3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxxref.h
13#ifndef _FBXSDK_CORE_XREF_H_
14#define _FBXSDK_CORE_XREF_H_
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxarray.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxstring.h>
21#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
23class FbxProperty;
24class FbxDocument;
25class FbxXRefManagerProject;
27/** This class manages external references to files.
28 * \nosubgrouping
29 */
30class FBXSDK_DLL FbxXRefManager
33 //! Default constructor.
34 FbxXRefManager();
36 //! Destructor.
37 virtual ~FbxXRefManager();
39 /**
40 * \name Predefined Project Types
41 */
42 //@{
44 //! This project represents an URL for storing temporary files.
45 static const char* sTemporaryFileProject;
47 //! This project represents an URL for configuration files.
48 static const char* sConfigurationProject;
50 //! This project represents an URL for storing localization files (that is not part of the asset library).
51 static const char* sLocalizationProject;
53 /** This project is used for creating the ".fbm" folders that are used for
54 * storing embedded resources in FBX files.
55 *
56 * When not set, or if the folder is not writable, the ".fbm"
57 * folder is created alongside the FBX file.
58 *
59 * If we cannot write in that folder, we look at the sTemporaryFileProject location.
60 * If no folder is set in the sTemporaryFileProject location, or it is not
61 * writable, the operating system's Temp folder becomes the location.
62 */
63 static const char* sEmbeddedFileProject;
64 //@}
66 /**
67 * \name XRef URL properties
68 */
69 //@{
70 /** Returns the number of URLs that are stored in a property.
71 * \param pProperty The property.
72 * \return The URL count.
73 */
74 static int GetUrlCount(FbxProperty const &pProperty);
76 /** Returns the number of URLs that are stored in a string.
77 * \param pUrl The string.
78 * \return The URL count.
79 */
81 static int GetUrlCount(FbxString const& pUrl);
83 /** Checks whether the URL at the given index stored in the property is relative or not.
84 * \param pProperty The property.
85 * \param pIndex The URL index.
86 * \return \c True if the URL is relative, \c false if the URL is not relative.
87 */
88 static bool IsRelativeUrl (FbxProperty const &pProperty,int pIndex);
90 /** Returns the URL stored in the property at the given index.
91 * \param pProperty The property.
92 * \param pIndex The URL index.
93 * \return The URL
94 */
95 static FbxString GetUrl(FbxProperty const &pProperty,int pIndex);
97 /** Tries to resolve the URL stored in the property at the given index.
98 * \param pProperty The property.
99 * \param pIndex The URL index.
100 * \param pResolvedPath Filled with the resolved path.
101 * \return \c True if the URL is resolved, return \c false if the URL is not resolved.
102 */
103 bool GetResolvedUrl (FbxProperty const &pProperty,int pIndex,FbxString & pResolvedPath) const;
105 /** Tries to resolve the specified URL.
106 * \param pUrl The specified URL.
107 * \param pDoc The document whose ".fbm" folder is used to resolve the URL.
108 * \param pResolvedPath Filled with the resolved path.
109 * \return \c True if the URL is resolved, return \c false if the URL is not resolved.
110 */
111 bool GetResolvedUrl (const char* pUrl, FbxDocument* pDoc, FbxString& pResolvedPath) const;
112 //@}
114 /** Looks for the first file that matches a specified "pattern",
115 * which is built as:
116 *
117 * if pOptExt is given: prefix*.ext
118 * If pOptExt is NULL: prefix*
119 * if pOptExt is "" or ".": prefix*.
120 *
121 * Returns the URL of the first matching files. This function cannot be
122 * used to resolve folders, only files.
123 *
124 * If a document is given, we start by looking at the document's ".fbm" folder.
125 * \param pPrefix The prefix of the pattern.
126 * \param pOptExt The extension of the pattern.
127 * \param pDoc The given document.
128 * \param pResolvedPath Filled with the first matching URL.
