2 Copyright (c) 2005-2019 Intel Corporation
4 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 limitations under the License.
17#ifndef __TBB_parallel_reduce_H
18#define __TBB_parallel_reduce_H
20#include <new>
21#include "task.h"
22#include "aligned_space.h"
23#include "partitioner.h"
24#include "tbb_profiling.h"
26namespace tbb {
28namespace interface9 {
29//! @cond INTERNAL
30namespace internal {
32 using namespace tbb::internal;
34 /** Values for reduction_context. */
35 enum {
36 root_task, left_child, right_child
37 };
39 /** Represented as a char, not enum, for compactness. */
40 typedef char reduction_context;
42 //! Task type used to combine the partial results of parallel_reduce.
43 /** @ingroup algorithms */
44 template<typename Body>
45 class finish_reduce: public flag_task {
46 //! Pointer to body, or NULL if the left child has not yet finished.
47 bool has_right_zombie;
48 const reduction_context my_context;
49 Body* my_body;
50 aligned_space<Body> zombie_space;
51 finish_reduce( reduction_context context_ ) :
52 has_right_zombie(false), // TODO: substitute by flag_task::child_stolen?
53 my_context(context_),
54 my_body(NULL)
55 {
56 }
57 ~finish_reduce() {
58 if( has_right_zombie )
59 zombie_space.begin()->~Body();
60 }
61 task* execute() __TBB_override {
62 if( has_right_zombie ) {
63 // Right child was stolen.
64 Body* s = zombie_space.begin();
65 my_body->join( *s );
66 // Body::join() won't be called if canceled. Defer destruction to destructor
67 }
68 if( my_context==left_child )
69 itt_store_word_with_release( static_cast<finish_reduce*>(parent())->my_body, my_body );
70 return NULL;
71 }
72 template<typename Range,typename Body_, typename Partitioner>
73 friend class start_reduce;
74 };
76 //! allocate right task with new parent
77 void allocate_sibling(task* start_reduce_task, task *tasks[], size_t start_bytes, size_t finish_bytes);
79 //! Task type used to split the work of parallel_reduce.
80 /** @ingroup algorithms */
81 template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
82 class start_reduce: public task {
83 typedef finish_reduce<Body> finish_type;
84 Body* my_body;
85 Range my_range;
86 typename Partitioner::task_partition_type my_partition;
87 reduction_context my_context;
88 task* execute() __TBB_override;
89 //! Update affinity info, if any
90 void note_affinity( affinity_id id ) __TBB_override {
91 my_partition.note_affinity( id );
92 }
93 template<typename Body_>
94 friend class finish_reduce;
97 //! Constructor used for root task
98 start_reduce( const Range& range, Body* body, Partitioner& partitioner ) :
99 my_body(body),
100 my_range(range),
101 my_partition(partitioner),
102 my_context(root_task)
103 {
104 }
105 //! Splitting constructor used to generate children.
106 /** parent_ becomes left child. Newly constructed object is right child. */
107 start_reduce( start_reduce& parent_, typename Partitioner::split_type& split_obj ) :
108 my_body(parent_.my_body),
109 my_range(parent_.my_range, split_obj),
110 my_partition(parent_.my_partition, split_obj),
111 my_context(right_child)
112 {
113 my_partition.set_affinity(*this);
114 parent_.my_context = left_child;
115 }
116 //! Construct right child from the given range as response to the demand.
117 /** parent_ remains left child. Newly constructed object is right child. */
118 start_reduce( start_reduce& parent_, const Range& r, depth_t d ) :
119 my_body(parent_.my_body),
120 my_range(r),
121 my_partition(parent_.my_partition, split()),
122 my_context(right_child)
123 {
124 my_partition.set_affinity(*this);
125 my_partition.align_depth( d ); // TODO: move into constructor of partitioner
126 parent_.my_context = left_child;
127 }
128 static void run( const Range& range, Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner ) {
129 if( !range.empty() ) {
131 task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root()) start_reduce(range,&body,partitioner) );
133 // Bound context prevents exceptions from body to affect nesting or sibling algorithms,
134 // and allows users to handle exceptions safely by wrapping parallel_for in the try-block.
