4#include <stdbool.h>
5#include <stdint.h>
7#include "nvim/buffer_defs.h"
8#include "nvim/garray.h"
9#include "nvim/regexp_defs.h"
10#include "nvim/types.h"
12#define MAXWLEN 254 // Assume max. word len is this many bytes.
13 // Some places assume a word length fits in a
14 // byte, thus it can't be above 255.
16// Number of regions supported.
17#define MAXREGIONS 8
19// Type used for indexes in the word tree need to be at least 4 bytes. If int
20// is 8 bytes we could use something smaller, but what?
21typedef int idx_T;
23# define SPL_FNAME_TMPL "%s.%s.spl"
24# define SPL_FNAME_ADD ".add."
25# define SPL_FNAME_ASCII ".ascii."
27// Flags used for a word. Only the lowest byte can be used, the region byte
28// comes above it.
29#define WF_REGION 0x01 // region byte follows
30#define WF_ONECAP 0x02 // word with one capital (or all capitals)
31#define WF_ALLCAP 0x04 // word must be all capitals
32#define WF_RARE 0x08 // rare word
33#define WF_BANNED 0x10 // bad word
34#define WF_AFX 0x20 // affix ID follows
35#define WF_FIXCAP 0x40 // keep-case word, allcap not allowed
36#define WF_KEEPCAP 0x80 // keep-case word
38// for <flags2>, shifted up one byte to be used in wn_flags
39#define WF_HAS_AFF 0x0100 // word includes affix
40#define WF_NEEDCOMP 0x0200 // word only valid in compound
41#define WF_NOSUGGEST 0x0400 // word not to be suggested
42#define WF_COMPROOT 0x0800 // already compounded word, COMPOUNDROOT
43#define WF_NOCOMPBEF 0x1000 // no compounding before this word
44#define WF_NOCOMPAFT 0x2000 // no compounding after this word
46// flags for <pflags>
47#define WFP_RARE 0x01 // rare prefix
48#define WFP_NC 0x02 // prefix is not combining
49#define WFP_UP 0x04 // to-upper prefix
50#define WFP_COMPPERMIT 0x08 // prefix with COMPOUNDPERMITFLAG
51#define WFP_COMPFORBID 0x10 // prefix with COMPOUNDFORBIDFLAG
53// Flags for postponed prefixes in "sl_pidxs". Must be above affixID (one
54// byte) and prefcondnr (two bytes).
55#define WF_RAREPFX (WFP_RARE << 24) // rare postponed prefix
56#define WF_PFX_NC (WFP_NC << 24) // non-combining postponed prefix
57#define WF_PFX_UP (WFP_UP << 24) // to-upper postponed prefix
58#define WF_PFX_COMPPERMIT (WFP_COMPPERMIT << 24) // postponed prefix with
60#define WF_PFX_COMPFORBID (WFP_COMPFORBID << 24) // postponed prefix with
64// flags for <compoptions>
70// Info from "REP", "REPSAL" and "SAL" entries in ".aff" file used in si_rep,
71// si_repsal, sl_rep, and si_sal. Not for sl_sal!
72// One replacement: from "ft_from" to "ft_to".
73typedef struct fromto_S {
74 char_u *ft_from;
75 char_u *ft_to;
76} fromto_T;
78// Info from "SAL" entries in ".aff" file used in sl_sal.
79// The info is split for quick processing by spell_soundfold().
80// Note that "sm_oneof" and "sm_rules" point into sm_lead.
81typedef struct salitem_S {
82 char_u *sm_lead; // leading letters
83 int sm_leadlen; // length of "sm_lead"
84 char_u *sm_oneof; // letters from () or NULL
85 char_u *sm_rules; // rules like ^, $, priority
86 char_u *sm_to; // replacement.
87 int *sm_lead_w; // wide character copy of "sm_lead"
88 int *sm_oneof_w; // wide character copy of "sm_oneof"
89 int *sm_to_w; // wide character copy of "sm_to"
90} salitem_T;
92typedef int salfirst_T;
94// Values for SP_*ERROR are negative, positive values are used by
95// read_cnt_string().
96#define SP_TRUNCERROR -1 // spell file truncated error
97#define SP_FORMERROR -2 // format error in spell file
98#define SP_OTHERERROR -3 // other error while reading spell file
100// Structure used to store words and other info for one language, loaded from
101// a .spl file.
102// The main access is through the tree in "sl_fbyts/sl_fidxs", storing the
103// case-folded words. "sl_kbyts/sl_kidxs" is for keep-case words.
