1#include "duckdb/execution/index/art/art.hpp"
2#include "duckdb/execution/expression_executor.hpp"
3#include "duckdb/common/vector_operations/vector_operations.hpp"
4#include <algorithm>
5#include <ctgmath>
7using namespace duckdb;
8using namespace std;
10ART::ART(vector<column_t> column_ids, vector<unique_ptr<Expression>> unbound_expressions,
11 bool is_unique)
12 : Index(IndexType::ART, column_ids, move(unbound_expressions)), is_unique(is_unique) {
13 tree = nullptr;
14 expression_result.Initialize(types);
15 int n = 1;
16 //! little endian if true
17 if (*(char *)&n == 1) {
18 is_little_endian = true;
19 } else {
20 is_little_endian = false;
21 }
22 switch (types[0]) {
23 case TypeId::BOOL:
24 case TypeId::INT8:
25 case TypeId::INT16:
26 case TypeId::INT32:
27 case TypeId::INT64:
28 case TypeId::FLOAT:
29 case TypeId::DOUBLE:
30 case TypeId::VARCHAR:
31 break;
32 default:
33 throw InvalidTypeException(types[0], "Invalid type for index");
34 }
37ART::~ART() {
40bool ART::LeafMatches(Node *node, Key &key, unsigned depth) {
41 auto leaf = static_cast<Leaf *>(node);
42 Key &leaf_key = *leaf->value;
43 for (idx_t i = depth; i < leaf_key.len; i++) {
44 if (leaf_key[i] != key[i]) {
45 return false;
46 }
47 }
49 return true;
52unique_ptr<IndexScanState> ART::InitializeScanSinglePredicate(Transaction &transaction, vector<column_t> column_ids,
53 Value value, ExpressionType expression_type) {
54 auto result = make_unique<ARTIndexScanState>(column_ids);
55 result->values[0] = value;
56 result->expressions[0] = expression_type;
57 return move(result);
60unique_ptr<IndexScanState> ART::InitializeScanTwoPredicates(Transaction &transaction, vector<column_t> column_ids,
61 Value low_value, ExpressionType low_expression_type,
62 Value high_value, ExpressionType high_expression_type) {
63 auto result = make_unique<ARTIndexScanState>(column_ids);
64 result->values[0] = low_value;
65 result->expressions[0] = low_expression_type;
66 result->values[1] = high_value;
67 result->expressions[1] = high_expression_type;
68 return move(result);
72// Insert
74template <class T>
75static void generate_keys(Vector &input, idx_t count, vector<unique_ptr<Key>> &keys, bool is_little_endian) {
76 VectorData idata;
77 input.Orrify(count, idata);
79 auto input_data = (T *)idata.data;
80 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
81 auto idx = idata.sel->get_index(i);
82 if ((*idata.nullmask)[idx]) {
83 keys.push_back(nullptr);
84 } else {
85 keys.push_back(Key::CreateKey<T>(input_data[idx], is_little_endian));
86 }
87 }
90template <class T>
91static void concatenate_keys(Vector &input, idx_t count, vector<unique_ptr<Key>> &keys, bool is_little_endian) {
92 VectorData idata;
93 input.Orrify(count, idata);
95 auto input_data = (T *)idata.data;
96 for (idx_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
97 auto idx = idata.sel->get_index(i);
98 if ((*idata.nullmask)[idx] || !keys[i]) {
99 // either this column is NULL, or the previous column is NULL!
