1 | // This file is part of SmallBASIC |
2 | // |
3 | // SB Messages in English - Latin1 |
4 | // |
5 | // This program is distributed under the terms of the GPL v2.0 or later |
6 | // Download the GNU Public License (GPL) from www.gnu.org |
7 | // |
8 | // Copyright(C) 2000 Nicholas Christopoulos |
9 | |
10 | #define LOWER_CHAR_FOR_YES 'y' |
11 | #define WORD_FILE "File" |
12 | #define WORD_SECTION "Section" |
13 | |
14 | #define TABLE_WEEKDAYS_3C { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" } |
15 | #define TABLE_WEEKDAYS_FULL { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" } |
16 | #define TABLE_MONTH_3C { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" } |
17 | #define TABLE_MONTH_FULL { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" } |
18 | |
19 | #define DATEFMT_DAY_U 'D' |
20 | #define DATEFMT_DAY_L 'd' |
21 | #define DATEFMT_MONTH_U 'M' |
22 | #define DATEFMT_MONTH_L 'm' |
23 | #define DATEFMT_YEAR_U 'Y' |
24 | #define DATEFMT_YEAR_L 'y' |
25 | |
26 | #define RES_NUMBER_OF_VARS "Number of variables %d (%d)\n" |
27 | #define RES_NUMBER_OF_LABS "Number of labels %d\n" |
28 | #define RES_NUMBER_OF_UDPS "Number of UDFs/UDPs %d\n" |
29 | #define RES_CODE_SIZE "Code size %d\n" |
30 | #define RES_IMPORTED_LIBS "Imported libraries %d\n" |
31 | #define RES_IMPORTED_SYMS "Imported symbols %d\n" |
32 | #define RES_EXPORTED_SYMS "Exported symbols %d\n" |
33 | #define RES_FINAL_SIZE "Final size %d\n" |
34 | |
35 | // compiler |
36 | #define MSG_WRONG_PROCNAME "Wrong procedure/function name: %s" |
37 | #define MSG_EXP_MIS_DQ "Expression: Missing (\"), string remains open" |
38 | #define MSG_EXP_MIS_RP "Expression: Missing \')\'" |
39 | #define MSG_EXP_MIS_LP "Expression: Missing \'(\'" |
40 | #define MSG_EXP_MIS_RB "Expression: Missing \'}\'" |
41 | #define MSG_LABEL_NOT_DEFINED "Label '%s' is not defined" |
42 | #define MSG_WRONG_UNIT "Unknown unit '%s'; use IMPORT\n" |
43 | #define MSG_NEW_LABEL "%d: new label [%s], index %d\n" |
44 | #define MSG_NEW_UDP "%d: new UDP/F [%s], index %d\n" |
45 | #define MSG_NEW_VAR "%d: new VAR [%s], index %d\n" |
46 | #define MSG_WRONG_VARNAME "Wrong variable name: %s" |
47 | #define MSG_EXP_GENERR "Error on numeric expression" |
48 | #define MSG_BF_ARGERR "Built-in function %s: without parameters" |
49 | #define MSG_KEYWORD_DO_ERR "Keyword DO not allowed here" |
50 | #define MSG_STATEMENT_ON_RIGHT "Statement %s must be on the left side (the first keyword of the line)" |
51 | #define MSG_OPR_APPEND_ERR "operator << not allowed here" |
52 | #define MSG_WRONG_OPR "Unknown operator: '%c'" |
53 | #define MSG_PARNUM_LIMIT "Parameters limit: %d" |
54 | #define MSG_NIL_PAR_ERR "'Empty' parameters are not allowed" |
55 | #define MSG_MISSING_CHAR "Missing '%c'" |
56 | #define MSG_ARRAY_SE "Array: syntax error" |
57 | #define MSG_ARRAY_MIS_RP "Array: Missing ')', (left side of expression)" |
58 | #define MSG_ARRAY_MIS_LP "Array: Missing '(', (left side of expression)" |
59 | #define MSG_OPTION_ERR "OPTION: Unrecognized option '%s'" |
60 | #define MSG_IT_IS_KEYWORD "%s: is keyword (left side of expression)" |
61 | #define MSG_USE_DECL "Use DECLARE with SUB or FUNC keyword" |
62 | #define MSG_LET_MISSING_EQ "LET/CONST/APPEND: Missing '='" |
63 | #define MSG_EXIT_ERR "Use EXIT [FOR|LOOP|SUB|FUNC]" |
64 | #define MSG_UDP_ALREADY_EXISTS "The SUB/FUNC %s is already defined" |
