3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxobject.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxclassid.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxquery.h>
20#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxemitter.h>
21#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxproperty.h>
22#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxstream.h>
23#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxstringlist.h>
24#include <fbxsdk/utils/fbxnamehandler.h>
26#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
28class FbxManager;
29class FbxDocument;
30class FbxImplementation;
31class FbxImplementationFilter;
32class FbxLibrary;
33class FbxMessage;
34class FbxPeripheral;
35class FbxUserDataRecord;
36class FbxConnectEvent;
38//! \internal Macro used to declare ClassId mechanics.
39#define FBXSDK_CLASS_DECLARE(Class, Parent)\
41 Class(const Class&);\
42 Class& operator=(const Class&);\
44 virtual ~Class(){};\
46 static FbxClassId ClassId;\
47 virtual FbxClassId GetClassId() const { return ClassId; }\
48 friend class FBXSDK_NAMESPACE::FbxManager;\
49 typedef Parent ParentClass;\
50 static Class* Create(FbxManager* pManager, const char* pName);\
52//! \internal Macro used to declare the FbxObject class.
53#define FBXSDK_FBXOBJECT_DECLARE(Class, Parent)\
56 static Class* Create(FbxObject* pContainer, const char* pName);\
58 static Class* Allocate(FbxManager* pManager, const char* pName, const Class* pFrom);\
60//! Macro used to declare a new class derived from FbxObject.
61#define FBXSDK_OBJECT_DECLARE(Class, Parent)\
64 Class(FbxManager& pManager, const char* pName) : Parent(pManager, pName){};\
65private: /* end of object declaration, put back private */\
67//! Macro used to declare a new abstract class derived from FbxObject.
71 static FbxObjectCreateProc Allocate;\
72 Class(FbxManager& pManager, const char* pName) : Parent(pManager, pName){};\
73private: /* end of object declaration, put back private */\
75//! Macro used to implement a new class derived from FbxObject.
77 FbxClassId Class::ClassId;\
78 Class* Class::Create(FbxManager* pManager, const char* pName)\
79 {\
80 return (Class*)pManager->CreateNewObjectFromClassId(Class::ClassId, pName);\
81 }\
82 Class* Class::Create(FbxObject* pContainer, const char* pName)\
83 {\
84 FBX_ASSERT_RETURN_VALUE(pContainer && pContainer->GetFbxManager(), NULL);\
85 return (Class*)pContainer->GetFbxManager()->CreateNewObjectFromClassId(Class::ClassId, pName, pContainer);\
86 }\
87 Class* Class::Allocate(FbxManager* pManager, const char* pName, const Class* pFrom)\
88 {\
89 Class* lNewObject = FbxNew<Class>(*pManager, pName);\
90 lNewObject->Construct(pFrom);\
91 lNewObject->SetObjectFlags(FbxObject::eInitialized, true);\
92 return lNewObject;\
93 }\
95//! Macro used to implement a new abstract class derived from FbxObject.
97 FbxClassId Class::ClassId;\
98 FbxObjectCreateProc Class::Allocate = 0;\
99 Class* Class::Create(FbxManager* pManager, const char* pName)\
100 {\
101 return (Class*)pManager->CreateNewObjectFromClassId(Class::ClassId, pName);\
102 }\
104/** The base class of most FBX objects. Provides the benefits of connectivity, identity, run-time typing,
105 * properties, naming, copying, cloning, selection, and automated file IO. Most of
106 * the FBX SDK API deals with FbxObject pointers when it comes to manipulate objects in its simplest form.
107 *
108 * The ClassID mechanism replaces the dynamic_cast mechanism for efficient run-time type information.
109 *
110 * The FbxObject provides methods for managing the connections between objects.
111 * Using connections, objects can be related to each other to form hierarchies or structures. All of
112 * the FBX scene's object relations are expressed as connections between objects. Those connections can
113 * be altered as needed to reflect most kind of setups encountered in this world. For example,
114 * connections can be used to express parenting between transform nodes. Connections are not strict in
115 * the sense that we allow any type of objects to connect to any other type of objects. The meaning of
116 * the connection is purely semantic. As of yet, we do not provide the functionality to validate if
117 * the connections made by the users are allowed or not.
118 *
119 * FbxObject provide a property (FbxProperty) mechanism to describe characteristics of
120 * objects in a scene. Properties may be either static or dynamic. Static properties are defined in the class direction
121 * and can be accessed directly by their name on the object exposing them without
122 * the need for a search in the property list of the object. Dynamic properties can be added during run-time,
123 * while the program is running. Objects can have an unlimited amount of properties.
124 * Properties can be listed at run-time, allowing for a flexible support of custom data
125 * on objects, since they might be considered by the FBX file readers/writers depending on the flags set.
126 *
127 * Here is an example of a new empty minimal class template for FBX objects:
128 * \code
129 * //Declaration
130 * class MyClass : public FbxObject
131 * {
132 * FBXSDK_OBJECT_DECLARE(MyClass, FbxObject); //Be careful! The second parameter to this macro must be the parent class name!
133 *
134 * public:
135 * //Declare methods and properties here...
136 * };
137 * \endcode
138 * \code
139 * //Implementation
141 * \endcode
142 * Before the new class can be used, it needs to be registered to the manager with the following method:
143 * \code
144 * MyFbxManager->RegisterFbxClass("MyClassName", FBX_TYPE(MyClass), FBX_TYPE(FbxObject)); //Be careful! The 3rd parameter must be the parent class! If the parent class change, it must be updated here too!
145 * \endcode
146 * Then to create or delete instances of your new class, the following methods must be used:
147 * \code
148 * //Creating a new instance
149 * MyClass* MyObject = MyClass::Create(MyFbxManager, "Object Name");
150 *
151 * //Deleting this instance
152 * MyObject->Destroy();
153 * MyObject = NULL;
154 * \endcode
155 * \see FbxProperty
156 */
157class FBXSDK_DLL FbxObject : public FbxEmitter
159 FBXSDK_FBXOBJECT_DECLARE(FbxObject, FbxEmitter);
162 //! \name General Object Management
163 //@{
164 /** Test if this class is a hierarchical children of the specified class type. This is the standard method to differentiate object classes. (Deprecated, please use Is<Type>() instead.)
165 * \param pClassId The class type to test against self.
166 * \return \c true if the object is a hierarchical children of the type specified.
167 * \remark This function will perform a complete search until it reaches the top level class, but it will stop as soon as one ClassId matches the test. */
168 FBX_DEPRECATED inline bool Is(const FbxClassId& pClassId) const { return GetClassId().Is(pClassId); }
170 /** Templated test if this class is a hierarchical children of the specified class type.
171 * \return \c true if the object is a hierarchical children of the type specified.
172 * \remark This function will perform a complete search until it reaches the top level class, but it will stop as soon as one ClassId matches the test. */
173 template <class T> inline bool Is() const { return GetClassId().Is(T::ClassId); }
175 /** Retrieve the FbxManager this object belongs to.
176 * \return A pointer to the manager that this object belongs to. */
177 FbxManager* GetFbxManager() const;
179 /** Returns a const pointer to the document that contains this object.
180 * \return A const pointer to the document that contains this object or \c NULL if the object does not belong to any document. */
181 FbxDocument* GetDocument() const;
183 /** Returns a const pointer to the root document that contains this object.
184 * \return A const pointer to the root document that contains this object or \c NULL if the object does not belong to any document.
185 * \remarks It returns this pointer if this object is a document object and does not belong to any document. That means this object is the root document. */
186 FbxDocument* GetRootDocument() const;
188 /** Returns a const pointer to the scene that contains this object.
