2 * Copyright 2013-present Facebook, Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
18 * @author Philip Pronin (philipp@fb.com)
19 *
20 * Based on the paper by Sebastiano Vigna,
21 * "Quasi-succinct indices" (arxiv:1206.4300).
22 */
24#pragma once
26#include <algorithm>
27#include <cstdlib>
28#include <limits>
29#include <type_traits>
31#include <folly/Likely.h>
32#include <folly/Portability.h>
33#include <folly/Range.h>
34#include <folly/experimental/CodingDetail.h>
35#include <folly/experimental/Instructions.h>
36#include <folly/experimental/Select64.h>
37#include <folly/lang/Assume.h>
38#include <folly/lang/Bits.h>
39#include <glog/logging.h>
41#if !FOLLY_X64
42#error EliasFanoCoding.h requires x86_64
45namespace folly {
46namespace compression {
48static_assert(kIsLittleEndian, "EliasFanoCoding.h requires little endianness");
50constexpr size_t kCacheLineSize = 64;
52template <class Pointer>
53struct EliasFanoCompressedListBase {
54 EliasFanoCompressedListBase() = default;
56 template <class OtherPointer>
57 EliasFanoCompressedListBase(
58 const EliasFanoCompressedListBase<OtherPointer>& other)
59 : size(other.size),
60 numLowerBits(other.numLowerBits),
61 data(other.data),
62 skipPointers(reinterpret_cast<Pointer>(other.skipPointers)),
63 forwardPointers(reinterpret_cast<Pointer>(other.forwardPointers)),
64 lower(reinterpret_cast<Pointer>(other.lower)),
65 upper(reinterpret_cast<Pointer>(other.upper)) {}
67 template <class T = Pointer>
68 auto free() -> decltype(::free(T(nullptr))) {
69 return ::free(data.data());
70 }
72 size_t upperSize() const {
73 return size_t(data.end() - upper);
74 }
76 size_t size = 0;
77 uint8_t numLowerBits = 0;
79 // WARNING: EliasFanoCompressedList has no ownership of data. The 7
80 // bytes following the last byte should be readable.
81 folly::Range<Pointer> data;
83 Pointer skipPointers = nullptr;
84 Pointer forwardPointers = nullptr;
85 Pointer lower = nullptr;
86 Pointer upper = nullptr;
89typedef EliasFanoCompressedListBase<const uint8_t*> EliasFanoCompressedList;
90typedef EliasFanoCompressedListBase<uint8_t*> MutableEliasFanoCompressedList;
92template <
93 class Value,
94 class SkipValue = size_t,
95 size_t kSkipQuantum = 0, // 0 = disabled
96 size_t kForwardQuantum = 0, // 0 = disabled
97 bool kUpperFirst = false>
98struct EliasFanoEncoderV2 {
99 static_assert(
100 std::is_integral<Value>::value && std::is_unsigned<Value>::value,
101 "Value should be unsigned integral");
103 typedef EliasFanoCompressedList CompressedList;
104 typedef MutableEliasFanoCompressedList MutableCompressedList;
106 typedef Value ValueType;
107 typedef SkipValue SkipValueType;
108 struct Layout;
110 static constexpr size_t skipQuantum = kSkipQuantum;
111 static constexpr size_t forwardQuantum = kForwardQuantum;
113 static uint8_t defaultNumLowerBits(size_t upperBound, size_t size) {
114 if (UNLIKELY(size == 0 || upperBound < size)) {
115 return 0;
116 }
117 // Result that should be returned is "floor(log(upperBound / size))".
118 // In order to avoid expensive division, we rely on
119 // "floor(a) - floor(b) - 1 <= floor(a - b) <= floor(a) - floor(b)".
120 // Assuming "candidate = floor(log(upperBound)) - floor(log(upperBound))",
121 // then result is either "candidate - 1" or "candidate".