65 | #define MSG_MISSING_UDP_BODY "Block not found with FUNC/DEF declared using '='" |
66 | #define MSG_UNIT_NAME_MISSING "EXPORT: Unit name is not defined" |
67 | #define MSG_ON_GOTO_ERR "ON x GOTO WHERE?" |
68 | #define MSG_ON_GOSUB_ERR "ON x GOSUB WHERE?" |
69 | #define MSG_ON_NOTHING "ON WHAT?" |
70 | #define MSG_FOR_NOTHING "FOR: Missing '=' OR 'IN'" |
71 | #define MSG_FOR_COUNT_ERR "FOR: %s is not a variable" |
72 | #define MSG_FOR_ARR_COUNT "FOR: %s is an array. Arrays are not allowed" |
73 | #define MSG_SPECIAL_KW_ERR "%s: Wrong position" |
74 | #define MSG_DETAILED_REPORT_Q "Detailed report (y/N) ?" |
75 | #define MSG_PASS2_COUNT "\rPASS2: Node %d/%d" |
76 | #define MSG_UDP_MISSING_END "SUB/FUNC: Missing END on the same level" |
77 | #define MSG_MISSING_NEXT "FOR: Missing NEXT on the same level" |
78 | #define MSG_MISSING_IN "FOR: Missing IN" |
79 | #define MSG_MISSING_TO "FOR: Missing TO" |
80 | #define MSG_MISSING_WEND "WHILE: Missing WEND on the same level" |
81 | #define MSG_MISSING_UNTIL "REPEAT: Missing UNTIL on the same level" |
82 | #define MSG_MISSING_ENDIF_OR_ELSE "IF: Missing ELIF/ELSE/ENDIF on the same level" |
83 | #define MSG_MISSING_ENDIF "(ELSE) IF: Missing ENDIF on the same level" |
84 | #define MSG_MISSING_WHILE "WEND: Missing WHILE on the same level" |
85 | #define MSG_MISSING_REPEAT "UNTIL: Missing REPEAT on the same level" |
86 | #define MSG_MISSING_FOR "NEXT: Missing FOR on the same level" |
87 | #define MSG_MISSING_IF "ENDIF: Missing IF on the same level" |
88 | #define MSG_MEMBER_DOES_NOT_EXIST "Unit has no member named '%s'\n" |
89 | #define MSG_MODULE_NO_MEMBER "Module '%s' has no member '%s'\n" |
90 | #define MSG_MODULE_NO_RETURN "Module FUNC '%s' result not assigned\n" |
91 | #define MSG_CANT_OPEN_FILE_AT "Can't open '%s' at '%s'\n" |
92 | #define MSG_CANT_OPEN_FILE "Can't open '%s'\n" |
93 | #define MSG_GRMODE_ERR "GRMODE, usage:<width>x<height>[x<bits-per-pixel>]\nExample: OPTION PREDEF GRMODE=640x480x4\n" |
94 | #define MSG_UNIT_NOT_FOUND "Unit %s.sbu not found or wrong version" |
95 | #define MSG_IMPORT_FAILED "Unit %s.sbu, import failed" |
96 | #define MSG_INVALID_UNIT_NAME "Invalid unit name" |
97 | #define MSG_UNIT_ALREADY_DEFINED "Unit name already defined" |
98 | #define MSG_OPT_PREDEF_ERR "OPTION PREDEF: Unrecognized option '%s'" |
99 | #define MSG_MANY_UNIT_DECL "Use 'Unit' keyword only once" |
100 | #define MSG_INC_MIS_DQ "#INC: Missing \"" |
101 | #define MSG_INC_FILE_DNE "File %s: File %s does not exist" |
102 | #define MSG_INC_FILE_INC "File %s: File cannot include itself" |
103 | #define MSG_UDP_ALREADY_DECL "SUB/FUNC %s already defined" |
104 | #define MSG_UDP_MIS_END_2 "File %s: SUB/FUNC: Missing END (possibly in %s)" |
105 | #define MSG_PASS1 "Pass1...\n" |
106 | #define MSG_PASS1_COUNT "\rPASS1: Line %d" |
107 | #define MSG_UNDEFINED_UDP "Undefined SUB/FUNC code: %s" |
108 | #define MSG_UNDEFINED_MAP "Undefined MAP: '%s' or missing parenthesis" |
109 | #define MSG_PASS1_FIN "\rPASS1: Line %d; finished\n" |
110 | #define MSG_EXP_SYM_NOT_FOUND "Export symbol '%s' not found" |
111 | #define MSG_PASS2 "PASS2..." |
112 | #define MSG_MISSING_END_3 "SUB/FUNC: Missing END" |
113 | #define MSG_LOOPS_OPEN "%d loop(s) remains open" |
114 | #define MSG_CREATING_UNIT "\nCreating Unit %s...\n" |
115 | #define MSG_CREATING_BC "Creating byte-code...\n" |
116 | #define MSG_UNIT_NAME_DIF_THAN_SRC "Warning: unit's file name is different than source\n" |
