1/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
2// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
3#ident "$Id$"
5This file is part of PerconaFT.
8Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
10 PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
12 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14 PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with PerconaFT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
24 PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
25 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
26 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
28 PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
29 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
31 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
33 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
34 along with PerconaFT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
35======= */
37#ident "Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
39#pragma once
41#include <atomic>
43#include <db.h>
44#include <toku_pthread.h>
45#include <toku_time.h>
47#include <ft/comparator.h>
48#include <ft/ft-ops.h> // just for DICTIONARY_ID..
50#include <util/omt.h>
52#include "txnid_set.h"
53#include "wfg.h"
54#include "range_buffer.h"
57namespace toku {
59 class locktree;
60 class locktree_manager;
61 class lock_request;
62 class concurrent_tree;
64 typedef int (*lt_create_cb)(locktree *lt, void *extra);
65 typedef void (*lt_destroy_cb)(locktree *lt);
66 typedef void (*lt_escalate_cb)(TXNID txnid, const locktree *lt, const range_buffer &buffer, void *extra);
68 struct lt_counters {
69 uint64_t wait_count, wait_time;
70 uint64_t long_wait_count, long_wait_time;
71 uint64_t timeout_count;
73 void add(const lt_counters &rhs) {
74 wait_count += rhs.wait_count;
75 wait_time += rhs.wait_time;
76 long_wait_count += rhs.long_wait_count;
77 long_wait_time += rhs.long_wait_time;
78 timeout_count += rhs.timeout_count;
79 }
80 };
82 // Lock request state for some locktree
83 struct lt_lock_request_info {
84 omt<lock_request *> pending_lock_requests;
85 std::atomic_bool pending_is_empty;
86 toku_mutex_t mutex;
87 bool should_retry_lock_requests;
88 lt_counters counters;
89 std::atomic_ullong retry_want;
90 unsigned long long retry_done;
91 toku_mutex_t retry_mutex;
92 toku_cond_t retry_cv;
93 bool running_retry;
95 void init(void);
96 void destroy(void);
97 };
99 // The locktree manager manages a set of locktrees, one for each open
100 // dictionary. Locktrees are retrieved from the manager. When they are no
101 // longer needed, they are be released by the user.
102 class locktree_manager {
103 public:
104 // param: create_cb, called just after a locktree is first created.
105 // destroy_cb, called just before a locktree is destroyed.
106 // escalate_cb, called after a locktree is escalated (with extra
107 // param)
108 void create(lt_create_cb create_cb,
109 lt_destroy_cb destroy_cb,
110 lt_escalate_cb escalate_cb,
111 void *extra);
113 void destroy(void);
115 size_t get_max_lock_memory(void);
117 int set_max_lock_memory(size_t max_lock_memory);
119 // effect: Get a locktree from the manager. If a locktree exists with the given
120 // dict_id, it is referenced and then returned. If one did not exist, it
121 // is created. It will use the comparator for comparing keys. The on_create
122 // callback (passed to locktree_manager::create()) will be called with the
123 // given extra parameter.
124 locktree *get_lt(DICTIONARY_ID dict_id, const comparator &cmp, void *on_create_extra);
126 void reference_lt(locktree *lt);
128 // effect: Releases one reference on a locktree. If the reference count transitions
129 // to zero, the on_destroy callback is called before it gets destroyed.
130 void release_lt(locktree *lt);
132 void get_status(LTM_STATUS status);
134 // effect: calls the iterate function on each pending lock request
135 // note: holds the manager's mutex
136 typedef int (*lock_request_iterate_callback)(DICTIONARY_ID dict_id,
137 TXNID txnid,
138 const DBT *left_key,
139 const DBT *right_key,
140 TXNID blocking_txnid,
141 uint64_t start_time,
142 void *extra);
143 int iterate_pending_lock_requests(lock_request_iterate_callback cb, void *extra);
145 // effect: Determines if too many locks or too much memory is being used,
146 // Runs escalation on the manager if so.
147 // param: big_txn, if the current transaction is 'big' (has spilled rollback logs)
148 // returns: 0 if there enough resources to create a new lock, or TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS
149 // if there are not enough resources and lock escalation failed to free up
150 // enough resources for a new lock.
151 int check_current_lock_constraints(bool big_txn);
153 bool over_big_threshold(void);
155 void note_mem_used(uint64_t mem_used);
157 void note_mem_released(uint64_t mem_freed);
159 bool out_of_locks(void) const;
161 // Escalate all locktrees
162 void escalate_all_locktrees(void);
164 // Escalate a set of locktrees
165 void escalate_locktrees(locktree **locktrees, int num_locktrees);
167 // effect: calls the private function run_escalation(), only ok to
168 // do for tests.
