3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxanimevalclassic.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxobject.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/scene/animation/fbxanimevaluator.h>
20#include <fbxsdk/scene/animation/fbxanimlayer.h>
22#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
24/** An evaluator implementation that behaves like the original FBX SDK (2010 and previous) evaluation system.
25 *
26 * It works by implementing the abstract class FbxAnimEvaluator, which is used as the main interface for evaluators.
27 * \note While this class can be instanced at any time, it is preferable to access the evaluator via the function
28 * FbxScene::GetEvaluator(), which will automatically return the default evaluator used in the current FBX SDK.
29 * This is very useful because it will allow the user to use the very same evaluator used by the FBX SDK internally.
30 * \see FbxAnimEvaluator, FbxScene
31 */
32class FBXSDK_DLL FbxAnimEvalClassic : public FbxAnimEvaluator
34 FBXSDK_OBJECT_DECLARE(FbxAnimEvalClassic, FbxAnimEvaluator);
36 enum EBlendType {eSimple, eRotation, eScaling};
38 /** Calculate values of properties LclTranslation, LclRotation, LclScaling of a node at the specified time
39 * and update the mLT, mLR, mLT fields of the node's NodeEvalState.
40 * \param pResult The NodeEvalState to update.
41 * \param pNode The node to evaluate.
42 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
43 * \param pStack The current animation stack used by the evaluator.
44 * \remarks Values of properties LclTranslation, LclRotation, LclScaling will be updated to pResult->mLT, pResult->mLR, pResult->mLS.
45 * The translation, rotation and scaling limits are taken into consideration.
46 * Only LclTranslation, LclRotation and LclScaling are taken into accounts, no other transform, such as pivot, offset are calculated here.
47 */
48 void ComputeTRSLocal(FbxNodeEvalState* pResult, FbxNode* pNode, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimStack* pStack);
50 /** Calculate global transform of a node at the specified time and update the mGX field of the node's NodeEvalState.
51 * \param pResult The NodeEvalState to update.
52 * \param pNode The node to evaluate.
53 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
54 * \param pStack The current animation stack used by the evaluator.
55 * \param pPivotSet The pivot set to take into account.
56 * \param pApplyTarget Applies the necessary transform to align into the target node
57 * \remarks Calculated global transform will be updated to pResult->mGX.
58 * ComputeGlobalTransform must be called after the call to ComputeTRSLocal, there is a dependency.
59 * All transforms are taken into account, including:
60 * Transform = Translation * RotationOffset* RotationPivot* PreRotation * LocalRotation* PostRotation * RotationPivotInverse* ScalingOffset* ScalingPivot* LocalScaling* ScalingPivotInverse
61 * Also,the translation, rotation and scaling limits are taken into consideration.
62 */
63 void ComputeGlobalTransform(FbxNodeEvalState* pResult, FbxNode* pNode, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimStack* pStack, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet, bool pApplyTarget);
65 /** Calculate local transform of a node at the specified time and update the mLX field of the node's NodeEvalState.
66 * \param pResult The NodeEvalState to update.
67 * \param pNode The node to evaluate.
68 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
69 * \param pStack The current animation stack used by the evaluator.
70 * \param pPivotSet The pivot set to take into account.
71 * \param pApplyTarget Applies the necessary transform to align into the target node
72 * \remarks Calculated local transform will be updated to pResult->mLX.
73 * ComputeLocalTransform must be called after the call to ComputeGlobalTransform, there is a dependency.
74 * The local transform matrix is calculated in this way: ParentGlobal.Inverse() * Global, all transforms such as pre/post rotation are taken into consideration.
75 * To get values of properties LclTranslation, LclRotaion and LclScaling at the specified time, please use ComputeTRSLocal.
76 * Also,the translation, rotation and scaling limits are taken into consideration.
77 */
78 void ComputeLocalTransform(FbxNodeEvalState* pResult, FbxNode* pNode, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimStack* pStack, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet, bool pApplyTarget);
80 /** Check if the property has corresponding animation curve node on the specified animation layer.
81 * \param pProperty The property to check.
82 * \param pAnimLayer The animation layer to check on.
83 * \return \c true if pProperty has corresponding animation curve node on pAnimLayer, \c false otherwise.
84 */
85 bool HasAnimationCurveNode(FbxProperty& pProperty, FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer);
87 /** Calculate values of properties LclTranslation, LclRotation, LclScaling of a node at the specified time on certain animation layer.
88 * \param pResult The NodeEvalState to update.
89 * \param pNode The node to evaluate.
90 * \param pLT To take the calculated value of LclTranslation.
