_binmode.h"
31#include "tool_cfgable.h"
32#include "tool_cb_prg.h"
33#include "tool_convert.h"
34#include "tool_filetime.h"
35#include "tool_formparse.h"
36#include "tool_getparam.h"
37#include "tool_helpers.h"
38#include "tool_libinfo.h"
39#include "tool_metalink.h"
40#include "tool_msgs.h"
41#include "tool_paramhlp.h"
42#include "tool_parsecfg.h"
43#include "tool_main.h"
45#include "memdebug.h" /* keep this as LAST include */
47#ifdef MSDOS
48# define USE_WATT32
51#define GetStr(str,val) do { \
52 if(*(str)) { \
53 free(*(str)); \
54 *(str) = NULL; \
55 } \
56 if((val)) { \
57 *(str) = strdup((val)); \
58 if(!(*(str))) \
59 return PARAM_NO_MEM; \
60 } \
63struct LongShort {
64 const char *letter; /* short name option */
65 const char *lname; /* long name option */
66 enum {
67 ARG_NONE, /* stand-alone but not a boolean */
68 ARG_BOOL, /* accepts a --no-[name] prefix */
69 ARG_STRING, /* requires an argument */
70 ARG_FILENAME /* requires an argument, usually a file name */
71 } desc;
74static const struct LongShort aliases[]= {
75 /* 'letter' strings with more than one character have *no* short option to
76 mention. */
77 {"*@", "url", ARG_STRING},
78 {"*4", "dns-ipv4-addr", ARG_STRING},
79 {"*6", "dns-ipv6-addr", ARG_STRING},
80 {"*a", "random-file", ARG_FILENAME},
81 {"*b", "egd-file", ARG_STRING},
82 {"*B", "oauth2-bearer", ARG_STRING},
83 {"*c", "connect-timeout", ARG_STRING},
84 {"*C", "doh-url" , ARG_STRING},
85 {"*d", "ciphers", ARG_STRING},
86 {"*D", "dns-interface", ARG_STRING},
87 {"*e", "disable-epsv", ARG_BOOL},
88 {"*f", "disallow-username-in-url", ARG_BOOL},
89 {"*E", "epsv", ARG_BOOL},
90 /* 'epsv' made like this to make --no-epsv and --epsv to work
91 although --disable-epsv is the documented option */
92 {"*F", "dns-servers", ARG_STRING},
93 {"*g", "trace", ARG_FILENAME},
94 {"*G", "npn", ARG_BOOL},
95 {"*h", "trace-ascii", ARG_FILENAME},
96 {"*H", "alpn", ARG_BOOL},
97 {"*i", "limit-rate", ARG_STRING},
98 {"*j", "compressed", ARG_BOOL},
99 {"*J", "tr-encoding", ARG_BOOL},
100 {"*k", "digest", ARG_BOOL},
101 {"*l", "negotiate", ARG_BOOL},
102 {"*m", "ntlm", ARG_BOOL},
103 {"*M", "ntlm-wb", ARG_BOOL},
104 {"*n", "basic", ARG_BOOL},
105 {"*o", "anyauth", ARG_BOOL},
106#ifdef USE_WATT32
107 {"*p", "wdebug", ARG_BOOL},
109 {"*q", "ftp-create-dirs", ARG_BOOL},
110 {"*r", "create-dirs", ARG_BOOL},
111 {"*s", "max-redirs", ARG_STRING},
112 {"*t", "proxy-ntlm", ARG_BOOL},
113 {"*u", "crlf", ARG_BOOL},
114 {"*v", "stderr", ARG_FILENAME},
115 {"*w", "interface", ARG_STRING},
116 {"*x", "krb", ARG_STRING},
117 {"*x", "krb4", ARG_STRING},
118 /* 'krb4' is the previous name */
119 {"*X", "haproxy-protocol", ARG_BOOL},
120 {"*y", "max-filesize", ARG_STRING},
121 {"*z", "disable-eprt", ARG_BOOL},
122 {"*Z", "eprt", ARG_BOOL},
123 /* 'eprt' made like this to make --no-eprt and --eprt to work
124 although --disable-eprt is the documented option */
125 {"*~", "xattr", ARG_BOOL},
126 {"$a", "ftp-ssl", ARG_BOOL},
127 /* 'ftp-ssl' deprecated name since 7.20.0 */
128 {"$a", "ssl", ARG_BOOL},
129 /* 'ssl' new option name in 7.20.0, previously this was ftp-ssl */
130 {"$b", "ftp-pasv", ARG_BOOL},
131 {"$c", "socks5", ARG_STRING},
132 {"$d", "tcp-nodelay", ARG_BOOL},
133 {"$e", "proxy-digest", ARG_BOOL},
134 {"$f", "proxy-basic", ARG_BOOL},
135 {"$g", "retry", ARG_STRING},
136 {"$V", "retry-connrefused", ARG_BOOL},
137 {"$h", "retry-delay", ARG_STRING},
138 {"$i", "retry-max-time", ARG_STRING},
139 {"$k", "proxy-negotiate", ARG_BOOL},
140 {"$m", "ftp-account", ARG_STRING},
141 {"$n", "proxy-anyauth", ARG_BOOL},
142 {"$o", "trace-time", ARG_BOOL},
143 {"$p", "ignore-content-length", ARG_BOOL},
144 {"$q", "ftp-skip-pasv-ip", ARG_BOOL},
145 {"$r", "ftp-method", ARG_STRING},
146 {"$s", "local-port", ARG_STRING},
147 {"$t", "socks4", ARG_STRING},
148 {"$T", "socks4a", ARG_STRING},
149 {"$u", "ftp-alternative-to-user", ARG_STRING},
150 {"$v", "ftp-ssl-reqd", ARG_BOOL},
151 /* 'ftp-ssl-reqd' deprecated name since 7.20.0 */
152 {"$v", "ssl-reqd", ARG_BOOL},
153 /* 'ssl-reqd' new in 7.20.0, previously this was ftp-ssl-reqd */
154 {"$w", "sessionid", ARG_BOOL},
155 /* 'sessionid' listed as --no-sessionid in the help */
156 {"$x", "ftp-ssl-control", ARG_BOOL},
157 {"$y", "ftp-ssl-ccc", ARG_BOOL},
158 {"$j", "ftp-ssl-ccc-mode", ARG_STRING},
159 {"$z", "libcurl", ARG_STRING},
160 {"$#", "raw", ARG_BOOL},
161 {"$0", "post301", ARG_BOOL},
162 {"$1", "keepalive", ARG_BOOL},
163 /* 'keepalive' listed as --no-keepalive in the help */
164 {"$2", "socks5-hostname", ARG_STRING},
165 {"$3", "keepalive-time", ARG_STRING},
166 {"$4", "post302", ARG_BOOL},
167 {"$5", "noproxy", ARG_STRING},
168 {"$7", "socks5-gssapi-nec", ARG_BOOL},
169 {"$8", "proxy1.0", ARG_STRING},
170 {"$9", "tftp-blksize", ARG_STRING},
171 {"$A", "mail-from", ARG_STRING},
172 {"$B", "mail-rcpt", ARG_STRING},
173 {"$C", "ftp-pret", ARG_BOOL},
174 {"$D", "proto", ARG_STRING},
175 {"$E", "proto-redir", ARG_STRING},
176 {"$F", "resolve", ARG_STRING},
177 {"$G", "delegation", ARG_STRING},
178 {"$H", "mail-auth", ARG_STRING},
179 {"$I", "post303", ARG_BOOL},
180 {"$J", "metalink", ARG_BOOL},
181 {"$6", "sasl-authzid", ARG_STRING},
182 {"$K", "sasl-ir", ARG_BOOL },
183 {"$L", "test-event", ARG_BOOL},
184 {"$M", "unix-socket", ARG_FILENAME},
185 {"$N", "path-as-is", ARG_BOOL},
186 {"$O", "socks5-gssapi-service", ARG_STRING},
187 /* 'socks5-gssapi-service' merged with'proxy-service-name' and
188 deprecated since 7.49.0 */
189 {"$O", "proxy-service-name", ARG_STRING},
190 {"$P", "service-name", ARG_STRING},
191 {"$Q", "proto-default", ARG_STRING},
192 {"$R", "expect100-timeout", ARG_STRING},
193 {"$S", "tftp-no-options", ARG_BOOL},
194 {"$U", "connect-to", ARG_STRING},
195 {"$W", "abstract-unix-socket", ARG_FILENAME},
196 {"$X", "tls-max", ARG_STRING},
197 {"$Y", "suppress-connect-headers", ARG_BOOL},
198 {"$Z", "compressed-ssh", ARG_BOOL},
199 {"$~", "happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms", ARG_STRING},
200 {"0", "http1.0", ARG_NONE},
201 {"01", "http1.1", ARG_NONE},
202 {"02", "http2", ARG_NONE},
203 {"03", "http2-prior-knowledge", ARG_NONE},
204 {"04", "http3", ARG_NONE},
205 {"09", "http0.9", ARG_BOOL},
206 {"1", "tlsv1", ARG_NONE},
207 {"10", "tlsv1.0", ARG_NONE},
208 {"11", "tlsv1.1", ARG_NONE},
209 {"12", "tlsv1.2", ARG_NONE},
210 {"13", "tlsv1.3", ARG_NONE},
211 {"1A", "tls13-ciphers", ARG_STRING},
212 {"1B", "proxy-tls13-ciphers", ARG_STRING},
213 {"2", "sslv2", ARG_NONE},
214 {"3", "sslv3", ARG_NONE},
215 {"4", "ipv4", ARG_NONE},
216 {"6", "ipv6", ARG_NONE},
217 {"a", "append", ARG_BOOL},
218 {"A", "user-agent", ARG_STRING},
219 {"b", "cookie", ARG_STRING},
220 {"ba", "alt-svc", ARG_STRING},
221 {"B", "use-ascii", ARG_BOOL},
222 {"c", "cookie-jar", ARG_STRING},
223 {"C", "continue-at", ARG_STRING},
224 {"d", "data", ARG_STRING},
225 {"dr", "data-raw", ARG_STRING},
226 {"da", "data-ascii", ARG_STRING},
227 {"db", "data-binary", ARG_STRING},
228 {"de", "data-urlencode", ARG_STRING},
229 {"D", "dump-header", ARG_FILENAME},
230 {"e", "referer", ARG_STRING},
