1// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR MPL-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR GPL-2.0-or-later
2// Copyright 2010, SIL International, All rights reserved.
4#include "inc/Segment.h"
5#include "inc/Slot.h"
6#include "inc/Silf.h"
7#include "inc/CharInfo.h"
8#include "inc/Rule.h"
9#include "inc/Collider.h"
12using namespace graphite2;
14Slot::Slot(int16 *user_attrs) :
15 m_next(NULL), m_prev(NULL),
16 m_glyphid(0), m_realglyphid(0), m_original(0), m_before(0), m_after(0),
17 m_index(0), m_parent(NULL), m_child(NULL), m_sibling(NULL),
18 m_position(0, 0), m_shift(0, 0), m_advance(0, 0),
19 m_attach(0, 0), m_with(0, 0), m_just(0.),
20 m_flags(0), m_attLevel(0), m_bidiCls(-1), m_bidiLevel(0),
21 m_userAttr(user_attrs), m_justs(NULL)
25// take care, this does not copy any of the GrSlot pointer fields
26void Slot::set(const Slot & orig, int charOffset, size_t sizeAttr, size_t justLevels, size_t numChars)
28 // leave m_next and m_prev unchanged
29 m_glyphid = orig.m_glyphid;
30 m_realglyphid = orig.m_realglyphid;
31 m_original = orig.m_original + charOffset;
32 if (charOffset + int(orig.m_before) < 0)
33 m_before = 0;
34 else
35 m_before = orig.m_before + charOffset;
36 if (charOffset <= 0 && orig.m_after + charOffset >= numChars)
37 m_after = int(numChars) - 1;
38 else
39 m_after = orig.m_after + charOffset;
40 m_parent = NULL;
41 m_child = NULL;
42 m_sibling = NULL;
43 m_position = orig.m_position;
44 m_shift = orig.m_shift;
45 m_advance = orig.m_advance;
46 m_attach = orig.m_attach;
47 m_with = orig.m_with;
48 m_flags = orig.m_flags;
49 m_attLevel = orig.m_attLevel;
50 m_bidiCls = orig.m_bidiCls;
51 m_bidiLevel = orig.m_bidiLevel;
52 if (m_userAttr && orig.m_userAttr)
53 memcpy(m_userAttr, orig.m_userAttr, sizeAttr * sizeof(*m_userAttr));
54 if (m_justs && orig.m_justs)
55 memcpy(m_justs, orig.m_justs, SlotJustify::size_of(justLevels));
58void Slot::update(int /*numGrSlots*/, int numCharInfo, Position &relpos)
60 m_before += numCharInfo;
61 m_after += numCharInfo;
62 m_position = m_position + relpos;
65Position Slot::finalise(const Segment *seg, const Font *font, Position & base, Rect & bbox, uint8 attrLevel, float & clusterMin, bool rtl, bool isFinal, int depth)
67 SlotCollision *coll = NULL;
68 if (depth > 100 || (attrLevel && m_attLevel > attrLevel)) return Position(0, 0);
69 float scale = font ? font->scale() : 1.0f;
70 Position shift(m_shift.x * (rtl * -2 + 1) + m_just, m_shift.y);
71 float tAdvance = m_advance.x + m_just;
72 if (isFinal && (coll = seg->collisionInfo(this)))
73 {
74 const Position &collshift = coll->offset();
75 if (!(coll->flags() & SlotCollision::COLL_KERN) || rtl)
76 shift = shift + collshift;
77 }
78 const GlyphFace * glyphFace = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(glyph());
79 if (font)
80 {
81 scale = font->scale();
82 shift *= scale;
83 if (font->isHinted() && glyphFace)
84 tAdvance = (m_advance.x - glyphFace->theAdvance().x + m_just) * scale + font->advance(glyph());
85 else
86 tAdvance *= scale;
87 }
88 Position res;
90 m_position = base + shift;
91 if (!m_parent)
92 {
93 res = base + Position(tAdvance, m_advance.y * scale);
94 clusterMin = m_position.x;
95 }
96 else
97 {
98 float tAdv;
99 m_position += (m_attach - m_with) * scale;
100 tAdv = m_advance.x >= 0.5f ? m_position.x + tAdvance - shift.x : 0.f;
101 res = Position(tAdv, 0);
