1// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
2// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
3// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "vm/program_visitor.h"
7#include "vm/code_patcher.h"
8#include "vm/deopt_instructions.h"
9#include "vm/hash_map.h"
10#include "vm/object.h"
11#include "vm/object_store.h"
12#include "vm/symbols.h"
14namespace dart {
16class WorklistElement : public ZoneAllocated {
17 public:
18 WorklistElement(Zone* zone, const Object& object)
19 : object_(Object::Handle(zone, object.raw())), next_(nullptr) {}
21 ObjectPtr value() const { return object_.raw(); }
23 void set_next(WorklistElement* elem) { next_ = elem; }
24 WorklistElement* next() const { return next_; }
26 private:
27 const Object& object_;
28 WorklistElement* next_;
33// Implements a FIFO queue, using IsEmpty, Add, Remove operations.
34class Worklist : public ValueObject {
35 public:
36 explicit Worklist(Zone* zone)
37 : zone_(zone), first_(nullptr), last_(nullptr) {}
39 bool IsEmpty() const { return first_ == nullptr; }
41 void Add(const Object& value) {
42 auto element = new (zone_) WorklistElement(zone_, value);
43 if (first_ == nullptr) {
44 first_ = element;
45 ASSERT(last_ == nullptr);
46 } else {
47 ASSERT(last_ != nullptr);
48 last_->set_next(element);
49 }
50 last_ = element;
51 ASSERT(first_ != nullptr && last_ != nullptr);
52 }
54 ObjectPtr Remove() {
55 ASSERT(first_ != nullptr);
56 WorklistElement* result = first_;
57 first_ = first_->next();
58 if (first_ == nullptr) {
59 last_ = nullptr;
60 }
61 return result->value();
62 }
64 private:
65 Zone* const zone_;
66 WorklistElement* first_;
67 WorklistElement* last_;
72// Walks through the classes, functions, and code for the current program.
74// Uses the heap object ID table to determine whether or not a given object
75// has been visited already.
76class ProgramWalker : public ValueObject {
77 public:
78 ProgramWalker(Zone* zone, Heap* heap, ClassVisitor* visitor)
79 : heap_(heap),
80 visitor_(visitor),
81 worklist_(zone),
82 class_object_(Object::Handle(zone)),
83 class_fields_(Array::Handle(zone)),
84 class_field_(Field::Handle(zone)),
85 class_functions_(Array::Handle(zone)),
86 class_function_(Function::Handle(zone)),
87 class_code_(Code::Handle(zone)),
88 function_code_(Code::Handle(zone)),
89 static_calls_array_(Array::Handle(zone)),
90 static_calls_table_entry_(Object::Handle(zone)),
91 worklist_entry_(Object::Handle(zone)) {}
93 ~ProgramWalker() { heap_->ResetObjectIdTable(); }
95 // Adds the given object to the worklist if it's an object type that the
96 // visitor can visit.
97 void AddToWorklist(const Object& object) {
98 // We don't visit null, non-heap objects, or objects in the VM heap.
99 if (object.IsNull() || object.IsSmi() || object.InVMIsolateHeap()) return;
100 // Check and set visited, even if we don't end up adding this to the list.
101 if (heap_->GetObjectId(object.raw()) != 0) return;
102 heap_->SetObjectId(object.raw(), 1);
103 if (object.IsClass() ||
104 (object.IsFunction() && visitor_->IsFunctionVisitor()) ||
105 (object.IsCode() && visitor_->IsCodeVisitor())) {
106 worklist_.Add(object);
107 }
108 }
110 void VisitWorklist() {
111 while (!worklist_.IsEmpty()) {
112 worklist_entry_ = worklist_.Remove();
113 if (worklist_entry_.IsClass()) {
114 VisitClass(Class::Cast(worklist_entry_));
115 } else if (worklist_entry_.IsFunction()) {
116 VisitFunction(Function::Cast(worklist_entry_));
117 } else if (worklist_entry_.IsCode()) {
118 VisitCode(Code::Cast(worklist_entry_));
119 } else {
120 FATAL1("Got unexpected object %s", worklist_entry_.ToCString());
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 private:
126 void VisitClass(const Class& cls) {
127 visitor_->VisitClass(cls);
129 if (!visitor_->IsFunctionVisitor()) return;
131 class_functions_ = cls.functions();
132 for (intptr_t j = 0; j < class_functions_.Length(); j++) {
133 class_function_ ^= class_functions_.At(j);
134 AddToWorklist(class_function_);
135 if (class_function_.HasImplicitClosureFunction()) {
136 class_function_ = class_function_.ImplicitClosureFunction();
137 AddToWorklist(class_function_);
138 }
139 }
141 class_functions_ = cls.invocation_dispatcher_cache();
142 for (intptr_t j = 0; j < class_functions_.Length(); j++) {
143 class_object_ = class_functions_.At(j);
144 if (class_object_.IsFunction()) {
145 class_function_ ^= class_functions_.At(j);
146 AddToWorklist(class_function_);
147 }
148 }
150 class_fields_ = cls.fields();
151 for (intptr_t j = 0; j < class_fields_.Length(); j++) {
152 class_field_ ^= class_fields_.At(j);
153 if (class_field_.HasInitializerFunction()) {
154 class_function_ = class_field_.InitializerFunction();
155 AddToWorklist(class_function_);
156 }
157 }
159 if (!visitor_->IsCodeVisitor()) return;
161 class_code_ = cls.allocation_stub();
162 if (!class_code_.IsNull()) AddToWorklist(class_code_);
163 }
165 void VisitFunction(const Function& function) {
166 ASSERT(visitor_->IsFunctionVisitor());
167 visitor_->AsFunctionVisitor()->VisitFunction(function);
168 if (!visitor_->IsCodeVisitor() || !function.HasCode()) return;
169 function_code_ = function.CurrentCode();
170 AddToWorklist(function_code_);
171 }
173 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
174 ASSERT(visitor_->IsCodeVisitor());
175 visitor_->AsCodeVisitor()->VisitCode(code);
177 // In the precompiler, some entries in the static calls table may need
178 // to be visited as they may not be reachable from other sources.
179 //
180 // TODO(dartbug.com/41636): Figure out why walking the static calls table
181 // in JIT mode with the DedupInstructions visitor fails, so we can remove
182 // the check for AOT mode.
