3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxproperty.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxquery.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxpropertydef.h>
20#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxpropertytypes.h>
21#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxdatatypes.h>
22#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxmap.h>
23#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxset.h>
25#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
27class FbxObject;
28class FbxAnimStack;
29class FbxAnimLayer;
30class FbxAnimCurveNode;
31class FbxAnimCurve;
32class FbxAnimEvaluator;
34/** \brief Class to hold user properties.
35* \nosubgrouping
37class FBXSDK_DLL FbxProperty
40 /**
41 * \name Constructor and Destructor.
42 */
43 //@{
44 /** Creates a runtime property on the specified property.
45 * \param pCompoundProperty The parent property of this property.
46 * \param pDataType The data type of this property.
47 * \param pName The property name.
48 * \param pLabel The label of this property.
49 * \param pCheckForDup If \c true, parent property checks if it has a child property already with pName, if \c false, the new property is created.
50 * \param pWasFound If pCheckForDup is \c true, this flag is set to indicate whether the pCompoundProperty already has a child property with pName.
51 */
52 static FbxProperty Create(const FbxProperty& pCompoundProperty, const FbxDataType& pDataType, const char* pName, const char* pLabel="", bool pCheckForDup=true, bool* pWasFound=NULL);
54 /** Creates a runtime property on the specified object.
55 * \param pObject The object on which the property will be created.
56 * \param pDataType The data type of this property.
57 * \param pName The property name.
58 * \param pLabel The label of this property.
59 * \param pCheckForDup If \c true, pObject checks whether it already has a property with pName, if \c false, a new property is created.
60 * \param pWasFound If pCheckForDup is \c true, this flag is set to indicate whether the pObject already has a child property with pName.
61 */
62 static FbxProperty Create(FbxObject* pObject, const FbxDataType& pDataType, const char* pName, const char* pLabel="", bool pCheckForDup=true, bool* pWasFound=NULL);
64 /** Creates a dynamic property from another property on the specified property.
65 * \param pCompoundProperty The parent property of this property.
66 * \param pFromProperty The property copied by this property.
67 * \param pCheckForDup If \c true, parent property checks if it already has a child property that has the name of pFromProperty, if \c false, a new property is created.
68 * \remark Only the property name, label, min/max, enums and flags are copied.
69 */
70 static FbxProperty CreateFrom(const FbxProperty& pCompoundProperty, FbxProperty& pFromProperty, bool pCheckForDup=true);
72 /** Creates a dynamic property from another property on the specified object.
73 * \param pObject The object that contains this property.
74 * \param pFromProperty The property copied by this property.
75 * \param pCheckForDup If \c true, pObject checks if it already has a property that has the name of pFromProperty, if \c false, a new property is created.
76 * \remark Only the property name, label, min/max, enums and flags are copied.
77 */
78 static FbxProperty CreateFrom(FbxObject* pObject, FbxProperty& pFromProperty, bool pCheckForDup=true);
80 /** Destroys a dynamic property.
81 */
82 void Destroy();
84 /** Destroys a dynamic property and its children
85 * \remarks Destroy all children of current property, and current property will also be destroyed.
86 */
87 void DestroyRecursively();
89 /** Destroys children of a dynamic property.
90 * \remarks Destroy all children of current property, and current property will not be destroyed.
91 */
92 void DestroyChildren();
94 /** Static property constructor.
95 */
96 FbxProperty();
98 /** Copy constructor for properties.
99 * \param pProperty The property copied to this one.
100 */
101 FbxProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
103 /** Copy constructor for properties.
104 * \param pPropertyHandle The property handle copied to this property handle.
105 */
106 FbxProperty(const FbxPropertyHandle& pPropertyHandle);
108 /** Static property destructor.
109 */
110 ~FbxProperty();
111 //@}
113 /**
114 * \name Property Identification.
115 */
116 //@{
117 /** Returns the property data type.
118 * \return The property data type.
119 */
120 FbxDataType GetPropertyDataType() const;
122 /** Returns the internal name of the property.
123 * \return Property internal name string.
124 */
125 FbxString GetName() const;
127 /** Returns the internal name of the property.
128 * \return Property internal name string.
129 */
130 const char* GetNameAsCStr() const;
132 /** Returns the hierarchical name of the property.
133 * \return Property hierarchical name string.
134 */
135 FbxString GetHierarchicalName() const;
137 /** Returns the property label.
138 * \param pReturnNameIfEmpty If \c true, lets this method return the internal name if the label is empty.
139 * \return The property label if set, or the property internal name if the pReturnNameIfEmpty
140 * flag is set to \c true and the label has not been defined.
141 * \remarks Some applications may ignore the label field and work uniquely with the
142 * internal name. Therefore, it should not be taken for granted that a label exists. Also, remember
143 * that the label does not get saved in the FBX file. It only exists while the property object is
144 * in memory.
145 */
146 FbxString GetLabel(bool pReturnNameIfEmpty=true) const;
149 /** Sets a label for the property.
150 * \param pLabel Label string.
151 */
152 void SetLabel(const FbxString& pLabel);
154 /** Returns the object that contains the property.
155 * \return The property object owner (or null if the property is an orphan).
156 */
157 FbxObject* GetFbxObject() const;
158 //@}
160 /**
161 * \name User data
162 */
163 //@{
164 /** Sets the user tag.
165 * \param pTag The user tag to be set.
166 */
167 void SetUserTag(int pTag);
169 //! Gets the user tag.
170 int GetUserTag();
172 /** Sets the user data pointer.
173 * \param pUserData The user data pointer.
174 */
175 void SetUserDataPtr(void* pUserData);
177 /** Gets the user data pointer.
178 * \return The user data pointer.
179 */
180 void* GetUserDataPtr();
181 //@}
183 /**
184 * \name Property Flags.
185 */
186 //@{
187 /** Changes the property attribute.
188 * \param pFlag Property attribute identifier.
189 * \param pValue New state of pFlag.
190 */
191 void ModifyFlag(FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlag, bool pValue);
193 /** Returns the state of the property attribute.
194 * \param pFlag Property attribute identifier.
195 * \return The state of the property attribute(pFlag).
196 */
197 bool GetFlag(FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlag) const;
199 /** Returns the state of all of the property attributes.
200 * \return The state of the property attributes(pFlags).
