2** Meta object code from reading C++ file 'qfiledialog.h'
4** Created by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 68 (Qt 6.0.0)
6** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
9#include <memory>
10#include "dialogs/qfiledialog.h"
11#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
12#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
13#include <QtCore/QList>
14#if !defined(Q_MOC_OUTPUT_REVISION)
15#error "The header file 'qfiledialog.h' doesn't include <QObject>."
17#error "This file was generated using the moc from 6.0.0. It"
18#error "cannot be used with the include files from this version of Qt."
19#error "(The moc has changed too much.)"
25struct qt_meta_stringdata_QFileDialog_t {
26 const uint offsetsAndSize[158];
27 char stringdata0[1063];
29#define QT_MOC_LITERAL(ofs, len) \
30 uint(offsetof(qt_meta_stringdata_QFileDialog_t, stringdata0) + ofs), len
31static const qt_meta_stringdata_QFileDialog_t qt_meta_stringdata_QFileDialog = {
32 {
33QT_MOC_LITERAL(0, 11), // "QFileDialog"
34QT_MOC_LITERAL(12, 12), // "fileSelected"
35QT_MOC_LITERAL(25, 0), // ""
36QT_MOC_LITERAL(26, 4), // "file"
37QT_MOC_LITERAL(31, 13), // "filesSelected"
38QT_MOC_LITERAL(45, 5), // "files"
39QT_MOC_LITERAL(51, 14), // "currentChanged"
40QT_MOC_LITERAL(66, 4), // "path"
41QT_MOC_LITERAL(71, 16), // "directoryEntered"
42QT_MOC_LITERAL(88, 9), // "directory"
43QT_MOC_LITERAL(98, 11), // "urlSelected"
44QT_MOC_LITERAL(110, 3), // "url"
45QT_MOC_LITERAL(114, 12), // "urlsSelected"
46QT_MOC_LITERAL(127, 11), // "QList<QUrl>"
47QT_MOC_LITERAL(139, 4), // "urls"
48QT_MOC_LITERAL(144, 17), // "currentUrlChanged"
49QT_MOC_LITERAL(162, 19), // "directoryUrlEntered"
50QT_MOC_LITERAL(182, 14), // "filterSelected"
51QT_MOC_LITERAL(197, 6), // "filter"
52QT_MOC_LITERAL(204, 14), // "_q_pathChanged"
53QT_MOC_LITERAL(219, 19), // "_q_navigateBackward"
54QT_MOC_LITERAL(239, 18), // "_q_navigateForward"
55QT_MOC_LITERAL(258, 19), // "_q_navigateToParent"
56QT_MOC_LITERAL(278, 18), // "_q_createDirectory"
57QT_MOC_LITERAL(297, 15), // "_q_showListView"
58QT_MOC_LITERAL(313, 18), // "_q_showDetailsView"
59QT_MOC_LITERAL(332, 18), // "_q_showContextMenu"
60QT_MOC_LITERAL(351, 16), // "_q_renameCurrent"
61QT_MOC_LITERAL(368, 16), // "_q_deleteCurrent"
62QT_MOC_LITERAL(385, 13), // "_q_showHidden"
63QT_MOC_LITERAL(399, 17), // "_q_updateOkButton"
64QT_MOC_LITERAL(417, 17), // "_q_currentChanged"
65QT_MOC_LITERAL(435, 11), // "QModelIndex"
66QT_MOC_LITERAL(447, 5), // "index"
67QT_MOC_LITERAL(453, 17), // "_q_enterDirectory"
68QT_MOC_LITERAL(471, 18), // "_q_emitUrlSelected"
69QT_MOC_LITERAL(490, 19), // "_q_emitUrlsSelected"
70QT_MOC_LITERAL(510, 23), // "_q_nativeCurrentChanged"
71QT_MOC_LITERAL(534, 23), // "_q_nativeEnterDirectory"
72QT_MOC_LITERAL(558, 16), // "_q_goToDirectory"
73QT_MOC_LITERAL(575, 16), // "_q_useNameFilter"
74QT_MOC_LITERAL(592, 19), // "_q_selectionChanged"
75QT_MOC_LITERAL(612, 10), // "_q_goToUrl"
76QT_MOC_LITERAL(623, 9), // "_q_goHome"
77QT_MOC_LITERAL(633, 13), // "_q_showHeader"
78QT_MOC_LITERAL(647, 8), // "QAction*"
79QT_MOC_LITERAL(656, 23), // "_q_autoCompleteFileName"
80QT_MOC_LITERAL(680, 4), // "text"
81QT_MOC_LITERAL(685, 15), // "_q_rowsInserted"
82QT_MOC_LITERAL(701, 6), // "parent"
83QT_MOC_LITERAL(708, 14), // "_q_fileRenamed"
84QT_MOC_LITERAL(723, 7), // "oldName"
85QT_MOC_LITERAL(731, 7), // "newName"
86QT_MOC_LITERAL(739, 8), // "viewMode"
87QT_MOC_LITERAL(748, 8), // "ViewMode"
88QT_MOC_LITERAL(757, 8), // "fileMode"
89QT_MOC_LITERAL(766, 8), // "FileMode"
90QT_MOC_LITERAL(775, 10), // "acceptMode"
91QT_MOC_LITERAL(786, 10), // "AcceptMode"
92QT_MOC_LITERAL(797, 13), // "defaultSuffix"
93QT_MOC_LITERAL(811, 7), // "options"
94QT_MOC_LITERAL(819, 7), // "Options"
95QT_MOC_LITERAL(827, 16), // "supportedSchemes"
96QT_MOC_LITERAL(844, 6), // "Detail"
97QT_MOC_LITERAL(851, 4), // "List"
98QT_MOC_LITERAL(856, 7), // "AnyFile"
99QT_MOC_LITERAL(864, 12), // "ExistingFile"
100QT_MOC_LITERAL(877, 9), // "Directory"
101QT_MOC_LITERAL(887, 13), // "ExistingFiles"
102QT_MOC_LITERAL(901, 10), // "AcceptOpen"