183 static_calls_array_ = code.static_calls_target_table();
184 if (FLAG_precompiled_mode && !static_calls_array_.IsNull()) {
185 StaticCallsTable static_calls(static_calls_array_);
186 for (auto& view : static_calls) {
187 static_calls_table_entry_ =
188 view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>();
189 if (static_calls_table_entry_.IsCode()) {
190 AddToWorklist(Code::Cast(static_calls_table_entry_));
191 }
192 }
193 }
194 }
196 Heap* const heap_;
197 ClassVisitor* const visitor_;
198 Worklist worklist_;
199 Object& class_object_;
200 Array& class_fields_;
201 Field& class_field_;
202 Array& class_functions_;
203 Function& class_function_;
204 Code& class_code_;
205 Code& function_code_;
206 Array& static_calls_array_;
207 Object& static_calls_table_entry_;
208 Object& worklist_entry_;
211void ProgramVisitor::WalkProgram(Zone* zone,
212 Isolate* isolate,
213 ClassVisitor* visitor) {
214 auto const object_store = isolate->object_store();
215 auto const heap = isolate->heap();
216 ProgramWalker walker(zone, heap, visitor);
218 // Walk through the libraries and patches, looking for visitable objects.
219 const auto& libraries =
220 GrowableObjectArray::Handle(zone, object_store->libraries());
221 auto& lib = Library::Handle(zone);
222 auto& cls = Class::Handle(zone);
223 auto& entry = Object::Handle(zone);
224 auto& patches = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(zone);
226 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < libraries.Length(); i++) {
227 lib ^= libraries.At(i);
228 ClassDictionaryIterator it(lib, ClassDictionaryIterator::kIteratePrivate);
229 while (it.HasNext()) {
230 cls = it.GetNextClass();
231 walker.AddToWorklist(cls);
232 }
233 patches = lib.used_scripts();
234 for (intptr_t j = 0; j < patches.Length(); j++) {
235 entry = patches.At(j);
236 walker.AddToWorklist(entry);
237 }
238 }
240 // If there's a global object pool, add any visitable objects.
241 const auto& global_object_pool =
242 ObjectPool::Handle(zone, object_store->global_object_pool());
243 if (!global_object_pool.IsNull()) {
244 auto& object = Object::Handle(zone);
245 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < global_object_pool.Length(); i++) {
246 auto const type = global_object_pool.TypeAt(i);
247 if (type != ObjectPool::EntryType::kTaggedObject) continue;
248 object = global_object_pool.ObjectAt(i);
249 walker.AddToWorklist(object);
250 }
251 }
253 if (visitor->IsFunctionVisitor()) {
254 // Function objects not necessarily reachable from classes.
255 auto& function = Function::Handle(zone);
256 const auto& closures =
257 GrowableObjectArray::Handle(zone, object_store->closure_functions());
258 ASSERT(!closures.IsNull());
259 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < closures.Length(); i++) {
260 function ^= closures.At(i);
261 walker.AddToWorklist(function);
262 ASSERT(!function.HasImplicitClosureFunction());
263 }
264 }
266 if (visitor->IsCodeVisitor()) {
267 // Code objects not necessarily reachable from functions.
268 auto& code = Code::Handle(zone);
269 const auto& dispatch_table_entries =
270 Array::Handle(zone, object_store->dispatch_table_code_entries());
271 if (!dispatch_table_entries.IsNull()) {
272 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < dispatch_table_entries.Length(); i++) {
273 code ^= dispatch_table_entries.At(i);
274 walker.AddToWorklist(code);
275 }
276 }
277 }
279 // Walk the program starting from any roots we added to the worklist.
280 walker.VisitWorklist();
284// A base class for deduplication of objects. T is the type of canonical objects
285// being stored, whereas S is a trait appropriate for a DirectChainedHashMap
286// based set containing those canonical objects.
287template <typename T, typename S>
288class Dedupper : public ValueObject {
289 public:
290 explicit Dedupper(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone), canonical_objects_(zone) {}
291 virtual ~Dedupper() {}
293 protected:
294 // Predicate for objects of type T. Must be overridden for class hierarchies
295 // like Instance and AbstractType, as it defaults to class ID comparison.
296 virtual bool IsCorrectType(const Object& obj) const {
297 return obj.GetClassId() == T::kClassId;
298 }
300 // Predicate for choosing Ts to canonicalize.
301 virtual bool CanCanonicalize(const T& t) const { return true; }
303 // Predicate for objects that are okay to add to the canonical hash set.
304 // Override IsCorrectType and/or CanCanonicalize to change the behavior.
305 bool ShouldAdd(const Object& obj) const {
306 return !obj.IsNull() && IsCorrectType(obj) && CanCanonicalize(T::Cast(obj));
307 }
309 void AddCanonical(const T& obj) {
310 if (!ShouldAdd(obj)) return;
311 ASSERT(!canonical_objects_.HasKey(&obj));
312 canonical_objects_.Insert(&T::ZoneHandle(zone_, obj.raw()));
313 }
315 void AddVMBaseObjects() {
316 const auto& object_table = Object::vm_isolate_snapshot_object_table();
317 auto& obj = Object::Handle(zone_);
318 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < object_table.Length(); i++) {
319 obj = object_table.At(i);
320 if (!ShouldAdd(obj)) continue;
321 AddCanonical(T::Cast(obj));
322 }
323 }
325 typename T::ObjectPtrType Dedup(const T& obj) {
326 if (ShouldAdd(obj)) {
327 if (auto const canonical = canonical_objects_.LookupValue(&obj)) {
328 return canonical->raw();
329 }
330 AddCanonical(obj);
331 }
332 return obj.raw();
333 }
335 Zone* const zone_;
336 DirectChainedHashMap<S> canonical_objects_;
339void ProgramVisitor::BindStaticCalls(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
340 class BindStaticCallsVisitor : public CodeVisitor {
341 public:
342 explicit BindStaticCallsVisitor(Zone* zone)
343 : table_(Array::Handle(zone)),
344 kind_and_offset_(Smi::Handle(zone)),
345 target_(Object::Handle(zone)),
346 target_code_(Code::Handle(zone)) {}
348 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
349 table_ = code.static_calls_target_table();
350 if (table_.IsNull()) return;
352 StaticCallsTable static_calls(table_);
353 // We can only remove the target table in precompiled mode, since more
354 // calls may be added later otherwise.
355 bool only_call_via_code = FLAG_precompiled_mode;
356 for (const auto& view : static_calls) {
357 kind_and_offset_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableKindAndOffset>();
358 auto const kind = Code::KindField::decode(kind_and_offset_.Value());
359 if (kind != Code::kCallViaCode) {
360 ASSERT(kind == Code::kPcRelativeCall ||
361 kind == Code::kPcRelativeTailCall ||
362 kind == Code::kPcRelativeTTSCall);
363 only_call_via_code = false;
364 continue;
365 }
367 target_ = view.Get<Code::kSCallTableFunctionTarget>();
368 if (target_.IsNull()) {
369 target_ =
370 Code::RawCast(view.Get<Code::kSCallTableCodeOrTypeTarget>());
371 ASSERT(!Code::Cast(target_).IsFunctionCode());
372 // Allocation stub or AllocateContext or AllocateArray or ...