169 // rationale: to get better stress test coverage, we want a way to
170 // deterministicly trigger lock escalation.
171 void run_escalation_for_test(void);
172 void run_escalation(void);
174 // Add time t to the escalator's wait time statistics
175 void add_escalator_wait_time(uint64_t t);
177 void kill_waiter(void *extra);
179 private:
180 static const uint64_t DEFAULT_MAX_LOCK_MEMORY = 64L * 1024 * 1024;
182 // tracks the current number of locks and lock memory
183 uint64_t m_max_lock_memory;
184 uint64_t m_current_lock_memory;
186 struct lt_counters m_lt_counters;
188 // the create and destroy callbacks for the locktrees
189 lt_create_cb m_lt_create_callback;
190 lt_destroy_cb m_lt_destroy_callback;
191 lt_escalate_cb m_lt_escalate_callback;
192 void *m_lt_escalate_callback_extra;
194 omt<locktree *> m_locktree_map;
196 // the manager's mutex protects the locktree map
197 toku_mutex_t m_mutex;
199 void mutex_lock(void);
201 void mutex_unlock(void);
203 // Manage the set of open locktrees
204 locktree *locktree_map_find(const DICTIONARY_ID &dict_id);
205 void locktree_map_put(locktree *lt);
206 void locktree_map_remove(locktree *lt);
208 static int find_by_dict_id(locktree *const &lt, const DICTIONARY_ID &dict_id);
210 void escalator_init(void);
211 void escalator_destroy(void);
213 // statistics about lock escalation.
214 toku_mutex_t m_escalation_mutex;
215 uint64_t m_escalation_count;
216 tokutime_t m_escalation_time;
217 uint64_t m_escalation_latest_result;
218 uint64_t m_wait_escalation_count;
219 uint64_t m_wait_escalation_time;
220 uint64_t m_long_wait_escalation_count;
221 uint64_t m_long_wait_escalation_time;
223 // the escalator coordinates escalation on a set of locktrees for a bunch of threads
224 class locktree_escalator {
225 public:
226 void create(void);
227 void destroy(void);
228 void run(locktree_manager *mgr, void (*escalate_locktrees_fun)(void *extra), void *extra);
230 private:
231 toku_mutex_t m_escalator_mutex;
232 toku_cond_t m_escalator_done;
233 bool m_escalator_running;
234 };
236 locktree_escalator m_escalator;
238 friend class manager_unit_test;
239 };
241 // A locktree represents the set of row locks owned by all transactions
242 // over an open dictionary. Read and write ranges are represented as
243 // a left and right key which are compared with the given comparator
244 //
245 // Locktrees are not created and destroyed by the user. Instead, they are
246 // referenced and released using the locktree manager.
247 //
248 // A sample workflow looks like this:
249 // - Create a manager.
250 // - Get a locktree by dictionaroy id from the manager.
251 // - Perform read/write lock acquision on the locktree, add references to
252 // the locktree using the manager, release locks, release references, etc.
253 // - ...
254 // - Release the final reference to the locktree. It will be destroyed.
255 // - Destroy the manager.
256 class locktree {
257 public:
258 // effect: Creates a locktree
259 void create(locktree_manager *mgr, DICTIONARY_ID dict_id, const comparator &cmp);
261 void destroy(void);
263 // For thread-safe, external reference counting
264 void add_reference(void);
266 // requires: the reference count is > 0
267 // returns: the reference count, after decrementing it by one
268 uint32_t release_reference(void);
270 // returns: the current reference count
271 uint32_t get_reference_count(void);
273 // effect: Attempts to grant a read lock for the range of keys between [left_key, right_key].
274 // returns: If the lock cannot be granted, return DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED, and populate the
275 // given conflicts set with the txnids that hold conflicting locks in the range.
276 // If the locktree cannot create more locks, return TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS.
277 // note: Read locks cannot be shared between txnids, as one would expect.
278 // This is for simplicity since read locks are rare in MySQL.
279 int acquire_read_lock(TXNID txnid, const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key, txnid_set *conflicts, bool big_txn);
281 // effect: Attempts to grant a write lock for the range of keys between [left_key, right_key].
282 // returns: If the lock cannot be granted, return DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED, and populate the
283 // given conflicts set with the txnids that hold conflicting locks in the range.
284 // If the locktree cannot create more locks, return TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS.
285 int acquire_write_lock(TXNID txnid, const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key, txnid_set *conflicts, bool big_txn);
287 // effect: populate the conflicts set with the txnids that would preventing
288 // the given txnid from getting a lock on [left_key, right_key]
289 void get_conflicts(bool is_write_request, TXNID txnid,
290 const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key, txnid_set *conflicts);
292 // effect: Release all of the lock ranges represented by the range buffer for a txnid.