122 auto candidate = folly::findLastSet(upperBound) - folly::findLastSet(size);
123 // NOTE: As size != 0, "candidate" is always < 64.
124 return (size > (upperBound >> candidate)) ? candidate - 1 : candidate;
125 }
127 // Requires: input range (begin, end) is sorted (encoding
128 // crashes if it's not).
129 // WARNING: encode() mallocates EliasFanoCompressedList::data. As
130 // EliasFanoCompressedList has no ownership of it, you need to call
131 // free() explicitly.
132 template <class RandomAccessIterator>
133 static MutableCompressedList encode(
134 RandomAccessIterator begin,
135 RandomAccessIterator end) {
136 if (begin == end) {
137 return MutableCompressedList();
138 }
139 EliasFanoEncoderV2 encoder(size_t(end - begin), *(end - 1));
140 for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
141 encoder.add(*begin);
142 }
143 return encoder.finish();
144 }
146 explicit EliasFanoEncoderV2(const MutableCompressedList& result)
147 : lower_(result.lower),
148 upper_(result.upper),
149 skipPointers_(reinterpret_cast<SkipValueType*>(result.skipPointers)),
150 forwardPointers_(
151 reinterpret_cast<SkipValueType*>(result.forwardPointers)),
152 result_(result) {
153 std::fill(result.data.begin(), result.data.end(), '\0');
154 }
156 EliasFanoEncoderV2(size_t size, ValueType upperBound)
157 : EliasFanoEncoderV2(
158 Layout::fromUpperBoundAndSize(upperBound, size).allocList()) {}
160 void add(ValueType value) {
161 CHECK_LT(value, std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max());
162 CHECK_GE(value, lastValue_);
164 const auto numLowerBits = result_.numLowerBits;
165 const ValueType upperBits = value >> numLowerBits;
167 // Upper sequence consists of upperBits 0-bits and (size_ + 1) 1-bits.
168 const size_t pos = upperBits + size_;
169 upper_[pos / 8] |= 1U << (pos % 8);
170 // Append numLowerBits bits to lower sequence.
171 if (numLowerBits != 0) {
172 const ValueType lowerBits = value & ((ValueType(1) << numLowerBits) - 1);
173 writeBits56(lower_, size_ * numLowerBits, numLowerBits, lowerBits);
174 }
176 if /* constexpr */ (skipQuantum != 0) {
177 while ((skipPointersSize_ + 1) * skipQuantum <= upperBits) {
178 // Store the number of preceding 1-bits.
179 skipPointers_[skipPointersSize_++] = SkipValue(size_);
180 }
181 }
183 if /* constexpr */ (forwardQuantum != 0) {
184 if ((size_ + 1) % forwardQuantum == 0) {
185 const auto k = size_ / forwardQuantum;
186 // Store the number of preceding 0-bits.
187 forwardPointers_[k] = upperBits;
188 }
189 }
191 lastValue_ = value;
192 ++size_;
193 }
195 const MutableCompressedList& finish() const {
196 CHECK_EQ(size_, result_.size);
197 return result_;
198 }
200 private:
201 // Writes value (with len up to 56 bits) to data starting at pos-th bit.
202 static void
203 writeBits56(unsigned char* data, size_t pos, uint8_t len, uint64_t value) {
204 DCHECK_LE(uint32_t(len), 56);
205 DCHECK_EQ(0, value & ~((uint64_t(1) << len) - 1));
206 unsigned char* const ptr = data + (pos / 8);
207 uint64_t ptrv = folly::loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(ptr);
208 ptrv |= value << (pos % 8);
209 folly::storeUnaligned<uint64_t>(ptr, ptrv);
210 }
212 unsigned char* lower_ = nullptr;
213 unsigned char* upper_ = nullptr;
214 SkipValueType* skipPointers_ = nullptr;
215 SkipValueType* forwardPointers_ = nullptr;
217 ValueType lastValue_ = 0;
218 size_t size_ = 0;
219 size_t skipPointersSize_ = 0;
221 MutableCompressedList result_;
224template <
225 class Value,
226 class SkipValue,
227 size_t kSkipQuantum,
228 size_t kForwardQuantum,
229 bool kUpperFirst>
230struct EliasFanoEncoderV2<
231 Value,
232 SkipValue,
233 kSkipQuantum,
234 kForwardQuantum,
235 kUpperFirst>::Layout {
236 static Layout fromUpperBoundAndSize(size_t upperBound, size_t size) {
237 // numLowerBits can be at most 56 because of detail::writeBits56.
