2 * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef SkGlyph_DEFINED
9#define SkGlyph_DEFINED
11#include "include/core/SkPath.h"
12#include "include/core/SkTypes.h"
13#include "include/private/SkChecksum.h"
14#include "include/private/SkFixed.h"
15#include "include/private/SkTo.h"
16#include "include/private/SkVx.h"
17#include "src/core/SkMask.h"
19class SkArenaAlloc;
20class SkScalerContext;
22// needs to be != to any valid SkMask::Format
26// A combination of SkGlyphID and sub-pixel position information.
27struct SkPackedGlyphID {
28 static constexpr uint32_t kImpossibleID = ~0u;
29 enum {
30 // Lengths
31 kGlyphIDLen = 16u,
32 kSubPixelPosLen = 2u,
34 // Bit positions
35 kSubPixelX = 0u,
36 kGlyphID = kSubPixelPosLen,
37 kSubPixelY = kGlyphIDLen + kSubPixelPosLen,
38 kEndData = kGlyphIDLen + 2 * kSubPixelPosLen,
40 // Masks
41 kGlyphIDMask = (1u << kGlyphIDLen) - 1,
42 kSubPixelPosMask = (1u << kSubPixelPosLen) - 1,
43 kMaskAll = (1u << kEndData) - 1,
45 // Location of sub pixel info in a fixed pointer number.
46 kFixedPointBinaryPointPos = 16u,
47 kFixedPointSubPixelPosBits = kFixedPointBinaryPointPos - kSubPixelPosLen,
48 };
50 static constexpr SkScalar kSubpixelRound = 1.f / (1u << (SkPackedGlyphID::kSubPixelPosLen + 1));
52 static constexpr SkIPoint kXYFieldMask{kSubPixelPosMask << kSubPixelX,
53 kSubPixelPosMask << kSubPixelY};
55 constexpr explicit SkPackedGlyphID(SkGlyphID glyphID)
56 : fID{(uint32_t)glyphID << kGlyphID} { }
58 constexpr SkPackedGlyphID(SkGlyphID glyphID, SkFixed x, SkFixed y)
59 : fID {PackIDXY(glyphID, x, y)} { }
61 constexpr SkPackedGlyphID(SkGlyphID glyphID, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
62 : fID {PackIDSubXSubY(glyphID, x, y)} { }
64 SkPackedGlyphID(SkGlyphID glyphID, SkPoint pt, SkIPoint mask)
65 : fID{PackIDSkPoint(glyphID, pt, mask)} { }
67 constexpr explicit SkPackedGlyphID(uint32_t v) : fID{v & kMaskAll} { }
69 constexpr SkPackedGlyphID() : fID{kImpossibleID} {}
71 bool operator==(const SkPackedGlyphID& that) const {
72 return fID == that.fID;
73 }
74 bool operator!=(const SkPackedGlyphID& that) const {
75 return !(*this == that);
76 }
77 bool operator<(SkPackedGlyphID that) const {
78 return this->fID < that.fID;
79 }
81 SkGlyphID glyphID() const {
82 return (fID >> kGlyphID) & kGlyphIDMask;
83 }
85 uint32_t value() const {
86 return fID;
87 }
89 SkFixed getSubXFixed() const {
90 return this->subToFixed(kSubPixelX);
91 }
93 SkFixed getSubYFixed() const {
94 return this->subToFixed(kSubPixelY);
95 }
97 uint32_t hash() const {
98 return SkChecksum::CheapMix(fID);
99 }
101 SkString dump() const {
102 SkString str;
103 str.appendf("glyphID: %d, x: %d, y:%d", glyphID(), getSubXFixed(), getSubYFixed());
104 return str;
105 }
108 static constexpr uint32_t PackIDSubXSubY(SkGlyphID glyphID, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
109 SkASSERT(x < (1u << kSubPixelPosLen));
110 SkASSERT(y < (1u << kSubPixelPosLen));
112 return (x << kSubPixelX) | (y << kSubPixelY) | (glyphID << kGlyphID);
113 }
115 // Assumptions: pt is properly rounded. mask is set for the x or y fields.
116 //
117 // A sub-pixel field is a number on the interval [2^kSubPixel, 2^(kSubPixel + kSubPixelPosLen)).
118 // Where kSubPixel is either kSubPixelX or kSubPixelY. Given a number x on [0, 1) we can
119 // generate a sub-pixel field using:
120 // sub-pixel-field = x * 2^(kSubPixel + kSubPixelPosLen)
121 //
122 // We can generate the integer sub-pixel field by &-ing the integer part of sub-filed with the
123 // sub-pixel field mask.
124 // int-sub-pixel-field = int(sub-pixel-field) & (kSubPixelPosMask << kSubPixel)
125 //
126 // The last trick is to extend the range from [0, 1) to [0, 2). The extend range is
127 // necessary because the modulo 1 calculation (pt - floor(pt)) generates numbers on [-1, 1).
128 // This does not round (floor) properly when converting to integer. Adding one to the range
129 // causes truncation and floor to be the same. Coincidentally, masking to produce the field also
130 // removes the +1.
