1#include <cstring> // strlen() on Solaris
3#include "duckdb/common/types/vector.hpp"
5#include "duckdb/common/assert.hpp"
6#include "duckdb/common/exception.hpp"
7#include "duckdb/common/printer.hpp"
8#include "duckdb/common/vector_operations/vector_operations.hpp"
9#include "duckdb/common/types/chunk_collection.hpp"
10#include "duckdb/common/serializer.hpp"
11#include "duckdb/common/types/null_value.hpp"
13using namespace std;
15namespace duckdb {
17Vector::Vector(TypeId type, bool create_data, bool zero_data)
18 : vector_type(VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR), type(type), data(nullptr) {
19 if (create_data) {
20 Initialize(type, zero_data);
21 }
24Vector::Vector(TypeId type) : Vector(type, true, false) {
27Vector::Vector(TypeId type, data_ptr_t dataptr) : vector_type(VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR), type(type), data(dataptr) {
28 if (dataptr && type == TypeId::INVALID) {
29 throw InvalidTypeException(type, "Cannot create a vector of type INVALID!");
30 }
33Vector::Vector(Value value) : vector_type(VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR) {
34 Reference(value);
37Vector::Vector() : vector_type(VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR), type(TypeId::INVALID), data(nullptr) {
40Vector::Vector(Vector &&other) noexcept
41 : vector_type(other.vector_type), type(other.type), data(other.data), nullmask(other.nullmask),
42 buffer(move(other.buffer)), auxiliary(move(other.auxiliary)) {
45void Vector::Reference(Value &value) {
46 vector_type = VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR;
47 type = value.type;
48 buffer = VectorBuffer::CreateConstantVector(type);
49 auxiliary.reset();
50 data = buffer->GetData();
51 SetValue(0, value);
54void Vector::Reference(Vector &other) {
55 vector_type = other.vector_type;
56 buffer = other.buffer;
57 auxiliary = other.auxiliary;
58 data = other.data;
59 type = other.type;
60 nullmask = other.nullmask;
63void Vector::Slice(Vector &other, idx_t offset) {
64 if (other.vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR) {
65 Reference(other);
66 return;
67 }
68 assert(other.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR);
70 // create a reference to the other vector
71 Reference(other);
72 if (offset > 0) {
73 data = data + GetTypeIdSize(type) * offset;
74 nullmask <<= offset;
75 }
78void Vector::Slice(Vector &other, const SelectionVector &sel, idx_t count) {
79 Reference(other);
80 Slice(sel, count);
83void Vector::Slice(const SelectionVector &sel, idx_t count) {
84 if (vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR) {
85 // dictionary on a constant is just a constant
86 return;
87 }
88 if (vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
89 // already a dictionary, slice the current dictionary
90 auto &current_sel = DictionaryVector::SelVector(*this);
91 auto sliced_dictionary = current_sel.Slice(sel, count);
92 buffer = make_unique<DictionaryBuffer>(move(sliced_dictionary));
93 return;
94 }
95 auto child_ref = make_buffer<VectorChildBuffer>();
96 child_ref->data.Reference(*this);
98 auto dict_buffer = make_unique<DictionaryBuffer>(sel);
99 buffer = move(dict_buffer);
100 auxiliary = move(child_ref);
101 vector_type = VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR;
104void Vector::Slice(const SelectionVector &sel, idx_t count, sel_cache_t &cache) {
105 if (vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
106 // dictionary vector: need to merge dictionaries
107 // check if we have a cached entry
108 auto &current_sel = DictionaryVector::SelVector(*this);
109 auto target_data = current_sel.data();
110 auto entry = cache.find(target_data);
111 if (entry != cache.end()) {
112 // cached entry exists: use that
113 this->buffer = entry->second;
114 } else {
115 Slice(sel, count);
116 cache[target_data] = this->buffer;
117 }
118 } else {
119 Slice(sel, count);
120 }
123void Vector::Initialize(TypeId new_type, bool zero_data) {
124 if (new_type != TypeId::INVALID) {
125 type = new_type;
126 }
127 vector_type = VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR;
128 buffer.reset();