103QT_MOC_LITERAL(912, 10), // "AcceptSave"
104QT_MOC_LITERAL(923, 6), // "Option"
105QT_MOC_LITERAL(930, 12), // "ShowDirsOnly"
106QT_MOC_LITERAL(943, 19), // "DontResolveSymlinks"
107QT_MOC_LITERAL(963, 20), // "DontConfirmOverwrite"
108QT_MOC_LITERAL(984, 19), // "DontUseNativeDialog"
109QT_MOC_LITERAL(1004, 8), // "ReadOnly"
110QT_MOC_LITERAL(1013, 21), // "HideNameFilterDetails"
111QT_MOC_LITERAL(1035, 27) // "DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons"
113 },
114 "QFileDialog\0fileSelected\0\0file\0"
115 "filesSelected\0files\0currentChanged\0"
116 "path\0directoryEntered\0directory\0"
117 "urlSelected\0url\0urlsSelected\0QList<QUrl>\0"
118 "urls\0currentUrlChanged\0directoryUrlEntered\0"
119 "filterSelected\0filter\0_q_pathChanged\0"
120 "_q_navigateBackward\0_q_navigateForward\0"
121 "_q_navigateToParent\0_q_createDirectory\0"
122 "_q_showListView\0_q_showDetailsView\0"
123 "_q_showContextMenu\0_q_renameCurrent\0"
124 "_q_deleteCurrent\0_q_showHidden\0"
125 "_q_updateOkButton\0_q_currentChanged\0"
126 "QModelIndex\0index\0_q_enterDirectory\0"
127 "_q_emitUrlSelected\0_q_emitUrlsSelected\0"
128 "_q_nativeCurrentChanged\0_q_nativeEnterDirectory\0"
129 "_q_goToDirectory\0_q_useNameFilter\0"
130 "_q_selectionChanged\0_q_goToUrl\0_q_goHome\0"
131 "_q_showHeader\0QAction*\0_q_autoCompleteFileName\0"
132 "text\0_q_rowsInserted\0parent\0_q_fileRenamed\0"
133 "oldName\0newName\0viewMode\0ViewMode\0"
134 "fileMode\0FileMode\0acceptMode\0AcceptMode\0"
135 "defaultSuffix\0options\0Options\0"
136 "supportedSchemes\0Detail\0List\0AnyFile\0"
137 "ExistingFile\0Directory\0ExistingFiles\0"
138 "AcceptOpen\0AcceptSave\0Option\0ShowDirsOnly\0"
139 "DontResolveSymlinks\0DontConfirmOverwrite\0"
140 "DontUseNativeDialog\0ReadOnly\0"
141 "HideNameFilterDetails\0DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons"
143#undef QT_MOC_LITERAL
145static const uint qt_meta_data_QFileDialog[] = {
147 // content:
148 9, // revision
149 0, // classname
150 0, 0, // classinfo
151 36, 14, // methods
152 6, 318, // properties
153 5, 348, // enums/sets
154 0, 0, // constructors
155 0, // flags
156 9, // signalCount
158 // signals: name, argc, parameters, tag, flags, initial metatype offsets
159 1, 1, 230, 2, 0x06, 6 /* Public */,
160 4, 1, 233, 2, 0x06, 8 /* Public */,
161 6, 1, 236, 2, 0x06, 10 /* Public */,
162 8, 1, 239, 2, 0x06, 12 /* Public */,
163 10, 1, 242, 2, 0x06, 14 /* Public */,
164 12, 1, 245, 2, 0x06, 16 /* Public */,
165 15, 1, 248, 2, 0x06, 18 /* Public */,
166 16, 1, 251, 2, 0x06, 20 /* Public */,
167 17, 1, 254, 2, 0x06, 22 /* Public */,
169 // slots: name, argc, parameters, tag, flags, initial metatype offsets
170 19, 1, 257, 2, 0x08, 24 /* Private */,
171 20, 0, 260, 2, 0x08, 26 /* Private */,
172 21, 0, 261, 2, 0x08, 27 /* Private */,
173 22, 0, 262, 2, 0x08, 28 /* Private */,
174 23, 0, 263, 2, 0x08, 29 /* Private */,
175 24, 0, 264, 2, 0x08, 30 /* Private */,
176 25, 0, 265, 2, 0x08, 31 /* Private */,
177 26, 1, 266, 2, 0x08, 32 /* Private */,
178 27, 0, 269, 2, 0x08, 34 /* Private */,
179 28, 0, 270, 2, 0x08, 35 /* Private */,
180 29, 0, 271, 2, 0x08, 36 /* Private */,
181 30, 0, 272, 2, 0x08, 37 /* Private */,
182 31, 1, 273, 2, 0x08, 38 /* Private */,
183 34, 1, 276, 2, 0x08, 40 /* Private */,
184 35, 1, 279, 2, 0x08, 42 /* Private */,
185 36, 1, 282, 2, 0x08, 44 /* Private */,
186 37, 1, 285, 2, 0x08, 46 /* Private */,
187 38, 1, 288, 2, 0x08, 48 /* Private */,
188 39, 1, 291, 2, 0x08, 50 /* Private */,
189 40, 1, 294, 2, 0x08, 52 /* Private */,
190 41, 0, 297, 2, 0x08, 54 /* Private */,
191 42, 1, 298, 2, 0x08, 55 /* Private */,
192 43, 0, 301, 2, 0x08, 57 /* Private */,
193 44, 1, 302, 2, 0x08, 58 /* Private */,
194 46, 1, 305, 2, 0x08, 60 /* Private */,
195 48, 1, 308, 2, 0x08, 62 /* Private */,
196 50, 3, 311, 2, 0x08, 64 /* Private */,
198 // signals: parameters
199 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, 3,
200 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QStringList, 5,
201 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, 7,
202 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, 9,