189 * \return A pointer to the scene that contains this object or \c NULL if the object does not belong to any scene. */
190 FbxScene* GetScene() const;
192 /** Unregister and delete this object from memory. This will also breaks all connections as well as removing all the instance of all the properties of this object with the object's class.
193 * \param pRecursive If true, all children (source) objects will also be unregistered and deleted. */
194 void Destroy(bool pRecursive=false);
196 /** Reset all the properties of this object to their default values. */
197 void ResetProperties();
198 //@}
200 //! \name Object Flags Management
201 //@{
202 //! Flags available to control objects.
203 enum EObjectFlag
204 {
205 eNone = 0, //!< No flags.
206 eInitialized = 1 << 0, //!< Automatically set when FbxObject::Construct() is completed.
207 eSystem = 1 << 1, //!< When set, object is deleted upon FbxManager destroy only. Use carefully!
208 eSavable = 1 << 2, //!< If set, object is stored in FBX file upon export. All objects are savable by default.
209 eSelected = 1 << 3, //!< Used by the selection mechanic to specify a selected object.
210 eHidden = 1 << 4, //!< Used for interface representation; if set, the object should not be visible.
211 eContentLoaded = 1 << 5, //!< Used by load-on-demand mechanic to specify if an object has its content loaded.
212 eDontLocalize = 1 << 6, //!< Used by asset builder; Do not localize this object
213 eCopyCalledByClone = 1 << 16 //!< Used internally. If set, modify the Copy behavior of the object
214 };
216 /** Set the state of object flags.
217 * \param pFlags Bit flags which value is going to be changed.
218 * \param pValue If \c true, bit flags will be set, otherwise bits will be un-set. */
219 void SetObjectFlags(EObjectFlag pFlags, bool pValue);
221 /** Get the state of object flags.
222 * \param pFlags Bit flags to query.
223 * \return \c true if the specified bit flags are all set. */
224 bool GetObjectFlags(EObjectFlag pFlags) const;
226 /** Override all object flags at once.
227 * \param pFlags The bit flags to set all the object flags to.
228 * \remark This function will override all flags; unspecified bit flags will be un-set. */
229 void SetAllObjectFlags(FbxUInt pFlags);
231 /** Get all object flags at once.
232 * \return All bit flags at once. */
233 FbxUInt GetAllObjectFlags() const;
234 //@}
236 //! \name Copying, Cloning and Referencing
237 //@{
238 /** Copy an object content into this object.
239 * \param pObject The source object to copy data from.
240 * \return Returns the destination object being modified by the source.
241 * \remark This function replace the assignment operator (operator=). It will copy all property values and the name. Connections are NOT copied. */
242 virtual FbxObject& Copy(const FbxObject& pObject);
244 //! Types of clones that can be created for FbxObject.
245 enum ECloneType
246 {
247 eDeepClone, //!< A deep copy of the object. Changes to either the original or clone properties do not propagate to each other.
248 eReferenceClone //!< Changes to original object properties propagate to clone. Changes to clone properties do not propagate to original.
249 };
251 /** Creates a clone of this object.
252 * By default, the connections are NOT cloned. If the desired effect is to clone the connections as well, you must clone using the FbxCloneManager
253 * (refer to this class documentation for further details).
254 *
255 * \param pCloneType The type of clone to be created. By default, the clone type is eDeepClone.
256 * \param pContainer An optional parameter to specify which object will "contain" the new object. By contain, we mean the new object
257 * will become a source to the container, connection-wise.
258 * \param pSet See remark section.
259 * \return The new clone, or NULL (if the specified clone type is not supported).
260 * \remark When doing either a "deep" or "reference" clone type, the clone will always get its properties values set from
261 * the source object properties values.
262 * \remark Since this is a virtual function, some classes might do additional tasks.
263 * \remark The \e pSet argument is not used in the default implementation of this method. Specialized implementations should
264 * cast this pointer to FbxCloneManager::CloneSet to have access to the cloned objects so far. Typically, this
265 * pointer is set by the clone manager.
266 */
267 virtual FbxObject* Clone(FbxObject::ECloneType pCloneType=eDeepClone, FbxObject* pContainer=NULL, void* pSet = NULL) const;
269 /** Checks if this object is a reference clone of another object.
270 * \return \c True if this object is a clone of another object, \c false otherwise */
271 bool IsAReferenceTo() const;
273 /** If this object is a reference clone, returns the original object (from which the clone originates).
274 * \return The original object, or NULL (if this object is not a reference clone). */
275 FbxObject* GetReferenceTo() const;
277 /** Checks if any objects are reference cloned from this object.
278 * \return \c True if there are objects reference cloned from this object, \c false otherwise. */
279 bool IsReferencedBy() const;
281 /** Returns the number of objects that are reference clones of this object.
282 * \return The number of objects that are reference clones of this object. */
283 int GetReferencedByCount() const;
285 /** Returns a reference clone of this object at the specified index.
286 * \param pIndex The specified index, valid values are [0, GetReferencedByCount())
287 * \return The reference clone, or NULL (if pIndex is out of range). */
288 FbxObject* GetReferencedBy(int pIndex) const;
289 //@}
291 /**
292 * \name Object Name Management
293 */
294 //@{
295 /** Sets the name of this object.
296 * \param pName The object name as a \c NULL terminated string.
297 */
298 void SetName(const char* pName);
300 /** Returns the full name of this object.
301 * \return The full name as a \c NULL terminated string.
302 */
303 const char* GetName() const;
305 /** Returns the name of the object without the namespace qualifier.
306 * \return The object name without the namespace qualifier.
307 */
308 FbxString GetNameWithoutNameSpacePrefix() const;
310 /** Returns the name of the object with the namespace qualifier.
311 * \return The object name with the namespace qualifier.
312 */
313 FbxString GetNameWithNameSpacePrefix() const;
315 /** Sets the initial name of the object.
316 * \param pName The object's initial name as a \c NULL terminated string.
317 */
318 void SetInitialName(const char* pName);
320 /** Returns the initial name of the object.
321 * \return The object's initial name as a \c NULL terminated string.
322 */
323 const char* GetInitialName() const;
325 /** Returns the namespace of the object.
326 * \return The object's namespace as a \c NULL terminated string.
327 */
328 FbxString GetNameSpaceOnly();
330 /** Sets the namespace of the object.
331 * \param pNameSpace The object's namespace as a \c NULL terminated string.
332 */
333 void SetNameSpace(FbxString pNameSpace);
335 /** Returns an array of all the namespaces for this object
336 * \param identifier The identifier of the namespaces.
337 * \return The array of all namespaces.
338 */
339 FbxArray<FbxString*> GetNameSpaceArray(char identifier);
341 /** Returns only the name (no namespace or prefix) of the object.
342 * \return The name only as a \c NULL terminated string.
343 */
344 FbxString GetNameOnly() const;
346 /** Returns the namespace qualifier.
347 * \return The namespace qualifier.
348 */
349 FbxString GetNameSpacePrefix() const;
351 /** Removes the prefix of pName
352 * \param pName Whose prefix is removed.
353 * \return A temporary string without prefix.
354 */
355 static FbxString RemovePrefix(char* pName);
357 /** Strips the prefix of pName
358 * \param lName Whose prefix is stripped.
359 * \return lName stripped of its prefix.
360 */
361 static FbxString StripPrefix(FbxString& lName);
363 /** Strips the prefix of pName
364 * \param pName Whose prefix is stripped.
365 * \return A temporary string stripped of its prefix.
366 */
367 static FbxString StripPrefix(const char* pName);
369 //!Returns the unique ID of this object.
370 const FbxUInt64& GetUniqueID() const;
371 //@}
373 /**
374 * \name Selection management
375 */
376 //@{
377 /** Returns if this object is currently in a selected state.
378 * \return \c True if this object is selected, \c false otherwise.
