3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxanimcurve.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxobject.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/scene/animation/fbxanimcurvebase.h>
21#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
23class KFCurve;
25/** Definitions used for the FBX animation curves and keys. */
26class FBXSDK_DLL FbxAnimCurveDef
29 static const float sDEFAULT_WEIGHT;
30 static const float sMIN_WEIGHT;
31 static const float sMAX_WEIGHT;
32 static const float sDEFAULT_VELOCITY;
34 //! Key tangent mode for cubic interpolation.
35 enum ETangentMode
36 {
37 eTangentAuto = 0x00000100, //!< Auto key (spline cardinal).
38 eTangentTCB = 0x00000200, //!< Spline TCB (Tension, Continuity, Bias)
39 eTangentUser = 0x00000400, //!< Next slope at the left equal to slope at the right.
40 eTangentGenericBreak = 0x00000800, //!< Independent left and right slopes.
41 eTangentBreak = eTangentGenericBreak|eTangentUser, //!< Independent left and right slopes, with next slope at the left equal to slope at the right.
42 eTangentAutoBreak = eTangentGenericBreak|eTangentAuto, //!< Independent left and right slopes, with auto key.
43 eTangentGenericClamp = 0x00001000, //!< Clamp: key should be flat if next or previous key has the same value (overrides tangent mode).
44 eTangentGenericTimeIndependent = 0x00002000, //!< Time independent tangent (overrides tangent mode).
45 eTangentGenericClampProgressive = 0x00004000|eTangentGenericTimeIndependent //!< Clamp progressive: key should be flat if tangent control point is outside [next-previous key] range (overrides tangent mode).
46 };
48 //! Key interpolation type.
49 enum EInterpolationType
50 {
51 eInterpolationConstant = 0x00000002, //!< Constant value until next key.
52 eInterpolationLinear = 0x00000004, //!< Linear progression to next key.
53 eInterpolationCubic = 0x00000008 //!< Cubic progression to next key.
54 };
56 //! Weighted mode.
57 enum EWeightedMode
58 {
59 eWeightedNone = 0x00000000, //!< Tangent has default weights of 0.333; we define this state as not weighted.
60 eWeightedRight = 0x01000000, //!< Right tangent is weighted.
61 eWeightedNextLeft = 0x02000000, //!< Left tangent is weighted.
62 eWeightedAll = eWeightedRight|eWeightedNextLeft //!< Both left and right tangents are weighted.
63 };
65 //! Key constant mode.
66 enum EConstantMode
67 {
68 eConstantStandard = 0x00000000, //!< Curve value is constant between this key and the next
69 eConstantNext = 0x00000100 //!< Curve value is constant, with next key's value
70 };
72 //! Velocity mode. Velocity settings speed up or slow down animation on either side of a key without changing the trajectory of the animation. Unlike Auto and Weight settings, Velocity changes the animation in time, but not in space.
73 enum EVelocityMode
74 {
75 eVelocityNone = 0x00000000, //!< No velocity (default).
76 eVelocityRight = 0x10000000, //!< Right tangent has velocity.
77 eVelocityNextLeft = 0x20000000, //!< Left tangent has velocity.
78 eVelocityAll = eVelocityRight|eVelocityNextLeft //!< Both left and right tangents have velocity.
79 };
81 //! Tangent visibility.
82 enum ETangentVisibility
83 {
84 eTangentShowNone = 0x00000000, //!< No tangent is visible.
85 eTangentShowLeft = 0x00100000, //!< Left tangent is visible.
86 eTangentShowRight = 0x00200000, //!< Right tangent is visible.
87 eTangentShowBoth = eTangentShowLeft|eTangentShowRight //!< Both left and right tangents are visible.
88 };
90 //! FbxAnimCurveKey data indices for cubic interpolation tangent information.
91 enum EDataIndex
92 {
93 eRightSlope = 0, //!< Index of the right derivative, User and Break tangent mode (data are float).
94 eNextLeftSlope = 1, //!< Index of the left derivative for the next key, User and Break tangent mode.
95 eWeights = 2, //!< Start index of weight values, User and Break tangent break mode (data are FbxInt16 tokens from weight and converted to float).
96 eRightWeight = 2, //!< Index of weight on right tangent, User and Break tangent break mode.
97 eNextLeftWeight = 3, //!< Index of weight on next key's left tangent, User and Break tangent break mode.
98 eVelocity = 4, //!< Start index of velocity values, Velocity mode
99 eRightVelocity = 4, //!< Index of velocity on right tangent, Velocity mode
100 eNextLeftVelocity = 5, //!< Index of velocity on next key's left tangent, Velocity mode
101 eTCBTension = 0, //!< Index of Tension, TCB tangent mode (data are floats).
102 eTCBContinuity = 1, //!< Index of Continuity, TCB tangent mode.
103 eTCBBias = 2 //!< Index of Bias, TCB tangent mode.
104 };
107struct FBXSDK_DLL FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo
109 inline FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo()
110 {
111 mDerivative = 0;
112 mWeight = FbxAnimCurveDef::sDEFAULT_WEIGHT;
113 mWeighted = false;
114 mVelocity = FbxAnimCurveDef::sDEFAULT_VELOCITY;
115 mHasVelocity = false;
116 mAuto = 0;
117 }
119 float mDerivative;
120 float mWeight;
121 float mVelocity;
122 float mAuto;
123 bool mWeighted;
124 bool mHasVelocity;
127/** This is the interface for implementation of animation key objects.
128 * \nosubgrouping
129 *
130 * \remarks Users should not use this class directly, but always use FbxAnimCurveKey.
131 * A FbxAnimCurveKey has a FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl.
132 * But FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl is just an implementation interface,
133 */
134class FBXSDK_DLL FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl
137 /** Destructor.
138 */
139 virtual ~FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl() {};
141 /** Assignment operator.
142 */
143 virtual FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl& operator=(const FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl& pFKey) = 0;
145 /** Set time and value of key.
146 * \param pTime New time of this key.
147 * \param pValue New value of this key.
148 */
149 virtual void Set(FbxTime pTime, float pValue) = 0;
151 /** Set a key with cubic interpolation, TCB tangent mode.
152 * The key is modified according to the other parameters.
153 * The TCB mode controls the tension, continuity,
154 * and bias of the curve.
155 * \param pTime Key time.
156 * \param pValue Key value.
157 * \param pData0 Tension. Controls the amount of curvature in the animation curve. The higher the tension is, the more linear
158 * the curve looks. When the tension is low, the curve looks rounder or wider.
159 * \param pData1 Continuity. Controls the smoothness or singularity of the curve on the key.
160 * \param pData2 Bias. Controls if the effect of tension and continuity affect the curve before or after the key.
161 */
162 virtual void SetTCB(FbxTime pTime, float pValue, float pData0 = 0.0f, float pData1 = 0.0f, float pData2 = 0.0f) = 0;
164 /** Get the key value.
165 * \return The value of the key.
166 */
167 virtual float GetValue() const = 0;
169 /** Set the key value.
