1 | // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. |
2 | // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. |
3 | // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. |
4 | #ifndef __STRONG_NAME_H |
5 | #define __STRONG_NAME_H |
6 | |
7 | // =========================================================================== |
8 | // File: StrongName.h |
9 | // |
10 | // Wrappers for signing and hashing functions needed to implement strong names |
11 | // =========================================================================== |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | #include <windows.h> |
15 | #include <wincrypt.h> |
16 | #include <ole2.h> |
17 | |
18 | #include <corerror.h> |
19 | #include <winapifamily.h> |
20 | |
22 | |
23 | #ifdef __cplusplus |
24 | extern "C" { |
25 | #endif |
26 | |
27 | |
28 | // Public key blob binary format. |
29 | typedef struct { |
30 | unsigned int SigAlgID; // (ALG_ID) signature algorithm used to create the signature |
31 | unsigned int HashAlgID; // (ALG_ID) hash algorithm used to create the signature |
32 | ULONG cbPublicKey; // length of the key in bytes |
33 | BYTE PublicKey[1]; // variable length byte array containing the key value in format output by CryptoAPI |
34 | } PublicKeyBlob; |
35 | |
36 | |
37 | // Location in the registry (under HKLM) that strong name configuration info is |
38 | // stored. |
39 | #define SN_CONFIG_KEY "Software\\Microsoft\\StrongName" |
40 | #define SN_CONFIG_CSP "CSP" // REG_SZ |
41 | #define SN_CONFIG_MACHINE_KEYSET "MachineKeyset" // REG_DWORD |
42 | #define SN_CONFIG_KEYSPEC "KeySpec" // REG_DWORD |
43 | #define SN_CONFIG_HASH_ALG "HashAlgorithm" // REG_DWORD |
44 | #define SN_CONFIG_SIGN_ALG "SignAlgorithm" // REG_DWORD |
45 | #define SN_CONFIG_VERIFICATION "Verification" // Registry subkey |
46 | #define SN_CONFIG_USERLIST "UserList" // REG_MULTI_SZ |
47 | #define SN_CONFIG_CACHE_VERIFY "CacheVerify" // REG_DWORD |
48 | |
49 | #define SN_CONFIG_KEY_W L"Software\\Microsoft\\StrongName" |
50 | #define SN_CONFIG_CSP_W L"CSP" // REG_SZ |
51 | #define SN_CONFIG_PROV_TYPE_W L"ProvType" // REG_DWORD |
52 | #define SN_CONFIG_MACHINE_KEYSET_W L"MachineKeyset" // REG_DWORD |
53 | #define SN_CONFIG_KEYSPEC_W L"KeySpec" // REG_DWORD |
54 | #define SN_CONFIG_HASH_ALG_W L"HashAlgorithm" // REG_DWORD |
55 | #define SN_CONFIG_SIGN_ALG_W L"SignAlgorithm" // REG_DWORD |
56 | #define SN_CONFIG_VERIFICATION_W L"Verification" // Registry subkey |
57 | #define SN_CONFIG_USERLIST_W L"UserList" // REG_MULTI_SZ |
58 | #define SN_CONFIG_TESTPUBLICKEY_W L"TestPublicKey" // REG_SZ |
59 | #define SN_CONFIG_CACHE_VERIFY_W L"CacheVerify" // REG_DWORD |
60 | |
61 | // VM related registry locations (Note, these values are under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework, rather |
62 | // than SN_CONFIG_KEY |
63 | #define SN_CONFIG_BYPASS_POLICY "AllowStrongNameBypass" // REG_DWORD |
64 | #define SN_CONFIG_BYPASS_POLICY_W L"AllowStrongNameBypass" // REG_DWORD |
65 | |
66 | #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(USE_DEPRECATED_CLR_API_WITHOUT_WARNING) |
67 | #define DEPRECATED_CLR_API_MESG "This API has been deprecated. Refer to http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=143720 for more details." |
68 | #define DECLARE_DEPRECATED __declspec(deprecated(DEPRECATED_CLR_API_MESG)) |
72 | |
74 | #define SNAPI_(_type) DECLARE_DEPRECATED _type __stdcall |
75 | |
76 | // Return last error. |
77 | SNAPI_(DWORD) StrongNameErrorInfo(VOID); |
78 | |
79 | |
80 | // Free buffer allocated by routines below. |
81 | SNAPI_(VOID) StrongNameFreeBuffer(BYTE *pbMemory); // [in] address of memory to free |
82 | |
83 | |
84 | // Generate a new key pair for strong name use. |
85 | SNAPI StrongNameKeyGen(LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer, // [in] desired key container name |
86 | DWORD dwFlags, // [in] flags (see below) |
87 | BYTE **ppbKeyBlob, // [out] public/private key blob |
88 | ULONG *pcbKeyBlob); |
89 | |
90 | // Generate a new key pair with the specified key size for strong name use. |
