2A C++ header for 64-bit Roaring Bitmaps, implemented by way of a map of many
332-bit Roaring Bitmaps.
8#include <algorithm>
9#include <cstdarg>
10#include <cstdio>
11#include <limits>
12#include <map>
13#include <new>
14#include <numeric>
15#include <stdexcept>
16#include <string>
17#include <utility>
19#include "roaring.hh"
21class Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator;
22class Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator;
24class Roaring64Map {
25 public:
26 /**
27 * Create an empty bitmap
28 */
29 Roaring64Map() = default;
31 /**
32 * Construct a bitmap from a list of 32-bit integer values.
33 */
34 Roaring64Map(size_t n, const uint32_t *data) { addMany(n, data); }
36 /**
37 * Construct a bitmap from a list of 64-bit integer values.
38 */
39 Roaring64Map(size_t n, const uint64_t *data) { addMany(n, data); }
41 /**
42 * Construct a 64-bit map from a 32-bit one
43 */
44 Roaring64Map(const Roaring &r) { emplaceOrInsert(0, r); }
46 /**
47 * Construct a roaring object from the C struct.
48 *
49 * Passing a NULL point is unsafe.
50 */
51 Roaring64Map(roaring_bitmap_t *s) { emplaceOrInsert(0, s); }
53 /**
54 * Assignment operator.
55 */
56 Roaring64Map &operator=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
57 roarings = r.roarings;
58 return *this;
59 }
61 /**
62 * Construct a bitmap from a list of integer values.
63 */
64 static Roaring64Map bitmapOf(size_t n...) {
65 Roaring64Map ans;
66 va_list vl;
67 va_start(vl, n);
68 for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
69 ans.add(va_arg(vl, uint64_t));
70 }
71 va_end(vl);
72 return ans;
73 }
75 /**
76 * Add value x
77 *
78 */
79 void add(uint32_t x) {
80 roarings[0].add(x);
81 roarings[0].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
82 }
83 void add(uint64_t x) {
84 roarings[highBytes(x)].add(lowBytes(x));
85 roarings[highBytes(x)].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
86 }
88 /**
89 * Add value x
90 * Returns true if a new value was added, false if the value was already existing.
91 */
92 bool addChecked(uint32_t x) {
93 bool result = roarings[0].addChecked(x);
94 roarings[0].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
95 return result;
96 }
97 bool addChecked(uint64_t x) {
98 bool result = roarings[highBytes(x)].addChecked(lowBytes(x));
99 roarings[highBytes(x)].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
100 return result;
101 }
103 /**
104 * Add value n_args from pointer vals
105 *
106 */
107 void addMany(size_t n_args, const uint32_t *vals) {
108 for (size_t lcv = 0; lcv < n_args; lcv++) {
109 roarings[0].add(vals[lcv]);
110 roarings[0].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
111 }
112 }
113 void addMany(size_t n_args, const uint64_t *vals) {
114 for (size_t lcv = 0; lcv < n_args; lcv++) {
115 roarings[highBytes(vals[lcv])].add(lowBytes(vals[lcv]));
116 roarings[highBytes(vals[lcv])].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
117 }
118 }
120 /**
121 * Remove value x
122 *
123 */
124 void remove(uint32_t x) { roarings[0].remove(x); }
125 void remove(uint64_t x) {
126 auto roaring_iter = roarings.find(highBytes(x));
127 if (roaring_iter != roarings.cend())
128 roaring_iter->second.remove(lowBytes(x));
129 }
131 /**
132 * Remove value x
133 * Returns true if a new value was removed, false if the value was not existing.
