1 | /* automagicaly generated file */ |
2 | static struct KEYWORD_HELP { |
3 | const char *package; |
4 | const char *keyword; |
5 | const char *signature; |
6 | const char *nodeId; |
7 | const char *help; |
8 | } keyword_help[] = { |
9 | {"Console" ,"AT" ,"AT x, y" ,"521" ,"Moves the console cursor to the specified position. x,y are in pixels." }, |
10 | {"Console" ,"BEEP" ,"BEEP" ,"522" ,"Generates a beep sound." }, |
11 | {"Console" ,"CAT" ,"CAT (x)" ,"538" ,"Returns a console code. 0 = reset, 1 = bold, -1 bold-off, 2 = underline, -2 = underline-off, 3 = reverse, -3 = reverse-off." }, |
12 | {"Console" ,"CLS" ,"CLS " ,"524" ,"Clears the screen." }, |
13 | {"Console" ,"DEFINEKEY" ,"DEFINEKEY k,sub" ,"1015" ,"Binds a keystroke to a user defined function" }, |
14 | {"Console" ,"FORM" ,"FORM(map)" ,"525" ,"Creates a form object from a MAP variable. This provides access to the following sub-commands: doEvents, close, refresh. The form MAP may contain the following properties: value, inputs, focus. Inputs is an array of MAP, each may contain the following properties: x, y, width, height, value, label, name, type, backgroundColor, color, visible, isExit, selectedIndex, length, noFocus, onclick" }, |
15 | {"Console" ,"INKEY" ,"INKEY" ,"539" ,"Returns the last key-code in keyboard buffer, or an empty string if there are no keys. Special key-codes like the function-keys are returned as 2-byte string." }, |
16 | {"Console" ,"INPUT" ,"INPUT [prompt,|;] var[, var [, ...]]" ,"527" ,"Reads from \"keyboard\" text and stores it in a variable." }, |
17 | {"Console" ,"LINEINPUT" ,"LINEINPUT [#fileN] var" ,"528" ,"Reads a whole text line from file or console." }, |
18 | {"Console" ,"LINPUT" ,"LINPUT [#fileN] var" ,"529" ,"Reads a whole text line from file or console." }, |
19 | {"Console" ,"LOCATE" ,"LOCATE y, x" ,"530" ,"Moves the console cursor to the specified position. x,y are in character cells." }, |
20 | {"Console" ,"LOGPRINT" ,"LOGPRINT ..." ,"531" ,"PRINT to the application logfile. The syntax is the same as command PRINT." }, |
21 | {"Console" ,"NOSOUND" ,"NOSOUND" ,"532" ,"Stop background sound and clear the sound queue." }, |
22 | {"Console" ,"PEN" ,"PEN ON|OFF" ,"533" ,"Enables/Disables the PEN/MOUSE mechanism." }, |
23 | {"Console" ,"PLAY" ,"PLAY string" ,"534" ,"Play musical notes." }, |
24 | {"Console" ,"PRINT" ,"PRINT [USING [format];] [expr|str [,|; [expr|str]] ..." ,"535" ,"Display text or the value of an expression." }, |
25 | {"Console" ,"SOUND" ,"SOUND freq, dur_ms [, vol] [BG]" ,"536" ,"Plays a sound." }, |
26 | {"Console" ,"TAB" ,"TAB (n)" ,"540" ,"Moves cursor position to the nth column." }, |
27 | {"Data" ,"APPEND" ,"APPEND a, val [, val [, ...]]" ,"581" ,"Inserts the values at the end of the specified array." }, |
28 | {"Data" ,"ARRAY" ,"ARRAY [var | expr]" ,"1432" ,"Creates a ARRAY or MAP variable from the given string or expression" }, |
29 | {"Data" ,"CDBL" ,"CDBL (x)" ,"552" ,"Convert x to 64b real number. Meaningless. Used for compatibility." }, |
30 | {"Data" ,"CINT" ,"CINT (x)" ,"553" ,"Converts x to 32b integer. Meaningless. Used for compatibility." }, |
31 | {"Data" ,"CREAL" ,"CREAL (x)" ,"554" ,"Convert x to 64b real number. Meaningless. Used for compatibility." }, |
32 | {"Data" ,"DATA" ,"DATA constant1 [,constant2]..." ,"569" ,"Stores one or more constants, of any type, for subsequent access via READ command." }, |
33 | {"Data" ,"DELETE" ,"DELETE a, idx [, count]" ,"542" ,"Deletes 'count' elements at position 'idx' of array 'a'." }, |
34 | {"Data" ,"DIM" ,"DIM var([lower TO] upper [, ...]) [, ...]" ,"570" ,"Reserves storage space for an array." }, |
35 | {"Data" ,"EMPTY" ,"EMPTY (x)" ,"543" ,"Returns true if x is: a zero length array, an empty string, an integer or real with the value 0." }, |
36 | {"Data" ,"ERASE" ,"ERASE var[, var[, ... var]]" ,"571" ,"Deallocates the memory used by the specified arrays or variables. After that these variables turned to simple integers with zero value." }, |
37 | {"Data" ,"INSERT" ,"INSERT a, idx, val [, val [, ...]]]" ,"544" ,"Inserts the values to the specified array at the position idx." }, |
38 | {"Data" ,"ISARRAY" ,"ISARRAY (x)" ,"555" ,"Returns true if x is an array." }, |
39 | {"Data" ,"ISDIR" ,"ISDIR (x)" ,"556" ,"Returns true if x is a directory." }, |
40 | {"Data" ,"ISFILE" ,"ISFILE (x)" ,"557" ,"Returns true if x is a regular file." }, |
41 | {"Data" ,"ISLINK" ,"ISLINK (x)" ,"558" ,"Returns true if x is a link." }, |
42 | {"Data" ,"ISMAP" ,"ISMAP (x)" ,"1430" ,"Returns true if x is an MAP variable type. A MAP provides value-key pair access along with array or dotted notation. The MAP can be initialized from a String variable using the ARRAY command." }, |
43 | {"Data" ,"ISNUMBER" ,"ISNUMBER (x)" ,"559" ,"Returns true if x is a number (or it can be converted to a number)." }, |
44 | {"Data" ,"ISSTRING" ,"ISSTRING (x)" ,"560" ,"Returns true if x is a string (and cannot be converted to a number)." }, |
45 | {"Data" ,"LBOUND" ,"LBOUND (array [, dim])" ,"561" ,"Returns the lower bound of 'array'." }, |
46 | {"Data" ,"LEN" ,"LEN(d)" ,"562" ,"Returns the length of the value contained in the variable." }, |
47 | {"Data" ,"READ" ,"READ var[, var ...]" ,"546" ,"Assigns values in DATA items to specified variables." }, |
48 | {"Data" ,"REDIM" ,"REDIM x" ,"547" ,"Same as DIM only the contents of x are preserved." }, |
49 | {"Data" ,"RESTORE" ,"RESTORE label" ,"572" ,"Specifies the position of the next data to be read." }, |
50 | {"Data" ,"SEARCH" ,"SEARCH A, key, BYREF ridx [USE cmpfunc]" ,"548" ,"Scans an array for the key. If key is not found the SEARCH command returns (in ridx) the value. (LBOUND(A)-1). In default-base arrays that means -1. The cmpfunc (if its specified) it takes 2 vars to compare. It must return 0 if x = y; non-zero if x <> y." }, |
