2 * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef GrRenderTargetContext_DEFINED
9#define GrRenderTargetContext_DEFINED
11#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
12#include "include/core/SkDrawable.h"
13#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
14#include "include/core/SkSurface.h"
15#include "include/core/SkSurfaceProps.h"
16#include "include/private/GrTypesPriv.h"
17#include "src/core/SkGlyphRunPainter.h"
18#include "src/gpu/GrOpsTask.h"
19#include "src/gpu/GrPaint.h"
20#include "src/gpu/GrRenderTargetProxy.h"
21#include "src/gpu/GrSurfaceContext.h"
22#include "src/gpu/GrSurfaceProxyView.h"
23#include "src/gpu/GrXferProcessor.h"
24#include "src/gpu/geometry/GrQuad.h"
25#include "src/gpu/text/GrTextBlob.h"
27#include <tuple>
29class GrBackendSemaphore;
30class GrClip;
31class GrColorSpaceXform;
32class GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer;
33class GrDrawOp;
34class GrOp;
35class GrRenderTarget;
36class GrRenderTargetContextPriv;
37class GrStyledShape;
38class GrStyle;
39class GrTextureProxy;
40struct GrUserStencilSettings;
41struct SkDrawShadowRec;
42class SkGlyphRunList;
43struct SkIPoint;
44struct SkIRect;
45class SkLatticeIter;
46class SkMatrixProvider;
47class SkMatrix;
48class SkPaint;
49class SkPath;
50struct SkPoint;
51struct SkRect;
52class SkRegion;
53class SkRRect;
54struct SkRSXform;
55class SkRuntimeEffect;
56class SkTextBlob;
57class SkVertices;
60 * A helper object to orchestrate commands (draws, etc...) for GrSurfaces that are GrRenderTargets.
61 */
62class GrRenderTargetContext : public GrSurfaceContext, public GrOpsTaskClosedObserver {
64 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> Make(
65 GrRecordingContext*, GrColorType, sk_sp<SkColorSpace>, sk_sp<GrSurfaceProxy>,
66 GrSurfaceOrigin, const SkSurfaceProps*, bool managedOps = true);
68 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> Make(GrRecordingContext*,
69 GrColorType,
70 sk_sp<SkColorSpace>,
71 SkBackingFit,
72 SkISize dimensions,
73 const GrBackendFormat&,
74 int sampleCnt,
75 GrMipmapped,
76 GrProtected,
77 GrSurfaceOrigin,
78 SkBudgeted,
79 const SkSurfaceProps*);
81 // Same as above but will use the default GrBackendFormat for the given GrColorType
82 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> Make(
83 GrRecordingContext*,
84 GrColorType,
85 sk_sp<SkColorSpace>,
86 SkBackingFit,
87 SkISize dimensions,
88 int sampleCnt = 1,
89 GrMipmapped = GrMipmapped::kNo,
90 GrProtected = GrProtected::kNo,
91 GrSurfaceOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
92 SkBudgeted = SkBudgeted::kYes,
93 const SkSurfaceProps* = nullptr);
95 static std::tuple<GrColorType, GrBackendFormat> GetFallbackColorTypeAndFormat(GrImageContext*,
96 GrColorType,
97 int sampleCnt);
99 // Same as previous factory but will try to use fallback GrColorTypes if the one passed in
100 // fails. The fallback GrColorType will have at least the number of channels and precision per
101 // channel as the passed in GrColorType. It may also swizzle the changes (e.g., BGRA -> RGBA).
102 // SRGB-ness will be preserved.
103 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> MakeWithFallback(
104 GrRecordingContext*,
105 GrColorType,
106 sk_sp<SkColorSpace>,
107 SkBackingFit,
108 SkISize dimensions,
109 int sampleCnt = 1,
110 GrMipmapped = GrMipmapped::kNo,
111 GrProtected = GrProtected::kNo,
112 GrSurfaceOrigin = kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
113 SkBudgeted = SkBudgeted::kYes,
114 const SkSurfaceProps* = nullptr);
116 // These match the definitions in SkSurface & GrSurface.h, for whence they came
117 typedef void* ReleaseContext;
118 typedef void (*ReleaseProc)(ReleaseContext);
120 // Creates a GrRenderTargetContext that wraps the passed in GrBackendTexture.