231 {"E", "cert", ARG_FILENAME},
232 {"Ea", "cacert", ARG_FILENAME},
233 {"Eb", "cert-type", ARG_STRING},
234 {"Ec", "key", ARG_FILENAME},
235 {"Ed", "key-type", ARG_STRING},
236 {"Ee", "pass", ARG_STRING},
237 {"Ef", "engine", ARG_STRING},
238 {"Eg", "capath", ARG_FILENAME},
239 {"Eh", "pubkey", ARG_STRING},
240 {"Ei", "hostpubmd5", ARG_STRING},
241 {"Ej", "crlfile", ARG_FILENAME},
242 {"Ek", "tlsuser", ARG_STRING},
243 {"El", "tlspassword", ARG_STRING},
244 {"Em", "tlsauthtype", ARG_STRING},
245 {"En", "ssl-allow-beast", ARG_BOOL},
246 /* Eo */
247 {"Ep", "pinnedpubkey", ARG_STRING},
248 {"EP", "proxy-pinnedpubkey", ARG_STRING},
249 {"Eq", "cert-status", ARG_BOOL},
250 {"Er", "false-start", ARG_BOOL},
251 {"Es", "ssl-no-revoke", ARG_BOOL},
252 {"Et", "tcp-fastopen", ARG_BOOL},
253 {"Eu", "proxy-tlsuser", ARG_STRING},
254 {"Ev", "proxy-tlspassword", ARG_STRING},
255 {"Ew", "proxy-tlsauthtype", ARG_STRING},
256 {"Ex", "proxy-cert", ARG_FILENAME},
257 {"Ey", "proxy-cert-type", ARG_STRING},
258 {"Ez", "proxy-key", ARG_FILENAME},
259 {"E0", "proxy-key-type", ARG_STRING},
260 {"E1", "proxy-pass", ARG_STRING},
261 {"E2", "proxy-ciphers", ARG_STRING},
262 {"E3", "proxy-crlfile", ARG_FILENAME},
263 {"E4", "proxy-ssl-allow-beast", ARG_BOOL},
264 {"E5", "login-options", ARG_STRING},
265 {"E6", "proxy-cacert", ARG_FILENAME},
266 {"E7", "proxy-capath", ARG_FILENAME},
267 {"E8", "proxy-insecure", ARG_BOOL},
268 {"E9", "proxy-tlsv1", ARG_NONE},
269 {"EA", "socks5-basic", ARG_BOOL},
270 {"EB", "socks5-gssapi", ARG_BOOL},
271 {"f", "fail", ARG_BOOL},
272 {"fa", "fail-early", ARG_BOOL},
273 {"fb", "styled-output", ARG_BOOL},
274 {"F", "form", ARG_STRING},
275 {"Fs", "form-string", ARG_STRING},
276 {"g", "globoff", ARG_BOOL},
277 {"G", "get", ARG_NONE},
278 {"Ga", "request-target", ARG_STRING},
279 {"h", "help", ARG_BOOL},
280 {"H", "header", ARG_STRING},
281 {"Hp", "proxy-header", ARG_STRING},
282 {"i", "include", ARG_BOOL},
283 {"I", "head", ARG_BOOL},
284 {"j", "junk-session-cookies", ARG_BOOL},
285 {"J", "remote-header-name", ARG_BOOL},
286 {"k", "insecure", ARG_BOOL},
287 {"K", "config", ARG_FILENAME},
288 {"l", "list-only", ARG_BOOL},
289 {"L", "location", ARG_BOOL},
290 {"Lt", "location-trusted", ARG_BOOL},
291 {"m", "max-time", ARG_STRING},
292 {"M", "manual", ARG_BOOL},
293 {"n", "netrc", ARG_BOOL},
294 {"no", "netrc-optional", ARG_BOOL},
295 {"ne", "netrc-file", ARG_FILENAME},
296 {"N", "buffer", ARG_BOOL},
297 /* 'buffer' listed as --no-buffer in the help */
298 {"o", "output", ARG_FILENAME},
299 {"O", "remote-name", ARG_NONE},
300 {"Oa", "remote-name-all", ARG_BOOL},
301 {"p", "proxytunnel", ARG_BOOL},
302 {"P", "ftp-port", ARG_STRING},
303 {"q", "disable", ARG_BOOL},
304 {"Q", "quote", ARG_STRING},
305 {"r", "range", ARG_STRING},
306 {"R", "remote-time", ARG_BOOL},
307 {"s", "silent", ARG_BOOL},
308 {"S", "show-error", ARG_BOOL},
309 {"t", "telnet-option", ARG_STRING},
310 {"T", "upload-file", ARG_FILENAME},
311 {"u", "user", ARG_STRING},
312 {"U", "proxy-user", ARG_STRING},
313 {"v", "verbose", ARG_BOOL},
314 {"V", "version", ARG_BOOL},
315 {"w", "write-out", ARG_STRING},
316 {"x", "proxy", ARG_STRING},
317 {"xa", "preproxy", ARG_STRING},
318 {"X", "request", ARG_STRING},
319 {"Y", "speed-limit", ARG_STRING},
320 {"y", "speed-time", ARG_STRING},
321 {"z", "time-cond", ARG_STRING},
322 {"Z", "parallel", ARG_BOOL},
323 {"Zb", "parallel-max", ARG_STRING},
324 {"Zc", "parallel-immediate", ARG_BOOL},
325 {"#", "progress-bar", ARG_BOOL},
326 {"#m", "progress-meter", ARG_BOOL},
327 {":", "next", ARG_NONE},
330/* Split the argument of -E to 'certname' and 'passphrase' separated by colon.
331 * We allow ':' and '\' to be escaped by '\' so that we can use certificate
332 * nicknames containing ':'. See <https://sourceforge.net/p/curl/bugs/1196/>
333 * for details. */
334#ifndef UNITTESTS
337void parse_cert_parameter(const char *cert_parameter,
338 char **certname,
339 char **passphrase)
341 size_t param_length = strlen(cert_parameter);
342 size_t span;
343 const char *param_place = NULL;
344 char *certname_place = NULL;
345 *certname = NULL;
346 *passphrase = NULL;
348 /* most trivial assumption: cert_parameter is empty */
349 if(param_length == 0)
350 return;
352 /* next less trivial: cert_parameter starts 'pkcs11:' and thus
353 * looks like a RFC7512 PKCS#11 URI which can be used as-is.
354 * Also if cert_parameter contains no colon nor backslash, this
355 * means no passphrase was given and no characters escaped */
356 if(curl_strnequal(cert_parameter, "pkcs11:", 7) ||
357 !strpbrk(cert_parameter, ":\\")) {
358 *certname = strdup(cert_parameter);
359 return;
360 }
361 /* deal with escaped chars; find unescaped colon if it exists */
362 certname_place = malloc(param_length + 1);
363 if(!certname_place)
364 return;
366 *certname = certname_place;
367 param_place = cert_parameter;
368 while(*param_place) {
369 span = strcspn(param_place, ":\\");
370 strncpy(certname_place, param_place, span);
371 param_place += span;
372 certname_place += span;
373 /* we just ate all the non-special chars. now we're on either a special
374 * char or the end of the string. */
375 switch(*param_place) {
376 case '\0':
377 break;
378 case '\\':
379 param_place++;
380 switch(*param_place) {
381 case '\0':
382 *certname_place++ = '\\';
383 break;
384 case '\\':
385 *certname_place++ = '\\';
386 param_place++;
387 break;
388 case ':':
389 *certname_place++ = ':';
390 param_place++;
391 break;
392 default:
393 *certname_place++ = '\\';
394 *certname_place++ = *param_place;
395 param_place++;
396 break;
397 }
398 break;
399 case ':':
400 /* Since we live in a world of weirdness and confusion, the win32
401 dudes can use : when using drive letters and thus c:\file:password
402 needs to work. In order not to break compatibility, we still use : as
403 separator, but we try to detect when it is used for a file name! On
404 windows. */
405#ifdef WIN32
406 if(param_place &&
407 (param_place == &cert_parameter[1]) &&
408 (cert_parameter[2] == '\\' || cert_parameter[2] == '/') &&
409 (ISALPHA(cert_parameter[0])) ) {
410 /* colon in the second column, followed by a backslash, and the
411 first character is an alphabetic letter:
413 this is a drive letter colon */
414 *certname_place++ = ':';
415 param_place++;
416 break;
417 }
419 /* escaped colons and Windows drive letter colons were handled
420 * above; if we're still here, this is a separating colon */
421 param_place++;
422 if(strlen(param_place) > 0) {
423 *passphrase = strdup(param_place);
424 }
425 goto done;
426 }
427 }
429 *certname_place = '\0';
432static void
433GetFileAndPassword(char *nextarg, char **file, char **password)
435 char *certname, *passphrase;
436 parse_cert_parameter(nextarg, &certname, &passphrase);
437 Curl_safefree(*file);
438 *file = certname;
439 if(passphrase) {
440 Curl_safefree(*password);
441 *password = passphrase;
442 }
443 cleanarg(nextarg);
446/* Get a size parameter for '--limit-rate' or '--max-filesize'.
447 * We support a 'G', 'M' or 'K' suffix too.
