1 | /* |
2 | * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public |
3 | * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this |
4 | * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. |
5 | * |
6 | * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2019 MonetDB B.V. |
7 | */ |
8 | |
9 | #ifndef _BAT_H_ |
10 | #define _BAT_H_ |
11 | |
12 | #include "mal.h" |
13 | #include "gdk.h" |
14 | |
15 | mal_export str BKCnewBAT(bat *res, const int *tt, const BUN *cap, role_t role); |
16 | mal_export str BKCattach(bat *ret, const int *tt, const char * const *heapfile); |
17 | mal_export str BKCdensebat(bat *ret, const lng *size); |
18 | mal_export str BKCmirror(bat *ret, const bat *bid); |
19 | mal_export str BKCdelete(bat *r, const bat *bid, const oid *h); |
20 | mal_export str BKCdelete_multi(bat *r, const bat *bid, const bat *sid); |
21 | mal_export str BKCdelete_all(bat *r, const bat *bid); |
22 | mal_export str BKCappend_wrap(bat *r, const bat *bid, const bat *uid); |
23 | mal_export str BKCappend_force_wrap(bat *r, const bat *bid, const bat *uid, const bit *force); |
24 | mal_export str BKCappend_cand_wrap(bat *r, const bat *bid, const bat *uid, const bat *sid); |
25 | mal_export str BKCappend_cand_force_wrap(bat *r, const bat *bid, const bat *uid, const bat *sid, const bit *force); |
26 | mal_export str BKCappend_val_wrap(bat *r, const bat *bid, const void *u); |
27 | mal_export str BKCappend_val_force_wrap(bat *r, const bat *bid, const void *u, const bit *force); |
28 | mal_export str BKCbun_inplace(bat *r, const bat *bid, const oid *id, const void *t); |
29 | mal_export str BKCbat_inplace(bat *r, const bat *bid, const bat *rid, const bat *uid); |
30 | mal_export str BKCbun_inplace_force(bat *r, const bat *bid, const oid *id, const void *t, const bit *force); |
31 | mal_export str BKCbat_inplace_force(bat *r, const bat *bid, const bat *rid, const bat *uid, const bit *force); |
32 | mal_export str BKCgetCapacity(lng *res, const bat *bid); |
33 | mal_export str BKCgetColumnType(str *res, const bat *bid); |
34 | mal_export str BKCgetRole(str *res, const bat *bid); |
35 | mal_export str BKCsetkey(bat *res, const bat *bid, const bit *param); |
36 | mal_export str BKCisSorted(bit *res, const bat *bid); |
37 | mal_export str BKCisSortedReverse(bit *res, const bat *bid); |
38 | mal_export str BKCgetKey(bit *ret, const bat *bid); |
39 | mal_export str BKCsetPersistent(void *r, const bat *bid); |
40 | mal_export str BKCisPersistent(bit *res, const bat *bid); |
41 | mal_export str BKCsetTransient(void *r, const bat *bid); |
42 | mal_export str BKCisTransient(bit *res, const bat *bid); |
43 | mal_export str BKCsetAccess(bat *res, const bat *bid, const char * const *param); |
44 | mal_export str BKCgetAccess(str *res, const bat *bid); |
45 | mal_export str BKCinfo(bat *ret1, bat *ret2, const bat *bid); |
46 | mal_export str BKCgetSize(lng *tot, const bat *bid); |
47 | mal_export str BKCisSynced(bit *ret, const bat *bid1, const bat *bid2); |
48 | mal_export str BKCsetColumn(void *r, const bat *bid, const char * const *tname); |
49 | mal_export str BKCsetName(void *r, const bat *bid, const char * const *s); |
50 | mal_export str BKCgetBBPname(str *ret, const bat *bid); |
51 | mal_export str BKCsave(bit *res, const char * const *input); |
52 | mal_export str BKCsave2(void *r, const bat *bid); |
53 | mal_export str BKCsetHash(bit *ret, const bat *bid); |
54 | mal_export str BKCsetImprints(bit *ret, const bat *bid); |
55 | mal_export str BKCgetSequenceBase(oid *r, const bat *bid); |
56 | mal_export str BKCshrinkBAT(bat *ret, const bat *bid, const bat *did); |
57 | mal_export str BKCreuseBAT(bat *ret, const bat *bid, const bat *did); |
58 | mal_export str BKCreuseBATmap(bat *ret, const bat *bid, const bat *did); |
59 | mal_export str BKCmergecand(bat *ret, const bat *aid, const bat *bid); |
60 | mal_export str BKCintersectcand(bat *ret, const bat *aid, const bat *bid); |
61 | mal_export str BKCdiffcand(bat *ret, const bat *aid, const bat *bid); |
62 | #endif /*_BAT_H_*/ |
63 | |