102 if ((m_advance.x >= 0.5f || m_position.x < 0) && m_position.x < clusterMin) clusterMin = m_position.x;
103 }
105 if (glyphFace)
106 {
107 Rect ourBbox = glyphFace->theBBox() * scale + m_position;
108 bbox = bbox.widen(ourBbox);
109 }
111 if (m_child && m_child != this && m_child->attachedTo() == this)
112 {
113 Position tRes = m_child->finalise(seg, font, m_position, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, isFinal, depth + 1);
114 if ((!m_parent || m_advance.x >= 0.5f) && tRes.x > res.x) res = tRes;
115 }
117 if (m_parent && m_sibling && m_sibling != this && m_sibling->attachedTo() == m_parent)
118 {
119 Position tRes = m_sibling->finalise(seg, font, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, isFinal, depth + 1);
120 if (tRes.x > res.x) res = tRes;
121 }
123 if (!m_parent && clusterMin < base.x)
124 {
125 Position adj = Position(m_position.x - clusterMin, 0.);
126 res += adj;
127 m_position += adj;
128 if (m_child) m_child->floodShift(adj);
129 }
130 return res;
133int32 Slot::clusterMetric(const Segment *seg, uint8 metric, uint8 attrLevel, bool rtl)
135 Position base;
136 if (glyph() >= seg->getFace()->glyphs().numGlyphs())
137 return 0;
138 Rect bbox = seg->theGlyphBBoxTemporary(glyph());
139 float clusterMin = 0.;
140 Position res = finalise(seg, NULL, base, bbox, attrLevel, clusterMin, rtl, false);
142 switch (metrics(metric))
143 {
144 case kgmetLsb :
145 return int32(bbox.bl.x);
146 case kgmetRsb :
147 return int32(res.x - bbox.tr.x);
148 case kgmetBbTop :
149 return int32(bbox.tr.y);
150 case kgmetBbBottom :
151 return int32(bbox.bl.y);
152 case kgmetBbLeft :
153 return int32(bbox.bl.x);
154 case kgmetBbRight :
155 return int32(bbox.tr.x);
156 case kgmetBbWidth :
157 return int32(bbox.tr.x - bbox.bl.x);
158 case kgmetBbHeight :
159 return int32(bbox.tr.y - bbox.bl.y);
160 case kgmetAdvWidth :
161 return int32(res.x);
162 case kgmetAdvHeight :
163 return int32(res.y);
164 default :
165 return 0;
166 }
169#define SLOTGETCOLATTR(x) { SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); return c ? int(c-> x) : 0; }
171int Slot::getAttr(const Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex) const
173 if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
174 {
175 int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
176 return getJustify(seg, indx / 5, indx % 5);
177 }
179 switch (ind)
180 {
181 case gr_slatAdvX : return int(m_advance.x);
182 case gr_slatAdvY : return int(m_advance.y);
183 case gr_slatAttTo : return m_parent ? 1 : 0;
184 case gr_slatAttX : return int(m_attach.x);
185 case gr_slatAttY : return int(m_attach.y);
186 case gr_slatAttXOff :
187 case gr_slatAttYOff : return 0;
188 case gr_slatAttWithX : return int(m_with.x);
189 case gr_slatAttWithY : return int(m_with.y);
190 case gr_slatAttWithXOff:
191 case gr_slatAttWithYOff:return 0;
192 case gr_slatAttLevel : return m_attLevel;
193 case gr_slatBreak : return seg->charinfo(m_original)->breakWeight();
194 case gr_slatCompRef : return 0;
195 case gr_slatDir : return seg->dir() & 1;
196 case gr_slatInsert : return isInsertBefore();
197 case gr_slatPosX : return int(m_position.x); // but need to calculate it
198 case gr_slatPosY : return int(m_position.y);
199 case gr_slatShiftX : return int(m_shift.x);
200 case gr_slatShiftY : return int(m_shift.y);
201 case gr_slatMeasureSol: return -1; // err what's this?
