3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxcache.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxobject.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxstatus.h>
21#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
23class FbxCache_internal;
25/** This object contains methods for accessing point animation in a cache file.
26* The FBX SDK supports three point cache file formats :
27* - \e eMaxPointCacheV2: the 3ds Max Point Cache 2 file format.
28* - \e eMayaCache: the Maya Cache file format.
29* - \e eAlembic: Alembic Cache file format.
31* Accessing cache data using these formats differs significantly. To address this difference, several sets of methods have been created.
32* Use the GetCacheFileFormat() function to determine which set of methods to use. */
33class FBXSDK_DLL FbxCache : public FbxObject
35 FBXSDK_OBJECT_DECLARE(FbxCache, FbxObject);
38 //! \name Format Independent Functions.
39 //@{
40 /** Supported cache file formats. */
41 enum EFileFormat
42 {
43 eUnknownFileFormat, //!< Unknown cache file format.
44 eMaxPointCacheV2, //!< 3ds Max Point Cache 2 file format.
45 eMayaCache, //!< Maya Cache file format.
46 eAlembic //!< Alembic Cache file format.
47 };
49 /** Set the cache file format.
50 * \param pFileFormat Valid values are \e eMaxPointCacheV2 or \e eMayaCache.
51 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes. */
52 void SetCacheFileFormat(EFileFormat pFileFormat, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
54 /** Get the cache file format.
55 * \return The current cache file format, or \e eUnknown if it is not set. */
56 EFileFormat GetCacheFileFormat() const;
58 /** Set the cache file name.
59 * \param pRelativeFileName_UTF8 The point cache file, relative to the FBX file name.
60 * \param pAbsoluteFileName_UTF8 The point cache file absolute path.
61 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes. */
62 void SetCacheFileName(const char* pRelativeFileName_UTF8, const char* pAbsoluteFileName_UTF8, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
64 /** Get the cache file name.
65 * \param pRelativeFileName_UTF8 Return the point cache file name, relative to the FBX File name.
66 * \param pAbsoluteFileName_UTF8 Return the point cache file absolute path. */
67 void GetCacheFileName(FbxString& pRelativeFileName_UTF8, FbxString& pAbsoluteFileName_UTF8) const;
69 /** Open the cache file for reading.
70 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
71 * \return \c true if the file is successfully opened, \c false otherwise. */
72 bool OpenFileForRead(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
74 /** Get the open state of the cache file.
75 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
76 * \return \c true if the cache file is currently open, \c false otherwise. */
77 bool IsOpen(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL) const;
79 /** Read data from the cache file.
80 * \param pBuffer The buffer containing the data from the cache file. This parameter can be NULL if interested to get buffer length only.
81 * \param pBufferLength The length of the buffer (NOT in bytes).
82 * \param pTime The time at which the data should be read.
83 * \param pChannel The cache file channel to read, when multiple channels are available.
84 * \return \c True if the cache data was successfully read, \c false otherwise.
85 * \remark The buffer will be allocated by FbxCache and will be returned if read successful. The buffer will be freed by FbxCache upon its destruction. */
86 bool Read(float** pBuffer, unsigned int& pBufferLength, const FbxTime& pTime, unsigned int pChannel=0);
88 /** Close the cache file.
89 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
90 * \return \c true if the cache file is closed successfully, \c false otherwise. */
91 bool CloseFile(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
93 /** Get the sampling frame rate of the cache file.
94 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
95 * \return The sampling frame rate of the cache file, in frames per second. */
96 double GetSamplingFrameRate(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
98 /** Get the sampling frame rate of the cache file, as a FbxTime object.
99 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
100 * \return The sampling frame rate of the cache file. */
101 FbxTime GetCacheTimePerFrame(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
103 /** Get the number of channels in the cache file.
104 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
105 * \return The number of animation channels in the cache file. */
106 int GetChannelCount(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
108 /** Get the channel name for a specific channel index.
109 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
110 * \param pChannelName Returns the name of the requested channel.
111 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
112 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
113 bool GetChannelName(int pChannelIndex, FbxString& pChannelName, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
114 //@}
116 //! \name eMayaCache Format Specific Functions.
117 //@{
118 //! Number of files used to store the animation.
119 enum EMCFileCount
120 {
121 eMCOneFile, //!< One file is used for all the frames of animation.
122 eMCOneFilePerFrame //!< For every frame of animation, a cache file is used. The number of the frames is the number of the cache files.
123 };
125 //! Data types in the MC cache file.
126 enum EMCDataType
127 {
128 eUnknownData, //!< Unknown data.
129 eDouble, //!< No use but has to be defined for consistency reasons.
130 eDoubleArray, //!< double*
131 eDoubleVectorArray, //!< double* [3]
132 eInt32Array, //!< int*
133 eFloatArray, //!< float*
134 eFloatVectorArray //!< float* [3]
135 };
137 //! Binary cache format.
