1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
5* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
6* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
8* collationbuilder.h
10* created on: 2013may06
11* created by: Markus W. Scherer
17#include "unicode/utypes.h"
21#include "unicode/uniset.h"
22#include "unicode/unistr.h"
23#include "collationrootelements.h"
24#include "collationruleparser.h"
25#include "uvectr32.h"
26#include "uvectr64.h"
28struct UParseError;
32struct CollationData;
33struct CollationTailoring;
35class CEFinalizer;
36class CollationDataBuilder;
37class Normalizer2;
38class Normalizer2Impl;
40class U_I18N_API CollationBuilder : public CollationRuleParser::Sink {
42 CollationBuilder(const CollationTailoring *base, UErrorCode &errorCode);
43 virtual ~CollationBuilder();
45 void disableFastLatin() { fastLatinEnabled = FALSE; }
47 CollationTailoring *parseAndBuild(const UnicodeString &ruleString,
48 const UVersionInfo rulesVersion,
49 CollationRuleParser::Importer *importer,
50 UParseError *outParseError,
51 UErrorCode &errorCode);
53 const char *getErrorReason() const { return errorReason; }
56 friend class CEFinalizer;
58 /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
59 virtual void addReset(int32_t strength, const UnicodeString &str,
60 const char *&errorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
61 /**
62 * Returns the secondary or tertiary weight preceding the current node's weight.
63 * node=nodes[index].
64 */
65 uint32_t getWeight16Before(int32_t index, int64_t node, int32_t level);
67 int64_t getSpecialResetPosition(const UnicodeString &str,
68 const char *&parserErrorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
70 /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
71 virtual void addRelation(int32_t strength, const UnicodeString &prefix,
72 const UnicodeString &str, const UnicodeString &extension,
73 const char *&errorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
75 /**
76 * Picks one of the current CEs and finds or inserts a node in the graph
77 * for the CE + strength.
78 */
79 int32_t findOrInsertNodeForCEs(int32_t strength, const char *&parserErrorReason,
80 UErrorCode &errorCode);
81 int32_t findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(int64_t ce, int32_t strength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
82 /** Finds or inserts the node for a root CE's primary weight. */
83 int32_t findOrInsertNodeForPrimary(uint32_t p, UErrorCode &errorCode);
84 /** Finds or inserts the node for a secondary or tertiary weight. */
85 int32_t findOrInsertWeakNode(int32_t index, uint32_t weight16, int32_t level,
86 UErrorCode &errorCode);
88 /**
89 * Makes and inserts a new tailored node into the list, after the one at index.
90 * Skips over nodes of weaker strength to maintain collation order
91 * ("postpone insertion").
92 * @return the new node's index
93 */
94 int32_t insertTailoredNodeAfter(int32_t index, int32_t strength, UErrorCode &errorCode);
96 /**
97 * Inserts a new node into the list, between list-adjacent items.
98 * The node's previous and next indexes must not be set yet.
99 * @return the new node's index
100 */
101 int32_t insertNodeBetween(int32_t index, int32_t nextIndex, int64_t node,
102 UErrorCode &errorCode);
104 /**
105 * Finds the node which implies or contains a common=05 weight of the given strength
106 * (secondary or tertiary), if the current node is stronger.
107 * Skips weaker nodes and tailored nodes if the current node is stronger
108 * and is followed by an explicit-common-weight node.
109 * Always returns the input index if that node is no stronger than the given strength.
110 */
111 int32_t findCommonNode(int32_t index, int32_t strength) const;
113 void setCaseBits(const UnicodeString &nfdString,
114 const char *&parserErrorReason, UErrorCode &errorCode);
116 /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
117 virtual void suppressContractions(const UnicodeSet &set, const char *&parserErrorReason,
118 UErrorCode &errorCode);
120 /** Implements CollationRuleParser::Sink. */
121 virtual void optimize(const UnicodeSet &set, const char *&parserErrorReason,
122 UErrorCode &errorCode);
124 /**
125 * Adds the mapping and its canonical closure.
126 * Takes ce32=dataBuilder->encodeCEs(...) so that the data builder
127 * need not re-encode the CEs multiple times.