170 * \param pValue The value to set.
171 */
172 virtual void SetValue(float pValue) = 0;
174 /** Get key's interpolation type.
175 * \return Interpolation type of the queried key.
176 */
177 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType GetInterpolation() const = 0;
179 /** Set key's interpolation type.
180 * \param pInterpolation Interpolation type of the key.
181 */
182 virtual void SetInterpolation (FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType pInterpolation) = 0;
184 /** Get key's tangent mode.
185 * \param pIncludeOverrides Include override flags: Break, Clamp, Time-Independent.
186 * \return Tangent mode of the key.
187 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
188 * Using this method for non cubic interpolated key will return unpredictable value.
189 */
190 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode GetTangentMode(bool pIncludeOverrides = false) const = 0;
192 /** Set tangent mode.
193 * \param pTangentMode Tangent mode to set.
194 */
195 virtual void SetTangentMode (FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode pTangentMode) = 0;
197 /** Get key's tangent weight mode.
198 * \return Tangent weight mode of the key.
199 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
200 */
201 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode GetTangentWeightMode() const = 0;
203 /** Set key's tangent weight mode as double value (cubic interpolation, non TCB tangent mode).
204 * \param pTangentWeightMode Weight mode.
205 * \param pMask Used to select the affected tangents.
206 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
207 * The pMask will be used to cancel out the current tangent weight mode first, and then be used to
208 * define which tangent to select to affect.
209 *
210 * Sample01:
211 * \code
212 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lAnimCurveKey = FbxSdkNew<FbxAnimCurveKey>();
213 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedNextLeft);
214 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight, FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight);
215 * \endcode
216 * pMask is eWeightedRight, it will first be used to cancel out the current tangent weight mode eWeightedNextLeft,
217 * since they are not the same, it fails to cancel it out.
218 * Then the mask eWeightedRight will be used to define which tangent should be affected,
219 * since it is the same as pTangentWeightMode (eWeightedRight), so the eWeightedRight should be affected.
220 * In total, after above calls, both eWeightedNextLeft and eWeightedRight of this key are affected, so
221 * lAnimCurveKey->GetTangentWeightMode() will be FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedAll.
222 *
223 * Sample02:
224 * \code
225 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lAnimCurveKey = FbxSdkNew<FbxAnimCurveKey>();
226 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedAll);
227 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight, FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedNextLeft);
228 * \endcode
229 * pMask is eWeightedNextLeft, it will first be used to cancel out the current tangent weight mode eWeightedAll,
230 * it will cancel out affect on eWeightedNextLeft, but leave affect on eWeightedRight.
231 * Then the mask eWeightedNextLeft will be used to define which tangent should be affected,
232 * since it is not the same as pTangentWeightMode (eWeightedRight), so the pMask won't affect anything in this step.
233 * In total, after above calls, only eWeightedRight of this key is still affected, so
234 * lAnimCurveKey->GetTangentWeightMode() will be FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight.
235 */
236 virtual void SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode pTangentWeightMode, FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode pMask = FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedAll ) = 0;
238 /** Adjust the actual tangent of the key so that the tangent control point (tangent extremity)
239 * stays closer to where it should be. This is required because the weight value gets imprecise
240 * when it is small (it is stored as a fixed point value). This method must be called when
241 * setting the weight coming from a source where the precision is the same. It must be called
242 * after the tangent value has been set.
243 * \remark Do not use this call repetitively (from an interactive editor for example) because
244 * this function will create imprecision on the tangent value.
245 * \param pIndex FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex
246 * \param pWeight New tangent weight value.
247 */
248 virtual void SetTangentWeightAndAdjustTangent(FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex pIndex, double pWeight ) = 0;
250 /** Get key's tangent velocity mode.
251 * \return Tangent velocity mode of the key.
252 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
253 */
254 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::EVelocityMode GetTangentVelocityMode() const = 0;
256 /** Set key's tangent velocity mode as double value (cubic interpolation, non TCB tangent mode).
257 * \param pTangentVelocityMode Velocity mode.
258 * \param pMask Used to select the affected tangents
259 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
260 * The pMask will be used to cancel out the current tangent velocity mode first, and then be used to
261 * define which tangent to select to affect.
262 *
263 * \see The documentation of SetTangentWeightMode for more details and samples about how the pMask works.
264 */
265 virtual void SetTangentVelocityMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::EVelocityMode pTangentVelocityMode, FbxAnimCurveDef::EVelocityMode pMask = FbxAnimCurveDef::eVelocityAll ) = 0;
267 /** Get key constant mode.
268 * \return Key constant mode.
269 * \remarks This method is meaningful for constant interpolation only.
270 * Using this method for non constant interpolated key will return unpredicted value.
271 */
272 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode GetConstantMode() const = 0;
274 /** Set key's constant mode.
275 * \param pMode Constant mode to set.
276 * \remarks This method is meaningful for constant interpolation only.
277 */
278 virtual void SetConstantMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode pMode) = 0;
280 /** Get the value of specified data of the key.
281 * \param pIndex Data index to specify which data to get value, the index is dependent on the key tangent mode.
282 * \return The value of the specified data.
283 *
284 * \code
285 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lKey; // we suppose this is a valid pointer
286 * if(lKey->GetTangentMode() == FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentTCB)
287 * {
288 * lKey->GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTCBTension);
289 * lKey->GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTCBContinuity);
290 * lKey->GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTCBBias);
291 * }
292 * \endcode
293 */
294 virtual float GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex pIndex) const = 0;
296 /** Set the value of specified data of the key.
297 * \param pIndex Data index to specify which data to get value, the index is dependent on the key tangent mode.
298 * \param pValue The data value to set.
299 *
300 * \code
301 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lKey; // we suppose this is a valid pointer
302 * lKey->SetInterpolation(FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic);
303 * lKey->SetTangentMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto);
304 * lKey->SetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eRightSlope, 0.0);
305 * \endcode
306 */
307 virtual void SetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex pIndex, float pValue) = 0;
309 /** Set tangent visibility mode. This would indicate what part of the tangent is visible in a graphical interface.
310 * \param pVisibility Tangent visibility mode.
311 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
312 */
313 virtual void SetTangentVisibility (FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentVisibility pVisibility) = 0;
315 /** Return tangent visibility mode.
316 * \return Tangent visibility mode.
317 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
318 */
319 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentVisibility GetTangentVisibility () const = 0;
321 /** Turn on or turn off the tangent break.
322 * When this flag is on (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTANGEAT_BREAK will be set), the key's left and right slopes are independent.
323 * When this flag is off, the key's left and right slope are equal.
324 * \param pVal Break flag (\c true or \c false).
325 * \remarks This method is meaningful for User (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser) and Auto (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto) tangent modes only.
326 */
327 virtual void SetBreak(bool pVal) = 0;
329 /** Get if the tangent has a break.
330 * When this flag is set (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTANGEAT_BREAK), the key's left and right slopes are independent.