121 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> MakeFromBackendTexture(
122 GrRecordingContext*, GrColorType, sk_sp<SkColorSpace>, const GrBackendTexture&,
123 int sampleCnt, GrSurfaceOrigin, const SkSurfaceProps*,
124 sk_sp<GrRefCntedCallback> releaseHelper);
126 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> MakeFromBackendTextureAsRenderTarget(
127 GrRecordingContext*, GrColorType, sk_sp<SkColorSpace>, const GrBackendTexture&,
128 int sampleCnt, GrSurfaceOrigin, const SkSurfaceProps*);
130 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> MakeFromBackendRenderTarget(
131 GrRecordingContext*, GrColorType, sk_sp<SkColorSpace>, const GrBackendRenderTarget&,
132 GrSurfaceOrigin, const SkSurfaceProps*, ReleaseProc releaseProc,
133 ReleaseContext releaseCtx);
135 static std::unique_ptr<GrRenderTargetContext> MakeFromVulkanSecondaryCB(
136 GrRecordingContext*, const SkImageInfo&, const GrVkDrawableInfo&,
137 const SkSurfaceProps*);
139 GrRenderTargetContext(GrRecordingContext*, GrSurfaceProxyView readView,
140 GrSurfaceProxyView writeView, GrColorType, sk_sp<SkColorSpace>,
141 const SkSurfaceProps*, bool managedOpsTask = true);
143 ~GrRenderTargetContext() override;
145 /**
146 * Provides a perfomance hint that the render target's contents are allowed
147 * to become undefined.
148 */
149 void discard();
151 /**
152 * Clear the rect of the render target to the given color.
153 * @param rect the rect to clear to
154 * @param color the color to clear to.
155 */
156 void clear(const SkIRect& rect, const SkPMColor4f& color) {
157 this->internalClear(&rect, color);
158 }
159 // Clears the entire render target to the color.
160 void clear(const SkPMColor4f& color) {
161 this->internalClear(nullptr, color);
162 }
164 /**
165 * Draw everywhere (respecting the clip) with the paint.
166 */
167 void drawPaint(const GrClip*, GrPaint&&, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix);
169 /**
170 * Draw the rect using a paint.
171 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
172 * @param GrAA Controls whether rect is antialiased
173 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
174 * @param style The style to apply. Null means fill. Currently path effects are not
175 * allowed.
176 * The rects coords are used to access the paint (through texture matrix)
177 */
178 void drawRect(const GrClip*,
179 GrPaint&& paint,
180 GrAA,
181 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
182 const SkRect&,
183 const GrStyle* style = nullptr);
185 /**
186 * Maps a rectangle of shader coordinates to a rectangle and fills that rectangle.
187 *
188 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
189 * @param GrAA Controls whether rect is antialiased
190 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix which applies to rectToDraw
191 * @param rectToDraw the rectangle to draw
192 * @param localRect the rectangle of shader coordinates applied to rectToDraw
193 */
194 void fillRectToRect(const GrClip* clip,
195 GrPaint&& paint,
196 GrAA aa,
197 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
198 const SkRect& rectToDraw,
199 const SkRect& localRect) {
200 DrawQuad quad{GrQuad::MakeFromRect(rectToDraw, viewMatrix), GrQuad(localRect),
201 aa == GrAA::kYes ? GrQuadAAFlags::kAll : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone};
202 this->drawFilledQuad(clip, std::move(paint), aa, &quad);
203 }
205 /**
206 * Fills a rect with a paint and a localMatrix.
207 */
208 void fillRectWithLocalMatrix(const GrClip* clip,
209 GrPaint&& paint,
210 GrAA aa,
211 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
212 const SkRect& rect,
213 const SkMatrix& localMatrix) {
214 DrawQuad quad{GrQuad::MakeFromRect(rect, viewMatrix),
215 GrQuad::MakeFromRect(rect, localMatrix),
216 aa == GrAA::kYes ? GrQuadAAFlags::kAll : GrQuadAAFlags::kNone};
217 this->drawFilledQuad(clip, std::move(paint), aa, &quad);
218 }
220 /**
221 * Creates an op that draws a fill rect with per-edge control over anti-aliasing.