135 task_group_context context(PARALLEL_REDUCE);
136 task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_reduce(range,&body,partitioner) );
138 }
139 }
141 static void run( const Range& range, Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
142 if( !range.empty() )
143 task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_reduce(range,&body,partitioner) );
144 }
145#endif /* __TBB_TASK_GROUP_CONTEXT */
146 //! Run body for range
147 void run_body( Range &r ) { (*my_body)( r ); }
149 //! spawn right task, serves as callback for partitioner
150 // TODO: remove code duplication from 'offer_work' methods
151 void offer_work(typename Partitioner::split_type& split_obj) {
152 task *tasks[2];
153 allocate_sibling(static_cast<task*>(this), tasks, sizeof(start_reduce), sizeof(finish_type));
154 new((void*)tasks[0]) finish_type(my_context);
155 new((void*)tasks[1]) start_reduce(*this, split_obj);
156 spawn(*tasks[1]);
157 }
158 //! spawn right task, serves as callback for partitioner
159 void offer_work(const Range& r, depth_t d = 0) {
160 task *tasks[2];
161 allocate_sibling(static_cast<task*>(this), tasks, sizeof(start_reduce), sizeof(finish_type));
162 new((void*)tasks[0]) finish_type(my_context);
163 new((void*)tasks[1]) start_reduce(*this, r, d);
164 spawn(*tasks[1]);
165 }
166 };
168 //! allocate right task with new parent
169 // TODO: 'inline' here is to avoid multiple definition error but for sake of code size this should not be inlined
170 inline void allocate_sibling(task* start_reduce_task, task *tasks[], size_t start_bytes, size_t finish_bytes) {
171 tasks[0] = &start_reduce_task->allocate_continuation().allocate(finish_bytes);
172 start_reduce_task->set_parent(tasks[0]);
173 tasks[0]->set_ref_count(2);
174 tasks[1] = &tasks[0]->allocate_child().allocate(start_bytes);
175 }
177 template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
178 task* start_reduce<Range,Body,Partitioner>::execute() {
179 my_partition.check_being_stolen( *this );
180 if( my_context==right_child ) {
181 finish_type* parent_ptr = static_cast<finish_type*>(parent());
182 if( !itt_load_word_with_acquire(parent_ptr->my_body) ) { // TODO: replace by is_stolen_task() or by parent_ptr->ref_count() == 2???
183 my_body = new( parent_ptr->zombie_space.begin() ) Body(*my_body,split());
184 parent_ptr->has_right_zombie = true;
185 }
186 } else __TBB_ASSERT(my_context==root_task,NULL);// because left leaf spawns right leafs without recycling
187 my_partition.execute(*this, my_range);
188 if( my_context==left_child ) {
189 finish_type* parent_ptr = static_cast<finish_type*>(parent());
190 __TBB_ASSERT(my_body!=parent_ptr->zombie_space.begin(),NULL);
191 itt_store_word_with_release(parent_ptr->my_body, my_body );
192 }
193 return NULL;
194 }
196 //! Task type used to combine the partial results of parallel_deterministic_reduce.
197 /** @ingroup algorithms */
198 template<typename Body>
199 class finish_deterministic_reduce: public task {
200 Body &my_left_body;
201 Body my_right_body;
203 finish_deterministic_reduce( Body &body ) :
204 my_left_body( body ),
205 my_right_body( body, split() )
206 {
207 }
208 task* execute() __TBB_override {
209 my_left_body.join( my_right_body );
210 return NULL;
211 }
212 template<typename Range,typename Body_, typename Partitioner>
213 friend class start_deterministic_reduce;
214 };
216 //! Task type used to split the work of parallel_deterministic_reduce.
217 /** @ingroup algorithms */
218 template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
219 class start_deterministic_reduce: public task {
220 typedef finish_deterministic_reduce<Body> finish_type;
221 Body &my_body;
222 Range my_range;
223 typename Partitioner::task_partition_type my_partition;
224 task* execute() __TBB_override;
226 //! Constructor used for root task
227 start_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner ) :
228 my_body( body ),
229 my_range( range ),
230 my_partition( partitioner )
231 {
232 }
233 //! Splitting constructor used to generate children.
