2 * Copyright 2013-present Facebook, Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#pragma once
19#include <atomic>
20#include <cstdint>
21#include <functional>
22#include <limits>
23#include <stdexcept>
24#include <system_error>
25#include <type_traits>
27#include <boost/type_traits/has_trivial_destructor.hpp>
29#include <folly/Conv.h>
30#include <folly/Likely.h>
31#include <folly/Random.h>
32#include <folly/Traits.h>
33#include <folly/detail/AtomicUnorderedMapUtils.h>
34#include <folly/lang/Bits.h>
35#include <folly/portability/SysMman.h>
36#include <folly/portability/Unistd.h>
38namespace folly {
40/// You're probably reading this because you are looking for an
41/// AtomicUnorderedMap<K,V> that is fully general, highly concurrent (for
42/// reads, writes, and iteration), and makes no performance compromises.
43/// We haven't figured that one out yet. What you will find here is a
44/// hash table implementation that sacrifices generality so that it can
45/// give you all of the other things.
49/// * Insert only (*) - the only write operation supported directly by
50/// AtomicUnorderedInsertMap is findOrConstruct. There is a (*) because
51/// values aren't moved, so you can roll your own concurrency control for
52/// in-place updates of values (see MutableData and MutableAtom below),
53/// but the hash table itself doesn't help you.
55/// * No resizing - you must specify the capacity up front, and once
56/// the hash map gets full you won't be able to insert. Insert
57/// performance will degrade once the load factor is high. Insert is
58/// O(1/(1-actual_load_factor)). Note that this is a pretty strong
59/// limitation, because you can't remove existing keys.
61/// * 2^30 maximum default capacity - by default AtomicUnorderedInsertMap
62/// uses uint32_t internal indexes (and steals 2 bits), limiting you
63/// to about a billion entries. If you need more you can fill in all
64/// of the template params so you change IndexType to uint64_t, or you
65/// can use AtomicUnorderedInsertMap64. 64-bit indexes will increase
66/// the space over of the map, of course.
70/// * Arbitrary key and value types - any K and V that can be used in a
71/// std::unordered_map can be used here. In fact, the key and value
72/// types don't even have to be copyable or moveable!
74/// * Keys and values in the map won't be moved - it is safe to keep
75/// pointers or references to the keys and values in the map, because
76/// they are never moved or destroyed (until the map itself is destroyed).
78/// * Iterators are never invalidated - writes don't invalidate iterators,
79/// so you can scan and insert in parallel.
81/// * Fast wait-free reads - reads are usually only a single cache miss,
82/// even when the hash table is very large. Wait-freedom means that
83/// you won't see latency outliers even in the face of concurrent writes.
85/// * Lock-free insert - writes proceed in parallel. If a thread in the
86/// middle of a write is unlucky and gets suspended, it doesn't block
87/// anybody else.
91/// This map provides wait-free linearizable reads and lock-free
92/// linearizable inserts. Inserted values won't be moved, but no
93/// concurrency control is provided for safely updating them. To remind
94/// you of that fact they are only provided in const form. This is the
95/// only simple safe thing to do while preserving something like the normal
96/// std::map iteration form, which requires that iteration be exposed
97/// via std::pair (and prevents encapsulation of access to the value).
99/// There are a couple of reasonable policies for doing in-place
100/// concurrency control on the values. I am hoping that the policy can
101/// be injected via the value type or an extra template param, to keep
102/// the core AtomicUnorderedInsertMap insert-only:
104/// CONST: this is the currently implemented strategy, which is simple,
105/// performant, and not that expressive. You can always put in a value
106/// with a mutable field (see MutableAtom below), but that doesn't look
107/// as pretty as it should.
109/// ATOMIC: for integers and integer-size trivially copyable structs
110/// (via an adapter like tao/queues/AtomicStruct) the value can be a
111/// std::atomic and read and written atomically.
113/// SEQ-LOCK: attach a counter incremented before and after write.
114/// Writers serialize by using CAS to make an even->odd transition,
115/// then odd->even after the write. Readers grab the value with memcpy,
116/// checking sequence value before and after. Readers retry until they
117/// see an even sequence number that doesn't change. This works for
118/// larger structs, but still requires memcpy to be equivalent to copy
119/// assignment, and it is no longer lock-free. It scales very well,
120/// because the readers are still invisible (no cache line writes).
122/// LOCK: folly's SharedMutex would be a good choice here.
