2 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
4 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5 *
6 * Copyright 1997 - July 2008 CWI, August 2008 - 2019 MonetDB B.V.
7 */
10#define _MAL_AUTHORIZE_H
12/* #define _DEBUG_AUTH_*/
13#include "mal.h"
14#include "mal_instruction.h"
15#include "mal_client.h"
17#define MAL_ADMIN 0
19mal_export str AUTHcheckCredentials(oid *ret, Client c, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *challenge, const char *algo);
20mal_export str AUTHaddUser(oid *ret, Client c, const char *user, const char *pass);
21mal_export str AUTHremoveUser(Client c, const char *username);
22mal_export str AUTHchangeUsername(Client c, const char *olduser, const char *newuser);
23mal_export str AUTHchangePassword(Client c, const char *oldpass, const char *passwd);
24mal_export str AUTHsetPassword(Client c, const char *username, const char *passwd);
25mal_export str AUTHresolveUser(str *ret, oid uid);
26mal_export str AUTHgetUsername(str *ret, Client c);
27mal_export str AUTHgetUsers(BAT **ret1, BAT **ret2, Client c);
28mal_export str AUTHgetPasswordHash(str *ret, Client c, const char *username);
30mal_export str AUTHinitTables(const char *passwd);
32mal_export str AUTHaddRemoteTableCredentials(const char *local_table, const char *localuser, const char *uri, const char *remoteuser, const char *pass, bool pw_encrypted);
33mal_export str AUTHgetRemoteTableCredentials(const char *local_table, str *uri, str *username, str *password);
34mal_export str AUTHdeleteRemoteTableCredentials(const char *local_table);
37 * Authorisation is based on a password. The passwords are stored hashed
38 * in a BAT. Access to this BAT is ok from the MAL level, and in
39 * particular SQL needs it to dump (and later restore) users.
40 * The database administrator can unlock the BAT that stores the password
41 * (the vault) by supplying the master password which is the key for the
42 * cypher algorithm used to store the data. The BAT will never
43 * contain the plain hashes, as they will be decyphered on the fly when
44 * needed. A locked vault means noone can log into the system, hence, the
45 * vault needs to be unlocked as part of the server startup ritual.
46 */
47mal_export str AUTHunlockVault(const char *password);
49#endif /* _MAL_AUTHORIZE_H */