379 */
380 virtual bool GetSelected();
382 /** Sets whether this object is currently selected.
383 * \param pSelected The selection flag.
384 */
385 virtual void SetSelected(bool pSelected);
386 //@}
388 /**
389 * \name User data
390 */
391 //@{
392 /** Sets the data pointer for an user data record whose ID is pUserID.
393 * \param pUserID The ID of the user data record.
394 * \param pUserData The data pointer of the user data record.
395 * \remarks An user data record is composed of an ID and a data pointer.
396 * If the user data record identified by pUserID does not exist, a new user data record is created and its data pointer is set as pUserData.
397 */
398 void SetUserDataPtr(const FbxUInt64& pUserID, void* pUserData);
400 /** Returns the data pointer of an user data record whose ID is pUserID.
401 * \param pUserID The ID of the user data record.
402 * \return The data pointer of the user data record, \c NULL if the user data record is not found.
403 */
404 void* GetUserDataPtr(const FbxUInt64& pUserID) const;
406 /** Sets the data pointer for the user data record whose ID is the object ID.
407 * \param pUserData The data pointer of the user data record.
408 * \remarks An user data record is composed of an ID and a data pointer.
409 * If the user data record identified by pUserID does not exist, a new user data record is created and its data pointer is set as pUserData.
410 */
411 inline void SetUserDataPtr(void* pUserData){ SetUserDataPtr(GetUniqueID(), pUserData); }
413 /** Returns the data pointer of the user data record whose ID is the object ID.
414 * \return The data pointer of the user data record, \c NULL if the user data record is not found.
415 */
416 inline void* GetUserDataPtr() const { return GetUserDataPtr(GetUniqueID()); }
417 //@}
419 /**
420 * \name General Object Connection and Relationship Management
421 */
422 //@{
423 /** Connects this object to a source object.
424 * \param pObject The source object to which this object connects.
425 * \param pType The connection type between this object and the source object.
426 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
427 */
428 inline bool ConnectSrcObject(FbxObject* pObject, FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eNone) { return RootProperty.ConnectSrcObject(pObject,pType); }
430 /** Judges whether this object connects with the source object.
431 * \param pObject The source object.
432 * \return \c True if this object connects with the source object, \c false otherwise.
433 */
434 inline bool IsConnectedSrcObject(const FbxObject* pObject) const { return RootProperty.IsConnectedSrcObject(pObject); }
436 /** Disconnects this object from a source object.
437 * \param pObject The source object from which this object will be disconnected.
438 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
439 */
440 inline bool DisconnectSrcObject(FbxObject* pObject){ return RootProperty.DisconnectSrcObject(pObject); }
442 /** Disconnects this object from all source objects.
443 * \return \c True if it disconnects all source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
444 */
445 inline bool DisconnectAllSrcObject() { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllSrcObject(); }
447 /** Disconnects this object from all source objects that satisfy a given criteria.
448 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
449 * \return \c True if it disconnects all the source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
450 */
451 inline bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllSrcObject(pCriteria); }
453 /** Disconnects this object from all source objects of a specific class type. (Deprecated, please use DisconnectAllSrcObject<Type>() instead.)
454 * \param pClassId The specific class type.
455 * \return \c True if it disconnects all source objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
456 */
457 FBX_DEPRECATED inline bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(FbxClassId pClassId) { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId)); }
459 /** Returns the number of source objects with which this object connects.
460 * \return The number of source objects with which this object connects.
461 */
462 inline int GetSrcObjectCount() const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(); }
464 /** Returns the number of source objects that satisfy the given criteria with which this object connects.
465 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
466 * \return The number of source objects that satisfy the given criteria with which this object connects.
467 */
468 inline int GetSrcObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(pCriteria); }
470 /** Returns the number of source objects of the specific class type with which this object connects. (Deprecated, please use GetSrcObjectCount<Type>() instead.)
471 * \param pClassId The specific class type.
472 * \return The number of source objects of the specific class type with which this object connects.
473 */
474 FBX_DEPRECATED inline int GetSrcObjectCount(FbxClassId pClassId) const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId)); }
476 /** Returns the source object with which this object connects at the specified index.
477 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
478 * \return The source object at the specified index, NULL if not found.
479 */
480 inline FbxObject* GetSrcObject(int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObject(pIndex); }
482 /** Returns the source object that satisfies the criteria at the specified index with which this object connects.
483 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
484 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
485 * \return The source object that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found.
486 */
487 inline FbxObject* GetSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObject(pCriteria,pIndex); }
489 /** Returns the source object of the specified class type at the specified index with which this object connects. (Deprecated, please use GetSrcObject<Type>() instead.)
490 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
491 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
492 * \return The source object of the specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found.
493 */
494 FBX_DEPRECATED inline FbxObject* GetSrcObject(FbxClassId pClassId, int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId), pIndex); }
496 /** Searches the source object with the specified name, starting at the specified index.
497 * \param pName The object name.
498 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
499 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
500 */
501 inline FbxObject* FindSrcObject(const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindSrcObject(pName,pStartIndex); }
503 /** Searches the source object with the specified name which satisfies the given criteria, starting at the specified index.
504 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
505 * \param pName The object name.
506 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
507 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
508 */
509 inline FbxObject* FindSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindSrcObject(pCriteria,pName,pStartIndex); }
511 /** Searches the source object with the specified name which is also the specified class type, starting at the specified index. (Deprecated, please use FindSrcObject<Type>() instead.)
512 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
513 * \param pName The object name.
514 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
515 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found.
516 */
517 FBX_DEPRECATED inline FbxObject* FindSrcObject(FbxClassId pClassId, const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId), pName, pStartIndex); }
519 /** Disconnects this object from all source objects of the specified class type.
520 * \return \c true if it disconnects all source objects successfully, \c false otherwise. */
521 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllSrcObject() { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
523 /** Disconnects this object from all source objects that are of the specified class type and that satisfy the given criteria.
524 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
525 * \return \c true if it disconnects all source objects successfully, \c false otherwise. */
526 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
528 /** Returns the number of source objects of a specific class type with which this object connects.
529 * \return The number of source objects of the specified class type with which this object connects. */
530 template <class T> inline int GetSrcObjectCount() const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
532 /** Returns the number of source objects with which this object connects that are the specified class type and that satisfy the given criteria.
533 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
534 * \return The number of source objects that are the specified class type and that satisfy the given criteria. */
535 template <class T> inline int GetSrcObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const { return RootProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
537 /** Returns the source object of the specified class type at the specified index.
538 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
539 * \return The source object of a specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found. */
540 template <class T> inline T* GetSrcObject(int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.GetSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pIndex); }
542 /** Returns the source object that is the specified class type and that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index.
543 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
544 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
545 * \return The source object that is of the specified class type and that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found. */
546 template <class T> inline T* GetSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.GetSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pIndex); }
548 /** Searches the source object with the specified name that is the specified class type, starting at the specified index.
549 * \param pName The object name.
550 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
551 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found. */
552 template <class T> inline T* FindSrcObject(const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.FindSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pName, pStartIndex); }
554 /** Searches the source object with the specified name that is the specified class type and that satisfies the given criteria, starting at the specified index.
555 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
556 * \param pName The object name.
557 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
558 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found. */
559 template <class T> inline T* FindSrcObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.FindSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pName, pStartIndex); }
561 /** Connects this object to one destination object.
562 * \param pObject The destination object with which this object connects.
563 * \param pType The connection type between this object and the destination object.
564 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
565 */
566 inline bool ConnectDstObject(FbxObject* pObject, FbxConnection::EType pType=FbxConnection::eNone) { return RootProperty.ConnectDstObject(pObject,pType); }
568 /** Judges whether this object connects with the destination object.
569 * \param pObject The destination object.
