3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxgeometrybase.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/base/fbxarray.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/core/math/fbxvector4.h>
20#include <fbxsdk/scene/geometry/fbxlayercontainer.h>
22#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
24class FbxStatus;
26/** This class is the base class for geometric object such as meshes, NURBS and patches.
27 * Use the FbxGeometryBase class to manage the control points, normals, binormals and tangents of the
28 * geometries.
29 * The meaning of "control point" is dependent of the geometry object type. For meshes, the "control point"
30 * is the physical 3D coordinate of polygon vertices while, for NURBS, it is the the actual control point on the curves
31 * defining the surface. This class also allow you to define normals, binormals and tangents regardless of the type of
32 * geometric object. However, in reality, applying such definitions to NURBS and patches does not make much sense
33 * since these definitions would only exist at the control points and inbetween them, the interpolation would certainly not
34 * follow the curve.
35 *
36 * Geometric objects are using a system of layered data to extend their construction definition. For example, a typical
37 * layer for a Mesh contains Normals, UVs and Materials but client applications can decide to define another set of
38 * Normals and UVs and swap them during the rendering phase to produce some different results. The combinations are limitless
39 * and it would be impossible to discuss them all. This example has been presented to show one possible context where
40 * layers can be used. More information can be found in the FbxLayerContainer and FbxLayer classes description.
41 * \nosubgrouping
42 */
43class FBXSDK_DLL FbxGeometryBase : public FbxLayerContainer
45 FBXSDK_OBJECT_DECLARE(FbxGeometryBase, FbxLayerContainer);
48 /**
49 * \name Control Points, Normals, Binormals and Tangent Management.
50 */
51 //@{
53 /** Allocates memory space for the array of control points.
54 * \param pCount The number of control points.
55 * \remarks Any previously allocated array of control points will be cleared.
56 */
57 virtual void InitControlPoints(int pCount);
59 /** Allocates memory space for the array of normals.
60 * \param pCount The desired size for the normal array. If pCount is specified, the array will be the same size as pCount.
61 * If pCount is not specified, the array will be the same length as the array of control points.
62 * \remarks This function must be called after function FbxLayerContainer::InitControlPoints().
63 * \remarks The normals initialized with this function will have the ReferenceMode set to eDirect. Also,
64 * the array will always be defined on layer 0.
65 */
66 void InitNormals(int pCount = 0 );
68 /** Allocates memory space for the array of normals cloned from the pSrc.
69 * \param pSrc The source geometry from which the normals information is cloned.
70 * \remarks This function must be called with the argument, otherwise it does not do anything. Also,
71 * it will only process the normals array defined on layer 0 of the pSrc.
72 */
73 void InitNormals(FbxGeometryBase* pSrc);
75 /** Allocates memory space for the array of tangents on specified layer.
76 * \param pCount The desired size of the tangent array. If pCount is specified, the array will be the same size as pCount.
77 * If pCount is not specified, the array will be the same length as the array of control points.
78 * \param pLayerIndex The specified layer index to allocate memory space for the array of tangents.
79 * \param pName The specified name for the allocated tangents array.
80 * \remarks This function must be called after function FbxLayerContainer::InitControlPoints().
81 * The tangents initialized with this function will have the reference mode set to eDirect.
82 */
83 void InitTangents(int pCount = 0, const int pLayerIndex = 0, const char* pName = "" );
85 /** Allocates memory space for the array of tangents cloned from the pSrc on the specified layer.
86 * \param pSrc The source geometry from which the tangents information is cloned.
87 * \param pLayerIndex The specified layer index to allocate memory space for cloned array of tangents from the pSrc.
88 * \remarks This function must be called with the argument, otherwise it does not do anything.
89 */
90 void InitTangents(FbxGeometryBase* pSrc, const int pLayerIndex = 0);
92 /** Allocates memory space for the array of binormals.
93 * \param pCount The desired size of the binormal array. If pCount is specified, the array will have the same size as pCount.
94 * If pCount is not specified, the array will be the same length as the array of control points.
95 * \param pLayerIndex The specified layer index to allocate memory space for the array of binormals.
96 * \param pName The specified name for the allocated binormals array.
97 * \remarks This function must be called after function FbxLayerContainer::InitControlPoints().
98 * The binormals initialized with this function will have the reference mode set to eDirect.
