3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxline.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxarray.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/scene/geometry/fbxgeometry.h>
21#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
23/** A line is a geometry made of points. To be different from curves(nurbs, etc), line is linear.
24* The class can define a line with as many points as needed. The line can also represent line segments, which means there will be gaps among points.
25* To denote line segments and these gaps, certain points could be marked as end points. That's why we supply an index array(mPointArray) and an end point array(mEndPointArray).
26* To mark a point as end point, we add its index(of mPointArray) to mEndPointArray.
27* \nosubgrouping
28* Methods to initialize, set and access control points are provided in the FbxGeometryBase class.
29* To initialize control point count, please use FbxLine::InitControlPoints(int pCount).
30* To set a control point, please use FbxLine::SetControlPointAt(const FbxVector4 &pCtrlPoint , int pIndex).
31* To get control point count, please use FbxLine::GetControlPointsCount().
32* To get a control point, please use FbxLine::GetControlPointAt(int pIndex). The pIndex could be returned by GetPointIndexAt(i).
34class FBXSDK_DLL FbxLine : public FbxGeometry
36 FBXSDK_OBJECT_DECLARE(FbxLine, FbxGeometry);
39 /** Return the type of node attribute.
40 * \return Return the type of this node attribute which is \e EType::eLine.
41 */
42 virtual FbxNodeAttribute::EType GetAttributeType() const;
44 /** Reset the line to default values.
45 * Frees and set to \c NULL all layers and clear the control point array, the index array and end points array.
46 */
47 void Reset();
49 /** Sets the size of index array(mPointArray).
50 * \param pCount Specify the size of mPointArray.
51 */
52 void SetIndexArraySize(int pCount);
54 /** Return the size of index array(mPointArray).
55 * \return The number of points defined for this line.
56 */
57 int GetIndexArraySize() const;
59 /** Get the pointer to the index array.
60 * \return the pointer to the index array(mPointArray).
61 */
62 inline FbxArray<int>* GetIndexArray() { return &mPointArray;}
64 /** Sets index array(mPointArray) at a specified index.
65 * \param pValue An index to a control point. Its range is from 0 to count of control point.
66 * \param pIndex The specified index to mPointArray. Its range is from 0 to size of mPointArray.
67 * \param pAsEndPoint Mark current point as end point or not. If pAsEndPoint is true, pIndex will be automatically added to mEndPointArray.
68 * \return True on success, false on failure if pIndex is out of range.
69 */
70 bool SetPointIndexAt(int pValue, int pIndex, bool pAsEndPoint = false);
72 /** Gets the point index(i.e: an index to a control point) at the specified index.
73 * \param pIndex The specified index to the point index array(mPointArray). Its range is from 0 to size of mPointArray.
74 * \return Return the index to the table of the control points. If pIndex is out of range, it will return -1.
75 */
76 int GetPointIndexAt(int pIndex) const;
78 /** Adds a point to the index array (mPointArray).
79 * \param pValue The index to a control point. Its range is from 0 to count of control point.
80 * \param pAsEndPoint Mark current point as end point or not. If pAsEndPoint is true, current point index will be automatically added to mEndPointArray.
81 * \return True on success, false on failure if pValue is out of range.
82 */
83 bool AddPointIndex(int pValue, bool pAsEndPoint = false);
85 /** Get the pointer to the end point array.
86 * \return the pointer to the end points array(mEndPointArray).
87 */
88 inline FbxArray<int>* GetEndPointArray() { return &mEndPointArray;}
90 /** Adds a point index to the end point array (mEndPointArray).
91 * To mark it as end point, its index to mPointArray will be added to mEndPointArray.
92 * \param pPointIndex The specified index to the point index array(mPointArray). Its range is from 0 to size of mPointArray.
93 * \return True on success, false on failure if pPointIndex is out of range.
94 * \remarks The point index in mEndPointArray should be incremental, otherwise, it will return false.
95 * To add pPointIndex, mEndPointArray will be automatically appended and resized. You never have to set count or resize for mEndPointArray.
96 * Below is the code sample:
97 * \code
98 * int lIndexCount = lLine->GetIndexArraySize();
99 * for(int i = 0; i < lIndexCount; i++)
100 * {
101 * if(i%2 == 1)
102 * {
103 * lLine->AddEndPoint(i);
104 * }
105 * }
106 * \endcode
107 */
108 bool AddEndPoint(int pPointIndex);
110 /** Gets the point index(an index to the point index array) at the specified index.
111 * \param pEndPointIndex The specified index to the end points array(mEndPointArray). Its range is from 0 to size of mEndPointArray.
112 * \return Return the index to the point index array(mPointArray). If pEndPointIndex is out of range, it will return -1.
113 * \remarks Below is the code sample:
114 * \code
115 * int lEndPointsCount = lLine->GetEndPointCount();
116 * for (int j = 0; j < lEndPointsCount; j++)
117 * {
118 * //Get the index to the index array.
119 * int lEndIndex = lLine->GetEndPointAt(j);
120 * // to get the control point index of the end point
121 * int lControlPointIndex = lLine->GetPointIndexAt(lEndIndex);
122 * }
123 * \endcode
124 */
125 int GetEndPointAt(int pEndPointIndex) const;
127 /** Query the number of end points.
128 * \return Return the size of end point array(mEndPointArray).
129 */
130 int GetEndPointCount() const;
132 /** This property decide whether this line is renderable in 3DSMax.
133 * Lines from Maya are not renderable by default.
134 */
135 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> Renderable;
138** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
141 virtual FbxObject& Copy(const FbxObject& pObject);
144 virtual void Construct(const FbxObject* pFrom);
145 virtual void ConstructProperties(bool pForceSet);
146 virtual void Destruct(bool pRecursive);
149 FbxArray<int> mPointArray;
150 FbxArray<int> mEndPointArray;
151#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
154#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>