373 continue;
374 }
376 auto const pc_offset =
377 Code::OffsetField::decode(kind_and_offset_.Value());
378 const uword pc = pc_offset + code.PayloadStart();
380 // In JIT mode, static calls initially call the CallStaticFunction stub
381 // because their target might not be compiled yet. If the target has
382 // been compiled by this point, we patch the call to call the target
383 // directly.
384 //
385 // In precompiled mode, the binder runs after tree shaking, during which
386 // all targets have been compiled, and so the binder replace all static
387 // calls with direct calls to the target.
388 //
389 // Cf. runtime entry PatchStaticCall called from CallStaticFunction
390 // stub.
391 const auto& fun = Function::Cast(target_);
392 ASSERT(!FLAG_precompiled_mode || fun.HasCode());
393 target_code_ = fun.HasCode() ? fun.CurrentCode()
394 : StubCode::CallStaticFunction().raw();
395 CodePatcher::PatchStaticCallAt(pc, code, target_code_);
396 }
398 if (only_call_via_code) {
399 ASSERT(FLAG_precompiled_mode);
400 // In precompiled mode, the Dart runtime won't patch static calls
401 // anymore, so drop the static call table to save space.
402 code.set_static_calls_target_table(Object::empty_array());
403 }
404 }
406 private:
407 Array& table_;
408 Smi& kind_and_offset_;
409 Object& target_;
410 Code& target_code_;
411 };
413 BindStaticCallsVisitor visitor(zone);
414 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
417DECLARE_FLAG(charp, trace_precompiler_to);
418DECLARE_FLAG(charp, write_v8_snapshot_profile_to);
420void ProgramVisitor::ShareMegamorphicBuckets(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
421 const GrowableObjectArray& table = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(
422 zone, isolate->object_store()->megamorphic_cache_table());
423 if (table.IsNull()) return;
424 MegamorphicCache& cache = MegamorphicCache::Handle(zone);
426 const intptr_t capacity = 1;
427 const Array& buckets = Array::Handle(
428 zone, Array::New(MegamorphicCache::kEntryLength * capacity, Heap::kOld));
429 const Function& handler = Function::Handle(zone);
430 MegamorphicCache::SetEntry(buckets, 0, Object::smi_illegal_cid(), handler);
432 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < table.Length(); i++) {
433 cache ^= table.At(i);
434 cache.set_buckets(buckets);
435 cache.set_mask(capacity - 1);
436 cache.set_filled_entry_count(0);
437 }
440class StackMapEntry : public ZoneAllocated {
441 public:
442 StackMapEntry(Zone* zone, const CompressedStackMapsIterator& it)
443 : maps_(CompressedStackMaps::Handle(zone, it.maps_.raw())),
444 bits_container_(
445 CompressedStackMaps::Handle(zone, it.bits_container_.raw())),
446 spill_slot_bit_count_(it.current_spill_slot_bit_count_),
447 non_spill_slot_bit_count_(it.current_non_spill_slot_bit_count_),
448 bits_offset_(it.current_bits_offset_) {
449 ASSERT(!maps_.IsNull() && !maps_.IsGlobalTable());
450 ASSERT(!bits_container_.IsNull());
451 ASSERT(!maps_.UsesGlobalTable() || bits_container_.IsGlobalTable());
452 // Check that the iterator was fully loaded when we ran the initializing
453 // expressions above. By this point we enter the body of the constructor,
454 // it's too late to run EnsureFullyLoadedEntry().
455 ASSERT(it.HasLoadedEntry());
456 ASSERT(it.current_spill_slot_bit_count_ >= 0);
457 }
459 static const intptr_t kHashBits = 30;
461 intptr_t Hashcode() {
462 if (hash_ != 0) return hash_;
463 uint32_t hash = 0;
464 hash = CombineHashes(hash, spill_slot_bit_count_);
465 hash = CombineHashes(hash, non_spill_slot_bit_count_);
466 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < PayloadLength(); i++) {
467 hash = CombineHashes(hash, PayloadByte(i));
468 }
469 hash_ = FinalizeHash(hash, kHashBits);
470 return hash_;
471 }
473 bool Equals(const StackMapEntry* other) const {
474 if (spill_slot_bit_count_ != other->spill_slot_bit_count_ ||
475 non_spill_slot_bit_count_ != other->non_spill_slot_bit_count_) {
476 return false;
477 }
478 // Since we ensure that bits in the payload that are not part of the
479 // actual stackmap data are cleared, we can just compare payloads by byte
480 // instead of calling IsObject for each bit.
481 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < PayloadLength(); i++) {
482 if (PayloadByte(i) != other->PayloadByte(i)) return false;
483 }
484 return true;
485 }
487 // Encodes this StackMapEntry to the given array of bytes and returns the
488 // initial offset of the entry in the array.
489 intptr_t EncodeTo(GrowableArray<uint8_t>* array) {
490 auto const current_offset = array->length();
491 CompressedStackMapsBuilder::EncodeLEB128(array, spill_slot_bit_count_);
492 CompressedStackMapsBuilder::EncodeLEB128(array, non_spill_slot_bit_count_);
493 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < PayloadLength(); i++) {
494 array->Add(PayloadByte(i));
495 }
496 return current_offset;
497 }
499 intptr_t UsageCount() const { return uses_; }
500 void IncrementUsageCount() { uses_ += 1; }
502 private:
503 intptr_t Length() const {
504 return spill_slot_bit_count_ + non_spill_slot_bit_count_;
505 }
506 intptr_t PayloadLength() const {
507 return Utils::RoundUp(Length(), kBitsPerByte) >> kBitsPerByteLog2;
508 }
509 intptr_t PayloadByte(intptr_t offset) const {
510 return bits_container_.PayloadByte(bits_offset_ + offset);
511 }
513 const CompressedStackMaps& maps_;
514 const CompressedStackMaps& bits_container_;
515 const intptr_t spill_slot_bit_count_;
516 const intptr_t non_spill_slot_bit_count_;
517 const intptr_t bits_offset_;
519 intptr_t uses_ = 1;
520 intptr_t hash_ = 0;
523// Used for maps of indices and offsets. These are non-negative, and so the
524// value for entries may be 0. Since 0 is kNoValue for
525// RawPointerKeyValueTrait<const StackMapEntry, intptr_t>, we can't just use it.