134 */
135 bool removeChecked(uint32_t x) {
136 return roarings[0].removeChecked(x);
137 }
138 bool removeChecked(uint64_t x) {
139 auto roaring_iter = roarings.find(highBytes(x));
140 if (roaring_iter != roarings.cend())
141 return roaring_iter->second.removeChecked(lowBytes(x));
142 return false;
143 }
145 /**
146 * Clear the bitmap
147 */
148 void clear() {
149 roarings.clear();
150 }
152 /**
153 * Return the largest value (if not empty)
154 *
155 */
156 uint64_t maximum() const {
157 for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.crbegin();
158 roaring_iter != roarings.crend(); ++roaring_iter) {
159 if (!roaring_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
160 return uniteBytes(roaring_iter->first,
161 roaring_iter->second.maximum());
162 }
163 }
164 // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
165 // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows
166 return (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::min)();
167 }
169 /**
170 * Return the smallest value (if not empty)
171 *
172 */
173 uint64_t minimum() const {
174 for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.cbegin();
175 roaring_iter != roarings.cend(); ++roaring_iter) {
176 if (!roaring_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
177 return uniteBytes(roaring_iter->first,
178 roaring_iter->second.minimum());
179 }
180 }
181 // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
182 // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows
183 return (std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max)();
184 }
186 /**
187 * Check if value x is present
188 */
189 bool contains(uint32_t x) const {
190 return roarings.count(0) == 0 ? false : roarings.at(0).contains(x);
191 }
192 bool contains(uint64_t x) const {
193 return roarings.count(highBytes(x)) == 0
194 ? false
195 : roarings.at(highBytes(x)).contains(lowBytes(x));
196 }
198 /**
199 * Compute the intersection between the current bitmap and the provided
200 * bitmap,
201 * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
202 * modified.
203 */
204 Roaring64Map &operator&=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
205 for (auto &map_entry : roarings) {
206 if (r.roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 1)
207 map_entry.second &= r.roarings.at(map_entry.first);
208 else
209 map_entry.second = Roaring();
210 }
211 return *this;
212 }
214 /**
215 * Compute the difference between the current bitmap and the provided
216 * bitmap,
217 * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
218 * modified.
219 */
220 Roaring64Map &operator-=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
221 for (auto &map_entry : roarings) {
222 if (r.roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 1)
223 map_entry.second -= r.roarings.at(map_entry.first);
224 }
225 return *this;
226 }
228 /**
229 * Compute the union between the current bitmap and the provided bitmap,
230 * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
231 * modified.
232 *
233 * See also the fastunion function to aggregate many bitmaps more quickly.
234 */
235 Roaring64Map &operator|=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
236 for (const auto &map_entry : r.roarings) {
237 if (roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 0) {
238 roarings[map_entry.first] = map_entry.second;
239 roarings[map_entry.first].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
240 } else
241 roarings[map_entry.first] |= map_entry.second;
242 }
243 return *this;
244 }
246 /**
247 * Compute the symmetric union between the current bitmap and the provided
248 * bitmap,
249 * writing the result in the current bitmap. The provided bitmap is not
250 * modified.
251 */
252 Roaring64Map &operator^=(const Roaring64Map &r) {
253 for (const auto &map_entry : r.roarings) {
254 if (roarings.count(map_entry.first) == 0) {
255 roarings[map_entry.first] = map_entry.second;
256 roarings[map_entry.first].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
257 } else
258 roarings[map_entry.first] ^= map_entry.second;
259 }
260 return *this;
261 }
263 /**
264 * Exchange the content of this bitmap with another.
265 */
266 void swap(Roaring64Map &r) { roarings.swap(r.roarings); }
268 /**
269 * Get the cardinality of the bitmap (number of elements).
270 * Throws std::length_error in the special case where the bitmap is full
271 * (cardinality() == 2^64). Check isFull() before calling to avoid
272 * exception.
273 */
274 uint64_t cardinality() const {
275 if (isFull()) {
276 throw std::length_error(
277 "bitmap is full, cardinality is 2^64, "
278 "unable to represent in a 64-bit integer");
279 }
280 return std::accumulate(
281 roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(), (uint64_t)0,
282 [](uint64_t previous,
283 const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
284 return previous + map_entry.second.cardinality();
285 });
286 }
288 /**
289 * Returns true if the bitmap is empty (cardinality is zero).