202 case gr_slatMeasureEol: return -1;
203 case gr_slatJWidth: return int(m_just);
204 case gr_slatUserDefnV1: subindex = 0; GR_FALLTHROUGH;
205 // no break
206 case gr_slatUserDefn : return subindex < seg->numAttrs() ? m_userAttr[subindex] : 0;
207 case gr_slatSegSplit : return seg->charinfo(m_original)->flags() & 3;
208 case gr_slatBidiLevel: return m_bidiLevel;
209 case gr_slatColFlags : { SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); return c ? c->flags() : 0; }
210 case gr_slatColLimitblx:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().bl.x)
211 case gr_slatColLimitbly:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().bl.y)
212 case gr_slatColLimittrx:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().tr.x)
213 case gr_slatColLimittry:SLOTGETCOLATTR(limit().tr.y)
214 case gr_slatColShiftx : SLOTGETCOLATTR(offset().x)
215 case gr_slatColShifty : SLOTGETCOLATTR(offset().y)
216 case gr_slatColMargin : SLOTGETCOLATTR(margin())
217 case gr_slatColMarginWt:SLOTGETCOLATTR(marginWt())
218 case gr_slatColExclGlyph:SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclGlyph())
219 case gr_slatColExclOffx:SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclOffset().x)
220 case gr_slatColExclOffy:SLOTGETCOLATTR(exclOffset().y)
221 case gr_slatSeqClass : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqClass())
222 case gr_slatSeqProxClass:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqProxClass())
223 case gr_slatSeqOrder : SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqOrder())
224 case gr_slatSeqAboveXoff:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqAboveXoff())
225 case gr_slatSeqAboveWt: SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqAboveWt())
226 case gr_slatSeqBelowXlim:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqBelowXlim())
227 case gr_slatSeqBelowWt: SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqBelowWt())
228 case gr_slatSeqValignHt:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqValignHt())
229 case gr_slatSeqValignWt:SLOTGETCOLATTR(seqValignWt())
230 default : return 0;
231 }
234#define SLOTCOLSETATTR(x) { \
235 SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); \
236 if (c) { c-> x ; c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); } \
237 break; }
238#define SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(t, y, x) { \
239 SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this); \
240 if (c) { \
241 const t &s = c-> y; \
242 c-> x ; c->setFlags(c->flags() & ~SlotCollision::COLL_KNOWN); } \
243 break; }
245void Slot::setAttr(Segment *seg, attrCode ind, uint8 subindex, int16 value, const SlotMap & map)
247 if (ind == gr_slatUserDefnV1)
248 {
249 ind = gr_slatUserDefn;
250 subindex = 0;
251 if (seg->numAttrs() == 0)
252 return;
253 }
254 else if (ind >= gr_slatJStretch && ind < gr_slatJStretch + 20 && ind != gr_slatJWidth)
255 {
256 int indx = ind - gr_slatJStretch;
257 return setJustify(seg, indx / 5, indx % 5, value);
258 }
260 switch (ind)
261 {
262 case gr_slatAdvX : m_advance.x = value; break;
263 case gr_slatAdvY : m_advance.y = value; break;
264 case gr_slatAttTo :
265 {
266 const uint16 idx = uint16(value);
267 if (idx < map.size() && map[idx])
268 {
269 Slot *other = map[idx];
270 if (other == this || other == m_parent || other->isCopied()) break;
271 if (m_parent) { m_parent->removeChild(this); attachTo(NULL); }
272 Slot *pOther = other;
273 int count = 0;
274 bool foundOther = false;
275 while (pOther)
276 {
277 ++count;
278 if (pOther == this) foundOther = true;
279 pOther = pOther->attachedTo();
280 }
281 for (pOther = m_child; pOther; pOther = pOther->m_child)
282 ++count;
283 for (pOther = m_sibling; pOther; pOther = pOther->m_sibling)
284 ++count;
285 if (count < 100 && !foundOther && other->child(this))
286 {
287 attachTo(other);