526class StackMapEntryKeyIntValueTrait {
527 public:
528 typedef StackMapEntry* Key;
529 typedef intptr_t Value;
531 struct Pair {
532 Key key;
533 Value value;
534 Pair() : key(nullptr), value(-1) {}
535 Pair(const Key key, const Value& value)
536 : key(ASSERT_NOTNULL(key)), value(value) {}
537 Pair(const Pair& other) : key(other.key), value(other.value) {}
538 Pair& operator=(const Pair&) = default;
539 };
541 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv.key; }
542 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv.value; }
543 static intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key->Hashcode(); }
544 static bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) { return key->Equals(kv.key); }
547typedef DirectChainedHashMap<StackMapEntryKeyIntValueTrait> StackMapEntryIntMap;
549void ProgramVisitor::NormalizeAndDedupCompressedStackMaps(Zone* zone,
550 Isolate* isolate) {
551 // Walks all the CSMs in Code objects and collects their entry information
552 // for consolidation.
553 class CollectStackMapEntriesVisitor : public CodeVisitor {
554 public:
555 CollectStackMapEntriesVisitor(Zone* zone,
556 const CompressedStackMaps& global_table)
557 : zone_(zone),
558 old_global_table_(global_table),
559 compressed_stackmaps_(CompressedStackMaps::Handle(zone)),
560 collected_entries_(zone, 2),
561 entry_indices_(zone),
562 entry_offset_(zone) {
563 ASSERT(old_global_table_.IsNull() || old_global_table_.IsGlobalTable());
564 }
566 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
567 compressed_stackmaps_ = code.compressed_stackmaps();
568 CompressedStackMapsIterator it(compressed_stackmaps_, old_global_table_);
569 while (it.MoveNext()) {
570 it.EnsureFullyLoadedEntry();
571 auto const entry = new (zone_) StackMapEntry(zone_, it);
572 auto const index = entry_indices_.LookupValue(entry);
573 if (index < 0) {
574 auto new_index = collected_entries_.length();
575 collected_entries_.Add(entry);
576 entry_indices_.Insert({entry, new_index});
577 } else {
578 collected_entries_.At(index)->IncrementUsageCount();
579 }
580 }
581 }
583 // Creates a new global table of stack map information. Also adds the
584 // offsets of encoded StackMapEntry objects to entry_offsets for use
585 // when normalizing CompressedStackMaps.
586 CompressedStackMapsPtr CreateGlobalTable(
587 StackMapEntryIntMap* entry_offsets) {
588 ASSERT(entry_offsets->IsEmpty());
589 if (collected_entries_.length() == 0) return CompressedStackMaps::null();
590 // First, sort the entries from most used to least used. This way,
591 // the most often used CSMs will have the lowest offsets, which means
592 // they will be smaller when LEB128 encoded.
593 collected_entries_.Sort(
594 [](StackMapEntry* const* e1, StackMapEntry* const* e2) {
595 return static_cast<int>((*e2)->UsageCount() - (*e1)->UsageCount());
596 });
597 GrowableArray<uint8_t> bytes;
598 // Encode the entries and record their offset in the payload. Sorting the
599 // entries may have changed their indices, so update those as well.
600 for (intptr_t i = 0, n = collected_entries_.length(); i < n; i++) {
601 auto const entry = collected_entries_.At(i);
602 entry_indices_.Update({entry, i});
603 entry_offsets->Insert({entry, entry->EncodeTo(&bytes)});
604 }
605 const auto& data = CompressedStackMaps::Handle(
606 zone_, CompressedStackMaps::NewGlobalTable(bytes));
607 return data.raw();
608 }
610 private:
611 Zone* const zone_;
612 const CompressedStackMaps& old_global_table_;
614 CompressedStackMaps& compressed_stackmaps_;
615 GrowableArray<StackMapEntry*> collected_entries_;
616 StackMapEntryIntMap entry_indices_;
617 StackMapEntryIntMap entry_offset_;
618 };
620 // Walks all the CSMs in Code objects, normalizes them, and then dedups them.
621 //
622 // We use normalized to refer to CSMs whose entries are references to the
623 // new global table created during stack map collection, and non-normalized
624 // for CSMs that either have inlined entry information or whose entries are
625 // references to the _old_ global table in the object store, if any.
626 class NormalizeAndDedupCompressedStackMapsVisitor
627 : public CodeVisitor,
628 public Dedupper<CompressedStackMaps,
629 PointerKeyValueTrait<const CompressedStackMaps>> {
630 public:
631 NormalizeAndDedupCompressedStackMapsVisitor(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate)
632 : Dedupper(zone),
633 old_global_table_(CompressedStackMaps::Handle(
634 zone,
635 isolate->object_store()->canonicalized_stack_map_entries())),
636 entry_offsets_(zone),
637 maps_(CompressedStackMaps::Handle(zone)) {
638 ASSERT(old_global_table_.IsNull() || old_global_table_.IsGlobalTable());
639 // The stack map normalization and deduplication happens in two phases:
640 //
641 // 1) Visit all CompressedStackMaps (CSM) objects and collect individual
642 // entry info as canonicalized StackMapEntries (SMEs). Also record the
643 // frequency the same entry info was seen across all CSMs in each SME.
645 CollectStackMapEntriesVisitor collect_visitor(zone, old_global_table_);
646 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &collect_visitor);
648 // The results of phase 1 are used to create a new global table with
649 // entries sorted by decreasing frequency, so that entries that appear
650 // more often in CSMs have smaller payload offsets (less bytes used in
651 // the LEB128 encoding). The new global table is put into place
652 // immediately, as we already have a handle on the old table.
654 const auto& new_global_table = CompressedStackMaps::Handle(
655 zone, collect_visitor.CreateGlobalTable(&entry_offsets_));
656 isolate->object_store()->set_canonicalized_stack_map_entries(
657 new_global_table);
659 // 2) Visit all CSMs and replace each with a canonicalized normalized
660 // version that uses the new global table for non-PC offset entry
661 // information. This part is done in VisitCode.
662 }
664 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
665 maps_ = code.compressed_stackmaps();
666 if (maps_.IsNull()) return;
667 // First check is to make sure [maps] hasn't already been normalized,
668 // since any normalized map already has a canonical entry in the set.
669 if (auto const canonical = canonical_objects_.LookupValue(&maps_)) {
670 maps_ = canonical->raw();
671 } else {
672 maps_ = NormalizeEntries(maps_);
673 maps_ = Dedup(maps_);
674 }
675 code.set_compressed_stackmaps(maps_);
676 }
678 private:
679 // Creates a normalized CSM from the given non-normalized CSM.