201 */
202 FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags GetFlags() const;
204 /** Returns the inheritance type of the given flag, similar to GetValueInheritType().
205 * \param pFlag The flag to be queried.
206 * \return The inheritance type of the specific flag.
207 */
208 FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType GetFlagInheritType( FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlag ) const;
210 /** Sets the inheritance type for the specific flag, similar to SetValueInheritType().
211 * \param pFlag The flag to be set.
212 * \param pType The inheritance type to be set.
213 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
214 */
215 bool SetFlagInheritType( FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlag, FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType pType );
217 /** Checks if the property flag has been modified from its default value.
218 * \param pFlag The flag to be queried.
219 * \return \c True if the value of this property has changed, \c false otherwise
220 */
221 bool ModifiedFlag( FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlag ) const;
222 //@}
224 /**
225 * \name Assignment and comparison operators
226 */
227 //@{
228 /** Assignment operator.
229 * \param pProperty The property assigned to this property.
230 * \return This property.
231 */
232 FbxProperty& operator= (const FbxProperty& pProperty);
234 /** Equivalence operator.
235 * \param pProperty The property compared to this property.
236 * \return \c True if equal, \c false otherwise.
237 */
238 bool operator== (const FbxProperty& pProperty) const;
240 /** Non-equivalence operator.
241 * \param pProperty The property compared to this property.
242 * \return \c True if unequal, \c false otherwise.
243 */
244 bool operator!= (const FbxProperty& pProperty) const;
246 /** Lesser operator, used to sort property in map.
247 * \param pProperty The property compared to this property.
248 * \return \c true if less, \c false otherwise. */
249 bool operator< (const FbxProperty& pProperty) const;
251 /** Greater operator, used to sort property in map.
252 * \param pProperty The property compared to this property.
253 * \return \c true if greater, \c false otherwise. */
254 bool operator> (const FbxProperty& pProperty) const;
256 /** Equivalence operator.
257 * \param pValue The value compared to this property.
258 * \return \c True if this property is valid and pValue doesn't equal zero, or this property is invalid and pValue equals zero, \c false otherwise.
259 */
260 inline bool operator== (int pValue) const { return (pValue == 0) ? !IsValid() : IsValid(); }
262 /** Non-equivalence operator.
263 * \param pValue The value compared to this property.
264 * \return \c True if this property is valid and pValue equals zero, or this property is invalid and pValue doesn't equal zero, \c false otherwise.
265 */
266 inline bool operator!= (int pValue) const { return (pValue != 0) ? !IsValid() : IsValid(); }
268 /** Compares this property's value to another property's value.
269 * \param pProperty The property whose value is compared with this property's value.
270 * \return \c True if equal, \c false otherwise.
271 */
272 bool CompareValue(const FbxProperty& pProperty) const;
273 //@}
275 /** Copies the value of a property.
276 * \param pProperty The property from which to derive the value.
277 * \return \c True if value has been copied successfully, \c false otherwise.
278 */
279 bool CopyValue(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
281 /**
282 * \name Value management.
283 */
284 //@{
285 /** Gets the value of the property.
286 * \tparam T The data type of the value.
287 * \return The property value.
288 */
289 template <class T> inline T Get() const { T lValue; Get(&lValue, FbxTypeOf(lValue)); return lValue; }
291 /** Sets the value of the property.
292 * \param pValue The new value
293 * \return \c True if type is compatible and the value is set successfully, \c false otherwise.
294 */
295 template <class T> inline bool Set(const T& pValue){ return Set(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue)); }
297 /** Judges the property's validity.
298 * \return \c True if this property is valid, \c false otherwise.
299 */
300 bool IsValid() const;
302 /** Checks if the specified property's value has changed from its default value.
303 * \param pProperty Property that is tested.
304 * \return \c True if the property value is still the default, \c false otherwise.
305 * \remarks If the inheritance type of pProperty's value is eOverride, pProperty's value should
306 * have been modified, so pProperty doesn't have the default value.
307 * If the inheritance type of pProperty's value is eInherit, that means pProperty's value inherits
308 * the referenced object's property value, so pProperty has the default value.
309 */
310 static bool HasDefaultValue(FbxProperty& pProperty);
312 /** Queries the inheritance type of the property.
313 * Use this method to determine if this property's value is overridden from the default
314 * value, or from the referenced object, if this object is a clone.
315 * \return The inheritance type of the property.
316 */
317 FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType GetValueInheritType() const;
319 /** Sets the inheritance type of the property.
320 * Use the method to explicitly override the default value of the property,
321 * or the referenced object's property value, if this object is a clone.
322 *
323 * You can also use this to explicitly inherit the default value of the property,
324 * or the referenced object's property value, if this object is a clone.
325 *
326 * \param pType The new inheritance type.
327 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
328 */
329 bool SetValueInheritType( FbxPropertyFlags::EInheritType pType );
331 /** Checks if the property's value has been modified from its default value.
332 * \return \c True if the value of the property has changed, \c false otherwise.
333 * \remarks If the inheritance type of the property's value is eOverride, the property's value should
334 * have been modified, it returns \c true.
335 * If the inheritance type of the property's value is eInherit, that means the property's value inherits
336 * the referenced object's property value, so the property's value is not modified and it returns \c false.
337 */
338 bool Modified() const;
339 //@}
341 /**
342 * \name Property Limits.
343 * Property limits are provided for convenience if some applications desire to
344 * bound the range of possible values for a given type property. FBX will never
345 * apply these limits internally, however it will store and retrieve the limits values
346 * from files, and will assure that they are persistent in memory
347 * while the property exists.
348 *
349 * Notes:
350 * - The limit value is truncated to the property data type.
351 *
352 * - These limits are meaningless for the boolean type. It is the responsibility of the
353 * calling application to implement the necessary instructions to limit the property of boolean type.
354 *
355 * - The SetMinLimit/SetMaxLimit methods will do nothing if SupportSetLimitsAsDoube() returns false.
356 */
357 //@{
358 /** Returns whether setting limits as a double number on this property type is allowed.
359 * \return \c True if allowed, \c false otherwise.
360 */
361 bool SupportSetLimitAsDouble() const;
363 /** Sets a minimum property value limit.
364 * \param pMin Minimum value allowed.