128 */
129 uint32_t addWithClosure(const UnicodeString &nfdPrefix, const UnicodeString &nfdString,
130 const int64_t newCEs[], int32_t newCEsLength, uint32_t ce32,
131 UErrorCode &errorCode);
132 uint32_t addOnlyClosure(const UnicodeString &nfdPrefix, const UnicodeString &nfdString,
133 const int64_t newCEs[], int32_t newCEsLength, uint32_t ce32,
134 UErrorCode &errorCode);
135 void addTailComposites(const UnicodeString &nfdPrefix, const UnicodeString &nfdString,
136 UErrorCode &errorCode);
137 UBool mergeCompositeIntoString(const UnicodeString &nfdString, int32_t indexAfterLastStarter,
138 UChar32 composite, const UnicodeString &decomp,
139 UnicodeString &newNFDString, UnicodeString &newString,
140 UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
142 UBool ignorePrefix(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
143 UBool ignoreString(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
144 UBool isFCD(const UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
146 void closeOverComposites(UErrorCode &errorCode);
148 uint32_t addIfDifferent(const UnicodeString &prefix, const UnicodeString &str,
149 const int64_t newCEs[], int32_t newCEsLength, uint32_t ce32,
150 UErrorCode &errorCode);
151 static UBool sameCEs(const int64_t ces1[], int32_t ces1Length,
152 const int64_t ces2[], int32_t ces2Length);
154 /**
155 * Walks the tailoring graph and overwrites tailored nodes with new CEs.
156 * After this, the graph is destroyed.
157 * The nodes array can then be used only as a source of tailored CEs.
158 */
159 void makeTailoredCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
160 /**
161 * Counts the tailored nodes of the given strength up to the next node
162 * which is either stronger or has an explicit weight of this strength.
163 */
164 static int32_t countTailoredNodes(const int64_t *nodesArray, int32_t i, int32_t strength);
166 /** Replaces temporary CEs with the final CEs they point to. */
167 void finalizeCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
169 /**
170 * Encodes "temporary CE" data into a CE that fits into the CE32 data structure,
171 * with 2-byte primary, 1-byte secondary and 6-bit tertiary,
172 * with valid CE byte values.
173 *
174 * The index must not exceed 20 bits (0xfffff).
175 * The strength must fit into 2 bits (UCOL_PRIMARY..UCOL_QUATERNARY).
176 *
177 * Temporary CEs are distinguished from real CEs by their use of
178 * secondary weights 06..45 which are otherwise reserved for compressed sort keys.
179 *
180 * The case bits are unused and available.
181 */
182 static inline int64_t tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(int32_t index, int32_t strength) {
183 return
184 // CE byte offsets, to ensure valid CE bytes, and case bits 11
185 INT64_C(0x4040000006002000) +
186 // index bits 19..13 -> primary byte 1 = CE bits 63..56 (byte values 40..BF)
187 ((int64_t)(index & 0xfe000) << 43) +
188 // index bits 12..6 -> primary byte 2 = CE bits 55..48 (byte values 40..BF)
189 ((int64_t)(index & 0x1fc0) << 42) +
190 // index bits 5..0 -> secondary byte 1 = CE bits 31..24 (byte values 06..45)
191 ((index & 0x3f) << 24) +
192 // strength bits 1..0 -> tertiary byte 1 = CE bits 13..8 (byte values 20..23)
193 (strength << 8);
194 }
195 static inline int32_t indexFromTempCE(int64_t tempCE) {
196 tempCE -= INT64_C(0x4040000006002000);
197 return
198 ((int32_t)(tempCE >> 43) & 0xfe000) |
199 ((int32_t)(tempCE >> 42) & 0x1fc0) |
200 ((int32_t)(tempCE >> 24) & 0x3f);
201 }
202 static inline int32_t strengthFromTempCE(int64_t tempCE) {
203 return ((int32_t)tempCE >> 8) & 3;
204 }
205 static inline UBool isTempCE(int64_t ce) {
206 uint32_t sec = (uint32_t)ce >> 24;
207 return 6 <= sec && sec <= 0x45;
208 }
210 static inline int32_t indexFromTempCE32(uint32_t tempCE32) {
211 tempCE32 -= 0x40400620;
212 return
213 ((int32_t)(tempCE32 >> 11) & 0xfe000) |
214 ((int32_t)(tempCE32 >> 10) & 0x1fc0) |
215 ((int32_t)(tempCE32 >> 8) & 0x3f);
216 }
217 static inline UBool isTempCE32(uint32_t ce32) {
218 return
219 (ce32 & 0xff) >= 2 && // not a long-primary/long-secondary CE32
220 6 <= ((ce32 >> 8) & 0xff) && ((ce32 >> 8) & 0xff) <= 0x45;
221 }
223 static int32_t ceStrength(int64_t ce);
225 /** At most 1M nodes, limited by the 20 bits in node bit fields. */
226 static const int32_t MAX_INDEX = 0xfffff;
227 /**
228 * Node bit 6 is set on a primary node if there are nodes
229 * with secondary values below the common secondary weight (05).