570 * \return \c True if this object connects with the destination object, \c false otherwise.
571 */
572 inline bool IsConnectedDstObject(const FbxObject* pObject) const { return RootProperty.IsConnectedDstObject(pObject); }
574 /** Disconnects this object from the destination object.
575 * \param pObject The destination object from which this object disconnects.
576 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
577 */
578 inline bool DisconnectDstObject(FbxObject* pObject) { return RootProperty.DisconnectDstObject(pObject); }
580 /** Disconnects this object from all destination objects.
581 * \return \c True if it disconnects all destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
582 */
583 inline bool DisconnectAllDstObject() { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllDstObject(); }
585 /** Disconnects this object from all destination objects that satisfy given criteria.
586 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
587 * \return \c True if it disconnects all destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise.
588 */
589 inline bool DisconnectAllDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllDstObject(pCriteria); }
591 /** Disconnects this object from all destination objects of the specified class type. (Deprecated, please use DisconnectAllDstObject<Type>() instead.)
592 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
593 * \return \c True if it disconnects all destination objects of the specified class type successfully, \c false otherwise.
594 */
595 FBX_DEPRECATED inline bool DisconnectAllDstObject(FbxClassId pClassId) { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId)); }
597 /** Returns the number of destination objects with which this object connects.
598 * \return The number of destination objects with which this object connects.
599 */
600 inline int GetDstObjectCount() const { return RootProperty.GetDstObjectCount(); }
602 /** Returns the number of destination objects with which this object connects that satisfy the given criteria.
603 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
604 * \return The number of destination objects with which this object connects that satisfy the given criteria.
605 */
606 inline int GetDstObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const { return RootProperty.GetDstObjectCount(pCriteria); }
608 /** Returns the number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this object connects. (Deprecated, please use GetDstObjectCount<Type>() instead.)
609 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
610 * \return The number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this object connects.
611 */
612 FBX_DEPRECATED inline int GetDstObjectCount(FbxClassId pClassId) const { return RootProperty.GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId)); }
614 /** Returns the destination object at the specified index with which this object connects.
615 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
616 * \return The destination object at the specified index, NULL if not found.
617 */
618 inline FbxObject* GetDstObject(int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetDstObject(pIndex); }
620 /** Returns the destination object with which this object connects that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index.
621 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
622 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
623 * \return The destination object that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found.
624 */
625 inline FbxObject* GetDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetDstObject(pCriteria,pIndex); }
627 /** Returns the destination object of the specified class type with which this object connects at the specified index. (Deprecated, please use GetDstObject<Type>() instead.)
628 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
629 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
630 * \return The destination object of the specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found.
631 */
632 FBX_DEPRECATED inline FbxObject* GetDstObject(FbxClassId pClassId, int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId), pIndex); }
634 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name, starting at the specified index.
635 * \param pName The object name.
636 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
637 * \return The destination object with the name, NULL if not found.
638 */
639 inline FbxObject* FindDstObject(const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindDstObject(pName,pStartIndex); }
641 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name which satisfies the given criteria, starting at the specified index.
642 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
643 * \param pName The object name.
644 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
645 * \return The destination object with the name, NULL if not found.
646 */
647 inline FbxObject* FindDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindDstObject(pCriteria,pName,pStartIndex); }
649 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name which is the specified class type, starting at the specified index. (Deprecated, please use FindDstObject<Type>() instead.)
650 * \param pClassId The specified class type.
651 * \param pName The object name.
652 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
653 * \return The destination object with the name, NULL if not found.
654 */
655 FBX_DEPRECATED inline FbxObject* FindDstObject(FbxClassId pClassId, const char* pName,int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(pClassId), pName, pStartIndex); }
657 /** Disconnects this object from all destination objects of the specified class type.
658 * \return \c true if it disconnects all destination objects of the specified class type successfully, \c false otherwise. */
659 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllDstObject() { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
661 /** Disconnects this object from all destination objects that are the specified class type and that satisfy the given criteria.
662 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
663 * \return \c true if it disconnects all destination objects successfully, \c false otherwise. */
664 template <class T> inline bool DisconnectAllDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) { return RootProperty.DisconnectAllDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
666 /** Returns the number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this object connects.
667 * \return The number of destination objects of the specified class type with which this object connects. */
668 template <class T> inline int GetDstObjectCount() const { return RootProperty.GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId)); }
670 /** Returns the number of destination objects with which this object connects that are the specified class type and that satisfy the given criteria.
671 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
672 * \return The number of destination objects that are the specified class type and that satisfy the given criteria. */
673 template <class T> inline int GetDstObjectCount(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria) const { return RootProperty.GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria); }
675 /** Returns the destination object with which this object connects that is the specified class type at the specified index.
676 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
677 * \return The destination object of the specified class type at the specified index, NULL if not found. */
678 template <class T> inline T* GetDstObject(int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.GetDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pIndex); }
680 /** Returns the destination object with which this object connects that is the specified class type and that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index.
681 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
682 * \param pIndex The specified index whose default value is 0.
683 * \return The destination object that is the specified class type and that satisfies the given criteria at the specified index, NULL if not found. */
684 template <class T> inline T* GetDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, int pIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.GetDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pIndex); }
686 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name which is of the specified class type, starting at the specified index.
687 * \param pName The object name.
688 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
689 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found. */
690 template <class T> inline T* FindDstObject(const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.FindDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId), pName, pStartIndex); }
692 /** Searches the destination object with the specified name that is the specified class type and that satisfies the given criteria, starting at the specified index.
693 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
694 * \param pName The object name.
695 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
696 * \return The source object with the name, NULL if not found. */
697 template <class T> inline T* FindDstObject(const FbxCriteria& pCriteria, const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return (T*)RootProperty.FindDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(T::ClassId) && pCriteria, pName, pStartIndex); }
698 //@}
700 /**
701 * \name Property Management
702 */
703 //@{
704 /** Returns the first property of this object.
705 * \return The first property of this object.
706 */
707 inline FbxProperty GetFirstProperty() const
708 {
709 return RootProperty.GetFirstDescendent();
710 }
712 /** Returns the next property of this object that follows the specified property.
713 * \param pProperty The specified property.
714 * \return The next property of this object that follows pProperty.
715 */
716 inline FbxProperty GetNextProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty) const
717 {
718 return RootProperty.GetNextDescendent(pProperty);
719 }
721 /** Searches a property by name.
722 * \param pName The property name.
723 * \param pCaseSensitive Whether the name is case-sensitive.
724 * \return A valid FbxProperty if found, else an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
725 */
726 inline FbxProperty FindProperty(const char* pName, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const
727 {
728 return RootProperty.Find(pName, pCaseSensitive );
729 }
731 /** Searches a property by name and data type.
732 * \param pName The property name.
733 * \param pDataType The data type of the property.
734 * \param pCaseSensitive Whether the name is case-sensitive.
735 * \return A valid FbxProperty if the property is found, else an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
736 */
737 inline FbxProperty FindProperty(const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const
738 {
739 return RootProperty.Find(pName, pDataType, pCaseSensitive );
740 }
742 /** Searches a property by full name.
743 * \param pName The full name of the property as a \c NULL terminated string.
744 * \param pCaseSensitive whether or not the name is case-sensitive.
745 * \return A valid FbxProperty if the property is found, else
746 * an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
747 */
748 inline FbxProperty FindPropertyHierarchical(const char* pName, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const
749 {
750 return RootProperty.FindHierarchical(pName, pCaseSensitive );
751 }
753 /** Searches a property by full name and data type.
754 * \param pName The full name of the property as a \c NULL terminated string.
755 * \param pDataType The data type of the property.
756 * \param pCaseSensitive whether or not the name is case-sensitive.