99 */
100 void InitBinormals(int pCount = 0, const int pLayerIndex = 0, const char* pName = "" );
102 /** Allocates memory space for the array of binormals cloned from the pSrc.
103 * \param pSrc The source geometry from which the binormals information is cloned.
104 * \param pLayerIndex The specified layer index to allocate memory space for cloned array of binormals from the pSrc.
105 * \remarks This function must be called with the argument, otherwise it does not do anything.
106 */
107 void InitBinormals(FbxGeometryBase* pSrc, const int pLayerIndex = 0);
109 /** Sets the control point and the normal values at the specified index.
110 * \param pCtrlPoint The value of the control point.
111 * \param pNormal The value of the normal.
112 * \param pIndex The specified index of the control point/normal.
113 * \param pI2DSearch When \c true AND the normals array reference mode is eIndexToDirect, search pNormal in the
114 * existing array to avoid inserting if it already exist. NOTE: This feature uses a linear
115 * search algorithm, therefore it can be time consuming if the DIRECT array of normals contains
116 * a huge number of elements.
117 * \remarks If the arrays (control points and normals) are not big enough to store the values at the
118 * specified index, they will be automatically resized to accommodate the new entries.
119 */
120 virtual void SetControlPointAt(const FbxVector4 &pCtrlPoint , const FbxVector4 &pNormal , int pIndex, bool pI2DSearch = false);
123 /** Sets the control point at a specified index.
124 * \param pCtrlPoint The value of the control point.
125 * \param pIndex The specified index of the control point.
126 *
127 * \remarks If the array is not big enough to store the value at the specified index, it will be
128 * automatically resized to accommodate the new entry.
129 */
130 virtual void SetControlPointAt(const FbxVector4 &pCtrlPoint , int pIndex);
132 /** Gets the control point at the specified index.
133 * \param pIndex The specified index of the control point.
134 * \return The value of the specific control point.
135 *
136 * \remarks If index is out of range, FbxVector4(0, 0, 0) is returned.
137 */
138 virtual FbxVector4 GetControlPointAt(int pIndex) const;
140 /** Sets the control point normal value at the specified index.
141 * \param pNormal The value of the normal.
142 * \param pIndex The specified index of the normal.
143 * \param pI2DSearch When \c true AND the normals array reference mode is eIndexToDirect, search pNormal in the
144 * existing array to avoid inserting it if it already exist. NOTE: this feature uses a linear
145 * search algorithm, therefore it can be time consuming if the DIRECT array of normals contains
146 * a huge number of elements.
147 * \remarks If the array is not big enough to store the value at the specified index, it will be
148 * automatically resized to accommodate the new entry.
149 */
150 virtual void SetControlPointNormalAt(const FbxVector4 &pNormal, int pIndex, bool pI2DSearch=false);
152 /** Returns the number of control points.
153 * \return The number of control points allocated in the geometry.
154 */
155 virtual int GetControlPointsCount() const;
158 /** Returns a pointer to the array of control points.
159 * \param pStatus Not used in the implementation of this class.
160 * \return Pointer to the array of control points, or \c NULL if the array has not been allocated.
161 * \remarks Use the function FbxGeometryBase::InitControlPoints() to allocate the array.
162 */
163 virtual FbxVector4* GetControlPoints(FbxStatus* pStatus=NULL) const;
165 /** Allocates memory space for the array of control points.
166 * \param pCount The number of control points.
167 * \remarks Any previously allocated array of control points will NOT be cleared.
168 */
169 virtual void SetControlPointCount(int pCount);
171 //@}
174 /**
175 * \name Public and fast access Properties
176 */
177 //@{
178 //! Control the geometry render state. Geometry can still cast shadows even if this is turned off.
179 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> PrimaryVisibility;
181 //! If true, the geometry will produce shadows.
182 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> CastShadow;
184 //! If true, the geometry will receive shadows.
185 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ReceiveShadow;
187 //! The minimum value of the control points bounding box.
188 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> BBoxMin;
190 //! The maximum value of the control points bounding box.
191 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> BBoxMax;
193 /** Computes the control points Bounding box.
194 */
195 void ComputeBBox();
196 //@}
199 /**
200 * \name Geometry Element Management.
201 * A FbxGeometryElement describes how the geometry element (normals, UVs and etc.) is mapped to a geometry
202 * surface and how the mapping information is arranged in memory.