222 *
223 * This is a specialized version of fillQuadWithEdgeAA, but is kept separate since knowing
224 * the geometry is a rectangle affords more optimizations.
225 */
226 void fillRectWithEdgeAA(const GrClip* clip, GrPaint&& paint, GrAA aa, GrQuadAAFlags edgeAA,
227 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkRect& rect,
228 const SkRect* optionalLocalRect = nullptr) {
229 const SkRect& localRect = optionalLocalRect ? *optionalLocalRect : rect;
230 DrawQuad quad{GrQuad::MakeFromRect(rect, viewMatrix), GrQuad(localRect), edgeAA};
231 this->drawFilledQuad(clip, std::move(paint), aa, &quad);
232 }
234 /**
235 * Similar to fillRectWithEdgeAA but draws an arbitrary 2D convex quadrilateral transformed
236 * by 'viewMatrix', with per-edge control over anti-aliasing. The quad should follow the
237 * ordering used by SkRect::toQuad(), which determines how the edge AA is applied:
238 * - "top" = points [0] and [1]
239 * - "right" = points[1] and [2]
240 * - "bottom" = points[2] and [3]
241 * - "left" = points[3] and [0]
242 *
243 * The last argument, 'optionalLocalQuad', can be null if no separate local coordinates are
244 * necessary.
245 */
246 void fillQuadWithEdgeAA(const GrClip* clip, GrPaint&& paint, GrAA aa, GrQuadAAFlags edgeAA,
247 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkPoint points[4],
248 const SkPoint optionalLocalPoints[4]) {
249 const SkPoint* localPoints = optionalLocalPoints ? optionalLocalPoints : points;
250 DrawQuad quad{GrQuad::MakeFromSkQuad(points, viewMatrix),
251 GrQuad::MakeFromSkQuad(localPoints, SkMatrix::I()), edgeAA};
252 this->drawFilledQuad(clip, std::move(paint), aa, &quad);
253 }
255 /** Used with drawQuadSet */
256 struct QuadSetEntry {
257 SkRect fRect;
258 SkPMColor4f fColor; // Overrides any color on the GrPaint
259 SkMatrix fLocalMatrix;
260 GrQuadAAFlags fAAFlags;
261 };
263 // TODO(michaelludwig) - remove if the bulk API is not useful for SkiaRenderer
264 void drawQuadSet(const GrClip* clip, GrPaint&& paint, GrAA aa, const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
265 const QuadSetEntry[], int cnt);
267 /**
268 * Creates an op that draws a subrectangle of a texture. The passed color is modulated by the
269 * texture's color. 'srcRect' specifies the rectangle of the texture to draw. 'dstRect'
270 * specifies the rectangle to draw in local coords which will be transformed by 'viewMatrix' to
271 * device space.
272 */
273 void drawTexture(const GrClip* clip,
274 GrSurfaceProxyView view,
275 SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
276 GrSamplerState::Filter filter,
277 GrSamplerState::MipmapMode mm,
278 SkBlendMode mode,
279 const SkPMColor4f& color,
280 const SkRect& srcRect,
281 const SkRect& dstRect,
282 GrAA aa,
283 GrQuadAAFlags edgeAA,
284 SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint constraint,
285 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
286 sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> texXform) {
287 const SkRect* subset = constraint == SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint ?
288 &srcRect : nullptr;
289 DrawQuad quad{GrQuad::MakeFromRect(dstRect, viewMatrix), GrQuad(srcRect), edgeAA};
291 this->drawTexturedQuad(clip, std::move(view), srcAlphaType, std::move(texXform), filter, mm,
292 color, mode, aa, &quad, subset);
293 }
295 /**
296 * Variant of drawTexture that instead draws the texture applied to 'dstQuad' transformed by
297 * 'viewMatrix', using the 'srcQuad' texture coordinates clamped to the optional 'subset'. If
298 * 'subset' is null, it's equivalent to using the fast src rect constraint. If 'subset' is
299 * provided, the strict src rect constraint is applied using 'subset'.