203 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QUrl, 11,
204 QMetaType::Void, 0x80000000 | 13, 14,
205 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QUrl, 11,
206 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QUrl, 9,
207 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, 18,
209 // slots: parameters
210 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, 2,
211 QMetaType::Void,
212 QMetaType::Void,
213 QMetaType::Void,
214 QMetaType::Void,
215 QMetaType::Void,
216 QMetaType::Void,
217 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QPoint, 2,
218 QMetaType::Void,
219 QMetaType::Void,
220 QMetaType::Void,
221 QMetaType::Void,
222 QMetaType::Void, 0x80000000 | 32, 33,
223 QMetaType::Void, 0x80000000 | 32, 33,
224 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QUrl, 2,
225 QMetaType::Void, 0x80000000 | 13, 2,
226 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QUrl, 2,
227 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QUrl, 2,
228 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, 7,
229 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Int, 33,
230 QMetaType::Void,
231 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QUrl, 11,
232 QMetaType::Void,
233 QMetaType::Void, 0x80000000 | 45, 2,
234 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, 47,
235 QMetaType::Void, 0x80000000 | 32, 49,
236 QMetaType::Void, QMetaType::QString, QMetaType::QString, QMetaType::QString, 7, 51, 52,
238 // properties: name, type, flags
239 53, 0x80000000 | 54, 0x0001510b, uint(-1), 0,
240 55, 0x80000000 | 56, 0x0001510b, uint(-1), 0,
241 57, 0x80000000 | 58, 0x0001510b, uint(-1), 0,
242 59, QMetaType::QString, 0x00015103, uint(-1), 0,
243 60, 0x80000000 | 61, 0x0001510b, uint(-1), 0,
244 62, QMetaType::QStringList, 0x00015103, uint(-1), 0,
246 // enums: name, alias, flags, count, data
247 54, 54, 0x0, 2, 373,
248 56, 56, 0x0, 4, 377,
249 58, 58, 0x0, 2, 385,
250 71, 71, 0x0, 7, 389,
251 61, 71, 0x1, 7, 403,
253 // enum data: key, value
254 63, uint(QFileDialog::Detail),
255 64, uint(QFileDialog::List),
256 65, uint(QFileDialog::AnyFile),
257 66, uint(QFileDialog::ExistingFile),
258 67, uint(QFileDialog::Directory),
259 68, uint(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles),
260 69, uint(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen),
261 70, uint(QFileDialog::AcceptSave),
262 72, uint(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly),
263 73, uint(QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks),
264 74, uint(QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite),
265 75, uint(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog),
266 76, uint(QFileDialog::ReadOnly),
267 77, uint(QFileDialog::HideNameFilterDetails),
268 78, uint(QFileDialog::DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons),
269 72, uint(QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly),
270 73, uint(QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks),
271 74, uint(QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite),
272 75, uint(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog),
273 76, uint(QFileDialog::ReadOnly),
274 77, uint(QFileDialog::HideNameFilterDetails),
275 78, uint(QFileDialog::DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons),
277 0 // eod
280void QFileDialog::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
282 if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
283 Q_ASSERT(staticMetaObject.cast(_o));
284 auto *_t = static_cast<QFileDialog *>(_o);
285 Q_UNUSED(_t)
286 switch (_id) {
287 case 0: _t->fileSelected((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
288 case 1: _t->filesSelected((*reinterpret_cast< const QStringList(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
289 case 2: _t->currentChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
290 case 3: _t->directoryEntered((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
291 case 4: _t->urlSelected((*reinterpret_cast< const QUrl(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