105// The "byts" array stores the possible bytes in each tree node, preceded by
106// the number of possible bytes, sorted on byte value:
107// <len> <byte1> <byte2> ...
108// The "idxs" array stores the index of the child node corresponding to the
109// byte in "byts".
110// Exception: when the byte is zero, the word may end here and "idxs" holds
111// the flags, region mask and affixID for the word. There may be several
112// zeros in sequence for alternative flag/region/affixID combinations.
113typedef struct slang_S slang_T;
115struct slang_S {
116 slang_T *sl_next; // next language
117 char_u *sl_name; // language name "en", "en.rare", "nl", etc.
118 char_u *sl_fname; // name of .spl file
119 bool sl_add; // true if it's a .add file.
121 char_u *sl_fbyts; // case-folded word bytes
122 idx_T *sl_fidxs; // case-folded word indexes
123 char_u *sl_kbyts; // keep-case word bytes
124 idx_T *sl_kidxs; // keep-case word indexes
125 char_u *sl_pbyts; // prefix tree word bytes
126 idx_T *sl_pidxs; // prefix tree word indexes
128 char_u *sl_info; // infotext string or NULL
130 char_u sl_regions[MAXREGIONS * 2 + 1];
131 // table with up to 8 region names plus NUL
133 char_u *sl_midword; // MIDWORD string or NULL
135 hashtab_T sl_wordcount; // hashtable with word count, wordcount_T
137 int sl_compmax; // COMPOUNDWORDMAX (default: MAXWLEN)
138 int sl_compminlen; // COMPOUNDMIN (default: 0)
139 int sl_compsylmax; // COMPOUNDSYLMAX (default: MAXWLEN)
140 int sl_compoptions; // COMP_* flags
141 garray_T sl_comppat; // CHECKCOMPOUNDPATTERN items
142 regprog_T *sl_compprog; // COMPOUNDRULE turned into a regexp progrm
143 // (NULL when no compounding)
144 char_u *sl_comprules; // all COMPOUNDRULE concatenated (or NULL)
145 char_u *sl_compstartflags; // flags for first compound word
146 char_u *sl_compallflags; // all flags for compound words
147 bool sl_nobreak; // When true: no spaces between words
148 char_u *sl_syllable; // SYLLABLE repeatable chars or NULL
149 garray_T sl_syl_items; // syllable items
151 int sl_prefixcnt; // number of items in "sl_prefprog"
152 regprog_T **sl_prefprog; // table with regprogs for prefixes
154 garray_T sl_rep; // list of fromto_T entries from REP lines
155 int16_t sl_rep_first[256]; // indexes where byte first appears, -1 if
156 // there is none
157 garray_T sl_sal; // list of salitem_T entries from SAL lines
158 salfirst_T sl_sal_first[256]; // indexes where byte first appears, -1 if
159 // there is none
160 bool sl_followup; // SAL followup
161 bool sl_collapse; // SAL collapse_result
162 bool sl_rem_accents; // SAL remove_accents
163 bool sl_sofo; // SOFOFROM and SOFOTO instead of SAL items:
164 // "sl_sal_first" maps chars, when has_mbyte
165 // "sl_sal" is a list of wide char lists.
166 garray_T sl_repsal; // list of fromto_T entries from REPSAL lines
167 int16_t sl_repsal_first[256]; // sl_rep_first for REPSAL lines
168 bool sl_nosplitsugs; // don't suggest splitting a word
169 bool sl_nocompoundsugs; // don't suggest compounding
171 // Info from the .sug file. Loaded on demand.
172 time_t sl_sugtime; // timestamp for .sug file
173 char_u *sl_sbyts; // soundfolded word bytes
174 idx_T *sl_sidxs; // soundfolded word indexes
175 buf_T *sl_sugbuf; // buffer with word number table
176 bool sl_sugloaded; // true when .sug file was loaded or failed to
177 // load
179 bool sl_has_map; // true, if there is a MAP line
180 hashtab_T sl_map_hash; // MAP for multi-byte chars
181 int sl_map_array[256]; // MAP for first 256 chars
182 hashtab_T sl_sounddone; // table with soundfolded words that have
183 // handled, see add_sound_suggest()
186// Structure used in "b_langp", filled from 'spelllang'.