290 */
291 bool isEmpty() const {
292 return std::all_of(roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
293 [](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
294 return map_entry.second.isEmpty();
295 });
296 }
298 /**
299 * Returns true if the bitmap is full (cardinality is max uint64_t + 1).
300 */
301 bool isFull() const {
302 // only bother to check if map is fully saturated
303 //
304 // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
305 // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows
306 return roarings.size() ==
307 ((size_t)(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)()) + 1
308 ? std::all_of(
309 roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
310 [](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &roaring_map_entry) {
311 // roarings within map are saturated if cardinality
312 // is uint32_t max + 1
313 return roaring_map_entry.second.cardinality() ==
314 ((uint64_t)
315 (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)()) +
316 1;
317 })
318 : false;
319 }
321 /**
322 * Returns true if the bitmap is subset of the other.
323 */
324 bool isSubset(const Roaring64Map &r) const {
325 for (const auto &map_entry : roarings) {
326 auto roaring_iter = r.roarings.find(map_entry.first);
327 if (roaring_iter == roarings.cend())
328 return false;
329 else if (!map_entry.second.isSubset(roaring_iter->second))
330 return false;
331 }
332 return true;
333 }
335 /**
336 * Returns true if the bitmap is strict subset of the other.
337 * Throws std::length_error in the special case where the bitmap is full
338 * (cardinality() == 2^64). Check isFull() before calling to avoid exception.
339 */
340 bool isStrictSubset(const Roaring64Map &r) const {
341 return isSubset(r) && cardinality() != r.cardinality();
342 }
344 /**
345 * Convert the bitmap to an array. Write the output to "ans",
346 * caller is responsible to ensure that there is enough memory
347 * allocated
348 * (e.g., ans = new uint32[mybitmap.cardinality()];)
349 */
350 void toUint64Array(uint64_t *ans) const {
351 // Annoyingly, VS 2017 marks std::accumulate() as [[nodiscard]]
352 (void)std::accumulate(roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(), ans,
353 [](uint64_t *previous,
354 const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
355 for (uint32_t low_bits : map_entry.second)
356 *previous++ =
357 uniteBytes(map_entry.first, low_bits);
358 return previous;
359 });
360 }
362 /**
363 * Return true if the two bitmaps contain the same elements.
364 */
365 bool operator==(const Roaring64Map &r) const {
366 // we cannot use operator == on the map because either side may contain
367 // empty Roaring Bitmaps
368 auto lhs_iter = roarings.cbegin();
369 auto rhs_iter = r.roarings.cbegin();
370 do {
371 // if the left map has reached its end, ensure that the right map
372 // contains only empty Bitmaps
373 if (lhs_iter == roarings.cend()) {
374 while (rhs_iter != r.roarings.cend()) {
375 if (rhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
376 ++rhs_iter;
377 continue;
378 }
379 return false;
380 }
381 return true;
382 }
383 // if the left map has an empty bitmap, skip it
384 if (lhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
385 ++lhs_iter;
386 continue;
387 }
389 do {
390 // if the right map has reached its end, ensure that the right
391 // map contains only empty Bitmaps
392 if (rhs_iter == r.roarings.cend()) {
393 while (lhs_iter != roarings.cend()) {
394 if (lhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
395 ++lhs_iter;
396 continue;
397 }
398 return false;
399 }
400 return true;
401 }
402 // if the right map has an empty bitmap, skip it
403 if (rhs_iter->second.isEmpty()) {
404 ++rhs_iter;
405 continue;
406 }
407 } while (false);
408 // if neither map has reached its end ensure elements are equal and
409 // move to the next element in both
410 } while (lhs_iter++->second == rhs_iter++->second);
411 return false;
412 }
414 /**
415 * compute the negation of the roaring bitmap within a specified interval.