292 case 5: _t->urlsSelected((*reinterpret_cast< const QList<QUrl>(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
293 case 6: _t->currentUrlChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QUrl(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
294 case 7: _t->directoryUrlEntered((*reinterpret_cast< const QUrl(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
295 case 8: _t->filterSelected((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
296 case 9: _t->d_func()->_q_pathChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
297 case 10: _t->d_func()->_q_navigateBackward(); break;
298 case 11: _t->d_func()->_q_navigateForward(); break;
299 case 12: _t->d_func()->_q_navigateToParent(); break;
300 case 13: _t->d_func()->_q_createDirectory(); break;
301 case 14: _t->d_func()->_q_showListView(); break;
302 case 15: _t->d_func()->_q_showDetailsView(); break;
303 case 16: _t->d_func()->_q_showContextMenu((*reinterpret_cast< const QPoint(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
304 case 17: _t->d_func()->_q_renameCurrent(); break;
305 case 18: _t->d_func()->_q_deleteCurrent(); break;
306 case 19: _t->d_func()->_q_showHidden(); break;
307 case 20: _t->d_func()->_q_updateOkButton(); break;
308 case 21: _t->d_func()->_q_currentChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QModelIndex(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
309 case 22: _t->d_func()->_q_enterDirectory((*reinterpret_cast< const QModelIndex(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
310 case 23: _t->d_func()->_q_emitUrlSelected((*reinterpret_cast< const QUrl(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
311 case 24: _t->d_func()->_q_emitUrlsSelected((*reinterpret_cast< const QList<QUrl>(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
312 case 25: _t->d_func()->_q_nativeCurrentChanged((*reinterpret_cast< const QUrl(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
313 case 26: _t->d_func()->_q_nativeEnterDirectory((*reinterpret_cast< const QUrl(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
314 case 27: _t->d_func()->_q_goToDirectory((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
315 case 28: _t->d_func()->_q_useNameFilter((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
316 case 29: _t->d_func()->_q_selectionChanged(); break;
317 case 30: _t->d_func()->_q_goToUrl((*reinterpret_cast< const QUrl(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
318 case 31: _t->d_func()->_q_goHome(); break;
319 case 32: _t->d_func()->_q_showHeader((*reinterpret_cast< QAction*(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
320 case 33: _t->d_func()->_q_autoCompleteFileName((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
321 case 34: _t->d_func()->_q_rowsInserted((*reinterpret_cast< const QModelIndex(*)>(_a[1]))); break;
322 case 35: _t->d_func()->_q_fileRenamed((*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[1])),(*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[2])),(*reinterpret_cast< const QString(*)>(_a[3]))); break;
323 default: ;
324 }
325 } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) {
326 switch (_id) {
327 default: *reinterpret_cast<QMetaType *>(_a[0]) = QMetaType(); break;
328 case 5:
329 switch (*reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[1])) {
330 default: *reinterpret_cast<QMetaType *>(_a[0]) = QMetaType(); break;
331 case 0:
332 *reinterpret_cast<QMetaType *>(_a[0]) = QMetaType::fromType< QList<QUrl> >(); break;
333 }
334 break;
335 case 24:
336 switch (*reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[1])) {
337 default: *reinterpret_cast<QMetaType *>(_a[0]) = QMetaType(); break;
338 case 0:
339 *reinterpret_cast<QMetaType *>(_a[0]) = QMetaType::fromType< QList<QUrl> >(); break;
340 }
341 break;
342 }
343 } else if (_c == QMetaObject::IndexOfMethod) {
344 int *result = reinterpret_cast<int *>(_a[0]);
345 {
346 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QString & );
347 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::fileSelected)) {
348 *result = 0;
349 return;
350 }
351 }
352 {
353 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QStringList & );