680 CompressedStackMapsPtr NormalizeEntries(const CompressedStackMaps& maps) {
681 GrowableArray<uint8_t> new_payload;
682 CompressedStackMapsIterator it(maps, old_global_table_);
683 intptr_t last_offset = 0;
684 while (it.MoveNext()) {
685 it.EnsureFullyLoadedEntry();
686 StackMapEntry entry(zone_, it);
687 auto const entry_offset = entry_offsets_.LookupValue(&entry);
688 auto const pc_delta = it.pc_offset() - last_offset;
689 CompressedStackMapsBuilder::EncodeLEB128(&new_payload, pc_delta);
690 CompressedStackMapsBuilder::EncodeLEB128(&new_payload, entry_offset);
691 last_offset = it.pc_offset();
692 }
693 return CompressedStackMaps::NewUsingTable(new_payload);
694 }
696 const CompressedStackMaps& old_global_table_;
697 StackMapEntryIntMap entry_offsets_;
698 CompressedStackMaps& maps_;
699 };
701 NormalizeAndDedupCompressedStackMapsVisitor dedup_visitor(zone, isolate);
702 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &dedup_visitor);
705class PcDescriptorsKeyValueTrait {
706 public:
707 // Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
708 typedef const PcDescriptors* Key;
709 typedef const PcDescriptors* Value;
710 typedef const PcDescriptors* Pair;
712 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
714 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
716 static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key->Length(); }
718 static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
719 return pair->Equals(*key);
720 }
723void ProgramVisitor::DedupPcDescriptors(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
724 class DedupPcDescriptorsVisitor
725 : public CodeVisitor,
726 public Dedupper<PcDescriptors, PcDescriptorsKeyValueTrait> {
727 public:
728 explicit DedupPcDescriptorsVisitor(Zone* zone)
729 : Dedupper(zone),
730 bytecode_(Bytecode::Handle(zone)),
731 pc_descriptor_(PcDescriptors::Handle(zone)) {
732 if (Snapshot::IncludesCode(Dart::vm_snapshot_kind())) {
733 // Prefer existing objects in the VM isolate.
734 AddVMBaseObjects();
735 }
736 }
738 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
739 pc_descriptor_ = code.pc_descriptors();
740 pc_descriptor_ = Dedup(pc_descriptor_);
741 code.set_pc_descriptors(pc_descriptor_);
742 }
744 void VisitFunction(const Function& function) {
745 bytecode_ = function.bytecode();
746 if (bytecode_.IsNull()) return;
747 if (bytecode_.InVMIsolateHeap()) return;
748 pc_descriptor_ = bytecode_.pc_descriptors();
749 pc_descriptor_ = Dedup(pc_descriptor_);
750 bytecode_.set_pc_descriptors(pc_descriptor_);
751 }
753 private:
754 Bytecode& bytecode_;
755 PcDescriptors& pc_descriptor_;
756 };
758 DedupPcDescriptorsVisitor visitor(zone);
759 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
762class TypedDataKeyValueTrait {
763 public:
764 // Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
765 typedef const TypedData* Key;
766 typedef const TypedData* Value;
767 typedef const TypedData* Pair;
769 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
771 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
773 static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key->CanonicalizeHash(); }
775 static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
776 return pair->CanonicalizeEquals(*key);
777 }
780class TypedDataDedupper : public Dedupper<TypedData, TypedDataKeyValueTrait> {
781 public:
782 explicit TypedDataDedupper(Zone* zone) : Dedupper(zone) {}
784 private:
785 bool IsCorrectType(const Object& obj) const { return obj.IsTypedData(); }
788void ProgramVisitor::DedupDeoptEntries(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
789 class DedupDeoptEntriesVisitor : public CodeVisitor,
790 public TypedDataDedupper {
791 public:
792 explicit DedupDeoptEntriesVisitor(Zone* zone)
793 : TypedDataDedupper(zone),
794 deopt_table_(Array::Handle(zone)),
795 deopt_entry_(TypedData::Handle(zone)),
796 offset_(Smi::Handle(zone)),
797 reason_and_flags_(Smi::Handle(zone)) {}
799 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
800 deopt_table_ = code.deopt_info_array();
801 if (deopt_table_.IsNull()) return;
802 intptr_t length = DeoptTable::GetLength(deopt_table_);
803 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
804 DeoptTable::GetEntry(deopt_table_, i, &offset_, &deopt_entry_,
805 &reason_and_flags_);
806 ASSERT(!deopt_entry_.IsNull());
807 deopt_entry_ = Dedup(deopt_entry_);
808 ASSERT(!deopt_entry_.IsNull());
809 DeoptTable::SetEntry(deopt_table_, i, offset_, deopt_entry_,
810 reason_and_flags_);
811 }
812 }
814 private:
815 Array& deopt_table_;
816 TypedData& deopt_entry_;
817 Smi& offset_;
818 Smi& reason_and_flags_;
819 };
821 if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) return;
822 DedupDeoptEntriesVisitor visitor(zone);
823 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
826#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
827void ProgramVisitor::DedupCatchEntryMovesMaps(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
828 class DedupCatchEntryMovesMapsVisitor : public CodeVisitor,
829 public TypedDataDedupper {
830 public:
831 explicit DedupCatchEntryMovesMapsVisitor(Zone* zone)
832 : TypedDataDedupper(zone),
833 catch_entry_moves_maps_(TypedData::Handle(zone)) {}
835 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
836 catch_entry_moves_maps_ = code.catch_entry_moves_maps();
837 catch_entry_moves_maps_ = Dedup(catch_entry_moves_maps_);
838 code.set_catch_entry_moves_maps(catch_entry_moves_maps_);
839 }
841 private:
842 TypedData& catch_entry_moves_maps_;
843 };
845 if (!FLAG_precompiled_mode) return;
846 DedupCatchEntryMovesMapsVisitor visitor(zone);
847 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
850class UnlinkedCallKeyValueTrait {
851 public:
852 // Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
853 typedef const UnlinkedCall* Key;
854 typedef const UnlinkedCall* Value;
855 typedef const UnlinkedCall* Pair;
857 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
859 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
861 static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key->Hashcode(); }
863 static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
864 return pair->Equals(*key);
865 }
868void ProgramVisitor::DedupUnlinkedCalls(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
869 class DedupUnlinkedCallsVisitor
870 : public CodeVisitor,
871 public Dedupper<UnlinkedCall, UnlinkedCallKeyValueTrait> {
872 public:
873 explicit DedupUnlinkedCallsVisitor(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate)
874 : Dedupper(zone),
875 entry_(Object::Handle(zone)),
876 pool_(ObjectPool::Handle(zone)) {
877 auto& gop = ObjectPool::Handle(
878 zone, isolate->object_store()->global_object_pool());
879 ASSERT_EQUAL(!gop.IsNull(), FLAG_use_bare_instructions);
880 DedupPool(gop);
881 }
883 void DedupPool(const ObjectPool& pool) {
884 if (pool.IsNull()) return;
885 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < pool.Length(); i++) {
886 if (pool.TypeAt(i) != ObjectPool::EntryType::kTaggedObject) {
887 continue;
888 }
889 entry_ = pool.ObjectAt(i);
890 if (!entry_.IsUnlinkedCall()) continue;
891 entry_ = Dedup(UnlinkedCall::Cast(entry_));
892 pool.SetObjectAt(i, entry_);
893 }
894 }
896 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
897 pool_ = code.object_pool();
898 DedupPool(pool_);
899 }
901 private:
902 Object& entry_;
903 ObjectPool& pool_;
904 };
906 if (!FLAG_precompiled_mode) return;
908 DedupUnlinkedCallsVisitor deduper(zone, isolate);
910 // Note: in bare instructions mode we can still have object pools attached
911 // to code objects and these pools need to be deduplicated.