203 * FbxGeometryElement is exactly the same as FbxLayerElement but does not expose the geometry's layer information.
204 * Use the geometry element classes to decompose the geometry without dealing with layers.
205 */
206 //@{
208 /** Creates a normal geometry element for this geometry.
209 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
210 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
211 */
212 FbxGeometryElementNormal* CreateElementNormal();
214 /** Remove the normal geometry element from this geometry.
215 * \param pElementNormal A pointer to the normal element to be removed.
216 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
217 */
218 bool RemoveElementNormal(FbxGeometryElementNormal* pElementNormal);
220 /** Returns this geometry's normal element.
221 * \param pIndex The normal geometry element index.
222 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
223 */
224 FbxGeometryElementNormal* GetElementNormal(int pIndex = 0);
226 /** Returns this geometry's normal element.
227 * \param pIndex The normal geometry element index.
228 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
229 */
230 const FbxGeometryElementNormal* GetElementNormal(int pIndex = 0) const;
232 /** Get the number of this geometry's normal geometry element.
233 * \return Total number of normal geometry elements for this geometry.
234 */
235 int GetElementNormalCount() const;
237 /** Creates a binormal geometry element for this geometry.
238 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
239 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
240 */
241 FbxGeometryElementBinormal* CreateElementBinormal();
243 /** Remove the binormal geometry element from this geometry.
244 * \param pElementBinormal A pointer to the binormal element to be removed.
245 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
246 */
247 bool RemoveElementBinormal(FbxGeometryElementBinormal* pElementBinormal);
249 /** Returns this geometry's binormal element.
250 * \param pIndex The binormal geometry element index.
251 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
252 */
253 FbxGeometryElementBinormal* GetElementBinormal(int pIndex = 0);
255 /** Returns this geometry's binormal element.
256 * \param pIndex The binormal geometry element index.
257 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
258 */
259 const FbxGeometryElementBinormal* GetElementBinormal(int pIndex = 0) const;
261 /** Get the number of this geometry's binormal geometry element.
262 * \return Total number of binormal geometry elements for this geometry.
263 */
264 int GetElementBinormalCount() const;
266 /** Creates a tangent geometry element for this geometry.
267 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
268 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
269 */
270 FbxGeometryElementTangent* CreateElementTangent();
272 /** Remove the tangent geometry element from this geometry.
273 * \param pElementTangent A pointer to the tangent element to be removed.
274 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
275 */
276 bool RemoveElementTangent(FbxGeometryElementTangent* pElementTangent);
278 /** Returns this geometry's tangent element.
279 * \param pIndex The tangent geometry element index.
280 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
281 */
282 FbxGeometryElementTangent* GetElementTangent(int pIndex = 0);
284 /** Returns this geometry's tangent element.
285 * \param pIndex The tangent geometry element index.
286 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
287 */
288 const FbxGeometryElementTangent* GetElementTangent(int pIndex = 0) const;
290 /** Get the number of this geometry's tangent geometry element.
291 * \return Total number of tangent geometry elements for this geometry.
292 */
293 int GetElementTangentCount() const;
295 /** Creates a material geometry element for this geometry.
296 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
297 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
298 */
299 FbxGeometryElementMaterial* CreateElementMaterial();
301 /** Remove the material geometry element from this geometry.
302 * \param pElementMaterial A pointer to the material element to be removed.
303 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
304 */
305 bool RemoveElementMaterial(FbxGeometryElementMaterial* pElementMaterial);
307 /** Returns this geometry's material element.
308 * \param pIndex The material geometry element index.
309 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
310 */
311 FbxGeometryElementMaterial* GetElementMaterial(int pIndex = 0);
313 /** Returns this geometry's material element.
314 * \param pIndex The material geometry element index.
315 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
316 */
317 const FbxGeometryElementMaterial* GetElementMaterial(int pIndex = 0) const;
319 /** Get the number of this geometry's material geometry element.
320 * \return Total number of material geometry elements for this geometry.
321 */
322 int GetElementMaterialCount() const;
324 /** Creates a polygon group geometry element for this geometry.
325 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
326 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
327 */
328 FbxGeometryElementPolygonGroup* CreateElementPolygonGroup();
330 /** Remove the polygon group geometry element from this geometry.
331 * \param pElementPolygonGroup A pointer to the polygon group element to be removed.