51 | {"Data" ,"SORT" ,"SORT array [USE cmpfunc]" ,"549" ,"Sorts an array. The cmpfunc if specified, takes 2 vars to compare and must return: -1 if x < y, +1 if x > y, 0 if x = y." }, |
52 | {"Data" ,"SWAP" ,"SWAP a, b" ,"550" ,"Exchanges the values of two variables. The parameters may be variables of any type." }, |
53 | {"Data" ,"UBOUND" ,"UBOUND (array [, dim])" ,"567" ,"Returns the upper bound of 'array'." }, |
54 | {"Date" ,"DATE" ,"DATE" ,"575" ,"Returns the current date as string \"DD/MM/YYYY\"." }, |
55 | {"Date" ,"DATEDMY" ,"DATEDMY dmy| julian_date, BYREF d, BYREF m, BYREF y" ,"573" ,"Returns the day, month and the year as integers." }, |
56 | {"Date" ,"DATEFMT" ,"DATEFMT (format, dmy| (d,m,y)| julian_date)" ,"576" ,"Returns formatted date string." }, |
57 | {"Date" ,"JULIAN" ,"JULIAN (dmy| (d,m,y))" ,"577" ,"Returns the Julian date. (dates must be greater than 1/1/100 AD)." }, |
58 | {"Date" ,"TICKS" ,"TICKS" ,"1448" ,"Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed between successive calls." }, |
59 | {"Date" ,"TIME" ,"TIME" ,"578" ,"Returns the current time as string \"HH:MM:SS\"." }, |
60 | {"Date" ,"TIMEHMS" ,"TIMEHMS hms| timer, BYREF h, BYREF m, BYREF s" ,"574" ,"Converts a time-value to hours, minutes and seconds integer values." }, |
61 | {"Date" ,"TIMER" ,"TIMER" ,"1449" ,"Returns the number of seconds from midnight." }, |
62 | {"Date" ,"TIMESTAMP" ,"TIMESTAMP filename" ,"1450" ,"Returns the file last modified date and time." }, |
63 | {"Date" ,"WEEKDAY" ,"WEEKDAY (dmy| (d,m,y)| julian_date)" ,"579" ,"Returns the day of the week (0 = Sunday)." }, |
64 | {"File" ,"ACCESS" ,"ACCESS (file)" ,"580" ,"Returns the access rights of the file." }, |
65 | {"File" ,"BGETC" ,"BGETC (fileN)" ,"602" ,"Reads and returns a byte from file or device (Binary mode) ." }, |
66 | {"File" ,"BLOAD" ,"BLOAD filename[, address]" ,"582" ,"Loads a specified memory image file into memory." }, |
67 | {"File" ,"BPUTC" ,"BPUTC# fileN; byte" ,"583" ,"Writes a byte on file or device. (Binary mode)." }, |
68 | {"File" ,"BSAVE" ,"BSAVE filename, address, length" ,"584" ,"Copies a specified portion of memory to a specified file." }, |
69 | {"File" ,"CHDIR" ,"CHDIR dir" ,"585" ,"Changes the current working directory." }, |
70 | {"File" ,"CHMOD" ,"CHMOD file, mode" ,"586" ,"Change permissions of a file. See also ACCESS." }, |
71 | {"File" ,"CLOSE" ,"CLOSE #fileN" ,"587" ,"Close a file or device." }, |
72 | {"File" ,"COPY" ,"COPY \"file\", \"newfile\"" ,"588" ,"Makes a copy of specified file to the 'newfile'." }, |
73 | {"File" ,"DIRWALK" ,"DIRWALK directory [, wildcards] [USE ...]" ,"589" ,"Walk through the specified directories. The user-defined function must returns zero to stop the process." }, |
74 | {"File" ,"EOF" ,"EOF (fileN)" ,"603" ,"Returns true if the file pointer is at end of the file. For COMx and SOCL VFS returns true if the connection is broken." }, |
75 | {"File" ,"EXIST" ,"EXIST (file)" ,"604" ,"Returns true if file exists." }, |
76 | {"File" ,"FILES" ,"FILES (wildcards)" ,"605" ,"Returns an array with the filenames. If there are no files returns an empty array." }, |
77 | {"File" ,"FREEFILE" ,"FREEFILE" ,"607" ,"Returns an unused file handle." }, |
78 | {"File" ,"INPUT" ,"INPUT #fileN; var1 [,delim] [, var2 [,delim]] ..." ,"590" ,"Reads data from file." }, |
79 | {"File" ,"INPUT" ,"INPUT (len [, fileN])" ,"608" ,"Reads 'len' bytes from file or console (if fileN is omitted). This function does not convert the data or remove spaces." }, |
80 | {"File" ,"KILL" ,"KILL \"file\"" ,"591" ,"Deletes the specified file." }, |
81 | {"File" ,"LOCK" ,"LOCK" ,"592" ,"Lock a record or an area (not yet implemented)." }, |
82 | {"File" ,"LOF" ,"LOF (fileN)" ,"609" ,"Returns the length of file in bytes. For other devices, returns the number of available data." }, |
83 | {"File" ,"MKDIR" ,"MKDIR dir" ,"593" ,"Create a directory." }, |
84 | {"File" ,"OPEN" ,"OPEN file [FOR {INPUT|OUTPUT|APPEND}] AS #fileN" ,"594" ,"Makes a file or device available for sequential input, sequential output." }, |
85 | {"File" ,"RENAME" ,"RENAME \"file\", \"newname\"" ,"595" ,"Renames the specified file." }, |
86 | {"File" ,"RMDIR" ,"RMDIR dir" ,"596" ,"Removes a directory." }, |
87 | {"File" ,"SEEK" ,"SEEK #fileN; pos" ,"597" ,"Sets file position for the next read/write." }, |
88 | {"File" ,"SEEK" ,"SEEK (fileN)" ,"610" ,"Returns the current file position." }, |
89 | {"File" ,"TLOAD" ,"TLOAD file, BYREF var [, type]" ,"598" ,"Loads a text file into array variable. Each text-line is an array element. type 0 = load into array (default), 1 = load into string." }, |
90 | {"File" ,"TSAVE" ,"TSAVE file, var" ,"599" ,"Writes an array to a text file. Each array element is a text-line." }, |
91 | {"File" ,"WRITE" ,"WRITE #fileN; var1 [, ...]" ,"600" ,"Store variables to a file as binary data." }, |
92 | {"Graphics" ,"ARC" ,"ARC [STEP] x,y,r,astart,aend [,aspect [,color]] [COLOR color]" ,"611" ,"Draws an arc. astart, aend = first,last angle in radians." }, |
93 | {"Graphics" ,"CHART" ,"CHART LINECHART|BARCHART, array() [, style [, x1, y1, x2, y2]]" ,"612" ,"Draws a chart of array values in the rectangular area x1,y1,x2,y2. Styles: 0 = simple, 1 = with-marks, 2 = with ruler, 3 = with marks and ruler." }, |
94 | {"Graphics" ,"CIRCLE" ,"CIRCLE [STEP] x,y,r [,aspect [, color]] [COLOR color] [FILLED]" ,"613" ,"Draws a circle (or an ellipse if the aspect is specified)." }, |
95 | {"Graphics" ,"COLOR" ,"COLOR foreground-color [, background-color]" ,"614" ,"Specifies the foreground and background colors." }, |
96 | {"Graphics" ,"DRAW" ,"DRAW \"commands\"" ,"615" ,"Draw lines as specified by the given directional commands. " }, |
97 | {"Graphics" ,"DRAWPOLY" ,"DRAWPOLY array [,x-origin,y-origin [, scalef [, color]]] [COLOR color] [FILLED]" ,"616" ,"Draws a polyline. " }, |