234 /** parent_ becomes left child. Newly constructed object is right child. */
235 start_deterministic_reduce( start_deterministic_reduce& parent_, finish_type& c, typename Partitioner::split_type& split_obj ) :
236 my_body( c.my_right_body ),
237 my_range( parent_.my_range, split_obj ),
238 my_partition( parent_.my_partition, split_obj )
239 {
240 }
243 static void run( const Range& range, Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner ) {
244 if( !range.empty() ) {
246 task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root()) start_deterministic_reduce(range,&body,partitioner) );
248 // Bound context prevents exceptions from body to affect nesting or sibling algorithms,
249 // and allows users to handle exceptions safely by wrapping parallel_for in the try-block.
250 task_group_context context(PARALLEL_REDUCE);
251 task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_deterministic_reduce(range,body,partitioner) );
253 }
254 }
256 static void run( const Range& range, Body& body, Partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
257 if( !range.empty() )
258 task::spawn_root_and_wait( *new(task::allocate_root(context)) start_deterministic_reduce(range,body,partitioner) );
259 }
260#endif /* __TBB_TASK_GROUP_CONTEXT */
262 void offer_work( typename Partitioner::split_type& split_obj) {
263 task* tasks[2];
264 allocate_sibling(static_cast<task*>(this), tasks, sizeof(start_deterministic_reduce), sizeof(finish_type));
265 new((void*)tasks[0]) finish_type(my_body);
266 new((void*)tasks[1]) start_deterministic_reduce(*this, *static_cast<finish_type*>(tasks[0]), split_obj);
267 spawn(*tasks[1]);
268 }
270 void run_body( Range &r ) { my_body(r); }
271 };
273 template<typename Range, typename Body, typename Partitioner>
274 task* start_deterministic_reduce<Range,Body, Partitioner>::execute() {
275 my_partition.execute(*this, my_range);
276 return NULL;
277 }
278} // namespace internal
279//! @endcond
280} //namespace interfaceX
282//! @cond INTERNAL
283namespace internal {
284 using interface9::internal::start_reduce;
285 using interface9::internal::start_deterministic_reduce;
286 //! Auxiliary class for parallel_reduce; for internal use only.
287 /** The adaptor class that implements \ref parallel_reduce_body_req "parallel_reduce Body"
288 using given \ref parallel_reduce_lambda_req "anonymous function objects".
289 **/
290 /** @ingroup algorithms */
291 template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
292 class lambda_reduce_body {
294//FIXME: decide if my_real_body, my_reduction, and identity_element should be copied or referenced
295// (might require some performance measurements)
297 const Value& identity_element;
298 const RealBody& my_real_body;
299 const Reduction& my_reduction;
300 Value my_value;
301 lambda_reduce_body& operator= ( const lambda_reduce_body& other );
302 public:
303 lambda_reduce_body( const Value& identity, const RealBody& body, const Reduction& reduction )
304 : identity_element(identity)
305 , my_real_body(body)
306 , my_reduction(reduction)
307 , my_value(identity)
308 { }
309 lambda_reduce_body( const lambda_reduce_body& other )
310 : identity_element(other.identity_element)
311 , my_real_body(other.my_real_body)
312 , my_reduction(other.my_reduction)
313 , my_value(other.my_value)
314 { }
315 lambda_reduce_body( lambda_reduce_body& other, tbb::split )
316 : identity_element(other.identity_element)
317 , my_real_body(other.my_real_body)
318 , my_reduction(other.my_reduction)
319 , my_value(other.identity_element)
320 { }
321 void operator()(Range& range) {
322 my_value = my_real_body(range, const_cast<const Value&>(my_value));
323 }
324 void join( lambda_reduce_body& rhs ) {
325 my_value = my_reduction(const_cast<const Value&>(my_value), const_cast<const Value&>(rhs.my_value));
326 }
327 Value result() const {
328 return my_value;
329 }
330 };
332} // namespace internal
333//! @endcond
335// Requirements on Range concept are documented in blocked_range.h
337/** \page parallel_reduce_body_req Requirements on parallel_reduce body
338 Class \c Body implementing the concept of parallel_reduce body must define:
339 - \code Body::Body( Body&, split ); \endcode Splitting constructor.
340 Must be able to run concurrently with operator() and method \c join
341 - \code Body::~Body(); \endcode Destructor
342 - \code void Body::operator()( Range& r ); \endcode Function call operator applying body to range \c r
343 and accumulating the result
344 - \code void Body::join( Body& b ); \endcode Join results.
