1#include "duckdb/catalog/catalog_entry/table_catalog_entry.hpp"
2#include "duckdb/catalog/catalog_entry/view_catalog_entry.hpp"
3#include "duckdb/parser/tableref/basetableref.hpp"
4#include "duckdb/parser/tableref/subqueryref.hpp"
5#include "duckdb/parser/query_node/select_node.hpp"
6#include "duckdb/planner/binder.hpp"
7#include "duckdb/planner/tableref/bound_basetableref.hpp"
8#include "duckdb/planner/tableref/bound_subqueryref.hpp"
9#include "duckdb/planner/tableref/bound_cteref.hpp"
10#include "duckdb/planner/operator/logical_get.hpp"
11#include "duckdb/parser/statement/select_statement.hpp"
12#include "duckdb/common/string_util.hpp"
13#include "duckdb/parser/tableref/table_function_ref.hpp"
14#include "duckdb/main/config.hpp"
15#include "duckdb/planner/tableref/bound_dummytableref.hpp"
16#include "duckdb/main/client_context.hpp"
18namespace duckdb {
20unique_ptr<BoundTableRef> Binder::Bind(BaseTableRef &ref) {
21 QueryErrorContext error_context(root_statement, ref.query_location);
22 // CTEs and views are also referred to using BaseTableRefs, hence need to distinguish here
23 // check if the table name refers to a CTE
24 auto found_cte = FindCTE(name: ref.table_name, skip: ref.table_name == alias);
25 if (found_cte) {
26 // Check if there is a CTE binding in the BindContext
27 auto &cte = *found_cte;
28 auto ctebinding = bind_context.GetCTEBinding(ctename: ref.table_name);
29 if (!ctebinding) {
30 if (CTEIsAlreadyBound(cte)) {
31 throw BinderException("Circular reference to CTE \"%s\", use WITH RECURSIVE to use recursive CTEs",
32 ref.table_name);
33 }
34 // Move CTE to subquery and bind recursively
35 SubqueryRef subquery(unique_ptr_cast<SQLStatement, SelectStatement>(src: cte.query->Copy()));
36 subquery.alias = ref.alias.empty() ? ref.table_name : ref.alias;
37 subquery.column_name_alias = cte.aliases;
38 for (idx_t i = 0; i < ref.column_name_alias.size(); i++) {
39 if (i < subquery.column_name_alias.size()) {
40 subquery.column_name_alias[i] = ref.column_name_alias[i];
41 } else {
42 subquery.column_name_alias.push_back(x: ref.column_name_alias[i]);
43 }
44 }
45 return Bind(ref&: subquery, cte: found_cte);
46 } else {
47 // There is a CTE binding in the BindContext.
48 // This can only be the case if there is a recursive CTE present.
49 auto index = GenerateTableIndex();
50 auto result = make_uniq<BoundCTERef>(args&: index, args&: ctebinding->index);
51 auto b = ctebinding;
52 auto alias = ref.alias.empty() ? ref.table_name : ref.alias;
53 auto names = BindContext::AliasColumnNames(table_name: alias, names: b->names, column_aliases: ref.column_name_alias);
55 bind_context.AddGenericBinding(index, alias, names, types: b->types);
56 // Update references to CTE
57 auto cteref = bind_context.cte_references[ref.table_name];
58 (*cteref)++;
60 result->types = b->types;
61 result->bound_columns = std::move(names);
62 return std::move(result);
63 }
64 }
65 // not a CTE
66 // extract a table or view from the catalog
67 BindSchemaOrCatalog(catalog_name&: ref.catalog_name, schema_name&: ref.schema_name);
68 auto table_or_view = Catalog::GetEntry(context, type: CatalogType::TABLE_ENTRY, catalog: ref.catalog_name, schema: ref.schema_name,
69 name: ref.table_name, if_not_found: OnEntryNotFound::RETURN_NULL, error_context);
70 // we still didn't find the table
71 if (GetBindingMode() == BindingMode::EXTRACT_NAMES) {
72 if (!table_or_view || table_or_view->type == CatalogType::TABLE_ENTRY) {
73 // if we are in EXTRACT_NAMES, we create a dummy table ref
74 AddTableName(table_name: ref.table_name);
76 // add a bind context entry
77 auto table_index = GenerateTableIndex();
78 auto alias = ref.alias.empty() ? ref.table_name : ref.alias;
79 vector<LogicalType> types {LogicalType::INTEGER};
80 vector<string> names {"__dummy_col" + to_string(val: table_index)};
81 bind_context.AddGenericBinding(index: table_index, alias, names, types);
82 return make_uniq_base<BoundTableRef, BoundEmptyTableRef>(args&: table_index);
83 }
84 }
85 if (!table_or_view) {
86 string table_name = ref.catalog_name;
87 if (!ref.schema_name.empty()) {
88 table_name += (!table_name.empty() ? "." : "") + ref.schema_name;
89 }
90 table_name += (!table_name.empty() ? "." : "") + ref.table_name;
91 // table could not be found: try to bind a replacement scan
92 auto &config = DBConfig::GetConfig(context);
93 if (context.config.use_replacement_scans) {
94 for (auto &scan : config.replacement_scans) {
95 auto replacement_function = scan.function(context, table_name, scan.data.get());
96 if (replacement_function) {
97 if (!ref.alias.empty()) {