331 * When this flag is off, the key's left and right slope are equal.
332 * \return Break flag (\c true or \c false).
333 * \remarks This method is meaningful for User (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser) and Auto (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto) tangent modes only.
334 */
335 virtual bool GetBreak() const = 0;
338/** This is the interface for the FBX animation curve keys.
339 * A key is defined by a time and a value. It also has tangents that control how the animation curve enters and exits the key.
340 * \nosubgrouping
341 *
342 *\remarks This class is now the main animation key object of the SDK,
343 * Users should always use this class to handle animation curve key.
344 * This class has a FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl as its implementation interface,
345 * Default constructor does not initialize data members.
346 * If an instance has to be initialized, use function FbxAnimCurveKey::Set().
347 */
348class FBXSDK_DLL FbxAnimCurveKey : public FbxAnimCurveKeyBase
351 /** Constructor with no argument
352 */
353 FbxAnimCurveKey() : FbxAnimCurveKeyBase()
354 {
355 FBX_ASSERT(mAllocatorFct != NULL);
356 mImpl = (*mAllocatorFct)();
357 }
359 /** Constructor with time.
360 * \param pTime The time of key.
361 */
362 FbxAnimCurveKey(FbxTime pTime) : FbxAnimCurveKeyBase()
363 {
364 FBX_ASSERT(mAllocatorFct != NULL);
365 mImpl = (*mAllocatorFct)();
366 SetTime(pTime);
367 }
369 /** Constructor with time and value.
370 * \param pTime The time of key.
371 * \param pVal The value of key.
372 */
373 FbxAnimCurveKey(FbxTime pTime, float pVal) : FbxAnimCurveKeyBase()
374 {
375 FBX_ASSERT(mAllocatorFct != NULL);
376 mImpl = (*mAllocatorFct)();
377 Set(pTime, pVal);
378 }
380 /** Copy constructor
381 */
382 FbxAnimCurveKey(FbxAnimCurveKey const& pFKey) : FbxAnimCurveKeyBase()
383 {
384 FBX_ASSERT(mCopyAllocatorFct != NULL);
385 SetTime(pFKey.GetTime());
386 mImpl = mCopyAllocatorFct(pFKey.GetImpl());
387 }
389 /** Destructor
390 */
391 ~FbxAnimCurveKey()
392 {
393 FBX_ASSERT(mDeallocatorFct != NULL);
394 (*mDeallocatorFct)(mImpl);
395 }
397 /** Assignment operator
398 */
399 FbxAnimCurveKey& operator=(const FbxAnimCurveKey& pFKey)
400 {
401 FBX_ASSERT(mImpl);
402 if (mImpl)
403 {
404 *mImpl = *(pFKey.GetImpl());
405 }
406 SetTime(pFKey.GetTime());
407 return *this;
408 }
410 /** Get time value.
411 * \return Time value.
412 */
413 FbxTime GetTime() const
414 {
415 return FbxAnimCurveKeyBase::GetTime();
416 }
418 /** Set time value.
419 * \param pTime Time value to set.
420 */
421 void SetTime(const FbxTime& pTime)
422 {
423 FbxAnimCurveKeyBase::SetTime(pTime);
424 }
426 /** Set time and value of key.
427 * \param pTime New time of this key.
428 * \param pValue New value of this key.
429 */
430 void Set(FbxTime pTime, float pValue)
431 {
432 FbxAnimCurveKeyBase::SetTime(pTime);
433 mImpl->Set(pTime, pValue);
434 }
436 /** Set a key with cubic interpolation, TCB tangent mode.
437 * The key is modified according to the other parameters.
438 * The TCB mode controls the tension, continuity,
439 * and bias of the curve.
440 * \param pTime Key time.
441 * \param pValue Key value.
442 * \param pData0 Tension. Controls the amount of curvature in the animation curve. The higher the tension is, the more linear
443 * the curve looks. When the tension is low, the curve looks rounder or wider.
444 * \param pData1 Continuity. Controls the smoothness or singularity of the curve on the key.
445 * \param pData2 Bias. Controls if the effect of tension and continuity affect the curve before or after the key.
446 */
447 void SetTCB(FbxTime pTime, float pValue, float pData0 = 0.0f, float pData1 = 0.0f, float pData2 = 0.0f)
448 {
449 FbxAnimCurveKeyBase::SetTime(pTime);
450 mImpl->SetTCB(pTime, pValue, pData0, pData1, pData2);
451 }
453 /** Get the key value.
454 * \return The value of the key.
455 */
456 float GetValue() const
457 {
458 return mImpl->GetValue();
459 }
461 /** Set the key value.
462 * \param pValue The value to set.
463 */
464 void SetValue(float pValue)
465 {
466 mImpl->SetValue(pValue);
467 }
470 /** Get key's interpolation type.
471 * \return Interpolation type of the queried key.
472 */
473 FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType GetInterpolation()
474 {
475 return mImpl->GetInterpolation();
476 }
478 /** Set key's interpolation type.
479 * \param pInterpolation Interpolation type of the key.
480 */
481 void SetInterpolation (FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType pInterpolation)
482 {
483 mImpl->SetInterpolation(pInterpolation);
484 }
486 /** Get key's tangent mode.
487 * \param pIncludeOverrides Include override flags: Break, Clamp, Time-Independent.
488 * \return Tangent mode of the key.
489 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
490 * Using this method for non cubic interpolated key will return unpredictable value.
491 */
492 FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode GetTangentMode(bool pIncludeOverrides = false)
493 {
494 return mImpl->GetTangentMode(pIncludeOverrides);
495 }
497 /** Set tangent mode.
498 * \param pTangentMode Tangent mode to set.
499 */
500 void SetTangentMode (FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode pTangentMode)
501 {
502 mImpl->SetTangentMode(pTangentMode);
503 }
505 /** Get key's tangent weight mode.
506 * \return Tangent weight mode of the key.
507 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
508 */
509 FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode GetTangentWeightMode() const
510 {
511 return mImpl->GetTangentWeightMode();
512 }
514 /** Set key's tangent weight mode as double value (cubic interpolation, non TCB tangent mode).
515 * \param pTangentWeightMode Weight mode.
516 * \param pMask Used to select the affected tangents.
517 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
518 * The pMask will be used to cancel out the current tangent weight mode first, and then be used to
519 * define which tangent to select to affect.
520 *
521 * Sample01:
522 * \code
523 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lAnimCurveKey = FbxSdkNew<FbxAnimCurveKey>();
524 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedNextLeft);
525 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight, FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight);
526 * \endcode
527 * pMask is eWeightedRight, it will first be used to cancel out the current tangent weight mode eWeightedNextLeft,
528 * since they are not the same, it fails to cancel it out.
529 * Then the mask eWeightedRight will be used to define which tangent should be affected,
530 * since it is the same as pTangentWeightMode (eWeightedRight), so the eWeightedRight should be affected.