345 The result in \c b should be merged into the result of \c this
348/** \page parallel_reduce_lambda_req Requirements on parallel_reduce anonymous function objects (lambda functions)
352/** \name parallel_reduce
353 See also requirements on \ref range_req "Range" and \ref parallel_reduce_body_req "parallel_reduce Body". **/
356//! Parallel iteration with reduction and default partitioner.
357/** @ingroup algorithms **/
358template<typename Range, typename Body>
359void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body ) {
360 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body, const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>::run( range, body, __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER() );
363//! Parallel iteration with reduction and simple_partitioner
364/** @ingroup algorithms **/
365template<typename Range, typename Body>
366void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
367 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const simple_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner );
370//! Parallel iteration with reduction and auto_partitioner
371/** @ingroup algorithms **/
372template<typename Range, typename Body>
373void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner ) {
374 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const auto_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner );
377//! Parallel iteration with reduction and static_partitioner
378/** @ingroup algorithms **/
379template<typename Range, typename Body>
380void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const static_partitioner& partitioner ) {
381 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const static_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner );
384//! Parallel iteration with reduction and affinity_partitioner
385/** @ingroup algorithms **/
386template<typename Range, typename Body>
387void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner ) {
388 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,affinity_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner );
392//! Parallel iteration with reduction, default partitioner and user-supplied context.
393/** @ingroup algorithms **/
394template<typename Range, typename Body>
395void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, task_group_context& context ) {
396 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>::run( range, body, __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER(), context );
399//! Parallel iteration with reduction, simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
400/** @ingroup algorithms **/
401template<typename Range, typename Body>
402void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
403 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const simple_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
406//! Parallel iteration with reduction, auto_partitioner and user-supplied context
407/** @ingroup algorithms **/
408template<typename Range, typename Body>
409void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const auto_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
410 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const auto_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
413//! Parallel iteration with reduction, static_partitioner and user-supplied context
414/** @ingroup algorithms **/
415template<typename Range, typename Body>
416void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const static_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
417 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,const static_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
420//! Parallel iteration with reduction, affinity_partitioner and user-supplied context
421/** @ingroup algorithms **/
422template<typename Range, typename Body>
423void parallel_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, affinity_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
424 internal::start_reduce<Range,Body,affinity_partitioner>::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
426#endif /* __TBB_TASK_GROUP_CONTEXT */
428/** parallel_reduce overloads that work with anonymous function objects
429 (see also \ref parallel_reduce_lambda_req "requirements on parallel_reduce anonymous function objects"). **/
431//! Parallel iteration with reduction and default partitioner.
432/** @ingroup algorithms **/
433template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
434Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction ) {
435 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
436 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>
437 ::run(range, body, __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER() );
438 return body.result();
441//! Parallel iteration with reduction and simple_partitioner.
442/** @ingroup algorithms **/
443template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
444Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
445 const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
446 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
447 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const simple_partitioner>
448 ::run(range, body, partitioner );
449 return body.result();
452//! Parallel iteration with reduction and auto_partitioner
453/** @ingroup algorithms **/
454template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
455Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
456 const auto_partitioner& partitioner ) {
457 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
458 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const auto_partitioner>
459 ::run( range, body, partitioner );
460 return body.result();
463//! Parallel iteration with reduction and static_partitioner
464/** @ingroup algorithms **/
465template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
466Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
467 const static_partitioner& partitioner ) {
468 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
469 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const static_partitioner>
470 ::run( range, body, partitioner );
471 return body.result();
474//! Parallel iteration with reduction and affinity_partitioner
475/** @ingroup algorithms **/
476template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
477Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
478 affinity_partitioner& partitioner ) {
479 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
480 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,affinity_partitioner>
481 ::run( range, body, partitioner );
482 return body.result();
486//! Parallel iteration with reduction, default partitioner and user-supplied context.
