3 Copyright (C) 2015 Autodesk, Inc.
4 All rights reserved.
6 Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
7 provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
8 this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
12//! \file fbxnode.h
16#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_def.h>
18#include <fbxsdk/core/fbxobject.h>
19#include <fbxsdk/core/math/fbxtransforms.h>
21#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsbegin.h>
23class FbxStatus;
24class FbxNodeAttribute;
25class FbxCachedEffect;
26class FbxLODGroup;
27class FbxNull;
28class FbxMarker;
29class FbxSkeleton;
30class FbxGeometry;
31class FbxMesh;
32class FbxNurbs;
33class FbxNurbsCurve;
34class FbxLine;
35class FbxNurbsSurface;
36class FbxTrimNurbsSurface;
37class FbxPatch;
38class FbxCamera;
39class FbxCameraStereo;
40class FbxCameraSwitcher;
41class FbxLight;
42class FbxOpticalReference;
43class FbxSubDiv;
44class FbxCharacter;
45class FbxSurfaceMaterial;
46class FbxAnimStack;
47class FbxAnimCurveFilterMatrixConverter;
49/** Represents an element in the scene graph. A scene graph is a tree of FbxNode
50 * objects. The tree management services are self contained in this class.
51 *
52 * \note The FBX SDK does not test the validity of the constructed scene graph. It
53 * is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that it does not generate cyclic
54 * graphs in a node hierarchy.
55 *
56 * Besides the tree management, this class defines all the properties required to describe
57 * the position of the object in the scene. This information include the basic Translation,
58 * Rotation and Scaling properties and the more advanced options for pivots, limits, and IK joints
59 * attributes such the stiffness and dampening.
60 *
61 * When it is first created, the FbxNode object is "empty" (i.e: it is an object without any
62 * graphical representation that only contains the position information). In this state, it can
63 * be used to represent parents in the node tree structure but not much more. The normal use of
64 * this type of objects is to add them an attribute that will specialize the node (see the
65 * "Node Attribute Management" section).
66 *
67 * The node attribute is an object in itself and is connected to the the FbxNode. This also
68 * means that the same node attribute can be shared among multiple nodes. FbxCamera, FbxLight,
69 * FbxMesh, etc... are all node attributes and they all derive from the base class FbxNodeAttribute.
70 *
71 */
72class FBXSDK_DLL FbxNode : public FbxObject
77 /**
78 * \name Node Tree Management
79 */
80 //@{
81 /** Get the parent node.
82 * \return Pointer to parent node or \c NULL if the current node has no parent.
83 */
84 FbxNode* GetParent();
85 const FbxNode* GetParent() const;
87 /** Add a child node and its underlying node tree.
88 * \param pNode Node we want to make child of \c this.
89 * \return \c true on success, \c false if \e pNode is \c NULL or the system is
90 * unable to make the connection.
91 * \remarks If \e pNode already has a parent, first it is removed from current parent and then
92 * added to this one.
93 */
94 bool AddChild(FbxNode* pNode);
96 /** Remove the child node.
97 * \param pNode The child node to be removed.
98 * \return The removed child node.
99 */
100 FbxNode* RemoveChild(FbxNode* pNode);
102 /** Get the number of children nodes.
103 * \param pRecursive If \c true the method will also count all the descendant children.
104 * \return Total number of children for this node.
105 */
106 int GetChildCount(bool pRecursive = false) const;
108 /** Get child by index.
109 * \param pIndex The child index.
110 * \return Child node or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range (i.e: < 0 or > GetChildCount()).
111 */
112 FbxNode* GetChild(int pIndex);
114 /** Get child by index.
115 * \param pIndex The child index.
116 * \return Child node or \c NULL if \e pIndex is out of range (i.e: < 0 or > GetChildCount()).
117 */
118 const FbxNode* GetChild(int pIndex) const;
120 /** Finds a child node by name.
121 * \param pName Name of the searched child node.
122 * \param pRecursive Flag to request recursive calls.
123 * \param pInitial If set to \c true, the search compares the initial name of
124 * the node (see the FbxObject class)
125 * \return Found child node or \c NULL if no child node with this name exists.