100 keys[i] = nullptr;
101 } else {
102 // concatenate the keys
103 auto old_key = move(keys[i]);
104 auto new_key = Key::CreateKey<T>(input_data[idx], is_little_endian);
105 auto keyLen = old_key->len + new_key->len;
106 auto compound_data = unique_ptr<data_t[]>(new data_t[keyLen]);
107 memcpy(compound_data.get(), old_key->data.get(), old_key->len);
108 memcpy(compound_data.get() + old_key->len, new_key->data.get(), new_key->len);
109 keys[i] = make_unique<Key>(move(compound_data), keyLen);
110 }
111 }
114void ART::GenerateKeys(DataChunk &input, vector<unique_ptr<Key>> &keys) {
115 keys.reserve(STANDARD_VECTOR_SIZE);
116 // generate keys for the first input column
117 switch (input.data[0].type) {
118 case TypeId::BOOL:
119 generate_keys<bool>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
120 break;
121 case TypeId::INT8:
122 generate_keys<int8_t>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
123 break;
124 case TypeId::INT16:
125 generate_keys<int16_t>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
126 break;
127 case TypeId::INT32:
128 generate_keys<int32_t>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
129 break;
130 case TypeId::INT64:
131 generate_keys<int64_t>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
132 break;
133 case TypeId::FLOAT:
134 generate_keys<float>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
135 break;
136 case TypeId::DOUBLE:
137 generate_keys<double>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
138 break;
139 case TypeId::VARCHAR:
140 generate_keys<string_t>(input.data[0], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
141 break;
142 default:
143 throw InvalidTypeException(input.data[0].type, "Invalid type for index");
144 }
145 for (idx_t i = 1; i < input.column_count(); i++) {
146 // for each of the remaining columns, concatenate
147 switch (input.data[i].type) {
148 case TypeId::BOOL:
149 concatenate_keys<bool>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
150 break;
151 case TypeId::INT8:
152 concatenate_keys<int8_t>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
153 break;
154 case TypeId::INT16:
155 concatenate_keys<int16_t>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
156 break;
157 case TypeId::INT32:
158 concatenate_keys<int32_t>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
159 break;
160 case TypeId::INT64:
161 concatenate_keys<int64_t>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
162 break;
163 case TypeId::FLOAT:
164 concatenate_keys<float>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
165 break;
166 case TypeId::DOUBLE:
167 concatenate_keys<double>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
168 break;
169 case TypeId::VARCHAR:
170 concatenate_keys<string_t>(input.data[i], input.size(), keys, is_little_endian);
171 break;
172 default:
173 throw InvalidTypeException(input.data[0].type, "Invalid type for index");
174 }
175 }
178bool ART::Insert(IndexLock &lock, DataChunk &input, Vector &row_ids) {
179 assert(row_ids.type == ROW_TYPE);
180 assert(types[0] == input.data[0].type);
182 // generate the keys for the given input
183 vector<unique_ptr<Key>> keys;
184 GenerateKeys(input, keys);
186 // now insert the elements into the index
187 row_ids.Normalify(input.size());
188 auto row_identifiers = FlatVector::GetData<row_t>(row_ids);
189 idx_t failed_index = INVALID_INDEX;
190 for (idx_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
191 if (!keys[i]) {
192 continue;
193 }
195 row_t row_id = row_identifiers[i];
196 if (!Insert(tree, move(keys[i]), 0, row_id)) {