238 const uint8_t numLowerBits =
239 std::min(defaultNumLowerBits(upperBound, size), uint8_t(56));
240 // *** Upper bits.
241 // Upper bits are stored using unary delta encoding.
242 // For example, (3 5 5 9) will be encoded as 1000011001000_2.
243 const size_t upperSizeBits =
244 (upperBound >> numLowerBits) + // Number of 0-bits to be stored.
245 size; // 1-bits.
246 const size_t upper = (upperSizeBits + 7) / 8;
248 // *** Validity checks.
249 // Shift by numLowerBits must be valid.
250 CHECK_LT(numLowerBits, 8 * sizeof(Value));
251 CHECK_LT(size, std::numeric_limits<SkipValueType>::max());
253 upperBound >> numLowerBits, std::numeric_limits<SkipValueType>::max());
255 return fromInternalSizes(numLowerBits, upper, size);
256 }
258 static Layout
259 fromInternalSizes(uint8_t numLowerBits, size_t upper, size_t size) {
260 Layout layout;
261 layout.size = size;
262 layout.numLowerBits = numLowerBits;
264 layout.lower = (numLowerBits * size + 7) / 8;
265 layout.upper = upper;
267 // *** Skip pointers.
268 // Store (1-indexed) position of every skipQuantum-th
269 // 0-bit in upper bits sequence.
270 if /* constexpr */ (skipQuantum != 0) {
271 // 8 * upper is used here instead of upperSizeBits, as that is
272 // more serialization-friendly way (upperSizeBits doesn't need
273 // to be known by this function, unlike upper).
275 size_t numSkipPointers = (8 * upper - size) / skipQuantum;
276 layout.skipPointers = numSkipPointers * sizeof(SkipValueType);
277 }
279 // *** Forward pointers.
280 // Store (1-indexed) position of every forwardQuantum-th
281 // 1-bit in upper bits sequence.
282 if /* constexpr */ (forwardQuantum != 0) {
283 size_t numForwardPointers = size / forwardQuantum;
284 layout.forwardPointers = numForwardPointers * sizeof(SkipValueType);
285 }
287 return layout;
288 }
290 size_t bytes() const {
291 return lower + upper + skipPointers + forwardPointers;
292 }
294 template <class Range>
295 EliasFanoCompressedListBase<typename Range::iterator> openList(
296 Range& buf) const {
297 EliasFanoCompressedListBase<typename Range::iterator> result;
298 result.size = size;
299 result.numLowerBits = numLowerBits;
300 result.data = buf.subpiece(0, bytes());
302 auto advance = [&](size_t n) {
303 auto begin = buf.data();
304 buf.advance(n);
305 return begin;
306 };
308 result.skipPointers = advance(skipPointers);
309 result.forwardPointers = advance(forwardPointers);
310 if /* constexpr */ (kUpperFirst) {
311 result.upper = advance(upper);
312 result.lower = advance(lower);
313 } else {
314 result.lower = advance(lower);
315 result.upper = advance(upper);
316 }
318 return result;
319 }
321 MutableCompressedList allocList() const {
322 uint8_t* buf = nullptr;
323 // WARNING: Current read/write logic assumes that the 7 bytes
324 // following the last byte of lower and upper sequences are
325 // readable (stored value doesn't matter and won't be changed), so
326 // we allocate additional 7 bytes, but do not include them in size
327 // of returned value.