98 | {"Graphics" ,"IMAGE" ,"IMAGE [#handle | fileName | http://path-to-file.png | image-var | array of pixmap data]" ,"617" ,"Creates a graphical image object providing access to the following sub-commands: show([x,y [,zindex [,opacity]]]), hide, save([x,y [,w,h]])" }, |
99 | {"Graphics" ,"LINE" ,"LINE [STEP] x,y [,|STEP x2,y2] [, color| COLOR color]" ,"618" ,"Draws a line." }, |
100 | {"Graphics" ,"PAINT" ,"PAINT [STEP] x, y [,fill-color [,border-color]]" ,"619" ,"Fills an enclosed area on the graphics screen with a specific color. x,y = Screen coordinate (column, row) within the area that is to be filled." }, |
101 | {"Graphics" ,"PEN" ,"PEN (0..14)" ,"627" ,"Returns the PEN/MOUSE data." }, |
102 | {"Graphics" ,"PLOT" ,"PLOT xmin, xmax USE f(x)" ,"620" ,"Graph of f(x)." }, |
103 | {"Graphics" ,"POINT" ,"POINT (x [, y])" ,"628" ,"Returns the color of the pixel at x,y." }, |
104 | {"Graphics" ,"PSET" ,"PSET [STEP] x,y [, color| COLOR color]" ,"621" ,"Draw a pixel." }, |
105 | {"Graphics" ,"RECT" ,"RECT [STEP] x,y [,|STEP x2,y2] [, color| COLOR color] [FILLED]" ,"622" ,"Draws a rectangular parallelogram." }, |
106 | {"Graphics" ,"RGB" ,"RGB (r, g, b)" ,"629" ,"Returns the RGB color codes for the specified values. Takes values 0..255 for each of the color." }, |
107 | {"Graphics" ,"RGBF" ,"RGBF (r, g, b)" ,"630" ,"Returns the RGB color codes for the specified values. Takes values 0..1 for each of the color." }, |
108 | {"Graphics" ,"SHOWPAGE" ,"SHOWPAGE" ,"1429" ,"This command is used to display pending graphics operations allowing for smooth animations." }, |
109 | {"Graphics" ,"TEXTHEIGHT" ,"TEXTHEIGHT (s)" ,"631" ,"Returns the text height of string s in pixels. See TXTH." }, |
110 | {"Graphics" ,"TEXTWIDTH" ,"TEXTWIDTH (s)" ,"632" ,"Returns the text width of string s in pixels. See TXTW." }, |
111 | {"Graphics" ,"TXTH" ,"TXTH (s)" ,"633" ,"Returns the text height of string s in pixels. See TEXTHEIGHT." }, |
112 | {"Graphics" ,"TXTW" ,"TXTW (s)" ,"634" ,"Returns the text width of string s in pixels. See TEXTWIDTH." }, |
113 | {"Graphics" ,"VIEW" ,"VIEW [x1,y1,x2,y2 [,color [,border-color]]]" ,"623" ,"Defines a viewport. The viewport defined by VIEW is disabled by a VIEW command with no parameters." }, |
114 | {"Graphics" ,"WINDOW" ,"WINDOW [x1,y2,x2,y1]" ,"624" ,"The WINDOW command allows you to redefine the corners of the display screen as a pair of \"world\" coordinates. WINDOW is also overloaded as a function, returning a system object providing access to the following sub-commands: graphicsScreen1, graphicsScreen2, textScreen, alert, ask, menu, message, showKeypad, insetTextScreen" }, |
115 | {"Graphics" ,"XMAX" ,"XMAX" ,"1526" ,"Holds the screen width in pixels" }, |
116 | {"Graphics" ,"XPOS" ,"XPOS" ,"635" ,"Returns the current X position of the cursor in \"characters\"." }, |
117 | {"Graphics" ,"YMAX" ,"YMAX" ,"1527" ,"Holds the screen height in pixels." }, |
118 | {"Graphics" ,"YPOS" ,"YPOS" ,"636" ,"Returns the current Y position of the cursor in \"characters\"." }, |
119 | {"Language" ,"AND" ,"a AND b" ,"662" ,"Logical AND. Right side is not evaluated if left side evaluates to False." }, |
120 | {"Language" ,"AS" ,"AS #fileN" ,"1424" ,"See: OPEN" }, |
121 | {"Language" ,"BAND" ,"a BAND b" ,"663" ,"Bitwise AND." }, |
122 | {"Language" ,"BG" ,"SOUND frq, dur [, vol] [BG]" ,"1428" ,"Play sound in the background. This prevent the program from blocking while the sound plays." }, |
123 | {"Language" ,"BOR" ,"a BOR b" ,"664" ,"Bitwise OR." }, |
124 | {"Language" ,"BYREF" ,"BYREF" ,"639" ,"Sub/func argument declaration. Changes to the variable will be passed back to the caller. Equivalent syntax to the @ character." }, |
125 | {"Language" ,"CALL" ,"CALL (fp)" ,"637" ,"Invoke a sub or func by address pointer." }, |
126 | {"Language" ,"CASE" ,"CASE expr" ,"640" ,"Branch condition for a SELECT statement." }, |
127 | {"Language" ,"CATCH" ,"CATCH [var | expr]" ,"1426" ,"The CATCH statement is used to CATCH an run-time error. This is typically used with errors raised when calling a file system command that cannot be completed, for example attempting to open a non-existent file. The CATCH statement has two modes. You can supply a variable argument to store the error string. Alternatively you can supply an expression. When the raised error matches the (String) expression, the error will be caught. When using the expression mode, you can supply a succession of CATCH statements to handle various error messages separately." }, |
128 | {"Language" ,"CONST" ,"CONST name = expr" ,"678" ,"Declare a variable who's value does not change during program execution." }, |
129 | {"Language" ,"DECLARE" ,"DECLARE FUNC xxx" ,"1419" ,"Forward declare SUB or FUNC. Obsolete QB compatibility" }, |
130 | {"Language" ,"DEF" ,"DEF name[(par1[,...])] = expression" ,"641" ,"Defines a single line function. eg, DEF MySin(x) = SIN(x): ? MySin(pi/2)" }, |
131 | {"Language" ,"DO" ,"DO" ,"642" ,"FOR f IN files(\"*.txt\") DO PRINT f" }, |
132 | {"Language" ,"ELIF" ,"ELIF" ,"643" ,"foo = 2: if foo==1: ? \"one\": ELIF foo==2: ? \"two\": fi" }, |
133 | {"Language" ,"ELSE" ,"ELSE" ,"644" ,"foo = 2: if foo==1: ? \"one\": ELSE: ? \"not one\": fi" }, |
134 | {"Language" ,"ELSEIF" ,"ELSEIF" ,"645" ,"foo = 2: if foo==1: ? \"one\": ELSEIF foo==2: ? \"two\": fi" }, |
135 | {"Language" ,"END" ,"END" ,"679" ,"Declares the END of a SUB or FUNC." }, |
136 | {"Language" ,"END TRY" ,"END TRY" ,"1427" ,"The END TRY statement marks the end of a TRY/CATCH block." }, |
137 | {"Language" ,"ENDIF" ,"ENDIF" ,"646" ,"foo = 1: if foo==1: ? \"one\": ENDIF" }, |
138 | {"Language" ,"EQV" ,"a EQV b" ,"665" ,"Bitwise equivalence." }, |
139 | {"Language" ,"EXIT" ,"EXIT [FOR|LOOP|SUB|FUNC]" ,"648" ,"Exits a multi line function definition, a loop, or a subprogram. By default (if no parameter is specified) exits from last command block (loop, for-loop or routine)." }, |