416 * areas outside the range are passed through unchanged.
417 */
418 void flip(uint64_t range_start, uint64_t range_end) {
419 uint32_t start_high = highBytes(range_start);
420 uint32_t start_low = lowBytes(range_start);
421 uint32_t end_high = highBytes(range_end);
422 uint32_t end_low = lowBytes(range_end);
424 if (start_high == end_high) {
425 roarings[start_high].flip(start_low, end_low);
426 return;
427 }
428 // we put std::numeric_limits<>::max/min in parenthesis
429 // to avoid a clash with the Windows.h header under Windows
430 roarings[start_high].flip(start_low,
431 (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)());
432 roarings[start_high++].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
434 for (; start_high <= highBytes(range_end) - 1; ++start_high) {
435 roarings[start_high].flip((std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::min)(),
436 (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)());
437 roarings[start_high].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
438 }
440 roarings[start_high].flip((std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::min)(),
441 end_low);
442 roarings[start_high].setCopyOnWrite(copyOnWrite);
443 }
445 /**
446 * Remove run-length encoding even when it is more space efficient
447 * return whether a change was applied
448 */
449 bool removeRunCompression() {
450 return std::accumulate(
451 roarings.begin(), roarings.end(), false,
452 [](bool previous, std::pair<const uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
453 return map_entry.second.removeRunCompression() && previous;
454 });
455 }
457 /** convert array and bitmap containers to run containers when it is more
458 * efficient;
459 * also convert from run containers when more space efficient. Returns
460 * true if the result has at least one run container.
461 * Additional savings might be possible by calling shrinkToFit().
462 */
463 bool runOptimize() {
464 return std::accumulate(
465 roarings.begin(), roarings.end(), false,
466 [](bool previous, std::pair<const uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
467 return map_entry.second.runOptimize() && previous;
468 });
469 }
471 /**
472 * If needed, reallocate memory to shrink the memory usage. Returns
473 * the number of bytes saved.
474 */
475 size_t shrinkToFit() {
476 size_t savedBytes = 0;
477 auto iter = roarings.begin();
478 while (iter != roarings.cend()) {
479 if (iter->second.isEmpty()) {
480 // empty Roarings are 84 bytes
481 savedBytes += 88;
482 roarings.erase(iter++);
483 } else {
484 savedBytes += iter->second.shrinkToFit();
485 iter++;
486 }
487 }
488 return savedBytes;
489 }
491 /**
492 * Iterate over the bitmap elements. The function iterator is called once
493 * for all the values with ptr (can be NULL) as the second parameter of each
494 * call.
495 *
496 * roaring_iterator is simply a pointer to a function that returns bool
497 * (true means that the iteration should continue while false means that it
498 * should stop), and takes (uint32_t,void*) as inputs.
499 */
500 void iterate(roaring_iterator64 iterator, void *ptr) const {
501 std::for_each(roarings.begin(), roarings.cend(),
502 [=](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
503 roaring_iterate64(&map_entry.second.roaring, iterator,
504 uint64_t(map_entry.first) << 32,
505 ptr);
506 });
507 }
509 /**
510 * If the size of the roaring bitmap is strictly greater than rank, then
511 this
512 function returns true and set element to the element of given rank.
513 Otherwise, it returns false.
514 */
515 bool select(uint64_t rnk, uint64_t *element) const {
516 for (const auto &map_entry : roarings) {
517 uint64_t sub_cardinality = (uint64_t)map_entry.second.cardinality();
518 if (rnk < sub_cardinality) {
519 *element = ((uint64_t)map_entry.first) << 32;
520 // assuming little endian
521 return map_entry.second.select((uint32_t)rnk,
522 ((uint32_t *)element));
523 }
524 rnk -= sub_cardinality;
525 }
526 return false;
527 }
529 /**
530 * Returns the number of integers that are smaller or equal to x.
