1#include "duckdb/parser/expression/columnref_expression.hpp"
2#include "duckdb/parser/expression/constant_expression.hpp"
3#include "duckdb/parser/query_node/select_node.hpp"
4#include "duckdb/parser/tableref/joinref.hpp"
5#include "duckdb/planner/binder.hpp"
6#include "duckdb/execution/expression_executor.hpp"
7#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/constant_binder.hpp"
8#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/group_binder.hpp"
9#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/having_binder.hpp"
10#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/order_binder.hpp"
11#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/select_binder.hpp"
12#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/where_binder.hpp"
13#include "duckdb/planner/query_node/bound_select_node.hpp"
14#include "duckdb/parser/expression/table_star_expression.hpp"
16using namespace std;
18namespace duckdb {
20static int64_t BindConstant(Binder &binder, ClientContext &context, string clause, unique_ptr<ParsedExpression> &expr) {
21 ConstantBinder constant_binder(binder, context, clause);
22 auto bound_expr = constant_binder.Bind(expr);
23 Value value = ExpressionExecutor::EvaluateScalar(*bound_expr);
24 if (!TypeIsNumeric(value.type)) {
25 throw BinderException("LIMIT clause can only contain numeric constants!");
26 }
27 int64_t limit_value = value.GetValue<int64_t>();
28 if (limit_value < 0) {
29 throw BinderException("LIMIT must not be negative");
30 }
31 return limit_value;
34unique_ptr<Expression> Binder::BindFilter(unique_ptr<ParsedExpression> condition) {
35 WhereBinder where_binder(*this, context);
36 return where_binder.Bind(condition);
39unique_ptr<Expression> Binder::BindOrderExpression(OrderBinder &order_binder, unique_ptr<ParsedExpression> expr) {
40 // we treat the Distinct list as a order by
41 auto bound_expr = order_binder.Bind(move(expr));
42 if (!bound_expr) {
43 // DISTINCT ON non-integer constant
44 // remove the expression from the DISTINCT ON list
45 return nullptr;
46 }
47 assert(bound_expr->type == ExpressionType::BOUND_COLUMN_REF);
48 return bound_expr;
51unique_ptr<BoundResultModifier> Binder::BindLimit(LimitModifier &limit_mod) {
52 auto result = make_unique<BoundLimitModifier>();
53 if (limit_mod.limit) {
54 result->limit = BindConstant(*this, context, "LIMIT clause", limit_mod.limit);
55 result->offset = 0;
56 }
57 if (limit_mod.offset) {
58 result->offset = BindConstant(*this, context, "OFFSET clause", limit_mod.offset);
59 if (!limit_mod.limit) {
60 result->limit = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
61 }
62 }
63 return move(result);
66void Binder::BindModifiers(OrderBinder &order_binder, QueryNode &statement, BoundQueryNode &result) {
67 for (auto &mod : statement.modifiers) {
68 unique_ptr<BoundResultModifier> bound_modifier;
69 switch (mod->type) {
70 case ResultModifierType::DISTINCT_MODIFIER: {
71 auto &distinct = (DistinctModifier &)*mod;
72 auto bound_distinct = make_unique<BoundDistinctModifier>();
73 for (idx_t i = 0; i < distinct.distinct_on_targets.size(); i++) {
74 auto expr = BindOrderExpression(order_binder, move(distinct.distinct_on_targets[i]));
75 if (!expr) {
76 continue;
77 }
78 bound_distinct->target_distincts.push_back(move(expr));
79 }
80 bound_modifier = move(bound_distinct);
81 break;
82 }
83 case ResultModifierType::ORDER_MODIFIER: {
84 auto &order = (OrderModifier &)*mod;
85 auto bound_order = make_unique<BoundOrderModifier>();
86 for (idx_t i = 0; i < order.orders.size(); i++) {
87 BoundOrderByNode node;
88 node.type = order.orders[i].type;
89 node.expression = BindOrderExpression(order_binder, move(order.orders[i].expression));
90 if (!node.expression) {
91 continue;
92 }
93 bound_order->orders.push_back(move(node));
94 }
95 if (bound_order->orders.size() > 0) {
96 bound_modifier = move(bound_order);
97 }
98 break;
99 }
100 case ResultModifierType::LIMIT_MODIFIER:
101 bound_modifier = BindLimit((LimitModifier &)*mod);
102 break;
103 default:
104 throw Exception("Unsupported result modifier");
105 }
106 if (bound_modifier) {
107 result.modifiers.push_back(move(bound_modifier));
108 }
109 }
112void Binder::BindModifierTypes(BoundQueryNode &result, const vector<SQLType> &sql_types, idx_t projection_index) {
113 for (auto &bound_mod : result.modifiers) {
114 switch (bound_mod->type) {
115 case ResultModifierType::DISTINCT_MODIFIER: {
116 auto &distinct = (BoundDistinctModifier &)*bound_mod;
117 if (distinct.target_distincts.size() == 0) {
118 // DISTINCT without a target: push references to the standard select list
119 for (idx_t i = 0; i < sql_types.size(); i++) {
120 distinct.target_distincts.push_back(
121 make_unique<BoundColumnRefExpression>(GetInternalType(sql_types[i]), ColumnBinding(projection_index, i)));
122 }
123 } else {
124 // DISTINCT with target list: set types
125 for (idx_t i = 0; i < distinct.target_distincts.size(); i++) {
126 auto &expr = distinct.target_distincts[i];
127 assert(expr->type == ExpressionType::BOUND_COLUMN_REF);
128 auto &bound_colref = (BoundColumnRefExpression &)*expr;
129 if (bound_colref.binding.column_index == INVALID_INDEX) {
130 throw BinderException("Ambiguous name in DISTINCT ON!");
131 }
132 assert(bound_colref.binding.column_index < sql_types.size());
133 bound_colref.return_type = GetInternalType(sql_types[bound_colref.binding.column_index]);
134 }
135 }
136 for(idx_t i = 0; i < distinct.target_distincts.size(); i++) {
137 auto &bound_colref = (BoundColumnRefExpression &)*distinct.target_distincts[i];
138 auto sql_type = sql_types[bound_colref.binding.column_index];
139 if (sql_type.id == SQLTypeId::VARCHAR) {
140 distinct.target_distincts[i] = ExpressionBinder::PushCollation(context, move(distinct.target_distincts[i]), sql_type.collation, true);
141 }
142 }
143 break;
144 }
145 case ResultModifierType::ORDER_MODIFIER: {
146 auto &order = (BoundOrderModifier &)*bound_mod;
147 for (idx_t i = 0; i < order.orders.size(); i++) {
148 auto &expr = order.orders[i].expression;
149 assert(expr->type == ExpressionType::BOUND_COLUMN_REF);
150 auto &bound_colref = (BoundColumnRefExpression &)*expr;
151 if (bound_colref.binding.column_index == INVALID_INDEX) {
152 throw BinderException("Ambiguous name in ORDER BY!");
153 }
154 assert(bound_colref.binding.column_index < sql_types.size());
155 auto sql_type = sql_types[bound_colref.binding.column_index];
156 bound_colref.return_type = GetInternalType(sql_types[bound_colref.binding.column_index]);
157 if (sql_type.id == SQLTypeId::VARCHAR) {
158 order.orders[i].expression = ExpressionBinder::PushCollation(context, move(order.orders[i].expression), sql_type.collation);
159 }
160 }
161 break;
162 }
163 default:
164 break;
165 }
166 }
169unique_ptr<BoundQueryNode> Binder::BindNode(SelectNode &statement) {
170 auto result = make_unique<BoundSelectNode>();
171 result->projection_index = GenerateTableIndex();
172 result->group_index = GenerateTableIndex();
173 result->aggregate_index = GenerateTableIndex();
174 result->window_index = GenerateTableIndex();
175 result->unnest_index = GenerateTableIndex();
176 result->prune_index = GenerateTableIndex();
178 // first bind the FROM table statement
179 result->from_table = Bind(*statement.from_table);
181 // visit the select list and expand any "*" statements
182 vector<unique_ptr<ParsedExpression>> new_select_list;
183 for (auto &select_element : statement.select_list) {
184 if (select_element->GetExpressionType() == ExpressionType::STAR) {
185 // * statement, expand to all columns from the FROM clause
186 bind_context.GenerateAllColumnExpressions(new_select_list);
187 } else if (select_element->GetExpressionType() == ExpressionType::TABLE_STAR) {
188 auto table_star =
189 (TableStarExpression *)select_element.get(); // TODO this cast to explicit class is a bit dirty?