300 */
301 void drawTextureQuad(const GrClip* clip,
302 GrSurfaceProxyView view,
303 GrColorType srcColorType,
304 SkAlphaType srcAlphaType,
305 GrSamplerState::Filter filter,
306 GrSamplerState::MipmapMode mm,
307 SkBlendMode mode,
308 const SkPMColor4f& color,
309 const SkPoint srcQuad[4],
310 const SkPoint dstQuad[4],
311 GrAA aa,
312 GrQuadAAFlags edgeAA,
313 const SkRect* subset,
314 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
315 sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> texXform) {
316 DrawQuad quad{GrQuad::MakeFromSkQuad(dstQuad, viewMatrix),
317 GrQuad::MakeFromSkQuad(srcQuad, SkMatrix::I()), edgeAA};
318 this->drawTexturedQuad(clip, std::move(view), srcAlphaType, std::move(texXform), filter, mm,
319 color, mode, aa, &quad, subset);
320 }
322 /** Used with drawTextureSet */
323 struct TextureSetEntry {
324 GrSurfaceProxyView fProxyView;
325 SkAlphaType fSrcAlphaType;
326 SkRect fSrcRect;
327 SkRect fDstRect;
328 const SkPoint* fDstClipQuad; // Must be null, or point to an array of 4 points
329 const SkMatrix* fPreViewMatrix; // If not null, entry's CTM is 'viewMatrix' * fPreViewMatrix
330 SkPMColor4f fColor; // {a,a,a,a} for rgb textures, {r,g,b,a} for alpha-only textures
331 GrQuadAAFlags fAAFlags;
332 };
333 /**
334 * Draws a set of textures with a shared filter, color, view matrix, color xform, and
335 * texture color xform. The textures must all have the same GrTextureType and GrConfig.
336 *
337 * If any entries provide a non-null fDstClip array, it will be read from immediately based on
338 * fDstClipCount, so the pointer can become invalid after this returns.
339 *
340 * 'proxRunCnt' is the number of proxy changes encountered in the entry array. Technically this
341 * can be inferred from the array within this function, but the information is already known
342 * by SkGpuDevice, so no need to incur another iteration over the array.
343 */
344 void drawTextureSet(const GrClip*,
345 TextureSetEntry[],
346 int cnt,
347 int proxyRunCnt,
348 GrSamplerState::Filter,
349 GrSamplerState::MipmapMode,
350 SkBlendMode mode,
351 GrAA aa,
352 SkCanvas::SrcRectConstraint,
353 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
354 sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> texXform);
356 /**
357 * Draw a roundrect using a paint.
358 *
359 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
360 * @param GrAA Controls whether rrect is antialiased.
361 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
362 * @param rrect the roundrect to draw
363 * @param style style to apply to the rrect. Currently path effects are not allowed.
364 */
365 void drawRRect(const GrClip*,
366 GrPaint&&,
367 GrAA,
368 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
369 const SkRRect& rrect,
370 const GrStyle& style);
372 /**
373 * Use a fast method to render the ambient and spot shadows for a path.
374 * Will return false if not possible for the given path.
375 *
376 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
377 * @param path the path to shadow
378 * @param rec parameters for shadow rendering
379 */
380 bool drawFastShadow(const GrClip*,
381 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
382 const SkPath& path,
383 const SkDrawShadowRec& rec);
385 /**
386 * Shortcut for filling a SkPath consisting of nested rrects using a paint. The result is
387 * undefined if outer does not contain inner.
388 *
389 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
390 * @param GrAA Controls whether rrects edges are antialiased
391 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
392 * @param outer the outer roundrect
393 * @param inner the inner roundrect
394 */
395 void drawDRRect(const GrClip*,
396 GrPaint&&,
397 GrAA,
398 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
399 const SkRRect& outer,
400 const SkRRect& inner);
402 /**
403 * Draws a path.
404 *
405 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
406 * @param GrAA Controls whether the path is antialiased.
407 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
408 * @param path the path to draw
409 * @param style style to apply to the path.
