2 * Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef GrQuadPerEdgeAA_DEFINED
9#define GrQuadPerEdgeAA_DEFINED
11#include "include/core/SkPoint.h"
12#include "include/core/SkPoint3.h"
13#include "include/private/GrTypesPriv.h"
14#include "src/gpu/GrColor.h"
15#include "src/gpu/GrGeometryProcessor.h"
16#include "src/gpu/GrSamplerState.h"
17#include "src/gpu/GrVertexWriter.h"
18#include "src/gpu/geometry/GrQuad.h"
19#include "src/gpu/geometry/GrQuadUtils.h"
20#include "src/gpu/ops/GrMeshDrawOp.h"
21#include "src/gpu/ops/GrTextureOp.h"
23class GrCaps;
24class GrColorSpaceXform;
25class GrShaderCaps;
26struct GrVertexWriter;
28namespace GrQuadPerEdgeAA {
29 using Saturate = GrTextureOp::Saturate;
31 enum class CoverageMode { kNone, kWithPosition, kWithColor };
32 enum class Subset : bool { kNo = false, kYes = true };
33 enum class ColorType { kNone, kByte, kFloat, kLast = kFloat };
34 static const int kColorTypeCount = static_cast<int>(ColorType::kLast) + 1;
36 enum class IndexBufferOption {
37 kPictureFramed, // geometrically AA'd -> 8 verts/quad + an index buffer
38 kIndexedRects, // non-AA'd but indexed -> 4 verts/quad + an index buffer
39 kTriStrips, // non-AA'd -> 4 verts/quad but no index buffer
40 kLast = kTriStrips
41 };
42 static const int kIndexBufferOptionCount = static_cast<int>(IndexBufferOption::kLast) + 1;
44 IndexBufferOption CalcIndexBufferOption(GrAAType aa, int numQuads);
46 // Gets the minimum ColorType that can represent a color.
47 ColorType MinColorType(SkPMColor4f);
49 // Specifies the vertex configuration for an op that renders per-edge AA quads. The vertex
50 // order (when enabled) is device position, color, local position, subset, aa edge equations.
51 // This order matches the constructor argument order of VertexSpec and is the order that
52 // GPAttributes maintains. If hasLocalCoords is false, then the local quad type can be ignored.
53 struct VertexSpec {
54 public:
55 VertexSpec()
56 : fDeviceQuadType(0) // kAxisAligned
57 , fLocalQuadType(0) // kAxisAligned
58 , fIndexBufferOption(0) // kPictureFramed
59 , fHasLocalCoords(false)
60 , fColorType(0) // kNone
61 , fHasSubset(false)
62 , fUsesCoverageAA(false)
63 , fCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha(false)
64 , fRequiresGeometrySubset(false) {}
66 VertexSpec(GrQuad::Type deviceQuadType, ColorType colorType, GrQuad::Type localQuadType,
67 bool hasLocalCoords,
68 Subset subset, GrAAType aa, bool coverageAsAlpha,
69 IndexBufferOption indexBufferOption)
70 : fDeviceQuadType(static_cast<unsigned>(deviceQuadType))
71 , fLocalQuadType(static_cast<unsigned>(localQuadType))
72 , fIndexBufferOption(static_cast<unsigned>(indexBufferOption))
73 , fHasLocalCoords(hasLocalCoords)
74 , fColorType(static_cast<unsigned>(colorType))
75 , fHasSubset(static_cast<unsigned>(subset))
76 , fUsesCoverageAA(aa == GrAAType::kCoverage)
77 , fCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha(coverageAsAlpha)
78 , fRequiresGeometrySubset(aa == GrAAType::kCoverage &&
79 deviceQuadType > GrQuad::Type::kRectilinear) { }
81 GrQuad::Type deviceQuadType() const { return static_cast<GrQuad::Type>(fDeviceQuadType); }
82 GrQuad::Type localQuadType() const { return static_cast<GrQuad::Type>(fLocalQuadType); }
83 IndexBufferOption indexBufferOption() const {
84 return static_cast<IndexBufferOption>(fIndexBufferOption);
85 }
86 bool hasLocalCoords() const { return fHasLocalCoords; }
87 ColorType colorType() const { return static_cast<ColorType>(fColorType); }
88 bool hasVertexColors() const { return ColorType::kNone != this->colorType(); }
89 bool hasSubset() const { return fHasSubset; }
90 bool usesCoverageAA() const { return fUsesCoverageAA; }
91 bool compatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha() const { return fCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha; }
92 bool requiresGeometrySubset() const { return fRequiresGeometrySubset; }
93 // Will always be 2 or 3
94 int deviceDimensionality() const;
95 // Will always be 0 if hasLocalCoords is false, otherwise will be 2 or 3
96 int localDimensionality() const;
98 int verticesPerQuad() const { return fUsesCoverageAA ? 8 : 4; }
100 CoverageMode coverageMode() const;
101 size_t vertexSize() const;
103 bool needsIndexBuffer() const { return this->indexBufferOption() !=
104 IndexBufferOption::kTriStrips; }
106 GrPrimitiveType primitiveType() const {
107 switch (this->indexBufferOption()) {
108 case IndexBufferOption::kPictureFramed: return GrPrimitiveType::kTriangles;
109 case IndexBufferOption::kIndexedRects: return GrPrimitiveType::kTriangles;
110 case IndexBufferOption::kTriStrips: return GrPrimitiveType::kTriangleStrip;
111 }
114 }
116 private:
117 static_assert(GrQuad::kTypeCount <= 4, "GrQuad::Type doesn't fit in 2 bits");
118 static_assert(kColorTypeCount <= 4, "Color doesn't fit in 2 bits");
119 static_assert(kIndexBufferOptionCount <= 4, "IndexBufferOption doesn't fit in 2 bits");
121 unsigned fDeviceQuadType: 2;
122 unsigned fLocalQuadType: 2;
123 unsigned fIndexBufferOption: 2;
124 unsigned fHasLocalCoords: 1;
125 unsigned fColorType : 2;
126 unsigned fHasSubset : 1;
127 unsigned fUsesCoverageAA: 1;
128 unsigned fCompatibleWithCoverageAsAlpha: 1;
129 // The geometry subset serves to clip off pixels touched by quads with sharp corners that
130 // would otherwise exceed the miter limit for the AA-outset geometry.