197 // failed to insert because of constraint violation
198 failed_index = i;
199 break;
200 }
201 }
202 if (failed_index != INVALID_INDEX) {
203 // failed to insert because of constraint violation: remove previously inserted entries
204 // generate keys again
205 keys.clear();
206 GenerateKeys(input, keys);
207 unique_ptr<Key> key;
209 // now erase the entries
210 for (idx_t i = 0; i < failed_index; i++) {
211 if (!keys[i]) {
212 continue;
213 }
214 row_t row_id = row_identifiers[i];
215 Erase(tree, *keys[i], 0, row_id);
216 }
217 return false;
218 }
219 return true;
222bool ART::Append(IndexLock &lock, DataChunk &appended_data, Vector &row_identifiers) {
223 // first resolve the expressions for the index
224 ExecuteExpressions(appended_data, expression_result);
226 // now insert into the index
227 return Insert(lock, expression_result, row_identifiers);
230void ART::VerifyAppend(DataChunk &chunk) {
231 if (!is_unique) {
232 return;
233 }
234 // unique index, check
235 lock_guard<mutex> l(lock);
236 // first resolve the expressions for the index
237 ExecuteExpressions(chunk, expression_result);
239 // generate the keys for the given input
240 vector<unique_ptr<Key>> keys;
241 GenerateKeys(expression_result, keys);
243 for (idx_t i = 0; i < chunk.size(); i++) {
244 if (!keys[i]) {
245 continue;
246 }
247 if (Lookup(tree, *keys[i], 0) != nullptr) {
248 // node already exists in tree
249 throw ConstraintException("duplicate key value violates primary key or unique constraint");
250 }
251 }
254bool ART::InsertToLeaf(Leaf &leaf, row_t row_id) {
255 if (is_unique && leaf.num_elements != 0) {
256 return false;
257 }
258 leaf.Insert(row_id);
259 return true;
262bool ART::Insert(unique_ptr<Node> &node, unique_ptr<Key> value, unsigned depth, row_t row_id) {
263 Key &key = *value;
264 if (!node) {
265 // node is currently empty, create a leaf here with the key
266 node = make_unique<Leaf>(*this, move(value), row_id);
267 return true;
268 }
270 if (node->type == NodeType::NLeaf) {
271 // Replace leaf with Node4 and store both leaves in it
272 auto leaf = static_cast<Leaf *>(node.get());
274 Key &existingKey = *leaf->value;
275 uint32_t newPrefixLength = 0;
276 // Leaf node is already there, update row_id vector
277 if (depth + newPrefixLength == existingKey.len && existingKey.len == key.len) {
278 return InsertToLeaf(*leaf, row_id);
279 }
280 while (existingKey[depth + newPrefixLength] == key[depth + newPrefixLength]) {
281 newPrefixLength++;
282 // Leaf node is already there, update row_id vector
283 if (depth + newPrefixLength == existingKey.len && existingKey.len == key.len) {
284 return InsertToLeaf(*leaf, row_id);
285 }
286 }
288 unique_ptr<Node> newNode = make_unique<Node4>(*this, newPrefixLength);
289 newNode->prefix_length = newPrefixLength;
290 memcpy(newNode->prefix.get(), &key[depth], newPrefixLength);
291 Node4::insert(*this, newNode, existingKey[depth + newPrefixLength], node);
292 unique_ptr<Node> leaf_node = make_unique<Leaf>(*this, move(value), row_id);
293 Node4::insert(*this, newNode, key[depth + newPrefixLength], leaf_node);
294 node = move(newNode);
295 return true;
296 }
298 // Handle prefix of inner node
299 if (node->prefix_length) {
300 uint32_t mismatchPos = Node::PrefixMismatch(*this, node.get(), key, depth);
301 if (mismatchPos != node->prefix_length) {
302 // Prefix differs, create new node
303 unique_ptr<Node> newNode = make_unique<Node4>(*this, mismatchPos);
304 newNode->prefix_length = mismatchPos;
305 memcpy(newNode->prefix.get(), node->prefix.get(), mismatchPos);
306 // Break up prefix