365 * \return \c True if the limit has been set, \c false otherwise.
366 */
367 bool SetMinLimit(double pMin);
369 /** Returns whether a minimum limit exists, if it returns false,
370 * calling GetMinLimit() produces undefined behavior.
371 * \return \c True when a minimum limit exists, \c false otherwise.
372 */
373 bool HasMinLimit() const;
375 /** Returns the minimum property value limit.
376 * \return The minimum value limit.
377 */
378 double GetMinLimit() const;
380 /** Returns whether a maximum limit exists, if it returns false,
381 * calling GetMaxLimit() produces undefined behavior.
382 * \return \c True when a maximum limit exists, \c false otherwise.
383 */
384 bool HasMaxLimit() const;
386 /** Sets a maximum property value limit.
387 * \param pMax Maximum value allowed.
388 * \return \c True if the limit has been set, \c false otherwise.
389 */
390 bool SetMaxLimit(double pMax);
392 /** Returns the maximum property value.
393 * \return The maximum value limit.
394 */
395 double GetMaxLimit() const;
397 /** Sets the minimum and maximum value limit of the property.
398 * \param pMin Minimum value allowed.
399 * \param pMax Maximum value allowed.
400 \return \c True if both the min and max limit have been set, \c false otherwise.
401 */
402 bool SetLimits(double pMin, double pMax);
403 //@}
405 /**
406 * \name Enum and property list
407 */
408 //@{
409 /** Adds a string value at the end of the enumeration list.
410 * \param pStringValue The string value to be added.
411 * \return The index in the list where the string is added or -1 if the action failed.
412 * \remarks This function is only valid if the property type is eFbxEnum or eFbxEnumM.
413 * \remarks If the property is of type eFbxEnum, trying to add a value that is already
414 * in the enumeration list will fail.
415 * Empty strings are not allowed.
416 */
417 int AddEnumValue(const char* pStringValue);
419 /** Inserts a string value at the specific index.
420 * \param pIndex Zero bound index.
421 * \param pStringValue The string value to be inserted.
422 * \remarks This function is only valid if the property type is eFbxEnum or eFbxEnumM.
423 * \remarks If the property is of type eFbxEnum, trying to insert a value that is already
424 * in the enumeration list will fail.
425 * pIndex must be in the range [0, ListValueGetCount()].
426 * Empty strings are not allowed.
427 */
428 void InsertEnumValue(int pIndex, const char* pStringValue);
430 /** Returns the number of elements in the enumeration list.
431 * \return The number of elements in the enumeration list.
432 * \remarks This function returns 0 if the property type is not eFbxEnum or eFbxEnumM.
433 */
434 int GetEnumCount() const;
436 /** Sets a string value at the specific index.
437 * \param pIndex Zero bound index.
438 * \param pStringValue The string value at the specific index.
439 * \remarks This function is only valid if the property type is eFbxEnum or eFbxEnumM.
440 * \remarks If the property is of type eFbxEnum, trying to set a value that is already
441 * in the enumeration list will fail.
442 * The function assigns the string value to the specific index.
443 * A string value must exist at the specific index in order to be changed.
444 * Empty strings are not allowed.
445 */
446 void SetEnumValue(int pIndex, const char* pStringValue);
448 /** Removes the string value at the specified index.
449 * \param pIndex Index of the string value to be removed.
450 * \remarks This function is only valid if the property type is eFbxEnum or eFbxEnuM.
451 */
452 void RemoveEnumValue(int pIndex);
454 /** Returns a string value at the specified index
455 * \param pIndex Zero bound index.
456 * \remarks This function is only valid if the property type is eFbxEnum or eFbxEnumM.
457 */
458 const char* GetEnumValue(int pIndex) const;
459 //@}
461 /**
462 * \name Hierarchical properties
463 */
464 //@{
465 /** Judges if this property is the root property.
466 * \return \c True when this property is a root property, \c false otherwise.
467 */
468 inline bool IsRoot() const { return mPropertyHandle.IsRoot(); }
470 /** Judges whether this property is a child of the specified property.
471 * \param pParent The specified property.
472 * \return \c True when this property is a child of the specified property, \c false otherwise.
473 */
474 inline bool IsChildOf(const FbxProperty& pParent) const { return mPropertyHandle.IsChildOf(pParent.mPropertyHandle); }
476 /** Judges whether this property is a descendant of the specified property.
477 * \param pAncestor The specified property.
478 * \return \c True when this property is a descendant of the specified property, \c false otherwise.
479 */
480 inline bool IsDescendentOf(const FbxProperty& pAncestor) const { return mPropertyHandle.IsDescendentOf(pAncestor.mPropertyHandle); }
482 /** Returns the parent property of this property.
483 * \return The parent of this property.
484 */
485 inline FbxProperty GetParent() const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.GetParent()); }
487 /** Returns the first child of this property.
488 * \return The first child of this property, if there is none, an invalid property is returned.
489 */
490 inline FbxProperty GetChild() const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.GetChild()); }
492 /** Returns the sibling of this property.
493 * \return The sibling of this property, if there is none, an invalid property is returned.
494 */
495 inline FbxProperty GetSibling() const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.GetSibling()); }
497 /** Returns the first property that is a descendant of this property.
498 * \return The first descendant of this property, if there is none, an invalid property is returned.
499 */
500 inline FbxProperty GetFirstDescendent() const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.GetFirstDescendent()); }
502 /** Returns the property that follows pProperty that is a descendant of this property.
503 * \param pProperty The last found descendant.
504 * \return The property that follows pProperty, if there is none, an invalid property is returned.
505 */
506 inline FbxProperty GetNextDescendent(const FbxProperty& pProperty) const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.GetNextDescendent(pProperty.mPropertyHandle)); }
508 /** Searches a property using its name.
509 * \param pName The name of the property as a \c NULL terminated string.
510 * \param pCaseSensitive Whether the name is case-sensitive.
511 * \return A valid FbxProperty if the property is found, else
512 * an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
513 */
514 inline FbxProperty Find (const char* pName, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.Find(pName,pCaseSensitive)); }
516 /** Searches a property using its name and data type.
517 * \param pName The name of the property as a \c NULL terminated string.
518 * \param pDataType The data type of the property.
519 * \param pCaseSensitive Whether the name is case-sensitive.