126 */
127 FbxNode* FindChild(const char* pName, bool pRecursive=true, bool pInitial=false);
128 //@}
130 /**
131 * \name Node Target Management
132 * The FbxNode class allows the client to set a "follow" target node. This target
133 * forces the node to re-align itself so it points to the target. By default, the node
134 * uses its X axis as the aiming constraint. A rotation offset can be added to change
135 * this behavior. While the default relative orientation to the target (the X axis) is
136 * sufficient for the FBX cameras (with a (0,0,0) rotation vector, they are aiming
137 * along the X axis), this rotation offset becomes particularly useful with the lights
138 * objects because their default orientation (when they have a 0,0,0 rotation vector) is to
139 * point along the -Y axis and they need to be adjusted with a 90-degree offset on the Z axis.
140 *
141 * The FbxNode class also permits the use of node to define an Up-vector. By default,
142 * the node's up vector points towards the Up node. If the Up node is not specified,
143 * then the node's Up vector points towards the Y axis. Here too, a rotation offset can be
144 * added to change the default behavior.
145 *
146 * Of course, these offsets can be applied to anything, not only the cameras and lights.
147 *
148 * \note Objects in the FBX SDK are always created in the right handed, Y-Up system and need
149 * to be adjusted for any other axis system by explicitly convert them (the class
150 * FbxAxisSystem can help in that process).
151 *
152 */
153 //@{
154 /** The target must be part of the same scene and it cannot be itself.
155 * \param pNode The target.
156 */
157 void SetTarget(FbxNode* pNode);
159 /** Get the target for this node.
160 * \returns \c NULL if target isn't set.
161 */
162 FbxNode* GetTarget() const;
164 /** Set rotation offset from default relative orientation to target.
165 * \param pVector The rotation offset.
166 */
167 void SetPostTargetRotation(FbxVector4 pVector);
169 /** Get rotation offset from default relative orientation to target.
170 * \return The rotation offset.
171 */
172 FbxVector4 GetPostTargetRotation() const;
174 /** The target up node must be part of the same scene and it cannot be itself.
175 * \param pNode The target.
176 */
177 void SetTargetUp(FbxNode* pNode);
179 /** Get the target up node.
180 * \return \c NULL if the target up model isn't set.
181 */
182 FbxNode* GetTargetUp() const;
184 /** Set up vector offset from default relative target up vector.
185 * \param pVector The rotation offset.
186 */
187 void SetTargetUpVector(FbxVector4 pVector);
189 /** Get up vector offset from default relative target up vector.
190 * \return The up vector offset.
191 */
192 FbxVector4 GetTargetUpVector() const;
193 //@}
195 /**
196 * \name Node Display Parameters
197 */
198 //@{
199 /** Set the node Visibility value from the boolean parameter.
200 * \param pIsVisible Node is visible in the scene if set to \c true.
201 * \remarks This method checks for the validity of the property before attempting to
202 * set its value. In fact, the exact same result can be achieved by the following code:
203 * \code
204 * if( Visibility.IsValid() )
205 * {
206 * Visibility.Set(FbxDouble(pIsVisible));
207 * }
208 * \endcode
209 *
210 * \see Visibility property.
211 */
212 void SetVisibility(bool pIsVisible);
214 /** Get the current value of the Visibility property.
215 * \return \c false if the Visibility property value is 0.0 and \c true for any other value.
216 * \remarks This method expects the Visibility property to exist and to be valid. If this
217 * condition is not met, the returned value will be \c false.
218 */
219 bool GetVisibility() const;
221 /** \enum EShadingMode Shading modes.
222 * These shading modes are not directly used by the FBX SDK but it is guaranteed that the information is
223 * carried to and from the FBX files. The typical context of using these modes is to affect the rendering of
224 * geometric objects (this is, of course, performed at the application level) and the possible definition
225 * for each mode is:
226 */
227 enum EShadingMode
228 {
229 eHardShading, //!< Solid geometries rendered with smooth surfaces - using the system light.
230 eWireFrame, //!< Geometries displayed in wire frame.
231 eFlatShading, //!< Solid geometries rendered faceted - using the system light.
232 eLightShading, //!< Solid geometries rendered with the scene lights.
233 eTextureShading, //!< Solid geometries rendered with smooth textured surfaces - using system light.