328 if (size > 0) {
329 buf = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(bytes() + 7));
330 }
331 folly::MutableByteRange bufRange(buf, bytes());
332 return openList(bufRange);
333 }
335 size_t size = 0;
336 uint8_t numLowerBits = 0;
338 // Sizes in bytes.
339 size_t lower = 0;
340 size_t upper = 0;
341 size_t skipPointers = 0;
342 size_t forwardPointers = 0;
345namespace detail {
347template <class Encoder, class Instructions, class SizeType>
348class UpperBitsReader : ForwardPointers<Encoder::forwardQuantum>,
349 SkipPointers<Encoder::skipQuantum> {
350 typedef typename Encoder::SkipValueType SkipValueType;
352 public:
353 typedef typename Encoder::ValueType ValueType;
355 explicit UpperBitsReader(const typename Encoder::CompressedList& list)
356 : ForwardPointers<Encoder::forwardQuantum>(list.forwardPointers),
357 SkipPointers<Encoder::skipQuantum>(list.skipPointers),
358 start_(list.upper) {
359 reset();
360 }
362 void reset() {
363 block_ = start_ != nullptr ? folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_) : 0;
364 position_ = std::numeric_limits<SizeType>::max();
365 outer_ = 0;
366 value_ = 0;
367 }
369 SizeType position() const {
370 return position_;
371 }
372 ValueType value() const {
373 return value_;
374 }
376 ValueType previous() {
377 size_t inner;
378 block_t block;
379 getPreviousInfo(block, inner, outer_);
380 block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_ + outer_);
381 block_ ^= block;
382 --position_;
383 return setValue(inner);
384 }
386 ValueType next() {
387 // Skip to the first non-zero block.
388 while (block_ == 0) {
389 outer_ += sizeof(block_t);
390 block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_ + outer_);
391 }
393 ++position_;
394 size_t inner = Instructions::ctz(block_);
395 block_ = Instructions::blsr(block_);
397 return setValue(inner);
398 }
400 ValueType skip(SizeType n) {
401 DCHECK_GT(n, 0);
403 position_ += n; // n 1-bits will be read.
405 // Use forward pointer.
406 if (Encoder::forwardQuantum > 0 && n > Encoder::forwardQuantum) {
407 const size_t steps = position_ / Encoder::forwardQuantum;
408 const size_t dest = folly::loadUnaligned<SkipValueType>(
409 this->forwardPointers_ + (steps - 1) * sizeof(SkipValueType));
411 reposition(dest + steps * Encoder::forwardQuantum);
412 n = position_ + 1 - steps * Encoder::forwardQuantum; // n is > 0.
413 }
415 size_t cnt;
416 // Find necessary block.
417 while ((cnt = Instructions::popcount(block_)) < n) {
418 n -= cnt;
419 outer_ += sizeof(block_t);
420 block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_ + outer_);
421 }
423 // Skip to the n-th one in the block.
424 DCHECK_GT(n, 0);
425 size_t inner = select64<Instructions>(block_, n - 1);
426 block_ &= (block_t(-1) << inner) << 1;
428 return setValue(inner);
429 }
431 // Skip to the first element that is >= v and located *after* the current
432 // one (so even if current value equals v, position will be increased by 1).
433 ValueType skipToNext(ValueType v) {
434 DCHECK_GE(v, value_);
436 // Use skip pointer.
437 if (Encoder::skipQuantum > 0 && v >= value_ + Encoder::skipQuantum) {
438 const size_t steps = v / Encoder::skipQuantum;
439 const size_t dest = folly::loadUnaligned<SkipValueType>(
440 this->skipPointers_ + (steps - 1) * sizeof(SkipValueType));
442 reposition(dest + Encoder::skipQuantum * steps);
443 position_ = dest - 1;
445 // Correct value_ will be set during the next() call at the end.