520 * \return A valid FbxProperty if the property is found, else
521 * an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
522 */
523 inline FbxProperty Find (const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.Find(pName,pDataType.GetTypeInfoHandle(),pCaseSensitive)); }
525 /** Searches a property using its full name.
526 * \param pName The full name of the property as a \c NULL terminated string.
527 * \param pCaseSensitive whether the name is case-sensitive.
528 * \return A valid FbxProperty if the property is found, else
529 * an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
530 */
531 inline FbxProperty FindHierarchical (const char* pName, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.Find(pName,sHierarchicalSeparator,pCaseSensitive)); }
533 /** Searches a property using its full name and data type.
534 * \param pName The full name of the property as a \c NULL terminated string.
535 * \param pDataType The data type of the property.
536 * \param pCaseSensitive whether the name is case-sensitive.
537 * \return A valid FbxProperty if the property is found, else
538 * an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
539 */
540 inline FbxProperty FindHierarchical (const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const { return FbxProperty(mPropertyHandle.Find(pName,sHierarchicalSeparator,pDataType.GetTypeInfoHandle(),pCaseSensitive)); }
541 //@}
543 /**
544 * \name Optimizations
545 */
546 //@{
547 //! Internal function for building a property name map.
548 inline void BeginCreateOrFindProperty(){ mPropertyHandle.BeginCreateOrFindProperty(); }
550 //! Internal function for clearing the property name map.
551 inline void EndCreateOrFindProperty(){ mPropertyHandle.EndCreateOrFindProperty(); }
553 //!This is an internal class that you can use to build and clear the name map of properties. You can use the name map to speed up searching for property names.
554 class FbxPropertyNameCache
555 {
556 public:
557 /** Constructor, the name map is created in the constructor.
558 * \param prop Property for building and clearing the name map.
559 */
560 FbxPropertyNameCache(const FbxProperty& prop) : mProp(const_cast<FbxProperty&>(prop)){ mProp.BeginCreateOrFindProperty(); }
562 //! Destructor, the name map is destroyed in destructor.
563 ~FbxPropertyNameCache(){ mProp.EndCreateOrFindProperty(); }
565 private:
566 FbxProperty& mProp;
567 FbxPropertyNameCache& operator=(const FbxPropertyNameCache& pOther){ mProp = pOther.mProp; mProp.BeginCreateOrFindProperty(); return *this; }
568 };
569 //@}
571 /**
572 * \name Animation Curve Management
573 */
574 //@{
575 /** Retrieve the proper animation evaluator to use for this property.
576 * \return If the object has no scene, returns the default evaluator, otherwise the object's scene evaluator. */
577 FbxAnimEvaluator* GetAnimationEvaluator() const;
579 /** Find out if the property is animated: has a curve node with curves.
580 * \param pAnimLayer The animation layer to test for curve presence. Set to NULL if you want to use the default animation layer of the default animation stack.
581 * \return \c true if the property is animated. */
582 bool IsAnimated(FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer=NULL) const;
584 /** Evaluate the value of a property if it has animation and return the result as the template type.
585 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
586 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
587 * \return The property value at the specified time converted to the template type provided, if possible.
588 * \remark If the property type versus the template cannot be converted, the result is unknown. */
589 template <class T> T EvaluateValue(const FbxTime& pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, bool pForceEval=false);
591 /** Evaluate the value of a property if it has animation and return the result.
592 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
593 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
594 * \return The property value at the specified time. */
595 FbxPropertyValue& EvaluateValue(const FbxTime& pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, bool pForceEval=false);
597 /** Creates a FbxAnimCurveNode on the specified layer.
598 * \param pAnimLayer The animation layer the FbxAnimCurveNode object is attached to.
599 * \return Pointer to the created FbxAnimCurveNode.
600 * \remarks This function check the property FbxPropertyFlags::eAnimatable flag and fails to execute if it is not set.
601 * \remarks If created, the FbxAnimCurveNode is automatically connected to the property and the animation layer.
602 * \remarks The created FbxAnimCurveNode does not automatically allocate anim curves.
603 * \remarks On the successful execution of this function, the property eAnimated flag is set to \c true. */
604 FbxAnimCurveNode* CreateCurveNode(FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer);
606 /** Get the property's animation curve node on the default animation stack and base layer.
607 * \param pCreate If \c true, create the animation curve node and return it if none were found.
608 * \return The animation curve node of this property, if found or created, otherwise NULL.
609 * \remark If the property flag FbxPropertyFlags::eAnimatable is not set, creating the curve node will fail. */
610 FbxAnimCurveNode* GetCurveNode(bool pCreate=false);
612 /** Get the property's animation curve node on the specified animation stack, using its base layer.
613 * \param pAnimStack The animation stack to use to get or create the property's animation curve node.
614 * \c NULL can be passed to automatically specify the default animation stack.
615 * \param pCreate If \c true, create the animation curve node and return it if none were found.
616 * \return The animation curve node of this property, if found or created, otherwise NULL.
617 * \remark If the property flag FbxPropertyFlags::eAnimatable is not set, creating the curve node will fail. */
618 FbxAnimCurveNode* GetCurveNode(FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack, bool pCreate=false);
620 /** Get the property's animation curve node on the specified animation layer.
621 * \param pAnimLayer The animation layer to use to get or create the property's animation curve node. Cannot be NULL.
622 * \param pCreate If \c true, create the animation curve node and return it if none were found.
623 * \return The animation curve node of this property, if found or created, otherwise NULL.
624 * \remark If the property flag FbxPropertyFlags::eAnimatable is not set, creating the curve node will fail. */
625 FbxAnimCurveNode* GetCurveNode(FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer, bool pCreate=false);
627 /** Get the FbxAnimCurve from the specified animation layer.
628 * This function expects to find a FbxAnimCurveNode object with the same name as the property and it
629 * attempts to retrieve the FbxAnimCurve from it.
630 * \param pAnimLayer The searched animation layer.
631 * \param pCreate Create a FbxAnimCurve if not found.
632 * \return Pointer to the FbxAnimCurve. Returns NULL in case of errors or pCreate is \c false and the curve is not found.
633 * \remark If the FbxAnimCurveNode does not exists but the property has the FbxPropertyFlags::eAnimatable flag set and
634 * pCreate is true, then this function will first create the FbxAnimCurveNode object and then the FbxAnimCurve.