234 eFullShading //!< Solid geometries rendered with smooth textured surfaces and scene lights.
235 };
237 /** Set the shading mode.
238 * \param pShadingMode The shading mode.
239 */
240 void SetShadingMode(EShadingMode pShadingMode);
242 /** Get the shading mode.
243 * \return The currently set shading mode.
244 */
245 EShadingMode GetShadingMode() const;
246 //@}
248 /**
249 * \name Node Attribute Management
250 */
251 //@{
252 /** Set the node attribute.
253 * \param pNodeAttribute Node attribute object
254 * \return Pointer to previous node attribute object.
255 * \c NULL if the node didn't have a node attribute or if
256 * the new node attribute is equal to the one currently set.
257 * \remarks A node attribute can be shared between nodes.
258 * \remarks If this node has more than one attribute (added via the AddAttribute() method), this call
259 * will destroy all, but the default node attribute.
260 */
261 FbxNodeAttribute* SetNodeAttribute(FbxNodeAttribute* pNodeAttribute);
263 /** Get the default node attribute.
264 * The default node attribute is the attribute that has been set by the call to SetNodeAttribute().
265 * \return Pointer to the default node attribute or \c NULL if the node doesn't
266 * have a node attribute.
267 */
268 FbxNodeAttribute* GetNodeAttribute();
270 /** Get the default node attribute.
271 * The default node attribute is the attribute that has been set by the call to SetNodeAttribute(...).
272 * \return Pointer to the default node attribute or \c NULL if the node doesn't
273 * have a node attribute.
274 */
275 const FbxNodeAttribute* GetNodeAttribute() const;
277 //! Get the number of node attribute(s) connected to this node.
278 int GetNodeAttributeCount() const;
280 /** Get the index, in the list of connected node attributes, of the node attribute that is set
281 * to be the default one.
282 * \return Index of the default node attribute or \c -1 if there is no default node attribute set.
283 */
284 int GetDefaultNodeAttributeIndex() const;
286 /** Set index of the default node attribute.
287 * \param pIndex Identifies which of the connected node attributes is becoming the default one.
288 * This value represent the connection number of the node.
289 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
290 * \return \c true if the operation succeeds or \c false if the passed index is invalid.
291 */
292 bool SetDefaultNodeAttributeIndex(int pIndex, FbxStatus* pStatus = NULL);
294 /** Get the connected node attribute by specifying its index in the connection list.
295 * \param pIndex The connection number of the node.
296 * \return Pointer to corresponding node attribute or \c NULL if the index is out of range.
297 */
298 FbxNodeAttribute* GetNodeAttributeByIndex(int pIndex);
300 /** Get the connected node attribute by specifying its index in the connection list.
301 * \param pIndex The connection number of the node.
302 * \return Pointer to corresponding node attribute or \c NULL if the index is out of range.
303 */
304 const FbxNodeAttribute* GetNodeAttributeByIndex(int pIndex) const;
306 /** Get the connection index of the specified node attribute.
307 * This method will do a linear search of all the connected node attributes (from the last to
308 * the first connection) until it finds \e pNodeAttribue.
309 * \param pNodeAttribute The pointer to the node attribute.
310 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
311 * \return The connection number of the node attribute or \c -1 if pNodeAttribute is \c NULL
312 * or not connected to this node.
313 */
314 int GetNodeAttributeIndex(FbxNodeAttribute* pNodeAttribute, FbxStatus* pStatus = NULL) const;
316 /** Add the new node attribute to this node.
317 * If no other node attribute is already set as the default one, this new node attribute is
318 * automatically set as the default one.
319 * \param pNodeAttribute The pointer to a node attribute.
320 * \param pStatus The FbxStatus object to hold error codes.
321 * \return \c true if the operation succeeded or \c false if the operation failed.
322 * \remarks The failing conditions for this methods are:
323 * - The received object pointer is \c NULL.
324 * - The received object is already connected to this node.
325 * - An internal error prevented the connection to successfully complete.
326 */
327 bool AddNodeAttribute(FbxNodeAttribute* pNodeAttribute, FbxStatus* pStatus = NULL);
329 /** Remove the node attribute from the connection list of this node.
330 * \param pNodeAttribute The pointer to a node attribute.