448 */
449static ParameterError GetSizeParameter(struct GlobalConfig *global,
450 const char *arg,
451 const char *which,
452 curl_off_t *value_out)
454 char *unit;
455 curl_off_t value;
457 if(curlx_strtoofft(arg, &unit, 0, &value)) {
458 warnf(global, "invalid number specified for %s\n", which);
459 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
460 }
462 if(!*unit)
463 unit = (char *)"b";
464 else if(strlen(unit) > 1)
465 unit = (char *)"w"; /* unsupported */
467 switch(*unit) {
468 case 'G':
469 case 'g':
470 if(value > (CURL_OFF_T_MAX / (1024*1024*1024)))
472 value *= 1024*1024*1024;
473 break;
474 case 'M':
475 case 'm':
476 if(value > (CURL_OFF_T_MAX / (1024*1024)))
478 value *= 1024*1024;
479 break;
480 case 'K':
481 case 'k':
482 if(value > (CURL_OFF_T_MAX / 1024))
484 value *= 1024;
485 break;
486 case 'b':
487 case 'B':
488 /* for plain bytes, leave as-is */
489 break;
490 default:
491 warnf(global, "unsupported %s unit. Use G, M, K or B!\n", which);
492 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
493 }
494 *value_out = value;
495 return PARAM_OK;
498ParameterError getparameter(const char *flag, /* f or -long-flag */
499 char *nextarg, /* NULL if unset */
500 bool *usedarg, /* set to TRUE if the arg
501 has been used */
502 struct GlobalConfig *global,
503 struct OperationConfig *config)
505 char letter;
506 char subletter = '\0'; /* subletters can only occur on long options */
507 int rc;
508 const char *parse = NULL;
509 unsigned int j;
510 time_t now;
511 int hit = -1;
512 bool longopt = FALSE;
513 bool singleopt = FALSE; /* when true means '-o foo' used '-ofoo' */
514 ParameterError err;
515 bool toggle = TRUE; /* how to switch boolean options, on or off. Controlled
516 by using --OPTION or --no-OPTION */
518 *usedarg = FALSE; /* default is that we don't use the arg */
520 if(('-' != flag[0]) || ('-' == flag[1])) {
521 /* this should be a long name */
522 const char *word = ('-' == flag[0]) ? flag + 2 : flag;
523 size_t fnam = strlen(word);
524 int numhits = 0;
525 bool noflagged = FALSE;
527 if(!strncmp(word, "no-", 3)) {
528 /* disable this option but ignore the "no-" part when looking for it */
529 word += 3;
530 toggle = FALSE;
531 noflagged = TRUE;
532 }
534 for(j = 0; j < sizeof(aliases)/sizeof(aliases[0]); j++) {
535 if(curl_strnequal(aliases[j].lname, word, fnam)) {
536 longopt = TRUE;
537 numhits++;
538 if(curl_strequal(aliases[j].lname, word)) {
539 parse = aliases[j].letter;
540 hit = j;
541 numhits = 1; /* a single unique hit */
542 break;
543 }
544 parse = aliases[j].letter;
545 hit = j;
546 }
547 }
548 if(numhits > 1) {
549 /* this is at least the second match! */
551 }
552 if(hit < 0) {
554 }
555 if(noflagged && (aliases[hit].desc != ARG_BOOL))
556 /* --no- prefixed an option that isn't boolean! */
558 }
559 else {
560 flag++; /* prefixed with one dash, pass it */
561 hit = -1;
562 parse = flag;
563 }
565 do {
566 /* we can loop here if we have multiple single-letters */
568 if(!longopt) {
569 letter = (char)*parse;
570 subletter = '\0';
571 }
572 else {
573 letter = parse[0];
574 subletter = parse[1];
575 }
577 if(hit < 0) {
578 for(j = 0; j < sizeof(aliases)/sizeof(aliases[0]); j++) {
579 if(letter == aliases[j].letter[0]) {
580 hit = j;
581 break;
582 }
583 }
584 if(hit < 0) {
586 }
587 }
589 if(aliases[hit].desc >= ARG_STRING) {
590 /* this option requires an extra parameter */
591 if(!longopt && parse[1]) {
592 nextarg = (char *)&parse[1]; /* this is the actual extra parameter */
593 singleopt = TRUE; /* don't loop anymore after this */
594 }
595 else if(!nextarg)
597 else
598 *usedarg = TRUE; /* mark it as used */
600 if((aliases[hit].desc == ARG_FILENAME) &&
601 (nextarg[0] == '-') && nextarg[1]) {
602 /* if the file name looks like a command line option */
603 warnf(global, "The file name argument '%s' looks like a flag.\n",
604 nextarg);
605 }
606 }
607 else if((aliases[hit].desc == ARG_NONE) && !toggle)
608 return PARAM_NO_PREFIX;
610 switch(letter) {
611 case '*': /* options without a short option */
612 switch(subletter) {
613 case '4': /* --dns-ipv4-addr */
614 /* addr in dot notation */
615 GetStr(&config->dns_ipv4_addr, nextarg);
616 break;
617 case '6': /* --dns-ipv6-addr */
618 /* addr in dot notation */
619 GetStr(&config->dns_ipv6_addr, nextarg);
620 break;
621 case 'a': /* random-file */
622 GetStr(&config->random_file, nextarg);
623 break;
624 case 'b': /* egd-file */
625 GetStr(&config->egd_file, nextarg);
626 break;
627 case 'B': /* OAuth 2.0 bearer token */
628 GetStr(&config->oauth_bearer, nextarg);
629 config->authtype |= CURLAUTH_BEARER;
630 break;
631 case 'c': /* connect-timeout */
632 err = str2udouble(&config->connecttimeout, nextarg,
633 LONG_MAX/1000);
634 if(err)
635 return err;
636 break;
637 case 'C': /* doh-url */
638 GetStr(&config->doh_url, nextarg);
639 break;
640 case 'd': /* ciphers */
641 GetStr(&config->cipher_list, nextarg);
642 break;
643 case 'D': /* --dns-interface */
644 /* interface name */
645 GetStr(&config->dns_interface, nextarg);
646 break;
647 case 'e': /* --disable-epsv */
648 config->disable_epsv = toggle;
649 break;
650 case 'f': /* --disallow-username-in-url */
651 config->disallow_username_in_url = toggle;
652 break;
653 case 'E': /* --epsv */
654 config->disable_epsv = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE;
655 break;
656 case 'F': /* --dns-servers */
657 /* IP addrs of DNS servers */
658 GetStr(&config->dns_servers, nextarg);
659 break;
660 case 'g': /* --trace */
661 GetStr(&global->trace_dump, nextarg);
662 if(global->tracetype && (global->tracetype != TRACE_BIN))
663 warnf(global, "--trace overrides an earlier trace/verbose option\n");
664 global->tracetype = TRACE_BIN;
665 break;
666 case 'G': /* --npn */
667 config->nonpn = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE;
668 break;
669 case 'h': /* --trace-ascii */
670 GetStr(&global->trace_dump, nextarg);
671 if(global->tracetype && (global->tracetype != TRACE_ASCII))
672 warnf(global,
673 "--trace-ascii overrides an earlier trace/verbose option\n");
674 global->tracetype = TRACE_ASCII;
675 break;
676 case 'H': /* --alpn */
677 config->noalpn = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE;
678 break;
679 case 'i': /* --limit-rate */
680 {
681 curl_off_t value;
682 ParameterError pe = GetSizeParameter(global, nextarg, "rate", &value);
684 if(pe != PARAM_OK)
685 return pe;
686 config->recvpersecond = value;
687 config->sendpersecond = value;
688 }
689 break;
691 case 'j': /* --compressed */
692 if(toggle &&
693 !(curlinfo->features & (CURL_VERSION_LIBZ | CURL_VERSION_BROTLI)))
695 config->encoding = toggle;
696 break;
698 case 'J': /* --tr-encoding */
699 config->tr_encoding = toggle;
700 break;
702 case 'k': /* --digest */
703 if(toggle)
704 config->authtype |= CURLAUTH_DIGEST;
705 else
706 config->authtype &= ~CURLAUTH_DIGEST;
707 break;
709 case 'l': /* --negotiate */
710 if(toggle) {
711 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SPNEGO)
712 config->authtype |= CURLAUTH_NEGOTIATE;
713 else
715 }
716 else
717 config->authtype &= ~CURLAUTH_NEGOTIATE;
718 break;
720 case 'm': /* --ntlm */
721 if(toggle) {
722 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_NTLM)
723 config->authtype |= CURLAUTH_NTLM;
724 else
726 }
727 else
728 config->authtype &= ~CURLAUTH_NTLM;
729 break;
731 case 'M': /* --ntlm-wb */
732 if(toggle) {
733 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_NTLM_WB)
734 config->authtype |= CURLAUTH_NTLM_WB;
735 else
737 }
738 else
739 config->authtype &= ~CURLAUTH_NTLM_WB;
740 break;
742 case 'n': /* --basic for completeness */
743 if(toggle)
744 config->authtype |= CURLAUTH_BASIC;
745 else
746 config->authtype &= ~CURLAUTH_BASIC;
747 break;
749 case 'o': /* --anyauth, let libcurl pick it */
750 if(toggle)
751 config->authtype = CURLAUTH_ANY;
752 /* --no-anyauth simply doesn't touch it */
753 break;
755#ifdef USE_WATT32
756 case 'p': /* --wdebug */
757 dbug_init();
758 break;
760 case 'q': /* --ftp-create-dirs */
761 config->ftp_create_dirs = toggle;
762 break;
764 case 'r': /* --create-dirs */