140 | {"Language" ,"FALSE" ,"FALSE" ,"1457" ,"FALSE" }, |
141 | {"Language" ,"FI" ,"FI" ,"650" ,"Declares the end of an IF statement. Same as ENDIF." }, |
142 | {"Language" ,"FOR" ,"FOR expr" ,"680" ,"Defines a FOR/NEXT loop. FOR counter = start TO end [STEP incr] ... NEXT. FOR element IN array (or map) ... NEXT." }, |
143 | {"Language" ,"FUNC" ,"FUNC foo (a, b)" ,"651" ,"Declares a function. Return a value by assigning a 'variable' with the same name as the function." }, |
144 | {"Language" ,"GOSUB" ,"GOSUB label" ,"681" ,"Causes program execution to branch to the specified label; when the RETURN command is encountered, execution branches to the command immediately following the most recent GOSUB command." }, |
145 | {"Language" ,"GOTO" ,"GOTO label" ,"682" ,"Causes program execution to branch to a specified position (label)." }, |
146 | {"Language" ,"IF" ,"IF expr" ,"683" ,"Tests the expression and IF it evaluates to a non-zero value program flow will resume after the following THEN statement." }, |
147 | {"Language" ,"IFF" ,"IFF expr" ,"638" ,"Inline version of IF. eg, animal = \"cat\": fur = IFF( animal = \"cat\", \"yes\", \"no\"): ? fur" }, |
148 | {"Language" ,"IMP" ,"a IMP b" ,"666" ,"Used to perform a logical implication on two expressions." }, |
149 | {"Language" ,"IN" ,"a IN b" ,"667" ,"Returns an index (1 Based) to the matching element when b is an array. Returns TRUE if the value is contained within b as a string." }, |
150 | {"Language" ,"LABEL" ,"LABEL name" ,"684" ,"Defines a label. A label marks a position in the code." }, |
151 | {"Language" ,"LET" ,"LET var=expr" ,"685" ,"Assigns a value to the variable." }, |
152 | {"Language" ,"LIKE" ,"a LIKE b" ,"668" ,"Regular-expression operator. Compares the left part of the expression with the right side regex pattern." }, |
153 | {"Language" ,"LOCAL" ,"LOCAL" ,"653" ,"Declare local variables inside a SUB or FUNC. Local variables no longer exist once the SUB or FUNC has returned." }, |
154 | {"Language" ,"LSHIFT" ,"result = LSHIFT number, amount" ,"1496" ,"Performs an arithmetic left shift on a bit pattern." }, |
155 | {"Language" ,"MDL" ,"MDL" ,"669" ,"Modulus." }, |
156 | {"Language" ,"MOD" ,"a MOD b" ,"670" ,"Modulus. Equivalent syntax to the percent character, eg a % b" }, |
157 | {"Language" ,"NAND" ,"a NAND b" ,"671" ,"Bitwise exclusive NOT AND." }, |
158 | {"Language" ,"NEXT" ,"NEXT" ,"654" ,"See FOR." }, |
159 | {"Language" ,"NOR" ,"a NOR b" ,"672" ,"Bitwise NOT OR." }, |
160 | {"Language" ,"NOT" ,"a NOT b" ,"673" ,"Invert expression result. Equivalent syntax to the exclamation character, eg a ! b" }, |
161 | {"Language" ,"ON" ,"ON GOTO|GOSUB label1 [, ..., labelN]" ,"686" ,"Causes a branch to one of a list of labels." }, |
162 | {"Language" ,"OR" ,"a OR b" ,"674" ,"Logical OR. Right side is not evaluated if left side evaluates to True." }, |
163 | {"Language" ,"REM" ,"REM comment" ,"688" ,"Code comments. Comments can also be introduced using # and single quote character. " }, |
164 | {"Language" ,"REPEAT" ,"REPEAT ... UNTIL expr" ,"689" ,"Begins the definition of a REPEAT/UNTIL loop." }, |
165 | {"Language" ,"RETURN" ,"RETURN" ,"690" ,"Execution branches to the command immediately following the most recent GOSUB command." }, |
166 | {"Language" ,"RSHIFT" ,"result = RSHIFT number, amount" ,"1497" ,"Performs an arithmetic right shift on a bit pattern." }, |
167 | {"Language" ,"SELECT" ,"SELECT CASE expr" ,"655" ,"Perform multiple tests on the expression. Offers a more concise syntax to writing successive IF tests." }, |
168 | {"Language" ,"STEP" ,"FOR t = 1 TO 10 STEP 2" ,"1421" ,"Specifies the loop counter increment in a FOR loop" }, |
169 | {"Language" ,"STOP" ,"STOP [error]" ,"656" ,"Terminates execution of a program, closes all files opened by the program, and returns control to the operating system." }, |
170 | {"Language" ,"SUB" ,"SUB foo (a, b)" ,"657" ,"Declare a sub procedure. Sub's do not return a value but can return argument values when declared as BYREF." }, |
171 | {"Language" ,"THEN" ,"THEN" ,"658" ,"foo = 1: if foo==1 THEN: ? \"one\": fi" }, |
172 | {"Language" ,"THROW" ,"THROW [info [, ...]]" ,"1437" ,"The THROW command (previously known as RTE) is used to initiate a catch-able error. If there is no surrounding TRY/CATCH block, THROW can be used to abort the program." }, |
173 | {"Language" ,"TO" ,"FOR t = 1 TO 10" ,"1420" ,"Specifies the loop counter end in a FOR loop" }, |
174 | {"Language" ,"TRUE" ,"TRUE" ,"1455" ,"TRUE" }, |
175 | {"Language" ,"TRY" ,"TRY" ,"1425" ,"The TRY statement introduces a TRY/CATCH BLOCK" }, |
176 | {"Language" ,"UNTIL" ,"UNTIL" ,"660" ,"a = 0: repeat: a++: ? a: UNTIL a = 10" }, |
177 | {"Language" ,"USE" ,"USE" ,"661" ,"Used with various commands for passing a user-defined expression. eg SPLIT s,\" \",v USE TRIM(x). Trim each element of v." }, |
178 | {"Language" ,"USG" ,"PRINT USG" ,"1423" ,"Synonym for USING" }, |
179 | {"Language" ,"USING" ,"PRINT USING" ,"1422" ,"See PRINT, SPRINT" }, |
180 | {"Language" ,"WEND" ,"WEND" ,"691" ,"Go back to the start of a WHILE statement." }, |
181 | {"Language" ,"WHILE" ,"WHILE expr" ,"692" ,"Loop while a test condition evaluates to true." }, |
182 | {"Language" ,"XNOR" ,"a XNOR b" ,"675" ,"Bitwise exclusive NOT OR." }, |
183 | {"Language" ,"XOR" ,"a XOR b" ,"676" ,"Bitwise exclusive OR. Equivalent syntax to: a ~ b" }, |
184 | {"Math" ,"ABS" ,"ABS (x)" ,"704" ,"Returns the absolute value of x." }, |
185 | {"Math" ,"ABSMAX" ,"ABSMAX (...)" ,"705" ,"Returns the absolute max value of x." }, |
186 | {"Math" ,"ABSMIN" ,"ABSMIN (...)" ,"706" ,"Returns the absolute min value of x." }, |
187 | {"Math" ,"ACOS" ,"ACOS (x)" ,"707" ,"Inverse cosine." }, |