331 * \return Pointer to the removed node attribute or \c NULL if the operation failed.
332 */
333 FbxNodeAttribute* RemoveNodeAttribute(FbxNodeAttribute* pNodeAttribute);
335 /** Remove the node attribute, specified by the connection index, from the connection
336 * list of this node.
337 * \param pIndex Index of the node attribute.
338 * \return Pointer to the removed node attribute or \c NULL if the operation failed.
339 * \remarks If the specified node attribute is also the default one, its predecessor in
340 * the connection list will become the new default node attribute. And if there
341 * are no more predecessors, the node DefaultNodeAttributeIndex is reset to -1.
342 */
343 FbxNodeAttribute* RemoveNodeAttributeByIndex(int pIndex);
345 /** Get the default node attribute casted to a FbxCachedEffect pointer.
346 * \return Pointer to the cached effect object.
347 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
348 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
349 */
350 FbxCachedEffect* GetCachedEffect();
352 /** Get the default node attribute casted to a FbxLODGroup pointer.
353 * \return Pointer to the lod group object.
354 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
355 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
356 */
357 FbxLODGroup* GetLodGroup();
359 /** Get the default node attribute casted to a FbxNull pointer.
360 * \return Pointer to the null object.
361 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
362 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
363 */
364 FbxNull* GetNull();
366 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxMarker pointer.
367 * \return Pointer to the marker object.
368 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
369 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
370 */
371 FbxMarker* GetMarker();
373 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxSkeleton pointer.
374 * \return Pointer to the skeleton object.
375 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
376 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
377 */
378 FbxSkeleton* GetSkeleton();
380 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxGeometry pointer.
381 * \return Pointer to the geometry object.
382 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
383 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
384 * \remarks For this method to succeed, the node attribute's GetAttributeType() must returns one of the
385 * following:
386 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh
387 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbs
388 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsSurface
389 * - FbxNodeAttribute::ePatch
390 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsCurve
391 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eBoundary
392 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eTrimNurbsSurface
393 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eSubDiv
394 * - FbxNodeAttribute::eLine
395 */
396 FbxGeometry* GetGeometry();
398 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxMesh pointer.
399 * \return Pointer to the mesh object.
400 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
401 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
402 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh.
403 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
404 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
405 */
406 FbxMesh* GetMesh();
408 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxNurbs pointer.
409 * \return Pointer to the nurb object.
410 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
411 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
412 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbs.
413 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
414 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
415 */
416 FbxNurbs* GetNurbs();
418 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxNurbsSurface pointer.
419 * \return Pointer to the nurbs surface object.
420 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
421 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
422 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsSurface.
423 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
424 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
425 */
426 FbxNurbsSurface* GetNurbsSurface();
428 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxNurbsCurve pointer.
429 * \return Pointer to the nurbs curve object.
430 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
431 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
432 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsCurve.
433 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
434 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
435 */
436 FbxNurbsCurve* GetNurbsCurve();
438 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxLine pointer.
439 * \return Pointer to the line object.
440 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
441 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
442 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::eLine.
443 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
444 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
445 */
446 FbxLine* GetLine();
448 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxTrimNurbsSurface pointer.
449 * \return Pointer to the trim nurbs surface object.
450 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
451 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
452 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::eTrimNurbsSurface.
453 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
454 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
455 */
456 FbxTrimNurbsSurface* GetTrimNurbsSurface();
458 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxSubDiv pointer.
459 * \return Pointer to the subdivision surface object.
460 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
461 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
462 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::eSubDiv.
463 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
464 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
465 */
466 FbxSubDiv* GetSubdiv();
468 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxPatch pointer.
469 * \return Pointer to the patch object.
470 * \remarks This method will try to process the default node attribute first. If it cannot
471 * find it, it will scan the list of connected node attributes and get the first
472 * object that is a FbxNodeAttribute::ePatch.
473 * \remarks If the above search failed to get a valid pointer or it cannot
474 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
475 */
476 FbxPatch* GetPatch();
478 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxCamera pointer.
479 * \return Pointer to the camera object.
480 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
481 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
482 */
483 FbxCamera* GetCamera();
484 const FbxCamera* GetCamera() const;
486 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxCameraStereo pointer.