288 if ((map.dir() != 0) ^ (idx > subindex))
289 m_with = Position(advance(), 0);
290 else // normal match to previous root
291 m_attach = Position(other->advance(), 0);
292 }
293 }
294 break;
295 }
296 case gr_slatAttX : m_attach.x = value; break;
297 case gr_slatAttY : m_attach.y = value; break;
298 case gr_slatAttXOff :
299 case gr_slatAttYOff : break;
300 case gr_slatAttWithX : m_with.x = value; break;
301 case gr_slatAttWithY : m_with.y = value; break;
302 case gr_slatAttWithXOff :
303 case gr_slatAttWithYOff : break;
304 case gr_slatAttLevel :
305 m_attLevel = byte(value);
306 break;
307 case gr_slatBreak :
308 seg->charinfo(m_original)->breakWeight(value);
309 break;
310 case gr_slatCompRef : break; // not sure what to do here
311 case gr_slatDir : break;
312 case gr_slatInsert :
313 markInsertBefore(value? true : false);
314 break;
315 case gr_slatPosX : break; // can't set these here
316 case gr_slatPosY : break;
317 case gr_slatShiftX : m_shift.x = value; break;
318 case gr_slatShiftY : m_shift.y = value; break;
319 case gr_slatMeasureSol : break;
320 case gr_slatMeasureEol : break;
321 case gr_slatJWidth : just(value); break;
322 case gr_slatSegSplit : seg->charinfo(m_original)->addflags(value & 3); break;
323 case gr_slatUserDefn : m_userAttr[subindex] = value; break;
324 case gr_slatColFlags : {
325 SlotCollision *c = seg->collisionInfo(this);
326 if (c)
327 c->setFlags(value);
328 break; }
329 case gr_slatColLimitblx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(Position(value, s.bl.y), s.tr)))
330 case gr_slatColLimitbly : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(Position(s.bl.x, value), s.tr)))
331 case gr_slatColLimittrx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(s.bl, Position(value, s.tr.y))))
332 case gr_slatColLimittry : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Rect, limit(), setLimit(Rect(s.bl, Position(s.tr.x, value))))
333 case gr_slatColMargin : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setMargin(value))
334 case gr_slatColMarginWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setMarginWt(value))
335 case gr_slatColExclGlyph : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setExclGlyph(value))
336 case gr_slatColExclOffx : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Position, exclOffset(), setExclOffset(Position(value, s.y)))
337 case gr_slatColExclOffy : SLOTCOLSETCOMPLEXATTR(Position, exclOffset(), setExclOffset(Position(s.x, value)))
338 case gr_slatSeqClass : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqClass(value))
339 case gr_slatSeqProxClass : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqProxClass(value))
340 case gr_slatSeqOrder : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqOrder(value))
341 case gr_slatSeqAboveXoff : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqAboveXoff(value))
342 case gr_slatSeqAboveWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqAboveWt(value))
343 case gr_slatSeqBelowXlim : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqBelowXlim(value))
344 case gr_slatSeqBelowWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqBelowWt(value))
345 case gr_slatSeqValignHt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqValignHt(value))
346 case gr_slatSeqValignWt : SLOTCOLSETATTR(setSeqValignWt(value))
347 default :
348 break;
349 }
352int Slot::getJustify(const Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex) const
354 if (level && level >= seg->silf()->numJustLevels()) return 0;
356 if (m_justs)
357 return m_justs->values[level * SlotJustify::NUMJUSTPARAMS + subindex];
359 if (level >= seg->silf()->numJustLevels()) return 0;
360 Justinfo *jAttrs = seg->silf()->justAttrs() + level;
362 switch (subindex) {
363 case 0 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrStretch());