410 */
411 void drawPath(const GrClip*,
412 GrPaint&&,
413 GrAA,
414 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
415 const SkPath&,
416 const GrStyle&);
418 /**
419 * Draws a shape.
420 *
421 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
422 * @param GrAA Controls whether the path is antialiased.
423 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
424 * @param shape the shape to draw
425 */
426 void drawShape(const GrClip*,
427 GrPaint&&,
428 GrAA,
429 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
430 const GrStyledShape&);
433 /**
434 * Draws vertices with a paint.
435 *
436 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
437 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
438 * @param vertices specifies the mesh to draw.
439 * @param overridePrimType primitive type to draw. If NULL, derive prim type from vertices.
440 * @param effect runtime effect that will handle custom vertex attributes.
441 */
442 void drawVertices(const GrClip*,
443 GrPaint&& paint,
444 const SkMatrixProvider& matrixProvider,
445 sk_sp<SkVertices> vertices,
446 GrPrimitiveType* overridePrimType = nullptr,
447 const SkRuntimeEffect* effect = nullptr);
449 /**
450 * Draws textured sprites from an atlas with a paint. This currently does not support AA for the
451 * sprite rectangle edges.
452 *
453 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
454 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
455 * @param spriteCount number of sprites.
456 * @param xform array of compressed transformation data, required.
457 * @param texRect array of texture rectangles used to access the paint.
458 * @param colors optional array of per-sprite colors, supercedes
459 * the paint's color field.
460 */
461 void drawAtlas(const GrClip*,
462 GrPaint&& paint,
463 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
464 int spriteCount,
465 const SkRSXform xform[],
466 const SkRect texRect[],
467 const SkColor colors[]);
469 /**
470 * Draws a region.
471 *
472 * @param paint describes how to color pixels
473 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
474 * @param aa should the rects of the region be antialiased.
475 * @param region the region to be drawn
476 * @param style style to apply to the region
477 */
478 void drawRegion(const GrClip*,
479 GrPaint&& paint,
480 GrAA aa,
481 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
482 const SkRegion& region,
483 const GrStyle& style,
484 const GrUserStencilSettings* ss = nullptr);
486 /**
487 * Draws an oval.
488 *
489 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
490 * @param GrAA Controls whether the oval is antialiased.
491 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix
492 * @param oval the bounding rect of the oval.
493 * @param style style to apply to the oval. Currently path effects are not allowed.
494 */
495 void drawOval(const GrClip*,
496 GrPaint&& paint,
497 GrAA,
498 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
499 const SkRect& oval,
500 const GrStyle& style);
502 /**
503 * Draws a partial arc of an oval.
504 *
505 * @param paint describes how to color pixels.
506 * @param GrGrAA Controls whether the arc is antialiased.
507 * @param viewMatrix transformation matrix.
508 * @param oval the bounding rect of the oval.
509 * @param startAngle starting angle in degrees.
510 * @param sweepAngle angle to sweep in degrees. Must be in (-360, 360)
511 * @param useCenter true means that the implied path begins at the oval center, connects as
512 * a line to the point indicated by the start contains the arc indicated by
513 * the sweep angle. If false the line beginning at the center point is
514 * omitted.
515 * @param style style to apply to the oval.
516 */
517 void drawArc(const GrClip*,
518 GrPaint&& paint,
519 GrAA,
520 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
521 const SkRect& oval,
522 SkScalar startAngle,
523 SkScalar sweepAngle,
524 bool useCenter,
525 const GrStyle& style);
527 /**
528 * Draw the image as a set of rects, specified by |iter|.
529 */
530 void drawImageLattice(const GrClip*,
531 GrPaint&&,
532 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
533 GrSurfaceProxyView,
534 SkAlphaType alphaType,
535 sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform>,
536 GrSamplerState::Filter,
537 std::unique_ptr<SkLatticeIter>,
538 const SkRect& dst);
540 /**
541 * Draw the text specified by the SkGlyphRunList.
542 *
543 * @param viewMatrix transformationMatrix
544 * @param glyphRunList text, text positions, and paint.