98 // user-provided alias overrides the default alias
99 replacement_function->alias = ref.alias;
100 } else if (replacement_function->alias.empty()) {
101 // if the replacement scan itself did not provide an alias we use the table name
102 replacement_function->alias = ref.table_name;
103 }
104 if (replacement_function->type == TableReferenceType::TABLE_FUNCTION) {
105 auto &table_function = replacement_function->Cast<TableFunctionRef>();
106 table_function.column_name_alias = ref.column_name_alias;
107 } else if (replacement_function->type == TableReferenceType::SUBQUERY) {
108 auto &subquery = replacement_function->Cast<SubqueryRef>();
109 subquery.column_name_alias = ref.column_name_alias;
110 } else {
111 throw InternalException("Replacement scan should return either a table function or a subquery");
112 }
113 return Bind(ref&: *replacement_function);
114 }
115 }
116 }
118 // could not find an alternative: bind again to get the error
119 table_or_view = Catalog::GetEntry(context, type: CatalogType::TABLE_ENTRY, catalog: ref.catalog_name, schema: ref.schema_name,
120 name: ref.table_name, if_not_found: OnEntryNotFound::THROW_EXCEPTION, error_context);
121 }
122 switch (table_or_view->type) {
123 case CatalogType::TABLE_ENTRY: {
124 // base table: create the BoundBaseTableRef node
125 auto table_index = GenerateTableIndex();
126 auto &table = table_or_view->Cast<TableCatalogEntry>();
128 unique_ptr<FunctionData> bind_data;
129 auto scan_function = table.GetScanFunction(context, bind_data);
130 auto alias = ref.alias.empty() ? ref.table_name : ref.alias;
131 // TODO: bundle the type and name vector in a struct (e.g PackedColumnMetadata)
132 vector<LogicalType> table_types;
133 vector<string> table_names;
134 vector<TableColumnType> table_categories;
136 vector<LogicalType> return_types;
137 vector<string> return_names;
138 for (auto &col : table.GetColumns().Logical()) {
139 table_types.push_back(x: col.Type());
140 table_names.push_back(x: col.Name());
141 return_types.push_back(x: col.Type());
142 return_names.push_back(x: col.Name());
143 }
144 table_names = BindContext::AliasColumnNames(table_name: alias, names: table_names, column_aliases: ref.column_name_alias);
146 auto logical_get = make_uniq<LogicalGet>(args&: table_index, args&: scan_function, args: std::move(bind_data),
147 args: std::move(return_types), args: std::move(return_names));
148 bind_context.AddBaseTable(index: table_index, alias, names: table_names, types: table_types, bound_column_ids&: logical_get->column_ids,
149 entry: logical_get->GetTable().get());
150 return make_uniq_base<BoundTableRef, BoundBaseTableRef>(args&: table, args: std::move(logical_get));
151 }
152 case CatalogType::VIEW_ENTRY: {
153 // the node is a view: get the query that the view represents
154 auto &view_catalog_entry = table_or_view->Cast<ViewCatalogEntry>();
155 // We need to use a new binder for the view that doesn't reference any CTEs
156 // defined for this binder so there are no collisions between the CTEs defined
157 // for the view and for the current query
158 bool inherit_ctes = false;
159 auto view_binder = Binder::CreateBinder(context, parent: this, inherit_ctes);
160 view_binder->can_contain_nulls = true;
161 SubqueryRef subquery(unique_ptr_cast<SQLStatement, SelectStatement>(src: view_catalog_entry.query->Copy()));
162 subquery.alias = ref.alias.empty() ? ref.table_name : ref.alias;
163 subquery.column_name_alias =
164 BindContext::AliasColumnNames(table_name: subquery.alias, names: view_catalog_entry.aliases, column_aliases: ref.column_name_alias);
165 // bind the child subquery
166 view_binder->AddBoundView(view&: view_catalog_entry);
167 auto bound_child = view_binder->Bind(ref&: subquery);
168 if (!view_binder->correlated_columns.empty()) {
169 throw BinderException("Contents of view were altered - view bound correlated columns");
170 }
172 D_ASSERT(bound_child->type == TableReferenceType::SUBQUERY);
173 // verify that the types and names match up with the expected types and names
174 auto &bound_subquery = bound_child->Cast<BoundSubqueryRef>();
175 if (GetBindingMode() != BindingMode::EXTRACT_NAMES &&
176 bound_subquery.subquery->types != view_catalog_entry.types) {
177 throw BinderException("Contents of view were altered: types don't match!");
178 }
179 bind_context.AddView(index: bound_subquery.subquery->GetRootIndex(), alias: subquery.alias, ref&: subquery,
180 subquery&: *bound_subquery.subquery, view: &view_catalog_entry);
181 return bound_child;
182 }
183 default:
184 throw InternalException("Catalog entry type");
185 }
187} // namespace duckdb