757 * \return A valid FbxProperty if the property is found, else
758 * an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid()
759 */
760 inline FbxProperty FindPropertyHierarchical(const char* pName, const FbxDataType& pDataType, bool pCaseSensitive = true) const
761 {
762 return RootProperty.FindHierarchical(pName, pDataType, pCaseSensitive );
763 }
765 /** Returns the class root property.
766 * \return The class root property if it exists, else an invalid FbxProperty. See FbxProperty::IsValid().
767 * \remarks Class FbxObject and its sub-classes all have a class root property. This class root property contains basic information about the class type, such as the class name.
768 */
769 FbxProperty GetClassRootProperty();
771 /** Connects this object to a source property.
772 * \param pProperty The source property with which this object connects.
773 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
774 */
775 inline bool ConnectSrcProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty) { return RootProperty.ConnectSrcProperty(pProperty); }
777 /** Determines whether this object connects with the specified source property.
778 * \param pProperty The specified source property.
779 * \return \c True if this object connects with the specified source property, \c false otherwise.
780 */
781 inline bool IsConnectedSrcProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty) { return RootProperty.IsConnectedSrcProperty(pProperty); }
783 /** Disconnects this object from the specified source property.
784 * \param pProperty The specified source property.
785 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
786 */
787 inline bool DisconnectSrcProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty) { return RootProperty.DisconnectSrcProperty(pProperty); }
789 /** Returns the number of source properties with which this object connects.
790 * \return The number of source properties with which this object connects.
791 */
792 inline int GetSrcPropertyCount() const { return RootProperty.GetSrcPropertyCount(); }
794 /** Returns the source property at the specified index with which this object connects.
795 * \param pIndex The specified index.
796 * \return The source property at the specified index.
797 */
798 inline FbxProperty GetSrcProperty(int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetSrcProperty(pIndex); }
800 /** Searches a source property with which this object connects that has a specific name, starting at the specified index.
801 * \param pName The specified property name.
802 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
803 * \return The source property with the specified name.
804 */
805 inline FbxProperty FindSrcProperty(const char* pName,int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindSrcProperty(pName,pStartIndex); }
807 /** Connects this object to a destination property.
808 * \param pProperty The destination property with which this object connects.
809 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
810 */
811 inline bool ConnectDstProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty) { return RootProperty.ConnectDstProperty(pProperty); }
813 /** Determines if this object connects with the specified destination property.
814 * \param pProperty The specified destination property.
815 * \return \c True if this object connects with the specified destination property, \c false otherwise.
816 */
817 inline bool IsConnectedDstProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty) { return RootProperty.IsConnectedDstProperty(pProperty); }
819 /** Disconnects this object from the specified destination property.
820 * \param pProperty The specified destination property.
821 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
822 */
823 inline bool DisconnectDstProperty(const FbxProperty& pProperty) { return RootProperty.DisconnectDstProperty(pProperty); }
825 /** Returns the number of destination properties with which this object connects.
826 * \return The number of destination properties with which this object connects.
827 */
828 inline int GetDstPropertyCount() const { return RootProperty.GetDstPropertyCount(); }
830 /** Returns the destination property at the specified index with which this object connects.
831 * \param pIndex The specified index.
832 * \return The destination property at the specified index.
833 */
834 inline FbxProperty GetDstProperty(int pIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.GetDstProperty(pIndex); }
836 /** Searches a destination property with which this object connects that has a specific name, starting at the specified index.
837 * \param pName The specified property name.
838 * \param pStartIndex The start index.
839 * \return The destination property with the specified name.
840 */
841 inline FbxProperty FindDstProperty(const char* pName, int pStartIndex=0) const { return RootProperty.FindDstProperty(pName,pStartIndex); }
842 //@}
844 /**
845 * \name Off-Loading Management
846 * \remarks You can modify the unloaded state flag using the SetObjectFlags()
847 * method. The ContentIsUnloaded() method below (implemented in this class)
848 * is simply a synonym of GetObjectFlags(eCONTENT_UNLOADED_FLAG)
849 */
850 //@{
851 /** Unloads this object's content using the offload peripheral that is currently set in the document
852 * then flushes it from memory.
853 * \return 2 if the object's content is already unloaded or 1 if
854 * this object's content has been successfully unloaded to the current
855 * peripheral.
856 *
857 * \remarks If the content is locked more than once, or the peripheral cannot handle
858 * this object's unloading, or if an error occurs, this method returns 0 and does not flush the content.
859 */
860 int ContentUnload();
862 /** Loads this object's content using the offload peripheral that is currently set in the document.
863 * \return 1 if this object's content has been successfully loaded from the current
864 * peripheral, 2 if the content is already loaded, and 0 if an error occurs or
865 * the object's content is locked.
866 * \remarks On a successful Load attempt, the object content is locked.
867 */
868 int ContentLoad();
870 /** Judges if this object's content is loaded.
871 * \return \c True if this object's content is loaded, \c false otherwise.
872 * \remarks An object that has not been filled yet must be considered
873 * unloaded.
874 */
875 bool ContentIsLoaded() const;
877 /** Decreases the content lock count of an object. If the content lock count of an object
878 * is greater than 0, the content of the object is considered locked.
879 */
880 void ContentDecrementLockCount();
882 /** Increases the content lock count of an object. If the content lock count of an object
883 * is greater than 0, the content of the object is considered locked.
884 */
885 void ContentIncrementLockCount();
887 /** Judges if this object's content is locked. The content is considered locked if the content lock count
888 * is greater than 0
889 * \return \c True if this object's content is locked, \c false otherwise.
890 * \remarks A locked state prevents the object content from being unloaded from memory but
891 * does not block the loading.
892 */
893 bool ContentIsLocked() const;
895 /** Writes the content of the object to the given stream.
896 * \param pStream The destination stream.
897 * \return \c True if the content is successfully processed
898 * by the receiving stream, \c false otherwise.
899 */
900 virtual bool ContentWriteTo(FbxStream& pStream) const;
902 /** Reads the content of the object from the given stream.
903 * \param pStream The source stream.
904 * \return \c True if the object fills itself with the received data
905 * from the stream successfully, \c false otherwise.
906 */
907 virtual bool ContentReadFrom(const FbxStream& pStream);
908 //@}
910 /**
911 * \name Logging.
912 */
913 //@{
914 /** Emits a message in all available message emitters in the document or SDK manager.
915 * \param pMessage The message to emit.
916 * \remarks The ownership of the message is transferred, don't delete it.
917 */
918 void EmitMessage(FbxMessage* pMessage) const;
919 //@}
921 /**
922 * \name Localization helper.
923 */
924 //@{
925 /** Localization helper function, it calls the implementation of FBX SDK manager.
926 * Sub-classes that manage their own localization could over-ride this function.
927 * \param pID The identifier of the text to be localized.
928 * \param pDefault The default text. Uses pID as the default text if pDefault is NULL.
929 * \return The localized text or the default text if the text can't be localized, .
930 */
931 virtual const char* Localize(const char* pID, const char* pDefault=NULL) const;
932 //@}
934 /**
935 * \name Application Implementation Management
936 */
937 //@{
938 /** Returns a handle on the parent library of this object.
939 * \return The parent library of this object, or \c NULL if the parent library doesn't exist.
940 */
941 FbxLibrary* GetParentLibrary() const;
943 /** Adds an implementation.
944 * \param pImplementation The implementation to be added.
945 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
946 * \remarks To succeed this function must be called with an implementation that has not already been added to this node.
947 */
948 bool AddImplementation(FbxImplementation* pImplementation);
950 /** Removes an implementation.
951 * \param pImplementation The implementation to be removed.
952 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
953 * \remarks To succeed this function must be called with an implementation that has already been added to this node.