307 auto node_ptr = node.get();
308 Node4::insert(*this, newNode, node->prefix[mismatchPos], node);
309 node_ptr->prefix_length -= (mismatchPos + 1);
310 memmove(node_ptr->prefix.get(), node_ptr->prefix.get() + mismatchPos + 1, node_ptr->prefix_length);
311 unique_ptr<Node> leaf_node = make_unique<Leaf>(*this, move(value), row_id);
312 Node4::insert(*this, newNode, key[depth + mismatchPos], leaf_node);
313 node = move(newNode);
314 return true;
315 }
316 depth += node->prefix_length;
317 }
319 // Recurse
320 idx_t pos = node->GetChildPos(key[depth]);
321 if (pos != INVALID_INDEX) {
322 auto child = node->GetChild(pos);
323 return Insert(*child, move(value), depth + 1, row_id);
324 }
325 unique_ptr<Node> newNode = make_unique<Leaf>(*this, move(value), row_id);
326 Node::InsertLeaf(*this, node, key[depth], newNode);
327 return true;
331// Delete
333void ART::Delete(IndexLock &state, DataChunk &input, Vector &row_ids) {
334 // first resolve the expressions
335 ExecuteExpressions(input, expression_result);
337 // then generate the keys for the given input
338 vector<unique_ptr<Key>> keys;
339 GenerateKeys(expression_result, keys);
341 // now erase the elements from the database
342 row_ids.Normalify(input.size());
343 auto row_identifiers = FlatVector::GetData<row_t>(row_ids);
345 for (idx_t i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
346 if (!keys[i]) {
347 continue;
348 }
349 Erase(tree, *keys[i], 0, row_identifiers[i]);
350 }
353void ART::Erase(unique_ptr<Node> &node, Key &key, unsigned depth, row_t row_id) {
354 if (!node) {
355 return;
356 }
357 // Delete a leaf from a tree
358 if (node->type == NodeType::NLeaf) {
359 // Make sure we have the right leaf
360 if (ART::LeafMatches(node.get(), key, depth)) {
361 auto leaf = static_cast<Leaf *>(node.get());
362 leaf->Remove(row_id);
363 if (leaf->num_elements == 0) {
364 node.reset();
365 }
366 }
367 return;
368 }
370 // Handle prefix
371 if (node->prefix_length) {
372 if (Node::PrefixMismatch(*this, node.get(), key, depth) != node->prefix_length) {
373 return;
374 }
375 depth += node->prefix_length;
376 }
377 idx_t pos = node->GetChildPos(key[depth]);
378 if (pos != INVALID_INDEX) {
379 auto child = node->GetChild(pos);
380 assert(child);
382 unique_ptr<Node> &child_ref = *child;
383 if (child_ref->type == NodeType::NLeaf && LeafMatches(child_ref.get(), key, depth)) {
384 // Leaf found, remove entry
385 auto leaf = static_cast<Leaf *>(child_ref.get());
386 leaf->Remove(row_id);
387 if (leaf->num_elements == 0) {
388 // Leaf is empty, delete leaf, decrement node counter and maybe shrink node
389 Node::Erase(*this, node, pos);
390 }
391 } else {
392 // Recurse
393 Erase(*child, key, depth + 1, row_id);
394 }
395 }
399// Point Query
401static unique_ptr<Key> CreateKey(ART &art, TypeId type, Value &value) {
402 assert(type == value.type);
403 switch (type) {
404 case TypeId::BOOL:
405 return Key::CreateKey<bool>(value.value_.boolean, art.is_little_endian);
406 case TypeId::INT8:
407 return Key::CreateKey<int8_t>(value.value_.tinyint, art.is_little_endian);
408 case TypeId::INT16:
409 return Key::CreateKey<int16_t>(value.value_.smallint, art.is_little_endian);
410 case TypeId::INT32:
411 return Key::CreateKey<int32_t>(value.value_.integer, art.is_little_endian);
412 case TypeId::INT64:
413 return Key::CreateKey<int64_t>(value.value_.bigint, art.is_little_endian);
414 case TypeId::FLOAT:
415 return Key::CreateKey<float>(value.value_.float_, art.is_little_endian);
416 case TypeId::DOUBLE:
417 return Key::CreateKey<double>(value.value_.double_, art.is_little_endian);