765 config->create_dirs = toggle;
766 break;
768 case 's': /* --max-redirs */
769 /* specified max no of redirects (http(s)), this accepts -1 as a
770 special condition */
771 err = str2num(&config->maxredirs, nextarg);
772 if(err)
773 return err;
774 if(config->maxredirs < -1)
776 break;
778 case 't': /* --proxy-ntlm */
779 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_NTLM)
780 config->proxyntlm = toggle;
781 else
783 break;
785 case 'u': /* --crlf */
786 /* LF -> CRLF conversion? */
787 config->crlf = toggle;
788 break;
790 case 'v': /* --stderr */
791 if(strcmp(nextarg, "-")) {
792 FILE *newfile = fopen(nextarg, FOPEN_WRITETEXT);
793 if(!newfile)
794 warnf(global, "Failed to open %s!\n", nextarg);
795 else {
796 if(global->errors_fopened)
797 fclose(global->errors);
798 global->errors = newfile;
799 global->errors_fopened = TRUE;
800 }
801 }
802 else
803 global->errors = stdout;
804 break;
805 case 'w': /* --interface */
806 /* interface */
807 GetStr(&config->iface, nextarg);
808 break;
809 case 'x': /* --krb */
810 /* kerberos level string */
811 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_KERBEROS4)
812 GetStr(&config->krblevel, nextarg);
813 else
815 break;
816 case 'X': /* --haproxy-protocol */
817 config->haproxy_protocol = toggle;
818 break;
819 case 'y': /* --max-filesize */
820 {
821 curl_off_t value;
822 ParameterError pe =
823 GetSizeParameter(global, nextarg, "max-filesize", &value);
825 if(pe != PARAM_OK)
826 return pe;
827 config->max_filesize = value;
828 }
829 break;
830 case 'z': /* --disable-eprt */
831 config->disable_eprt = toggle;
832 break;
833 case 'Z': /* --eprt */
834 config->disable_eprt = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE;
835 break;
836 case '~': /* --xattr */
837 config->xattr = toggle;
838 break;
839 case '@': /* the URL! */
840 {
841 struct getout *url;
843 if(!config->url_get)
844 config->url_get = config->url_list;
846 if(config->url_get) {
847 /* there's a node here, if it already is filled-in continue to find
848 an "empty" node */
849 while(config->url_get && (config->url_get->flags & GETOUT_URL))
850 config->url_get = config->url_get->next;
851 }
853 /* now there might or might not be an available node to fill in! */
855 if(config->url_get)
856 /* existing node */
857 url = config->url_get;
858 else
859 /* there was no free node, create one! */
860 config->url_get = url = new_getout(config);
862 if(!url)
863 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
865 /* fill in the URL */
866 GetStr(&url->url, nextarg);
867 url->flags |= GETOUT_URL;
868 }
869 }
870 break;
871 case '$': /* more options without a short option */
872 switch(subletter) {
873 case 'a': /* --ssl */
874 if(toggle && !(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL))
876 config->ftp_ssl = toggle;
877 break;
878 case 'b': /* --ftp-pasv */
879 Curl_safefree(config->ftpport);
880 break;
881 case 'c': /* --socks5 specifies a socks5 proxy to use, and resolves
882 the name locally and passes on the resolved address */
883 GetStr(&config->proxy, nextarg);
884 config->proxyver = CURLPROXY_SOCKS5;
885 break;
886 case 't': /* --socks4 specifies a socks4 proxy to use */
887 GetStr(&config->proxy, nextarg);
888 config->proxyver = CURLPROXY_SOCKS4;
889 break;
890 case 'T': /* --socks4a specifies a socks4a proxy to use */
891 GetStr(&config->proxy, nextarg);
892 config->proxyver = CURLPROXY_SOCKS4A;
893 break;
894 case '2': /* --socks5-hostname specifies a socks5 proxy and enables name
895 resolving with the proxy */
896 GetStr(&config->proxy, nextarg);
897 config->proxyver = CURLPROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME;
898 break;
899 case 'd': /* --tcp-nodelay option */
900 config->tcp_nodelay = toggle;
901 break;
902 case 'e': /* --proxy-digest */
903 config->proxydigest = toggle;
904 break;
905 case 'f': /* --proxy-basic */
906 config->proxybasic = toggle;
907 break;
908 case 'g': /* --retry */
909 err = str2unum(&config->req_retry, nextarg);
910 if(err)
911 return err;
912 break;
913 case 'V': /* --retry-connrefused */
914 config->retry_connrefused = toggle;
915 break;
916 case 'h': /* --retry-delay */
917 err = str2unummax(&config->retry_delay, nextarg, LONG_MAX/1000);
918 if(err)
919 return err;
920 break;
921 case 'i': /* --retry-max-time */
922 err = str2unummax(&config->retry_maxtime, nextarg, LONG_MAX/1000);
923 if(err)
924 return err;
925 break;
927 case 'k': /* --proxy-negotiate */
928 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SPNEGO)
929 config->proxynegotiate = toggle;
930 else
932 break;
934 case 'm': /* --ftp-account */
935 GetStr(&config->ftp_account, nextarg);
936 break;
937 case 'n': /* --proxy-anyauth */
938 config->proxyanyauth = toggle;
939 break;
940 case 'o': /* --trace-time */
941 global->tracetime = toggle;
942 break;
943 case 'p': /* --ignore-content-length */
944 config->ignorecl = toggle;
945 break;
946 case 'q': /* --ftp-skip-pasv-ip */
947 config->ftp_skip_ip = toggle;
948 break;
949 case 'r': /* --ftp-method (undocumented at this point) */
950 config->ftp_filemethod = ftpfilemethod(config, nextarg);
951 break;
952 case 's': { /* --local-port */
953 char lrange[7]; /* 16bit base 10 is 5 digits, but we allow 6 so that
954 this catches overflows, not just truncates */
955 char *p = nextarg;
956 while(ISDIGIT(*p))
957 p++;
958 if(*p) {
959 /* if there's anything more than a plain decimal number */
960 rc = sscanf(p, " - %6s", lrange);
961 *p = 0; /* zero terminate to make str2unum() work below */
962 }
963 else
964 rc = 0;
966 err = str2unum(&config->localport, nextarg);
967 if(err || (config->localport > 65535))
968 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
969 if(!rc)
970 config->localportrange = 1; /* default number of ports to try */
971 else {
972 err = str2unum(&config->localportrange, lrange);
973 if(err || (config->localportrange > 65535))
974 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
975 config->localportrange -= (config->localport-1);
976 if(config->localportrange < 1)
977 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
978 }
979 break;
980 }
981 case 'u': /* --ftp-alternative-to-user */
982 GetStr(&config->ftp_alternative_to_user, nextarg);
983 break;
984 case 'v': /* --ssl-reqd */
985 if(toggle && !(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL))
987 config->ftp_ssl_reqd = toggle;
988 break;
989 case 'w': /* --no-sessionid */
990 config->disable_sessionid = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE;
991 break;
992 case 'x': /* --ftp-ssl-control */
993 if(toggle && !(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL))
995 config->ftp_ssl_control = toggle;
996 break;
997 case 'y': /* --ftp-ssl-ccc */
998 config->ftp_ssl_ccc = toggle;
999 if(!config->ftp_ssl_ccc_mode)
1000 config->ftp_ssl_ccc_mode = CURLFTPSSL_CCC_PASSIVE;
1001 break;
1002 case 'j': /* --ftp-ssl-ccc-mode */
1003 config->ftp_ssl_ccc = TRUE;
1004 config->ftp_ssl_ccc_mode = ftpcccmethod(config, nextarg);
1005 break;
1006 case 'z': /* --libcurl */
1008 warnf(global,
1009 "--libcurl option was disabled at build-time!\n");
1012 GetStr(&global->libcurl, nextarg);
1013 break;
1015 case '#': /* --raw */
1016 config->raw = toggle;
1017 break;
1018 case '0': /* --post301 */
1019 config->post301 = toggle;
1020 break;
1021 case '1': /* --no-keepalive */
1022 config->nokeepalive = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE;
1023 break;
1024 case '3': /* --keepalive-time */
1025 err = str2unum(&config->alivetime, nextarg);
1026 if(err)
1027 return err;
1028 break;
1029 case '4': /* --post302 */
1030 config->post302 = toggle;
1031 break;
1032 case 'I': /* --post303 */
1033 config->post303 = toggle;
1034 break;
1035 case '5': /* --noproxy */
1036 /* This specifies the noproxy list */
1037 GetStr(&config->noproxy, nextarg);
1038 break;
1039 case '7': /* --socks5-gssapi-nec*/
1040 config->socks5_gssapi_nec = toggle;
1041 break;
1042 case '8': /* --proxy1.0 */
1043 /* http 1.0 proxy */
1044 GetStr(&config->proxy, nextarg);
1045 config->proxyver = CURLPROXY_HTTP_1_0;
1046 break;