117 | #define MSG_BC_FILE_CREATED "ByteCode file '%s' created\n" |
118 | #define MSG_BC_FILE_ERROR "Can't create binary file\n" |
119 | #define MSG_CASE_CASE_ELSE "CASE following CASE ELSE" |
121 | #define MSG_MISSING_SELECT "END SELECT without SELECT" |
122 | #define MSG_MISSING_CASE "SELECT without CASE" |
123 | #define MSG_MISSING_CATCH "TRY without CATCH" |
124 | #define MSG_MISSING_ENDTRY "TRY without END TRY" |
125 | #define MSG_FUNC_NOT_ASSIGNED "The value returned from %s was not assigned" |
126 | #define MSG_RETURN_NOT_ASSIGNED "FUNC (line %d) - result not assigned" |
127 | |
128 | // executor |
129 | #define WORD_ERROR_AT "ERROR AT" |
130 | #define WORD_DESCRIPTION "Description" |
131 | #define WORD_COMP "COMP" // Compiler (COMP) error or RunTime error (RTE) |
132 | #define WORD_RTE "RTE" |
133 | #define WORD_DONE "DONE" |
134 | #define WORD_BREAK_AT "BREAK AT LINE" |
136 | #define WORD_GOTO "GOTO" |
137 | #define WORD_GOSUB "GOSUB" |
138 | #define WORD_INF "INF" // infinity |
139 | #define FSERR_INVALID_PARAMETER "FS: Invalid parameter" |
140 | #define FSERR_NOT_FOUND "FS: File not found" |
141 | #define FSERR_HANDLE "FS: Invalid file handle" |
142 | #define FSERR_ACCESS "FS: Access denied" |
143 | #define FSERR_GENERIC "FS: Generic I/O error" |
144 | #define FSERR_FMT "FS(%d): %s" |
145 | #define FSERR_TOO_MANY_FILES "FS: Too many open files" |
146 | #define FSERR_WRONG_DRIVER "Unknown device or file-system" |
147 | #define ERR_MISSING_RP "Missing ')' OR invalid number of parameters" |
148 | #define ERR_MATRIX_DIM "Matrix dimension error" |
149 | #define ERR_SYNTAX "Syntax error" |
150 | #define ERR_MISSING_SEP "Missing separator '%c'" |
151 | #define ERR_PARCOUNT "Error number of parameters" |
152 | #define ERR_STACK_OVERFLOW "Stack overflow" |
153 | #define ERR_STACK_UNDERFLOW "Stack underflow" |
154 | #define ERR_STACK "Stack mess (Cannot use call to SUB with an expression)" |
155 | #define ERR_ARRAY_MISSING_LP "Array: Missing '('" |
156 | #define ERR_ARRAY_MISSING_RP "Array: Missing ')'" |
157 | #define ERR_ARRAY_RANGE "Array: Index '%d' out of range. (Max = %d)" |
158 | #define ERR_TYPE "Type mismatch" |
159 | #define ERR_PARAM "Invalid parameter" |
160 | #define ERR_NO_ARGS "Function takes no arguments" |
161 | #define EVAL_VAR_IS_ARRAY "Expr/RT: Variable is an array" |
162 | #define EVAL_VAR_IS_NOT_ARRAY "Expr/RT: Variable is NOT an array (Use DIM)" |
163 | #define EVAL_NOT_A_NUM "Expr/RT: Not a number" |
164 | #define EVAL_SYNTAX "Expr/RT: Syntax error" |
165 | #define EVAL_TYPE "Expr/RT: Type mismatch" |
166 | #define EVAL_PARAM "Expr/RT: Invalid parameter" |
167 | #define ERR_UNSUPPORTED "Unsupported" |
168 | #define ERR_CONST "LET: Cannot change a constant (CONST always has global scope)" |
169 | #define ERR_NOT_A_VAR "Not a variable" |
170 | #define ERR_RANGE "Out of range" |
171 | #define ERR_MISSING_SEP_OR_PAR "Missing separator OR parenthesis" |
172 | #define ERR_DIVZERO "Division by zero" |
173 | #define ERR_OPERATOR "Operator cannot be used with an array" |
174 | #define ERR_MATSIG "Matrix singular" |
175 | #define ERR_MISSING_LP "Missing '('" |
176 | #define ERR_PARFMT "Parameters count/format error (%s)" |
177 | #define ERR_BYREF "Parameter %d cannot BYREF" |
178 | #define ERR_BAD_FILE_HANDLE "Invalid file number (Use OPEN)" |
179 | #define ERR_SEP_FMT "No separator found (missing %s)" |