531 */
532 uint64_t rank(uint64_t x) const {
533 uint64_t result = 0;
534 auto roaring_destination = roarings.find(highBytes(x));
535 if (roaring_destination != roarings.cend()) {
536 for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.cbegin();
537 roaring_iter != roaring_destination; ++roaring_iter) {
538 result += roaring_iter->second.cardinality();
539 }
540 result += roaring_destination->second.rank(lowBytes(x));
541 return result;
542 }
543 roaring_destination = roarings.lower_bound(highBytes(x));
544 for (auto roaring_iter = roarings.cbegin();
545 roaring_iter != roaring_destination; ++roaring_iter) {
546 result += roaring_iter->second.cardinality();
547 }
548 return result;
549 }
551 /**
552 * write a bitmap to a char buffer. This is meant to be compatible with
553 * the
554 * Java and Go versions. Returns how many bytes were written which should be
555 * getSizeInBytes().
556 *
557 * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
558 * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
559 * sparse bitmaps).
560 */
561 size_t write(char *buf, bool portable = true) const {
562 const char *orig = buf;
563 // push map size
564 *((uint64_t *)buf) = roarings.size();
565 buf += sizeof(uint64_t);
566 std::for_each(
567 roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
568 [&buf, portable](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
569 // push map key
570 memcpy(buf, &map_entry.first,
571 sizeof(uint32_t)); // this is undefined:
572 // *((uint32_t*)buf) =
573 // map_entry.first;
574 buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
575 // push map value Roaring
576 buf += map_entry.second.write(buf, portable);
577 });
578 return buf - orig;
579 }
581 /**
582 * read a bitmap from a serialized version. This is meant to be compatible
583 * with
584 * the
585 * Java and Go versions.
586 *
587 * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
588 * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
589 * sparse bitmaps).
590 *
591 * This function is unsafe in the sense that if you provide bad data,
592 * many bytes could be read, possibly causing a buffer overflow. See also readSafe.
593 */
594 static Roaring64Map read(const char *buf, bool portable = true) {
595 Roaring64Map result;
596 // get map size
597 uint64_t map_size = *((uint64_t *)buf);
598 buf += sizeof(uint64_t);
599 for (uint64_t lcv = 0; lcv < map_size; lcv++) {
600 // get map key
601 uint32_t key;
602 memcpy(&key, buf, sizeof(uint32_t)); // this is undefined: uint32_t
603 // key = *((uint32_t*)buf);
604 buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
605 // read map value Roaring
606 Roaring read = Roaring::read(buf, portable);
607 result.emplaceOrInsert(key, read);
608 // forward buffer past the last Roaring Bitmap
609 buf += read.getSizeInBytes(portable);
610 }
611 return result;
612 }
614 /**
615 * read a bitmap from a serialized version, reading no more than maxbytes bytes.
616 * This is meant to be compatible with the Java and Go versions.
617 *
618 * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
619 * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
620 * sparse bitmaps).
621 */
622 static Roaring64Map readSafe(const char *buf, size_t maxbytes) {
623 Roaring64Map result;
624 // get map size
625 uint64_t map_size = *((uint64_t *)buf);
626 buf += sizeof(uint64_t);
627 for (uint64_t lcv = 0; lcv < map_size; lcv++) {
628 // get map key
629 if(maxbytes < sizeof(uint32_t)) {
630 throw std::runtime_error("ran out of bytes");
631 }
632 uint32_t key;
633 memcpy(&key, buf, sizeof(uint32_t)); // this is undefined: uint32_t
634 // key = *((uint32_t*)buf);
635 buf += sizeof(uint32_t);
636 maxbytes -= sizeof(uint32_t);
637 // read map value Roaring
638 Roaring read = Roaring::readSafe(buf, maxbytes);
639 result.emplaceOrInsert(key, read);
640 // forward buffer past the last Roaring Bitmap
641 size_t tz = read.getSizeInBytes(true);
642 buf += tz;
643 maxbytes -= tz;
644 }
645 return result;
646 }
648 /**
649 * How many bytes are required to serialize this bitmap (meant to be
650 * compatible
651 * with Java and Go versions)
652 *
653 * Setting the portable flag to false enable a custom format that
654 * can save space compared to the portable format (e.g., for very
655 * sparse bitmaps).