364 case 1 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrShrink());
365 case 2 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrStep());
366 case 3 : return seg->glyphAttr(gid(), jAttrs->attrWeight());
367 case 4 : return 0; // not been set yet, so clearly 0
368 default: return 0;
369 }
372void Slot::setJustify(Segment *seg, uint8 level, uint8 subindex, int16 value)
374 if (level && level >= seg->silf()->numJustLevels()) return;
375 if (!m_justs)
376 {
377 SlotJustify *j = seg->newJustify();
378 if (!j) return;
379 j->LoadSlot(this, seg);
380 m_justs = j;
381 }
382 m_justs->values[level * SlotJustify::NUMJUSTPARAMS + subindex] = value;
385bool Slot::child(Slot *ap)
387 if (this == ap) return false;
388 else if (ap == m_child) return true;
389 else if (!m_child)
390 m_child = ap;
391 else
392 return m_child->sibling(ap);
393 return true;
396bool Slot::sibling(Slot *ap)
398 if (this == ap) return false;
399 else if (ap == m_sibling) return true;
400 else if (!m_sibling || !ap)
401 m_sibling = ap;
402 else
403 return m_sibling->sibling(ap);
404 return true;
407bool Slot::removeChild(Slot *ap)
409 if (this == ap || !m_child || !ap) return false;
410 else if (ap == m_child)
411 {
412 Slot *nSibling = m_child->nextSibling();
413 m_child->nextSibling(NULL);
414 m_child = nSibling;
415 return true;
416 }
417 for (Slot *p = m_child; p; p = p->m_sibling)
418 {
419 if (p->m_sibling && p->m_sibling == ap)
420 {
421 p->m_sibling = p->m_sibling->m_sibling;
422 ap->nextSibling(NULL);
423 return true;
424 }
425 }
426 return false;
429void Slot::setGlyph(Segment *seg, uint16 glyphid, const GlyphFace * theGlyph)
431 m_glyphid = glyphid;
432 m_bidiCls = -1;
433 if (!theGlyph)
434 {
435 theGlyph = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(glyphid);
436 if (!theGlyph)
437 {
438 m_realglyphid = 0;
439 m_advance = Position(0.,0.);
440 return;
441 }
442 }
443 m_realglyphid = theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPseudo()];
444 if (m_realglyphid > seg->getFace()->glyphs().numGlyphs())
445 m_realglyphid = 0;
446 const GlyphFace *aGlyph = theGlyph;
447 if (m_realglyphid)
448 {
449 aGlyph = seg->getFace()->glyphs().glyphSafe(m_realglyphid);
450 if (!aGlyph) aGlyph = theGlyph;
451 }
452 m_advance = Position(aGlyph->theAdvance().x, 0.);
453 if (seg->silf()->aPassBits())
454 {
455 seg->mergePassBits(uint8(theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPassBits()]));
456 if (seg->silf()->numPasses() > 16)
457 seg->mergePassBits(theGlyph->attrs()[seg->silf()->aPassBits()+1] << 16);
458 }
461void Slot::floodShift(Position adj, int depth)
463 if (depth > 100)
464 return;
465 m_position += adj;
466 if (m_child) m_child->floodShift(adj, depth + 1);
467 if (m_sibling) m_sibling->floodShift(adj, depth + 1);
470void SlotJustify::LoadSlot(const Slot *s, const Segment *seg)
472 for (int i = seg->silf()->numJustLevels() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
473 {
474 Justinfo *justs = seg->silf()->justAttrs() + i;
475 int16 *v = values + i * NUMJUSTPARAMS;
476 v[0] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrStretch());
477 v[1] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrShrink());
478 v[2] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrStep());
479 v[3] = seg->glyphAttr(s->gid(), justs->attrWeight());
480 }
483Slot * Slot::nextInCluster(const Slot *s) const
485 Slot *base;
486 if (s->firstChild())
487 return s->firstChild();
488 else if (s->nextSibling())
489 return s->nextSibling();
490 while ((base = s->attachedTo()))
491 {
492 // if (base->firstChild() == s && base->nextSibling())
493 if (base->nextSibling())
494 return base->nextSibling();
495 s = base;
496 }
497 return NULL;
500bool Slot::isChildOf(const Slot *base) const
502 for (Slot *p = m_parent; p; p = p->m_parent)
503 if (p == base)
504 return true;
505 return false;