447 // NOTE: Corresponding block of lower bits sequence may be
448 // prefetched here (via __builtin_prefetch), but experiments
449 // didn't show any significant improvements.
450 }
452 // Skip by blocks.
453 size_t cnt;
454 size_t skip = v - (8 * outer_ - position_ - 1);
456 constexpr size_t kBitsPerBlock = 8 * sizeof(block_t);
457 while ((cnt = Instructions::popcount(~block_)) < skip) {
458 skip -= cnt;
459 position_ += kBitsPerBlock - cnt;
460 outer_ += sizeof(block_t);
461 block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_ + outer_);
462 }
464 if (LIKELY(skip)) {
465 auto inner = select64<Instructions>(~block_, skip - 1);
466 position_ += inner - skip + 1;
467 block_ &= block_t(-1) << inner;
468 }
470 next();
471 return value_;
472 }
474 /**
475 * Prepare to skip to `value`. This is a constant-time operation that will
476 * prefetch memory required for a `skipTo(value)` call.
477 *
478 * @return position of reader
479 */
480 SizeType prepareSkipTo(ValueType v) const {
481 auto position = position_;
483 if (Encoder::skipQuantum > 0 && v >= value_ + Encoder::skipQuantum) {
484 auto outer = outer_;
485 const size_t steps = v / Encoder::skipQuantum;
486 const size_t dest = folly::loadUnaligned<SkipValueType>(
487 this->skipPointers_ + (steps - 1) * sizeof(SkipValueType));
489 position = dest - 1;
490 outer = (dest + Encoder::skipQuantum * steps) / 8;
492 // Prefetch up to the beginning of where we linear search. After that,
493 // hardware prefetching will outperform our own. In addition, this
494 // simplifies calculating what to prefetch as we don't have to calculate
495 // the entire destination address. Two cache lines are prefetched because
496 // this results in fewer cycles used (based on practical results) than
497 // one. However, three cache lines does not have any additional effect.
498 const auto addr = start_ + outer;
499 __builtin_prefetch(addr);
500 __builtin_prefetch(addr + kCacheLineSize);
501 }
503 return position;
504 }
506 ValueType jump(size_t n) {
507 if (Encoder::forwardQuantum == 0 || n <= Encoder::forwardQuantum) {
508 reset();
509 } else {
510 // Avoid reading the head, skip() will reposition.
511 position_ = std::numeric_limits<SizeType>::max();
512 }
513 return skip(n);
514 }
516 ValueType jumpToNext(ValueType v) {
517 if (Encoder::skipQuantum == 0 || v < Encoder::skipQuantum) {
518 reset();
519 } else {
520 value_ = 0; // Avoid reading the head, skipToNext() will reposition.
521 }
522 return skipToNext(v);
523 }
525 ValueType previousValue() const {
526 block_t block;
527 size_t inner;
528 OuterType outer;
529 getPreviousInfo(block, inner, outer);
530 return static_cast<ValueType>(8 * outer + inner - (position_ - 1));
531 }
533 void setDone(SizeType endPos) {
534 position_ = endPos;
535 }
537 private:
538 ValueType setValue(size_t inner) {
539 value_ = static_cast<ValueType>(8 * outer_ + inner - position_);
540 return value_;
541 }
543 void reposition(SizeType dest) {
544 outer_ = dest / 8;
545 block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_ + outer_);
546 block_ &= ~((block_t(1) << (dest % 8)) - 1);
547 }
549 using block_t = uint64_t;
550 // The size in bytes of the upper bits is limited by n + universe / 8,
551 // so a type that can hold either sizes or values is sufficient.