129 auxiliary.reset();
130 nullmask.reset();
131 if (GetTypeIdSize(type) > 0) {
132 buffer = VectorBuffer::CreateStandardVector(type);
133 data = buffer->GetData();
134 if (zero_data) {
135 memset(data, 0, STANDARD_VECTOR_SIZE * GetTypeIdSize(type));
136 }
137 }
140void Vector::SetValue(idx_t index, Value val) {
141 if (vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
142 // dictionary: apply dictionary and forward to child
143 auto &sel_vector = DictionaryVector::SelVector(*this);
144 auto &child = DictionaryVector::Child(*this);
145 return child.SetValue(sel_vector.get_index(index), move(val));
146 }
147 Value newVal = val.CastAs(type);
149 nullmask[index] = newVal.is_null;
150 if (newVal.is_null) {
151 return;
152 }
153 switch (type) {
154 case TypeId::BOOL:
155 ((bool *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.boolean;
156 break;
157 case TypeId::INT8:
158 ((int8_t *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.tinyint;
159 break;
160 case TypeId::INT16:
161 ((int16_t *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.smallint;
162 break;
163 case TypeId::INT32:
164 ((int32_t *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.integer;
165 break;
166 case TypeId::INT64:
167 ((int64_t *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.bigint;
168 break;
169 case TypeId::FLOAT:
170 ((float *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.float_;
171 break;
172 case TypeId::DOUBLE:
173 ((double *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.double_;
174 break;
175 case TypeId::POINTER:
176 ((uintptr_t *)data)[index] = newVal.value_.pointer;
177 break;
178 case TypeId::VARCHAR: {
179 ((string_t *)data)[index] = StringVector::AddBlob(*this, newVal.str_value);
180 break;
181 }
182 case TypeId::STRUCT: {
183 if (!auxiliary || StructVector::GetEntries(*this).size() == 0) {
184 for (size_t i = 0; i < val.struct_value.size(); i++) {
185 auto &struct_child = val.struct_value[i];
186 auto cv = make_unique<Vector>(struct_child.second.type);
187 cv->vector_type = vector_type;
188 StructVector::AddEntry(*this, struct_child.first, move(cv));
189 }
190 }
192 auto &children = StructVector::GetEntries(*this);
193 assert(children.size() == val.struct_value.size());
195 for (size_t i = 0; i < val.struct_value.size(); i++) {
196 auto &struct_child = val.struct_value[i];
197 assert(vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR || vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR);
198 auto &vec_child = children[i];
199 assert(vec_child.first == struct_child.first);
200 vec_child.second->SetValue(index, struct_child.second);
201 }
202 } break;
204 case TypeId::LIST: {
205 if (!auxiliary) {
206 auto cc = make_unique<ChunkCollection>();
207 ListVector::SetEntry(*this, move(cc));
208 }
209 auto &child_cc = ListVector::GetEntry(*this);
210 // TODO optimization: in-place update if fits
211 auto offset = child_cc.count;
212 if (val.list_value.size() > 0) {
213 idx_t append_idx = 0;
214 while (append_idx < val.list_value.size()) {
215 idx_t this_append_len = min((idx_t)STANDARD_VECTOR_SIZE, val.list_value.size() - append_idx);
217 DataChunk child_append_chunk;
218 child_append_chunk.SetCardinality(this_append_len);
219 vector<TypeId> types;
220 types.push_back(val.list_value[0].type);
221 child_append_chunk.Initialize(types);
222 for (idx_t i = 0; i < this_append_len; i++) {
223 child_append_chunk.data[0].SetValue(i, val.list_value[i + append_idx]);
224 }
225 child_cc.Append(child_append_chunk);
226 append_idx += this_append_len;
227 }
228 }
229 // now set the pointer
230 auto &entry = ((list_entry_t *)data)[index];
231 entry.length = val.list_value.size();
232 entry.offset = offset;
233 } break;
234 default:
235 throw NotImplementedException("Unimplemented type for Vector::SetValue");
236 }
239Value Vector::GetValue(idx_t index) const {
240 if (vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR) {
241 index = 0;
242 } else if (vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
243 // dictionary: apply dictionary and forward to child
244 auto &sel_vector = DictionaryVector::SelVector(*this);