138 enum EMCBinaryFormat
139 {
140 eMCC, //!< MCC cache file format, 32bit (older format)
141 eMCX //!< MCX cache file format, 64bit (newer format)
142 };
144 //! Cache channel sampling types.
145 enum EMCSamplingType
146 {
147 eSamplingRegular, //!< Regular sampling.
148 eSamplingIrregular //!< Irregular sampling.
149 };
151 /** Open a cache file for writing.
152 * \param pFileCount Create one file for each frame of animation, or one file for all the frames.
153 * \param pSamplingFrameRate Number of frames per second.
154 * \param pChannelName The name of the channel of animation to create.
155 * \param pBinaryFormat Binary format type (32 bit=eMCC or 64bit=eMCX)
156 * \param pMCDataType The data type of the MC cache file.
157 * \param pInterpretation A piece of meta data to help users of the cache understand how to interpret the data.
158 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes. */
159 bool OpenFileForWrite(EMCFileCount pFileCount, double pSamplingFrameRate, const char* pChannelName, EMCBinaryFormat pBinaryFormat, EMCDataType pMCDataType=eDoubleVectorArray, const char* pInterpretation="Points", FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
161 /** Creates a new channel in the cache.
162 * \param pChannelName The name of the channel of animation to create.
163 * \param pMCDataType The MC DataType of the cache.
164 * \param pInterpretation A piece of meta data to help users of the cache understand how to interpret the data.
165 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the new animation channel.
166 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
167 * \remark \b pChannelName must be unique within the cache.
168 * \remark \b pChannelName and \b pInterpretation cannot be NULL pointers.
169 * \remark This method must be called before adding any data to the cache but after the OpenFileForWrite. */
170 bool AddChannel(const char* pChannelName, EMCDataType pMCDataType, const char* pInterpretation, unsigned int& pChannelIndex, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
172 /** Get the data type of the specified channel.
173 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the channel.
174 * \param pChannelType The channel's data type.
175 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
176 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
177 bool GetChannelDataType(int pChannelIndex, EMCDataType& pChannelType, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
179 /** Get the index of the specified channel.
180 * \param pChannelName The name of the channel.
181 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
182 * \return The index of the channel in the cache file, or -1 if an error occurred. */
183 int GetChannelIndex(const char* pChannelName, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
185 /** Read a sample at a given time.
186 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
187 * \param pTime Time at which the point animation must be evaluated.
188 * \param pBuffer The place where the point value will be copied. If the channel's data type is DoubleVectorArray this buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
189 * \param pPointCount The number of points to read from the point cache file.
190 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
191 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
192 bool Read(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime& pTime, double* pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
194 /** Read a sample at a given time.
195 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
196 * \param pTime Time at which the point animation must be evaluated.
197 * \param pBuffer The place where the point value will be copied. If the channel's data type is FloatVectorArray this buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
198 * \param pPointCount The number of points to read from the point cache file.
199 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
200 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
201 bool Read(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime& pTime, float* pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
203 /** Read a sample at a given time.
204 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
205 * \param pTime Time at which the point animation must be evaluated.
206 * \param pBuffer The place where the point value will be copied. This buffer must be of size pPointCount.
207 * \param pPointCount The number of points to read from the point cache file.
208 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
209 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
210 bool Read(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime& pTime, int* pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
212 /** Instruct the cache system that data is about to be written to it. This call must appear before any calls to the Write() methods on any channel and terminated by a call to EndWriteAt().
213 * \param pTime Time at which the point animation must be inserted.
214 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
215 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
216 bool BeginWriteAt( FbxTime& pTime, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL );
218 /** Write a sample at a given time.
219 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
220 * \param pTime Time at which the point animation must be inserted.
221 * \param pBuffer Point to the values to be copied. If the channel's data type is DoubleVectorArray this buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
222 * \param pPointCount The number of points to write in the point cache file.
223 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
224 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise.
225 * \remark This method will fail if the time \e pTime is different from the time set using the call BeginWriteAt().
226 * \remark For backward compatibility reasons you can still call this method without the prior call to BeginWriteAt()
227 * only if this cachedsystem has been defined with one channel. Any other configuration will result in a failure. */
228 bool Write(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime& pTime, double* pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
230 /** Write a sample at a given time.
231 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
232 * \param pTime Time at which the point animation must be inserted.
233 * \param pBuffer Point to the values to be copied. If the channel's data type is FloatVectorArray this buffer must be of size 3*pPointCount.
234 * \param pPointCount The number of points to write in the point cache file.
235 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
236 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise.
237 * \remark This method will fail if the time \e pTime is different from the time set using the call BeginWriteAt().