954 */
955 bool RemoveImplementation(FbxImplementation* pImplementation);
957 /** Determines if this shading node has a default implementation.
958 * \return \c True if this shading node has a default implementation, \c false otherwise.
959 */
960 bool HasDefaultImplementation(void) const;
962 /** Returns the default implementation of this shading node.
963 * \return The default implementation of this shading node.
964 */
965 FbxImplementation* GetDefaultImplementation(void) const;
967 /** Sets the default implementation of this shading node.
968 * \param pImplementation The implementation to be set.
969 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
970 * \remarks To succeed this function must be called with an implementation that has already been added to this node.
971 * Only the implementation which has already been added can be set as the default implementation.
972 */
973 bool SetDefaultImplementation(FbxImplementation* pImplementation);
975 /** Returns the number of implementations that satisfy a given criteria.
976 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
977 * \returns The number of implementations.
978 */
979 int GetImplementationCount(const FbxImplementationFilter* pCriteria=NULL) const;
981 /** Returns the implementation at the specified index that satisfies the given criteria.
982 * \param pIndex The specified index.
983 * \param pCriteria The given criteria.
984 * \return The implementation at the specified index, NULL if not found.
985 */
986 FbxImplementation* GetImplementation(int pIndex, const FbxImplementationFilter* pCriteria=NULL) const;
987 //@}
989 /**
990 * \name Object Storage && Retrieval
991 */
992 //@{
993 /** Returns the URL of this object.
994 * \return The URL of this object.
995 * \remarks The URL indicates where the object is stored.
996 */
997 virtual FbxString GetUrl() const;
999 /** Sets the URL of this object.
1000 * \param pUrl The URL to be set.
1001 * \return \c True on success, \c false otherwise.
1002 * \remarks The URL indicates where the object is stored.
1003 */
1004 virtual bool SetUrl(char* pUrl);
1005 //@}
1007 /** \name Run-time ClassId Management */
1008 //@{
1009 /** Set the run-time ClassId for this class. In most contexts, users do not have to change the run-time ClassId, they are automatically generated when registered a new class during run-time.
1010 * \param pClassId The ClassId to set as the run-time ClassId for this object. */
1011 void SetRuntimeClassId(const FbxClassId& pClassId);
1013 /** Retrieve the run-time ClassId for this object.
1014 * \return The run-time ClassId for this object. */
1015 FbxClassId GetRuntimeClassId() const;
1017 /** Test if this class is a hierarchical children of the specified class type. This test will be performed on the run-time class registered with the FBX SDK Manager rather than the static ClassId generated at compile time.
1018 * \param pClassId The class type to test against self.
1019 * \return True if the object is a hierarchical children of the type specified.
1020 * \remarks This function will perform a complete search until it reaches the top level class, but it will stop as soon as one ClassId matches the test. */
1021 bool IsRuntime(const FbxClassId& pClassId) const;
1023 /** Find out if the ClassId was registered during run-time rather than at compile time.
1024 * \return True if the run-time ClassId is inequal to the ClassId. */
1025 bool IsRuntimePlug() const;
1026 //@}
1028 /** Compact the memory used by this object.
1029 * \remark Note that this function might not result in saved memory because it depends if the sub-class implements it, or if any memory can actually be saved. */
1030 virtual void Compact();
1032 //! The root property that holds all children property for this object
1033 FbxProperty RootProperty;
1036 /** Optional constructor override, automatically called by default constructor.
1037 * \param pFrom If not null, the function must take it into account like a copy constructor.
1038 * \remark In case it is decided to override this function, do not forget to call ParentClass::Construct(pFrom) at the beginning. */
1039 virtual void Construct(const FbxObject* pFrom);
1041 /** Optional property constructor override, automatically called by default constructor.
1042 * \param pForceSet If the property value must be set regardless of default value.
1043 * \remark If your object have properties, they must be initialized in this function. */
1044 virtual void ConstructProperties(bool pForceSet);
1046 /** Optional destructor override, automatically called by default destructor.
1047 * \param pRecursive If true, children objects should be destroyed as well.
1048 * \remark In case it is decided to override this function, do not forget to call ParentClass::Destruct(pResursive) at the end. */
1049 virtual void Destruct(bool pRecursive);
1051 /** Clears this object's content from memory. This method must be overridden in the derived classes.
1052 * \remark This method is called by ContentUnload() if the object content's unloading is successful. */
1053 virtual void ContentClear();
1055 /** Retrieves the peripheral of that object.
1056 * \return The current peripheral for that object
1057 * \remark A peripheral manipulates the content of an object. For instance, a peripheral can load the connections of an object on demand. */
1058 virtual FbxPeripheral* GetPeripheral();
1061** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
1065 virtual bool Compare(FbxObject* pOtherObject);
1067 //Basic comparison operator implementation. It simply compare property values between source and target.
1068 //NOTE: If a property cannot be found on one of the object, the comparison fails (return false).
1069 //Different classid will fail comparison as well as different property count. Reference properties are not compared.
1070 bool operator==(const FbxObject& pObject);
1071 bool operator!=(const FbxObject& pObject);
1073 virtual void SetDocument(FbxDocument* pDocument);
1075 inline FbxPropertyHandle& GetPropertyHandle() { return RootProperty.mPropertyHandle; }
1077 //Important note: If this function is not implemented, the pFileSubTypeName string used when registering your
1078 //class via FbxManager::RegisterFbxClass will be used instead. This makes it useless to re-implement this
1079 //function if you do not intend to return a different string for the same class.
1080 virtual const char* GetTypeName() const;
1081 virtual FbxStringList GetTypeFlags() const;
1083 // This function will go as deep as possible to clear the Connection list without sending
1084 // notifications to the connections to give them the chance to Disconnect themselves.
1085 // This is a bypass of the intended workflow and should be used with care.
1086 void WipeAllConnections();
1088 //Used as global flag to modify the behavior of FbxObject::Destruct() during a ForceKill() on the scene. This is for internal use.
1089 static void SetWipeMode(bool pState);
1090 static bool GetWipeMode();
1093 FbxObject(FbxManager& pManager, const char* pName);
1095 enum EPropertyNotifyType
1096 {
1097 ePropertySetRequest,
1098 ePropertySet,
1099 ePropertyGet
1100 };
1102 virtual bool ConnectNotify(const FbxConnectEvent& pEvent);
1103 virtual bool PropertyNotify(EPropertyNotifyType pType, FbxProperty& pProperty);
1104 bool Copyable(const FbxObject& pObject);
1107 void CopyPropertiesFrom(const FbxObject& pFrom);
1108 void SetClassRootProperty(FbxProperty& lProperty);
1109 int GetFlatPropertyCount() const;
1111 FbxNameHandler mName;
1112 FbxClassId mRuntimeClassId;
1113 FbxUserDataRecord* mUserData;
1114 FbxManager* mManager;
1115 FbxImplementation* mDefaultImplementation;
1116 FbxUInt64 mUniqueID;
1117 FbxInt32 mObjectFlags;
1118 FbxInt32 mContentLockCount;
1119 FbxInt32 mUserDataCount;
1120 static bool mWipeMode;
1122 friend class FbxProperty;
1123#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
1126/** A utility class for iterating over the properties (FbxProperty) of any FbxObject.
1127* \nosubgrouping
1129template<typename FbxProperty> class FbxIterator
1132 /** Constructor.
1133 *\param pObject The object whose properties are going to be iterated.
1134 */
1135 FbxIterator(const FbxObject* pObject) : mObject(pObject) {}
1137 /** Get the first property of the object.
1138 * \return The first property of the object.
1139 */
1140 inline const FbxProperty& GetFirst() { mProperty = mObject->GetFirstProperty(); return mProperty; }
1142 /** Get next property of the object.