1047 case '9': /* --tftp-blksize */
1048 err = str2unum(&config->tftp_blksize, nextarg);
1049 if(err)
1050 return err;
1051 break;
1052 case 'A': /* --mail-from */
1053 GetStr(&config->mail_from, nextarg);
1054 break;
1055 case 'B': /* --mail-rcpt */
1056 /* append receiver to a list */
1057 err = add2list(&config->mail_rcpt, nextarg);
1058 if(err)
1059 return err;
1060 break;
1061 case 'C': /* --ftp-pret */
1062 config->ftp_pret = toggle;
1063 break;
1064 case 'D': /* --proto */
1065 config->proto_present = TRUE;
1066 if(proto2num(config, &config->proto, nextarg))
1067 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1068 break;
1069 case 'E': /* --proto-redir */
1070 config->proto_redir_present = TRUE;
1071 if(proto2num(config, &config->proto_redir, nextarg))
1072 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1073 break;
1074 case 'F': /* --resolve */
1075 err = add2list(&config->resolve, nextarg);
1076 if(err)
1077 return err;
1078 break;
1079 case 'G': /* --delegation LEVEL */
1080 config->gssapi_delegation = delegation(config, nextarg);
1081 break;
1082 case 'H': /* --mail-auth */
1083 GetStr(&config->mail_auth, nextarg);
1084 break;
1085 case 'J': /* --metalink */
1086 {
1087#ifdef USE_METALINK
1088 int mlmaj, mlmin, mlpatch;
1089 metalink_get_version(&mlmaj, &mlmin, &mlpatch);
1090 if((mlmaj*10000)+(mlmin*100) + mlpatch < CURL_REQ_LIBMETALINK_VERS) {
1091 warnf(global,
1092 "--metalink option cannot be used because the version of "
1093 "the linked libmetalink library is too old. "
1094 "Required: %d.%d.%d, found %d.%d.%d\n",
1098 mlmaj, mlmin, mlpatch);
1099 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1100 }
1101 else
1102 config->use_metalink = toggle;
1104 warnf(global, "--metalink option is ignored because the binary is "
1105 "built without the Metalink support.\n");
1107 break;
1108 }
1109 case '6': /* --sasl-authzid */
1110 GetStr(&config->sasl_authzid, nextarg);
1111 break;
1112 case 'K': /* --sasl-ir */
1113 config->sasl_ir = toggle;
1114 break;
1115 case 'L': /* --test-event */
1116#ifdef CURLDEBUG
1117 global->test_event_based = toggle;
1119 warnf(global, "--test-event is ignored unless a debug build!\n");
1121 break;
1122 case 'M': /* --unix-socket */
1123 config->abstract_unix_socket = FALSE;
1124 GetStr(&config->unix_socket_path, nextarg);
1125 break;
1126 case 'N': /* --path-as-is */
1127 config->path_as_is = toggle;
1128 break;
1129 case 'O': /* --proxy-service-name */
1130 GetStr(&config->proxy_service_name, nextarg);
1131 break;
1132 case 'P': /* --service-name */
1133 GetStr(&config->service_name, nextarg);
1134 break;
1135 case 'Q': /* --proto-default */
1136 GetStr(&config->proto_default, nextarg);
1137 err = check_protocol(config->proto_default);
1138 if(err)
1139 return err;
1140 break;
1141 case 'R': /* --expect100-timeout */
1142 err = str2udouble(&config->expect100timeout, nextarg, LONG_MAX/1000);
1143 if(err)
1144 return err;
1145 break;
1146 case 'S': /* --tftp-no-options */
1147 config->tftp_no_options = toggle;
1148 break;
1149 case 'U': /* --connect-to */
1150 err = add2list(&config->connect_to, nextarg);
1151 if(err)
1152 return err;
1153 break;
1154 case 'W': /* --abstract-unix-socket */
1155 config->abstract_unix_socket = TRUE;
1156 GetStr(&config->unix_socket_path, nextarg);
1157 break;
1158 case 'X': /* --tls-max */
1159 err = str2tls_max(&config->ssl_version_max, nextarg);
1160 if(err)
1161 return err;
1162 break;
1163 case 'Y': /* --suppress-connect-headers */
1164 config->suppress_connect_headers = toggle;
1165 break;
1166 case 'Z': /* --compressed-ssh */
1167 config->ssh_compression = toggle;
1168 break;
1169 case '~': /* --happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms */
1170 err = str2unum(&config->happy_eyeballs_timeout_ms, nextarg);
1171 if(err)
1172 return err;
1173 /* 0 is a valid value for this timeout */
1174 break;
1175 }
1176 break;
1177 case '#':
1178 switch(subletter) {
1179 case 'm': /* --progress-meter */
1180 global->noprogress = !toggle;
1181 break;
1182 default: /* --progress-bar */
1183 global->progressmode =
1185 break;
1186 }
1187 break;
1188 case ':': /* --next */
1190 case '0': /* --http* options */
1191 switch(subletter) {
1192 case '\0':
1193 /* HTTP version 1.0 */
1194 config->httpversion = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
1195 break;
1196 case '1':
1197 /* HTTP version 1.1 */
1198 config->httpversion = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1;
1199 break;
1200 case '2':
1201 /* HTTP version 2.0 */
1202 config->httpversion = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0;
1203 break;
1204 case '3': /* --http2-prior-knowledge */
1205 /* HTTP version 2.0 over clean TCP*/
1206 config->httpversion = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE;
1207 break;
1208 case '4': /* --http3 */
1209 /* HTTP version 3 go over QUIC - at once */
1210 config->httpversion = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3;
1211 break;
1212 case '9':
1213 /* Allow HTTP/0.9 responses! */
1214 config->http09_allowed = toggle;
1215 break;
1216 }
1217 break;
1218 case '1': /* --tlsv1* options */
1219 switch(subletter) {
1220 case '\0':
1221 /* TLS version 1.x */
1222 config->ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1;
1223 break;
1224 case '0':
1225 /* TLS version 1.0 */
1226 config->ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0;
1227 break;
1228 case '1':
1229 /* TLS version 1.1 */
1230 config->ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1;
1231 break;
1232 case '2':
1233 /* TLS version 1.2 */
1234 config->ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2;
1235 break;
1236 case '3':
1237 /* TLS version 1.3 */
1238 config->ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3;
1239 break;
1240 case 'A': /* --tls13-ciphers */
1241 GetStr(&config->cipher13_list, nextarg);
1242 break;
1243 case 'B': /* --proxy-tls13-ciphers */
1244 GetStr(&config->proxy_cipher13_list, nextarg);
1245 break;
1246 }
1247 break;
1248 case '2':
1249 /* SSL version 2 */
1250 config->ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv2;
1251 break;
1252 case '3':
1253 /* SSL version 3 */
1254 config->ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3;
1255 break;
1256 case '4':
1257 /* IPv4 */
1258 config->ip_version = 4;
1259 break;
1260 case '6':
1261 /* IPv6 */
1262 config->ip_version = 6;
1263 break;
1264 case 'a':
1265 /* This makes the FTP sessions use APPE instead of STOR */
1266 config->ftp_append = toggle;
1267 break;
1268 case 'A':
1269 /* This specifies the User-Agent name */
1270 GetStr(&config->useragent, nextarg);
1271 break;
1272 case 'b':
1273 switch(subletter) {
1274 case 'a': /* --alt-svc */
1275 GetStr(&config->altsvc, nextarg);
1276 break;
1277 default: /* --cookie string coming up: */
1278 if(nextarg[0] == '@') {
1279 nextarg++;
1280 }
1281 else if(strchr(nextarg, '=')) {
1282 /* A cookie string must have a =-letter */
1283 GetStr(&config->cookie, nextarg);
1284 break;
1285 }
1286 /* We have a cookie file to read from! */
1287 GetStr(&config->cookiefile, nextarg);
1288 }
1289 break;
1290 case 'B':
1291 /* use ASCII/text when transferring */
1292 config->use_ascii = toggle;
1293 break;
1294 case 'c':
1295 /* get the file name to dump all cookies in */
1296 GetStr(&config->cookiejar, nextarg);
1297 break;
1298 case 'C':
1299 /* This makes us continue an ftp transfer at given position */
1300 if(strcmp(nextarg, "-")) {
1301 err = str2offset(&config->resume_from, nextarg);
1302 if(err)
1303 return err;
1304 config->resume_from_current = FALSE;
1305 }
1306 else {
1307 config->resume_from_current = TRUE;
1308 config->resume_from = 0;
1309 }
1310 config->use_resume = TRUE;
1311 break;
1312 case 'd':
1313 /* postfield data */
1314 {
1315 char *postdata = NULL;
1316 FILE *file;
1317 size_t size = 0;
1318 bool raw_mode = (subletter == 'r');
1320 if(subletter == 'e') { /* --data-urlencode*/
1321 /* [name]=[content], we encode the content part only
1322 * [name]@[file name]
1323 *
1324 * Case 2: we first load the file using that name and then encode
1325 * the content.