332 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
333 */
334 bool RemoveElementPolygonGroup(FbxGeometryElementPolygonGroup* pElementPolygonGroup);
336 /** Returns this geometry's polygon group element.
337 * \param pIndex The polygon group geometry element index.
338 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
339 */
340 FbxGeometryElementPolygonGroup* GetElementPolygonGroup(int pIndex = 0);
342 /** Returns this geometry's polygon group element.
343 * \param pIndex The polygon group geometry element index.
344 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
345 */
346 const FbxGeometryElementPolygonGroup* GetElementPolygonGroup(int pIndex = 0) const;
348 /** Get the number of this geometry's polygon group geometry element.
349 * \return Total number of polygon group geometry elements for this geometry.
350 */
351 int GetElementPolygonGroupCount() const;
353 /** Creates a vertex color geometry element for this geometry.
354 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
355 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
356 */
357 FbxGeometryElementVertexColor* CreateElementVertexColor();
359 /** Remove the vertex color geometry element from this geometry.
360 * \param pElementVertexColor A pointer to the vertex color element to be removed.
361 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
362 */
363 bool RemoveElementVertexColor(FbxGeometryElementVertexColor* pElementVertexColor);
365 /** Returns this geometry's vertex color element.
366 * \param pIndex The vertex color geometry element index.
367 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
368 */
369 FbxGeometryElementVertexColor* GetElementVertexColor(int pIndex = 0);
371 /** Returns this geometry's vertex color element.
372 * \param pIndex The vertex color geometry element index.
373 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
374 */
375 const FbxGeometryElementVertexColor* GetElementVertexColor(int pIndex = 0) const;
377 /** Get the number of this geometry's vertex color geometry element.
378 * \return Total number of vertex color geometry elements for this geometry.
379 */
380 int GetElementVertexColorCount() const;
382 /** Creates a smoothing geometry element for this geometry.
383 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
384 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
385 */
386 FbxGeometryElementSmoothing* CreateElementSmoothing();
388 /** Remove the smoothing geometry element from this geometry.
389 * \param pElementSmoothing A pointer to the smoothing element to be removed.
390 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
391 */
392 bool RemoveElementSmoothing(FbxGeometryElementSmoothing* pElementSmoothing);
394 /** Returns this geometry's smoothing element.
395 * \param pIndex The smoothing geometry element index.
396 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
397 */
398 FbxGeometryElementSmoothing* GetElementSmoothing(int pIndex = 0);
400 /** Returns this geometry's smoothing element.
401 * \param pIndex The smoothing geometry element index.
402 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
403 */
404 const FbxGeometryElementSmoothing* GetElementSmoothing(int pIndex = 0) const;
406 /** Get the number of this geometry's smoothing geometry element.
407 * \return Total number of smoothing geometry elements for this geometry.
408 */
409 int GetElementSmoothingCount() const;
411 /** Creates a vertex crease geometry element for this geometry.
412 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
413 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
414 */
415 FbxGeometryElementCrease* CreateElementVertexCrease();
417 /** Remove the vertex crease geometry element from this geometry.
418 * \param pElementCrease A pointer to the vertex crease element to be removed.
419 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
420 */
421 bool RemoveElementVertexCrease(FbxGeometryElementCrease* pElementCrease);
423 /** Returns this geometry's vertex crease element.
424 * \param pIndex The vertex crease geometry element index.
425 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
426 */
427 FbxGeometryElementCrease* GetElementVertexCrease(int pIndex = 0);
429 /** Returns this geometry's vertex crease element.
430 * \param pIndex The vertex crease geometry element index.
431 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
432 */
433 const FbxGeometryElementCrease* GetElementVertexCrease(int pIndex = 0) const;
435 /** Get the number of this geometry's vertex crease geometry element.
436 * \return Total number of vertex crease geometry elements for this geometry.
437 */
438 int GetElementVertexCreaseCount() const;
440 /** Creates an edge crease geometry element for this geometry.
441 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
442 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
443 */
444 FbxGeometryElementCrease* CreateElementEdgeCrease();
446 /** Remove the edge crease geometry element from this geometry.
447 * \param pElementCrease A pointer to the edge crease element to be removed.
448 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
449 */
450 bool RemoveElementEdgeCrease(FbxGeometryElementCrease* pElementCrease);
452 /** Returns this geometry's edge crease element.
