1#include "duckdb/parser/constraints/list.hpp"
2#include "duckdb/parser/expression/cast_expression.hpp"
3#include "duckdb/planner/binder.hpp"
4#include "duckdb/planner/constraints/list.hpp"
5#include "duckdb/planner/expression/bound_constant_expression.hpp"
6#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/check_binder.hpp"
7#include "duckdb/planner/expression_binder/constant_binder.hpp"
8#include "duckdb/parser/parsed_data/create_table_info.hpp"
9#include "duckdb/planner/parsed_data/bound_create_table_info.hpp"
11using namespace duckdb;
12using namespace std;
14static void CreateColumnMap(BoundCreateTableInfo &info) {
15 auto &base = (CreateTableInfo &)*info.base;
17 for (uint64_t oid = 0; oid < base.columns.size(); oid++) {
18 auto &col = base.columns[oid];
19 if (info.name_map.find(col.name) != info.name_map.end()) {
20 throw CatalogException("Column with name %s already exists!", col.name.c_str());
21 }
23 info.name_map[col.name] = oid;
24 col.oid = oid;
25 }
28static void BindConstraints(Binder &binder, BoundCreateTableInfo &info) {
29 auto &base = (CreateTableInfo &)*info.base;
31 bool has_primary_key = false;
32 unordered_set<idx_t> primary_keys;
33 for (idx_t i = 0; i < base.constraints.size(); i++) {
34 auto &cond = base.constraints[i];
35 switch (cond->type) {
36 case ConstraintType::CHECK: {
37 auto bound_constraint = make_unique<BoundCheckConstraint>();
38 // check constraint: bind the expression
39 CheckBinder check_binder(binder, binder.context, base.table, base.columns, bound_constraint->bound_columns);
40 auto &check = (CheckConstraint &)*cond;
41 // create a copy of the unbound expression because the binding destroys the constraint
42 auto unbound_expression = check.expression->Copy();
43 // now bind the constraint and create a new BoundCheckConstraint
44 bound_constraint->expression = check_binder.Bind(check.expression);
45 info.bound_constraints.push_back(move(bound_constraint));
46 // move the unbound constraint back into the original check expression
47 check.expression = move(unbound_expression);
48 break;
49 }
50 case ConstraintType::NOT_NULL: {
51 auto &not_null = (NotNullConstraint &)*cond;
52 info.bound_constraints.push_back(make_unique<BoundNotNullConstraint>(not_null.index));
53 break;
54 }
55 case ConstraintType::UNIQUE: {
56 auto &unique = (UniqueConstraint &)*cond;
57 // have to resolve columns of the unique constraint
58 unordered_set<idx_t> keys;
59 if (unique.index != INVALID_INDEX) {
60 assert(unique.index < base.columns.size());
61 // unique constraint is given by single index
62 keys.insert(unique.index);
63 } else {
64 // unique constraint is given by list of names
65 // have to resolve names
66 assert(unique.columns.size() > 0);
67 for (auto &keyname : unique.columns) {
68 auto entry = info.name_map.find(keyname);
69 if (entry == info.name_map.end()) {
70 throw ParserException("column \"%s\" named in key does not exist", keyname.c_str());
71 }
72 if (find(keys.begin(), keys.end(), entry->second) != keys.end()) {
73 throw ParserException("column \"%s\" appears twice in "
74 "primary key constraint",
75 keyname.c_str());
76 }
77 keys.insert(entry->second);
78 }
79 }
81 if (unique.is_primary_key) {
82 // we can only have one primary key per table
83 if (has_primary_key) {
84 throw ParserException("table \"%s\" has more than one primary key", base.table.c_str());
85 }
86 has_primary_key = true;
87 primary_keys = keys;
88 }
89 info.bound_constraints.push_back(make_unique<BoundUniqueConstraint>(keys, unique.is_primary_key));
90 break;
91 }
92 default:
93 throw NotImplementedException("unrecognized constraint type in bind");
94 }
95 }
96 if (has_primary_key) {
97 // if there is a primary key index, also create a NOT NULL constraint for each of the columns
98 for (auto &column_index : primary_keys) {
99 base.constraints.push_back(make_unique<NotNullConstraint>(column_index));
100 info.bound_constraints.push_back(make_unique<BoundNotNullConstraint>(column_index));
101 }
102 }
105void Binder::BindDefaultValues(vector<ColumnDefinition> &columns, vector<unique_ptr<Expression>> &bound_defaults) {
106 for (idx_t i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) {
107 unique_ptr<Expression> bound_default;
108 if (columns[i].default_value) {
109 // we bind a copy of the DEFAULT value because binding is destructive
110 // and we want to keep the original expression around for serialization
111 auto default_copy = columns[i].default_value->Copy();
112 ConstantBinder default_binder(*this, context, "DEFAULT value");
113 default_binder.target_type = columns[i].type;
114 bound_default = default_binder.Bind(default_copy);
115 } else {
116 // no default value specified: push a default value of constant null
117 bound_default = make_unique<BoundConstantExpression>(Value(GetInternalType(columns[i].type)));
118 }
119 bound_defaults.push_back(move(bound_default));
120 }
123unique_ptr<BoundCreateTableInfo> Binder::BindCreateTableInfo(unique_ptr<CreateInfo> info) {
124 auto &base = (CreateTableInfo &)*info;
126 auto result = make_unique<BoundCreateTableInfo>(move(info));
127 result->schema = BindSchema(*result->base);
128 if (base.query) {
129 // construct the result object
130 auto query_obj = Bind(*base.query);
131 result->query = move(query_obj.plan);
133 // construct the set of columns based on the names and types of the query
134 auto &names = query_obj.names;
135 auto &sql_types = query_obj.types;
136 assert(names.size() == sql_types.size());
137 for (idx_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
138 base.columns.push_back(ColumnDefinition(names[i], sql_types[i]));
139 }
140 // create the name map for the statement
141 CreateColumnMap(*result);
142 } else {
143 // create the name map for the statement
144 CreateColumnMap(*result);
145 // bind any constraints
146 BindConstraints(*this, *result);
147 // bind the default values
148 BindDefaultValues(base.columns, result->bound_defaults);
149 }
150 // bind collations to detect any unsupported collation errors
151 for (auto &column : base.columns) {
152 ExpressionBinder::PushCollation(context, nullptr, column.type.collation);
153 }
154 return result;