487 * \return Pointer to the stereo camera object.
488 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
489 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
490 */
491 FbxCameraStereo* GetCameraStereo();
493 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxCameraSwitcher pointer.
494 * \return Pointer to the camera switcher object.
495 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
496 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
497 */
498 FbxCameraSwitcher* GetCameraSwitcher();
500 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxLight pointer.
501 * \return Pointer to the light object.
502 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
503 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
504 */
505 FbxLight* GetLight();
506 const FbxLight* GetLight() const;
508 /** Get the node attribute casted to a FbxOpticalReference pointer.
509 * \return Pointer to the optical reference object.
510 * \remarks If the type cast failed because there is not default node attribute set or it cannot
511 * be successfully casted, this method will return \c NULL.
512 */
513 FbxOpticalReference* GetOpticalReference();
514 //@}
516 /**
517 * \name Transformation propagation
518 * This set of functions provides direct access to the transformation propagations settings
519 * of the FbxNode. These settings determine how transformations must be applied when
520 * evaluating a node's transformation matrix. The possible values are:
521 * - eInheritRrSs : Scaling of parent is applied in the child world after the local child rotation.
522 * - eInheritRSrs : Scaling of parent is applied in the parent world.
523 * - eInheritRrs : Scaling of parent does not affect the scaling of children.
524 */
525 //@{
526 /** Sets how child transforms are inherited from parent transforms.
527 * \param pInheritType One of the following values eInheritRrSs, eInheritRSrs or eInheritRrs
528 */
529 void SetTransformationInheritType(FbxTransform::EInheritType pInheritType);
531 //! Get transformation inherit type.
532 void GetTransformationInheritType(FbxTransform::EInheritType& pInheritType) const;
533 //@}
535 /**
536 * \name Pivot Management
537 * Pivots are used to specify translation, rotation and scaling centers in coordinates
538 * relative to a node's origin.
539 * A node has two pivot contexts defined by the EPivotSet enumeration. The node's animation
540 * data can be converted from one pivot context to the other. Each context can be set to be
541 * either active or passive (reference). By default the two pivot contexts are passive. They
542 * need to be active to be processed during the evaluation of the node final transformation
543 * matrix. In its passive state, a pivot context can still be accessed to retrieve its content
544 * for any other required purpose. Each pivot context stores values (as FbxVector4) for:
545 * \code
546 * - Rotation offset (Roff)
547 * - Rotation pivot (Rp)
548 * - Pre-rotation (Rpre)
549 * - Post-rotation (Rpost)
550 * - Scaling offset (Soff)
551 * - Scaling pivot (Sp)
552 * - Geometric translation (Gt)
553 * - Geometric rotation (Gr)
554 * - Geometric scaling (Gs)
555 *
556 * These values combine in the matrix form to compute the World transform of the node
557 * using the formula:
558 *
559 * World = ParentWorld * T * Roff * Rp * Rpre * R * Rpost * Rp-1 * Soff * Sp * S * Sp-1
560 * \endcode
561 *
562 * The geometric transformation (Gt * Gr * Gs) is applied only to the node attribute and after
563 * the node transformations. This transformation is not inherited across the node hierarchy.
564 *
565 * \note Please refer to the FBX SDK programmers guide for more details.
566 *
567 * The application of the pivots is performed by calling the method ConvertPivotAnimation(). Typically,
568 * you set-up the eDestinationPivot context to match what your system can directly support and leave at (0,0,0) the
569 * attributes that are not supported by your system. When the values of a specific attribute in the
570 * two contexts (source and destination) are identical, the system considers that no adjustment is
571 * required because the attribute is directly supported in the destination world.
572 *
573 * Below is an example of code that shows how the pivot information could be setup before calling ConvertPivotAnimation().
574 * \code
575 * FbxVector4 lZero(0,0,0);
576 * FbxVector4 lOne(1,1,1);
577 * pNode->SetPivotState(FbxNode::eSourcePivot, FbxNode::ePivotActive);
578 * pNode->SetPivotState(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, FbxNode::ePivotActive);
579 *
580 * EFbxRotationOrder lRotationOrder;
581 * pNode->GetRotationOrder(FbxNode::eSourcePivot , lRotationOrder);
582 * pNode->SetRotationOrder(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot , lRotationOrder);
583 *
584 * //For cameras and lights (without targets) let's compensate the postrotation.