354 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::filesSelected)) {
355 *result = 1;
356 return;
357 }
358 }
359 {
360 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QString & );
361 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::currentChanged)) {
362 *result = 2;
363 return;
364 }
365 }
366 {
367 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QString & );
368 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::directoryEntered)) {
369 *result = 3;
370 return;
371 }
372 }
373 {
374 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QUrl & );
375 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::urlSelected)) {
376 *result = 4;
377 return;
378 }
379 }
380 {
381 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QList<QUrl> & );
382 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::urlsSelected)) {
383 *result = 5;
384 return;
385 }
386 }
387 {
388 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QUrl & );
389 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::currentUrlChanged)) {
390 *result = 6;
391 return;
392 }
393 }
394 {
395 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QUrl & );
396 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::directoryUrlEntered)) {
397 *result = 7;
398 return;
399 }
400 }
401 {
402 using _t = void (QFileDialog::*)(const QString & );
403 if (*reinterpret_cast<_t *>(_a[1]) == static_cast<_t>(&QFileDialog::filterSelected)) {
404 *result = 8;
405 return;
406 }
407 }
408 }
410 else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) {
411 Q_ASSERT(staticMetaObject.cast(_o));
412 auto *_t = static_cast<QFileDialog *>(_o);
413 Q_UNUSED(_t)
414 void *_v = _a[0];
415 switch (_id) {
416 case 0: *reinterpret_cast< ViewMode*>(_v) = _t->viewMode(); break;
417 case 1: *reinterpret_cast< FileMode*>(_v) = _t->fileMode(); break;
418 case 2: *reinterpret_cast< AcceptMode*>(_v) = _t->acceptMode(); break;
419 case 3: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = _t->defaultSuffix(); break;
420 case 4: *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_v) = QFlag(_t->options()); break;
421 case 5: *reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_v) = _t->supportedSchemes(); break;
422 default: break;
423 }
424 } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {
425 Q_ASSERT(staticMetaObject.cast(_o));
426 auto *_t = static_cast<QFileDialog *>(_o);
427 Q_UNUSED(_t)
428 void *_v = _a[0];
429 switch (_id) {
430 case 0: _t->setViewMode(*reinterpret_cast< ViewMode*>(_v)); break;
431 case 1: _t->setFileMode(*reinterpret_cast< FileMode*>(_v)); break;
432 case 2: _t->setAcceptMode(*reinterpret_cast< AcceptMode*>(_v)); break;
433 case 3: _t->setDefaultSuffix(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break;
434 case 4: _t->setOptions(QFlag(*reinterpret_cast<int*>(_v))); break;
435 case 5: _t->setSupportedSchemes(*reinterpret_cast< QStringList*>(_v)); break;
436 default: break;
437 }
438 } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) {
439 } else if (_c == QMetaObject::BindableProperty) {
440 }
441#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES
444const QMetaObject QFileDialog::staticMetaObject = { {
445 QMetaObject::SuperData::link<QDialog::staticMetaObject>(),
446 qt_meta_stringdata_QFileDialog.offsetsAndSize,
447 qt_meta_data_QFileDialog,
448 qt_static_metacall,
449 nullptr,
451, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<ViewMode, std::true_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<FileMode, std::true_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<AcceptMode, std::true_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<QString, std::true_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<Options, std::true_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<QStringList, std::true_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QStringList &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QUrl &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QList<QUrl> &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QUrl &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QUrl &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>
452, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QPoint &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QModelIndex &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QModelIndex &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QUrl &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QList<QUrl> &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QUrl &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QUrl &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<int, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QUrl &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<QAction *, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QModelIndex &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<void, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>, QtPrivate::TypeAndForceComplete<const QString &, std::false_type>
456 nullptr
457} };
460const QMetaObject *QFileDialog::metaObject() const
462 return QObject::d_ptr->metaObject ? QObject::d_ptr->dynamicMetaObject() : &staticMetaObject;
465void *QFileDialog::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)
467 if (!_clname) return nullptr;
468 if (!strcmp(_clname, qt_meta_stringdata_QFileDialog.stringdata0))
469 return static_cast<void*>(this);
470 return QDialog::qt_metacast(_clname);
473int QFileDialog::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
475 _id = QDialog::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
476 if (_id < 0)
477 return _id;
478 if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
479 if (_id < 36)
480 qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);
481 _id -= 36;
482 } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) {
483 if (_id < 36)
484 qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);
485 _id -= 36;
486 }
488 else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty || _c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty
489 || _c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty || _c == QMetaObject::BindableProperty
490 || _c == QMetaObject::RegisterPropertyMetaType) {
491 qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a);
492 _id -= 6;
493 }
494#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES
495 return _id;
498// SIGNAL 0
499void QFileDialog::fileSelected(const QString & _t1)
501 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
502 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 0, _a);
505// SIGNAL 1
506void QFileDialog::filesSelected(const QStringList & _t1)
508 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
509 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 1, _a);
512// SIGNAL 2
513void QFileDialog::currentChanged(const QString & _t1)
515 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
516 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 2, _a);
519// SIGNAL 3
520void QFileDialog::directoryEntered(const QString & _t1)
522 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
523 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 3, _a);
526// SIGNAL 4
527void QFileDialog::urlSelected(const QUrl & _t1)
529 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
530 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 4, _a);
533// SIGNAL 5
534void QFileDialog::urlsSelected(const QList<QUrl> & _t1)
536 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
537 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 5, _a);
540// SIGNAL 6
541void QFileDialog::currentUrlChanged(const QUrl & _t1)
543 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
544 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 6, _a);
547// SIGNAL 7
548void QFileDialog::directoryUrlEntered(const QUrl & _t1)
550 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
551 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 7, _a);
554// SIGNAL 8
555void QFileDialog::filterSelected(const QString & _t1)
557 void *_a[] = { nullptr, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(std::addressof(_t1))) };
558 QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 8, _a);