190 bind_context.GenerateAllColumnExpressions(new_select_list, table_star->relation_name);
191 } else {
192 // regular statement, add it to the list
193 new_select_list.push_back(move(select_element));
194 }
195 }
196 statement.select_list = move(new_select_list);
198 // create a mapping of (alias -> index) and a mapping of (Expression -> index) for the SELECT list
199 unordered_map<string, idx_t> alias_map;
200 expression_map_t<idx_t> projection_map;
201 for (idx_t i = 0; i < statement.select_list.size(); i++) {
202 auto &expr = statement.select_list[i];
203 result->names.push_back(expr->GetName());
204 if (!expr->alias.empty()) {
205 alias_map[expr->alias] = i;
206 }
207 ExpressionBinder::BindTableNames(*this, *expr);
208 projection_map[expr.get()] = i;
209 result->original_expressions.push_back(expr->Copy());
210 }
211 result->column_count = statement.select_list.size();
213 // first visit the WHERE clause
214 // the WHERE clause happens before the GROUP BY, PROJECTION or HAVING clauses
215 if (statement.where_clause) {
216 result->where_clause = BindFilter(move(statement.where_clause));
217 }
219 // now bind all the result modifiers; including DISTINCT and ORDER BY targets
220 OrderBinder order_binder({this}, result->projection_index, statement, alias_map, projection_map);
221 BindModifiers(order_binder, statement, *result);
223 vector<unique_ptr<ParsedExpression>> unbound_groups;
224 BoundGroupInformation info;
225 if (statement.groups.size() > 0) {
226 // the statement has a GROUP BY clause, bind it
227 unbound_groups.resize(statement.groups.size());
228 GroupBinder group_binder(*this, context, statement, result->group_index, alias_map, info.alias_map);
229 for (idx_t i = 0; i < statement.groups.size(); i++) {
231 // we keep a copy of the unbound expression;
232 // we keep the unbound copy around to check for group references in the SELECT and HAVING clause
233 // the reason we want the unbound copy is because we want to figure out whether an expression
234 // is a group reference BEFORE binding in the SELECT/HAVING binder
235 group_binder.unbound_expression = statement.groups[i]->Copy();
236 group_binder.bind_index = i;
238 // bind the groups
239 SQLType group_type;
240 auto bound_expr = group_binder.Bind(statement.groups[i], &group_type);
241 assert(bound_expr->return_type != TypeId::INVALID);
242 info.group_types.push_back(group_type);
243 // push a potential collation, if necessary
244 bound_expr = ExpressionBinder::PushCollation(context, move(bound_expr), group_type.collation, true);
245 result->groups.push_back(move(bound_expr));
247 // in the unbound expression we DO bind the table names of any ColumnRefs
248 // we do this to make sure that "table.a" and "a" are treated the same
249 // if we wouldn't do this then (SELECT test.a FROM test GROUP BY a) would not work because "test.a" <> "a"
250 // hence we convert "a" -> "test.a" in the unbound expression
251 unbound_groups[i] = move(group_binder.unbound_expression);
252 ExpressionBinder::BindTableNames(*this, *unbound_groups[i]);
253 info.map[unbound_groups[i].get()] = i;
254 }
255 }
257 // bind the HAVING clause, if any
258 if (statement.having) {
259 HavingBinder having_binder(*this, context, *result, info);
260 ExpressionBinder::BindTableNames(*this, *statement.having);
261 result->having = having_binder.Bind(statement.having);
262 }
264 // after that, we bind to the SELECT list
265 SelectBinder select_binder(*this, context, *result, info);
266 vector<SQLType> internal_sql_types;
267 for (idx_t i = 0; i < statement.select_list.size(); i++) {
268 SQLType result_type;
269 auto expr = select_binder.Bind(statement.select_list[i], &result_type);
270 if (statement.aggregate_handling == AggregateHandling::FORCE_AGGREGATES && select_binder.BoundColumns()) {
271 if (select_binder.BoundAggregates()) {
272 throw BinderException("Cannot mix aggregates with non-aggregated columns!");
273 }
274 // we are forcing aggregates, and the node has columns bound
275 // this entry becomes a group
276 auto group_type = expr->return_type;
277 auto group_ref = make_unique<BoundColumnRefExpression>(
278 group_type, ColumnBinding(result->group_index, result->groups.size()));
279 result->groups.push_back(move(expr));
280 expr = move(group_ref);
281 }
282 result->select_list.push_back(move(expr));
283 if (i < result->column_count) {
284 result->types.push_back(result_type);
285 }
286 internal_sql_types.push_back(result_type);
287 if (statement.aggregate_handling == AggregateHandling::FORCE_AGGREGATES) {
288 select_binder.ResetBindings();
289 }
290 }
291 result->need_prune = result->select_list.size() > result->column_count;
293 // in the normal select binder, we bind columns as if there is no aggregation
294 // i.e. in the query [SELECT i, SUM(i) FROM integers;] the "i" will be bound as a normal column
295 // since we have an aggregation, we need to either (1) throw an error, or (2) wrap the column in a FIRST() aggregate
296 // we choose the former one [CONTROVERSIAL: this is the PostgreSQL behavior]
297 if (result->groups.size() > 0 || result->aggregates.size() > 0 || statement.having) {
298 if (statement.aggregate_handling == AggregateHandling::NO_AGGREGATES_ALLOWED) {
299 throw BinderException("Aggregates cannot be present in a Project relation!");
300 } else if (statement.aggregate_handling == AggregateHandling::STANDARD_HANDLING) {
301 if (select_binder.BoundColumns()) {
302 throw BinderException("column must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function");
303 }
304 }
305 }
307 // now that the SELECT list is bound, we set the types of DISTINCT/ORDER BY expressions
308 BindModifierTypes(*result, internal_sql_types, result->projection_index);
309 return move(result);
312} // namespace duckdb