585 * if( pNode->GetCamera() || pNode->GetLight() )
586 * {
587 * if( !pNode->GetTarget() )
588 * {
589 * FbxVector4 lRV(90, 0, 0);
590 * if( pNode->GetCamera() )
591 * lRV.Set(0, 90, 0);
592 *
593 * FbxVector4 prV = pNode->GetPostRotation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);
594 * FbxAMatrix lSourceR;
595 * FbxAMatrix lR(lZero, lRV, lOne);
596 * FbxVector4 res = prV;
597 *
598 * // Rotation order don't affect post rotation, so just use the default XYZ order
599 * FbxRotationOrder rOrder;
600 * rOrder.V2M(lSourceR, res);
601 *
602 * lR = lSourceR * lR;
603 * rOrder.M2V(res, lR);
604 * prV = res;
605 * pNode->SetPostRotation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot, prV);
606 * pNode->SetRotationActive(true);
607 * }
608 *
609 * // Point light do not need to be adjusted (since they radiate in all the directions).
610 * if( pNode->GetLight() && pNode->GetLight()->LightType.Get() == FbxLight::ePoint )
611 * {
612 * pNode->SetPostRotation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot, FbxVector4(0,0,0,0));
613 * }
614 * }
615 * // apply Pre rotations only on bones / end of chains
616 * if( pNode->GetNodeAttribute() && pNode->GetNodeAttribute()->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eSkeleton
617 * || (pNode->GetMarker() && pNode->GetMarker()->GetType() == FbxMarker::eEffectorFK)
618 * || (pNode->GetMarker() && pNode->GetMarker()->GetType() == FbxMarker::eEffectorIK) )
619 * {
620 * if( pNode->GetRotationActive() )
621 * {
622 * pNode->SetPreRotation(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, pNode->GetPreRotation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot));
623 * }
624 *
625 * // No pivots on bones
626 * pNode->SetRotationPivot(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, lZero);
627 * pNode->SetScalingPivot(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, lZero);
628 * pNode->SetRotationOffset(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot,lZero);
629 * pNode->SetScalingOffset(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, lZero);
630 * }
631 * else
632 * {
633 * // any other type: no pre-rotation support but...
634 * pNode->SetPreRotation(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, lZero);
635 *
636 * // support for rotation and scaling pivots.
637 * pNode->SetRotationPivot(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, pNode->GetRotationPivot(FbxNode::eSourcePivot));
638 * pNode->SetScalingPivot(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, pNode->GetScalingPivot(FbxNode::eSourcePivot));
639 * // Rotation and scaling offset are supported
640 * pNode->SetRotationOffset(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, pNode->GetRotationOffset(FbxNode::eSourcePivot));
641 * pNode->SetScalingOffset(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, pNode->GetScalingOffset(FbxNode::eSourcePivot));
642 * //
643 * // If we don't "support" scaling pivots, we can simply do:
644 * // pNode->SetRotationPivot(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, lZero);
645 * // pNode->SetScalingPivot(FbxNode::eDestinationPivot, lZero);
646 * }
647 * \endcode
648 *
649 */
650 //@{
651 /** \enum EPivotSet Pivot context identifier.
652 */
653 enum EPivotSet
654 {
655 eSourcePivot, //!< The source pivot context.
656 eDestinationPivot //!< The destination pivot context.
657 };
659 /** \enum EPivotState Pivot context state.
660 */
661 enum EPivotState
662 {
663 ePivotActive, //!< The pivot context with this state is affecting the node's transform computation.
664 ePivotReference //!< The pivot context with this state is not used during the node transform computation but can be accessed for reference purposes.
665 };
667 /** Change the state of the pivot context.
668 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is manipulated.
669 * \param pPivotState The new state of the pivot context.
670 */
671 void SetPivotState(EPivotSet pPivotSet, EPivotState pPivotState);
673 /** Get the pivot context state.
674 * The returned value tells if this pivot context is used in the
675 * evaluation of the node transform or not.
676 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is queried.
677 * \param pPivotState The current state of the pivot set.
