6#include "core/object/object.h"
7#include "core/object/script_language.h"
9static const int TEMPLATES_ARRAY_SIZE = 10;
11static const struct ScriptLanguage::ScriptTemplate TEMPLATES[10] = {
12 { String("CharacterBody2D"), String("Basic Movement"), String("Classic movement for gravity games (platformer, ...)"), String("extends _BASE_\n\n\nconst SPEED = 300.0\nconst JUMP_VELOCITY = -400.0\n\n# Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.\nvar gravity: int = ProjectSettings.get_setting(\"physics/2d/default_gravity\")\n\n\nfunc _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:\n_TS_# Add the gravity.\n_TS_if not is_on_floor():\n_TS__TS_velocity.y += gravity * delta\n\n_TS_# Handle Jump.\n_TS_if Input.is_action_just_pressed(\"ui_accept\") and is_on_floor():\n_TS__TS_velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY\n\n_TS_# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.\n_TS_# As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.\n_TS_var direction := Input.get_axis(\"ui_left\", \"ui_right\")\n_TS_if direction:\n_TS__TS_velocity.x = direction * SPEED\n_TS_else:\n_TS__TS_velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)\n\n_TS_move_and_slide()\n") },
13 { String("CharacterBody3D"), String("Basic Movement"), String("Classic movement for gravity games (FPS, TPS, ...)"), String("extends _BASE_\n\n\nconst SPEED = 5.0\nconst JUMP_VELOCITY = 4.5\n\n# Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.\nvar gravity: float = ProjectSettings.get_setting(\"physics/3d/default_gravity\")\n\n\nfunc _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:\n_TS_# Add the gravity.\n_TS_if not is_on_floor():\n_TS__TS_velocity.y -= gravity * delta\n\n_TS_# Handle Jump.\n_TS_if Input.is_action_just_pressed(\"ui_accept\") and is_on_floor():\n_TS__TS_velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY\n\n_TS_# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.\n_TS_# As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.\n_TS_var input_dir := Input.get_vector(\"ui_left\", \"ui_right\", \"ui_up\", \"ui_down\")\n_TS_var direction := (transform.basis * Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).normalized()\n_TS_if direction:\n_TS__TS_velocity.x = direction.x * SPEED\n_TS__TS_velocity.z = direction.z * SPEED\n_TS_else:\n_TS__TS_velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)\n_TS__TS_velocity.z = move_toward(velocity.z, 0, SPEED)\n\n_TS_move_and_slide()\n") },
14 { String("EditorPlugin"), String("Plugin"), String("Basic plugin template"), String("@tool\nextends EditorPlugin\n\n\nfunc _enter_tree() -> void:\n_TS_# Initialization of the plugin goes here.\n_TS_pass\n\n\nfunc _exit_tree() -> void:\n_TS_# Clean-up of the plugin goes here.\n_TS_pass\n") },
15 { String("EditorScenePostImport"), String("Basic Import Script"), String("Basic import script template"), String("@tool\nextends EditorScenePostImport\n\n\n# Called by the editor when a scene has this script set as the import script in the import tab.\nfunc _post_import(scene: Node) -> Object:\n_TS_# Modify the contents of the scene upon import.\n_TS_return scene # Return the modified root node when you're done.\n") },
16 { String("EditorScenePostImport"), String("No Comments"), String("Basic import script template (no comments)"), String("@tool\nextends EditorScenePostImport\n\n\nfunc _post_import(scene: Node) -> Object:\n_TS_return scene\n") },
17 { String("EditorScript"), String("Basic Editor Script"), String("Basic editor script template"), String("@tool\nextends EditorScript\n\n\n# Called when the script is executed (using File -> Run in Script Editor).\nfunc _run() -> void:\n_TS_pass\n") },
18 { String("Node"), String("Default"), String("Base template for Node with default Godot cycle methods"), String("extends _BASE_\n\n\n# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.\nfunc _ready() -> void:\n_TS_pass # Replace with function body.\n\n\n# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.\nfunc _process(delta: float) -> void:\n_TS_pass\n") },
19 { String("Object"), String("Empty"), String("Empty template suitable for all Objects"), String("extends _BASE_\n") },
20 { String("RichTextEffect"), String("Default"), String("Base template for rich text effects"), String("@tool\nclass_name _CLASS_\nextends _BASE_\n\n\n# To use this effect:\n# - Enable BBCode on a RichTextLabel.\n# - Register this effect on the label.\n# - Use [_CLASS_ param=2.0]hello[/_CLASS_] in text.\nvar bbcode := \"_CLASS_\"\n\n\nfunc _process_custom_fx(char_fx: CharFXTransform) -> bool:\n_TS_var param: float = char_fx.env.get(\"param\", 1.0)\n_TS_return true\n") },
21 { String("VisualShaderNodeCustom"), String("Basic"), String("Visual shader's node plugin template"), String("@tool\nclass_name VisualShaderNode_CLASS_\nextends _BASE_\n\n\nfunc _get_name() -> String:\n_TS_return \"_CLASS_\"\n\n\nfunc _get_category() -> String:\n_TS_return \"\"\n\n\nfunc _get_description() -> String:\n_TS_return \"\"\n\n\nfunc _get_return_icon_type() -> int:\n_TS_return PORT_TYPE_SCALAR\n\n\nfunc _get_input_port_count() -> int:\n_TS_return 0\n\n\nfunc _get_input_port_name(port: int) -> String:\n_TS_return \"\"\n\n\nfunc _get_input_port_type(port: int) -> int:\n_TS_return PORT_TYPE_SCALAR\n\n\nfunc _get_output_port_count() -> int:\n_TS_return 1\n\n\nfunc _get_output_port_name(port: int) -> String:\n_TS_return \"result\"\n\n\nfunc _get_output_port_type(port: int) -> int:\n_TS_return PORT_TYPE_SCALAR\n\n\nfunc _get_code(input_vars: Array[String], output_vars: Array[String],\n_TS__TS_mode: int, type: int) -> String:\n_TS_return output_vars[0] + \" = 0.0;\"\n") },