635 * \remark If more than one FbxAnimCurveNode matching the name criteria are connected, the first one is returned. */
636 inline FbxAnimCurve* GetCurve(FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer, bool pCreate=false)
637 {
638 return GetCurve(pAnimLayer, GetName(), NULL, pCreate);
639 }
641 /** Get the FbxAnimCurve from the specified animation layer.
642 * This function expects to find a FbxAnimCurveNode object with the same name as the property and it
643 * attempts to retrieve the FbxAnimCurve from it.
644 * \param pAnimLayer The searched animation layer.
645 * \param pChannel Name of the channel we are looking for the animation curve. If NULL use the first defined channel.
646 * \param pCreate Create a FbxAnimCurve if not found.
647 * \return Pointer to the FbxAnimCurve. Returns NULL in case of errors or pCreate is \c false and the curve is not found.
648 * \remark If the FbxAnimCurveNode does not exists but the property has the FbxPropertyFlags::eAnimatable flag set and
649 * pCreate is true, then this function will first create the FbxAnimCurveNode object and then the FbxAnimCurve.
650 * \remark If more than one FbxAnimCurveNode matching the name criteria are connected, the first one is returned. */
651 inline FbxAnimCurve* GetCurve(FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer, const char* pChannel, bool pCreate=false)
652 {
653 return GetCurve(pAnimLayer, GetName(), pChannel, pCreate);
654 }
656 /** Get the FbxAnimCurve of the specified channel from the specified animation layer.
657 * This function looks for the FbxAnimCurveNode named pName and the channel pChannel. It
658 * will retrieves the FbxAnimCurve from it.
659 * \param pAnimLayer The searched animation layer.
660 * \param pName Name of the curve node. It is an error to leave this field empty.
661 * \param pChannel Name of the channel we are looking for the animation curve. If NULL
662 * use the first defined channel.
663 * \param pCreate Create a FbxAnimCurve if not found.
664 * \return Pointer to the FbxAnimCurve. Returns NULL in case of errors or pCreate is \c false and the curve is not found.
665 * \remark If the FbxAnimCurveNode does not exists but the property has the FbxPropertyFlags::eAnimatable flag set and
666 * pCreate is true, then this function will first create the FbxAnimCurveNode object and then the FbxAnimCurve.
667 * \remark If more than one FbxAnimCurveNode matching the name criteria are connected, the first one is returned.
668 * \remark If pChannel is NULL, this function is the equivalent of GetCurve(FbxAnimLayer*, bool). */
669 FbxAnimCurve* GetCurve(FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer, const char* pName, const char* pChannel, bool pCreate);
670 //@}
672 /**
673 * \name General Object Connection and Relationship Management
674 */
675 //@{
676 /** Connects this property to one source object.
677 * \param pObject The source object to which this property connects.
678 * \param pType The connection type between the property and the object.
679 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
680 */
681 bool ConnectSrcObject(FbxObject* pObject, FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eNone);
683 /** Judges whether this property connects with the source object.
684 * \param pObject The source object.
685 * \return \c True if this property connects with the source object, \c false otherwise.
686 */
687 bool IsConnectedSrcObject(const FbxObject* pObject) const;
689 /** Disconnects this property from one source object.
690 * \param pObject The source object from which this property will be disconnected.
691 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
692 */
693 bool DisconnectSrcObject(FbxObject* pObject);
695 /** Disconnects this property from all the source objects.
696 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
697 */
698 bool DisconnectAllSrcObject();
700 /** Disconnects this property from all source objects that satisfy a given criteria.
701 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
702 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
703 */
704 bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria);
706 /** Disconnects this property from all the source objects of a specific class type. (Deprecated, please use DisconnectAllSrcObject<Type>() instead.)
707 * \param pClassId The specific class type.
708 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
709 */
710 FBX_DEPRECATED bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(const FbxClassId& pClassId);
712 /** Returns the number of source objects with which this property connects.
713 * \return The number of source objects with which this property connects.
714 */
715 int GetSrcObjectCount() const;
717 /** Returns the number of source objects that satisfy the given criteria with which this property connects.
718 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
719 * \return The number of source objects that satisfy the given criteria with which this property connects.
720 */
721 int GetSrcObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const;
723 /** Returns the number of source objects of the specific class type with which this property connects. (Deprecated, please use GetSrcObjectCount<Type>() instead.)
724 * \param pClassId The specific class type.
725 * \return The number of source objects of the specific class type with which this property connects.
726 */
727 FBX_DEPRECATED int GetSrcObjectCount(const FbxClassId& pClassId) const;
729 /** Returns the source object at the specified index with which this property connects.
730 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
731 * \return The source object at the specified index, NULL if not found.
732 */
733 FbxObject* GetSrcObject(const int pIndex=0) const;
735 /** Returns the source object that satisfies the criteria at the specified index with which this property connects.
736 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
737 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
738 * \return The source object that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found.
739 */
740 FbxObject* GetSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const int pIndex=0) const;
742 /** Returns the source object of the specified class type at the specified index with which this property connects. (Deprecated, please use GetSrcObject<Type>() instead.)
743 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
744 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
745 * \return The source object of the specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found.
746 */
747 FBX_DEPRECATED FbxObject* GetSrcObject(const FbxClassId& pClassId, const int pIndex=0) const;
749 /** Searches the source object with the specified name, starting with the specified index.
750 * \param pName The object name.
751 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
752 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
753 */
754 FbxObject* FindSrcObject(const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
756 /** Searches the source object with the specified name which satisfies the given criteria, starting with the specified index.
757 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
758 * \param pName The object name.
759 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
760 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
761 */
762 FbxObject* FindSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
764 /** Searches the source object with the specified name which is of the specified class type, starting with the specified index. (Deprecated, please use FindSrcObject<Type>() instead.)
765 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
766 * \param pName The object name.
767 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
768 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
769 */
770 FBX_DEPRECATED FbxObject* FindSrcObject(const FbxClassId& pClassId, const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
772 /** Disconnects this property from all source objects of the specified class type.
773 * \tparam T The specified class type.
774 * \return \c True if it disconnects all source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
775 */
776 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(){ return DisconnectAllSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
778 /** Disconnects this property from all source objects which are of the specified class type and satisfy the given criteria.