230 */
231 static const int32_t HAS_BEFORE2 = 0x40;
232 /**
233 * Node bit 5 is set on a primary or secondary node if there are nodes
234 * with tertiary values below the common tertiary weight (05).
235 */
236 static const int32_t HAS_BEFORE3 = 0x20;
237 /**
238 * Node bit 3 distinguishes a tailored node, which has no weight value,
239 * from a node with an explicit (root or default) weight.
240 */
241 static const int32_t IS_TAILORED = 8;
243 static inline int64_t nodeFromWeight32(uint32_t weight32) {
244 return (int64_t)weight32 << 32;
245 }
246 static inline int64_t nodeFromWeight16(uint32_t weight16) {
247 return (int64_t)weight16 << 48;
248 }
249 static inline int64_t nodeFromPreviousIndex(int32_t previous) {
250 return (int64_t)previous << 28;
251 }
252 static inline int64_t nodeFromNextIndex(int32_t next) {
253 return next << 8;
254 }
255 static inline int64_t nodeFromStrength(int32_t strength) {
256 return strength;
257 }
259 static inline uint32_t weight32FromNode(int64_t node) {
260 return (uint32_t)(node >> 32);
261 }
262 static inline uint32_t weight16FromNode(int64_t node) {
263 return (uint32_t)(node >> 48) & 0xffff;
264 }
265 static inline int32_t previousIndexFromNode(int64_t node) {
266 return (int32_t)(node >> 28) & MAX_INDEX;
267 }
268 static inline int32_t nextIndexFromNode(int64_t node) {
269 return ((int32_t)node >> 8) & MAX_INDEX;
270 }
271 static inline int32_t strengthFromNode(int64_t node) {
272 return (int32_t)node & 3;
273 }
275 static inline UBool nodeHasBefore2(int64_t node) {
276 return (node & HAS_BEFORE2) != 0;
277 }
278 static inline UBool nodeHasBefore3(int64_t node) {
279 return (node & HAS_BEFORE3) != 0;
280 }
281 static inline UBool nodeHasAnyBefore(int64_t node) {
282 return (node & (HAS_BEFORE2 | HAS_BEFORE3)) != 0;
283 }
284 static inline UBool isTailoredNode(int64_t node) {
285 return (node & IS_TAILORED) != 0;
286 }
288 static inline int64_t changeNodePreviousIndex(int64_t node, int32_t previous) {
289 return (node & INT64_C(0xffff00000fffffff)) | nodeFromPreviousIndex(previous);
290 }
291 static inline int64_t changeNodeNextIndex(int64_t node, int32_t next) {
292 return (node & INT64_C(0xfffffffff00000ff)) | nodeFromNextIndex(next);
293 }
295 const Normalizer2 &nfd, &fcd;
296 const Normalizer2Impl &nfcImpl;
298 const CollationTailoring *base;
299 const CollationData *baseData;
300 const CollationRootElements rootElements;
301 uint32_t variableTop;
303 CollationDataBuilder *dataBuilder;
304 UBool fastLatinEnabled;
305 UnicodeSet optimizeSet;
306 const char *errorReason;
308 int64_t ces[Collation::MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
309 int32_t cesLength;
311 /**
312 * Indexes of nodes with root primary weights, sorted by primary.
313 * Compact form of a TreeMap from root primary to node index.