245 auto &child = DictionaryVector::Child(*this);
246 return child.GetValue(sel_vector.get_index(index));
247 } else {
248 assert(vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR);
249 }
251 if (nullmask[index]) {
252 return Value(type);
253 }
254 switch (type) {
255 case TypeId::BOOL:
256 return Value::BOOLEAN(((bool *)data)[index]);
257 case TypeId::INT8:
258 return Value::TINYINT(((int8_t *)data)[index]);
259 case TypeId::INT16:
260 return Value::SMALLINT(((int16_t *)data)[index]);
261 case TypeId::INT32:
262 return Value::INTEGER(((int32_t *)data)[index]);
263 case TypeId::INT64:
264 return Value::BIGINT(((int64_t *)data)[index]);
265 case TypeId::HASH:
266 return Value::HASH(((hash_t *)data)[index]);
267 case TypeId::POINTER:
268 return Value::POINTER(((uintptr_t *)data)[index]);
269 case TypeId::FLOAT:
270 return Value::FLOAT(((float *)data)[index]);
271 case TypeId::DOUBLE:
272 return Value::DOUBLE(((double *)data)[index]);
273 case TypeId::VARCHAR: {
274 auto str = ((string_t *)data)[index];
275 // avoiding implicit cast and double conversion
276 return Value::BLOB(str.GetString(), false);
277 }
278 case TypeId::STRUCT: {
279 Value ret(TypeId::STRUCT);
280 ret.is_null = false;
281 // we can derive the value schema from the vector schema
282 for (auto &struct_child : StructVector::GetEntries(*this)) {
283 ret.struct_value.push_back(pair<string, Value>(struct_child.first, struct_child.second->GetValue(index)));
284 }
285 return ret;
286 }
287 case TypeId::LIST: {
288 Value ret(TypeId::LIST);
289 ret.is_null = false;
290 auto offlen = ((list_entry_t *)data)[index];
291 auto &child_cc = ListVector::GetEntry(*this);
292 for (idx_t i = offlen.offset; i < offlen.offset + offlen.length; i++) {
293 ret.list_value.push_back(child_cc.GetValue(0, i));
294 }
295 return ret;
296 }
297 default:
298 throw NotImplementedException("Unimplemented type for value access");
299 }
302string VectorTypeToString(VectorType type) {
303 switch (type) {
304 case VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR:
305 return "FLAT";
306 case VectorType::SEQUENCE_VECTOR:
307 return "SEQUENCE";
308 case VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR:
309 return "DICTIONARY";
310 case VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR:
311 return "CONSTANT";
312 default:
313 return "UNKNOWN";
314 }
317string Vector::ToString(idx_t count) const {
318 string retval = VectorTypeToString(vector_type) + " " + TypeIdToString(type) + ": " + to_string(count) + " = [ ";
319 switch (vector_type) {
320 case VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR:
321 case VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR:
322 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
323 retval += GetValue(i).ToString() + (i == count - 1 ? "" : ", ");
324 }
325 break;
326 case VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR:
327 retval += GetValue(0).ToString();
328 break;
329 case VectorType::SEQUENCE_VECTOR: {
330 int64_t start, increment;
331 SequenceVector::GetSequence(*this, start, increment);
332 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
333 retval += to_string(start + increment * i) + (i == count - 1 ? "" : ", ");
334 }
335 break;
336 }
337 default:
338 retval += "UNKNOWN VECTOR TYPE";
339 break;
340 }
341 retval += "]";
342 return retval;
345void Vector::Print(idx_t count) {
346 Printer::Print(ToString(count));
349string Vector::ToString() const {
350 string retval = VectorTypeToString(vector_type) + " " + TypeIdToString(type) + ": (UNKNOWN COUNT) [ ";
351 switch (vector_type) {
352 case VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR:
353 case VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR:
354 break;
355 case VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR:
356 retval += GetValue(0).ToString();
357 break;
358 case VectorType::SEQUENCE_VECTOR: {
359 break;
360 }
361 default:
362 retval += "UNKNOWN VECTOR TYPE";
363 break;
364 }
365 retval += "]";
366 return retval;
369void Vector::Print() {
370 Printer::Print(ToString());