779 * \tparam T The specified class type.
780 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
781 * \return \c True if it disconnects all source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
782 */
783 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria){ return DisconnectAllSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
785 /** Returns the number of source objects of a specific class type with which this property connects.
786 * \tparam T The specified class type.
787 * \return The number of source objects of the specified class type with which this property connects.
788 */
789 template <class T> inline int GetSrcObjectCount() const { return GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
791 /** Returns the number of source objects which are of the specified class type and satisfy the given criteria with which this property connects.
792 * \tparam T The specified class type.
793 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
794 * \return The number of source objects which are of the specified class type and satisfy the given criteria.
795 */
796 template <class T> inline int GetSrcObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const { return GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
798 /** Returns the source object of the specified class type at the specified index.
799 * \tparam T The specified class type.
800 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
801 * \return The source object of a specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found.
802 */
803 template <class T> inline T* GetSrcObject(const int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)GetSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pIndex); }
805 /** Returns the source object which is of the specified class type and satisfies the given criteria at the specified index.
806 * \tparam T The specified class type.
807 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
808 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
809 * \return The source object which is of the specified class type and satisfies the given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found.
810 */
811 template <class T> inline T* GetSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)GetSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pIndex); }
813 /** Searches the source object with the specified name which is of the specified class type, starting with the specified index.
814 * \tparam T The specified class type.
815 * \param pName The object name.
816 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
817 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
818 */
819 template <class T> inline T* FindSrcObject(const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)FindSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pName, pStartIndex); }
821 /** Searches the source object with the specified name which is of the specified class type and satisfies the given criteria, starting with the specified index.
822 * \tparam T The specified class type.
823 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
824 * \param pName The object name.
825 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
826 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
827 */
828 template <class T> inline T* FindSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)FindSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pName, pStartIndex); }
830 /** Connects this property to one destination object.
831 * \param pObject The destination object with which this property connects.
832 * \param pType The connection type between this property and the object.
833 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
834 */
835 bool ConnectDstObject(FbxObject* pObject, FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eNone);
837 /** Judges whether this property connects with the destination object.
838 * \param pObject The destination object.
839 * \return \c True if this property connects with the destination object, \c false otherwise.
840 */
841 bool IsConnectedDstObject(const FbxObject* pObject) const;
843 /** Disconnects this property from the destination object.
844 * \param pObject The destination object from which this property disconnects from.
845 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
846 */
847 bool DisconnectDstObject(FbxObject* pObject);
849 /** Disconnects this property from all the destination objects.
850 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
851 */
852 bool DisconnectAllDstObject();
854 /** Disconnects this property from all the destination objects that satisfy given criteria.
855 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
856 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
857 */
858 bool DisconnectAllDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria);
860 /** Disconnects this property from all the destination objects of the specified class type. (Deprecated, please use DisconnectAllDstObject<Type>() instead.)
861 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
862 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
863 */
864 FBX_DEPRECATED bool DisconnectAllDstObject(const FbxClassId& pClassId);
866 /** Returns the number of destination objects with which this property connects.
867 * \return The number of destination objects with which this property connects.
868 */
869 int GetDstObjectCount() const;
871 /** Returns the number of destination objects that satisfy the given criteria with which this property connects.
872 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
873 * \return The number of destination objects that satisfy given criteria with which this property connects.
874 */
875 int GetDstObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const;
877 /** Returns the number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this property connects. (Deprecated, please use GetDstObjectCount<Type>() instead.)
878 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
879 * \return The number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this property connects.
880 */
881 FBX_DEPRECATED int GetDstObjectCount(const FbxClassId& pClassId) const;
883 /** Returns the destination object at the specified index with which this property connects.
884 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
885 * \return The destination object at the specified index, NULL if not found.
886 */
887 FbxObject* GetDstObject(const int pIndex=0) const;
889 /** Returns the destination object that satisfies given criteria at the specified index with which this property connects.
890 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
891 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
892 * \return The destination object that satisfies given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found.
893 */
894 FbxObject* GetDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const int pIndex=0) const;
896 /** Returns the destination object of the specified class type at the specified index with which this property connects. (Deprecated, please use GetDstObject<Type>() instead.)
897 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
898 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
899 * \return The destination object of the specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found.
900 */
901 FBX_DEPRECATED FbxObject* GetDstObject(const FbxClassId& pClassId, const int pIndex=0) const;
903 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name, starting with the specified index.
904 * \param pName The object name.
905 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
906 * \return The destination object with the name, NULL if not found.
907 */
908 FbxObject* FindDstObject(const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
910 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name which satisfies the given criteria, starting with the specified index.
911 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
912 * \param pName The object name.
913 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
914 * \return The destination object with the name, NULL if not found.
915 */
916 FbxObject* FindDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
918 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name which is of the specified class type, starting with the specified index. (Deprecated, please use FindDstObject<Type>() instead.)
919 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
920 * \param pName The object name.
921 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
922 * \return The destination object with the name, NULL if not found.
923 */
924 FBX_DEPRECATED FbxObject* FindDstObject(const FbxClassId& pClassId, const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
926 /** Disconnects this property from all the destination objects of the specified class type.
927 * \tparam T The specified class type.
928 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
929 */
930 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllDstObject(){ return DisconnectAllDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
932 /** Disconnects this property from all the destination objects which are of the specified class type and satisfy the given criteria.
933 * \tparam T The specified class type.
934 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
935 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
936 */
937 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria){ return DisconnectAllDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
939 /** Returns the number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this property connects.
940 * \tparam T The specified class type.
941 * \return The number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this property connects.
942 */
943 template <class T> inline int GetDstObjectCount() const { return GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
945 /** Returns the number of destination objects which are of the specified class type and satisfy the given criteria with which this property connects.
946 * \tparam T The specified class type.
947 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
948 * \return The number of destination objects which are of the specified class type and satisfy the given criteria with which this property connects.
949 */
950 template <class T> inline int GetDstObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const { return GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
952 /** Returns the destination object of the specified class type at the specified index with which this property connects.
953 * \tparam T The specified class type.
954 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
955 * \return The destination object of the specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found.
956 */
957 template <class T> inline T* GetDstObject(const int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)GetDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pIndex); }
959 /** Returns the destination object which is of the specified class type and satisfies the given criteria at the specified index with which this property connects.