187typedef struct langp_S {
188 slang_T *lp_slang; // info for this language
189 slang_T *lp_sallang; // language used for sound folding or NULL
190 slang_T *lp_replang; // language used for REP items or NULL
191 int lp_region; // bitmask for region or REGION_ALL
192} langp_T;
194#define LANGP_ENTRY(ga, i) (((langp_T *)(ga).ga_data) + (i))
196#define VIMSUGMAGIC "VIMsug" // string at start of Vim .sug file
197#define VIMSUGMAGICL 6
198#define VIMSUGVERSION 1
200#define REGION_ALL 0xff // word valid in all regions
202// The tables used for recognizing word characters according to spelling.
203// These are only used for the first 256 characters of 'encoding'.
204typedef struct {
205 bool st_isw[256]; // flags: is word char
206 bool st_isu[256]; // flags: is uppercase char
207 char_u st_fold[256]; // chars: folded case
208 char_u st_upper[256]; // chars: upper case
209} spelltab_T;
211// For finding suggestions: At each node in the tree these states are tried:
212typedef enum {
213 STATE_START = 0, // At start of node check for NUL bytes (goodword
214 // ends); if badword ends there is a match, otherwise
215 // try splitting word.
216 STATE_NOPREFIX, // try without prefix
217 STATE_SPLITUNDO, // Undo splitting.
218 STATE_ENDNUL, // Past NUL bytes at start of the node.
219 STATE_PLAIN, // Use each byte of the node.
220 STATE_DEL, // Delete a byte from the bad word.
221 STATE_INS_PREP, // Prepare for inserting bytes.
222 STATE_INS, // Insert a byte in the bad word.
223 STATE_SWAP, // Swap two bytes.
224 STATE_UNSWAP, // Undo swap two characters.
225 STATE_SWAP3, // Swap two characters over three.
226 STATE_UNSWAP3, // Undo Swap two characters over three.
227 STATE_UNROT3L, // Undo rotate three characters left
228 STATE_UNROT3R, // Undo rotate three characters right
229 STATE_REP_INI, // Prepare for using REP items.
230 STATE_REP, // Use matching REP items from the .aff file.
231 STATE_REP_UNDO, // Undo a REP item replacement.
232 STATE_FINAL // End of this node.
233} state_T;
235// Struct to keep the state at each level in suggest_try_change().
236typedef struct trystate_S {
237 state_T ts_state; // state at this level, STATE_
238 int ts_score; // score
239 idx_T ts_arridx; // index in tree array, start of node
240 short ts_curi; // index in list of child nodes
241 char_u ts_fidx; // index in fword[], case-folded bad word
242 char_u ts_fidxtry; // ts_fidx at which bytes may be changed
243 char_u ts_twordlen; // valid length of tword[]
244 char_u ts_prefixdepth; // stack depth for end of prefix or
246 char_u ts_flags; // TSF_ flags
247 char_u ts_tcharlen; // number of bytes in tword character
248 char_u ts_tcharidx; // current byte index in tword character
249 char_u ts_isdiff; // DIFF_ values
250 char_u ts_fcharstart; // index in fword where badword char started
251 char_u ts_prewordlen; // length of word in "preword[]"
252 char_u ts_splitoff; // index in "tword" after last split
253 char_u ts_splitfidx; // "ts_fidx" at word split
254 char_u ts_complen; // nr of compound words used
255 char_u ts_compsplit; // index for "compflags" where word was spit
256 char_u ts_save_badflags; // su_badflags saved here
257 char_u ts_delidx; // index in fword for char that was deleted,
258 // valid when "ts_flags" has TSF_DIDDEL
259} trystate_T;
261// Use our own character-case definitions, because the current locale may
262// differ from what the .spl file uses.
263// These must not be called with negative number!
264#include <wchar.h> // for towupper() and towlower()
265// Multi-byte implementation. For Unicode we can call utf_*(), but don't do
266// that for ASCII, because we don't want to use 'casemap' here. Otherwise use
267// the "w" library function for characters above 255.
268#define SPELL_TOFOLD(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? utf_fold(c) \
269 : (c) < \
270 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_fold[c] : (int)towlower(c))
272#define SPELL_TOUPPER(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? mb_toupper(c) \
273 : (c) < \
274 256 ? (int)spelltab.st_upper[c] : (int)towupper(c))
276#define SPELL_ISUPPER(c) (enc_utf8 && (c) >= 128 ? mb_isupper(c) \
277 : (c) < 256 ? spelltab.st_isu[c] : iswupper(c))
279// First language that is loaded, start of the linked list of loaded
280// languages.
281extern slang_T *first_lang;
283// file used for "zG" and "zW"
284extern char_u *int_wordlist;
286extern spelltab_T spelltab;
287extern int did_set_spelltab;
289extern char *e_format;
291#endif // NVIM_SPELL_DEFS_H