373template <class T> static void flatten_constant_vector_loop(data_ptr_t data, data_ptr_t old_data, idx_t count) {
374 auto constant = *((T *)old_data);
375 auto output = (T *)data;
376 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
377 output[i] = constant;
378 }
381void Vector::Normalify(idx_t count) {
382 switch (vector_type) {
383 case VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR:
384 // already a flat vector
385 break;
386 case VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR: {
387 // create a new flat vector of this type
388 Vector other(type);
389 // now copy the data of this vector to the other vector, removing the selection vector in the process
390 VectorOperations::Copy(*this, other, count, 0, 0);
391 // create a reference to the data in the other vector
392 this->Reference(other);
393 break;
394 }
395 case VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR: {
396 vector_type = VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR;
397 // allocate a new buffer for the vector
398 auto old_buffer = move(buffer);
399 auto old_data = data;
400 buffer = VectorBuffer::CreateStandardVector(type);
401 data = buffer->GetData();
402 if (nullmask[0]) {
403 // constant NULL, set nullmask
404 nullmask.set();
405 return;
406 }
407 // non-null constant: have to repeat the constant
408 switch (type) {
409 case TypeId::BOOL:
410 case TypeId::INT8:
411 flatten_constant_vector_loop<int8_t>(data, old_data, count);
412 break;
413 case TypeId::INT16:
414 flatten_constant_vector_loop<int16_t>(data, old_data, count);
415 break;
416 case TypeId::INT32:
417 flatten_constant_vector_loop<int32_t>(data, old_data, count);
418 break;
419 case TypeId::INT64:
420 flatten_constant_vector_loop<int64_t>(data, old_data, count);
421 break;
422 case TypeId::FLOAT:
423 flatten_constant_vector_loop<float>(data, old_data, count);
424 break;
425 case TypeId::DOUBLE:
426 flatten_constant_vector_loop<double>(data, old_data, count);
427 break;
428 case TypeId::HASH:
429 flatten_constant_vector_loop<hash_t>(data, old_data, count);
430 break;
431 case TypeId::POINTER:
432 flatten_constant_vector_loop<uintptr_t>(data, old_data, count);
433 break;
434 case TypeId::VARCHAR:
435 flatten_constant_vector_loop<string_t>(data, old_data, count);
436 break;
437 case TypeId::LIST: {
438 flatten_constant_vector_loop<list_entry_t>(data, old_data, count);
439 break;
440 }
441 case TypeId::STRUCT: {
442 for (auto &child : StructVector::GetEntries(*this)) {
443 assert(child.second->vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR);
444 child.second->Normalify(count);
445 }
446 } break;
447 default:
448 throw NotImplementedException("Unimplemented type for VectorOperations::Normalify");
449 }
450 break;
451 }
452 case VectorType::SEQUENCE_VECTOR: {
453 int64_t start, increment;
454 SequenceVector::GetSequence(*this, start, increment);
456 vector_type = VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR;
457 buffer = VectorBuffer::CreateStandardVector(type);
458 data = buffer->GetData();
459 VectorOperations::GenerateSequence(*this, count, start, increment);
460 break;
461 }
462 default:
463 throw NotImplementedException("FIXME: unimplemented type for normalify");
464 }
467void Vector::Normalify(const SelectionVector &sel, idx_t count) {
468 switch (vector_type) {
469 case VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR:
470 // already a flat vector
471 break;
472 case VectorType::SEQUENCE_VECTOR: {
473 int64_t start, increment;
474 SequenceVector::GetSequence(*this, start, increment);
476 vector_type = VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR;
477 buffer = VectorBuffer::CreateStandardVector(type);
478 data = buffer->GetData();
479 VectorOperations::GenerateSequence(*this, count, sel, start, increment);
480 break;
481 }
482 default:
483 throw NotImplementedException("Unimplemented type for normalify with selection vector");
484 }
487void Vector::Orrify(idx_t count, VectorData &data) {
488 switch (vector_type) {
489 case VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR: {
490 auto &sel = DictionaryVector::SelVector(*this);
491 auto &child = DictionaryVector::Child(*this);