131 static uint32_t PackIDSkPoint(SkGlyphID glyphID, SkPoint pt, SkIPoint mask) {
132 #if 0
133 // TODO: why does this code not work on GCC 8.3 x86 Debug builds?
134 using namespace skvx;
135 using XY = Vec<2, float>;
136 using SubXY = Vec<2, int>;
138 const XY magic = {1.f * (1u << (kSubPixelPosLen + kSubPixelX)),
139 1.f * (1u << (kSubPixelPosLen + kSubPixelY))};
140 XY pos{pt.x(), pt.y()};
141 XY subPos = (pos - floor(pos)) + 1.0f;
142 SubXY sub = cast<int>(subPos * magic) & SubXY{mask.x(), mask.y()};
143 #else
144 const float magicX = 1.f * (1u << (kSubPixelPosLen + kSubPixelX)),
145 magicY = 1.f * (1u << (kSubPixelPosLen + kSubPixelY));
147 float x = pt.x(),
148 y = pt.y();
149 x = (x - floorf(x)) + 1.0f;
150 y = (y - floorf(y)) + 1.0f;
151 int sub[] = {
152 (int)(x * magicX) & mask.x(),
153 (int)(y * magicY) & mask.y(),
154 };
155 #endif
157 SkASSERT(sub[0] / (1u << kSubPixelX) < (1u << kSubPixelPosLen));
158 SkASSERT(sub[1] / (1u << kSubPixelY) < (1u << kSubPixelPosLen));
159 return (glyphID << kGlyphID) | sub[0] | sub[1];
160 }
162 static constexpr uint32_t PackIDXY(SkGlyphID glyphID, SkFixed x, SkFixed y) {
163 return PackIDSubXSubY(glyphID, FixedToSub(x), FixedToSub(y));
164 }
166 static constexpr uint32_t FixedToSub(SkFixed n) {
167 return ((uint32_t)n >> kFixedPointSubPixelPosBits) & kSubPixelPosMask;
168 }
170 constexpr SkFixed subToFixed(uint32_t subPixelPosBit) const {
171 uint32_t subPixelPosition = (fID >> subPixelPosBit) & kSubPixelPosMask;
172 return subPixelPosition << kFixedPointSubPixelPosBits;
173 }
175 uint32_t fID;
178struct SkGlyphPrototype;
180class SkGlyph {
182 // SkGlyph() is used for testing.
183 constexpr SkGlyph() : fID{SkPackedGlyphID()} { }
184 constexpr explicit SkGlyph(SkPackedGlyphID id) : fID{id} { }
186 SkVector advanceVector() const { return SkVector{fAdvanceX, fAdvanceY}; }
187 SkScalar advanceX() const { return fAdvanceX; }
188 SkScalar advanceY() const { return fAdvanceY; }
190 SkGlyphID getGlyphID() const { return fID.glyphID(); }
191 SkPackedGlyphID getPackedID() const { return fID; }
192 SkFixed getSubXFixed() const { return fID.getSubXFixed(); }
193 SkFixed getSubYFixed() const { return fID.getSubYFixed(); }
195 size_t rowBytes() const;
196 size_t rowBytesUsingFormat(SkMask::Format format) const;
198 // Call this to set all of the metrics fields to 0 (e.g. if the scaler
199 // encounters an error measuring a glyph). Note: this does not alter the
200 // fImage, fPath, fID, fMaskFormat fields.
201 void zeroMetrics();
203 SkMask mask() const;
205 SkMask mask(SkPoint position) const;
207 // Image
208 // If we haven't already tried to associate an image with this glyph
209 // (i.e. setImageHasBeenCalled() returns false), then use the
210 // SkScalerContext or const void* argument to set the image.
211 bool setImage(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, SkScalerContext* scalerContext);
212 bool setImage(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, const void* image);
214 // Merge the from glyph into this glyph using alloc to allocate image data. Return true if
215 // image data was allocated. If the image for this glyph has not been initialized, then copy
216 // the width, height, top, left, format, and image into this glyph making a copy of the image
217 // using the alloc.
218 bool setMetricsAndImage(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, const SkGlyph& from);
220 // Returns true if the image has been set.
221 bool setImageHasBeenCalled() const {
222 return fImage != nullptr || this->isEmpty() || this->imageTooLarge();
223 }
225 // Return a pointer to the path if the image exists, otherwise return nullptr.
226 const void* image() const { SkASSERT(this->setImageHasBeenCalled()); return fImage; }
228 // Return the size of the image.
229 size_t imageSize() const;
231 // Path
232 // If we haven't already tried to associate a path to this glyph
233 // (i.e. setPathHasBeenCalled() returns false), then use the
234 // SkScalerContext or SkPath argument to try to do so. N.B. this
235 // may still result in no path being associated with this glyph,
236 // e.g. if you pass a null SkPath or the typeface is bitmap-only.
237 //
238 // This setPath() call is sticky... once you call it, the glyph
239 // stays in its state permanently, ignoring any future calls.