1326 */
1327 const char *p = strchr(nextarg, '=');
1328 size_t nlen;
1329 char is_file;
1330 if(!p)
1331 /* there was no '=' letter, check for a '@' instead */
1332 p = strchr(nextarg, '@');
1333 if(p) {
1334 nlen = p - nextarg; /* length of the name part */
1335 is_file = *p++; /* pass the separator */
1336 }
1337 else {
1338 /* neither @ nor =, so no name and it isn't a file */
1339 nlen = is_file = 0;
1340 p = nextarg;
1341 }
1342 if('@' == is_file) {
1343 /* a '@' letter, it means that a file name or - (stdin) follows */
1344 if(!strcmp("-", p)) {
1345 file = stdin;
1346 set_binmode(stdin);
1347 }
1348 else {
1349 file = fopen(p, "rb");
1350 if(!file)
1351 warnf(global,
1352 "Couldn't read data from file \"%s\", this makes "
1353 "an empty POST.\n", nextarg);
1354 }
1356 err = file2memory(&postdata, &size, file);
1358 if(file && (file != stdin))
1359 fclose(file);
1360 if(err)
1361 return err;
1362 }
1363 else {
1364 GetStr(&postdata, p);
1365 if(postdata)
1366 size = strlen(postdata);
1367 }
1369 if(!postdata) {
1370 /* no data from the file, point to a zero byte string to make this
1371 get sent as a POST anyway */
1372 postdata = strdup("");
1373 if(!postdata)
1374 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1375 size = 0;
1376 }
1377 else {
1378 char *enc = curl_easy_escape(NULL, postdata, (int)size);
1379 Curl_safefree(postdata); /* no matter if it worked or not */
1380 if(enc) {
1381 /* now make a string with the name from above and append the
1382 encoded string */
1383 size_t outlen = nlen + strlen(enc) + 2;
1384 char *n = malloc(outlen);
1385 if(!n) {
1386 curl_free(enc);
1387 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1388 }
1389 if(nlen > 0) { /* only append '=' if we have a name */
1390 msnprintf(n, outlen, "%.*s=%s", nlen, nextarg, enc);
1391 size = outlen-1;
1392 }
1393 else {
1394 strcpy(n, enc);
1395 size = outlen-2; /* since no '=' was inserted */
1396 }
1397 curl_free(enc);
1398 postdata = n;
1399 }
1400 else
1401 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1402 }
1403 }
1404 else if('@' == *nextarg && !raw_mode) {
1405 /* the data begins with a '@' letter, it means that a file name
1406 or - (stdin) follows */
1407 nextarg++; /* pass the @ */
1409 if(!strcmp("-", nextarg)) {
1410 file = stdin;
1411 if(subletter == 'b') /* forced data-binary */
1412 set_binmode(stdin);
1413 }
1414 else {
1415 file = fopen(nextarg, "rb");
1416 if(!file)
1417 warnf(global, "Couldn't read data from file \"%s\", this makes "
1418 "an empty POST.\n", nextarg);
1419 }
1421 if(subletter == 'b')
1422 /* forced binary */
1423 err = file2memory(&postdata, &size, file);
1424 else {
1425 err = file2string(&postdata, file);
1426 if(postdata)
1427 size = strlen(postdata);
1428 }
1430 if(file && (file != stdin))
1431 fclose(file);
1432 if(err)
1433 return err;
1435 if(!postdata) {
1436 /* no data from the file, point to a zero byte string to make this
1437 get sent as a POST anyway */
1438 postdata = strdup("");
1439 if(!postdata)
1440 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1441 }
1442 }
1443 else {
1444 GetStr(&postdata, nextarg);
1445 if(postdata)
1446 size = strlen(postdata);
1447 }
1450 if(subletter != 'b') {
1451 /* NOT forced binary, convert to ASCII */
1452 if(convert_to_network(postdata, strlen(postdata))) {
1453 Curl_safefree(postdata);
1454 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1455 }
1456 }
1459 if(config->postfields) {
1460 /* we already have a string, we append this one with a separating
1461 &-letter */
1462 char *oldpost = config->postfields;
1463 curl_off_t oldlen = config->postfieldsize;
1464 curl_off_t newlen = oldlen + curlx_uztoso(size) + 2;
1465 config->postfields = malloc((size_t)newlen);
1466 if(!config->postfields) {
1467 Curl_safefree(oldpost);
1468 Curl_safefree(postdata);
1469 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1470 }
1471 memcpy(config->postfields, oldpost, (size_t)oldlen);
1472 /* use byte value 0x26 for '&' to accommodate non-ASCII platforms */
1473 config->postfields[oldlen] = '\x26';
1474 memcpy(&config->postfields[oldlen + 1], postdata, size);
1475 config->postfields[oldlen + 1 + size] = '\0';
1476 Curl_safefree(oldpost);
1477 Curl_safefree(postdata);
1478 config->postfieldsize += size + 1;
1479 }
1480 else {
1481 config->postfields = postdata;
1482 config->postfieldsize = curlx_uztoso(size);
1483 }
1484 }
1485 /*
1486 We can't set the request type here, as this data might be used in
1487 a simple GET if -G is used. Already or soon.
1489 if(SetHTTPrequest(HTTPREQ_SIMPLEPOST, &config->httpreq)) {
1490 Curl_safefree(postdata);
1491 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1492 }
1493 */
1494 break;
1495 case 'D':
1496 /* dump-header to given file name */
1497 GetStr(&config->headerfile, nextarg);
1498 break;
1499 case 'e':
1500 {
1501 char *ptr = strstr(nextarg, ";auto");
1502 if(ptr) {
1503 /* Automatic referer requested, this may be combined with a
1504 set initial one */
1505 config->autoreferer = TRUE;
1506 *ptr = 0; /* zero terminate here */
1507 }
1508 else
1509 config->autoreferer = FALSE;
1510 GetStr(&config->referer, nextarg);
1511 }
1512 break;
1513 case 'E':
1514 switch(subletter) {
1515 case '\0': /* certificate file */
1516 GetFileAndPassword(nextarg, &config->cert, &config->key_passwd);
1517 break;
1518 case 'a': /* CA info PEM file */
1519 GetStr(&config->cacert, nextarg);
1520 break;
1521 case 'b': /* cert file type */
1522 GetStr(&config->cert_type, nextarg);
1523 break;
1524 case 'c': /* private key file */
1525 GetStr(&config->key, nextarg);
1526 break;
1527 case 'd': /* private key file type */
1528 GetStr(&config->key_type, nextarg);
1529 break;
1530 case 'e': /* private key passphrase */
1531 GetStr(&config->key_passwd, nextarg);
1532 cleanarg(nextarg);
1533 break;
1534 case 'f': /* crypto engine */
1535 GetStr(&config->engine, nextarg);
1536 if(config->engine && curl_strequal(config->engine, "list"))
1538 break;
1539 case 'g': /* CA cert directory */
1540 GetStr(&config->capath, nextarg);
1541 break;
1542 case 'h': /* --pubkey public key file */
1543 GetStr(&config->pubkey, nextarg);
1544 break;
1545 case 'i': /* --hostpubmd5 md5 of the host public key */
1546 GetStr(&config->hostpubmd5, nextarg);
1547 if(!config->hostpubmd5 || strlen(config->hostpubmd5) != 32)
1548 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1549 break;
1550 case 'j': /* CRL file */
1551 GetStr(&config->crlfile, nextarg);
1552 break;
1553 case 'k': /* TLS username */
1554 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP)
1555 GetStr(&config->tls_username, nextarg);
1556 else
1558 break;
1559 case 'l': /* TLS password */
1560 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP)
1561 GetStr(&config->tls_password, nextarg);
1562 else
1564 break;
1565 case 'm': /* TLS authentication type */
1566 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP) {
1567 GetStr(&config->tls_authtype, nextarg);
1568 if(!curl_strequal(config->tls_authtype, "SRP"))
1569 return PARAM_LIBCURL_DOESNT_SUPPORT; /* only support TLS-SRP */
1570 }
1571 else
1573 break;
1574 case 'n': /* no empty SSL fragments, --ssl-allow-beast */
1575 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL)
1576 config->ssl_allow_beast = toggle;
1577 break;
1579 case 'p': /* Pinned public key DER file */
1580 GetStr(&config->pinnedpubkey, nextarg);
1581 break;
1583 case 'P': /* proxy pinned public key */
1584 GetStr(&config->proxy_pinnedpubkey, nextarg);
1585 break;
1587 case 'q': /* --cert-status */
1588 config->verifystatus = TRUE;
1589 break;
1591 case 'r': /* --false-start */
1592 config->falsestart = TRUE;
1593 break;
1595 case 's': /* --ssl-no-revoke */
1596 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL)
1597 config->ssl_no_revoke = TRUE;
1598 break;
1600 case 't': /* --tcp-fastopen */
1601 config->tcp_fastopen = TRUE;
1602 break;
1604 case 'u': /* TLS username for proxy */
1605 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP)
1606 GetStr(&config->proxy_tls_username, nextarg);
1607 else
1609 break;
1611 case 'v': /* TLS password for proxy */
1612 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP)
1613 GetStr(&config->proxy_tls_password, nextarg);
1614 else
1616 break;
1618 case 'w': /* TLS authentication type for proxy */
1619 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_TLSAUTH_SRP) {
1620 GetStr(&config->proxy_tls_authtype, nextarg);
1621 if(!curl_strequal(config->proxy_tls_authtype, "SRP"))