126/// Underlying memory is allocated as a big anonymous mmap chunk, which
127/// might be cheaper than calloc() and is certainly not more expensive
128/// for large maps. If the SkipKeyValueDeletion template param is true
129/// then deletion of the map consists of unmapping the backing memory,
130/// which is much faster than destructing all of the keys and values.
131/// Feel free to override if std::is_trivial_destructor isn't recognizing
132/// the triviality of your destructors.
133template <
134 typename Key,
135 typename Value,
136 typename Hash = std::hash<Key>,
137 typename KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>,
138 bool SkipKeyValueDeletion =
139 (boost::has_trivial_destructor<Key>::value &&
140 boost::has_trivial_destructor<Value>::value),
141 template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic,
142 typename IndexType = uint32_t,
143 typename Allocator = folly::detail::MMapAlloc>
145struct AtomicUnorderedInsertMap {
146 typedef Key key_type;
147 typedef Value mapped_type;
148 typedef std::pair<Key, Value> value_type;
149 typedef std::size_t size_type;
150 typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
151 typedef Hash hasher;
152 typedef KeyEqual key_equal;
153 typedef const value_type& const_reference;
155 typedef struct ConstIterator {
156 ConstIterator(const AtomicUnorderedInsertMap& owner, IndexType slot)
157 : owner_(owner), slot_(slot) {}
159 ConstIterator(const ConstIterator&) = default;
160 ConstIterator& operator=(const ConstIterator&) = default;
162 const value_type& operator*() const {
163 return owner_.slots_[slot_].keyValue();
164 }
166 const value_type* operator->() const {
167 return &owner_.slots_[slot_].keyValue();
168 }
170 // pre-increment
171 const ConstIterator& operator++() {
172 while (slot_ > 0) {
173 --slot_;
174 if (owner_.slots_[slot_].state() == LINKED) {
175 break;
176 }
177 }
178 return *this;
179 }
181 // post-increment
182 ConstIterator operator++(int /* dummy */) {
183 auto prev = *this;
184 ++*this;
185 return prev;
186 }
188 bool operator==(const ConstIterator& rhs) const {
189 return slot_ == rhs.slot_;
190 }
191 bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& rhs) const {
192 return !(*this == rhs);
193 }
195 private:
196 const AtomicUnorderedInsertMap& owner_;
197 IndexType slot_;
198 } const_iterator;
200 friend ConstIterator;
202 /// Constructs a map that will support the insertion of maxSize key-value
203 /// pairs without exceeding the max load factor. Load factors of greater
204 /// than 1 are not supported, and once the actual load factor of the
205 /// map approaches 1 the insert performance will suffer. The capacity
206 /// is limited to 2^30 (about a billion) for the default IndexType,
207 /// beyond which we will throw invalid_argument.
208 explicit AtomicUnorderedInsertMap(
209 size_t maxSize,
210 float maxLoadFactor = 0.8f,
211 const Allocator& alloc = Allocator())
212 : allocator_(alloc) {
213 size_t capacity = size_t(maxSize / std::min(1.0f, maxLoadFactor) + 128);
214 size_t avail = size_t{1} << (8 * sizeof(IndexType) - 2);
215 if (capacity > avail && maxSize < avail) {
216 // we'll do our best
217 capacity = avail;
218 }
219 if (capacity < maxSize || capacity > avail) {
220 throw std::invalid_argument(
221 "AtomicUnorderedInsertMap capacity must fit in IndexType with 2 bits "
222 "left over");
223 }
225 numSlots_ = capacity;
226 slotMask_ = folly::nextPowTwo(capacity * 4) - 1;
227 mmapRequested_ = sizeof(Slot) * capacity;
228 slots_ = reinterpret_cast<Slot*>(allocator_.allocate(mmapRequested_));
229 zeroFillSlots();
230 // mark the zero-th slot as in-use but not valid, since that happens
231 // to be our nil value
232 slots_[0].stateUpdate(EMPTY, CONSTRUCTING);
233 }
235 ~AtomicUnorderedInsertMap() {
236 if (!SkipKeyValueDeletion) {
237 for (size_t i = 1; i < numSlots_; ++i) {
238 slots_[i].~Slot();
239 }
240 }
241 allocator_.deallocate(reinterpret_cast<char*>(slots_), mmapRequested_);
242 }
244 /// Searches for the key, returning (iter,false) if it is found.
245 /// If it is not found calls the functor Func with a void* argument
246 /// that is raw storage suitable for placement construction of a Value
247 /// (see raw_value_type), then returns (iter,true). May call Func and
248 /// then return (iter,false) if there are other concurrent writes, in
249 /// which case the newly constructed value will be immediately destroyed.