240 //
241 // Returns true if this is the first time you called setPath()
242 // and there actually is a path; call path() to get it.
243 bool setPath(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, SkScalerContext* scalerContext);
244 bool setPath(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, const SkPath* path);
246 // Returns true if that path has been set.
247 bool setPathHasBeenCalled() const { return fPathData != nullptr; }
249 // Return a pointer to the path if it exists, otherwise return nullptr. Only works if the
250 // path was previously set.
251 const SkPath* path() const;
253 // Format
254 bool isColor() const { return fMaskFormat == SkMask::kARGB32_Format; }
255 SkMask::Format maskFormat() const { return static_cast<SkMask::Format>(fMaskFormat); }
256 size_t formatAlignment() const;
258 // Bounds
259 int maxDimension() const { return std::max(fWidth, fHeight); }
260 SkIRect iRect() const { return SkIRect::MakeXYWH(fLeft, fTop, fWidth, fHeight); }
261 SkRect rect() const { return SkRect::MakeXYWH(fLeft, fTop, fWidth, fHeight); }
262 int left() const { return fLeft; }
263 int top() const { return fTop; }
264 int width() const { return fWidth; }
265 int height() const { return fHeight; }
266 bool isEmpty() const {
267 // fHeight == 0 -> fWidth == 0;
268 SkASSERT(fHeight != 0 || fWidth == 0);
269 return fWidth == 0;
270 }
271 bool imageTooLarge() const { return fWidth >= kMaxGlyphWidth; }
273 // Make sure that the intercept information is on the glyph and return it, or return it if it
274 // already exists.
275 // * bounds - either end of the gap for the character.
276 // * scale, xPos - information about how wide the gap is.
277 // * array - accumulated gaps for many characters if not null.
278 // * count - the number of gaps.
279 void ensureIntercepts(const SkScalar bounds[2], SkScalar scale, SkScalar xPos,
280 SkScalar* array, int* count, SkArenaAlloc* alloc);
283 // There are two sides to an SkGlyph, the scaler side (things that create glyph data) have
284 // access to all the fields. Scalers are assumed to maintain all the SkGlyph invariants. The
285 // consumer side has a tighter interface.
286 friend class RandomScalerContext;
287 friend class SkScalerContext;
288 friend class SkScalerContextProxy;
289 friend class SkScalerContext_Empty;
290 friend class SkScalerContext_FreeType;
291 friend class SkScalerContext_FreeType_Base;
292 friend class SkScalerContext_DW;
293 friend class SkScalerContext_GDI;
294 friend class SkScalerContext_Mac;
295 friend class SkStrikeClient;
296 friend class SkStrikeServer;
297 friend class SkTestScalerContext;
298 friend class SkTestSVGScalerContext;
299 friend class SkUserScalerContext;
300 friend class TestSVGTypeface;
301 friend class TestTypeface;
303 static constexpr uint16_t kMaxGlyphWidth = 1u << 13u;
305 // Support horizontal and vertical skipping strike-through / underlines.
306 // The caller walks the linked list looking for a match. For a horizontal underline,
307 // the fBounds contains the top and bottom of the underline. The fInterval pair contains the
308 // beginning and end of of the intersection of the bounds and the glyph's path.
309 // If interval[0] >= interval[1], no intersection was found.
310 struct Intercept {
311 Intercept* fNext;
312 SkScalar fBounds[2]; // for horz underlines, the boundaries in Y
313 SkScalar fInterval[2]; // the outside intersections of the axis and the glyph
314 };
316 struct PathData {
317 Intercept* fIntercept{nullptr};
318 SkPath fPath;
319 bool fHasPath{false};
320 };
322 size_t allocImage(SkArenaAlloc* alloc);
324 // path == nullptr indicates that there is no path.
325 void installPath(SkArenaAlloc* alloc, const SkPath* path);
327 // The width and height of the glyph mask.
328 uint16_t fWidth = 0,
329 fHeight = 0;
331 // The offset from the glyphs origin on the baseline to the top left of the glyph mask.
332 int16_t fTop = 0,
333 fLeft = 0;
335 // fImage must remain null if the glyph is empty or if width > kMaxGlyphWidth.
336 void* fImage = nullptr;
338 // Path data has tricky state. If the glyph isEmpty, then fPathData should always be nullptr,
339 // else if fPathData is not null, then a path has been requested. The fPath field of fPathData
340 // may still be null after the request meaning that there is no path for this glyph.
341 PathData* fPathData = nullptr;
343 // The advance for this glyph.
344 float fAdvanceX = 0,
345 fAdvanceY = 0;
347 // This is a combination of SkMask::Format and SkGlyph state. The SkGlyph can be in one of two
348 // states, just the advances have been calculated, and all the metrics are available. The
349 // illegal mask format is used to signal that only the advances are available.
350 uint8_t fMaskFormat = MASK_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
352 // Used by the DirectWrite scaler to track state.
353 int8_t fForceBW = 0;
355 const SkPackedGlyphID fID;