678 */
679 void GetPivotState(EPivotSet pPivotSet, EPivotState& pPivotState) const;
681 /** Set rotation space
682 * Determine the rotation space (Euler or Spheric) and the rotation order.
683 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is manipulated.
684 * \param pRotationOrder The new value for the pivot rotation order.
685 */
686 void SetRotationOrder(EPivotSet pPivotSet, EFbxRotationOrder pRotationOrder);
688 /** Get rotation order
689 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is queried.
690 * \param pRotationOrder The current value of the pivot rotation order.
691 */
692 void GetRotationOrder(EPivotSet pPivotSet, EFbxRotationOrder& pRotationOrder) const;
694 /** Set rotation space for limit only.
695 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is manipulated.
696 * \param pUseForLimitOnly When set to \c true, the current rotation space
697 * (set with SetRotationOrder) define the rotation space for
698 * the limit only; leaving the rotation animation in
699 * Euler XYZ space. When set to \c false, the current rotation
700 * space defines the rotation space for both the limits and the
701 * rotation animation data.
702 */
703 void SetUseRotationSpaceForLimitOnly(EPivotSet pPivotSet, bool pUseForLimitOnly);
705 /** Get rotation space for limit only.
706 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is queried.
707 * \return The current rotation space limit flag value.
708 */
709 bool GetUseRotationSpaceForLimitOnly(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
711 /** Set the RotationActive state.
712 * \param pVal The new state of the property.
713 * \remarks When this flag is set to false, the RotationOrder, the Pre/Post rotation values
714 * and the rotation limits should be ignored.
715 */
716 void SetRotationActive(bool pVal);
718 /** Get the RotationActive state.
719 * \return The value of the RotationActive flag.
720 */
721 bool GetRotationActive() const;
723 /** Specify which Quaternion interpolation mode is used on the pivot context.
724 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is manipulated.
725 * \param pQuatIterp The new value.
726 * \remarks When the \e pPivotSet is eSourcePivot, this method also updates the value of the
727 * QuaternionInterpolate property.
728 */
729 void SetQuaternionInterpolation(EPivotSet pPivotSet, EFbxQuatInterpMode pQuatIterp);
731 /** Get the Quaternion interpolation mode of the pivot context.
732 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot context is queried.
733 * \return The current mode set on the pivot context.
734 */
735 EFbxQuatInterpMode GetQuaternionInterpolation(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
737 /** Set the rotation stiffness.
738 * The stiffness attribute is used by IK solvers to generate a resistance
739 * to a joint motion. The higher the stiffness the less it will rotate.
740 * Stiffness works in a relative sense: it determines the willingness of
741 * this joint to rotate with respect to the other joint in the IK chain.
742 * \param pRotationStiffness The rotation stiffness values are limited to
743 * the range [0, 100].
744 */
745 void SetRotationStiffness(FbxVector4 pRotationStiffness);
747 /** Get the rotation stiffness
748 * \return The currently set rotation stiffness values.
749 */
750 FbxVector4 GetRotationStiffness() const;
752 /** Set the minimum damp range angles.
753 * This attributes apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the
754 * lower boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint
755 * motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits
756 * instead of stopping abruptly. The MinDampRange specifies when the
757 * deceleration should start.
758 * \param pMinDampRange Angle, in degrees, where deceleration should start
759 */
760 void SetMinDampRange(FbxVector4 pMinDampRange);
762 /** Get the minimum damp range angles
763 * \return The currently set minimum damp range angles.
764 */
765 FbxVector4 GetMinDampRange() const;
767 /** Set the maximum damp range angles.
768 * This attributes apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the
769 * upper boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint
770 * motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits
771 * instead of stopping abruptly. The MaxDampRange specifies when the
772 * deceleration should start.
773 * \param pMaxDampRange Angle, in degrees, where deceleration should start
774 */
775 void SetMaxDampRange(FbxVector4 pMaxDampRange);
777 /** Get the maximum damp range angles
778 * \return The currently set maximum damp range angles.
779 */
780 FbxVector4 GetMaxDampRange() const;
782 /** Set the minimum damp strength.