960 * \tparam T The specified class type.
961 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
962 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
963 * \return The destination object which is of the specified class type and satisfies the given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found.
964 */
965 template <class T> inline T* GetDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)GetDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pIndex); }
967 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name which is of the specified class type, starting with the specified index.
968 * \tparam T The specified class type.
969 * \param pName The object name.
970 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
971 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
972 */
973 template <class T> inline T* FindDstObject(const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)FindDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pName, pStartIndex); }
975 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name which is of the specified class type and satisfies the given criteria, starting with the specified index.
976 * \tparam T The specified class type.
977 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
978 * \param pName The object name.
979 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
980 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
981 */
982 template <class T> inline T* FindDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)FindDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pName, pStartIndex); }
983 //@}
985 /**
986 * \name General Property Connection and Relationship Management
987 */
988 //@{
989 // Properties
990 /** Connects this property to a source property.
991 * \param pProperty The source property with which this property connects.
992 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
993 */
994 bool ConnectSrcProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
996 /** Judges whether this property connects with the specified source property.
997 * \param pProperty The specified source property.
998 * \return \c True if this property connects with the specified source property, \c false otherwise.
999 */
1000 bool IsConnectedSrcProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
1002 /** Disconnects this property from the specified source property.
1003 * \param pProperty The specified source property.
1004 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
1005 */
1006 bool DisconnectSrcProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
1008 /** Returns the number of source properties with which this property connects.
1009 * \return The number of source properties with which this property connects.
1010 */
1011 int GetSrcPropertyCount() const;
1013 /** Connects this property to a destination property.
1014 * \param pProperty The destination property with which this property connects.
1015 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
1016 */
1017 bool ConnectDstProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
1019 /** Judges if this property connects with the specified destination property.
1020 * \param pProperty The specified destination property.
1021 * \return \c True if this property connects with the specified destination property, \c false otherwise.
1022 */
1023 bool IsConnectedDstProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
1025 /** Disconnects this property from the specified destination property.
1026 * \param pProperty The specified destination property.
1027 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
1028 */
1029 bool DisconnectDstProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
1031 /** Returns the number of destination properties with which this property connects.
1032 * \return The number of destination properties with which this property connects.
1033 */
1034 int GetDstPropertyCount() const;
1036 //!Clears the connection cache of this property, this cache is used to store the connections that satisfy the given criteria.
1037 void ClearConnectCache();
1039 /** Returns the source property at the specified index with which this property connects.
1040 * \param pIndex The specified index.
1041 * \return The source property at the specified index.
1042 */
1043 FbxProperty GetSrcProperty(const int pIndex=0) const;
1045 /** Searches the source property with the specified name, starting with the specified index with which this property connects.
1046 * \param pName The specified property name.
1047 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
1048 * \return The source property with the specified name.
1049 */
1050 FbxProperty FindSrcProperty(const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
1052 /** Returns the destination property at the specified index with which this property connects.
1053 * \param pIndex The specified index.
1054 * \return The destination property at the specified index.
1055 */
1056 FbxProperty GetDstProperty(const int pIndex=0) const;
1058 /** Searches the destination property with the specified name, starting with the specified index with which this property connects.
1059 * \param pName The specified property name.
1060 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
1061 * \return The destination property with the specified name.
1062 */
1063 FbxProperty FindDstProperty(const char* pName, const int pStartIndex=0) const;
1064 //@}
1066 //! Hierarchical separator of properties.
1067 static const char* sHierarchicalSeparator;
1070** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
1074 FbxProperty(FbxObject* pObject, const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType=FbxDataType(), const char* pLabel="");
1075 FbxProperty(const FbxProperty& pParent, const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, const char* pLabel);
1077 bool Set(const void* pValue, const EFbxType& pValueType, bool pCheckForValueEquality=true);
1078 bool Get(void* pValue, const EFbxType& pValueType) const;
1080 bool NotifySetRequest();
1081 bool NotifySet();
1082 bool NotifyGet() const;
1085 inline void* Get() const { FBX_ASSERT_NOW("Cannot get property value as void!"); return NULL; }
1086 inline bool Set(const void* &){ FBX_ASSERT_NOW("Cannot set property value as void!"); return false; }
1088 bool ConnectSrc(const FbxProperty& pProperty, FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eNone);
1089 bool DisconnectSrc(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
1090 bool DisconnectAllSrc();
1091 bool DisconnectAllSrc(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria);
1092 bool IsConnectedSrc(const FbxProperty& pProperty) const;
1093 int GetSrcCount() const;
1094 int GetSrcCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const;
1095 FbxProperty GetSrc(int pIndex=0) const;
1096 FbxProperty GetSrc(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const;
1097 FbxProperty FindSrc(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const;
1099 bool ConnectDst(const FbxProperty& pProperty, FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eNone);
1100 bool DisconnectDst(const FbxProperty& pProperty);
1101 bool DisconnectAllDst();
1102 bool DisconnectAllDst(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria);
1103 bool IsConnectedDst(const FbxProperty& pProperty) const;
1104 int GetDstCount() const;
1105 int GetDstCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const;
1106 FbxProperty GetDst(int pIndex=0) const;
1107 FbxProperty GetDst(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const;
1108 FbxProperty FindDst(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const;
1110 mutable FbxPropertyHandle mPropertyHandle;
1112 friend class FbxObject;
1113 friend class FbxIOSettings;
1114 friend class FbxBindingOperator;
1115 friend class FbxAnimEvalClassic;
1116 friend void FbxMarkObject(FbxObject* pObject, FbxMap<FbxObject*, int>& pObjectDstDisconnectCount, FbxSet<FbxObject*>& pObjectsToDeleted, FbxArray<FbxObject*>& pObjectToDeletedInSequence);
1117 friend void FbxCleanUpConnectionsAtDestructionBoundary(FbxScene* pObject, FbxArray<FbxObject*>& pObjectToDeletedInSequence);
1118#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
1121/** \brief This template class is used to contain user properties of specific data types.
1122* \nosubgrouping
1124template <class T> class FbxPropertyT : public FbxProperty
1127 /**
1128 * \name Static initialization.
1129 */
1130 //@{
1131 /** Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.