912 // We use these pools to carry information about references between code
913 // objects and other objects in the snapshots (these references are otherwise
914 // implicit and go through global object pool). This information is needed
915 // to produce more informative snapshot profile.
916 if (!FLAG_use_bare_instructions ||
917 FLAG_write_v8_snapshot_profile_to != nullptr ||
918 FLAG_trace_precompiler_to != nullptr) {
919 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &deduper);
920 }
922#endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
924class CodeSourceMapKeyValueTrait {
925 public:
926 // Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
927 typedef const CodeSourceMap* Key;
928 typedef const CodeSourceMap* Value;
929 typedef const CodeSourceMap* Pair;
931 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
933 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
935 static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) {
936 ASSERT(!key->IsNull());
937 return key->Length();
938 }
940 static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
941 ASSERT(!pair->IsNull() && !key->IsNull());
942 return pair->Equals(*key);
943 }
946void ProgramVisitor::DedupCodeSourceMaps(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
947 class DedupCodeSourceMapsVisitor
948 : public CodeVisitor,
949 public Dedupper<CodeSourceMap, CodeSourceMapKeyValueTrait> {
950 public:
951 explicit DedupCodeSourceMapsVisitor(Zone* zone)
952 : Dedupper(zone), code_source_map_(CodeSourceMap::Handle(zone)) {
953 if (Snapshot::IncludesCode(Dart::vm_snapshot_kind())) {
954 // Prefer existing objects in the VM isolate.
955 AddVMBaseObjects();
956 }
957 }
959 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
960 code_source_map_ = code.code_source_map();
961 code_source_map_ = Dedup(code_source_map_);
962 code.set_code_source_map(code_source_map_);
963 }
965 private:
966 CodeSourceMap& code_source_map_;
967 };
969 DedupCodeSourceMapsVisitor visitor(zone);
970 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
973class ArrayKeyValueTrait {
974 public:
975 // Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
976 typedef const Array* Key;
977 typedef const Array* Value;
978 typedef const Array* Pair;
980 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
982 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
984 static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) {
985 ASSERT(!key->IsNull());
986 return key->Length();
987 }
989 static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
990 ASSERT(!pair->IsNull() && !key->IsNull());
991 if (pair->Length() != key->Length()) return false;
992 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < pair->Length(); i++) {
993 if (pair->At(i) != key->At(i)) return false;
994 }
995 return true;
996 }
999void ProgramVisitor::DedupLists(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
1000 class DedupListsVisitor : public CodeVisitor,
1001 public Dedupper<Array, ArrayKeyValueTrait> {
1002 public:
1003 explicit DedupListsVisitor(Zone* zone)
1004 : Dedupper(zone),
1005 list_(Array::Handle(zone)),
1006 function_(Function::Handle(zone)) {}
1008 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
1009 if (!code.IsFunctionCode()) return;
1011 list_ = code.inlined_id_to_function();
1012 list_ = Dedup(list_);
1013 code.set_inlined_id_to_function(list_);
1015 list_ = code.deopt_info_array();
1016 list_ = Dedup(list_);
1017 code.set_deopt_info_array(list_);
1019 list_ = code.static_calls_target_table();
1020 list_ = Dedup(list_);
1021 code.set_static_calls_target_table(list_);
1022 }
1024 void VisitFunction(const Function& function) {
1025 list_ = PrepareParameterTypes(function);
1026 list_ = Dedup(list_);
1027 function.set_parameter_types(list_);
1029 list_ = PrepareParameterNames(function);
1030 list_ = Dedup(list_);
1031 function.set_parameter_names(list_);
1032 }
1034 private:
1035 bool IsCorrectType(const Object& obj) const { return obj.IsArray(); }
1037 ArrayPtr PrepareParameterTypes(const Function& function) {
1038 list_ = function.parameter_types();
1039 // Preserve parameter types in the JIT. Needed in case of recompilation
1040 // in checked mode, or if available to mirrors, or for copied types to
1041 // lazily generated tear offs. Also avoid attempting to change read-only
1042 // VM objects for de-duplication.
1043 if (FLAG_precompiled_mode && !list_.IsNull() &&
1044 !list_.InVMIsolateHeap() && !function.IsSignatureFunction() &&
1045 !function.IsClosureFunction() && !function.IsFfiTrampoline() &&
1046 function.name() != Symbols::Call().raw()) {
1047 // Parameter types not needed for function type tests.
1048 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_.Length(); i++) {
1049 list_.SetAt(i, Object::dynamic_type());
1050 }
1051 }
1052 return list_.raw();
1053 }
1055 ArrayPtr PrepareParameterNames(const Function& function) {
1056 list_ = function.parameter_names();
1057 // Preserve parameter names in case of recompilation for the JIT. Also
1058 // avoid attempting to change read-only VM objects for de-duplication.
1059 if (FLAG_precompiled_mode && !list_.IsNull() &&
1060 !list_.InVMIsolateHeap() && !function.HasOptionalNamedParameters()) {
1061 // Parameter names not needed for resolution.
1062 ASSERT(list_.Length() == function.NumParameters());
1063 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < list_.Length(); i++) {
1064 list_.SetAt(i, Symbols::OptimizedOut());
1065 }
1066 }
1067 return list_.raw();
1068 }
1070 Array& list_;
1071 Function& function_;
1072 };
1074 DedupListsVisitor visitor(zone);
1075 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
1078// Traits for comparing two [Instructions] objects for equality, which is
1079// implemented as bit-wise equality.
1081// This considers two instruction objects to be equal even if they have
1082// different static call targets. Since the static call targets are called via
1083// the object pool this is ok.
1084class InstructionsKeyValueTrait {
1085 public:
1086 // Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
1087 typedef const Instructions* Key;
1088 typedef const Instructions* Value;
1089 typedef const Instructions* Pair;
1091 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
1093 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
1095 static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key->Hash(); }
1097 static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
1098 return pair->Equals(*key);
1099 }
1102// Traits for comparing two [Code] objects for equality.