1622 return PARAM_LIBCURL_DOESNT_SUPPORT; /* only support TLS-SRP */
1623 }
1624 else
1626 break;
1628 case 'x': /* certificate file for proxy */
1629 GetFileAndPassword(nextarg, &config->proxy_cert,
1630 &config->proxy_key_passwd);
1631 break;
1633 case 'y': /* cert file type for proxy */
1634 GetStr(&config->proxy_cert_type, nextarg);
1635 break;
1637 case 'z': /* private key file for proxy */
1638 GetStr(&config->proxy_key, nextarg);
1639 break;
1641 case '0': /* private key file type for proxy */
1642 GetStr(&config->proxy_key_type, nextarg);
1643 break;
1645 case '1': /* private key passphrase for proxy */
1646 GetStr(&config->proxy_key_passwd, nextarg);
1647 cleanarg(nextarg);
1648 break;
1650 case '2': /* ciphers for proxy */
1651 GetStr(&config->proxy_cipher_list, nextarg);
1652 break;
1654 case '3': /* CRL file for proxy */
1655 GetStr(&config->proxy_crlfile, nextarg);
1656 break;
1658 case '4': /* no empty SSL fragments for proxy */
1659 if(curlinfo->features & CURL_VERSION_SSL)
1660 config->proxy_ssl_allow_beast = toggle;
1661 break;
1663 case '5': /* --login-options */
1664 GetStr(&config->login_options, nextarg);
1665 break;
1667 case '6': /* CA info PEM file for proxy */
1668 GetStr(&config->proxy_cacert, nextarg);
1669 break;
1671 case '7': /* CA cert directory for proxy */
1672 GetStr(&config->proxy_capath, nextarg);
1673 break;
1675 case '8': /* allow insecure SSL connects for proxy */
1676 config->proxy_insecure_ok = toggle;
1677 break;
1679 case '9': /* --proxy-tlsv1 */
1680 /* TLS version 1 for proxy */
1681 config->proxy_ssl_version = CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1;
1682 break;
1684 case 'A':
1685 /* --socks5-basic */
1686 if(toggle)
1687 config->socks5_auth |= CURLAUTH_BASIC;
1688 else
1689 config->socks5_auth &= ~CURLAUTH_BASIC;
1690 break;
1692 case 'B':
1693 /* --socks5-gssapi */
1694 if(toggle)
1695 config->socks5_auth |= CURLAUTH_GSSAPI;
1696 else
1697 config->socks5_auth &= ~CURLAUTH_GSSAPI;
1698 break;
1700 default: /* unknown flag */
1702 }
1703 break;
1704 case 'f':
1705 switch(subletter) {
1706 case 'a': /* --fail-early */
1707 global->fail_early = toggle;
1708 break;
1709 case 'b': /* --styled-output */
1710 global->styled_output = toggle;
1711 break;
1712 default: /* --fail (hard on errors) */
1713 config->failonerror = toggle;
1714 }
1715 break;
1716 case 'F':
1717 /* "form data" simulation, this is a little advanced so lets do our best
1718 to sort this out slowly and carefully */
1719 if(formparse(config,
1720 nextarg,
1721 &config->mimeroot,
1722 &config->mimecurrent,
1723 (subletter == 's')?TRUE:FALSE)) /* 's' is literal string */
1724 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1725 if(SetHTTPrequest(config, HTTPREQ_MIMEPOST, &config->httpreq))
1726 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1727 break;
1729 case 'g': /* g disables URLglobbing */
1730 config->globoff = toggle;
1731 break;
1733 case 'G': /* HTTP GET */
1734 if(subletter == 'a') { /* --request-target */
1735 GetStr(&config->request_target, nextarg);
1736 }
1737 else
1738 config->use_httpget = TRUE;
1739 break;
1741 case 'h': /* h for help */
1742 if(toggle) {
1744 }
1745 /* we now actually support --no-help too! */
1746 break;
1747 case 'H':
1748 /* A custom header to append to a list */
1749 if(nextarg[0] == '@') {
1750 /* read many headers from a file or stdin */
1751 char *string;
1752 size_t len;
1753 bool use_stdin = !strcmp(&nextarg[1], "-");
1754 FILE *file = use_stdin?stdin:fopen(&nextarg[1], FOPEN_READTEXT);
1755 if(!file)
1756 warnf(global, "Failed to open %s!\n", &nextarg[1]);
1757 else {
1758 err = file2memory(&string, &len, file);
1759 if(!err && string) {
1760 /* Allow strtok() here since this isn't used threaded */
1761 /* !checksrc! disable BANNEDFUNC 2 */
1762 char *h = strtok(string, "\r\n");
1763 while(h) {
1764 if(subletter == 'p') /* --proxy-header */
1765 err = add2list(&config->proxyheaders, h);
1766 else
1767 err = add2list(&config->headers, h);
1768 if(err)
1769 break;
1770 h = strtok(NULL, "\r\n");
1771 }
1772 free(string);
1773 }
1774 if(!use_stdin)
1775 fclose(file);
1776 if(err)
1777 return err;
1778 }
1779 }
1780 else {
1781 if(subletter == 'p') /* --proxy-header */
1782 err = add2list(&config->proxyheaders, nextarg);
1783 else
1784 err = add2list(&config->headers, nextarg);
1785 if(err)
1786 return err;
1787 }
1788 break;
1789 case 'i':
1790 config->show_headers = toggle; /* show the headers as well in the
1791 general output stream */
1792 break;
1793 case 'j':
1794 config->cookiesession = toggle;
1795 break;
1796 case 'I': /* --head */
1797 config->no_body = toggle;
1798 config->show_headers = toggle;
1799 if(SetHTTPrequest(config,
1800 (config->no_body)?HTTPREQ_HEAD:HTTPREQ_GET,
1801 &config->httpreq))
1802 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1803 break;
1804 case 'J': /* --remote-header-name */
1805 if(config->show_headers) {
1806 warnf(global,
1807 "--include and --remote-header-name cannot be combined.\n");
1808 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1809 }
1810 config->content_disposition = toggle;
1811 break;
1812 case 'k': /* allow insecure SSL connects */
1813 config->insecure_ok = toggle;
1814 break;
1815 case 'K': /* parse config file */
1816 if(parseconfig(nextarg, global))
1817 warnf(global, "error trying read config from the '%s' file\n",
1818 nextarg);
1819 break;
1820 case 'l':
1821 config->dirlistonly = toggle; /* only list the names of the FTP dir */
1822 break;
1823 case 'L':
1824 config->followlocation = toggle; /* Follow Location: HTTP headers */
1825 switch(subletter) {
1826 case 't':
1827 /* Continue to send authentication (user+password) when following
1828 * locations, even when hostname changed */
1829 config->unrestricted_auth = toggle;
1830 break;
1831 }
1832 break;
1833 case 'm':
1834 /* specified max time */
1835 err = str2udouble(&config->timeout, nextarg, LONG_MAX/1000);
1836 if(err)
1837 return err;
1838 break;
1839 case 'M': /* M for manual, huge help */
1840 if(toggle) { /* --no-manual shows no manual... */
1841#ifdef USE_MANUAL
1844 warnf(global,
1845 "built-in manual was disabled at build-time!\n");
1848 }
1849 break;
1850 case 'n':
1851 switch(subletter) {
1852 case 'o': /* use .netrc or URL */
1853 config->netrc_opt = toggle;
1854 break;
1855 case 'e': /* netrc-file */
1856 GetStr(&config->netrc_file, nextarg);
1857 break;
1858 default:
1859 /* pick info from .netrc, if this is used for http, curl will
1860 automatically enfore user+password with the request */
1861 config->netrc = toggle;
1862 break;
1863 }
1864 break;
1865 case 'N':
1866 /* disable the output I/O buffering. note that the option is called
1867 --buffer but is mostly used in the negative form: --no-buffer */
1868 if(longopt)
1869 config->nobuffer = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE;
1870 else
1871 config->nobuffer = toggle;
1872 break;
1873 case 'O': /* --remote-name */
1874 if(subletter == 'a') { /* --remote-name-all */
1875 config->default_node_flags = toggle?GETOUT_USEREMOTE:0;
1876 break;
1877 }
1878 /* FALLTHROUGH */
1879 case 'o': /* --output */
1880 /* output file */
1881 {
1882 struct getout *url;
1883 if(!config->url_out)
1884 config->url_out = config->url_list;
1885 if(config->url_out) {
1886 /* there's a node here, if it already is filled-in continue to find
1887 an "empty" node */
1888 while(config->url_out && (config->url_out->flags & GETOUT_OUTFILE))
1889 config->url_out = config->url_out->next;
1890 }
1892 /* now there might or might not be an available node to fill in! */
1894 if(config->url_out)
1895 /* existing node */
1896 url = config->url_out;
1897 else
1898 /* there was no free node, create one! */
1899 config->url_out = url = new_getout(config);
1901 if(!url)
1902 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1904 /* fill in the outfile */
1905 if('o' == letter) {
1906 GetStr(&url->outfile, nextarg);
1907 url->flags &= ~GETOUT_USEREMOTE; /* switch off */
1908 }
1909 else {
1910 url->outfile = NULL; /* leave it */
1911 if(toggle)
1912 url->flags |= GETOUT_USEREMOTE; /* switch on */
1913 else
1914 url->flags &= ~GETOUT_USEREMOTE; /* switch off */
1915 }
1916 url->flags |= GETOUT_OUTFILE;
1917 }
1918 break;
1919 case 'P':
1920 /* This makes the FTP sessions use PORT instead of PASV */
1921 /* use <eth0> or <> style addresses. Anything except
1922 this will make us try to get the "default" address.
