1#include "duckdb/execution/operator/projection/physical_pivot.hpp"
2#include "duckdb/planner/expression/bound_aggregate_expression.hpp"
4namespace duckdb {
6PhysicalPivot::PhysicalPivot(vector<LogicalType> types_p, unique_ptr<PhysicalOperator> child,
7 BoundPivotInfo bound_pivot_p)
8 : PhysicalOperator(PhysicalOperatorType::PIVOT, std::move(types_p), child->estimated_cardinality),
9 bound_pivot(std::move(bound_pivot_p)) {
10 children.push_back(x: std::move(child));
11 for (idx_t p = 0; p < bound_pivot.pivot_values.size(); p++) {
12 auto entry = pivot_map.find(x: bound_pivot.pivot_values[p]);
13 if (entry != pivot_map.end()) {
14 continue;
15 }
16 pivot_map[bound_pivot.pivot_values[p]] = bound_pivot.group_count + p;
17 }
18 // extract the empty aggregate expressions
19 for (auto &aggr_expr : bound_pivot.aggregates) {
20 auto &aggr = aggr_expr->Cast<BoundAggregateExpression>();
21 // for each aggregate, initialize an empty aggregate state and finalize it immediately
22 auto state = make_unsafe_uniq_array<data_t>(n: aggr.function.state_size());
23 aggr.function.initialize(state.get());
24 Vector state_vector(Value::POINTER(value: CastPointerToValue(src: state.get())));
25 Vector result_vector(aggr_expr->return_type);
26 AggregateInputData aggr_input_data(aggr.bind_info.get(), Allocator::DefaultAllocator());
27 aggr.function.finalize(state_vector, aggr_input_data, result_vector, 1, 0);
28 empty_aggregates.push_back(x: result_vector.GetValue(index: 0));
29 }
32OperatorResultType PhysicalPivot::Execute(ExecutionContext &context, DataChunk &input, DataChunk &chunk,
33 GlobalOperatorState &gstate, OperatorState &state) const {
34 // copy the groups as-is
35 for (idx_t i = 0; i < bound_pivot.group_count; i++) {
36 chunk.data[i].Reference(other&: input.data[i]);
37 }
38 auto pivot_column_lists = FlatVector::GetData<list_entry_t>(vector&: input.data.back());
39 auto &pivot_column_values = ListVector::GetEntry(vector&: input.data.back());
40 auto pivot_columns = FlatVector::GetData<string_t>(vector&: pivot_column_values);
42 // initialize all aggregate columns with the empty aggregate value
43 // if there are multiple aggregates the columns are in order of [AGGR1][AGGR2][AGGR1][AGGR2]
44 // so we need to alternate the empty_aggregate that we use
45 idx_t aggregate = 0;
46 for (idx_t c = bound_pivot.group_count; c < chunk.ColumnCount(); c++) {
47 chunk.data[c].Reference(value: empty_aggregates[aggregate]);
48 chunk.data[c].Flatten(count: input.size());
49 aggregate++;
50 if (aggregate >= empty_aggregates.size()) {
51 aggregate = 0;
52 }
53 }
55 // move the pivots to the given columns
56 for (idx_t r = 0; r < input.size(); r++) {
57 auto list = pivot_column_lists[r];
58 for (idx_t l = 0; l < list.length; l++) {
59 // figure out the column value number of this list
60 auto &column_name = pivot_columns[list.offset + l];
61 auto entry = pivot_map.find(x: column_name);
62 if (entry == pivot_map.end()) {
63 // column entry not found in map - that means this element is explicitly excluded from the pivot list
64 continue;
65 }
66 auto column_idx = entry->second;
67 for (idx_t aggr = 0; aggr < empty_aggregates.size(); aggr++) {
68 auto pivot_value_lists = FlatVector::GetData<list_entry_t>(vector&: input.data[bound_pivot.group_count + aggr]);
69 auto &pivot_value_child = ListVector::GetEntry(vector&: input.data[bound_pivot.group_count + aggr]);
70 if (list.offset != pivot_value_lists[r].offset || list.length != pivot_value_lists[r].length) {
71 throw InternalException("Pivot - unaligned lists between values and columns!?");
72 }
73 chunk.data[column_idx + aggr].SetValue(index: r, val: pivot_value_child.GetValue(index: list.offset + l));
74 }
75 }
76 }
77 chunk.SetCardinality(input.size());
78 return OperatorResultType::NEED_MORE_INPUT;
81} // namespace duckdb