492 if (child.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR) {
493 data.sel = &sel;
494 data.data = FlatVector::GetData(child);
495 data.nullmask = &FlatVector::Nullmask(child);
496 } else {
497 // dictionary with non-flat child: create a new reference to the child and normalify it
498 auto new_aux = make_unique<VectorChildBuffer>();
499 new_aux->data.Reference(child);
500 new_aux->data.Normalify(sel, count);
502 data.sel = &sel;
503 data.data = FlatVector::GetData(new_aux->data);
504 data.nullmask = &FlatVector::Nullmask(new_aux->data);
505 this->auxiliary = move(new_aux);
506 }
507 break;
508 }
509 case VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR:
510 data.sel = &ConstantVector::ZeroSelectionVector;
511 data.data = ConstantVector::GetData(*this);
512 data.nullmask = &nullmask;
513 break;
514 default:
515 Normalify(count);
516 data.sel = &FlatVector::IncrementalSelectionVector;
517 data.data = FlatVector::GetData(*this);
518 data.nullmask = &nullmask;
519 break;
520 }
523void Vector::Sequence(int64_t start, int64_t increment) {
524 vector_type = VectorType::SEQUENCE_VECTOR;
525 this->buffer = make_buffer<VectorBuffer>(sizeof(int64_t) * 2);
526 auto data = (int64_t *)buffer->GetData();
527 data[0] = start;
528 data[1] = increment;
529 nullmask.reset();
530 auxiliary.reset();
533void Vector::Serialize(idx_t count, Serializer &serializer) {
534 if (TypeIsConstantSize(type)) {
535 // constant size type: simple copy
536 idx_t write_size = GetTypeIdSize(type) * count;
537 auto ptr = unique_ptr<data_t[]>(new data_t[write_size]);
538 VectorOperations::WriteToStorage(*this, count, ptr.get());
539 serializer.WriteData(ptr.get(), write_size);
540 } else {
541 VectorData vdata;
542 Orrify(count, vdata);
544 switch (type) {
545 case TypeId::VARCHAR: {
546 auto strings = (string_t *)vdata.data;
547 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
548 auto idx = vdata.sel->get_index(i);
549 auto source = (*vdata.nullmask)[idx] ? NullValue<const char *>() : strings[idx].GetData();
550 serializer.WriteString(source);
551 }
552 break;
553 }
554 default:
555 throw NotImplementedException("Unimplemented type for Vector::Serialize!");
556 }
557 }
560void Vector::Deserialize(idx_t count, Deserializer &source) {
561 if (TypeIsConstantSize(type)) {
562 // constant size type: read fixed amount of data from
563 auto column_size = GetTypeIdSize(type) * count;
564 auto ptr = unique_ptr<data_t[]>(new data_t[column_size]);
565 source.ReadData(ptr.get(), column_size);
567 VectorOperations::ReadFromStorage(ptr.get(), count, *this);
568 } else {
569 auto strings = FlatVector::GetData<string_t>(*this);
570 auto &nullmask = FlatVector::Nullmask(*this);
571 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
572 // read the strings
573 auto str = source.Read<string>();
574 // now add the string to the StringHeap of the vector
575 // and write the pointer into the vector
576 if (IsNullValue<const char *>((const char *)str.c_str())) {
577 nullmask[i] = true;
578 } else {
579 strings[i] = StringVector::AddString(*this, str);
580 }
581 }
582 }
585void Vector::UTFVerify(const SelectionVector &sel, idx_t count) {
586#ifdef DEBUG
587 if (count == 0) {
588 return;
589 }
590 if (type == TypeId::VARCHAR) {
591 // we just touch all the strings and let the sanitizer figure out if any
592 // of them are deallocated/corrupt
593 switch (vector_type) {
594 case VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR: {
595 auto string = ConstantVector::GetData<string_t>(*this);
596 if (!ConstantVector::IsNull(*this)) {
597 string->Verify();
598 }
599 break;
600 }
601 case VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR: {
602 auto strings = FlatVector::GetData<string_t>(*this);
603 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
604 auto oidx = sel.get_index(i);
605 if (!nullmask[oidx]) {
606 strings[oidx].Verify();
607 }
608 }
609 break;
610 }
611 default:
612 break;
613 }
614 }
618void Vector::UTFVerify(idx_t count) {
619 UTFVerify(FlatVector::IncrementalSelectionVector, count);
622void Vector::Verify(const SelectionVector &sel, idx_t count) {