531 * In total, after above calls, both eWeightedNextLeft and eWeightedRight of this key are affected, so
532 * lAnimCurveKey->GetTangentWeightMode() will be FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedAll.
533 *
534 * Sample02:
535 * \code
536 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lAnimCurveKey = FbxSdkNew<FbxAnimCurveKey>();
537 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedAll);
538 * lAnimCurveKey->SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight, FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedNextLeft);
539 * \endcode
540 * pMask is eWeightedNextLeft, it will first be used to cancel out the current tangent weight mode eWeightedAll,
541 * it will cancel out affect on eWeightedNextLeft, but leave affect on eWeightedRight.
542 * Then the mask eWeightedNextLeft will be used to define which tangent should be affected,
543 * since it is not the same as pTangentWeightMode (eWeightedRight), so the pMask won't affect anything in this step.
544 * In total, after above calls, only eWeightedRight of this key is still affected, so
545 * lAnimCurveKey->GetTangentWeightMode() will be FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedRight.
546 */
547 void SetTangentWeightMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode pTangentWeightMode, FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode pMask = FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedAll )
548 {
549 mImpl->SetTangentWeightMode(pTangentWeightMode, pMask);
550 }
552 /** Adjust the actual tangent of the key so that the tangent control point (tangent extremity)
553 * stays closer to where it should be. This is required because the weight value gets imprecise
554 * when it is small (it is stored as a fixed point value). This method must be called when
555 * setting the weight coming from a source where the precision is the same. It must be called
556 * after the tangent value has been set.
557 * \remark Do not use this call repetitively (from an interactive editor for example) because
558 * this function will create imprecision on the tangent value.
559 * \param pIndex FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex
560 * \param pWeight New tangent weight value.
561 */
562 void SetTangentWeightAndAdjustTangent(FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex pIndex, double pWeight )
563 {
564 mImpl->SetTangentWeightAndAdjustTangent(pIndex, pWeight);
565 }
567 /** Get key's tangent velocity mode.
568 * \return Tangent velocity mode of the key.
569 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
570 */
571 FbxAnimCurveDef::EVelocityMode GetTangentVelocityMode() const
572 {
573 return mImpl->GetTangentVelocityMode();
574 }
576 /** Set key's tangent velocity mode as double value (cubic interpolation, non TCB tangent mode).
577 * \param pTangentVelocityMode Velocity mode.
578 * \param pMask Used to select the affected tangents
579 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
580 * The pMask will be used to cancel out the current tangent velocity mode first, and then be used to
581 * define which tangent to select to affect.
582 *
583 * \see The documentation of SetTangentWeightMode for more details and samples about how the pMask works.
584 */
585 void SetTangentVelocityMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::EVelocityMode pTangentVelocityMode, FbxAnimCurveDef::EVelocityMode pMask = FbxAnimCurveDef::eVelocityAll )
586 {
587 mImpl->SetTangentVelocityMode(pTangentVelocityMode, pMask);
588 }
590 /** Get key constant mode.
591 * \return Key constant mode.
592 * \remarks This method is meaningful for constant interpolation only.
593 * Using this method for non constant interpolated key will return unpredicted value.
594 */
595 FbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode GetConstantMode() const
596 {
597 return mImpl->GetConstantMode();
598 }
600 /** Set key's constant mode.
601 * \param pMode Constant mode to set.
602 * \remarks This method is meaningful for constant interpolation only.
603 */
604 void SetConstantMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode pMode)
605 {
606 mImpl->SetConstantMode(pMode);
607 }
609 /** Get the value of specified data of the key.
610 * \param pIndex Data index to specify which data to get value, the index is dependent on the key tangent mode.
611 * \return The value of the specified data.
612 *
613 * \code
614 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lKey; // we suppose this is a valid pointer
615 * if(lKey->GetTangentMode() == FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentTCB)
616 * {
617 * lKey->GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTCBTension);
618 * lKey->GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTCBContinuity);
619 * lKey->GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTCBBias);
620 * }
621 * \endcode
622 */
623 float GetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex pIndex) const
624 {
625 return mImpl->GetDataFloat(pIndex);
626 }
628 /** Set the value of specified data of the key.
629 * \param pIndex Data index to specify which data to get value, the index is dependent on the key tangent mode.
630 * \param pValue The data value to set.
631 *
632 * \code
633 * FbxAnimCurveKey* lKey; // we suppose this is a valid pointer
634 * lKey->SetInterpolation(FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic);
635 * lKey->SetTangentMode(FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto);
636 * lKey->SetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::eRightSlope, 0.0);
637 * \endcode
638 */
639 void SetDataFloat(FbxAnimCurveDef::EDataIndex pIndex, float pValue)
640 {
641 mImpl->SetDataFloat(pIndex, pValue);
642 }
644 /** Set tangent visibility mode. This would indicate what part of the tangent is visible in a graphical interface.
645 * \param pVisibility Tangent visibility mode.
646 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
647 */
648 void SetTangentVisibility (FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentVisibility pVisibility)
649 {
650 mImpl->SetTangentVisibility(pVisibility);
651 }
653 /** Return tangent visibility mode.
654 * \return Tangent visibility mode.
655 * \remarks This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
656 */
657 FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentVisibility GetTangentVisibility () const
658 {
659 return mImpl->GetTangentVisibility();
660 }
662 /** Turn on or turn off the tangent break.
663 * When this flag is on (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTANGEAT_BREAK will be set), the key's left and right slopes are independent.
664 * When this flag is off, the key's left and right slope are equal.
665 * \param pVal Break flag (\c true or \c false).
666 * \remarks This method is meaningful for User (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser) and Auto (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto) tangent modes only.
667 */
668 void SetBreak(bool pVal)
669 {
670 mImpl->SetBreak(pVal);
671 }
673 /** Get if the tangent has a break.
674 * When this flag is set (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTANGEAT_BREAK), the key's left and right slopes are independent.
675 * When this flag is off, the key's left and right slope are equal.
676 * \return Break flag (\c true or \c false).
677 * \remarks This method is meaningful for User (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser) and Auto (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto) tangent modes only.
678 */
679 bool GetBreak() const
680 {
681 return mImpl->GetBreak();
682 }
684 /** Get key implementation.
685 * \return Pointer to implemented instance.
686 */
687 FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl* GetImpl() const
688 {
689 return mImpl;
690 }
692 /** Set allocator function
693 * \param pAllocatorFct Allocator function
694 */
695 static void SetAllocatorFct(FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl* (*pAllocatorFct)());
697 /** Set copy allocator function
698 * \param pCopyAllocatorFct Copy allocator function
699 */
700 static void SetCopyAllocatorFct(FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl* (*pCopyAllocatorFct)(FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl*));
702 /** Set deallocator function
703 * \param pDeallocatorFct Deallocator function
704 */
705 static void SetDeallocatorFct(void (*pDeallocatorFct)(FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl*));
708 static FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl* (*mAllocatorFct)();
709 static FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl* (*mCopyAllocatorFct)(FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl*);
710 static void (*mDeallocatorFct)(FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl*);
711 FbxAnimCurveKey_Impl* mImpl;
714class FbxScene;
716/** An animation curve, defined by a collection of keys (FbxAnimCurveKey), and indicating how a value changes over time.