545 */
546 void drawGlyphRunList(const GrClip*,
547 const SkMatrixProvider& viewMatrix,
548 const SkGlyphRunList& glyphRunList);
550 /**
551 * Draws the src texture with no matrix. The dstRect is the dstPoint with the width and height
552 * of the srcRect. The srcRect and dstRect are clipped to the bounds of the src and dst surfaces
553 * respectively.
554 */
555 bool blitTexture(GrSurfaceProxyView view, const SkIRect& srcRect, const SkIPoint& dstPoint);
557 /**
558 * Adds the necessary signal and wait semaphores and adds the passed in SkDrawable to the
559 * command stream.
560 */
561 void drawDrawable(std::unique_ptr<SkDrawable::GpuDrawHandler>, const SkRect& bounds);
563 /**
564 * The next time this GrRenderTargetContext is flushed, the gpu will wait on the passed in
565 * semaphores before executing any commands.
566 */
567 bool waitOnSemaphores(int numSemaphores, const GrBackendSemaphore waitSemaphores[],
568 bool deleteSemaphoresAfterWait);
570 int numSamples() const { return this->asRenderTargetProxy()->numSamples(); }
571 const SkSurfaceProps& surfaceProps() const { return fSurfaceProps; }
572 bool wrapsVkSecondaryCB() const { return this->asRenderTargetProxy()->wrapsVkSecondaryCB(); }
573 GrMipmapped mipmapped() const;
575 // TODO: See if it makes sense for this to return a const& instead and require the callers to
576 // make a copy (which refs the proxy) if needed.
577 GrSurfaceProxyView writeSurfaceView() { return fWriteView; }
579 // This entry point should only be called if the backing GPU object is known to be
580 // instantiated.
581 GrRenderTarget* accessRenderTarget() { return this->asSurfaceProxy()->peekRenderTarget(); }
583 GrRenderTargetContext* asRenderTargetContext() override { return this; }
585 // Provides access to functions that aren't part of the public API.
586 GrRenderTargetContextPriv priv();
587 const GrRenderTargetContextPriv priv() const; // NOLINT(readability-const-return-type)
589 void wasClosed(const GrOpsTask& task) override;
592 bool testingOnly_IsInstantiated() const { return this->asSurfaceProxy()->isInstantiated(); }
593 void testingOnly_SetPreserveOpsOnFullClear() { fPreserveOpsOnFullClear_TestingOnly = true; }
594 GrOpsTask* testingOnly_PeekLastOpsTask() { return fOpsTask.get(); }
598 enum class QuadOptimization;
600 GrAAType chooseAAType(GrAA);
602 friend class GrClipStackClip; // for access to getOpsTask
603 friend class GrOnFlushResourceProvider; // for access to getOpsTask (http://skbug.com/9357)
605 friend class GrRenderTargetContextPriv;
607 // All the path and text renderers/ops currently make their own ops
608 friend class GrSoftwarePathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
609 friend class GrAAConvexPathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
610 friend class GrDashLinePathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
611 friend class GrAAHairLinePathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
612 friend class GrAALinearizingConvexPathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
613 friend class GrSmallPathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
614 friend class GrDefaultPathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
615 friend class GrStencilAndCoverPathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
616 friend class GrTriangulatingPathRenderer; // for access to add[Mesh]DrawOp
617 friend class GrCCPerFlushResources; // for access to addDrawOp
618 friend class GrCoverageCountingPathRenderer; // for access to addDrawOp
619 friend class GrFillRectOp; // for access to addDrawOp
620 friend class GrTessellationPathRenderer; // for access to addDrawOp
621 friend class GrTextureOp; // for access to addDrawOp
623 SkDEBUGCODE(void onValidate() const override;)
626 GrOpsTask::CanDiscardPreviousOps canDiscardPreviousOpsOnFullClear() const;
627 void setNeedsStencil(bool useMixedSamplesIfNotMSAA);
629 void internalClear(const SkIRect* scissor, const SkPMColor4f&,
630 bool upgradePartialToFull = false);
631 void internalStencilClear(const SkIRect* scissor, bool insideStencilMask);
633 // Only consumes the GrPaint if successful.