623#ifdef DEBUG
624 if (count == 0) {
625 return;
626 }
627 if (vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
628 auto &child = DictionaryVector::Child(*this);
629 auto &dict_sel = DictionaryVector::SelVector(*this);
630 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
631 auto oidx = sel.get_index(i);
632 auto idx = dict_sel.get_index(oidx);
633 assert(idx < STANDARD_VECTOR_SIZE);
634 }
635 // merge the selection vectors and verify the child
636 auto new_buffer = dict_sel.Slice(sel, count);
637 SelectionVector new_sel(new_buffer);
638 child.Verify(new_sel, count);
639 return;
640 }
641 if (type == TypeId::DOUBLE) {
642 // verify that there are no INF or NAN values
643 switch (vector_type) {
644 case VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR: {
645 auto dbl = ConstantVector::GetData<double>(*this);
646 if (!ConstantVector::IsNull(*this)) {
647 assert(Value::DoubleIsValid(*dbl));
648 }
649 break;
650 }
651 case VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR: {
652 auto doubles = FlatVector::GetData<double>(*this);
653 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
654 auto oidx = sel.get_index(i);
655 if (!nullmask[oidx]) {
656 assert(Value::DoubleIsValid(doubles[oidx]));
657 }
658 }
659 break;
660 }
661 default:
662 break;
663 }
664 }
666 if (type == TypeId::STRUCT) {
667 if (vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR || vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR) {
668 auto &children = StructVector::GetEntries(*this);
669 assert(children.size() > 0);
670 for (auto &child : children) {
671 child.second->Verify(sel, count);
672 }
673 }
674 }
676 if (type == TypeId::LIST) {
677 if (vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR) {
678 if (!ConstantVector::IsNull(*this)) {
679 ListVector::GetEntry(*this).Verify();
680 auto le = ConstantVector::GetData<list_entry_t>(*this);
681 assert(le->offset + le->length <= ListVector::GetEntry(*this).count);
682 }
683 } else if (vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR) {
684 if (ListVector::HasEntry(*this)) {
685 ListVector::GetEntry(*this).Verify();
686 }
687 auto list_data = FlatVector::GetData<list_entry_t>(*this);
688 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
689 auto idx = sel.get_index(i);
690 auto &le = list_data[idx];
691 if (!nullmask[idx]) {
692 assert(le.offset + le.length <= ListVector::GetEntry(*this).count);
693 }
694 }
695 }
696 }
697// TODO verify list and struct
701void Vector::Verify(idx_t count) {
702 Verify(FlatVector::IncrementalSelectionVector, count);
705string_t StringVector::AddString(Vector &vector, const char *data, idx_t len) {
706 return StringVector::AddString(vector, string_t(data, len));
709string_t StringVector::AddString(Vector &vector, const char *data) {
710 return StringVector::AddString(vector, string_t(data, strlen(data)));
713string_t StringVector::AddString(Vector &vector, const string &data) {
714 return StringVector::AddString(vector, string_t(data.c_str(), data.size()));
717string_t StringVector::AddString(Vector &vector, string_t data) {
718 assert(vector.type == TypeId::VARCHAR);
719 if (data.IsInlined()) {
720 // string will be inlined: no need to store in string heap
721 return data;
722 }
723 if (!vector.auxiliary) {
724 vector.auxiliary = make_buffer<VectorStringBuffer>();
725 }
726 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRING_BUFFER);
727 auto &string_buffer = (VectorStringBuffer &)*vector.auxiliary;
728 return string_buffer.AddString(data);
731string_t StringVector::AddBlob(Vector &vector, string_t data) {
732 assert(vector.type == TypeId::VARCHAR);
733 if (data.IsInlined()) {
734 // string will be inlined: no need to store in string heap
735 return data;
736 }
737 if (!vector.auxiliary) {
738 vector.auxiliary = make_buffer<VectorStringBuffer>();
739 }
740 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRING_BUFFER);
741 auto &string_buffer = (VectorStringBuffer &)*vector.auxiliary;
742 return string_buffer.AddBlob(data);
745string_t StringVector::EmptyString(Vector &vector, idx_t len) {
