2 Stockfish, a UCI chess playing engine derived from Glaurung 2.1
3 Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Tord Romstad (Glaurung author)
4 Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Marco Costalba, Joona Kiiski, Tord Romstad
5 Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Marco Costalba, Joona Kiiski, Gary Linscott, Tord Romstad
7 Stockfish is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 Stockfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21#include <algorithm>
23#include "types.h"
25Value PieceValue[PHASE_NB][PIECE_NB] = {
26 { VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueMg, KnightValueMg, BishopValueMg, RookValueMg, QueenValueMg },
27 { VALUE_ZERO, PawnValueEg, KnightValueEg, BishopValueEg, RookValueEg, QueenValueEg }
30namespace PSQT {
32#define S(mg, eg) make_score(mg, eg)
34// Bonus[PieceType][Square / 2] contains Piece-Square scores. For each piece
35// type on a given square a (middlegame, endgame) score pair is assigned. Table
36// is defined for files A..D and white side: it is symmetric for black side and
37// second half of the files.
38constexpr Score Bonus[][RANK_NB][int(FILE_NB) / 2] = {
39 { },
40 { },
41 { // Knight
42 { S(-169,-105), S(-96,-74), S(-80,-46), S(-79,-18) },
43 { S( -79, -70), S(-39,-56), S(-24,-15), S( -9, 6) },
44 { S( -64, -38), S(-20,-33), S( 4, -5), S( 19, 27) },
45 { S( -28, -36), S( 5, 0), S( 41, 13), S( 47, 34) },
46 { S( -29, -41), S( 13,-20), S( 42, 4), S( 52, 35) },
47 { S( -11, -51), S( 28,-38), S( 63,-17), S( 55, 19) },
48 { S( -67, -64), S(-21,-45), S( 6,-37), S( 37, 16) },
49 { S(-200, -98), S(-80,-89), S(-53,-53), S(-32,-16) }
50 },
51 { // Bishop
52 { S(-44,-63), S( -4,-30), S(-11,-35), S(-28, -8) },
53 { S(-18,-38), S( 7,-13), S( 14,-14), S( 3, 0) },
54 { S( -8,-18), S( 24, 0), S( -3, -7), S( 15, 13) },
55 { S( 1,-26), S( 8, -3), S( 26, 1), S( 37, 16) },
56 { S( -7,-24), S( 30, -6), S( 23,-10), S( 28, 17) },
57 { S(-17,-26), S( 4, 2), S( -1, 1), S( 8, 16) },
58 { S(-21,-34), S(-19,-18), S( 10, -7), S( -6, 9) },
59 { S(-48,-51), S( -3,-40), S(-12,-39), S(-25,-20) }
60 },
61 { // Rook
62 { S(-24, -2), S(-13,-6), S(-7, -3), S( 2,-2) },
63 { S(-18,-10), S(-10,-7), S(-5, 1), S( 9, 0) },
64 { S(-21, 10), S( -7,-4), S( 3, 2), S(-1,-2) },
65 { S(-13, -5), S( -5, 2), S(-4, -8), S(-6, 8) },
66 { S(-24, -8), S(-12, 5), S(-1, 4), S( 6,-9) },
67 { S(-24, 3), S( -4,-2), S( 4,-10), S(10, 7) },
68 { S( -8, 1), S( 6, 2), S(10, 17), S(12,-8) },
69 { S(-22, 12), S(-24,-6), S(-6, 13), S( 4, 7) }
70 },
71 { // Queen
72 { S( 3,-69), S(-5,-57), S(-5,-47), S( 4,-26) },
73 { S(-3,-55), S( 5,-31), S( 8,-22), S(12, -4) },
74 { S(-3,-39), S( 6,-18), S(13, -9), S( 7, 3) },
75 { S( 4,-23), S( 5, -3), S( 9, 13), S( 8, 24) },
76 { S( 0,-29), S(14, -6), S(12, 9), S( 5, 21) },
77 { S(-4,-38), S(10,-18), S( 6,-12), S( 8, 1) },
78 { S(-5,-50), S( 6,-27), S(10,-24), S( 8, -8) },
79 { S(-2,-75), S(-2,-52), S( 1,-43), S(-2,-36) }
80 },
81 { // King
82 { S(272, 0), S(325, 41), S(273, 80), S(190, 93) },
83 { S(277, 57), S(305, 98), S(241,138), S(183,131) },
84 { S(198, 86), S(253,138), S(168,165), S(120,173) },
85 { S(169,103), S(191,152), S(136,168), S(108,169) },
86 { S(145, 98), S(176,166), S(112,197), S( 69,194) },
87 { S(122, 87), S(159,164), S( 85,174), S( 36,189) },
88 { S( 87, 40), S(120, 99), S( 64,128), S( 25,141) },
89 { S( 64, 5), S( 87, 60), S( 49, 75), S( 0, 75) }
90 }
93constexpr Score PBonus[RANK_NB][FILE_NB] =
94 { // Pawn (asymmetric distribution)
95 { },
96 { S( 3,-10), S( 3, -6), S( 10, 10), S( 19, 0), S( 16, 14), S( 19, 7), S( 7, -5), S( -5,-19) },
97 { S( -9,-10), S(-15,-10), S( 11,-10), S( 15, 4), S( 32, 4), S( 22, 3), S( 5, -6), S(-22, -4) },
98 { S( -8, 6), S(-23, -2), S( 6, -8), S( 20, -4), S( 40,-13), S( 17,-12), S( 4,-10), S(-12, -9) },
99 { S( 13, 9), S( 0, 4), S(-13, 3), S( 1,-12), S( 11,-12), S( -2, -6), S(-13, 13), S( 5, 8) },
100 { S( -5, 28), S(-12, 20), S( -7, 21), S( 22, 28), S( -8, 30), S( -5, 7), S(-15, 6), S(-18, 13) },
101 { S( -7, 0), S( 7,-11), S( -3, 12), S(-13, 21), S( 5, 25), S(-16, 19), S( 10, 4), S( -8, 7) }
102 };
104#undef S
106Score psq[PIECE_NB][SQUARE_NB];
108// init() initializes piece-square tables: the white halves of the tables are
109// copied from Bonus[] adding the piece value, then the black halves of the
110// tables are initialized by flipping and changing the sign of the white scores.
111void init() {
113 for (Piece pc = W_PAWN; pc <= W_KING; ++pc)
114 {
115 PieceValue[MG][~pc] = PieceValue[MG][pc];
116 PieceValue[EG][~pc] = PieceValue[EG][pc];
118 Score score = make_score(PieceValue[MG][pc], PieceValue[EG][pc]);
120 for (Square s = SQ_A1; s <= SQ_H8; ++s)
121 {
122 File f = std::min(file_of(s), ~file_of(s));
123 psq[ pc][ s] = score + (type_of(pc) == PAWN ? PBonus[rank_of(s)][file_of(s)]
124 : Bonus[pc][rank_of(s)][f]);
125 psq[~pc][~s] = -psq[pc][s];
126 }
127 }
130} // namespace PSQT