453 * \param pIndex The edge crease geometry element index.
454 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
455 */
456 FbxGeometryElementCrease* GetElementEdgeCrease(int pIndex = 0);
458 /** Returns this geometry's edge crease element.
459 * \param pIndex The edge crease geometry element index.
460 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
461 */
462 const FbxGeometryElementCrease* GetElementEdgeCrease(int pIndex = 0) const;
464 /** Get the number of this geometry's edge crease geometry element.
465 * \return Total number of edge crease geometry elements for this geometry.
466 */
467 int GetElementEdgeCreaseCount() const;
469 /** Creates a hole geometry element for this geometry.
470 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
471 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
472 */
473 FbxGeometryElementHole* CreateElementHole();
475 /** Remove the hole geometry element from this geometry.
476 * \param pElementHole A pointer to the hole element to be removed.
477 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
478 */
479 bool RemoveElementHole(FbxGeometryElementHole* pElementHole);
481 /** Returns this geometry's hole element.
482 * \param pIndex The hole geometry element index.
483 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
484 */
485 FbxGeometryElementHole* GetElementHole(int pIndex = 0);
487 /** Returns this geometry's hole element.
488 * \param pIndex The hole geometry element index.
489 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
490 */
491 const FbxGeometryElementHole* GetElementHole(int pIndex = 0) const;
493 /** Get the number of this geometry's hole geometry element.
494 * \return Total number of hole geometry elements for this geometry.
495 */
496 int GetElementHoleCount() const;
498 /** Creates a user data geometry element for this geometry.
499 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
500 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
501 */
502 FbxGeometryElementUserData* CreateElementUserData();
504 /** Remove the user data geometry element from this geometry.
505 * \param pElementUserData A pointer to the user data element to be removed.
506 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
507 */
508 bool RemoveElementUserData(FbxGeometryElementUserData* pElementUserData);
510 /** Returns this geometry's user data element.
511 * \param pIndex The user data geometry element index.
512 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
513 */
514 FbxGeometryElementUserData* GetElementUserData(int pIndex = 0);
516 /** Returns this geometry's user data element.
517 * \param pIndex The user data geometry element index.
518 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
519 */
520 const FbxGeometryElementUserData* GetElementUserData(int pIndex = 0) const;
522 /** Get the number of this geometry's user data geometry element.
523 * \return Total number of user data geometry elements for this geometry.
524 */
525 int GetElementUserDataCount() const;
527 /** Creates a visibility geometry element for this geometry.
528 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
529 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
530 */
531 FbxGeometryElementVisibility* CreateElementVisibility();
533 /** Remove the visibility geometry element from this geometry.
534 * \param pElementVisibility A pointer to the visibility element to be removed.
535 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
536 */
537 bool RemoveElementVisibility(FbxGeometryElementVisibility* pElementVisibility);
539 /** Returns this geometry's visibility element.
540 * \param pIndex The visibility geometry element index.
541 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
542 */
543 FbxGeometryElementVisibility* GetElementVisibility(int pIndex = 0);
545 /** Returns this geometry's visibility element.
546 * \param pIndex The visibility geometry element index.
547 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
548 */
549 const FbxGeometryElementVisibility* GetElementVisibility(int pIndex = 0) const;
551 /** Get the number of this geometry's visibility geometry element.
552 * \return Total number of visibility geometry elements for this geometry.
553 */
554 int GetElementVisibilityCount() const;
556 /** Creates a UV geometry element for this geometry.
557 * \param pUVSetName The UV geometry element name.
558 * \param pTypeIdentifier The texture channel the UVIndex refers to.
559 * \return A pointer to the newly created geometry element.
560 * \remarks The created geometry element is associated with this geometry automatically.
561 */
562 FbxGeometryElementUV* CreateElementUV(const char* pUVSetName, FbxLayerElement::EType pTypeIdentifier=FbxLayerElement::eTextureDiffuse);
564 /** Remove the UV geometry element from this geometry.
565 * \param pElementUV A pointer to the UV element to be removed.
566 * \return \c True if the geometry element is removed, \c false otherwise.
567 */
568 bool RemoveElementUV(FbxGeometryElementUV* pElementUV);
570 /** Returns this geometry's UV element.
571 * \param pIndex The UV geometry element index.
572 * \param pTypeIdentifier The texture channel the UVIndex refers to.