717* Since an animation curve is a function, on a given animation curve, only one key per time is
718* allowed. The keys are sorted
719* in time order. They can be accessed by their index on the curve, from 0 to FbxAnimCurve::KeyGetCount-1.
720* The time unit in FBX (FbxTime) is 1/46186158000 of one second.
722* Each key defines tangents and interpolation that modify the animation curve.
723* Tangents control the way the animation curve enters and exits the keys.
724* Interpolation indicates the animation curve's behavior between keys.
726* Interpolation modes are
727* \li Constant - Curve value stays the same until next key
728* \li Linear - Animation curve is a straight line
729* \li Cubic - Animation curve is a Bezier spline
731* Tangent modes are
732* \li Auto (Spline cardinal)
733* \li Spline TCB (Tension, Continuity, Bias)
734* \li User (Next slope at the left equal to slope at the right)
736* Tangent modes can be overridden by more tangent options:
737* \li Break (Independent left and right slopes)
738* \li Clamp (Key should be flat if next or previous key has the same value)
739* \li Time independent
741* Tangent can be modified some more by adding weights and velocity.
742* By default, the weights are 0.333 on either side of the key, and there is
743* no velocity. Velocity settings speed up or slow down animation on either side of
744* a key without changing the trajectory of the animation. Unlike Auto and Weight settings,
745* Velocity changes the animation in time, but not in space.
747* \nosubgrouping
748* \remarks FbxAnimCurve is now the main animation animation curve object of the SDK.
749* Users should always use this class to handle animation curve.
751* \note When adding keys to an animation curve, use FbxAnimCurve::KeyModifyBegin and FbxAnimCurve::KeyModifyEnd.
752* please refer to the following sample code:
753* \code
754* FbxTime lTime;
755* int lKeyIndex = 0;
757* // Create curve
758* FbxAnimCurve* lAnimCurve = FbxAnimCurve::Create(pScene, "Cube Animation");
760* // Add keys to the curve
761* lAnimCurve->KeyModifyBegin();
763* // First key: time 0, value 0
764* lTime.SetSecondDouble(0.0);
765* lKeyIndex = lAnimCurve->KeyAdd(lTime);
766* lAnimCurve->KeySet(lKeyIndex, lTime, 0.0, FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationLinear);
768* // Second key: time 20s, value -3600
769* // Since this curve will describe rotation, each cube will rotate 10 times around itself during 20 seconds.
770* lTime.SetSecondDouble(20.0);
771* lKeyIndex = lAnimCurve->KeyAdd(lTime);
772* lAnimCurve->KeySet(lKeyIndex, lTime, -3600, FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationLinear);
774* // Done adding keys.
775* lAnimCurve->KeyModifyEnd();
776* \endcode
779class FBXSDK_DLL FbxAnimCurve : public FbxAnimCurveBase
784 /**
785 * \name Animation curve creation.
786 *
787 */
788 //@{
789 /** Create a FbxAnimCurve.
790 * \param pContainer Scene to which the created animation curve belongs.
791 * \param pName Name of the animation curve.
792 * \return Newly created animation curve
793 */
794 static FbxAnimCurve* Create(FbxScene* pContainer, const char* pName);
795 //@}
797 /**
798 * \name Key management.
799 *
800 */
801 //@{
802 /** Resize animation curve buffer to hold a certain number of keys.
803 * \param pKeyCount Number of keys the animation curve will eventually hold.
804 */
805 virtual void ResizeKeyBuffer(int pKeyCount) = 0;
807 /** Call this function prior to adding, removing or editing keys of an animation curve.
808 * Call function FbxAnimCurve::KeyModifyEnd() after modification.
809 */
810 virtual void KeyModifyBegin () = 0;
812 /** Call this function after adding, removing or editing keys of an animation curve.
813 * Function FbxAnimCurve::KeyModifyBegin() must have been called prior to modify the keys.
814 */
815 virtual void KeyModifyEnd () = 0;
817 //! Remove all the keys of the animation curve and free buffer memory.
818 virtual void KeyClear () = 0;
820 /** Get the number of keys.
821 * \return Key count.
822 */
823 virtual int KeyGetCount () const = 0;
825 /** Add a given key at given time. The new key is appended after all the other animation curve's keys.
826 * Function FbxAnimCurve::KeyInsert() should be used instead if the key
827 * is to be added in the curve and not at the end. This function does not
828 * respect the interpolation type and tangents of the neighboring keys.
829 * If there is already a key at the given time, the key is modified and no
830 * new key is added.
831 *
832 * \param pTime Time of the new key.
833 * \param pKey Key to add.
834 * \param pLast Index of the last processed key to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop,
835 * initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
836 * \return Index of the key at given time, no matter if it was added
837 * or already present.
838 *
839 * \remark Key value, interpolation type and tangent mode must be set
840 * explicitly afterwards.
841 */
842 virtual int KeyAdd (FbxTime pTime, FbxAnimCurveKeyBase& pKey, int* pLast = NULL) = 0;
844 /** Add a key at given time. The new key is appended after all the other animation curve's keys.
845 * Function FbxAnimCurve::KeyInsert() should be used instead if the key
846 * is to be added in the curve and not at the end. This function does not
847 * respect of the interpolation type and tangents of the neighboring keys.
848 * If there is already a key a the given time, no key is added.
849 *
850 * \param pTime Time of the new key.
851 * \param pLast Index of the last processed key to speed up search. If this function is called in a loop,
852 * initialize this value to 0 and let it be updated by each call.
853 * \return Index of the key at given time, no matter if it was added
854 * or already present.
855 * \remark Key value, interpolation type and tangent mode must be set
856 * explicitly afterwards.
857 */
858 virtual int KeyAdd (FbxTime pTime, int* pLast = NULL) = 0;
860 /** Set (or replace) key at given index with given key.
861 * \param pIndex Index of the key to be set or replaced.
862 * \param pKey New key at this index.
863 * \return \c true if key time is superior to previous key time
864 * and inferior to next key time, \c false otherwise.
865 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
866 * is out of bounds.
867 */
868 virtual bool KeySet(int pIndex, FbxAnimCurveKeyBase& pKey) = 0;
870 /** Remove key at given index. Other key indices are updated automatically.
871 * \param pIndex Index of key to remove.
872 * \return \c true on success, \c false otherwise.
873 */
874 virtual bool KeyRemove(int pIndex) = 0;
876 /** Remove all the keys in the given range.
877 * \param pStartIndex Index of the first key to remove (inclusive).
878 * \param pEndIndex Index of the last key to remove (inclusive).
879 * \return true on success.
880 */
881 virtual bool KeyRemove(int pStartIndex, int pEndIndex) = 0;
883 /** Insert a key at given time.