188 | {"Math" ,"ACOSH" ,"ACOSH (x)" ,"708" ,"Inverse cosine." }, |
189 | {"Math" ,"ACOT" ,"ACOT (x)" ,"709" ,"Inverse cotangent." }, |
190 | {"Math" ,"ACOTH" ,"ACOTH (x)" ,"710" ,"Inverse cotangent." }, |
191 | {"Math" ,"ACSC" ,"ACSC (x)" ,"711" ,"Inverse co secant." }, |
192 | {"Math" ,"ACSCH" ,"ACSCH (x)" ,"712" ,"Inverse co secant." }, |
193 | {"Math" ,"ASEC" ,"ASEC (x)" ,"713" ,"Inverse secant." }, |
194 | {"Math" ,"ASECH" ,"ASECH (x)" ,"714" ,"Inverse secant." }, |
195 | {"Math" ,"ASIN" ,"ASIN (x)" ,"715" ,"Inverse sine." }, |
196 | {"Math" ,"ASINH" ,"ASINH (x)" ,"716" ,"Inverse sine." }, |
197 | {"Math" ,"ATAN" ,"ATAN (x)" ,"717" ,"Inverse tangent." }, |
198 | {"Math" ,"ATAN2" ,"ATAN2 (x, y)" ,"718" ,"Inverse tangent (x,y)." }, |
199 | {"Math" ,"ATANH" ,"ATANH (x)" ,"719" ,"Inverse tangent." }, |
200 | {"Math" ,"ATN" ,"ATN (x)" ,"720" ,"Inverse tangent." }, |
201 | {"Math" ,"CEIL" ,"CEIL (x)" ,"721" ,"Smallest integral value not less than x." }, |
202 | {"Math" ,"COS" ,"COS (x)" ,"722" ,"Cosine." }, |
203 | {"Math" ,"COSH" ,"COSH (x)" ,"723" ,"Cosine." }, |
204 | {"Math" ,"COT" ,"COT (x)" ,"724" ,"Cotangent." }, |
205 | {"Math" ,"COTH" ,"COTH (x)" ,"725" ,"Cotangent." }, |
206 | {"Math" ,"CSC" ,"CSC (x)" ,"726" ,"Co secant." }, |
207 | {"Math" ,"CSCH" ,"CSCH (x)" ,"727" ,"Co secant." }, |
208 | {"Math" ,"DEG" ,"DEG (x)" ,"728" ,"Radians to degrees." }, |
209 | {"Math" ,"DERIV" ,"DERIV x, maxtries, maxerr, BYREF result, BYREF errcode USE expr" ,"693" ,"Calculation of derivative. errcode = 0 for success; otherwise calculation error. " }, |
210 | {"Math" ,"DETERM" ,"DETERM (A[, toler])" ,"729" ,"Determinant of A. toler = tolerance number. the absolute value of the lowest acceptable number. default = 0." }, |
211 | {"Math" ,"DIFFEQN" ,"DIFFEQN x0, y0, xf, maxseg, maxerr, BYREF yf, BYREF errcode USE expr" ,"694" ,"Differential equation - Runge-Kutta method. x0 = initial x,y, xf = x final. errcode = 0 for success; otherwise calculation error. yf = result." }, |
212 | {"Math" ,"EXP" ,"EXP (x)" ,"730" ,"Returns the value of e raised to the power of x." }, |
213 | {"Math" ,"EXPRSEQ" ,"EXPRSEQ BYREF array, xmin, xmax, count USE expression" ,"695" ,"Returns an array with 'count' elements. Each element had the 'y' value of its position as it is returned by the expression." }, |
214 | {"Math" ,"FIX" ,"FIX (x)" ,"731" ,"Rounds x upwards to the nearest integer." }, |
215 | {"Math" ,"FLOOR" ,"FLOOR (x)" ,"732" ,"Largest integer value not greater than x." }, |
216 | {"Math" ,"FRAC" ,"FRAC (x)" ,"733" ,"Fractional part of x." }, |
217 | {"Math" ,"INT" ,"INT (x)" ,"734" ,"Rounds x downwards to the nearest integer." }, |
218 | {"Math" ,"INTERSECT" ,"INTERSECT Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Dx, Dy, BYREF type, BYREF Rx, BYREF Ry" ,"696" ,"Calculates the intersection of the two line segments A-B and C-D. Returns: Rx,Ry = cross." }, |
219 | {"Math" ,"INVERSE" ,"INVERSE (A)" ,"735" ,"Returns the inverse matrix of A." }, |
220 | {"Math" ,"LINEQN" ,"LINEQN (a, b [, toler])" ,"736" ,"Returns an array with the values of the unknowns. This function solves equations using the Gauss-Jordan method." }, |
221 | {"Math" ,"LOG" ,"LOG (x)" ,"737" ,"Returns the natural logarithm of x." }, |
222 | {"Math" ,"LOG10" ,"LOG10 (x)" ,"738" ,"Returns the base-10 logarithm of x." }, |
223 | {"Math" ,"M3APPLY" ,"M3APPLY m3x3, BYREF poly" ,"697" ,"Apply matrix to poly-line." }, |
224 | {"Math" ,"M3IDENT" ,"M3IDENT BYREF m3x3" ,"698" ,"Resets matrix (Identity)." }, |
225 | {"Math" ,"M3ROTATE" ,"M3ROTATE BYREF m3x3, angle [, x, y]" ,"699" ,"Rotate by angle with center x,y." }, |
226 | {"Math" ,"M3SCALE" ,"M3SCALE BYREF m3x3, x, y, Sx, Sy" ,"700" ,"Scale matrix." }, |
227 | {"Math" ,"M3TRANS" ,"M3TRANS BYREF m3x3, Tx, Ty" ,"701" ,"Matrix translation." }, |
228 | {"Math" ,"MAX" ,"MAX (...)" ,"739" ,"Maximum value of parameters. " }, |
229 | {"Math" ,"MIN" ,"MIN (...)" ,"740" ,"Minimum value of parameters. Parameters can be anything (arrays, ints, reals, strings)." }, |
230 | {"Math" ,"POLYAREA" ,"POLYAREA (poly)" ,"741" ,"Returns the area of the polyline poly." }, |
231 | {"Math" ,"POLYCENT" ,"POLYCENT" ,"742" ,"Polycent." }, |
232 | {"Math" ,"POLYEXT" ,"POLYEXT poly(), BYREF xmin, BYREF ymin, BYREF xmax, BYREF ymax" ,"702" ,"Returns the polyline's extents." }, |
233 | {"Math" ,"POW" ,"POW (x, y)" ,"743" ,"x raised to power of y." }, |
234 | {"Math" ,"PTDISTLN" ,"PTDISTLN (Bx,By,Cx,Cy,Ax,Ay)" ,"744" ,"Distance of point A from line B, C." }, |
235 | {"Math" ,"PTDISTSEG" ,"PTDISTSEG (Bx,By,Cx,Cy,Ax,Ay)" ,"745" ,"Distance of point A from line segment B-C." }, |
236 | {"Math" ,"PTSIGN" ,"PTSIGN (Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Qx,Qy)" ,"746" ,"The sign of point Q from line segment A->B." }, |
237 | {"Math" ,"RAD" ,"RAD (x)" ,"747" ,"Degrees to radians." }, |
238 | {"Math" ,"RND" ,"RND" ,"748" ,"Returns a random number from the range 0 to 1." }, |
239 | {"Math" ,"ROOT" ,"ROOT low, high, segs, maxerr, BYREF result, BYREF errcode USE expr" ,"703" ,"Roots of F(x)." }, |
240 | {"Math" ,"ROUND" ,"ROUND (x [, decs])" ,"749" ,"Rounds the x to the nearest integer or number with 'decs' decimal digits." }, |
241 | {"Math" ,"SEC" ,"SEC (x)" ,"750" ,"Secant." }, |
242 | {"Math" ,"SECH" ,"SECH (x)" ,"751" ,"Secant." }, |
243 | {"Math" ,"SEGCOS" ,"SEGCOS (Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,Dx,Dy)" ,"752" ,"Cosine of 2 line segments (A->B, C->D)." }, |
244 | {"Math" ,"SEGLEN" ,"SEGLEN (Ax,Ay,Bx,By)" ,"753" ,"Length of line segment." }, |
245 | {"Math" ,"SEGSIN" ,"SEGSIN (Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,Dx,Dy)" ,"754" ,"Sinus of 2 line segments (A->B, C->D)." }, |
246 | {"Math" ,"SEQ" ,"SEQ (xmin, xmax, count)" ,"755" ,"Returns an array with 'count' elements. Each element has the x value of its position." }, |