180 | #define ERR_POLY "Parsing polyline: type mismatch (element: %d, info: %d)" |
181 | #define ERR_CRITICAL_MISSING_FUNC "Unsupported built-in function call %ld, please report this bug" |
182 | #define ERR_GPF "\n\aOUT OF ADDRESS SPACE\n" |
183 | #define ERR_CRITICAL_MISSING_PROC "Unsupported built-in procedure call %ld, please report this bug" |
184 | #define ERR_RUN_FILE "RUN/EXEC \"%s\" Failed" |
185 | #define ERR_RUNFUNC_FILE "RUN(\"%s\"): Failed" |
186 | #define ERR_PARCOUNT_SP "Parameter count error @%d=%X" |
187 | #define ERR_DATE "Invalid DATE: '%s'. Expected DD/MM/YYYY" |
188 | #define ERR_TIME "Invalid TIME: '%s'. Expected HH:MM:SS" |
189 | #define ERR_BOUND_DIM "U/LBOUND: Array of %d dimensions (%d)" |
190 | #define ERR_BOUND_VAR "U/LBOUND: Variable is not an array" |
191 | #define ERR_FORMAT_INVALID_FORMAT "Wrong format" |
192 | #define ERR_CENTROID "Centroid is undefined" |
193 | #define ERR_WRONG_POLY "Polygon is incorrect" |
194 | #define ERR_POINT "POINT() Invalid parameter" |
195 | #define ERR_LINEEQN_ADIM "MATRIX A, WRONG DIM %dx%d" |
196 | #define ERR_LINEEQN_BDIM "MATRIX B, WRONG DIM %dx%d" |
197 | #define ERR_WRONG_MAT "MATRIX: WRONG DIM %dx%d" |
198 | #define ERR_INPUT_NO_VARS "INPUT without variables" |
199 | #define ERR_ONGOTO_RANGE "ON x %s: Out of range" |
200 | #define ERR_EXITFOR "EXIT FOR: No 'FOR' inside subroutine or function" |
201 | #define ERR_EXITLOOP "EXIT LOOP: No 'LOOP' inside subroutine or function" |
202 | #define ERR_READ_DATA_START "READ: Data out of range. Use RESTORE [label]" |
203 | #define ERR_READ_DATA_INDEX "READ: Data out of range. Use RESTORE [label]" |
204 | #define ERR_READ_DATA_INDEX_FMT "READ: Data out of range (IDX=%d). Use RESTORE [label]" |
205 | #define ERR_PUTENV "ENV failed" |
206 | #define ERR_EXPRSEQ_WITHOUT_EXPR "EXPRSEQ: Missing expression" |
207 | #define ERR_POLY_POINT "Parsing point: type mismatch" |
208 | #define ERR_VP_POS "Viewport out of screen" |
209 | #define ERR_VP_ZERO "Viewport of zero size" |
210 | #define ERR_WIN_ZERO "Window of zero size" |
211 | #define ERR_DRAW_SEP "DRAW: Missing separator (,)" |
212 | #define ERR_DRAW_CMD "DRAW: Command '%c' unsupported" |
213 | #define ERR_FILE_PERM "File IO permission error" |
214 | #define ERR_REF_VAR "BYREF error. Invalid variable reference" |
215 | #define ERR_REF_CIRC_VAR "BYREF error. Circular reference" |
216 | #define ERR_INVALID_CATCH "Invalid catch argument" |
217 | #define ERR_NO_FUNC "Not a function" |
218 | #define ERR_IMAGE_LOAD "Failed to load image: '%s'" |
219 | #define ERR_IMAGE_SAVE "Failed to save image" |
220 | #define ERR_IMAGE_SAVE_ERR "Failed to save image: '%s'" |
221 | #define ERR_FORM_INPUT "Form has no inputs" |
222 | #define ERR_PARAM_NUM "Incorrect number of parameters: %d. Expected %d." |
223 | #define ERR_PACK_TOO_MANY "Too many values to unpack" |
224 | #define ERR_PACK_TOO_FEW "Need more than %d values to unpack" |
225 | #define ERR_MEMORY "Out of memory error" |
226 | #define ERR_NETWORK "Network error" |
227 | #define ERR_XPM_IMAGE "Invalid xpm image" |
228 | #define ERR_FILE_NOT_OPEN "IOError: File not open for reading" |
229 | #define ERR_DIRWALK_NAME "DIRWALK: name %s/%s too long" |
230 | #define ERR_DIRWALK_MISSING_USE "DIRWALK: missing USE statement" |
231 | #define ERR_DIRWALK_CANT_OPEN "DIRWALK: can't open %s" |
232 | #define ERR_LINE_LENGTH "Line length limit exceeded at text: '%s'" |
233 | |