250 ///
251 /// This function does not block other readers or writers. If there
252 /// are other concurrent writes, many parallel calls to func may happen
253 /// and only the first one to complete will win. The values constructed
254 /// by the other calls to func will be destroyed.
255 ///
256 /// Usage:
257 ///
258 /// AtomicUnorderedInsertMap<std::string,std::string> memo;
259 ///
260 /// auto value = memo.findOrConstruct(key, [=](void* raw) {
261 /// new (raw) std::string(computation(key));
262 /// })->first;
263 template <typename Func>
264 std::pair<const_iterator, bool> findOrConstruct(const Key& key, Func&& func) {
265 auto const slot = keyToSlotIdx(key);
266 auto prev = slots_[slot].headAndState_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
268 auto existing = find(key, slot);
269 if (existing != 0) {
270 return std::make_pair(ConstIterator(*this, existing), false);
271 }
273 auto idx = allocateNear(slot);
274 new (&slots_[idx].keyValue().first) Key(key);
275 func(static_cast<void*>(&slots_[idx].keyValue().second));
277 while (true) {
278 slots_[idx].next_ = prev >> 2;
280 // we can merge the head update and the CONSTRUCTING -> LINKED update
281 // into a single CAS if slot == idx (which should happen often)
282 auto after = idx << 2;
283 if (slot == idx) {
284 after += LINKED;
285 } else {
286 after += (prev & 3);
287 }
289 if (slots_[slot].headAndState_.compare_exchange_strong(prev, after)) {
290 // success
291 if (idx != slot) {
292 slots_[idx].stateUpdate(CONSTRUCTING, LINKED);
293 }
294 return std::make_pair(ConstIterator(*this, idx), true);
295 }
296 // compare_exchange_strong updates its first arg on failure, so
297 // there is no need to reread prev
299 existing = find(key, slot);
300 if (existing != 0) {
301 // our allocated key and value are no longer needed
302 slots_[idx].keyValue().first.~Key();
303 slots_[idx].keyValue().second.~Value();
304 slots_[idx].stateUpdate(CONSTRUCTING, EMPTY);
306 return std::make_pair(ConstIterator(*this, existing), false);
307 }
308 }
309 }
311 /// This isn't really emplace, but it is what we need to test.
312 /// Eventually we can duplicate all of the std::pair constructor
313 /// forms, including a recursive tuple forwarding template
314 /// http://functionalcpp.wordpress.com/2013/08/28/tuple-forwarding/).
315 template <class K, class V>
316 std::pair<const_iterator, bool> emplace(const K& key, V&& value) {
317 return findOrConstruct(
318 key, [&](void* raw) { new (raw) Value(std::forward<V>(value)); });
319 }
321 const_iterator find(const Key& key) const {
322 return ConstIterator(*this, find(key, keyToSlotIdx(key)));
323 }
325 const_iterator cbegin() const {
326 IndexType slot = numSlots_ - 1;
327 while (slot > 0 && slots_[slot].state() != LINKED) {
328 --slot;
329 }
330 return ConstIterator(*this, slot);
331 }
333 const_iterator cend() const {
334 return ConstIterator(*this, 0);
335 }
337 private:
338 enum : IndexType {
339 kMaxAllocationTries = 1000, // after this we throw
340 };
342 enum BucketState : IndexType {
343 EMPTY = 0,
345 LINKED = 2,
346 };
348 /// Lock-free insertion is easiest by prepending to collision chains.
349 /// A large chaining hash table takes two cache misses instead of
350 /// one, however. Our solution is to colocate the bucket storage and
351 /// the head storage, so that even though we are traversing chains we
352 /// are likely to stay within the same cache line. Just make sure to
353 /// traverse head before looking at any keys. This strategy gives us
354 /// 32 bit pointers and fast iteration.
355 struct Slot {
356 /// The bottom two bits are the BucketState, the rest is the index
357 /// of the first bucket for the chain whose keys map to this slot.
358 /// When things are going well the head usually links to this slot,
359 /// but that doesn't always have to happen.