884 * This function should be used instead of FbxAnimCurve::KeyAdd() if the key
885 * is to be added in the curve and not at the end. It inserts the key in
886 * respect to the interpolation type and tangents of the neighboring keys.
887 * If there is already a key a the given time, the key is modified and no
888 * new key is added.
889 * \param pTime Time of the new key.
890 * \param pLast Index of the last processed key to speed up search. If this
891 * function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it
892 * be updated by each call.
893 * \return Index of the key at given time, no matter if it was inserted
894 * or already present.
895 * \remark Key value must be set explicitly afterwards. The
896 * interpolation type and tangent mode are copied from the previous key.
897 */
898 virtual int KeyInsert ( FbxTime pTime, int* pLast = NULL ) = 0;
900 /** Find key index for a given time.
901 * \param pTime Time of the key looked for.
902 * \param pLast Index of the last processed key to speed up search. If this
903 * function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it
904 * be updated by each call.
905 * \return Key index. The integer part of the key index gives the
906 * index of the closest key with a smaller time. The decimals give
907 * the relative position of given time compared to previous and next
908 * key times. Returns -1 if animation curve has no key.
909 *
910 * For example (using seconds for clarity), if there is a key at time 10s with index 5, and a key at
911 * time 11s with index 6, KeyFind(10.3s) would return 5.3.
912 */
913 virtual double KeyFind (FbxTime pTime, int* pLast = NULL) = 0;
915 /** Scale value of all keys.
916 * \param pMultValue Scale applied on key values.
917 * \return \c true on success, \c false otherwise.
918 */
919 virtual bool KeyScaleValue (float pMultValue) = 0;
921 /** Scale value and tangent of all keys.
922 * \param pMultValue Scale applied on key values and tangents.
923 * \return \c true on success, \c false otherwise.
924 */
925 virtual bool KeyScaleValueAndTangent (float pMultValue) = 0;
926 //@}
928 /**
929 * \name Key Manipulation
930 */
932 //@{
933 /** General function to set key properties.
934 * The key at index pKeyIndex is retrieved and modified according to the other parameters.
935 * The key must have been previously created, for example using KeyAdd.
936 * Use FbxAnimCurve::SetTCB() in the specific case of setting a key with cubic interpolation and TCB tangent mode.
937 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
938 * \param pTime Key time.
939 * \param pValue Key value.
940 * \param pInterpolation Key interpolation type.
941 * \param pTangentMode Key tangent mode (meaningful for cubic interpolation only).
942 * \param pData0 Value of right slope.
943 * \param pData1 Value of next left slope.
944 * \param pTangentWeightMode Weight mode, if used.
945 * \param pWeight0 Weight for right slope, if tangent weight mode is eWeightedRight or eWeightedAll.
946 * \param pWeight1 Weight for next left slope, if tangent weight mode is eWeightedNextLeft or eWeightedAll.
947 * \param pVelocity0 Velocity for right slope, if tangent velocity mode is eVelocityRight or eVelocityAll.
948 * \param pVelocity1 Velocity for next left slope, if tangent velocity mode is eVelocityNextLeft or eVelocityAll.
949 */
950 virtual void KeySet(int pKeyIndex,FbxTime pTime, float pValue, FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType pInterpolation = FbxAnimCurveDef::eInterpolationCubic, FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode pTangentMode = FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto, float pData0 = 0.0,float pData1 = 0.0,FbxAnimCurveDef::EWeightedMode pTangentWeightMode = FbxAnimCurveDef::eWeightedNone, float pWeight0 = FbxAnimCurveDef::sDEFAULT_WEIGHT,float pWeight1 = FbxAnimCurveDef::sDEFAULT_WEIGHT,float pVelocity0 = FbxAnimCurveDef::sDEFAULT_VELOCITY,float pVelocity1 = FbxAnimCurveDef::sDEFAULT_VELOCITY) = 0;
952 /** Set a key with cubic interpolation, TCB tangent mode.
953 * The key at index pKeyIndex is retrieved and modified according to the other parameters.
954 * The TCB mode controls the tension, continuity,
955 * and bias of the curve.
956 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
957 * \param pTime Key time.
958 * \param pValue Key value.
959 * \param pData0 Tension. Controls the amount of curvature in the animation curve. The higher the tension is, the more linear
960 * the curve looks. When the tension is low, the curve looks rounder or wider.
961 * \param pData1 Continuity. Controls the smoothness or singularity of the curve on the key.
962 * \param pData2 Bias. Controls if the effect of tension and continuity affect the curve before or after the key.
963 */
964 virtual void KeySetTCB(int pKeyIndex,FbxTime pTime, float pValue, float pData0 = 0.0f, float pData1 = 0.0f, float pData2 = 0.0f) = 0;
966 /** Get key's interpolation type.
967 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the queried key.
968 * \return Interpolation type of the queried key.
969 */
970 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType KeyGetInterpolation(int pKeyIndex) const = 0;
972 /** Set key's interpolation type.
973 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
974 * \param pInterpolation Key interpolation type.
975 */
976 virtual void KeySetInterpolation(int pKeyIndex, FbxAnimCurveDef::EInterpolationType pInterpolation) = 0;
978 /** Get key's constant mode.
979 * \note This method is only relevant if the key's interpolation type is constant (eInterpolationConstant).
980 * Using this method on a key with an other interpolation type will return unpredictable value.
981 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the queried key.
982 * \return Key constant mode.
983 */
984 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode KeyGetConstantMode(int pKeyIndex) const = 0;
986 /** Get key's tangent mode.
987 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
988 * \param pIncludeOverrides Include override flags: Break, Clamp, Time-Independent.
989 * This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
990 * Using this method for non cubic interpolated key will return unpredictable value.
991 * \return Key tangent mode.
992 */
993 virtual FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode KeyGetTangentMode(int pKeyIndex, bool pIncludeOverrides = false ) const = 0;
995 /** Set key's constant mode.
996 * This method is meaningful for constant interpolation only.
997 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
998 * \param pMode Key constant mode.
999 */
1000 virtual void KeySetConstantMode(int pKeyIndex, FbxAnimCurveDef::EConstantMode pMode) = 0;
1002 /** Set key's tangent mode.
1003 * This method is meaningful for cubic interpolation only.
1004 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
1005 * \param pTangent Key tangent mode.
1006 */
1007 virtual void KeySetTangentMode(int pKeyIndex, FbxAnimCurveDef::ETangentMode pTangent) = 0;
1009 /** Get key at given index.
1010 * \param pIndex Index of the key on the animation curve.
1011 * \return The key at the given index.
1012 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1013 * is out of bounds.
1014 */
1015 virtual FbxAnimCurveKey KeyGet(int pIndex) const = 0;
1017 /** Get key value.
1018 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the queried key.
1019 * \return Key value.
1020 */
1021 virtual float KeyGetValue(int pKeyIndex) const = 0;
1023 /** Set key value.
1024 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
1025 * \param pValue The value to set.
1026 */
1027 virtual void KeySetValue(int pKeyIndex, float pValue) = 0;
1029 /** Increment key value.