418 case TypeId::VARCHAR:
419 return Key::CreateKey<string_t>(string_t(value.str_value.c_str(), value.str_value.size()),
420 art.is_little_endian);
421 default:
422 throw InvalidTypeException(type, "Invalid type for index");
423 }
426void ART::SearchEqual(vector<row_t> &result_ids, ARTIndexScanState *state) {
427 unique_ptr<Key> key = CreateKey(*this, types[0], state->values[0]);
428 auto leaf = static_cast<Leaf *>(Lookup(tree, *key, 0));
429 if (!leaf) {
430 return;
431 }
432 for (idx_t i = 0; i < leaf->num_elements; i++) {
433 row_t row_id = leaf->GetRowId(i);
434 result_ids.push_back(row_id);
435 }
438Node *ART::Lookup(unique_ptr<Node> &node, Key &key, unsigned depth) {
439 auto node_val = node.get();
441 while (node_val) {
442 if (node_val->type == NodeType::NLeaf) {
443 auto leaf = static_cast<Leaf *>(node_val);
444 Key &leafKey = *leaf->value;
445 //! Check leaf
446 for (idx_t i = depth; i < leafKey.len; i++) {
447 if (leafKey[i] != key[i]) {
448 return nullptr;
449 }
450 }
451 return node_val;
452 }
453 if (node_val->prefix_length) {
454 for (idx_t pos = 0; pos < node_val->prefix_length; pos++) {
455 if (key[depth + pos] != node_val->prefix[pos]) {
456 return nullptr;
457 }
458 }
459 depth += node_val->prefix_length;
460 }
461 idx_t pos = node_val->GetChildPos(key[depth]);
462 if (pos == INVALID_INDEX) {
463 return nullptr;
464 }
465 node_val = node_val->GetChild(pos)->get();
466 assert(node_val);
468 depth++;
469 }
471 return nullptr;
475// Iterator scans
477template <bool HAS_BOUND, bool INCLUSIVE>
478void ART::IteratorScan(ARTIndexScanState *state, Iterator *it, vector<row_t> &result_ids, Key *bound) {
479 bool has_next;
480 do {
481 if (HAS_BOUND) {
482 assert(bound);
483 if (INCLUSIVE) {
484 if (*it->node->value > *bound) {
485 break;
486 }
487 } else {
488 if (*it->node->value >= *bound) {
489 break;
490 }
491 }
492 }
493 for (idx_t i = 0; i < it->node->num_elements; i++) {
494 row_t row_id = it->node->GetRowId(i);
495 result_ids.push_back(row_id);
496 }
497 has_next = ART::IteratorNext(*it);
498 } while (has_next);
501bool ART::IteratorNext(Iterator &it) {
502 // Skip leaf
503 if ((it.depth) && ((it.stack[it.depth - 1].node)->type == NodeType::NLeaf)) {
504 it.depth--;
505 }
507 // Look for the next leaf
508 while (it.depth > 0) {
509 auto &top = it.stack[it.depth - 1];
510 Node *node = top.node;
512 if (node->type == NodeType::NLeaf) {
513 // found a leaf: move to next node
514 it.node = (Leaf *)node;
515 return true;
516 }
518 // Find next node
519 top.pos = node->GetNextPos(top.pos);
520 if (top.pos != INVALID_INDEX) {
521 // next node found: go there
522 it.stack[it.depth].node = node->GetChild(top.pos)->get();
523 it.stack[it.depth].pos = INVALID_INDEX;
524 it.depth++;
525 } else {
526 // no node found: move up the tree
527 it.depth--;
528 }
529 }
530 return false;
534// Greater Than
535// Returns: True (If found leaf >= key)
536// False (Otherwise)
538bool ART::Bound(unique_ptr<Node> &n, Key &key, Iterator &it, bool inclusive) {
539 it.depth = 0;
540 bool equal = false;
541 if (!n) {
542 return false;
543 }
544 Node *node = n.get();
546 idx_t depth = 0;
547 while (true) {
548 auto &top = it.stack[it.depth];
549 top.node = node;
550 it.depth++;
551 if (!equal) {
552 while (node->type != NodeType::NLeaf) {
553 node = node->GetChild(node->GetMin())->get();
554 auto &c_top = it.stack[it.depth];
555 c_top.node = node;
556 it.depth++;
557 }
558 }
559 if (node->type == NodeType::NLeaf) {
560 // found a leaf node: check if it is bigger or equal than the current key
561 auto leaf = static_cast<Leaf *>(node);