360 Atom<IndexType> headAndState_;
362 /// The next bucket in the chain
363 IndexType next_;
365 /// Key and Value
366 aligned_storage_for_t<value_type> raw_;
368 ~Slot() {
369 auto s = state();
370 assert(s == EMPTY || s == LINKED);
371 if (s == LINKED) {
372 keyValue().first.~Key();
373 keyValue().second.~Value();
374 }
375 }
377 BucketState state() const {
378 return BucketState(headAndState_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) & 3);
379 }
381 void stateUpdate(BucketState before, BucketState after) {
382 assert(state() == before);
383 headAndState_ += (after - before);
384 }
386 value_type& keyValue() {
387 assert(state() != EMPTY);
388 return *static_cast<value_type*>(static_cast<void*>(&raw_));
389 }
391 const value_type& keyValue() const {
392 assert(state() != EMPTY);
393 return *static_cast<const value_type*>(static_cast<const void*>(&raw_));
394 }
395 };
397 // We manually manage the slot memory so we can bypass initialization
398 // (by getting a zero-filled mmap chunk) and optionally destruction of
399 // the slots
401 size_t mmapRequested_;
402 size_t numSlots_;
404 /// tricky, see keyToSlodIdx
405 size_t slotMask_;
407 Allocator allocator_;
408 Slot* slots_;
410 IndexType keyToSlotIdx(const Key& key) const {
411 size_t h = hasher()(key);
412 h &= slotMask_;
413 while (h >= numSlots_) {
414 h -= numSlots_;
415 }
416 return h;
417 }
419 IndexType find(const Key& key, IndexType slot) const {
420 KeyEqual ke = {};
421 auto hs = slots_[slot].headAndState_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
422 for (slot = hs >> 2; slot != 0; slot = slots_[slot].next_) {
423 if (ke(key, slots_[slot].keyValue().first)) {
424 return slot;
425 }
426 }
427 return 0;
428 }
430 /// Allocates a slot and returns its index. Tries to put it near
431 /// slots_[start].
432 IndexType allocateNear(IndexType start) {
433 for (IndexType tries = 0; tries < kMaxAllocationTries; ++tries) {
434 auto slot = allocationAttempt(start, tries);
435 auto prev = slots_[slot].headAndState_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
436 if ((prev & 3) == EMPTY &&
437 slots_[slot].headAndState_.compare_exchange_strong(
438 prev, prev + CONSTRUCTING - EMPTY)) {
439 return slot;
440 }
441 }
442 throw std::bad_alloc();
443 }
445 /// Returns the slot we should attempt to allocate after tries failed
446 /// tries, starting from the specified slot. This is pulled out so we
447 /// can specialize it differently during deterministic testing
448 IndexType allocationAttempt(IndexType start, IndexType tries) const {
449 if (LIKELY(tries < 8 && start + tries < numSlots_)) {
450 return IndexType(start + tries);
451 } else {
452 IndexType rv;
453 if (sizeof(IndexType) <= 4) {
454 rv = IndexType(folly::Random::rand32(numSlots_));
455 } else {
456 rv = IndexType(folly::Random::rand64(numSlots_));
457 }
458 assert(rv < numSlots_);
459 return rv;
460 }
461 }
463 void zeroFillSlots() {
464 using folly::detail::GivesZeroFilledMemory;
465 if (!GivesZeroFilledMemory<Allocator>::value) {
466 memset(static_cast<void*>(slots_), 0, mmapRequested_);
467 }
468 }
471/// AtomicUnorderedInsertMap64 is just a type alias that makes it easier
472/// to select a 64 bit slot index type. Use this if you need a capacity
473/// bigger than 2^30 (about a billion). This increases memory overheads,
474/// obviously.
475template <
476 typename Key,
477 typename Value,
478 typename Hash = std::hash<Key>,
479 typename KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>,
480 bool SkipKeyValueDeletion =
481 (boost::has_trivial_destructor<Key>::value &&
482 boost::has_trivial_destructor<Value>::value),
483 template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic,
484 typename Allocator = folly::detail::MMapAlloc>
485using AtomicUnorderedInsertMap64 = AtomicUnorderedInsertMap<
486 Key,
487 Value,
488 Hash,
489 KeyEqual,
490 SkipKeyValueDeletion,
491 Atom,
492 uint64_t,
493 Allocator>;
495/// MutableAtom is a tiny wrapper than gives you the option of atomically
496/// updating values inserted into an AtomicUnorderedInsertMap<K,
497/// MutableAtom<V>>. This relies on AtomicUnorderedInsertMap's guarantee
498/// that it doesn't move values.
499template <typename T, template <typename> class Atom = std::atomic>
500struct MutableAtom {
501 mutable Atom<T> data;
503 explicit MutableAtom(const T& init) : data(init) {}
506/// MutableData is a tiny wrapper than gives you the option of using an
507/// external concurrency control mechanism to updating values inserted
508/// into an AtomicUnorderedInsertMap.
509template <typename T>
510struct MutableData {
511 mutable T data;
512 explicit MutableData(const T& init) : data(init) {}
515} // namespace folly