1923 NOTE: this is a changed behaviour since the released 4.1!
1924 */
1925 GetStr(&config->ftpport, nextarg);
1926 break;
1927 case 'p':
1928 /* proxy tunnel for non-http protocols */
1929 config->proxytunnel = toggle;
1930 break;
1932 case 'q': /* if used first, already taken care of, we do it like
1933 this so we don't cause an error! */
1934 break;
1935 case 'Q':
1936 /* QUOTE command to send to FTP server */
1937 switch(nextarg[0]) {
1938 case '-':
1939 /* prefixed with a dash makes it a POST TRANSFER one */
1940 nextarg++;
1941 err = add2list(&config->postquote, nextarg);
1942 break;
1943 case '+':
1944 /* prefixed with a plus makes it a just-before-transfer one */
1945 nextarg++;
1946 err = add2list(&config->prequote, nextarg);
1947 break;
1948 default:
1949 err = add2list(&config->quote, nextarg);
1950 break;
1951 }
1952 if(err)
1953 return err;
1954 break;
1955 case 'r':
1956 /* Specifying a range WITHOUT A DASH will create an illegal HTTP range
1957 (and won't actually be range by definition). The man page previously
1958 claimed that to be a good way, why this code is added to work-around
1959 it. */
1960 if(ISDIGIT(*nextarg) && !strchr(nextarg, '-')) {
1961 char buffer[32];
1962 curl_off_t off;
1963 if(curlx_strtoofft(nextarg, NULL, 10, &off)) {
1964 warnf(global, "unsupported range point\n");
1965 return PARAM_BAD_USE;
1966 }
1967 warnf(global,
1968 "A specified range MUST include at least one dash (-). "
1969 "Appending one for you!\n");
1970 msnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%" CURL_FORMAT_CURL_OFF_T "-", off);
1971 Curl_safefree(config->range);
1972 config->range = strdup(buffer);
1973 if(!config->range)
1974 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
1975 }
1976 {
1977 /* byte range requested */
1978 char *tmp_range;
1979 tmp_range = nextarg;
1980 while(*tmp_range != '\0') {
1981 if(!ISDIGIT(*tmp_range) && *tmp_range != '-' && *tmp_range != ',') {
1982 warnf(global, "Invalid character is found in given range. "
1983 "A specified range MUST have only digits in "
1984 "\'start\'-\'stop\'. The server's response to this "
1985 "request is uncertain.\n");
1986 break;
1987 }
1988 tmp_range++;
1989 }
1990 /* byte range requested */
1991 GetStr(&config->range, nextarg);
1992 }
1993 break;
1994 case 'R':
1995 /* use remote file's time */
1996 config->remote_time = toggle;
1997 break;
1998 case 's':
1999 /* don't show progress meter, don't show errors : */
2000 if(toggle)
2001 global->mute = global->noprogress = TRUE;
2002 else
2003 global->mute = global->noprogress = FALSE;
2004 if(global->showerror < 0)
2005 /* if still on the default value, set showerror to the reverse of
2006 toggle. This is to allow -S and -s to be used in an independent
2007 order but still have the same effect. */
2008 global->showerror = (!toggle)?TRUE:FALSE; /* toggle off */
2009 break;
2010 case 'S':
2011 /* show errors */
2012 global->showerror = toggle?1:0; /* toggle on if used with -s */
2013 break;
2014 case 't':
2015 /* Telnet options */
2016 err = add2list(&config->telnet_options, nextarg);
2017 if(err)
2018 return err;
2019 break;
2020 case 'T':
2021 /* we are uploading */
2022 {
2023 struct getout *url;
2024 if(!config->url_ul)
2025 config->url_ul = config->url_list;
2026 if(config->url_ul) {
2027 /* there's a node here, if it already is filled-in continue to find
2028 an "empty" node */
2029 while(config->url_ul && (config->url_ul->flags & GETOUT_UPLOAD))
2030 config->url_ul = config->url_ul->next;
2031 }
2033 /* now there might or might not be an available node to fill in! */
2035 if(config->url_ul)
2036 /* existing node */
2037 url = config->url_ul;
2038 else
2039 /* there was no free node, create one! */
2040 config->url_ul = url = new_getout(config);
2042 if(!url)
2043 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
2045 url->flags |= GETOUT_UPLOAD; /* mark -T used */
2046 if(!*nextarg)
2047 url->flags |= GETOUT_NOUPLOAD;
2048 else {
2049 /* "-" equals stdin, but keep the string around for now */
2050 GetStr(&url->infile, nextarg);
2051 }
2052 }
2053 break;
2054 case 'u':
2055 /* user:password */
2056 GetStr(&config->userpwd, nextarg);
2057 cleanarg(nextarg);
2058 break;
2059 case 'U':
2060 /* Proxy user:password */
2061 GetStr(&config->proxyuserpwd, nextarg);
2062 cleanarg(nextarg);
2063 break;
2064 case 'v':
2065 if(toggle) {
2066 /* the '%' thing here will cause the trace get sent to stderr */
2067 Curl_safefree(global->trace_dump);
2068 global->trace_dump = strdup("%");
2069 if(!global->trace_dump)
2070 return PARAM_NO_MEM;
2071 if(global->tracetype && (global->tracetype != TRACE_PLAIN))
2072 warnf(global,
2073 "-v, --verbose overrides an earlier trace/verbose option\n");
2074 global->tracetype = TRACE_PLAIN;
2075 }
2076 else
2077 /* verbose is disabled here */
2078 global->tracetype = TRACE_NONE;
2079 break;
2080 case 'V':
2081 if(toggle) /* --no-version yields no output! */
2083 break;
2085 case 'w':
2086 /* get the output string */
2087 if('@' == *nextarg) {
2088 /* the data begins with a '@' letter, it means that a file name
2089 or - (stdin) follows */
2090 FILE *file;
2091 const char *fname;
2092 nextarg++; /* pass the @ */
2093 if(!strcmp("-", nextarg)) {
2094 fname = "<stdin>";
2095 file = stdin;
2096 }
2097 else {
2098 fname = nextarg;
2099 file = fopen(nextarg, FOPEN_READTEXT);
2100 }
2101 Curl_safefree(config->writeout);
2102 err = file2string(&config->writeout, file);
2103 if(file && (file != stdin))
2104 fclose(file);
2105 if(err)
2106 return err;
2107 if(!config->writeout)
2108 warnf(global, "Failed to read %s", fname);
2109 }
2110 else
2111 GetStr(&config->writeout, nextarg);
2112 break;
2113 case 'x':
2114 switch(subletter) {
2115 case 'a': /* --preproxy */
2116 GetStr(&config->preproxy, nextarg);
2117 break;
2118 default:
2119 /* --proxy */
2120 GetStr(&config->proxy, nextarg);
2121 config->proxyver = CURLPROXY_HTTP;
2122 break;
2123 }
2124 break;
2125 case 'X':
2126 /* set custom request */
2127 GetStr(&config->customrequest, nextarg);
2128 break;
2129 case 'y':
2130 /* low speed time */
2131 err = str2unum(&config->low_speed_time, nextarg);
2132 if(err)
2133 return err;
2134 if(!config->low_speed_limit)
2135 config->low_speed_limit = 1;
2136 break;
2137 case 'Y':
2138 /* low speed limit */
2139 err = str2unum(&config->low_speed_limit, nextarg);
2140 if(err)
2141 return err;
2142 if(!config->low_speed_time)
2143 config->low_speed_time = 30;
2144 break;
2145 case 'Z':
2146 switch(subletter) {
2147 case '\0': /* --parallel */
2148 global->parallel = toggle;
2149 break;
2150 case 'b': /* --parallel-max */
2151 err = str2unum(&global->parallel_max, nextarg);
2152 if(err)
2153 return err;
2154 if((global->parallel_max > MAX_PARALLEL) ||
2155 (global->parallel_max < 1))
2156 global->parallel_max = PARALLEL_DEFAULT;
2157 break;
2158 case 'c': /* --parallel-connect */
2159 global->parallel_connect = toggle;
2160 break;
2161 }
2162 break;
2163 case 'z': /* time condition coming up */
2164 switch(*nextarg) {
2165 case '+':
2166 nextarg++;
2167 /* FALLTHROUGH */
2168 default:
2169 /* If-Modified-Since: (section 14.28 in RFC2068) */
2170 config->timecond = CURL_TIMECOND_IFMODSINCE;
2171 break;
2172 case '-':
2173 /* If-Unmodified-Since: (section 14.24 in RFC2068) */
2174 config->timecond = CURL_TIMECOND_IFUNMODSINCE;
2175 nextarg++;
2176 break;
2177 case '=':
2178 /* Last-Modified: (section 14.29 in RFC2068) */
2179 config->timecond = CURL_TIMECOND_LASTMOD;
2180 nextarg++;
2181 break;
2182 }
2183 now = time(NULL);
2184 config->condtime = (curl_off_t)curl_getdate(nextarg, &now);
2185 if(-1 == config->condtime) {
2186 /* now let's see if it is a file name to get the time from instead! */
2187 curl_off_t filetime = getfiletime(nextarg, config->global->errors);
2188 if(filetime >= 0) {
2189 /* pull the time out from the file */
2190 config->condtime = filetime;
2191 }
2192 else {
2193 /* failed, remove time condition */
2194 config->timecond = CURL_TIMECOND_NONE;
2195 warnf(global,
2196 "Illegal date format for -z, --time-cond (and not "
2197 "a file name). Disabling time condition. "
2198 "See curl_getdate(3) for valid date syntax.\n");
2199 }
2200 }
2201 break;
2202 default: /* unknown flag */
2204 }
2205 hit = -1;
2207 } while(!longopt && !singleopt && *++parse && !*usedarg);
2209 return PARAM_OK;
2212ParameterError parse_args(struct GlobalConfig *global, int argc,
2213 argv_item_t argv[])
2215 int i;
2216 bool stillflags;
2217 char *orig_opt = NULL;
2218 ParameterError result = PARAM_OK;
2219 struct OperationConfig *config = global->first;
2221 for(i = 1, stillflags = TRUE; i < argc && !result; i++) {
2222 orig_opt = argv[i];
2224 if(stillflags && ('-' == argv[i][0])) {
2225 bool passarg;
2226 char *flag = argv[i];
2228 if(!strcmp("--", argv[i]))
2229 /* This indicates the end of the flags and thus enables the
2230 following (URL) argument to start with -. */
2231 stillflags = FALSE;
2232 else {
2233 char *nextarg = (i < (argc - 1)) ? argv[i + 1] : NULL;
2235 result = getparameter(flag, nextarg, &passarg, global, config);
2236 if(result == PARAM_NEXT_OPERATION) {
2237 /* Reset result as PARAM_NEXT_OPERATION is only used here and not
2238 returned from this function */
2239 result = PARAM_OK;
2241 if(config->url_list && config->url_list->url) {
2242 /* Allocate the next config */
2243 config->next = malloc(sizeof(struct OperationConfig));
2244 if(config->next) {
2245 /* Initialise the newly created config */
2246 config_init(config->next);
2248 /* Set the global config pointer */
2249 config->next->global = global;
2251 /* Update the last config pointer */
2252 global->last = config->next;
2254 /* Move onto the new config */
2255 config->next->prev = config;
2256 config = config->next;
2257 }
2258 else
2259 result = PARAM_NO_MEM;
2260 }
2261 }
2262 else if(!result && passarg)
2263 i++; /* we're supposed to skip this */
2264 }
2265 }
2266 else {
2267 bool used;
2269 /* Just add the URL please */
2270 result = getparameter((char *)"--url", argv[i], &used, global,
2271 config);
2272 }
2273 }
2275 if(result && result != PARAM_HELP_REQUESTED &&
2276 result != PARAM_MANUAL_REQUESTED &&
2279 const char *reason = param2text(result);
2281 if(orig_opt && strcmp(":", orig_opt))
2282 helpf(global->errors, "option %s: %s\n", orig_opt, reason);
2283 else
2284 helpf(global->errors, "%s\n", reason);
2285 }
2287 return result;