1143 * \return The next property of the object.
1144 */
1145 inline const FbxProperty& GetNext() { mProperty = mObject->GetNextProperty(mProperty); return mProperty; }
1148 FbxProperty mProperty;
1149 const FbxObject* mObject;
1152/** A utility class for iterating over source objects that connect to property (FbxProperty) or object (FbxObject).
1153* \nosubgrouping
1155class FbxIteratorSrcBase
1158 /**
1159 * Constructor.
1160 * \param pProperty Property object. The iterator will iterate source objects that connect to it.
1161 * \param pClassId The class ID specifies the type of the source objects.
1162 */
1163 inline FbxIteratorSrcBase(FbxProperty& pProperty,FbxClassId pClassId) :
1164 mProperty(pProperty),
1165 mClassId(pClassId),
1166 mSize(0),
1167 mIndex(-1)
1168 {
1169 ResetToBegin();
1170 }
1172 /**
1173 * Constructor.
1174 * \param pObject FBX object. The iterator will iterate source objects that connect to it.
1175 * \param pClassId The class ID specifies the type of the source objects.
1176 */
1177 inline FbxIteratorSrcBase(FbxObject* pObject,FbxClassId pClassId) :
1178 mProperty(pObject->RootProperty),
1179 mClassId(pClassId),
1180 mSize(0),
1181 mIndex(-1)
1182 {
1183 ResetToBegin();
1184 }
1186 /**
1187 * Get the first source object that connects to the property or object.
1188 * \return The first source object.
1189 */
1190 inline FbxObject* GetFirst()
1191 {
1192 ResetToBegin();
1193 return GetNext();
1194 }
1196 /**
1197 * Get next source object that connects to the property or object.
1198 * \return The next source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1199 */
1200 inline FbxObject* GetNext()
1201 {
1202 mIndex++;
1203 return ((mIndex>=0) && (mIndex<mSize)) ? mProperty.GetSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId), mIndex) : NULL;
1204 }
1206 /**
1207 * Get next source object that connects to the property or object.
1208 * \return The next source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1209 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1210 */
1211 inline FbxObject* GetSafeNext()
1212 {
1213 mSize = mProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1214 return GetNext();
1215 }
1217 /**
1218 * Get the last source object that connects to the property or object.
1219 * \return The last source object.
1220 */
1221 inline FbxObject* GetLast()
1222 {
1223 ResetToEnd();
1224 return GetPrevious();
1225 }
1227 /**
1228 * Get previous source object that connects to the property or object.
1229 * \return The previous source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1230 */
1231 inline FbxObject* GetPrevious()
1232 {
1233 mIndex--;
1234 return ((mIndex>=0) && (mIndex<mSize)) ? mProperty.GetSrcObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId), mIndex) : NULL;
1235 }
1237 /**
1238 * Get previous source object that connects to the property or object.
1239 * \return The previous source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1240 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1241 * If the iterate index is out of bounds, the last source object is returned.
1242 */
1243 inline FbxObject* GetSafePrevious()
1244 {
1245 mSize = mProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1246 while (mIndex>mSize) mIndex--;
1247 return GetPrevious();
1248 }
1251 /**
1252 * Reset the iterate index to the beginning.
1253 */
1254 inline void ResetToBegin()
1255 {
1256 mSize = mProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1257 mIndex = -1;
1258 }
1260 /**
1261 * Reset the iterate index to the end.
1262 */
1263 inline void ResetToEnd()
1264 {
1265 mSize = mProperty.GetSrcObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1266 mIndex = mSize;
1267 }
1269 FbxProperty mProperty; //! The property to iterate. If iterate an object, this is the root property of the object.
1270 FbxClassId mClassId; //! The class ID specifies the type of the source objects to be retrieved.
1271 int mSize; //! The number of source objects whose type is specified by mClassId.
1272 int mIndex; //! Iterate index.
1276 * A utility class for iterating over source objects that connect to property (FbxProperty) or object (FbxObject).
1277 * The class is a wrapper of FbxIteratorSrcBase with template.
1278 * \nosubgrouping
1279 */
1280template<class Type> class FbxIteratorSrc : protected FbxIteratorSrcBase
1283 /**
1284 * Constructor.
1285 * \param pObject FBX object. The iterator will iterate source objects that connect to it.
1286 */
1287 inline FbxIteratorSrc(FbxObject* pObject) : FbxIteratorSrcBase(pObject,Type::ClassId) {}
1289 /**
1290 * Constructor.
1291 * \param pProperty Property object. The iterator will iterate source objects that connect to it.
1292 */
1293 inline FbxIteratorSrc(FbxProperty& pProperty) : FbxIteratorSrcBase(pProperty,Type::ClassId) {}
1295 /**
1296 * Get the first source object that connects to the property or object.
1297 * \return The first source object.
1298 */
1299 inline Type* GetFirst() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorSrcBase::GetFirst(); }
1301 /**
1302 * Get next source object that connects to the property or object.
1303 * \return The next source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1304 */
1305 inline Type* GetNext() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorSrcBase::GetNext(); }
1307 /**
1308 * Get next source object that connects to the property or object.
1309 * \return The next source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1310 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1311 */
1312 inline Type* GetSafeNext() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorSrcBase::GetSafeNext(); }
1314 /**
1315 * Get the last source object that connects to the property or object.
1316 * \return The last source object.
1317 */
1318 inline Type* GetLast() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorSrcBase::GetLast(); }
1321 /**
1322 * Get previous source object that connects to the property or object.
1323 * \return The previous source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1324 */
1325 inline Type* GetPrevious() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorSrcBase::GetPrevious(); }
1327 /**
1328 * Get previous source object that connects to the property or object.
1329 * \return The previous source object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1330 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1331 * If the iterate index is out of bounds, the last source object is returned.
1332 */
1333 inline Type* GetSafePrevious() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorSrcBase::GetSafePrevious(); }
1336/** A utility class for iterating over destination objects that connect to property (FbxProperty) or object (FbxObject).
1337* \nosubgrouping
1339class FbxIteratorDstBase
1342 /** The property to iterate. If iterate an object, this is the root property of the object. */
1343 FbxProperty mProperty;
1344 /** The class ID specifies the type of the destination objects to be retrieved. */
1345 FbxClassId mClassId;
1346 /** The number of destination objects whose type is specified by mClassId. */
1347 int mSize;
1348 /** Iterate index. */
1349 int mIndex;
1352 /**
1353 * Constructor.
1354 * \param pProperty Property object. The iterator will iterate destination objects that connect to it.
1355 * \param pClassId The class ID specifies the type of the destination objects.
1356 */
1357 inline FbxIteratorDstBase(FbxProperty& pProperty,FbxClassId pClassId) :
1358 mProperty(pProperty),
1359 mClassId(pClassId),
1360 mSize(0),
1361 mIndex(-1)
1362 {
1363 ResetToBegin();
1364 }
1366 /**
1367 * Constructor.
1368 * \param pObject FBX object. The iterator will iterate source objects that connect to it.
1369 * \param pClassId The class ID specifies the type of the source objects.
1370 */
1371 inline FbxIteratorDstBase(FbxObject* pObject,FbxClassId pClassId) :
1372 mProperty(pObject->RootProperty),
1373 mClassId(pClassId),
1374 mSize(0),
1375 mIndex(-1)
1376 {
1377 ResetToBegin();
1378 }
1380 /**
1381 * Get the first destination object that connects to the property or object.
1382 * \return The first destination object.
1383 */
1384 inline FbxObject* GetFirst()
1385 {
1386 ResetToBegin();
1387 return GetNext();
1388 }
1390 /**
1391 * Get next destination object that connects to the property or object.