656 */
657 size_t getSizeInBytes(bool portable = true) const {
658 // start with, respectively, map size and size of keys for each map
659 // entry
660 return std::accumulate(
661 roarings.cbegin(), roarings.cend(),
662 sizeof(uint64_t) + roarings.size() * sizeof(uint32_t),
663 [=](size_t previous,
664 const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
665 // add in bytes used by each Roaring
666 return previous + map_entry.second.getSizeInBytes(portable);
667 });
668 }
670 /**
671 * Computes the intersection between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
672 * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
673 */
674 Roaring64Map operator&(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
675 return Roaring64Map(*this) &= o;
676 }
678 /**
679 * Computes the difference between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
680 * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
681 */
682 Roaring64Map operator-(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
683 return Roaring64Map(*this) -= o;
684 }
686 /**
687 * Computes the union between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
688 * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
689 */
690 Roaring64Map operator|(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
691 return Roaring64Map(*this) |= o;
692 }
694 /**
695 * Computes the symmetric union between two bitmaps and returns new bitmap.
696 * The current bitmap and the provided bitmap are unchanged.
697 */
698 Roaring64Map operator^(const Roaring64Map &o) const {
699 return Roaring64Map(*this) ^= o;
700 }
702 /**
703 * Whether or not we apply copy and write.
704 */
705 void setCopyOnWrite(bool val) {
706 if (copyOnWrite == val) return;
707 copyOnWrite = val;
708 std::for_each(roarings.begin(), roarings.end(),
709 [=](std::pair<const uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
710 map_entry.second.setCopyOnWrite(val);
711 });
712 }
714 /**
715 * Print the content of the bitmap
716 */
717 void printf() const {
718 if (!isEmpty()) {
719 auto map_iter = roarings.cbegin();
720 while (map_iter->second.isEmpty()) ++map_iter;
721 struct iter_data {
722 uint32_t high_bits;
723 char first_char = '{';
724 } outer_iter_data;
725 outer_iter_data.high_bits = roarings.begin()->first;
726 map_iter->second.iterate(
727 [](uint32_t low_bits, void *inner_iter_data) -> bool {
728 std::printf("%c%llu",
729 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char,
730 (long long unsigned)uniteBytes(
731 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->high_bits,
732 low_bits));
733 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char = ',';
734 return true;
735 },
736 (void *)&outer_iter_data);
737 std::for_each(
738 ++map_iter, roarings.cend(),
739 [](const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
740 map_entry.second.iterate(
741 [](uint32_t low_bits, void *high_bits) -> bool {
742 std::printf(",%llu",
743 (long long unsigned)uniteBytes(
744 *(uint32_t *)high_bits, low_bits));
745 return true;
746 },
747 (void *)&map_entry.first);
748 });
749 } else
750 std::printf("{");
751 std::printf("}\n");
752 }
754 /**
755 * Print the content of the bitmap into a string
756 */
757 std::string toString() const {
758 struct iter_data {
759 std::string str;
760 uint32_t high_bits;
761 char first_char = '{';
762 } outer_iter_data;
763 if (!isEmpty()) {
764 auto map_iter = roarings.cbegin();
765 while (map_iter->second.isEmpty()) ++map_iter;
766 outer_iter_data.high_bits = roarings.begin()->first;
767 map_iter->second.iterate(
768 [](uint32_t low_bits, void *inner_iter_data) -> bool {
769 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
770 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char;
771 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str += std::to_string(
772 uniteBytes(((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->high_bits,
773 low_bits));
774 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char = ',';
775 return true;
776 },
777 (void *)&outer_iter_data);
778 std::for_each(
779 ++map_iter, roarings.cend(),
780 [&outer_iter_data](
781 const std::pair<uint32_t, Roaring> &map_entry) {
782 outer_iter_data.high_bits = map_entry.first;
783 map_entry.second.iterate(
784 [](uint32_t low_bits, void *inner_iter_data) -> bool {
785 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
786 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->first_char;
787 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->str +=
788 std::to_string(uniteBytes(
789 ((iter_data *)inner_iter_data)->high_bits,
790 low_bits));
791 return true;
792 },
793 (void *)&outer_iter_data);
794 });
795 } else
796 outer_iter_data.str = '{';
797 outer_iter_data.str += '}';
798 return outer_iter_data.str;
799 }
801 /**
802 * Whether or not copy and write is active.