1030 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
1031 * \param pValue Term added to the key value.
1032 */
1033 virtual void KeyIncValue(int pKeyIndex, float pValue) = 0;
1035 /** Multiply key value.
1036 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
1037 * \param pValue Factor multiplying the key value.
1038 * \see FbxAnimCurve::KeyMultTangent.
1039 */
1040 virtual void KeyMultValue(int pKeyIndex, float pValue) = 0;
1042 /** Multiply key tangents.
1043 * \remark When multiplying a key value, tangents must be
1044 * multiplied to conserve the same topology.
1045 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
1046 * \param pValue Factor multiplying the key tangents.
1047 */
1048 virtual void KeyMultTangent(int pKeyIndex, float pValue) = 0;
1050 /** Get key time
1051 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the queried key.
1052 * \return Key time (time at which this key is occurring).
1053 */
1054 virtual FbxTime KeyGetTime(int pKeyIndex) const = 0;
1056 /** Set key time.
1057 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
1058 * \param pTime Key time (time at which this key is occurring).
1059 * \remark The new key time might modify the key index.
1060 */
1061 virtual void KeySetTime(int pKeyIndex, FbxTime pTime) = 0;
1063 /** Set or unset the tangent break. When this flag is set (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak), the key's left and right slopes are independent.
1064 * When this flag is off, the key's left and right slope are equal.
1065 * This method is relevant for User (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser) and Auto (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto) tangent modes only.
1066 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the key.
1067 * \param pVal Break flag (\c true or \c false).
1068 */
1069 virtual void KeySetBreak(int pKeyIndex, bool pVal) = 0;
1071 /** Get if the tangent has a break. When this flag is set (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak), the key's left and right slopes are independent.
1072 * When this flag is off, the key's left and right slope are equal.
1073 * This method is relevant for User (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser) and Auto (FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto) tangent modes only.
1074 * \param pKeyIndex Index of the queried key.
1075 * \return Break flag (\c true or \c false).
1076 */
1077 virtual bool KeyGetBreak(int pKeyIndex) const = 0;
1078 //@}
1080 /**
1081 * \name Key Tangent Management
1082 */
1083 //@{
1084 /** Get the left derivative of a key.
1085 * \param pIndex Index of the queried key.
1086 * \return Left derivative (Value over time (s)).
1087 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1088 * is out of bounds.
1089 */
1090 virtual float KeyGetLeftDerivative(int pIndex) = 0;
1092 /** Set the left derivative of a key.
1093 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1094 * \param pValue Left derivative.
1095 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1096 * is out of bounds.
1097 * This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation
1098 * type is eInterpolationCubic and tangent mode is
1099 * FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser, FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak or FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto.
1100 */
1101 virtual void KeySetLeftDerivative(int pIndex, float pValue) = 0;
1103 /** Get the left auto parametric of a key. This is used to compute the slope of Auto and User keys.
1104 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1105 * \param pApplyOvershootProtection Clamp flag (eGENERIC_CLAMP) is taken into account.
1106 * \return Left auto parametric.
1107 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1108 * is out of bounds.
1109 */
1110 virtual float KeyGetLeftAuto(int pIndex, bool pApplyOvershootProtection = false) = 0;
1112 /** Get the left derivative info (of type FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo) of a key.
1113 * \param pIndex Index of the queried key.
1114 * \return Left derivative info.
1115 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1116 * is out of bounds.
1117 */
1118 virtual FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo KeyGetLeftDerivativeInfo(int pIndex) = 0;
1120 /** Set the left derivative info (of type FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo) of a key.
1121 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1122 * \param pValue Left derivative info.
1123 * \param pForceDerivative If \c true, assign the tangent info's derivative value to the key derivative.
1124 * If \c false, use the tangent info's auto parametric value to recompute the key derivative.
1125 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1126 * is out of bounds.
1127 * This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation
1128 * type is eInterpolationCubic and tangent mode is
1129 * FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser or FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak.
1130 */
1131 virtual void KeySetLeftDerivativeInfo(int pIndex, const FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo& pValue, bool pForceDerivative = false) = 0;
1133 /** Get the right derivative of a key.
1134 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1135 * \return Right derivative (Value over time (s)).
1136 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1137 * is out of bounds.
1138 */
1139 virtual float KeyGetRightDerivative(int pIndex) = 0;
1141 /** Set the right derivative of a key.
1142 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1143 * \param pValue Right derivative.
1144 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1145 * is out of bounds.
1146 * This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation
1147 * type is eInterpolationCubic and tangent mode is
1148 * FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser, FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak or FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentAuto.
1149 */
1150 virtual void KeySetRightDerivative(int pIndex, float pValue) = 0;
1152 /** Get the right auto parametric of a key. This is used to compute the slope of Auto and User keys.
1153 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1154 * \param pApplyOvershootProtection Clamp flag (eGENERIC_CLAMP) is taken into account.
1155 * \return Right auto parametric.
1156 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1157 * is out of bounds.
1158 */
1159 virtual float KeyGetRightAuto(int pIndex, bool pApplyOvershootProtection = false) = 0;
1161 /** Get the right derivative info (of type FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo) of a key.
1162 * \param pIndex Index of the queried key.
1163 * \return Right derivative info.
1164 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1165 * is out of bounds.
1166 */
1167 virtual FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo KeyGetRightDerivativeInfo(int pIndex) = 0;
1169 /** Set the right derivative info (of type FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo) of a key.
1170 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1171 * \param pValue Right derivative info.
1172 * \param pForceDerivative If \c true, assign the tangent info's derivative value to the key derivative.
1173 * If \c false, use the tangent info's auto parametric value to recompute the key derivative.
1174 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1175 * is out of bounds.
1176 * This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation
1177 * type is eInterpolationCubic and tangent mode is
1178 * FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser or FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak.
1179 */
1180 virtual void KeySetRightDerivativeInfo(int pIndex, const FbxAnimCurveTangentInfo& pValue, bool pForceDerivative = false) = 0;
1182 /** Get the left tangent weight mode of a key.
1183 * \param pIndex Index of queried key.
1184 * \return \c true if the key is left weighted (Weight mode is eWEIGHT_WEIGHTED_RIGHT or eWeightedAll). \c false otherwise.
1185 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1186 * is out of bounds.
1187 */
1188 virtual bool KeyIsLeftTangentWeighted(int pIndex) const = 0;
1190 /** Get the right tangent weight mode of a key.
1191 * \param pIndex Index of queried key.
1192 * \return \c true if the key is right weighted (Weight mode is eWeightedRight or eWeightedAll). \c false otherwise.
1193 * \remark Result is undetermined if animation curve has no key or if index
1194 * is out of bounds.
1195 */
1196 virtual bool KeyIsRightTangentWeighted(int pIndex) const = 0;
1198 /** Get the weight value component of the left tangent of a key.
1199 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1200 * \return Left tangent weight, or eDEFAULT_WEIGHT (0.333...) if left tangent is not weighted.