247 | {"Math" ,"SGN" ,"SGN (x)" ,"756" ,"Sign of x (+1 for positive, -1 for negative and 0 for zero)." }, |
248 | {"Math" ,"SIN" ,"SIN (x)" ,"757" ,"Sine." }, |
249 | {"Math" ,"SINH" ,"SINH (x)" ,"758" ,"Sine." }, |
250 | {"Math" ,"SQR" ,"SQR (x)" ,"759" ,"Square root of x." }, |
251 | {"Math" ,"STATMEAN" ,"STATMEAN (...)" ,"760" ,"Arithmetical mean." }, |
252 | {"Math" ,"STATMEANDEV" ,"STATMEANDEV (...)" ,"761" ,"Mean deviation." }, |
253 | {"Math" ,"STATSPREADP" ,"STATSPREADS (...)" ,"762" ,"Sample spread." }, |
254 | {"Math" ,"STATSPREADS" ,"STATSPREADP (...)" ,"763" ,"Population spread." }, |
255 | {"Math" ,"SUM" ,"SUM (...)" ,"764" ,"Sum of value." }, |
256 | {"Math" ,"SUMSQ" ,"SUMSQ (...)" ,"765" ,"Sum of square value." }, |
257 | {"Math" ,"TAN" ,"TAN (x)" ,"766" ,"Tangent." }, |
258 | {"Math" ,"TANH" ,"TANH (x)" ,"767" ,"Tangent." }, |
259 | {"String" ,"ASC" ,"ASC (s)" ,"771" ,"Returns the ASCII code of first character of the string s." }, |
260 | {"String" ,"BCS" ,"BCS (s)" ,"772" ,"Converts (B)ASIC-style strings to (C)-style (S)trings." }, |
261 | {"String" ,"BIN" ,"BIN (x)" ,"773" ,"Returns the binary value of x as string." }, |
262 | {"String" ,"CBS" ,"CBS (s)" ,"774" ,"Converts (C)-style strings to (B)ASIC-style (S)trings." }, |
263 | {"String" ,"CHOP" ,"CHOP (source)" ,"775" ,"Chops off the last character of the string 'source' and returns the result." }, |
264 | {"String" ,"CHR" ,"CHR (x)" ,"776" ,"Returns one-char string of character with ASCII code x." }, |
265 | {"String" ,"DISCLOSE" ,"DISCLOSE (str[, pairs [, ignore-pairs]])" ,"777" ,"Discloses a string." }, |
266 | {"String" ,"ENCLOSE" ,"ENCLOSE (str[, pair])" ,"778" ,"Encloses a string." }, |
267 | {"String" ,"FORMAT" ,"FORMAT (format, val)" ,"779" ,"Returns a formated string." }, |
268 | {"String" ,"HEX" ,"HEX (x)" ,"780" ,"Returns the hexadecimal value of x as string." }, |
269 | {"String" ,"INSTR" ,"INSTR ([start,] s1, s2)" ,"781" ,"Returns the position of the first occurrence of the string s2 into string s1 (starting from the position 'start'). If there is no match, INSTR returns 0" }, |
270 | {"String" ,"JOIN" ,"JOIN words(), delimiters, string" ,"545" ,"Returns the words of the specified string into array 'words'." }, |
271 | {"String" ,"LCASE" ,"LCASE (s)" ,"782" ,"Converts the string s to lower case." }, |
272 | {"String" ,"LEFT" ,"LEFT (s [,n])" ,"783" ,"Returns the n number of leftmost chars of string s. if not specified n = 1." }, |
273 | {"String" ,"LEFTOF" ,"LEFTOF (s1, s2)" ,"784" ,"Returns the left part of s1 at the position of the first occurrence of the string s2 into string s1." }, |
274 | {"String" ,"LEFTOFLAST" ,"LEFTOFLAST (s1, s2)" ,"785" ,"Returns the left part of s1 at the position of the last occurrence of the string s2 into string s1." }, |
275 | {"String" ,"LOWER" ,"LOWER (s)" ,"786" ,"Converts the string s to lower case." }, |
276 | {"String" ,"LTRIM" ,"LTRIM (s)" ,"787" ,"Removes leading white-spaces from string s." }, |
277 | {"String" ,"MID" ,"MID (s, start [,length])" ,"788" ,"Returns the part (length) of the string s starting from 'start' position." }, |
278 | {"String" ,"OCT" ,"OCT (x)" ,"789" ,"Returns the octal value of x as string." }, |
279 | {"String" ,"REPLACE" ,"REPLACE (source, pos, str [, len])" ,"790" ,"Writes str into pos of source and returns the new string." }, |
280 | {"String" ,"RIGHT" ,"RIGHT (s[,n])" ,"791" ,"Returns the n number of rightmost chars of string s. if not specified n = 1." }, |
281 | {"String" ,"RIGHTOF" ,"RIGHTOF (s1, s2)" ,"792" ,"Returns the right part of s1 at the position of the first occurrence of the string s2 into string s1." }, |
282 | {"String" ,"RIGHTOFLAST" ,"RIGHTOFLAST (s1, s2)" ,"793" ,"Returns the right part of s1 at the position of the last occurrence of the string s2 into string s1." }, |
283 | {"String" ,"RINSTR" ,"RINSTR ([start,] s1, s2)" ,"794" ,"Returns the position of the last occurrence of the string s2 into string s1 (starting from the position 'start')." }, |
284 | {"String" ,"RTRIM" ,"RTRIM (s)" ,"795" ,"Removes trailing white-spaces from string s." }, |
285 | {"String" ,"SINPUT" ,"SINPUT src; var [, delim] [,var [, delim]] ..." ,"768" ,"Splits the string 'src' into variables which are separated by delimiters." }, |
286 | {"String" ,"SPACE" ,"SPACE (n)" ,"796" ,"Returns a string of n spaces." }, |
287 | {"String" ,"SPC" ,"SPC (n)" ,"797" ,"Returns a string of n spaces." }, |
288 | {"String" ,"SPLIT" ,"SPLIT string, delimiters, words() [, pairs] [USE expr]" ,"769" ,"Returns the words of the specified string into array 'words'." }, |
289 | {"String" ,"SPRINT" ,"SPRINT var; [USING...;] ..." ,"770" ,"Create formated string and storing it to var. See also: PRINT command." }, |
290 | {"String" ,"SQUEEZE" ,"SQUEEZE (s)" ,"798" ,"Removes all leading, trailing and duplicated white-space." }, |
291 | {"String" ,"STR" ,"STR (n)" ,"799" ,"Converts the number n into a string." }, |
292 | {"String" ,"STRING" ,"STRING ( count [,start | s] )" ,"800" ,"Creates a new string of count length." }, |
293 | {"String" ,"TRANSLATE" ,"TRANSLATE (source, what [, with])" ,"801" ,"Translates all occurrences of the string 'what' found in source with the string 'with' and returns the new string." }, |
294 | {"String" ,"TRIM" ,"TRIM(s)" ,"802" ,"Removes all leading and trailing white-space." }, |
295 | {"String" ,"UCASE" ,"UCASE (s)" ,"803" ,"Converts the string s to upper case." }, |
296 | {"String" ,"UPPER" ,"UPPER (s)" ,"804" ,"Converts the string s to upper case." }, |
297 | {"String" ,"VAL" ,"VAL (s)" ,"805" ,"Returns the numeric value of string s." }, |
298 | {"System" ,"CHAIN" ,"CHAIN source" ,"1439" ,"Compile and run the given source. Source can be a file name, a line of code or an array of code. Use ENV to share variables with the parent process." }, |