91 | SNAPI StrongNameKeyGenEx(LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer, // [in] desired key container name, must be a non-empty string |
92 | DWORD dwFlags, // [in] flags (see below) |
93 | DWORD dwKeySize, // [in] desired key size. |
94 | BYTE **ppbKeyBlob, // [out] public/private key blob |
95 | ULONG *pcbKeyBlob); |
96 | |
97 | // Flags for StrongNameKeyGen. |
98 | #define SN_LEAVE_KEY 0x00000001 // Leave key pair registered with CSP |
99 | |
100 | |
101 | // Import key pair into a key container. |
102 | SNAPI StrongNameKeyInstall(LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer,// [in] desired key container name, must be a non-empty string |
103 | BYTE *pbKeyBlob, // [in] public/private key pair blob |
104 | ULONG cbKeyBlob); |
105 | |
106 | |
107 | // Delete a key pair. |
108 | SNAPI StrongNameKeyDelete(LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer); // [in] desired key container name |
109 | |
110 | // Retrieve the public portion of a key pair. |
111 | SNAPI StrongNameGetPublicKey (LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer, // [in] desired key container name |
112 | BYTE *pbKeyBlob, // [in] public/private key blob (optional) |
113 | ULONG cbKeyBlob, |
114 | BYTE **ppbPublicKeyBlob, // [out] public key blob |
115 | ULONG *pcbPublicKeyBlob); |
116 | |
117 | // Retrieve the public portion of a key pair. |
118 | SNAPI StrongNameGetPublicKeyEx (LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer, // [in] desired key container name |
119 | BYTE *pbKeyBlob, // [in] public/private key blob (optional) |
120 | ULONG cbKeyBlob, |
121 | BYTE **ppbPublicKeyBlob, // [out] public key blob |
122 | ULONG *pcbPublicKeyBlob, |
123 | ULONG uHashAlgId, |
124 | ULONG uReserved); // reserved for future use |
125 | |
126 | // Hash and sign a manifest. |
127 | SNAPI StrongNameSignatureGeneration(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
128 | LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer, // [in] desired key container name |
129 | BYTE *pbKeyBlob, // [in] public/private key blob (optional) |
130 | ULONG cbKeyBlob, |
131 | BYTE **ppbSignatureBlob, // [out] signature blob |
132 | ULONG *pcbSignatureBlob); |
133 | |
134 | SNAPI StrongNameSignatureGenerationEx(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
135 | LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer, // [in] desired key container name |
136 | BYTE *pbKeyBlob, // [in] public/private key blob (optional) |
137 | ULONG cbKeyBlob, |
138 | BYTE **ppbSignatureBlob, // [out] signature blob |
139 | ULONG *pcbSignatureBlob, |
140 | DWORD dwFlags); // [in] modifer flags; see below |
141 | |
142 | #define SN_SIGN_ALL_FILES 0x00000001 // Rehash all linked modules as well as resigning the manifest |
143 | #define SN_TEST_SIGN 0x00000002 // Test sign the assembly |
144 | #define SN_ECMA_SIGN 0x00000004 // Sign the assembly treating the input key as the real ECMA key |
145 | |
146 | // Digest signing support |
147 | |
148 | // Generate the digest of an input assembly, which can be signed with StrongNameDigestSign |
149 | SNAPI StrongNameDigestGenerate(_In_z_ LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
150 | _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbDigestBlob) BYTE** ppbDigestBlob, // [out] digest of the assembly, free with StrongNameFreeBuffer |
151 | _Out_ ULONG* pcbDigestBlob, // [out] number of bytes in the assembly digest |
152 | DWORD dwFlags); // [in] modifier flags (see StrongNameSignatureGenerationEx) |
153 | |
154 | // Sign an the digest of an assembly calculated by StrongNameDigestGenerate |
155 | SNAPI StrongNameDigestSign(_In_opt_z_ LPCWSTR wszKeyContainer, // [in] desired key container name (optional) |
156 | _In_reads_bytes_opt_(cbKeyBlob) BYTE* pbKeyBlob, // [in] public/private key blob (optional) |
157 | ULONG cbKeyBlob, |
158 | _In_reads_bytes_(cbDigestBlob) BYTE* pbDigestBlob, // [in] digest blob, from StrongNameDigestGenerate |
159 | ULONG cbDigestBlob, |
160 | DWORD hashAlgId, // [in] algorithm id of the hash algorithm used with pbDigestBlob |
161 | _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(*pcbSignatureBlob) BYTE** ppbSignatureBlob, // [out] signature blob, freed with StrongNameFreeBuffer |