1132 * \param pObject The object that contains this property.
1133 * \param pName The name of the property.
1134 * \param pValue The value of the property.
1135 * \param pForceSet If \c true, the value is forcibly set, if \c false the value is not set when it equals the default value.
1136 * \param pFlags The property flag.
1137 */
1138 FbxProperty& StaticInit(FbxObject* pObject, const char* pName, const T& pValue, bool pForceSet, FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags=FbxPropertyFlags::eNone)
1139 {
1140 return StaticInit(pObject, pName, FbxGetDataTypeFromEnum(FbxTypeOf(*((T*)0))), pValue, pForceSet, pFlags);
1141 }
1143 /** Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.
1144 * \param pObject The object that contains this property.
1145 * \param pName The name of the property.
1146 * \param pDataType The property data type.
1147 * \param pValue The property value.
1148 * \param pForceSet If \c true, the value is forcibly set, if \c false the value is not set when it equals the default value.
1149 * \param pFlags The property flag.
1150 */
1151 FbxProperty& StaticInit(FbxObject* pObject, const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, const T& pValue, bool pForceSet, FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags=FbxPropertyFlags::eNone)
1152 {
1153 bool lWasFound = false;
1154 *this = Create(pObject, pDataType, pName, "", true, &lWasFound);
1155 if( pForceSet || !lWasFound )
1156 {
1157 ModifyFlag(pFlags, true); // modify the flags before we set the value
1158 FbxProperty::Set(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue), false);
1159 }
1160 ModifyFlag(FbxPropertyFlags::eStatic, true);
1161 return *this;
1162 }
1164 /** Creates a property and initializes it using a specific value and flag.
1165 * \param pCompound The parent property of this property.
1166 * \param pName The name of the property.
1167 * \param pDataType The property data type.
1168 * \param pValue The property value.
1169 * \param pForceSet If \c true, the value is forcibly set, if \c false the value is not set when it equals to the default value.
1170 * \param pFlags The property flag.
1171 */
1172 FbxProperty& StaticInit(FbxProperty pCompound, const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, const T& pValue, bool pForceSet=true, FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags=FbxPropertyFlags::eNone)
1173 {
1174 bool lWasFound = false;
1175 *this = Create(pCompound, pDataType, pName, "", true, &lWasFound);
1176 if( pForceSet || !lWasFound )
1177 {
1178 ModifyFlag(pFlags, true); // modify the flags before we set the value
1179 FbxProperty::Set(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue), false);
1180 }
1181 ModifyFlag(FbxPropertyFlags::eStatic, true);
1182 return *this;
1183 }
1184 //@}
1186 /** \name Value Management */
1187 //@{
1188 /** Assignment function
1189 * \param pValue The value assigned to this property.
1190 * \return This property. */
1191 FbxPropertyT& Set(const T& pValue){ FbxProperty::Set(&pValue, FbxTypeOf(pValue)); return *this; }
1193 /** Retrieve function
1194 * \return The value of the property. */
1195 T Get() const { T lValue; FbxProperty::Get(&lValue, FbxTypeOf(lValue)); return lValue; }
1197 /** Assignment operator
1198 * \param pValue The value of type T assigned to this property.
1199 * \return This property. */
1200 FbxPropertyT& operator=(const T& pValue){ return Set(pValue); }
1202 /** Type cast operator
1203 * \return The value of the property of type T. */
1204 operator T() const { return Get(); }
1205 //@}
1207 /** \name Animation Evaluation */
1208 //@{
1209 /** Evaluate the value of a property if it has animation and return the result.
1210 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate.
1211 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
1212 * \return The property value at the specified time. */
1213 T EvaluateValue(const FbxTime& pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, bool pForceEval=false)
1214 {
1215 return GetAnimationEvaluator()-> template GetPropertyValue<T>(*this, pTime, pForceEval);
1216 }
1217 //@}
1220** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
1223 FbxPropertyT() : FbxProperty(){}
1224 FbxPropertyT(const FbxProperty& pProperty) : FbxProperty(pProperty){}
1225 ~FbxPropertyT(){}
1226#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
1230** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
1233template <> class FbxPropertyT<FbxReference> : public FbxProperty
1236 FbxPropertyT() : FbxProperty(){}
1237 FbxPropertyT(const FbxProperty& pProperty) : FbxProperty(pProperty){}
1238 ~FbxPropertyT(){}
1240 const FbxProperty& StaticInit(FbxObject* pObject, const char* pName, const FbxReference& pValue, bool pForceSet, FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags=FbxPropertyFlags::eNone)
1241 {
1242 return StaticInit(pObject, pName, FbxGetDataTypeFromEnum(FbxTypeOf(*((FbxReference*)0))), pValue, pForceSet, pFlags);
1243 }
1245 const FbxProperty& StaticInit(FbxObject* pObject, const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, const FbxReference& pValue, bool pForceSet, FbxPropertyFlags::EFlags pFlags=FbxPropertyFlags::eNone)
1246 {
1247 bool lWasFound = false;
1248 *this = Create(pObject, pDataType, pName, "", true, &lWasFound);
1249 if( pForceSet || !lWasFound )
1250 {
1251 ModifyFlag(pFlags, true); // modify the flags before we set the value
1252 Set(pValue); // since we will trigger callbacks in there!
1253 }
1254 ModifyFlag(FbxPropertyFlags::eStatic, true);
1255 return *this;
1256 }
1258 FbxReference Get() const
1259 {
1260 FbxProperty::NotifyGet();
1261 return GetSrcObject();
1262 }
1264 FbxPropertyT& Set(const FbxReference& pValue)
1265 {
1266 if( FbxProperty::NotifySetRequest() )
1267 {
1268 DisconnectAllSrcObject();
1269 if( ConnectSrcObject(pValue) )
1270 {
1271 FbxProperty::SetValueInheritType(FbxPropertyFlags::eOverride);
1272 FbxProperty::NotifySet();
1273 }
1274 }
1275 return *this;
1276 }
1278 operator FbxReference() const
1279 {
1280 return Get();
1281 }
1283 FbxPropertyT& operator=(const FbxReference& pValue)
1284 {
1285 return Set(pValue);
1286 }
1288#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
1290#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>
1292#endif /* _FBXSDK_CORE_PROPERTY_H_ */