562 it.node = leaf;
563 // if the search is not inclusive the leaf node could still be equal to the current value
564 // check if leaf is equal to the current key
565 if (*leaf->value == key) {
566 // if its not inclusive check if there is a next leaf
567 if (!inclusive && !IteratorNext(it)) {
568 return false;
569 } else {
570 return true;
571 }
572 }
574 if (*leaf->value > key) {
575 return true;
576 }
577 // Leaf is lower than key
578 // Check if next leaf is still lower than key
579 while (IteratorNext(it)) {
580 if (*it.node->value == key) {
581 // if its not inclusive check if there is a next leaf
582 if (!inclusive && !IteratorNext(it)) {
583 return false;
584 } else {
585 return true;
586 }
587 } else if (*it.node->value > key) {
588 // if its not inclusive check if there is a next leaf
589 return true;
590 }
591 }
592 return false;
593 }
594 uint32_t mismatchPos = Node::PrefixMismatch(*this, node, key, depth);
595 if (mismatchPos != node->prefix_length) {
596 if (node->prefix[mismatchPos] < key[depth + mismatchPos]) {
597 // Less
598 it.depth--;
599 return IteratorNext(it);
600 } else {
601 // Greater
602 top.pos = INVALID_INDEX;
603 return IteratorNext(it);
604 }
605 }
606 // prefix matches, search inside the child for the key
607 depth += node->prefix_length;
609 top.pos = node->GetChildGreaterEqual(key[depth], equal);
610 if (top.pos == INVALID_INDEX) {
611 // Find min leaf
612 top.pos = node->GetMin();
613 }
614 node = node->GetChild(top.pos)->get();
615 //! This means all children of this node qualify as geq
617 depth++;
618 }
621void ART::SearchGreater(vector<row_t> &result_ids, ARTIndexScanState *state, bool inclusive) {
622 Iterator *it = &state->iterator;
623 auto key = CreateKey(*this, types[0], state->values[0]);
625 // greater than scan: first set the iterator to the node at which we will start our scan by finding the lowest node
626 // that satisfies our requirement
627 if (!it->start) {
628 bool found = ART::Bound(tree, *key, *it, inclusive);
629 if (!found) {
630 return;
631 }
632 it->start = true;
633 }
634 // after that we continue the scan; we don't need to check the bounds as any value following this value is
635 // automatically bigger and hence satisfies our predicate
636 IteratorScan<false, false>(state, it, result_ids, nullptr);
640// Less Than
642static Leaf &FindMinimum(Iterator &it, Node &node) {
643 Node *next = nullptr;
644 idx_t pos = 0;
645 switch (node.type) {
646 case NodeType::NLeaf:
647 it.node = (Leaf *)&node;
648 return (Leaf &)node;
649 case NodeType::N4:
650 next = ((Node4 &)node).child[0].get();
651 break;
652 case NodeType::N16:
653 next = ((Node16 &)node).child[0].get();
654 break;
655 case NodeType::N48: {
656 auto &n48 = (Node48 &)node;
657 while (n48.childIndex[pos] == Node::EMPTY_MARKER) {
658 pos++;
659 }
660 next = n48.child[n48.childIndex[pos]].get();
661 break;
662 }
663 case NodeType::N256: {
664 auto &n256 = (Node256 &)node;
665 while (!n256.child[pos]) {
666 pos++;
667 }
668 next = n256.child[pos].get();
669 break;
670 }
671 }
672 it.stack[it.depth].node = &node;
673 it.stack[it.depth].pos = pos;
674 it.depth++;
675 return FindMinimum(it, *next);
678void ART::SearchLess(vector<row_t> &result_ids, ARTIndexScanState *state, bool inclusive) {
679 if (!tree) {
680 return;
681 }
683 Iterator *it = &state->iterator;
684 auto upper_bound = CreateKey(*this, types[0], state->values[0]);
686 if (!it->start) {
687 // first find the minimum value in the ART: we start scanning from this value
688 auto &minimum = FindMinimum(state->iterator, *tree);