634 bool drawFilledDRRect(const GrClip* clip,
635 GrPaint&& paint,
636 GrAA,
637 const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
638 const SkRRect& origOuter,
639 const SkRRect& origInner);
641 // If the drawn quad's paint is a const blended color, provide it as a non-null pointer to
642 // 'constColor', which enables the draw-as-clear optimization. Otherwise it is assumed the paint
643 // requires some form of shading that invalidates using a clear op.
644 //
645 // The non-const pointers should be the original draw request on input, and will be updated as
646 // appropriate depending on the returned optimization level.
647 //
648 // 'stencilSettings' are provided merely for decision making purposes; When non-null,
649 // optimization strategies that submit special ops are avoided.
650 QuadOptimization attemptQuadOptimization(const GrClip* clip,
651 const SkPMColor4f* constColor,
652 const GrUserStencilSettings* stencilSettings,
653 GrAA* aa,
654 DrawQuad* quad);
656 // If stencil settings, 'ss', are non-null, AA controls MSAA or no AA. If they are null, then AA
657 // can choose between coverage, MSAA as per chooseAAType(). This will always attempt to apply
658 // quad optimizations, so all quad/rect public APIs should rely on this function for consistent
659 // clipping behavior. 'quad' will be modified in place to reflect final rendered geometry.
660 void drawFilledQuad(const GrClip* clip,
661 GrPaint&& paint,
662 GrAA aa,
663 DrawQuad* quad,
664 const GrUserStencilSettings* ss = nullptr);
666 // Like drawFilledQuad but does not require using a GrPaint or FP for texturing.
667 // 'quad' may be modified in place to reflect final geometry.
668 void drawTexturedQuad(const GrClip* clip,
669 GrSurfaceProxyView proxyView,
670 SkAlphaType alphaType,
671 sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureXform,
672 GrSamplerState::Filter filter,
673 GrSamplerState::MipmapMode,
674 const SkPMColor4f& color,
675 SkBlendMode blendMode,
676 GrAA aa,
677 DrawQuad* quad,
678 const SkRect* subset = nullptr);
680 // If 'attemptShapeFallback' is true, and the original shape had been simplfied, this
681 // will re-route through drawShape() to see if we can avoid path rendering one more time.
682 void drawShapeUsingPathRenderer(const GrClip*, GrPaint&&, GrAA, const SkMatrix&,
683 const GrStyledShape&, bool attemptShapeFallback = true);
685 void addOp(std::unique_ptr<GrOp>);
687 // Allows caller of addDrawOp to know which op list an op will be added to.
688 using WillAddOpFn = void(GrOp*, uint32_t opsTaskID);
689 // These perform processing specific to GrDrawOp-derived ops before recording them into an
690 // op list. Before adding the op to an op list the WillAddOpFn is called. Note that it
691 // will not be called in the event that the op is discarded. Moreover, the op may merge into
692 // another op after the function is called (either before addDrawOp returns or some time later).
693 //
694 // If the clip pointer is null, no clipping will be performed.
695 void addDrawOp(const GrClip*, std::unique_ptr<GrDrawOp>,
696 const std::function<WillAddOpFn>& = std::function<WillAddOpFn>());
698 // Makes a copy of the proxy if it is necessary for the draw and places the texture that should
699 // be used by GrXferProcessor to access the destination color in 'result'. If the return
700 // value is false then a texture copy could not be made.
701 //
702 // The op should have already had setClippedBounds called on it.
703 bool SK_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT setupDstProxyView(const GrOp& op,
704 GrXferProcessor::DstProxyView* result);
706 GrOpsTask* getOpsTask();
708 SkGlyphRunListPainter* glyphPainter() { return &fGlyphPainter; }
710 GrSurfaceProxyView fWriteView;
712 // In MDB-mode the GrOpsTask can be closed by some other renderTargetContext that has picked
713 // it up. For this reason, the GrOpsTask should only ever be accessed via 'getOpsTask'.
714 sk_sp<GrOpsTask> fOpsTask;
716 SkSurfaceProps fSurfaceProps;
717 bool fManagedOpsTask;
719 int fNumStencilSamples = 0;
721 bool fPreserveOpsOnFullClear_TestingOnly = false;
723 SkGlyphRunListPainter fGlyphPainter;
724 typedef GrSurfaceContext INHERITED;