1201 * \remark This function is only relevant if key interpolation
1202 * type is eInterpolationCubic.
1203 */
1204 virtual float KeyGetLeftTangentWeight(int pIndex) const = 0;
1206 /** Get the weight value component of the right tangent of a key.
1207 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1208 * \return Right tangent weight, or eDEFAULT_WEIGHT (0.333...) if right tangent is not weighted.
1209 * \remark This function is only relevant if key interpolation
1210 * type is eInterpolationCubic.
1211 */
1212 virtual float KeyGetRightTangentWeight(int pIndex) const = 0;
1214 /** Set the left tangent weight of a key.
1215 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1216 * \param pWeight Weight to set on the left tangent.
1217 * \param pAdjustTan If true, recompute the tangent height to compensate for very small weights.
1218 * \remarks This function is only relevant if previous key interpolation
1219 * type is eInterpolationCubic and tangent mode is
1220 * FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser or FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak. The tangent is
1221 * automatically set in weighted mode.
1222 * The pAdjustTan option will only produce correct results provided that the tangent has already been
1223 * set before calling this function.
1224 */
1225 virtual void KeySetLeftTangentWeight( int pIndex, float pWeight, bool pAdjustTan = false ) = 0;
1227 /** Set the right tangent weight of a key.
1228 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1229 * \param pWeight Weight to set on the right tangent.
1230 * \param pAdjustTan If true, recompute the tangent height to compensate for very small weights.
1231 * \remarks This function is only relevant if key interpolation
1232 * type is eInterpolationCubic and tangent mode is
1233 * FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentUser or FbxAnimCurveDef::eTangentBreak. The tangent is
1234 * automatically set in weighted mode.
1235 * The pAdjustTan option will only produce correct results provided that the tangent has already been
1236 * set before calling this function.
1237 */
1238 virtual void KeySetRightTangentWeight( int pIndex, float pWeight, bool pAdjustTan = false ) = 0;
1240 /** Get the velocity value component of the left tangent of a key.
1241 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1242 * \return Tangent velocity of the left tangent.
1243 * \remarks This function is only relevant if key interpolation
1244 * type is eInterpolationCubic
1245 */
1246 virtual float KeyGetLeftTangentVelocity( int pIndex) const = 0;
1248 /** Get the velocity value component of the right tangent of a key.
1249 * \param pIndex Index of the key.
1250 * \return Tangent velocity of the right tangent.
1251 * \remarks This function is only relevant if key interpolation
1252 * type is eInterpolationCubic
1253 */
1254 virtual float KeyGetRightTangentVelocity( int pIndex) const = 0;
1255 //@}
1257 /**
1258 * \name Evaluation and Analysis
1259 */
1260 //@{
1261 /** Evaluate animation curve value at a given time.
1262 * \param pTime Time of evaluation.
1263 * If time falls between two keys, animation curve value is
1264 * interpolated according to previous key interpolation type and
1265 * tangent mode if relevant.
1266 * \param pLast Index of the last processed key to speed up search. If this
1267 * function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it
1268 * be updated by each call.
1269 * \return Animation curve value on given time, or animation curve's default value if animation curve
1270 * has no key.
1271 * \remarks This function takes extrapolation into account.
1272 */
1273 virtual float Evaluate (FbxTime pTime, int* pLast = NULL) = 0;
1275 /** Evaluate animation curve value at a given key index.
1276 * \param pIndex Any value from 0 to FbxAnimCurve::KeyGetCount() - 1.
1277 * \return Animation curve value, or default value if animation curve
1278 * has no key.
1279 *
1280 * \remarks If key index is not an integer value, animation curve value is
1281 * interpolated according to previous key interpolation type and
1282 * tangent mode, if relevant.
1283 * This function does not take extrapolation into account.
1284 * Result is undetermined if index is out of bounds.
1285 */
1286 virtual float EvaluateIndex( double pIndex) = 0;
1288 /** Evaluate function left derivative at given time.
1289 * \param pTime Time of evaluation.
1290 * \param pLast Index of the last processed key to speed up search. If this
1291 * function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it
1292 * be updated by each call.
1293 * \return Left derivative at given time.
1294 * \remarks This function does not take extrapolation into account.
1295 * Result is undetermined if index is out of bounds.
1296 */
1297 virtual float EvaluateLeftDerivative (FbxTime pTime, int* pLast = NULL) = 0;
1299 /** Evaluate function right derivative at given time.
1300 * \param pTime Time of evaluation.
1301 * \param pLast Index of the last processed key to speed up search. If this
1302 * function is called in a loop, initialize this value to 0 and let it
1303 * be updated by each call.
1304 * \return Right derivative at given time.
1305 * \remarks This function does not take extrapolation into account.
1306 * Result is undetermined if index is out of bounds.
1307 */
1308 virtual float EvaluateRightDerivative (FbxTime pTime, int* pLast = NULL) = 0;
1309 //@}
1311 /**
1312 * \name Utility functions.
1313 *
1314 */
1315 //@{
1316 /** Find out start and end time of the animation animation curve.
1317 * This function retrieves the animation curve's time span.
1318 * \param pTimeInterval Reference to receive start and end time.
1319 * \return \c true on success, \c false otherwise.
1320 */
1321 virtual bool GetTimeInterval(FbxTimeSpan& pTimeInterval) = 0;
1323 /** Copy animation curve content into current animation curve.
1324 * \param pSource Animation curve to be copied (which will not be modified).
1325 * \param pWithKeys If \c true, clear keys in current animation curve and copy
1326 * keys from source animation curve. If \c false, keys in current animation curve
1327 * are left as is.
1328 */
1329 virtual void CopyFrom(FbxAnimCurve& pSource, bool pWithKeys = true) = 0;
1331 /** Retrieve the value of the parent curve node channel.
1332 * \param pCurveNodeIndex The index of the parent curve node, if more than one exist.
1333 * \return The value of the parent curve node channel of this curve.
1334 * \remark In most case, the curve will have a single curve node channel as destination. However,
1335 * it is possible that more are connected, hence why we provide the curve node index parameter. */
1336 virtual float GetValue(int pCurveNodeIndex=0) = 0;
1338 /** Set the value to the parent curve node channel.
1339 * \param pValue The value to set to the parent curve node channel of this curve.
1340 * \param pCurveNodeIndex The index of the parent curve node, if more than one exist.
1341 * \remark In most case, the curve will have a single curve node channel as destination. However,
1342 * it is possible that more are connected, hence why we provide the curve node index parameter. */
1343 virtual void SetValue(float pValue, int pCurveNodeIndex=0) = 0;
1344 //@}
1347** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
1350 virtual KFCurve* GetKFCurve() = 0;
1351 virtual bool Store(FbxIO* pFileObject, bool pLegacyVersion=false) = 0;
1352 virtual bool Retrieve(FbxIO* pFileObject) = 0;
1353 virtual void ExtrapolationSyncCallback() = 0;
1354#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
1357#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>