314 *
315 * This is a performance optimization for finding reset positions.
316 * Without this, we would have to search through the entire nodes list.
317 * It also allows storing root primary weights in list head nodes,
318 * without previous index, leaving room in root primary nodes for 32-bit primary weights.
319 */
320 UVector32 rootPrimaryIndexes;
321 /**
322 * Data structure for assigning tailored weights and CEs.
323 * Doubly-linked lists of nodes in mostly collation order.
324 * Each list starts with a root primary node and ends with a nextIndex of 0.
325 *
326 * When there are any nodes in the list, then there is always a root primary node at index 0.
327 * This allows some code not to have to check explicitly for nextIndex==0.
328 *
329 * Root primary nodes have 32-bit weights but do not have previous indexes.
330 * All other nodes have at most 16-bit weights and do have previous indexes.
331 *
332 * Nodes with explicit weights store root collator weights,
333 * or default weak weights (e.g., secondary 05) for stronger nodes.
334 * "Tailored" nodes, with the IS_TAILORED bit set,
335 * do not store explicit weights but rather
336 * create a difference of a certain strength from the preceding node.
337 *
338 * A root node is followed by either
339 * - a root/default node of the same strength, or
340 * - a root/default node of the next-weaker strength, or
341 * - a tailored node of the same strength.
342 *
343 * A node of a given strength normally implies "common" weights on weaker levels.
344 *
345 * A node with HAS_BEFORE2 must be immediately followed by
346 * a secondary node with an explicit below-common weight, then a secondary tailored node,
347 * and later an explicit common-secondary node.
348 * The below-common weight can be a root weight,
349 * or it can be BEFORE_WEIGHT16 for tailoring before an implied common weight
350 * or before the lowest root weight.
351 * (&[before 2] resets to an explicit secondary node so that
352 * the following addRelation(secondary) tailors right after that.
353 * If we did not have this node and instead were to reset on the primary node,
354 * then addRelation(secondary) would skip forward to the the COMMON_WEIGHT16 node.)
355 *
356 * If the flag is not set, then there are no explicit secondary nodes
357 * with the common or lower weights.
358 *
359 * Same for HAS_BEFORE3 for tertiary nodes and weights.
360 * A node must not have both flags set.
361 *
362 * Tailored CEs are initially represented in a CollationDataBuilder as temporary CEs
363 * which point to stable indexes in this list,
364 * and temporary CEs stored in a CollationDataBuilder only point to tailored nodes.
365 *
366 * A temporary CE in the ces[] array may point to a non-tailored reset-before-position node,
367 * until the next relation is added.
368 *
369 * At the end, the tailored weights are allocated as necessary,
370 * then the tailored nodes are replaced with final CEs,
371 * and the CollationData is rewritten by replacing temporary CEs with final ones.
372 *
373 * We cannot simply insert new nodes in the middle of the array
374 * because that would invalidate the indexes stored in existing temporary CEs.
375 * We need to use a linked graph with stable indexes to existing nodes.
376 * A doubly-linked list seems easiest to maintain.
377 *
378 * Each node is stored as an int64_t, with its fields stored as bit fields.
379 *
380 * Root primary node:
381 * - primary weight: 32 bits 63..32
382 * - reserved/unused/zero: 4 bits 31..28
383 *
384 * Weaker root nodes & tailored nodes:
385 * - a weight: 16 bits 63..48
386 * + a root or default weight for a non-tailored node
387 * + unused/zero for a tailored node
388 * - index to the previous node: 20 bits 47..28
389 *
390 * All types of nodes:
391 * - index to the next node: 20 bits 27..8
392 * + nextIndex=0 in last node per root-primary list
393 * - reserved/unused/zero bits: bits 7, 4, 2
394 * - HAS_BEFORE2: bit 6
395 * - HAS_BEFORE3: bit 5
396 * - IS_TAILORED: bit 3
397 * - the difference strength (primary/secondary/tertiary/quaternary): 2 bits 1..0
398 *
399 * We could allocate structs with pointers, but we would have to store them
400 * in a pointer list so that they can be indexed from temporary CEs,
401 * and they would require more memory allocations.
402 */
403 UVector64 nodes;
409#endif // __COLLATIONBUILDER_H__