91 * \param pLR To take the calculated value of LclRotation.
92 * \param pLS To take the calculated value of LclScaling.
93 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate.
94 * \param pLayer The current animation layer used to do the calculation.
95 * \param pBlend if \c false, only animation on current layer will be taken into account, and pResult->mCurveNode will be updated accordingly.
96 if \c true, the value on this animation layer will be blended with current value of pLT, pLR and pLS.
97 * \remarks The usual usage of this function is to call it on the first animation layer with out blending, then call it repeatedly on other
98 * animation layers with blending to get the blended value of pLT, pLR and pLS of all animation layers.
99 */
100 void ComputeTRSAnimationLayer(FbxNodeEvalState* pResult, FbxNode* pNode, FbxVector4& pLT, FbxVector4& pLR, FbxVector4& pLS, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer* pLayer, bool pBlend);
102 /** Blend value of a property on certain animation layer to pResult.
103 * \param pResult The blended value of the property.
104 * \param pResultSize The elements number of the property value.
105 * \param pProperty The property to be blended.
106 * \param pEvalState An auxiliary parameter, the NodeEvalState to get rotation order for eRotation type blending.
107 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate.
108 * \param pLayer The current animation layer used to do the calculation.
109 * \param pType There are three blend types, eSimple, eRotation, eScaling
110 * \remarks The blended value will be kept in pResult.
111 */
112 void BlendPropertyEvalWithLayer(double* pResult, int pResultSize, FbxProperty& pProperty, FbxNodeEvalState* pEvalState, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxAnimLayer* pLayer, EBlendType pType);
114 /** Blends two arrays of values in a simple weighted linear blending way.
115 * \param pResult The first array of values to be blended.
116 * \param pResultSize The number of elements of the first value to be blended.
117 * \param pApply The second array of values to be blended.
118 * \param pApplySize The number of elements of the second value to be blended.
119 * \param pWeight The weight used to blend.
120 * \param pBlendMode The blend mode to use.
121 * \see BlendMode
122 * \remarks The blended value will be kept in pResult.
123 */
124 void BlendSimple(double* pResult, int pResultSize, double* pApply, int pApplySize, double pWeight, FbxAnimLayer::EBlendMode pBlendMode);
126 /** Blends two arrays of values representing rotations.
127 * \param pResult The first array of values to be blended.
128 * \param pResultSize The number of elements of the first value to be blended.
129 * \param pApply The second array of values to be blended.
130 * \param pApplySize The number of elements of the second value to be blended.
131 * \param pWeight The weight used to blend.
132 * \param pBlendMode The blend mode to use.
133 * \param pRotAccuMode The rotation accumulation mode.
134 * \param pRotationOrder The rotation order to be used for blending.
135 * \remarks The blended value will be kept in pResult. And this blend should not be used with anything other than rotations.
136 * \see BlendMode, RotationAccumulationMode
137 */
138 void BlendRotation(double* pResult, int pResultSize, double* pApply, int pApplySize, double pWeight, FbxAnimLayer::EBlendMode pBlendMode, FbxAnimLayer::ERotationAccumulationMode pRotAccuMode, int pRotationOrder);
140 /** Blends two arrays of values representing scaling transforms.
141 * \param pResult The first array of values to be blended.
142 * \param pResultSize The number of elements of the first value to be blended.
143 * \param pApply The second array of values to be blended.
144 * \param pApplySize The number of elements of the second value to be blended.
145 * \param pWeight The weight used to blend.
146 * \param pBlendMode The blend mode to use.
147 * \param pScaleAccuMode The scaling accumulation mode.
148 * \remarks The blended value will be kept in pResult.And this blend should not be used with anything other than scaling transform.
149 * \see BlendMode, ScaleAccumulationMode.
150 */
151 void BlendScaling(double* pResult, int pResultSize, double* pApply, int pApplySize, double pWeight, FbxAnimLayer::EBlendMode pBlendMode, FbxAnimLayer::EScaleAccumulationMode pScaleAccuMode);
154** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
158 virtual void Construct(const FbxObject* pFrom);
159 virtual void Destruct(bool pRecursive);
161 virtual void EvaluateNodeTransform(FbxNodeEvalState* pResult, FbxNode* pNode, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet, bool pApplyTarget);
162 virtual void EvaluatePropertyValue(FbxPropertyEvalState* pResult, FbxProperty& pProperty, const FbxTime& pTime);
165 double* mPropertyValues;
166 int mPropertySize;
168 double* mCurveNodeEvalValues;
169 int mCurveNodeEvalSize;
170#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
173#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>