573 * \return A pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
574 * \remarks If \e pTypeIdentifier is not specified, the function will return the geometry element
575 * regardless of its texture type.
576 */
577 FbxGeometryElementUV* GetElementUV(int pIndex = 0, FbxLayerElement::EType pTypeIdentifier=FbxLayerElement::eUnknown);
579 /** Returns this geometry's UV element.
580 * \param pIndex The UV geometry element index.
581 * \param pTypeIdentifier The texture channel the UVIndex refers to.
582 * \return A const pointer to the geometry element or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range.
583 * \remarks If \e pTypeIdentifier is not specified, the function will return the geometry element
584 * regardless of its texture type.
585 */
586 const FbxGeometryElementUV* GetElementUV(int pIndex = 0, FbxLayerElement::EType pTypeIdentifier=FbxLayerElement::eUnknown) const;
588 /** Get the number of this geometry's UV geometry element.
589 * \param pTypeIdentifier The texture channel the UVIndex refers to.
590 * \return Total number of UV geometry elements for this geometry.
591 * \remarks If \e pTypeIdentifier is not specified, the function will return the geometry element
592 * regardless of its texture type.
593 */
594 int GetElementUVCount(FbxLayerElement::EType pTypeIdentifier=FbxLayerElement::eUnknown) const;
596 /** Returns this geometry's UV element.
597 * \param pUVSetName The UV set name of the UV geometry element.
598 * \return A pointer to the UV geometry element or \c NULL if no UV geometry element with this name exists.
599 */
600 FbxGeometryElementUV* GetElementUV(const char* pUVSetName);
602 /** Returns this geometry's UV element.
603 * \param pUVSetName The UV set name of the UV geometry element.
604 * \return A const pointer to the UV geometry element or \c NULL if no UV geometry element with this name exists.
605 */
606 const FbxGeometryElementUV* GetElementUV(const char* pUVSetName) const;
608 /** Returns this geometry's all UV set names.
609 * \param pUVSetNameList A reference to \c FbxStringList that will be filled with this geometry's all UV set names.
610 */
611 void GetUVSetNames(FbxStringList& pUVSetNameList) const;
613 //@}
616 /**
617 * \name Off-loading Serialization section
618 * The methods in this section are typically called by a peripheral (FbxPeripheral). There should be no
619 * real interest in calling them directly. The functions will write/read the memory dump of the data contained
620 * in this class. Each data block written/read will start with an (int) value representing the number of items
621 * in the array. If this value (v) is not zero, it will be followed by the array content. A block of data that is
622 * (v * sizeof(array item size)) bytes big. The methods will also call the parent class ones to dump the Layers content.
623 */
624 //@{
625 /** Writes the content of the geometry object to the specified stream.
626 * \param pStream The destination stream.
627 * \return \c True if the content is successfully processed
628 * by the receiving stream, \c false otherwise.
629 */
630 virtual bool ContentWriteTo(FbxStream& pStream) const;
632 /** Reads the content of the geometry object from the specified stream.
633 * \param pStream The source stream.
634 * \return \c True if the geometry object fills itself with the received data
635 * from the stream successfully, \c false otherwise.
636 */
637 virtual bool ContentReadFrom(const FbxStream& pStream);
638 //@}
640 /** Calculate the actual amount of memory used by this geometry object.
641 * \return The memory size in bytes (includes the amount use by the data defined in the layers).
642 */
643 virtual int MemoryUsage() const;
646** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
649 virtual FbxObject& Copy(const FbxObject& pObject);
650 virtual void Compact();
652 FbxArray<FbxVector4> mControlPoints;
654 bool GetNormals(FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<FbxVector4>** pLockableArray) const;
655 bool GetNormalsIndices(FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<int>** pLockableArray) const;
656 bool GetTangents(FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<FbxVector4>** pLockableArray, const int pLayerIndex = 0) const;
657 bool GetTangentsIndices(FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<int>** pLockableArray, const int pLayerIndex = 0) const;
658 bool GetBinormals(FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<FbxVector4>** pLockableArray, const int pLayerIndex = 0) const;
659 bool GetBinormalsIndices(FbxLayerElementArrayTemplate<int>** pLockableArray, const int pLayerIndex = 0) const;
662 virtual void ConstructProperties(bool pForceSet);
663 virtual void ContentClear();
664#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
667#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>