1392 * \return The next destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1393 */
1394 inline FbxObject* GetNext()
1395 {
1396 mIndex++;
1397 return ((mIndex>=0) && (mIndex<mSize)) ? mProperty.GetDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId), mIndex) : NULL;
1398 }
1400 /**
1401 * Get next destination object that connects to the property or object.
1402 * \return The next destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1403 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1404 */
1405 inline FbxObject* GetSafeNext()
1406 {
1407 mSize = mProperty.GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1408 return GetNext();
1409 }
1411 /**
1412 * Get the last destination object that connects to the property or object.
1413 * \return The last destination object.
1414 */
1415 inline FbxObject* GetLast()
1416 {
1417 ResetToEnd();
1418 return GetPrevious();
1419 }
1421 /**
1422 * Get previous destination object that connects to the property or object.
1423 * \return The previous destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1424 */
1425 inline FbxObject* GetPrevious()
1426 {
1427 mIndex--;
1428 return ((mIndex>=0) && (mIndex<mSize)) ? mProperty.GetDstObject(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId), mIndex) : NULL;
1429 }
1431 /**
1432 * Get previous destination object that connects to the property or object.
1433 * \return The previous destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1434 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1435 * If the iterate index is out of bounds, the last destination object is returned.
1436 */
1437 inline FbxObject* GetSafePrevious()
1438 {
1439 mSize = mProperty.GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1440 while (mIndex>mSize) mIndex--;
1441 return GetPrevious();
1442 }
1445 /**
1446 * Reset the iterate index to the beginning.
1447 */
1448 inline void ResetToBegin()
1449 {
1450 mSize = mProperty.GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1451 mIndex = -1;
1452 }
1454 /**
1455 * Reset the iterate index to the end.
1456 */
1457 inline void ResetToEnd()
1458 {
1459 mSize = mProperty.GetDstObjectCount(FbxCriteria::ObjectType(mClassId));
1460 mIndex = mSize;
1461 }
1465 * A utility class for iterating over destination objects that connect to property (FbxProperty) or object (FbxObject).
1466 * The class is a wrapper of FbxIteratorDstBase with template.
1467 * \nosubgrouping
1468 */
1469template<class Type> class FbxIteratorDst : protected FbxIteratorDstBase
1472 /**
1473 * Constructor.
1474 * \param pObject FBX object. The iterator will iterate destination objects that connect to it.
1475 */
1476 inline FbxIteratorDst(FbxObject* pObject) : FbxIteratorDstBase(pObject,Type::ClassId) {}
1478 /**
1479 * Constructor.
1480 * \param pProperty Property object. The iterator will iterate destination objects that connect to it.
1481 */
1482 inline FbxIteratorDst(FbxProperty& pProperty) : FbxIteratorDstBase(pProperty,Type::ClassId) {}
1484 /**
1485 * Get the first destination object that connects to the property or object.
1486 * \return The first destination object.
1487 */
1488 inline Type* GetFirst() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorDstBase::GetFirst(); }
1490 /**
1491 * Get next destination object that connects to the property or object.
1492 * \return The next destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1493 */
1494 inline Type* GetNext() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorDstBase::GetNext(); }
1496 /**
1497 * Get next destination object that connects to the property or object.
1498 * \return The next destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1499 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1500 */
1501 inline Type* GetSafeNext() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorDstBase::GetSafeNext(); }
1503 /**
1504 * Get the last destination object that connects to the property or object.
1505 * \return The last destination object.
1506 */
1507 inline Type* GetLast() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorDstBase::GetLast(); }
1509 /**
1510 * Get previous destination object that connects to the property or object.
1511 * \return The previous destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1512 */
1513 inline Type* GetPrevious() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorDstBase::GetPrevious(); }
1515 /**
1516 * Get previous destination object that connects to the property or object.
1517 * \return The previous destination object. If there are no more objects, return NULL.
1518 * \remark This method makes sure the iterate index is not out of bounds.
1519 * If the iterate index is out of bounds, the last destination object is returned.
1520 */
1521 inline Type* GetSafePrevious() { return (Type*)FbxIteratorDstBase::GetSafePrevious(); }
1524/** Convert the class type parameter into a C class parameter for other function inputs.
1525 * Usage example:
1526 * \code
1527 * //Assuming MyCamera is a valid FbxCamera object
1528 * bool AreCamerasObject = MyCamera->Is<FbxObject>(); //Should return true :)
1529 * \endcode
1530 */
1531#define FBX_TYPE(class) ((const class*)0)
1533/** Safe casting of FBX SDK objects into other FBX SDK class types. This cast will perform
1534 * the complete test to make sure the object inherits from the requested class type. This is
1535 * the equivalent of a dynamic_cast but much faster.
1536 * \param pObject The object to try to cast into T type.
1537 * \return A non-null pointer if the cast was successful.
1538 */
1539template <class T> inline T* FbxCast(FbxObject* pObject)
1541 return pObject && pObject->Is<T>() ? (T*)pObject : 0;
1544/** Safe const casting of FBX SDK objects into other FBX SDK class types. This cast will perform
1545 * the complete test to make sure the object inherits from the requested class type. This is
1546 * the equivalent of a dynamic_cast but much faster.
1547 * \param pObject The object to try to cast into T type.
1548 * \return A non-null pointer if the cast was successful.
1549 */
1550template <class T> inline const T* FbxCast(const FbxObject* pObject)
1552 return pObject && pObject->Is<T>() ? (const T*)pObject : 0;
1555//! Macro used to iterate over source or destination objects that connect to property (FbxProperty) or object (FbxObject).
1556#define FbxForEach(Iterator, Object) for((Object)=(Iterator).GetFirst();(Object)!=0;(Object)=(Iterator).GetNext())
1558//! Macro used to reversely iterate over source or destination objects that connect to property (FbxProperty) or object (FbxObject)
1559#define FbxForEachReverse(Iterator, Object) for(Object=(Iterator).GetLast();(Object)!=0;Object=(Iterator).GetPrevious())
1562** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
1565class FBXSDK_DLL FbxConnectEvent
1568 enum EType
1569 {
1570 eConnectRequest,
1571 eConnect,
1572 eConnected,
1573 eDisconnectRequest,
1574 eDisconnect,
1575 eDisconnected
1576 };
1578 enum EDirection
1579 {
1580 eSource,
1581 eDestination
1582 };
1584 inline FbxConnectEvent(EType pType,EDirection pDir,FbxProperty *pSrc,FbxProperty *pDst) :
1585 mType(pType),
1586 mDirection(pDir),
1587 mSrc(pSrc),
1588 mDst(pDst)
1589 {
1590 }
1591 inline EType GetType() const { return mType; }
1592 inline EDirection GetDirection() const { return mDirection; }
1593 inline FbxProperty& GetSrc() const { return *mSrc; }
1594 inline FbxProperty& GetDst() const { return *mDst; }
1595 template <class T> inline T* GetSrcIfObject() const { return mSrc->IsRoot() ? FbxCast<T>(mSrc->GetFbxObject()) : (T*)0; }
1596 template <class T> inline T* GetDstIfObject() const { return mDst->IsRoot() ? FbxCast<T>(mDst->GetFbxObject()) : (T*)0; }
1599 EType mType;
1600 EDirection mDirection;
1601 FbxProperty* mSrc;
1602 FbxProperty* mDst;
1605class FbxObjectPropertyChanged : public FbxEvent<FbxObjectPropertyChanged>
1607 FBXSDK_EVENT_DECLARE(FbxObjectPropertyChanged);
1610 FbxObjectPropertyChanged(FbxProperty pProp) : mProp(pProp) {}
1611 FbxProperty mProp;
1613#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
1615#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>
1617#endif /* _FBXSDK_CORE_OBJECT_H_ */