129 * \return \c True if one matching file is found, returns \c false if no matching file is found.
130 */
131 bool GetFirstMatchingUrl(const char* pPrefix, const char* pOptExt, const FbxDocument* pDoc, FbxString& pResolvedPath) const;
133 /**
134 * \name XRef Resolve URL and Projects
135 */
136 //@{
138 /** Adds an XRef Project.
139 * Note:Only one URL is associated with a project. Calling
140 * this on an existing project replaces the project's existing URL.
141 * \param pName The name of the project
142 * \param pUrl The URL to be associated with the project.
143 * \return \c True if the project is added successfully, \c false if no project is added.
144 */
145 bool AddXRefProject (const char *pName,const char *pUrl);
147 /** Adds an XRef Project.
148 * Note:Only one URL is associated with a project. Calling
149 * this on an existing project replaces the project's existing URL.
150 * \param pName The name of the project
151 * \param pExtension The extension of the project.
152 * \param pUrl The URL to be associated with the project.
153 * \return \c True if the project is added successfully, returns \c false if no project is added.
154 */
155 bool AddXRefProject (const char *pName,const char *pExtension,const char *pUrl);
157 /** Adds an XRef project based on the document's EmbeddedUrl
158 * property if set, if EmbeddedUrl is not set, based on its current URL property.
159 * \param pDoc The document used to name the project and to specify the URL.
160 * \return \c True if the project is added successfully, returns \c false if no project is added.
161 * \remarks The project name is set as the document name and the URL is set as EmbeddedUrl or URL of the document.
162 */
163 bool AddXRefProject (FbxDocument* pDoc);
165 /** Removes an XRef Projects.
166 * \param pName The name of the project to be removed.
167 * \return \c True if the project is removed successfully, returns \c false if the project with the name does not exist.
168 */
169 bool RemoveXRefProject(const char *pName);
171 /** Removes all XRef Projects.
172 * \return \c True always.
173 */
174 bool RemoveAllXRefProjects();
176 /** Returns the number of XRef Projects.
177 * \return The number of XRef Projects.
178 */
179 int GetXRefProjectCount() const;
181 /** Returns the name of the XRef project at the specified index.
182 * \param pIndex The XRef project index.
183 * \return The XRef project name.
184 */
185 const char *GetXRefProjectName(int pIndex) const;
187 /** Returns the base URL for the given project.
188 * \param pName The name of the given project
189 * \return The base URL of the project or returns NULL if the project with the name is not found.
190 */
191 const char* GetXRefProjectUrl(const char* pName); // FIXME: Should be const, will break AV.
193 /** Returns the base URL for the given project.
194 * \param pName The name of the given project
195 * \return The base URL of the project or returns NULL if the project with the name is not found.
196 */
197 const char* GetXRefProjectUrl(const char* pName) const;
199 /** Returns the base URL for the given project.
200 * \param pIndex The index of the project.
201 * \return The base URL of the project or NULL if the index is out of bounds.
202 */
203 const char* GetXRefProjectUrl(int pIndex) const;
205 /** Checks if a project with the given name is defined in this manager.
206 * \param pName The name of the project.
207 * \return \c True if the project is defined in this manager, returns \c false if it isn't defined in this manager.
208 */
209 inline bool HasXRefProject( const char* pName ) { return GetXRefProjectUrl(pName) != NULL; }
211 /** Tries to resolve an relative URL
212 * \param pUrl The relative URL to be resolved.
213 * \param pResolvePath Filled with the resolved path.
214 * \return \c True if the URL is resolved, returns \c false if the URL is not resolved.
215 */
216 bool GetResolvedUrl (const char* pUrl,FbxString & pResolvePath) const;
218 //@}
220 FbxArray<FbxXRefManagerProject*> mProjects;
222 static bool UrlExist(const char* pUrl);
225#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>
227#endif /* _FBXSDK_CORE_XREF_H_ */