803 */
804 bool getCopyOnWrite() const { return copyOnWrite; }
806 /**
807 * computes the logical or (union) between "n" bitmaps (referenced by a
808 * pointer).
809 */
810 static Roaring64Map fastunion(size_t n, const Roaring64Map **inputs) {
811 Roaring64Map ans;
812 // not particularly fast
813 for (size_t lcv = 0; lcv < n; ++lcv) {
814 ans |= *(inputs[lcv]);
815 }
816 return ans;
817 }
819 friend class Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator;
820 friend class Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator;
821 typedef Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator const_iterator;
822 typedef Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator const_bidirectional_iterator;
824 /**
825 * Returns an iterator that can be used to access the position of the
826 * set bits. The running time complexity of a full scan is proportional to
827 * the
828 * number
829 * of set bits: be aware that if you have long strings of 1s, this can be
830 * very inefficient.
831 *
832 * It can be much faster to use the toArray method if you want to
833 * retrieve the set bits.
834 */
835 const_iterator begin() const;
837 /**
838 * A bogus iterator that can be used together with begin()
839 * for constructions such as for(auto i = b.begin();
840 * i!=b.end(); ++i) {}
841 */
842 const_iterator end() const;
844 private:
845 std::map<uint32_t, Roaring> roarings;
846 bool copyOnWrite = false;
847 static uint32_t highBytes(const uint64_t in) { return uint32_t(in >> 32); }
848 static uint32_t lowBytes(const uint64_t in) { return uint32_t(in); }
849 static uint64_t uniteBytes(const uint32_t highBytes,
850 const uint32_t lowBytes) {
851 return (uint64_t(highBytes) << 32) | uint64_t(lowBytes);
852 }
853 // this is needed to tolerate gcc's C++11 libstdc++ lacking emplace
854 // prior to version 4.8
855 void emplaceOrInsert(const uint32_t key, const Roaring &value) {
856#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) && __GLIBCXX__ < 20130322
857 roarings.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
859 roarings.emplace(std::make_pair(key, value));
861 }
865 * Used to go through the set bits. Not optimally fast, but convenient.
866 */
867class Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator {
868 public:
869 typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
870 typedef uint64_t *pointer;
871 typedef uint64_t &reference_type;
872 typedef uint64_t value_type;
873 typedef int64_t difference_type;
874 typedef Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator type_of_iterator;
876 /**
877 * Provides the location of the set bit.