299 | {"System" ,"COMMAND" ,"COMMAND" ,"1521" ,"SmallBASIC startup command line options." }, |
300 | {"System" ,"CWD" ,"CWD" ,"1522" ,"Current working directory" }, |
301 | {"System" ,"DELAY" ,"DELAY ms" ,"806" ,"Delay for a specified amount of milliseconds. Note 'delay' depends on the system clock." }, |
302 | {"System" ,"ENV" ,"ENV expr" ,"807" ,"Adds a variable to or deletes a variable from the current environment variable-table." }, |
303 | {"System" ,"ENV" ,"ENV expr" ,"815" ,"Returns the value of a specified entry in the current environment table. If the parameter is empty (\"\") then returns an array of the environment variables (in var=value form)." }, |
304 | {"System" ,"EXEC" ,"EXEC file" ,"1443" ,"Transfers control to another operating system program." }, |
305 | {"System" ,"EXPORT" ,"EXPORT thing" ,"1440" ,"Export a SUB, FUNC or variable from a UNIT to be used by the unit consumer." }, |
306 | {"System" ,"FRE" ,"FRE (x)" ,"606" ,"Returns system information. eg, 0 = free memory, " }, |
307 | {"System" ,"HOME" ,"HOME" ,"1525" ,"User HOME folder" }, |
308 | {"System" ,"IMPORT" ,"IMPORT" ,"1441" ,"Import an exported UNIT variable, SUB or FUNC." }, |
309 | {"System" ,"INCLUDE" ,"INCLUDE source-file.bas" ,"1462" ,"Inserts code in the named file when the program is compiled. " }, |
310 | {"System" ,"MAXINT" ,"MAXINT" ,"1736" ,"Holds the maximum value for an integer. The value depends on whether you are using a 32 or 64 bit build of SmallBASIC." }, |
311 | {"System" ,"NIL" ,"NIL" ,"1735" ,"NIL is used to mean 'not set' as distinct from having an INT set to 0" }, |
312 | {"System" ,"OPTION" ,"OPTION keyword" ,"1442" ,"Used to pass parameters to the run-time environment." }, |
313 | {"System" ,"PAUSE" ,"PAUSE [secs]" ,"809" ,"Pauses the execution for a specified length of time, or until user hit the keyboard." }, |
314 | {"System" ,"PI" ,"PI" ,"1524" ,"Holds PI" }, |
315 | {"System" ,"PROGLINE" ,"PROGLINE" ,"817" ,"Returns the current program line number." }, |
316 | {"System" ,"RANDOMIZE" ,"RANDOMIZE [int]" ,"810" ,"Seeds the random number generator." }, |
317 | {"System" ,"RUN" ,"RUN cmdstr" ,"818" ,"Loads a secondary copy of system's shell and, executes an program, or an shell command." }, |
318 | {"System" ,"SBVER" ,"SBVER" ,"1523" ,"Version and build information" }, |
319 | {"System" ,"SELF" ,"SELF" ,"1734" ,"Pseudo class instance variable" }, |
320 | {"System" ,"STKDUMP" ,"STKDUMP" ,"812" ,"Display internal execution stack." }, |
321 | {"System" ,"TROFF" ,"TROFF" ,"813" ,"See TRON." }, |
322 | {"System" ,"TRON" ,"TRON" ,"814" ,"When trace mechanism is ON, displays each line number as the program is executed." }, |
323 | {"System" ,"UNIT" ,"UNIT name" ,"1446" ,"Declares the source module as a unit. Units are a set of procedures, functions and/or variables that can be used by another program or unit." }, |
324 | }; |
325 | const int keyword_help_len = 315; |
326 | const int keyword_max_len = 11; |
327 | const uint32_t keyword_hash_statement[] = { |
328 | 618386u, //AND |
329 | 44536u, //AS |
330 | 10925681u, //BAND |
331 | 40991u, //BG |
332 | 531585u, //BOR |
333 | 159972060u, //BYREF |
334 | 11236891u, //CALL |
335 | 11233017u, //CASE |
336 | 163157651u, //CATCH |
337 | 157636613u, //CONST |
338 | 2153371294u, //DECLARE |
339 | 517515u, //DEF |
340 | 24819u, //DO |
341 | 10929370u, //ELIF |
342 | 10933018u, //ELSE |
343 | 2405027728u, //ELSEIF |
344 | 520863u, //END |
345 | 2775234944u, //END TRY |
346 | 164676324u, //ENDIF |
347 | 525212u, //EQV |
348 | 11045296u, //EXIT |
349 | 159305040u, //FALSE |
350 | 42136u, //FI |
351 | 649199u, //FOR |
352 | 9349782u, //FUNC |
353 | 200056458u, //GOSUB |
354 | 9434479u, //GOTO |
355 | 41698u, //IF |
356 | 549434u, //IFF |
357 | 556507u, //IMP |
358 | 41924u, //IN |
359 | 125204486u, //LABEL |
360 | 474463u, //LET |
361 | 6580150u, //LIKE |
362 | 114224607u, //LOCAL |
363 | 1633573636u, //LSHIFT |
364 | 462186u, //MDL |
365 | 469321u, //MOD |
366 | 6839772u, //NAND |
367 | 6876251u, //NEXT |
368 | 446641u, //NOR |
369 | 446619u, //NOT |
370 | 27587u, //ON |
371 | 27452u, //OR |
372 | 444843u, //REM |
373 | 1840949027u, //REPEAT |
374 | 1841194552u, //RETURN |
375 | 1693738505u, //RSHIFT |
376 | 1938378660u, //SELECT |
377 | 7670990u, //STEP |
378 | 7680465u, //STOP |
379 | 429326u, //SUB |
380 | 7648257u, //THEN |
381 | 106025546u, //THROW |
382 | 28570u, //TO |
383 | 7206331u, //TRUE |
384 | 437633u, //TRY |
385 | 106315497u, //UNTIL |
386 | 433006u, //USE |
387 | 432923u, //USG |
388 | 117195555u, //USING |
389 | 7383373u, //WEND |
390 | 108609225u, //WHILE |
391 | 8316791u, //XNOR |
392 | 398311u, //XOR |
393 | }; |
394 | const int keyword_hash_statement_len = 65; |
395 | const uint32_t keyword_hash_command[] = { |
396 | 44525u, //AT |
397 | 10884582u, //BEEP |
398 | 528718u, //CAT |
399 | 553812u, //CLS |
400 | 816700281u, //DEFINEKEY |
401 | 8549787u, //FORM |
402 | 157867930u, //INKEY |
403 | 157851300u, //INPUT |
404 | 4023428998u, //LINEINPUT |
405 | 1791301560u, //LINPUT |
406 | 1867692207u, //LOCATE |
407 | 789315568u, //LOGPRINT |
408 | 1263564309u, //NOSOUND |
409 | 484358u, //PEN |
410 | 6420240u, //PLAY |
411 | 119598681u, //PRINT |
412 | 109713904u, //SOUND |
413 | 440973u, //TAB |
414 | 2417592853u, //APPEND |
415 | 189810090u, //ARRAY |
416 | 11268538u, //CDBL |
417 | 11286818u, //CINT |
418 | 161512529u, //CREAL |
419 | 6815380u, //DATA |
420 | 2192944569u, //DELETE |
421 | 516452u, //DIM |
422 | 164876581u, //EMPTY |
423 | 161397106u, //ERASE |
424 | 2281771697u, //INSERT |
425 | 835721548u, //ISARRAY |
426 | 157779587u, //ISDIR |
427 | 2282597139u, //ISFILE |
428 | 3090996118u, //ISLINK |
429 | 157709644u, //ISMAP |
430 | 2138372842u, //ISNUMBER |
431 | 2733996173u, //ISSTRING |
432 | 1625454478u, //LBOUND |
433 | 474526u, //LEN |
434 | 7314701u, //READ |