162 | _Out_ ULONG* pcbSignatureBlob, |
163 | DWORD dwFlags); // [in] modifier flags (see StrongNameSignatureGenerationEx) |
164 | |
165 | // Embed a digest signature generated with StrongNameDigestSign into an assembly |
166 | SNAPI StrongNameDigestEmbed(_In_z_ LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly to update |
167 | _In_reads_bytes_(cbSignatureBlob) BYTE* pbSignatureBlob, // [in] signature blob for the assembly |
168 | ULONG cbSignatureBlob); |
169 | |
170 | // Create a strong name token from an assembly file. |
171 | SNAPI StrongNameTokenFromAssembly(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
172 | BYTE **ppbStrongNameToken, // [out] strong name token |
173 | ULONG *pcbStrongNameToken); |
174 | |
175 | // Create a strong name token from an assembly file and additionally return the full public key. |
176 | SNAPI StrongNameTokenFromAssemblyEx(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
177 | BYTE **ppbStrongNameToken, // [out] strong name token |
178 | ULONG *pcbStrongNameToken, |
179 | BYTE **ppbPublicKeyBlob, // [out] public key blob |
180 | ULONG *pcbPublicKeyBlob); |
181 | |
182 | // Create a strong name token from a public key blob. |
183 | SNAPI StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey(BYTE *pbPublicKeyBlob, // [in] public key blob |
184 | ULONG cbPublicKeyBlob, |
185 | BYTE **ppbStrongNameToken, // [out] strong name token |
186 | ULONG *pcbStrongNameToken); |
187 | |
188 | |
189 | // Verify a strong name/manifest against a public key blob. |
190 | SNAPI StrongNameSignatureVerification(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
191 | DWORD dwInFlags, // [in] flags modifying behaviour (see below) |
192 | DWORD *pdwOutFlags); // [out] additional output info (see below) |
193 | |
194 | |
195 | // Verify a strong name/manifest against a public key blob. |
196 | SNAPI StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
197 | BOOLEAN fForceVerification, // [in] verify even if settings in the registry disable it |
198 | BOOLEAN *pfWasVerified); // [out] set to false if verify succeeded due to registry settings |
199 | |
200 | // Verify a strong name/manifest against a public key blob. |
201 | SNAPI StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx2(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
202 | BOOLEAN fForceVerification, // [in] verify even if settings in the registry disable it |
203 | BYTE *pbEcmaPublicKey, // [in] mapping from the ECMA public key to the real key used for verification |
204 | DWORD cbEcmaPublicKey, // [in] length of the real ECMA public key |
205 | BOOLEAN *pfWasVerified); // [out] set to false if verify succeeded due to registry settings |
206 | |
207 | // Verify a strong name/manifest against a public key blob when the assembly is |
208 | // already memory mapped. |
209 | SNAPI StrongNameSignatureVerificationFromImage(BYTE *pbBase, // [in] base address of mapped manifest file |
210 | DWORD dwLength, // [in] length of mapped image in bytes |
211 | DWORD dwInFlags, // [in] flags modifying behaviour (see below) |
212 | DWORD *pdwOutFlags); // [out] additional output info (see below) |
213 | |
214 | // Flags for use with the verify routines. |
215 | #define SN_INFLAG_FORCE_VER 0x00000001 // verify even if settings in the registry disable it |
216 | #define SN_INFLAG_INSTALL 0x00000002 // verification is the first (on entry to the cache) |
217 | #define SN_INFLAG_ADMIN_ACCESS 0x00000004 // cache protects assembly from all but admin access |
218 | #define SN_INFLAG_USER_ACCESS 0x00000008 // cache protects user's assembly from other users |
219 | #define SN_INFLAG_ALL_ACCESS 0x00000010 // cache provides no access restriction guarantees |
220 | |
221 | #define SN_INFLAG_RUNTIME 0x80000000 // internal debugging use only |
222 | |
223 | #define SN_OUTFLAG_WAS_VERIFIED 0x00000001 // set to false if verify succeeded due to registry settings |
224 | #define SN_OUTFLAG_MICROSOFT_SIGNATURE 0x00000002 // set if the public key corresponds to SN_THE_KEY |
225 | |
226 | // Verify that two assemblies differ only by signature blob. |