689 // early out min value higher than upper bound query
690 if (*minimum.value > *upper_bound) {
691 return;
692 }
693 it->start = true;
694 }
695 // now continue the scan until we reach the upper bound
696 if (inclusive) {
697 IteratorScan<true, true>(state, it, result_ids, upper_bound.get());
698 } else {
699 IteratorScan<true, false>(state, it, result_ids, upper_bound.get());
700 }
704// Closed Range Query
706void ART::SearchCloseRange(vector<row_t> &result_ids, ARTIndexScanState *state, bool left_inclusive,
707 bool right_inclusive) {
708 auto lower_bound = CreateKey(*this, types[0], state->values[0]);
709 auto upper_bound = CreateKey(*this, types[0], state->values[1]);
710 Iterator *it = &state->iterator;
711 // first find the first node that satisfies the left predicate
712 if (!it->start) {
713 bool found = ART::Bound(tree, *lower_bound, *it, left_inclusive);
714 if (!found) {
715 return;
716 }
717 it->start = true;
718 }
719 // now continue the scan until we reach the upper bound
720 if (right_inclusive) {
721 IteratorScan<true, true>(state, it, result_ids, upper_bound.get());
722 } else {
723 IteratorScan<true, false>(state, it, result_ids, upper_bound.get());
724 }
727void ART::Scan(Transaction &transaction, DataTable &table, TableIndexScanState &table_state, DataChunk &result) {
728 auto state = (ARTIndexScanState *)table_state.index_state.get();
730 // scan the index
731 if (!state->checked) {
732 vector<row_t> result_ids;
733 assert(state->values[0].type == types[0]);
735 if (state->values[1].is_null) {
736 lock_guard<mutex> l(lock);
737 // single predicate
738 switch (state->expressions[0]) {
739 case ExpressionType::COMPARE_EQUAL:
740 SearchEqual(result_ids, state);
741 break;
743 SearchGreater(result_ids, state, true);
744 break;
745 case ExpressionType::COMPARE_GREATERTHAN:
746 SearchGreater(result_ids, state, false);
747 break;
749 SearchLess(result_ids, state, true);
750 break;
751 case ExpressionType::COMPARE_LESSTHAN:
752 SearchLess(result_ids, state, false);
753 break;
754 default:
755 throw NotImplementedException("Operation not implemented");
756 }
757 } else {
758 lock_guard<mutex> l(lock);
759 // two predicates
760 assert(state->values[1].type == types[0]);
761 bool left_inclusive = state->expressions[0] == ExpressionType ::COMPARE_GREATERTHANOREQUALTO;
762 bool right_inclusive = state->expressions[1] == ExpressionType ::COMPARE_LESSTHANOREQUALTO;
763 SearchCloseRange(result_ids, state, left_inclusive, right_inclusive);
764 }
765 state->checked = true;
767 if (result_ids.size() == 0) {
768 return;
769 }
771 // sort the row ids
772 sort(result_ids.begin(), result_ids.end());
773 // duplicate eliminate the row ids and append them to the row ids of the state
774 state->result_ids.reserve(result_ids.size());
776 state->result_ids.push_back(result_ids[0]);
777 for (idx_t i = 1; i < result_ids.size(); i++) {
778 if (result_ids[i] != result_ids[i - 1]) {
779 state->result_ids.push_back(result_ids[i]);
780 }
781 }
782 }
784 if (state->result_index >= state->result_ids.size()) {
785 // exhausted all row ids
786 return;
787 }
789 // create a vector pointing to the current set of row ids
790 Vector row_identifiers(ROW_TYPE, (data_ptr_t)&state->result_ids[state->result_index]);
791 idx_t scan_count = std::min((idx_t)STANDARD_VECTOR_SIZE, (idx_t)state->result_ids.size() - state->result_index);
793 // fetch the actual values from the base table
794 table.Fetch(transaction, result, state->column_ids, row_identifiers, scan_count, table_state);
796 // move to the next set of row ids
797 state->result_index += scan_count;