293 void release_locks(TXNID txnid, const range_buffer *ranges);
295 // effect: Runs escalation on this locktree
296 void escalate(lt_escalate_cb after_escalate_callback, void *extra);
298 // returns: The userdata associated with this locktree, or null if it has not been set.
299 void *get_userdata(void) const;
301 void set_userdata(void *userdata);
303 locktree_manager *get_manager(void) const;
305 void set_comparator(const comparator &cmp);
307 int compare(const locktree *lt) const;
309 DICTIONARY_ID get_dict_id() const;
311 // Private info struct for storing pending lock request state.
312 // Only to be used by lock requests. We store it here as
313 // something less opaque than usual to strike a tradeoff between
314 // abstraction and code complexity. It is still fairly abstract
315 // since the lock_request object is opaque
316 struct lt_lock_request_info *get_lock_request_info(void);
318 private:
319 locktree_manager *m_mgr;
320 DICTIONARY_ID m_dict_id;
321 uint32_t m_reference_count;
323 // Since the memory referenced by this comparator is not owned by the
324 // locktree, the user must guarantee it will outlive the locktree.
325 //
326 // The ydb API accomplishes this by opening an ft_handle in the on_create
327 // callback, which will keep the underlying FT (and its descriptor) in memory
328 // for as long as the handle is open. The ft_handle is stored opaquely in the
329 // userdata pointer below. see locktree_manager::get_lt w/ on_create_extra
330 comparator m_cmp;
332 concurrent_tree *m_rangetree;
334 void *m_userdata;
335 struct lt_lock_request_info m_lock_request_info;
337 // The following fields and members prefixed with "sto_" are for
338 // the single txnid optimization, intended to speed up the case
339 // when only one transaction is using the locktree. If we know
340 // the locktree has only one transaction, then acquiring locks
341 // takes O(1) work and releasing all locks takes O(1) work.
342 //
343 // How do we know that the locktree only has a single txnid?
344 // What do we do if it does?
345 //
346 // When a txn with txnid T requests a lock:
347 // - If the tree is empty, the optimization is possible. Set the single
348 // txnid to T, and insert the lock range into the buffer.
349 // - If the tree is not empty, check if the single txnid is T. If so,
350 // append the lock range to the buffer. Otherwise, migrate all of
351 // the locks in the buffer into the rangetree on behalf of txnid T,
352 // and invalid the single txnid.
353 //
354 // When a txn with txnid T releases its locks:
355 // - If the single txnid is valid, it must be for T. Destroy the buffer.
356 // - If it's not valid, release locks the normal way in the rangetree.
357 //
358 // To carry out the optimization we need to record a single txnid
359 // and a range buffer for each locktree, each protected by the root
360 // lock of the locktree's rangetree. The root lock for a rangetree
361 // is grabbed by preparing a locked keyrange on the rangetree.
362 TXNID m_sto_txnid;
363 range_buffer m_sto_buffer;
365 // The single txnid optimization speeds up the case when only one
366 // transaction is using the locktree. But it has the potential to
367 // hurt the case when more than one txnid exists.
368 //
369 // There are two things we need to do to make the optimization only
370 // optimize the case we care about, and not hurt the general case.
371 //
372 // Bound the worst-case latency for lock migration when the
373 // optimization stops working:
374 // - Idea: Stop the optimization and migrate immediate if we notice
375 // the single txnid has takes many locks in the range buffer.
376 // - Implementation: Enforce a max size on the single txnid range buffer.
377 // - Analysis: Choosing the perfect max value, M, is difficult to do
378 // without some feedback from the field. Intuition tells us that M should
379 // not be so small that the optimization is worthless, and it should not
380 // be so big that it's unreasonable to have to wait behind a thread doing
381 // the work of converting M buffer locks into rangetree locks.
382 //
383 // Prevent concurrent-transaction workloads from trying the optimization
384 // in vain:
385 // - Idea: Don't even bother trying the optimization if we think the
386 // system is in a concurrent-transaction state.
387 // - Implementation: Do something even simpler than detecting whether the
388 // system is in a concurent-transaction state. Just keep a "score" value
389 // and some threshold. If at any time the locktree is eligible for the
390 // optimization, only do it if the score is at this threshold. When you
391 // actually do the optimization but someone has to migrate locks in the buffer
392 // (expensive), then reset the score back to zero. Each time a txn
393 // releases locks, the score is incremented by 1.
394 // - Analysis: If you let the threshold be "C", then at most 1 / C txns will
395 // do the optimization in a concurrent-transaction system. Similarly, it
396 // takes at most C txns to start using the single txnid optimzation, which
397 // is good when the system transitions from multithreaded to single threaded.