1104// The instruction deduplication naturally causes us to have a one-to-many
1105// relationship between Instructions and Code objects.
1107// In AOT bare instructions mode frames only have PCs. However, the runtime
1108// needs e.g. stack maps from the [Code] to scan such a frame. So we ensure that
1109// instructions of code objects are only deduplicated if the metadata in the
1110// code is the same. The runtime can then pick any code object corresponding to
1111// the PC in the frame and use the metadata.
1113// In AOT non-bare instructions mode frames are expanded, like in JIT, and
1114// contain the unique code object.
1115#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
1116class CodeKeyValueTrait {
1117 public:
1118 // Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
1119 typedef const Code* Key;
1120 typedef const Code* Value;
1121 typedef const Code* Pair;
1123 static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
1125 static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
1127 static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) { return key->Size(); }
1129 static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair pair, Key key) {
1130 // In AOT, disabled code objects should not be considered for deduplication.
1131 ASSERT(!pair->IsDisabled() && !key->IsDisabled());
1133 if (pair->raw() == key->raw()) return true;
1135 // Notice we assume that these entries have already been de-duped, so we
1136 // can use pointer equality.
1137 if (pair->static_calls_target_table() != key->static_calls_target_table()) {
1138 return false;
1139 }
1140 if (pair->pc_descriptors() != key->pc_descriptors()) {
1141 return false;
1142 }
1143 if (pair->compressed_stackmaps() != key->compressed_stackmaps()) {
1144 return false;
1145 }
1146 if (pair->catch_entry_moves_maps() != key->catch_entry_moves_maps()) {
1147 return false;
1148 }
1149 if (pair->exception_handlers() != key->exception_handlers()) {
1150 return false;
1151 }
1152 if (pair->UncheckedEntryPointOffset() != key->UncheckedEntryPointOffset()) {
1153 return false;
1154 }
1155 return Instructions::Equals(pair->instructions(), key->instructions());
1156 }
1160void ProgramVisitor::DedupInstructions(Zone* zone, Isolate* isolate) {
1161 class DedupInstructionsVisitor
1162 : public CodeVisitor,
1163 public Dedupper<Instructions, InstructionsKeyValueTrait>,
1164 public ObjectVisitor {
1165 public:
1166 explicit DedupInstructionsVisitor(Zone* zone)
1167 : Dedupper(zone),
1168 code_(Code::Handle(zone)),
1169 instructions_(Instructions::Handle(zone)) {
1170 if (Snapshot::IncludesCode(Dart::vm_snapshot_kind())) {
1171 // Prefer existing objects in the VM isolate.
1172 Dart::vm_isolate()->heap()->VisitObjectsImagePages(this);
1173 }
1174 }
1176 void VisitObject(ObjectPtr obj) {
1177 if (!obj->IsInstructions()) return;
1178 instructions_ = Instructions::RawCast(obj);
1179 AddCanonical(instructions_);
1180 }
1182 void VisitFunction(const Function& function) {
1183 if (!function.HasCode()) return;
1184 code_ = function.CurrentCode();
1185 // This causes the code to be visited once here and once directly in the
1186 // ProgramWalker, but as long as the deduplication process is idempotent,
1187 // the cached entry points won't change during the second visit.
1188 VisitCode(code_);
1189 function.SetInstructions(code_); // Update cached entry point.
1190 }
1192 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
1193 instructions_ = code.instructions();
1194 instructions_ = Dedup(instructions_);
1195 code.set_instructions(instructions_);
1196 if (code.IsDisabled()) {
1197 instructions_ = code.active_instructions();
1198 instructions_ = Dedup(instructions_);
1199 }
1200 code.SetActiveInstructions(instructions_,
1201 code.UncheckedEntryPointOffset());
1202 }
1204 private:
1205 Code& code_;
1206 Instructions& instructions_;
1207 };
1209#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
1210 class DedupInstructionsWithSameMetadataVisitor
1211 : public CodeVisitor,
1212 public Dedupper<Code, CodeKeyValueTrait> {
1213 public:
1214 explicit DedupInstructionsWithSameMetadataVisitor(Zone* zone)
1215 : Dedupper(zone),
1216 canonical_(Code::Handle(zone)),
1217 code_(Code::Handle(zone)),
1218 instructions_(Instructions::Handle(zone)) {}
1220 void VisitFunction(const Function& function) {
1221 if (!function.HasCode()) return;
1222 code_ = function.CurrentCode();
1223 // This causes the code to be visited once here and once directly in the
1224 // ProgramWalker, but as long as the deduplication process is idempotent,
1225 // the cached entry points won't change during the second visit.
1226 VisitCode(code_);
1227 function.SetInstructions(code_); // Update cached entry point.
1228 }
1230 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
1231 if (code.IsDisabled()) return;
1232 canonical_ = Dedup(code);
1233 instructions_ = canonical_.instructions();
1234 code.SetActiveInstructions(instructions_,
1235 code.UncheckedEntryPointOffset());
1236 code.set_instructions(instructions_);
1237 }
1239 private:
1240 bool CanCanonicalize(const Code& code) const { return !code.IsDisabled(); }
1242 Code& canonical_;
1243 Code& code_;
1244 Instructions& instructions_;
1245 };
1247 if (FLAG_precompiled_mode && FLAG_use_bare_instructions) {
1248 DedupInstructionsWithSameMetadataVisitor visitor(zone);
1249 return WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
1250 }
1251#endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
1253 DedupInstructionsVisitor visitor(zone);
1254 WalkProgram(zone, isolate, &visitor);
1256#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
1258void ProgramVisitor::Dedup(Thread* thread) {
1260 auto const isolate = thread->isolate();
1261 StackZone stack_zone(thread);
1262 HANDLESCOPE(thread);
1263 auto const zone = thread->zone();
1265 BindStaticCalls(zone, isolate);
1266 ShareMegamorphicBuckets(zone, isolate);
1267 NormalizeAndDedupCompressedStackMaps(zone, isolate);
1268 DedupPcDescriptors(zone, isolate);
1269 DedupDeoptEntries(zone, isolate);
1270#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
1271 DedupCatchEntryMovesMaps(zone, isolate);
1272 DedupUnlinkedCalls(zone, isolate);
1274 DedupCodeSourceMaps(zone, isolate);
1275 DedupLists(zone, isolate);
1277 // Reduces binary size but obfuscates profiler results.
1278 if (FLAG_dedup_instructions) {
1279 // In non-bare mode (unused atm) dedupping instructions would cause us to
1280 // loose the ability to uniquely map a PC to a given UnlinkedCall object,
1281 // since two code objects might point to the same deduped instructions
1282 // object but might have two different UnlinkedCall objects in their pool.
