1#include "duckdb/optimizer/filter_pushdown.hpp"
2#include "duckdb/planner/operator/logical_comparison_join.hpp"
3#include "duckdb/planner/operator/logical_cross_product.hpp"
5namespace duckdb {
7using Filter = FilterPushdown::Filter;
9unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> FilterPushdown::PushdownCrossProduct(unique_ptr<LogicalOperator> op) {
10 D_ASSERT(op->type == LogicalOperatorType::LOGICAL_CROSS_PRODUCT);
11 FilterPushdown left_pushdown(optimizer), right_pushdown(optimizer);
12 vector<unique_ptr<Expression>> join_expressions;
13 unordered_set<idx_t> left_bindings, right_bindings;
14 if (!filters.empty()) {
15 // check to see into which side we should push the filters
16 // first get the LHS and RHS bindings
17 LogicalJoin::GetTableReferences(op&: *op->children[0], bindings&: left_bindings);
18 LogicalJoin::GetTableReferences(op&: *op->children[1], bindings&: right_bindings);
19 // now check the set of filters
20 for (auto &f : filters) {
21 auto side = JoinSide::GetJoinSide(bindings: f->bindings, left_bindings, right_bindings);
22 if (side == JoinSide::LEFT) {
23 // bindings match left side: push into left
24 left_pushdown.filters.push_back(x: std::move(f));
25 } else if (side == JoinSide::RIGHT) {
26 // bindings match right side: push into right
27 right_pushdown.filters.push_back(x: std::move(f));
28 } else {
29 D_ASSERT(side == JoinSide::BOTH || side == JoinSide::NONE);
30 // bindings match both: turn into join condition
31 join_expressions.push_back(x: std::move(f->filter));
32 }
33 }
34 }
36 op->children[0] = left_pushdown.Rewrite(op: std::move(op->children[0]));
37 op->children[1] = right_pushdown.Rewrite(op: std::move(op->children[1]));
39 if (!join_expressions.empty()) {
40 // join conditions found: turn into inner join
41 // extract join conditions
42 vector<JoinCondition> conditions;
43 vector<unique_ptr<Expression>> arbitrary_expressions;
44 auto join_type = JoinType::INNER;
45 LogicalComparisonJoin::ExtractJoinConditions(type: join_type, left_child&: op->children[0], right_child&: op->children[1], left_bindings,
46 right_bindings, expressions&: join_expressions, conditions,
47 arbitrary_expressions);
48 // create the join from the join conditions
49 return LogicalComparisonJoin::CreateJoin(type: JoinType::INNER, ref_type: JoinRefType::REGULAR, left_child: std::move(op->children[0]),
50 right_child: std::move(op->children[1]), conditions: std::move(conditions),
51 arbitrary_expressions: std::move(arbitrary_expressions));
52 } else {
53 // no join conditions found: keep as cross product
54 return op;
55 }
58} // namespace duckdb