746 assert(vector.type == TypeId::VARCHAR);
747 if (len < string_t::INLINE_LENGTH) {
748 return string_t(len);
749 }
750 if (!vector.auxiliary) {
751 vector.auxiliary = make_buffer<VectorStringBuffer>();
752 }
753 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRING_BUFFER);
754 auto &string_buffer = (VectorStringBuffer &)*vector.auxiliary;
755 return string_buffer.EmptyString(len);
758void StringVector::AddHeapReference(Vector &vector, Vector &other) {
759 assert(vector.type == TypeId::VARCHAR);
760 assert(other.type == TypeId::VARCHAR);
762 if (other.vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
763 StringVector::AddHeapReference(vector, DictionaryVector::Child(other));
764 return;
765 }
766 if (!other.auxiliary) {
767 return;
768 }
769 if (!vector.auxiliary) {
770 vector.auxiliary = make_buffer<VectorStringBuffer>();
771 }
772 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRING_BUFFER);
773 assert(other.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRING_BUFFER);
774 auto &string_buffer = (VectorStringBuffer &)*vector.auxiliary;
775 string_buffer.AddHeapReference(other.auxiliary);
778bool StructVector::HasEntries(const Vector &vector) {
779 assert(vector.type == TypeId::STRUCT);
780 assert(vector.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR || vector.vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR);
781 assert(vector.auxiliary == nullptr || vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRUCT_BUFFER);
782 return vector.auxiliary != nullptr;
785child_list_t<unique_ptr<Vector>> &StructVector::GetEntries(const Vector &vector) {
786 assert(vector.type == TypeId::STRUCT);
787 assert(vector.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR || vector.vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR);
788 assert(vector.auxiliary);
789 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRUCT_BUFFER);
790 return ((VectorStructBuffer *)vector.auxiliary.get())->GetChildren();
793void StructVector::AddEntry(Vector &vector, string name, unique_ptr<Vector> entry) {
794 // TODO asser that an entry with this name does not already exist
795 assert(vector.type == TypeId::STRUCT);
796 assert(vector.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR || vector.vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR);
797 if (!vector.auxiliary) {
798 vector.auxiliary = make_buffer<VectorStructBuffer>();
799 }
800 assert(vector.auxiliary);
801 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::STRUCT_BUFFER);
802 ((VectorStructBuffer *)vector.auxiliary.get())->AddChild(name, move(entry));
805bool ListVector::HasEntry(const Vector &vector) {
806 assert(vector.type == TypeId::LIST);
807 if (vector.vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
808 auto &child = DictionaryVector::Child(vector);
809 return ListVector::HasEntry(child);
810 }
811 assert(vector.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR || vector.vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR);
812 return vector.auxiliary != nullptr;
815ChunkCollection &ListVector::GetEntry(const Vector &vector) {
816 assert(vector.type == TypeId::LIST);
817 if (vector.vector_type == VectorType::DICTIONARY_VECTOR) {
818 auto &child = DictionaryVector::Child(vector);
819 return ListVector::GetEntry(child);
820 }
821 assert(vector.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR || vector.vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR);
822 assert(vector.auxiliary);
823 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::LIST_BUFFER);
824 return ((VectorListBuffer *)vector.auxiliary.get())->GetChild();
827void ListVector::SetEntry(Vector &vector, unique_ptr<ChunkCollection> cc) {
828 assert(vector.type == TypeId::LIST);
829 assert(vector.vector_type == VectorType::FLAT_VECTOR || vector.vector_type == VectorType::CONSTANT_VECTOR);
830 if (!vector.auxiliary) {
831 vector.auxiliary = make_buffer<VectorListBuffer>();
832 }
833 assert(vector.auxiliary);
834 assert(vector.auxiliary->type == VectorBufferType::LIST_BUFFER);
835 ((VectorListBuffer *)vector.auxiliary.get())->SetChild(move(cc));
838} // namespace duckdb