227 | SNAPI StrongNameCompareAssemblies(LPCWSTR wszAssembly1, // [in] file name of first assembly |
228 | LPCWSTR wszAssembly2, // [in] file name of second assembly |
229 | DWORD *pdwResult); // [out] result of comparison (see codes below) |
230 | |
231 | #define SN_CMP_DIFFERENT 0 // Assemblies contain different data |
232 | #define SN_CMP_IDENTICAL 1 // Assemblies are exactly the same, even signatures |
233 | #define SN_CMP_SIGONLY 2 // Assemblies differ only by signature (and checksum etc.) |
234 | |
235 | |
236 | // Compute the size of buffer needed to hold a hash for a given hash algorithm. |
237 | SNAPI StrongNameHashSize(ULONG ulHashAlg, // [in] hash algorithm |
238 | DWORD *pcbSize); // [out] size of the hash in bytes |
239 | |
240 | |
241 | // Compute the size that needs to be allocated for a signature in an assembly. |
242 | SNAPI StrongNameSignatureSize(BYTE *pbPublicKeyBlob, // [in] public key blob |
243 | ULONG cbPublicKeyBlob, |
244 | DWORD *pcbSize); // [out] size of the signature in bytes |
245 | |
246 | |
247 | SNAPI_(DWORD) GetHashFromAssemblyFile(LPCSTR szFilePath, // [IN] location of file to be hashed |
248 | unsigned int *piHashAlg, // [IN/OUT] constant specifying the hash algorithm (set to 0 if you want the default) |
249 | BYTE *pbHash, // [OUT] hash buffer |
250 | DWORD cchHash, // [IN] max size of buffer |
251 | DWORD *pchHash); // [OUT] length of hash byte array |
252 | |
253 | SNAPI_(DWORD) GetHashFromAssemblyFileW(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [IN] location of file to be hashed |
254 | unsigned int *piHashAlg, // [IN/OUT] constant specifying the hash algorithm (set to 0 if you want the default) |
255 | BYTE *pbHash, // [OUT] hash buffer |
256 | DWORD cchHash, // [IN] max size of buffer |
257 | DWORD *pchHash); // [OUT] length of hash byte array |
258 | |
259 | SNAPI_(DWORD) GetHashFromFile(LPCSTR szFilePath, // [IN] location of file to be hashed |
260 | unsigned int *piHashAlg, // [IN/OUT] constant specifying the hash algorithm (set to 0 if you want the default) |
261 | BYTE *pbHash, // [OUT] hash buffer |
262 | DWORD cchHash, // [IN] max size of buffer |
263 | DWORD *pchHash); // [OUT] length of hash byte array |
264 | |
265 | SNAPI_(DWORD) GetHashFromFileW(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [IN] location of file to be hashed |
266 | unsigned int *piHashAlg, // [IN/OUT] constant specifying the hash algorithm (set to 0 if you want the default) |
267 | BYTE *pbHash, // [OUT] hash buffer |
268 | DWORD cchHash, // [IN] max size of buffer |
269 | DWORD *pchHash); // [OUT] length of hash byte array |
270 | |
271 | SNAPI_(DWORD) GetHashFromHandle(HANDLE hFile, // [IN] handle of file to be hashed |
272 | unsigned int *piHashAlg, // [IN/OUT] constant specifying the hash algorithm (set to 0 if you want the default) |
273 | BYTE *pbHash, // [OUT] hash buffer |
274 | DWORD cchHash, // [IN] max size of buffer |
275 | DWORD *pchHash); // [OUT] length of hash byte array |
276 | |
277 | SNAPI_(DWORD) GetHashFromBlob(BYTE *pbBlob, // [IN] pointer to memory block to hash |
278 | DWORD cchBlob, // [IN] length of blob |
279 | unsigned int *piHashAlg, // [IN/OUT] constant specifying the hash algorithm (set to 0 if you want the default) |
280 | BYTE *pbHash, // [OUT] hash buffer |
281 | DWORD cchHash, // [IN] max size of buffer |
282 | DWORD *pchHash); // [OUT] length of hash byte array |
283 | |
284 | SNAPI StrongNameGetBlob(LPCWSTR wszFilePath, // [in] valid path to the PE file for the assembly |
285 | BYTE *pbBlob, // [in] buffer to fill with blob |
286 | DWORD *pcbBlob); // [in/out] size of buffer/number of bytes put into buffer |
287 | |
288 | SNAPI StrongNameGetBlobFromImage(BYTE *pbBase, // [in] base address of mapped manifest file |
289 | DWORD dwLength, // [in] length of mapped image in bytes |
290 | BYTE *pbBlob, // [in] buffer to fill with blob |
291 | DWORD *pcbBlob); // [in/out] size of buffer/number of bytes put into buffer |
292 | |
295 | #undef SNAPI |
296 | #undef SNAPI_ |
297 | #define SNAPI BOOLEAN __stdcall |
298 | #define SNAPI_(_type) _type __stdcall |
299 | |
300 | #ifdef __cplusplus |
301 | } |
302 | #endif |
303 | |
305 | |
306 | #endif |
307 | |