1283 //
1284 // In bare mode this cannot happen because different UnlinkedCall objects
1285 // would get different indices into the (global) object pool, therefore
1286 // making the instructions different.
1287 //
1288 // (When transitioning the switchable call site we loose track of the args
1289 // descriptor. Since we need it for further transitions we currently save it
1290 // via a PC -> UnlinkedCall mapping).
1291 //
1292 // We therfore disable the instruction deduplication in product-non-bare
1293 // mode (which is unused atm).
1294#if defined(PRODUCT)
1295 if (FLAG_precompiled_mode && !FLAG_use_bare_instructions) return;
1298 DedupInstructions(zone, isolate);
1299 }
1300#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
1303#if defined(DART_PRECOMPILER)
1304class AssignLoadingUnitsCodeVisitor : public CodeVisitor {
1305 public:
1306 explicit AssignLoadingUnitsCodeVisitor(Zone* zone)
1307 : heap_(Thread::Current()->heap()),
1308 func_(Function::Handle(zone)),
1309 cls_(Class::Handle(zone)),
1310 lib_(Library::Handle(zone)),
1311 unit_(LoadingUnit::Handle(zone)),
1312 obj_(Object::Handle(zone)) {}
1314 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
1315 intptr_t id;
1316 if (code.IsFunctionCode()) {
1317 func_ ^= code.owner();
1318 cls_ = func_.Owner();
1319 lib_ = cls_.library();
1320 unit_ = lib_.loading_unit();
1321 id = unit_.id();
1322 } else if (code.IsAllocationStubCode()) {
1323 cls_ ^= code.owner();
1324 lib_ = cls_.library();
1325 unit_ = lib_.loading_unit();
1326 id = unit_.id();
1327 } else if (code.IsStubCode()) {
1328 id = LoadingUnit::kRootId;
1329 } else {
1331 }
1333 ASSERT(heap_->GetLoadingUnit(code.raw()) == WeakTable::kNoValue);
1334 heap_->SetLoadingUnit(code.raw(), id);
1336 obj_ = code.code_source_map();
1337 MergeAssignment(obj_, id);
1338 obj_ = code.compressed_stackmaps();
1339 MergeAssignment(obj_, id);
1340 }
1342 void MergeAssignment(const Object& obj, intptr_t id) {
1343 intptr_t old_id = heap_->GetLoadingUnit(obj_.raw());
1344 if (old_id == WeakTable::kNoValue) {
1345 heap_->SetLoadingUnit(obj_.raw(), id);
1346 } else if (old_id == id) {
1347 // Shared with another code in the same loading unit.
1348 } else {
1349 // Shared with another code in a different loading unit.
1350 // Could assign to dominating loading unit.
1351 heap_->SetLoadingUnit(obj_.raw(), LoadingUnit::kRootId);
1352 }
1353 }
1355 private:
1356 Heap* heap_;
1357 Function& func_;
1358 Class& cls_;
1359 Library& lib_;
1360 LoadingUnit& unit_;
1361 Object& obj_;
1364void ProgramVisitor::AssignUnits(Thread* thread) {
1365 StackZone stack_zone(thread);
1366 HANDLESCOPE(thread);
1367 Zone* zone = thread->zone();
1369 // VM stubs.
1370 Instructions& inst = Instructions::Handle(zone);
1371 Code& code = Code::Handle(zone);
1372 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < StubCode::NumEntries(); i++) {
1373 inst = StubCode::EntryAt(i).instructions();
1374 thread->heap()->SetLoadingUnit(inst.raw(), LoadingUnit::kRootId);
1375 }
1377 // Isolate stubs.
1378 ObjectStore* object_store = thread->isolate()->object_store();
1379 ObjectPtr* from = object_store->from();
1380 ObjectPtr* to = object_store->to_snapshot(Snapshot::kFullAOT);
1381 for (ObjectPtr* p = from; p <= to; p++) {
1382 if ((*p)->IsCode()) {
1383 code ^= *p;
1384 inst = code.instructions();
1385 thread->heap()->SetLoadingUnit(inst.raw(), LoadingUnit::kRootId);
1386 }
1387 }
1389 // Function code / allocation stubs.
1390 AssignLoadingUnitsCodeVisitor visitor(zone);
1391 WalkProgram(zone, thread->isolate(), &visitor);
1394class ProgramHashVisitor : public CodeVisitor {
1395 public:
1396 explicit ProgramHashVisitor(Zone* zone)
1397 : str_(String::Handle(zone)),
1398 pool_(ObjectPool::Handle(zone)),
1399 obj_(Object::Handle(zone)),
1400 instr_(Instructions::Handle(zone)),
1401 hash_(0) {}
1403 void VisitClass(const Class& cls) {
1404 str_ = cls.Name();
1405 VisitInstance(str_);
1406 }
1408 void VisitFunction(const Function& function) {
1409 str_ = function.name();
1410 VisitInstance(str_);
1411 }
1413 void VisitCode(const Code& code) {
1414 pool_ = code.object_pool();
1415 VisitPool(pool_);
1417 instr_ = code.instructions();
1418 hash_ = CombineHashes(hash_, instr_.Hash());
1419 }
1421 void VisitPool(const ObjectPool& pool) {
1422 if (pool.IsNull()) return;
1424 for (intptr_t i = 0; i < pool.Length(); i++) {
1425 if (pool.TypeAt(i) == ObjectPool::EntryType::kTaggedObject) {
1426 obj_ = pool.ObjectAt(i);
1427 if (obj_.IsInstance()) {
1428 VisitInstance(Instance::Cast(obj_));
1429 }
1430 }
1431 }
1432 }
1434 void VisitInstance(const Instance& instance) {
1435 hash_ = CombineHashes(hash_, instance.CanonicalizeHash());
1436 }
1438 uint32_t hash() const { return FinalizeHash(hash_, String::kHashBits); }
1440 private:
1441 String& str_;
1442 ObjectPool& pool_;
1443 Object& obj_;
1444 Instructions& instr_;
1445 uint32_t hash_;
1448uint32_t ProgramVisitor::Hash(Thread* thread) {
1449 StackZone stack_zone(thread);
1450 HANDLESCOPE(thread);
1451 Zone* zone = thread->zone();
1453 ProgramHashVisitor visitor(zone);
1454 WalkProgram(zone, thread->isolate(), &visitor);
1455 visitor.VisitPool(ObjectPool::Handle(
1456 zone, thread->isolate()->object_store()->global_object_pool()));
1457 return visitor.hash();
1460#endif // defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
1462} // namespace dart