1//************************************ bs::framework - Copyright 2018 Marko Pintera **************************************//
2//*********** Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for full terms. This notice is not to be removed. ***********//
3#pragma once
5#include "Prerequisites/BsPrerequisitesUtil.h"
6#include "Utility/BsAny.h"
8namespace bs
10 /** @addtogroup RTTI
11 * @{
12 */
14 /**
15 * Interface implemented by classes that provide run time type information.
16 *
17 * @note
18 * Any class implementing this interface must implement the getRTTI() method, as well as a static getRTTIStatic()
19 * method, returning the same value as getRTTI(). Object returned by those methods is used for retrieving actual RTTI
20 * data about the class.
21 */
22 class BS_UTILITY_EXPORT IReflectable
23 {
24 public:
25 virtual ~IReflectable() = default;
27 /**
28 * Returns an interface you can use to access class' Run Time Type Information.
29 *
30 * @note
31 * You must derive your own version of RTTITypeBase, in which you may encapsulate all reflection specific operations.
32 */
33 virtual RTTITypeBase* getRTTI() const = 0;
35 /** Returns all available RTTI types. */
36 static UnorderedMap<UINT32, RTTITypeBase*>& getAllRTTITypes()
37 {
38 static UnorderedMap<UINT32, RTTITypeBase*> mAllRTTITypes;
39 return mAllRTTITypes;
40 }
42 /** Returns true if current RTTI class is derived from @p base (Or if it is the same type as base). */
43 bool isDerivedFrom(RTTITypeBase* base);
45 /** Returns an unique type identifier of the class. */
46 UINT32 getTypeId() const;
48 /**
49 * Returns the type name of the class.
50 *
51 * @note Name is not necessarily unique.
52 */
53 const String& getTypeName() const;
55 /** Creates an empty instance of a class from a type identifier. */
56 static SPtr<IReflectable> createInstanceFromTypeId(UINT32 rttiTypeId);
58 /** @name Internal
59 * @{
60 */
62 /** Called by each type implementing RTTITypeBase, on program load. */
63 static void _registerRTTIType(RTTITypeBase* rttiType);
65 /** Returns class' RTTI type from type id. */
66 static RTTITypeBase* _getRTTIfromTypeId(UINT32 rttiTypeId);
68 /** Checks if the provided type id is unique. */
69 static bool _isTypeIdDuplicate(UINT32 typeId);
71 /**
72 * Iterates over all RTTI types and reports any circular references (for example one type having a field referencing
73 * another type, and that type having a field referencing the first type). Circular references are problematic
74 * because when serializing the system cannot determine in which order they should be resolved. In that case user
75 * should use RTTI_Flag_WeakRef to mark one of the references as weak. This flags tells the system that the reference
76 * may be resolved in an undefined order, but also no longer guarantees that object assigned to that field during
77 * deserialization will be fully deserialized itself, as that might be delayed to a later time.
78 */
79 static void _checkForCircularReferences();
81 /** Returns an interface you can use to access class' Run Time Type Information. */
82 static RTTITypeBase* getRTTIStatic();
84 /** @} */
85 };
87 /** @} */