487/** @ingroup algorithms **/
488template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
489Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
490 task_group_context& context ) {
491 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
492 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER>
493 ::run( range, body, __TBB_DEFAULT_PARTITIONER(), context );
494 return body.result();
497//! Parallel iteration with reduction, simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
498/** @ingroup algorithms **/
499template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
500Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
501 const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
502 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
503 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const simple_partitioner>
504 ::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
505 return body.result();
508//! Parallel iteration with reduction, auto_partitioner and user-supplied context
509/** @ingroup algorithms **/
510template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
511Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
512 const auto_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
513 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
514 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const auto_partitioner>
515 ::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
516 return body.result();
519//! Parallel iteration with reduction, static_partitioner and user-supplied context
520/** @ingroup algorithms **/
521template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
522Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
523 const static_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
524 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
525 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,const static_partitioner>
526 ::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
527 return body.result();
530//! Parallel iteration with reduction, affinity_partitioner and user-supplied context
531/** @ingroup algorithms **/
532template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
533Value parallel_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
534 affinity_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
535 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
536 internal::start_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>,affinity_partitioner>
537 ::run( range, body, partitioner, context );
538 return body.result();
540#endif /* __TBB_TASK_GROUP_CONTEXT */
542//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction and default simple partitioner.
543/** @ingroup algorithms **/
544template<typename Range, typename Body>
545void parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body ) {
546 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, Body, const simple_partitioner>::run(range, body, simple_partitioner());
549//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction and simple partitioner.
550/** @ingroup algorithms **/
551template<typename Range, typename Body>
552void parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
553 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, Body, const simple_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner);
556//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction and static partitioner.
557/** @ingroup algorithms **/
558template<typename Range, typename Body>
559void parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const static_partitioner& partitioner ) {
560 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, Body, const static_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner);
564//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction, default simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
565/** @ingroup algorithms **/
566template<typename Range, typename Body>
567void parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, task_group_context& context ) {
568 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range,Body, const simple_partitioner>::run( range, body, simple_partitioner(), context );
571//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction, simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
572/** @ingroup algorithms **/
573template<typename Range, typename Body>
574void parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
575 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, Body, const simple_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner, context);
578//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction, static partitioner and user-supplied context.
579/** @ingroup algorithms **/
580template<typename Range, typename Body>
581void parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, Body& body, const static_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
582 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, Body, const static_partitioner>::run(range, body, partitioner, context);
584#endif /* __TBB_TASK_GROUP_CONTEXT */
586/** parallel_reduce overloads that work with anonymous function objects
587 (see also \ref parallel_reduce_lambda_req "requirements on parallel_reduce anonymous function objects"). **/
589//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction and default simple partitioner.
590// TODO: consider making static_partitioner the default
591/** @ingroup algorithms **/
592template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
593Value parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction ) {
594 return parallel_deterministic_reduce(range, identity, real_body, reduction, simple_partitioner());
597//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction and simple partitioner.
598/** @ingroup algorithms **/
599template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
600Value parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction, const simple_partitioner& partitioner ) {
601 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
602 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range,internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range,Value,RealBody,Reduction>, const simple_partitioner>
603 ::run(range, body, partitioner);
604 return body.result();
607//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction and static partitioner.
608/** @ingroup algorithms **/
609template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
610Value parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction, const static_partitioner& partitioner ) {
611 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range, Value, RealBody, Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
612 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range, Value, RealBody, Reduction>, const static_partitioner>
613 ::run(range, body, partitioner);
614 return body.result();
617//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction, default simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
618/** @ingroup algorithms **/
619template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
620Value parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
621 task_group_context& context ) {
622 return parallel_deterministic_reduce(range, identity, real_body, reduction, simple_partitioner(), context);
625//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction, simple partitioner and user-supplied context.
626/** @ingroup algorithms **/
627template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
628Value parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
629 const simple_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
630 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range, Value, RealBody, Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
631 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range, Value, RealBody, Reduction>, const simple_partitioner>
632 ::run(range, body, partitioner, context);
633 return body.result();
636//! Parallel iteration with deterministic reduction, static partitioner and user-supplied context.
637/** @ingroup algorithms **/
638template<typename Range, typename Value, typename RealBody, typename Reduction>
639Value parallel_deterministic_reduce( const Range& range, const Value& identity, const RealBody& real_body, const Reduction& reduction,
640 const static_partitioner& partitioner, task_group_context& context ) {
641 internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range, Value, RealBody, Reduction> body(identity, real_body, reduction);
642 internal::start_deterministic_reduce<Range, internal::lambda_reduce_body<Range, Value, RealBody, Reduction>, const static_partitioner>
643 ::run(range, body, partitioner, context);
644 return body.result();
646#endif /* __TBB_TASK_GROUP_CONTEXT */
649} // namespace tbb
651#endif /* __TBB_parallel_reduce_H */