552 using OuterType = typename std::common_type<ValueType, SizeType>::type;
554 void getPreviousInfo(block_t& block, size_t& inner, OuterType& outer) const {
555 DCHECK_NE(position(), std::numeric_limits<SizeType>::max());
556 DCHECK_GT(position(), 0);
558 outer = outer_;
559 block = folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_ + outer);
560 inner = size_t(value_) - 8 * outer_ + position_;
561 block &= (block_t(1) << inner) - 1;
562 while (UNLIKELY(block == 0)) {
563 DCHECK_GT(outer, 0);
564 outer -= std::min<OuterType>(sizeof(block_t), outer);
565 block = folly::loadUnaligned<block_t>(start_ + outer);
566 }
567 inner = 8 * sizeof(block_t) - 1 - Instructions::clz(block);
568 }
570 const unsigned char* const start_;
571 block_t block_;
572 SizeType position_; // Index of current value (= #reads - 1).
573 OuterType outer_; // Outer offset: number of consumed bytes in upper.
574 ValueType value_;
577} // namespace detail
579// If kUnchecked = true the caller must guarantee that all the
580// operations return valid elements, i.e., they would never return
581// false if checked.
582template <
583 class Encoder,
584 class Instructions = instructions::Default,
585 bool kUnchecked = false,
586 class SizeType = size_t>
587class EliasFanoReader {
588 public:
589 typedef Encoder EncoderType;
590 typedef typename Encoder::ValueType ValueType;
592 explicit EliasFanoReader(const typename Encoder::CompressedList& list)
593 : upper_(list),
594 lower_(list.lower),
595 size_(list.size),
596 numLowerBits_(list.numLowerBits) {
597 DCHECK(Instructions::supported());
598 // To avoid extra branching during skipTo() while reading
599 // upper sequence we need to know the last element.
600 // If kUnchecked == true, we do not check that skipTo() is called
601 // within the bounds, so we can avoid initializing lastValue_.
602 if (kUnchecked || UNLIKELY(list.size == 0)) {
603 lastValue_ = 0;
604 return;
605 }
606 ValueType lastUpperValue = ValueType(8 * list.upperSize() - size_);
607 auto it = list.upper + list.upperSize() - 1;
608 DCHECK_NE(*it, 0);
609 lastUpperValue -= 8 - folly::findLastSet(*it);
610 lastValue_ = readLowerPart(size_ - 1) | (lastUpperValue << numLowerBits_);
611 }
613 void reset() {
614 upper_.reset();
615 value_ = kInvalidValue;
616 }
618 bool previous() {
619 if (!kUnchecked && UNLIKELY(position() == 0)) {
620 reset();
621 return false;
622 }
623 upper_.previous();
624 value_ =
625 readLowerPart(upper_.position()) | (upper_.value() << numLowerBits_);
626 return true;
627 }
629 bool next() {
630 if (!kUnchecked && UNLIKELY(position() + 1 >= size_)) {
631 return setDone();
632 }
633 upper_.next();
634 value_ =
635 readLowerPart(upper_.position()) | (upper_.value() << numLowerBits_);
636 return true;
637 }
639 bool skip(SizeType n) {
640 CHECK_GT(n, 0);
642 if (kUnchecked || LIKELY(position() + n < size_)) {
643 if (LIKELY(n < kLinearScanThreshold)) {
644 for (SizeType i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
645 upper_.next();
646 }
647 } else {
648 upper_.skip(n);
649 }
650 value_ =
651 readLowerPart(upper_.position()) | (upper_.value() << numLowerBits_);
652 return true;
653 }
655 return setDone();
656 }
658 bool skipTo(ValueType value) {
659 // Also works when value_ == kInvalidValue.
660 if (value != kInvalidValue) {
661 DCHECK_GE(value + 1, value_ + 1);
662 }
664 if (!kUnchecked && value > lastValue_) {
665 return setDone();
666 } else if (value == value_) {
667 return true;
668 }
670 ValueType upperValue = (value >> numLowerBits_);
671 ValueType upperSkip = upperValue - upper_.value();
672 // The average density of ones in upper bits is 1/2.