131 unsigned fRequiresGeometrySubset : 1;
132 };
134 // A Tessellator is responsible for processing a series of device+local GrQuads into a VBO,
135 // as specified by a VertexSpec. This vertex data can then be processed by a GP created with
136 // MakeProcessor and/or MakeTexturedProcessor.
137 class Tessellator {
138 public:
139 explicit Tessellator(const VertexSpec& spec, char* vertices);
141 // Calculates (as needed) inset and outset geometry for anti-aliasing, and appends all
142 // necessary position and vertex attributes required by this Tessellator's VertexSpec into
143 // the 'vertices' the Tessellator was called with. The insetting and outsetting may
144 // damage the provided GrQuads (as this is intended to work with GrQuadBuffer::Iter).
145 // 'localQuad' can be null if the VertexSpec does not use local coords.
146 void append(GrQuad* deviceQuad, GrQuad* localQuad,
147 const SkPMColor4f& color, const SkRect& uvSubset, GrQuadAAFlags aaFlags);
149 SkDEBUGCODE(char* vertices() const { return (char*) fVertexWriter.fPtr; })
151 private:
152 // VertexSpec defines many unique ways to write vertex attributes, which can be handled
153 // generically by branching per-quad based on the VertexSpec. However, there are several
154 // specs that appear in the wild far more frequently, so they use explicit WriteQuadProcs
155 // that have no branches.
156 typedef void (*WriteQuadProc)(GrVertexWriter* vertices, const VertexSpec& spec,
157 const GrQuad* deviceQuad, const GrQuad* localQuad,
158 const float coverage[4], const SkPMColor4f& color,
159 const SkRect& geomSubset, const SkRect& texSubset);
160 static WriteQuadProc GetWriteQuadProc(const VertexSpec& spec);
162 GrQuadUtils::TessellationHelper fAAHelper;
163 VertexSpec fVertexSpec;
164 GrVertexWriter fVertexWriter;
165 WriteQuadProc fWriteProc;
166 };
168 GrGeometryProcessor* MakeProcessor(SkArenaAlloc*, const VertexSpec&);
170 GrGeometryProcessor* MakeTexturedProcessor(SkArenaAlloc*,
171 const VertexSpec&,
172 const GrShaderCaps&,
173 const GrBackendFormat&,
174 GrSamplerState,
175 const GrSwizzle&,
176 sk_sp<GrColorSpaceXform> textureColorSpaceXform,
177 Saturate);
179 // This method will return the correct index buffer for the specified indexBufferOption.
180 // It will, correctly, return nullptr if the indexBufferOption is kTriStrips.
181 sk_sp<const GrBuffer> GetIndexBuffer(GrMeshDrawOp::Target*, IndexBufferOption);
183 // What is the maximum number of quads allowed for the specified indexBuffer option?
184 int QuadLimit(IndexBufferOption);
186 // This method will issue the draw call on the provided GrOpsRenderPass, as specified by the
187 // indexing method in vertexSpec. It is up to the calling code to allocate, fill in, and bind a
188 // vertex buffer, and to acquire and bind the correct index buffer (if needed) with
189 // GrPrimitiveRestart::kNo.
190 //
191 // @param runningQuadCount the number of quads already stored in 'vertexBuffer' and
192 // 'indexBuffer' e.g., different GrMeshes have already been placed in
193 // the buffers to allow dynamic state changes.
194 // @param quadCount the number of quads that will be drawn by the provided 'mesh'.
195 // A subsequent ConfigureMesh call would the use
196 // 'runningQuadCount' + 'quadCount' for its new 'runningQuadCount'.
197 void IssueDraw(const GrCaps&, GrOpsRenderPass*, const VertexSpec&, int runningQuadCount,
198 int quadCount, int maxVerts, int absVertBufferOffset);
200} // namespace GrQuadPerEdgeAA
202#endif // GrQuadPerEdgeAA_DEFINED