435 | 113128012u, //REDIM |
436 | 1541268989u, //RESTORE |
437 | 1938768648u, //SEARCH |
438 | 7217498u, //SORT |
439 | 7650221u, //SWAP |
440 | 1985328786u, //UBOUND |
441 | 6815425u, //DATE |
442 | 2884012652u, //DATEDMY |
443 | 2883886948u, //DATEFMT |
444 | 2802232493u, //JULIAN |
445 | 106165291u, //TICKS |
446 | 7645532u, //TIME |
447 | 2831201839u, //TIMEHMS |
448 | 105944837u, //TIMER |
449 | 4006427323u, //TIMESTAMP |
450 | 901059378u, //WEEKDAY |
451 | 4042962798u, //ACCESS |
452 | 161405736u, //BGETC |
453 | 161274623u, //BLOAD |
454 | 167679854u, //BPUTC |
455 | 162706072u, //BSAVE |
456 | 162958821u, //CHDIR |
457 | 162885725u, //CHMOD |
458 | 162373271u, //CLOSE |
459 | 11364702u, //COPY |
460 | 3171114254u, //DIRWALK |
461 | 523948u, //EOF |
462 | 167600319u, //EXIST |
463 | 155559456u, //FILES |
464 | 2471067418u, //FREEFILE |
465 | 157851300u, //INPUT |
466 | 157851300u, //INPUT |
467 | 6367670u, //KILL |
468 | 6960609u, //LOCK |
469 | 462101u, //LOF |
470 | 124288756u, //MKDIR |
471 | 7038075u, //OPEN |
472 | 1840597766u, //RENAME |
473 | 119198827u, //RMDIR |
474 | 7685308u, //SEEK |
475 | 7685308u, //SEEK |
476 | 116506325u, //TLOAD |
477 | 110074151u, //TSAVE |
478 | 105589333u, //WRITE |
479 | 620196u, //ARC |
480 | 162983007u, //CHART |
481 | 2378447351u, //CIRCLE |
482 | 157632703u, //COLOR |
483 | 10968843u, //DRAW |
484 | 3882712140u, //DRAWPOLY |
485 | 151233683u, //IMAGE |
486 | 6579173u, //LINE |
487 | 121815481u, //PAINT |
488 | 484358u, //PEN |
489 | 6419587u, //PLOT |
490 | 132331830u, //POINT |
491 | 6441848u, //PSET |
492 | 7310891u, //RECT |
493 | 445042u, //RGB |
494 | 7317070u, //RGBF |
495 | 2321611758u, //SHOWPAGE |
496 | 2873036772u, //TEXTHEIGHT |
497 | 3324920931u, //TEXTWIDTH |
498 | 7187110u, //TXTH |
499 | 7186789u, //TXTW |
500 | 7545375u, //VIEW |
501 | 1974979680u, //WINDOW |
502 | 8290752u, //XMAX |
503 | 8319665u, //XPOS |
504 | 11720844u, //YMAX |
505 | 11117514u, //YPOS |
506 | 621143u, //ABS |
507 | 4052494428u, //ABSMAX |
508 | 4052492289u, //ABSMIN |
509 | 8954969u, //ACOS |
510 | 190205157u, //ACOSH |
511 | 8954980u, //ACOT |
512 | 190205423u, //ACOTH |
513 | 8954197u, //ACSC |
514 | 190190318u, //ACSCH |
515 | 8956063u, //ASEC |
516 | 190314282u, //ASECH |
517 | 8957033u, //ASIN |
518 | 190293913u, //ASINH |
519 | 8962787u, //ATAN |
520 | 189909372u, //ATAN2 |
521 | 189909509u, //ATANH |
522 | 618761u, //ATN |
523 | 11265664u, //CEIL |
524 | 550460u, //COS |
525 | 11363549u, //COSH |
526 | 550401u, //COT |
527 | 11370439u, //COTH |
528 | 549713u, //CSC |
529 | 11352219u, //CSCH |
530 | 517558u, //DEG |
531 | 166265805u, //DERIV |
532 | 2191554320u, //DETERM |
533 | 1790348395u, //DIFFEQN |
534 | 532413u, //EXP |
535 | 2502316535u, //EXPRSEQ |
536 | 543636u, //FIX |
537 | 176924504u, //FLOOR |
538 | 8549798u, //FRAC |
539 | 548438u, //INT |
540 | 1263036848u, //INTERSECT |
541 | 169914502u, //INVERSE |
542 | 1790991087u, //LINEQN |
543 | 462122u, //LOG |
544 | 113847659u, //LOG10 |
545 | 379997397u, //M3APPLY |
546 | 214880124u, //M3IDENT |
547 | 2032606560u, //M3ROTATE |
548 | 366144747u, //M3SCALE |
549 | 364122808u, //M3TRANS |
550 | 462009u, //MAX |
551 | 470446u, //MIN |
552 | 2647571345u, //POLYAREA |
553 | 2521748786u, //POLYCENT |
554 | 687217267u, //POLYEXT |
555 | 485868u, //POW |
556 | 1926692035u, //PTDISTLN |
557 | 2287154572u, //PTDISTSEG |
558 | 1742367740u, //PTSIGN |
559 | 443404u, //RAD |
560 | 477337u, //RND |
561 | 6620355u, //ROOT |
562 | 119061329u, //ROUND |
563 | 427684u, //SEC |
564 | 7686719u, //SECH |
565 | 1938064571u, //SEGCOS |
566 | 1939146313u, //SEGLEN |
567 | 1939252683u, //SEGSIN |
568 | 427994u, //SEQ |
569 | 433281u, //SGN |
570 | 433726u, //SIN |
571 | 7121735u, //SINH |
572 | 441740u, //SQR |
573 | 2793501405u, //STATMEAN |
574 | 1817112433u, //STATMEANDEV |
575 | 1922384608u, //STATSPREADP |
576 | 1922384714u, //STATSPREADS |
577 | 428934u, //SUM |
578 | 106019451u, //SUMSQ |
579 | 440940u, //TAN |
580 | 7270929u, //TANH |
581 | 618761u, //ASC |
582 | 521139u, //BCS |
583 | 524391u, //BIN |
584 | 528635u, //CBS |
585 | 11807371u, //CHOP |
586 | 555569u, //CHR |
587 | 1811571605u, //DISCLOSE |
588 | 2782754408u, //ENCLOSE |
589 | 2652035290u, //FORMAT |
590 | 544887u, //HEX |
591 | 157924591u, //INSTR |
592 | 7003359u, //JOIN |
593 | 125359991u, //LCASE |
594 | 6670770u, //LEFT |
595 | 1628106151u, //LEFTOF |
596 | 2362001949u, //LEFTOFLAST |
597 | 114185839u, //LOWER |
598 | 117804321u, //LTRIM |
599 | 470562u, //MID |
600 | 442529u, //OCT |
601 | 1530160983u, //REPLACE |
602 | 121842576u, //RIGHT |
603 | 4030579548u, //RIGHTOF |
604 | 2727957053u, //RIGHTOFLAST |
605 | 1706992796u, //RINSTR |
606 | 118610576u, //RTRIM |
607 | 1796010507u, //SINPUT |
608 | 109480633u, //SPACE |
609 | 441777u, //SPC |
610 | 109366437u, //SPLIT |
611 | 1968953817u, //SPRINT |
612 | 1045769123u, //SQUEEZE |
613 | 426147u, //STR |
614 | 1939807703u, //STRING |
615 | 1912746356u, //TRANSLATE |
616 | 7201082u, //TRIM |
617 | 115926153u, //UCASE |
618 | 106596591u, //UPPER |
619 | 403213u, //VAL |
620 | 162955030u, //CHAIN |
621 | 853897907u, //COMMAND |
622 | 555337u, //CWD |
623 | 166356103u, //DELAY |
624 | 521116u, //ENV |
625 | 521116u, //ENV |
626 | 11044343u, //EXEC |
627 | 2206883839u, //EXPORT |
628 | 648783u, //FRE |
629 | 11331391u, //HOME |
630 | 3212552069u, //IMPORT |
631 | 922559678u, //INCLUDE |
632 | 1866159689u, //MAXINT |
633 | 449197u, //NIL |
634 | 1760581727u, //OPTION |
635 | 109594785u, //PAUSE |
636 | 26236u, //PI |
637 | 4002965032u, //PROGLINE |
638 | 4162362454u, //RANDOMIZE |
639 | 442397u, //RUN |
640 | 115836733u, //SBVER |
641 | 7686616u, //SELF |
642 | 2675030080u, //STKDUMP |
643 | 111090442u, //TROFF |
644 | 7202120u, //TRON |
645 | 7613966u, //UNIT |
646 | }; |
647 | const int keyword_hash_command_len = 250; |
648 | |