673 // LIKELY here seems to make things worse, even for small skips.
674 if (upperSkip < 2 * kLinearScanThreshold) {
675 do {
676 upper_.next();
677 } while (UNLIKELY(upper_.value() < upperValue));
678 } else {
679 upper_.skipToNext(upperValue);
680 }
682 iterateTo(value);
683 return true;
684 }
686 /**
687 * Prepare to skip to `value` by prefetching appropriate memory in both the
688 * upper and lower bits.
689 */
690 void prepareSkipTo(ValueType value) const {
691 // Also works when value_ == kInvalidValue.
692 if (value != kInvalidValue) {
693 DCHECK_GE(value + 1, value_ + 1);
694 }
696 if ((!kUnchecked && value > lastValue_) || (value == value_)) {
697 return;
698 }
700 // Do minimal computation required to prefetch address used in
701 // `readLowerPart()`.
702 ValueType upperValue = (value >> numLowerBits_);
703 const auto upperPosition = upper_.prepareSkipTo(upperValue);
704 const auto addr = lower_ + (upperPosition * numLowerBits_ / 8);
705 __builtin_prefetch(addr);
706 __builtin_prefetch(addr + kCacheLineSize);
707 }
709 bool jump(SizeType n) {
710 if (LIKELY(n < size_)) { // Also checks that n != -1.
711 value_ = readLowerPart(n) | (upper_.jump(n + 1) << numLowerBits_);
712 return true;
713 }
714 return setDone();
715 }
717 bool jumpTo(ValueType value) {
718 if (!kUnchecked && value > lastValue_) {
719 return setDone();
720 }
722 upper_.jumpToNext(value >> numLowerBits_);
723 iterateTo(value);
724 return true;
725 }
727 ValueType lastValue() const {
728 CHECK(!kUnchecked);
729 return lastValue_;
730 }
732 ValueType previousValue() const {
733 DCHECK_GT(position(), 0);
734 DCHECK_LT(position(), size());
735 return readLowerPart(upper_.position() - 1) |
736 (upper_.previousValue() << numLowerBits_);
737 }
739 SizeType size() const {
740 return size_;
741 }
743 bool valid() const {
744 return position() < size(); // Also checks that position() != -1.
745 }
747 SizeType position() const {
748 return upper_.position();
749 }
750 ValueType value() const {
751 DCHECK(valid());
752 return value_;
753 }
755 private:
756 // Must hold kInvalidValue + 1 == 0.
757 constexpr static ValueType kInvalidValue =
758 std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
760 bool setDone() {
761 value_ = kInvalidValue;
762 upper_.setDone(size_);
763 return false;
764 }
766 ValueType readLowerPart(SizeType i) const {
767 DCHECK_LT(i, size_);
768 const size_t pos = i * numLowerBits_;
769 const unsigned char* ptr = lower_ + (pos / 8);
770 const uint64_t ptrv = folly::loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(ptr);
771 // This removes the branch in the fallback implementation of
772 // bzhi. The condition is verified at encoding time.
773 assume(numLowerBits_ < sizeof(ValueType) * 8);
774 return Instructions::bzhi(ptrv >> (pos % 8), numLowerBits_);
775 }
777 void iterateTo(ValueType value) {
778 while (true) {
779 value_ =
780 readLowerPart(upper_.position()) | (upper_.value() << numLowerBits_);
781 if (LIKELY(value_ >= value)) {
782 break;
783 }
784 upper_.next();
785 }
786 }
788 constexpr static size_t kLinearScanThreshold = 8;
790 detail::UpperBitsReader<Encoder, Instructions, SizeType> upper_;
791 const uint8_t* lower_;
792 SizeType size_;
793 ValueType value_ = kInvalidValue;
794 ValueType lastValue_;
795 uint8_t numLowerBits_;
798} // namespace compression
799} // namespace folly