238 * \remark For backward compatibility reasons you can still call this method without the prior call to BeginWriteAt()
239 * only if this cached system has been defined with one channel. Any other configuration will result in a failure. */
240 bool Write(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime& pTime, float* pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
242 /** Write a sample at a given time.
243 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
244 * \param pTime Time at which the point animation must be inserted.
245 * \param pBuffer Point to the values to be copied. This buffer must be of size pPointCount.
246 * \param pPointCount The number of points to write in the point cache file.
247 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
248 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise.
249 * \remark This method will fail if the time \e pTime is different from the time set using the call BeginWriteAt().
250 * \remark For backward compatibility reasons you can still call this method without the prior call to BeginWriteAt()
251 * only if this cached system has been defined with one channel. Any other configuration will result in a failure. */
252 bool Write(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime& pTime, int* pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
254 /** Instruct the cache system that all the data on all the channels has been written to it for the given time (specified
255 * by the BeginWriteAt() call). The call to this method must be made after all the Write() for every channel defined.
256 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
257 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
258 bool EndWriteAt(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
260 /** Get the Animation Range of the specified channel.
261 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the channel.
262 * \param pTimeStart The start time of the channel's animation.
263 * \param pTimeEnd The end time of the channel's animation.
264 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
265 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
266 bool GetAnimationRange(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime &pTimeStart, FbxTime &pTimeEnd, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
268 /** Get the cache type.
269 * \param pFileCount The cache type.
270 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
271 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
272 bool GetCacheType(EMCFileCount& pFileCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
274 /** Get the cache channel interpretation.
275 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
276 * \param pInterpretation The channel interpretation, user-defined.
277 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
278 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
279 bool GetChannelInterpretation(int pChannelIndex, FbxString& pInterpretation, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
281 /** Get the cache channel sampling type.
282 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
283 * \param pSamplingType The sampling type of the channel.
284 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
285 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
286 bool GetChannelSamplingType(int pChannelIndex, EMCSamplingType& pSamplingType, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
288 /** Get the cache channel sampling rate, in frames per second.
289 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
290 * \param pSamplingRate The sampling rate of the channel. The channel must have a regular sampling type.
291 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
292 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
293 bool GetChannelSamplingRate(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime& pSamplingRate, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
295 /** Get the number of data points for a channel.
296 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
297 * \param pSampleCount Number of available samples.
298 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
299 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
300 bool GetChannelSampleCount(int pChannelIndex, unsigned int& pSampleCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
302 /** Get the number of points animated in the cache file, for a channel, for a given time.
303 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
304 * \param pTime Reference time; must be within the boundaries of the animation.
305 * \param pPointCount Number of available points.
306 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
307 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
308 bool GetChannelPointCount(int pChannelIndex, FbxTime pTime, unsigned int& pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
310 /** Returns the number of cache data files.
311 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
312 * \return The count returned does not include the main cache file, and depends on the cache type. Will return -1 if point cache support is not enabled. */
313 int GetCacheDataFileCount(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL) const;
315 /** Get the nth cache file name.
316 * \param pIndex Index of the cache file to return; index is zero-based, and must be less than GetCacheDataFileCount().
317 * \param pRelativeFileName Return the point cache file name, relative to the FBX File name.
318 * \param pAbsoluteFileName Return the point cache file absolute path.
319 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
320 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details. */
321 bool GetCacheDataFileName(int pIndex, FbxString& pRelativeFileName, FbxString& pAbsoluteFileName, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
323 /** Enable multi-channel fetching.
324 * \param pMultiChannelFetching Enable/disable multi-channel fetching. When multi-channel is enabled, any load of data on a channel at a specific
325 * time will pre-fetch data from all channels, for that specific time. This can reduce disk access, and increase performance (but requires more memory).
326 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
327 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
328 bool EnableMultiChannelFetching(bool pMultiChannelFetching, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
330 /** Get the next time where data is stored.
331 * \param pCurTime Current time; must be within the boundaries of the animation time.
332 * \param pNextTime Next time (filled if the function is successful).
333 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount(). If pChannel is left at -1, get the next time for any channel.
334 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
335 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
336 bool GetNextTimeWithData(FbxTime pCurTime, FbxTime& pNextTime, int pChannelIndex = -1, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
338 /** Get the number of data points the channel contains.
339 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
340 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
341 * \return The number of the channel's data points. */
342 int GetDataCount(int pChannelIndex, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
344 /** Get the time of the specified data point.
345 * \param pChannelIndex The index of the animation channel, between 0 and GetChannelCount().
346 * \param pDataIndex Index of the data point.
347 * \param pTime Time of the data point (filled if the function is successful).
348 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
349 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
350 bool GetDataTime(int pChannelIndex, unsigned int pDataIndex, FbxTime& pTime, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
351 //@}
353 //! \name eMaxPointCacheV2 Format Specific Functions.