398 //
400 //
401 // We choose the max value to be 1 million since most transactions are smaller
402 // than 1 million and we can create a rangetree of 1 million elements in
403 // less than a second. So we can be pretty confident that this threshold
404 // enables the optimization almost always, and prevents super pathological
405 // latency issues for the first lock taken by a second thread.
406 //
408 //
409 // A simple first guess at a good value for the score threshold is 100.
410 // By our analysis, we'd end up doing the optimization in vain for
411 // around 1% of all transactions, which seems reasonable. Further,
412 // if the system goes single threaded, it ought to be pretty quick
413 // for 100 transactions to go by, so we won't have to wait long before
414 // we start doing the single txind optimzation again.
415 static const int STO_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE = 50 * 1024;
416 static const int STO_SCORE_THRESHOLD = 100;
417 int m_sto_score;
419 // statistics about time spent ending the STO early
420 uint64_t m_sto_end_early_count;
421 tokutime_t m_sto_end_early_time;
423 // effect: begins the single txnid optimizaiton, setting m_sto_txnid
424 // to the given txnid.
425 // requires: m_sto_txnid is invalid
426 void sto_begin(TXNID txnid);
428 // effect: append a range to the sto buffer
429 // requires: m_sto_txnid is valid
430 void sto_append(const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key);
432 // effect: ends the single txnid optimization, releaseing any memory
433 // stored in the sto buffer, notifying the tracker, and
434 // invalidating m_sto_txnid.
435 // requires: m_sto_txnid is valid
436 void sto_end(void);
438 // params: prepared_lkr is a void * to a prepared locked keyrange. see below.
439 // effect: ends the single txnid optimization early, migrating buffer locks
440 // into the rangetree, calling sto_end(), and then setting the
441 // sto_score back to zero.
442 // requires: m_sto_txnid is valid
443 void sto_end_early(void *prepared_lkr);
444 void sto_end_early_no_accounting(void *prepared_lkr);
446 // params: prepared_lkr is a void * to a prepared locked keyrange. we can't use
447 // the real type because the compiler won't allow us to forward declare
448 // concurrent_tree::locked_keyrange without including concurrent_tree.h,
449 // which we cannot do here because it is a template implementation.
450 // requires: the prepared locked keyrange is for the locktree's rangetree
451 // requires: m_sto_txnid is valid
452 // effect: migrates each lock in the single txnid buffer into the locktree's
453 // rangetree, notifying the memory tracker as necessary.
454 void sto_migrate_buffer_ranges_to_tree(void *prepared_lkr);
456 // effect: If m_sto_txnid is valid, then release the txnid's locks
457 // by ending the optimization.
458 // requires: If m_sto_txnid is valid, it is equal to the given txnid
459 // returns: True if locks were released for this txnid
460 bool sto_try_release(TXNID txnid);
462 // params: prepared_lkr is a void * to a prepared locked keyrange. see above.
463 // requires: the prepared locked keyrange is for the locktree's rangetree
464 // effect: If m_sto_txnid is valid and equal to the given txnid, then
465 // append a range onto the buffer. Otherwise, if m_sto_txnid is valid
466 // but not equal to this txnid, then migrate the buffer's locks
467 // into the rangetree and end the optimization, setting the score
468 // back to zero.
469 // returns: true if the lock was acquired for this txnid
470 bool sto_try_acquire(void *prepared_lkr, TXNID txnid,
471 const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key);
473 // Effect:
474 // Provides a hook for a helgrind suppression.
475 // Returns:
476 // true if m_sto_txnid is not TXNID_NONE
477 bool sto_txnid_is_valid_unsafe(void) const;
479 // Effect:
480 // Provides a hook for a helgrind suppression.
481 // Returns:
482 // m_sto_score
483 int sto_get_score_unsafe(void )const;
485 void remove_overlapping_locks_for_txnid(TXNID txnid,
486 const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key);
488 int acquire_lock_consolidated(void *prepared_lkr, TXNID txnid,
489 const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key,
490 txnid_set *conflicts);
492 int acquire_lock(bool is_write_request, TXNID txnid,
493 const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key,
494 txnid_set *conflicts);
496 int try_acquire_lock(bool is_write_request, TXNID txnid,
497 const DBT *left_key, const DBT *right_key,
498 txnid_set *conflicts, bool big_txn);
501 friend class locktree_unit_test;
502 friend class manager_unit_test;
503 friend class lock_request_unit_test;
505 // engine status reaches into the locktree to read some stats
506 friend void locktree_manager::get_status(LTM_STATUS status);
507 };
509} /* namespace toku */