2 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5 *
6 * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2019 MonetDB B.V.
7 */
9#ifndef _MAL_CLIENT_H_
10#define _MAL_CLIENT_H_
12#include "mal.h"
13/*#define MAL_CLIENT_DEBUG */
15#include "mal_resolve.h"
19enum clientmode {
27 * The prompt structure is designed to simplify recognition of the
28 * language framework for interaction. For access through an API we
29 * assume the prompt is an ASCII string surrounded by a \001 character. This
30 * simplifies recognition. The information between the prompt brackets
31 * can be used to pass the mode to the front-end. Moreover, the prompt
32 * can be dropped if a single stream of information is expected from the
33 * server (see mal_profiler.c).
34 *
35 * The user can request server-side compilation as part of the
36 * initialization string. See the documentation on Scenarios.
37 */
38typedef struct CLIENT_INPUT {
39 bstream *fdin;
40 size_t yycur;
41 int listing;
42 char *prompt;
43 struct CLIENT_INPUT *next;
44} ClientInput;
46typedef struct CLIENT {
47 int idx; /* entry in mal_clients */
48 oid user; /* user id in the auth administration */
49 str username; /* for event processor */
50 /*
51 * The actions for a client is separated into several stages:
52 * parsing, strategic optimization, tactical optimization, and
53 * execution. The routines to handle them are obtained once the
54 * scenario is chosen. Each stage carries a state descriptor, but
55 * they share the IO state description. A backup structure is
56 * provided to temporarily switch to another scenario.
57 */
58 str scenario; /* scenario management references */
59 str oldscenario;
62 char itrace; /* trace execution using interactive mdb */
63 /* if set to 'S' it will put the process to sleep */
64 bit sqlprofiler; /* control off-line sql performance monitoring */
65 /*
66 * Each session comes with resource limitations and predefined settings.
67 */
68 char optimizer[IDLENGTH];/* The optimizer pipe preferred for this session */
69 int workerlimit; /* maximum number of workthreads processing a query */
70 int memorylimit; /* Memory claim highwater mark, 0 = no limit */
71 lng querytimeout; /* query abort after x usec, 0 = no limit*/
72 lng sessiontimeout; /* session abort after x usec, 0 = no limit */
74 time_t login; /* Time when this session started */
75 lng session; /* usec since start of server */
76 time_t idle; /* Time when the session became idle */
78 /*
79 * For program debugging and performance trace we keep the actual resource claims.
80 */
81 time_t lastcmd; /* set when query is received */
83 /* The user can request a TRACE SQL statement, calling for collecting the events locally */
84 BAT *profticks;
85 BAT *profstmt;
87 ATOMIC_TYPE lastprint; /* when we last printed the query, to be depricated */
88 /*
89 * Communication channels for the interconnect are stored here.
90 * It is perfectly legal to have a client without input stream.
91 * It will simply terminate after consuming the input buffer.
92 */
93 str srcFile; /* NULL for stdin, or file name */
94 bstream *fdin;
95 size_t yycur; /* the scanners current position */
96 /*
97 * Keeping track of instructions executed is a valuable tool for
98 * script processing and debugging. It can be changed at runtime
99 * for individual clients using the operation clients.listing(mask).
100 * A listing bit controls the level of detail to be generated during
101 * program execution tracing. The lowest level (1) simply dumps the
102 * input, (2) also demonstrates the MAL internal structure, (4) adds
103 * the type information.
104 */
105 int listing;
106 str prompt; /* acknowledge prompt */
107 size_t promptlength;
108 ClientInput *bak; /* used for recursive script and string execution */
110 stream *fdout; /* streams from and to user. */
111 /*
112 * In interactive mode, reading one line at a time, we should be
113 * aware of parsing compound structures, such as functions and
114 * barrier blocks. The level of nesting is maintained in blkmode,
115 * which is reset to zero upon encountering an end instruction, or
116 * the closing bracket has been detected. Once the complete
117 * structure has been parsed the program can be checked and
118 * executed. Nesting is indicated using a '+' before the prompt.
119 */
120 int blkmode; /* control block parsing */
121 /*
122 * The MAL debugger uses the client record to keep track of any
123 * pervasive debugger command. For detailed information on the
124 * debugger features.
125 */
126 int debug;
127 enum clientmode mode; /* FREECLIENT..BLOCKED */
128 /*
129 * Client records are organized into a two-level dependency tree,
130 * where children may be created to deal with parallel processing
131 * activities. Each client runs in its own process thread. Its
132 * identity is retained here for access by others (=father).
133 */
134 MT_Sema s; /* sema to (de)activate thread */
135 Thread mythread;
136 str errbuf; /* location of GDK exceptions */
137 struct CLIENT *father;
138 /*
139 * Each client has a private entry point into the namespace and
140 * object space (the global variables). Moreover, the parser needs
141 * some administration variables to keep track of critical elements.
142 */
143 Module usermodule; /* private user scope */
144 Module curmodule; /* where to deliver the symbol, used by parser , only freed globally */
145 Symbol curprg; /* container for the malparser */
146 Symbol backup; /* saving the parser context for functions,commands/patterns */
147 MalStkPtr glb; /* global variable stack */
148 /*
149 * Some statistics on client behavior becomes relevant for server
150 * maintenance. The scenario loop is used as a frame of reference.
151 * We measure the elapsed time after a request has been received and
152 * we have to wait for the next one.
153 */
154 int actions;
156 /*
157 * Here are pointers to scenario backends contexts. For the time
158 * being just SQL. We need a pointer for each of them, since they
159 * have to be able to interoperate with each other, e.g. both
160 * contexts at the same time are in use.
161 */
162 void *sqlcontext;
164 /*
165 * The workload for replication/replay is saved initially as a MAL block.
166 * It is split into the capturing part (wlc) and the replay part (wlr).
167 * This allows a single server to act as both a master and a replica.
168 */
169 int wlc_kind; // used by master to characterise the compound transaction
170 MalBlkPtr wlc;
172 /*
173 * Errors during copy into are collected in a user specific column set
174 */
175 BAT *error_row;
176 BAT *error_fld;
177 BAT *error_msg;
178 BAT *error_input;
180 size_t blocksize;
181 protocol_version protocol;
182 bool filetrans; /* whether the client can read files for us */
183 const char *(*getquery)(struct CLIENT *);
184} *Client, ClientRec;
186mal_export bool MCinit(void);
188mal_export int MAL_MAXCLIENTS;
189mal_export ClientRec *mal_clients;
191mal_export Client MCgetClient(int id);
192mal_export Client MCinitClient(oid user, bstream *fin, stream *fout);
193mal_export int MCinitClientThread(Client c);
194mal_export Client MCforkClient(Client father);
195mal_export void MCstopClients(Client c);
196mal_export int MCshutdowninprogress(void);
197mal_export int MCactiveClients(void);
198mal_export void MCcloseClient(Client c);
199mal_export str MCsuspendClient(int id);
200mal_export str MCawakeClient(int id);
201mal_export int MCpushClientInput(Client c, bstream *new_input, int listing, char *prompt);
202mal_export int MCvalid(Client c);
204mal_export str PROFinitClient(Client c);
205mal_export str PROFexitClient(Client c);
206#endif /* _MAL_CLIENT_H_ */