354 //@{
355 /** Open a cache file for writing.
356 * \param pFrameStartOffset Start time of the animation, in frames.
357 * \param pSamplingFrameRate Number of frames per second.
358 * \param pSampleCount The number of samples to write to the file.
359 * \param pPointCount The number of points to write in the point cache file.
360 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
361 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. See the error management functions for error details. */
362 bool OpenFileForWrite(double pFrameStartOffset, double pSamplingFrameRate, unsigned int pSampleCount, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
364 /** Get the number of frames of animation found in the point cache file.
365 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
366 * \return The number of frames of animation.
367 */
368 unsigned int GetSampleCount(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
370 /** Get the number of points animated in the cache file.
371 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
372 * \return The number of points.
373 */
374 unsigned int GetPointCount(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
376 /** Get the start time of the animation
377 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
378 * \return The start time of the animation, in frames. */
379 double GetFrameStartOffset(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
381 /** Read a sample at a given frame index.
382 * \param pFrameIndex The index of the animation frame, between 0 and GetSampleCount().
383 * \param pBuffer The place where the point value will be copied. This buffer must be of size 3 * pPointCount.
384 * \param pPointCount The number of points to read from the point cache file.
385 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
386 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise. */
387 bool Read(unsigned int pFrameIndex, double* pBuffer, unsigned int pPointCount, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
389 /** Write a sample at a given frame index.
390 * \param pFrameIndex The index of the animation frame.
391 * \param pBuffer Point to the values to be copied. This buffer must be of size 3 * pPointCount, as passed to the function OpenFileForWrite().
392 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
393 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise.
394 * \remark Successive calls to Write() must use successive index. */
395 bool Write(unsigned int pFrameIndex, double* pBuffer, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
396 //@}
398 //! \name File conversion Functions.
399 //@{
400 /** Create an MC cache file from an PC2 cache file.
401 * \param pFileCount Create one file for each frame of animation, or one file for all the frames.
402 * \param pSamplingFrameRate Number of frames per second used to re-sample the point animation.
403 * \param pBinaryFormat Binary format type (32 bit=eMCC or 64bit=eMCX)
404 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
405 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise.
406 * \remark The created point cache file will be located in the _fpc folder associate with the FBX file. */
407 bool ConvertFromPC2ToMC(EMCFileCount pFileCount, double pSamplingFrameRate, EMCBinaryFormat pBinaryFormat, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
409 /** Create a PC2 cache file from an MC cache file.
410 * \param pSamplingFrameRate Number of frames per second to re-sample the point animation.
411 * \param pChannelIndex Index of the channel of animation to read from.
412 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
413 * \return \c true if successful, \c false otherwise.
414 * \remark The created point cache file will be located in the _fpc folder associate with the FBX file. */
415 bool ConvertFromMCToPC2(double pSamplingFrameRate, unsigned int pChannelIndex, FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL);
416 //@}
419** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
422 enum EOpenFlag
423 {
424 eReadOnly,
425 eWriteOnly
426 };
429 bool OpenFile(EOpenFlag pFlag, EMCFileCount pFileCount, double pSamplingFrameRate, const char* pChannelName, const char* pInterpretation, unsigned int pSampleCount, unsigned int pPointCount, double pFrameStartOffset, FbxStatus* pStatus, EMCDataType pMCDataType = eDoubleVectorArray, EMCBinaryFormat pBinaryFormat = eMCX);
431 virtual void Construct( const FbxObject* pFrom );
432 virtual void ConstructProperties(bool pForceSet);
433 virtual void Destruct(bool pRecursive);
435 FbxCache_internal* mData;
438 bool AllocateReadBuffer(unsigned int pTypeSize, unsigned int pTypeLength, unsigned int pLength, bool pAllocateConvertBuffer);
439 bool ReadMayaCache(float** pBuffer, unsigned int& pBufferLength, const FbxTime& pTime, unsigned int pChannel);
440 bool ReadMaxCache(float** pBuffer, unsigned int& pBufferLength, const FbxTime& pTime);
441 bool ReadAlembicCache(float** pBuffer, unsigned int& pBufferLength, const FbxTime& pTime, unsigned int pChannel);
443 FbxPropertyT<FbxString> CacheFile;
444 FbxPropertyT<FbxString> CacheFileAbsolutePath;
445 FbxPropertyT<FbxEnum> CacheFileType;
447 void* mReadBuffer;
448 unsigned int mReadBufferLength;
449 unsigned int mReadBufferSize;
450 unsigned int mReadTypeSize;
451 unsigned int mReadTypeLength;
452 unsigned int mReadLength;
453 void* mConvertBuffer;
454#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
457inline EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxCache::EFileFormat&){ return eFbxEnum; }
459#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>