878 */
879 value_type operator*() const {
880 return Roaring64Map::uniteBytes(map_iter->first, i.current_value);
881 }
883 bool operator<(const type_of_iterator &o) {
884 if (map_iter == map_end) return false;
885 if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
886 return **this < *o;
887 }
889 bool operator<=(const type_of_iterator &o) {
890 if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
891 if (map_iter == map_end) return false;
892 return **this <= *o;
893 }
895 bool operator>(const type_of_iterator &o) {
896 if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
897 if (map_iter == map_end) return true;
898 return **this > *o;
899 }
901 bool operator>=(const type_of_iterator &o) {
902 if (map_iter == map_end) return true;
903 if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
904 return **this >= *o;
905 }
907 type_of_iterator &operator++() { // ++i, must returned inc. value
908 if (i.has_value == true) roaring_advance_uint32_iterator(&i);
909 while (!i.has_value) {
910 map_iter++;
911 if (map_iter == map_end) return *this;
912 roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
913 }
914 return *this;
915 }
917 type_of_iterator operator++(int) { // i++, must return orig. value
918 Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator orig(*this);
919 roaring_advance_uint32_iterator(&i);
920 while (!i.has_value) {
921 map_iter++;
922 if (map_iter == map_end) return orig;
923 roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
924 }
925 return orig;
926 }
928 bool move(const value_type& x) {
929 map_iter = p.lower_bound(Roaring64Map::highBytes(x));
930 if (map_iter != p.cend()) {
931 roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
932 if (map_iter->first == Roaring64Map::highBytes(x)) {
933 if (roaring_move_uint32_iterator_equalorlarger(&i, Roaring64Map::lowBytes(x)))
934 return true;
935 map_iter++;
936 if (map_iter == map_end) return false;
937 roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
938 }
939 return true;
940 }
941 return false;
942 }
944 bool operator==(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator &o) {
945 if (map_iter == map_end && o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
946 if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
947 return **this == *o;
948 }
950 bool operator!=(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator &o) {
951 if (map_iter == map_end && o.map_iter == o.map_end) return false;
952 if (o.map_iter == o.map_end) return true;
953 return **this != *o;
954 }
956 Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator &operator=(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator& r) {
957 map_iter = r.map_iter;
958 map_end = r.map_end;
959 i = r.i;
960 return *this;
961 }
963 Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(const Roaring64Map &parent,
964 bool exhausted = false)
965 : p(parent.roarings), map_end(parent.roarings.cend()) {
966 if (exhausted || parent.roarings.empty()) {
967 map_iter = parent.roarings.cend();
968 } else {
969 map_iter = parent.roarings.cbegin();
970 roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
971 while (!i.has_value) {
972 map_iter++;
973 if (map_iter == map_end) return;
974 roaring_init_iterator(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
975 }
976 }
977 }
979 protected:
980 const std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>& p;
981 std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>::const_iterator map_iter;
982 std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>::const_iterator map_end;
983 roaring_uint32_iterator_t i;
986class Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator final :public Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator {
987 public:
988 Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator(const Roaring64Map &parent,
989 bool exhausted = false)
990 : Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(parent, exhausted), map_begin(parent.roarings.cbegin()) {}
992 Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator &operator=(const Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator& r) {
993 *(Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator*)this = r;
994 return *this;
995 }
997 type_of_iterator& operator--() { // --i, must return dec.value
998 if (map_iter == map_end) {
999 --map_iter;
1000 roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
1001 if (i.has_value) return *this;
1002 }
1004 roaring_previous_uint32_iterator(&i);
1005 while (!i.has_value) {
1006 if (map_iter == map_begin) return *this;
1007 map_iter--;
1008 roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
1009 }
1010 return *this;
1011 }
1013 type_of_iterator operator--(int) { // i--, must return orig. value
1014 Roaring64MapSetBitBiDirectionalIterator orig(*this);
1015 if (map_iter == map_end) {
1016 --map_iter;
1017 roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
1018 return orig;
1019 }
1021 roaring_previous_uint32_iterator(&i);
1022 while (!i.has_value) {
1023 if (map_iter == map_begin) return orig;
1024 map_iter--;
1025 roaring_init_iterator_last(&map_iter->second.roaring, &i);
1026 }
1027 return orig;
1028 }
1030 protected:
1031 std::map<uint32_t, Roaring>::const_iterator map_begin;
1034inline Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator Roaring64Map::begin() const {
1035 return Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(*this);
1038inline Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator Roaring64Map::end() const {
1039 return Roaring64MapSetBitForwardIterator(*this, true);
1042#endif /* INCLUDE_ROARING_64_MAP_HH_ */