783 * This attributes apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the
784 * lower boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint
785 * motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits
786 * instead of stopping abruptly. The MinDampStrength defines the
787 * rate of deceleration.
788 * \param pMinDampStrength Values are limited to the range [0, 100].
789 */
790 void SetMinDampStrength(FbxVector4 pMinDampStrength);
792 /** Get the minimum damp strength
793 * \return The currently set minimum damp strength values.
794 */
795 FbxVector4 GetMinDampStrength() const;
797 /** Set the maximum damp strength.
798 * This attributes apply resistance to a joint rotation as it approaches the
799 * upper boundary of its rotation limits. This functionality allows joint
800 * motion to slow down smoothly until the joint reaches its rotation limits
801 * instead of stopping abruptly. The MaxDampStrength defines the
802 * rate of deceleration.
803 * \param pMaxDampStrength Values are limited to the range [0, 100].
804 */
805 void SetMaxDampStrength(FbxVector4 pMaxDampStrength);
807 /** Get the maximum damp strength
808 * \return The currently set maximum damp strength values.
809 */
810 FbxVector4 GetMaxDampStrength() const;
812 /** Set the preferred angle.
813 * The preferredAngle attribute defines the initial joint configuration used
814 * by a single chain IK solver to calculate the inverse kinematic solution.
815 * \param pPreferedAngle Angle in degrees
816 */
817 void SetPreferedAngle(FbxVector4 pPreferedAngle);
819 /** Get the preferred angle
820 * \return The currently set preferred angle.
821 */
822 FbxVector4 GetPreferedAngle() const;
824 /** Set a translation offset for the rotation pivot.
825 * The translation offset is in coordinates relative to the node's origin.
826 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
827 * \param pVector The X,Y and Z translation values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
828 */
829 void SetRotationOffset(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
831 /** Get the translation offset for the rotation pivot.
832 * The translation offset is in coordinates relative to the node's origin.
833 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to to query the value.
834 * \return The X, Y and Z translation offset values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
835 */
836 const FbxVector4& GetRotationOffset(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
838 /** Set rotation pivot.
839 * The rotation pivot is the center of rotation in coordinates relative to
840 * the node's origin.
841 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
842 * \param pVector The new position of the rotation pivot (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
843 */
844 void SetRotationPivot(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
846 /** Get rotation pivot.
847 * The rotation pivot is the center of rotation in coordinates relative to
848 * the node's origin.
849 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query.
850 * \return The current position of the rotation pivot (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
851 */
852 const FbxVector4& GetRotationPivot(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
854 /** Set pre-rotation in Euler angles.
855 * The pre-rotation is the rotation applied to the node before
856 * rotation animation data.
857 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
858 * \param pVector The X,Y,Z rotation values to set (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
859 */
860 void SetPreRotation(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
862 /** Get pre-rotation in Euler angles.
863 * The pre-rotation is the rotation applied to the node before
864 * rotation animation data.
865 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query.
866 * \return The X,Y and Z rotation values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
867 */
868 const FbxVector4& GetPreRotation(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
870 /** Set post-rotation in Euler angles.
871 * The post-rotation is the rotation applied to the node after the
872 * rotation animation data.
873 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
874 * \param pVector The X,Y,Z rotation values to set (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
875 */
876 void SetPostRotation(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
878 /** Get post-rotation in Euler angles.
879 * The post-rotation is the rotation applied to the node after the
880 * rotation animation data.
881 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query.
882 * \return The X,Y and Z rotation values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
883 */
884 const FbxVector4& GetPostRotation(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
886 /** Set a translation offset for the scaling pivot.
887 * The translation offset is in coordinates relative to the node's origin.
888 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
889 * \param pVector The X,Y and Z translation values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
890 */
891 void SetScalingOffset(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
893 /** Get the translation offset for the scaling pivot.
894 * The translation offset is in coordinates relative to the node's origin.
895 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query the value.
896 * \return The X, Y and Z translation offset values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
897 */
898 const FbxVector4& GetScalingOffset(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
900 /** Set scaling pivot.
901 * The scaling pivot is the center of scaling in coordinates relative to
902 * the node's origin.
903 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
904 * \param pVector The new position of the scaling pivot (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
905 */
906 void SetScalingPivot(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
908 /** Get scaling pivot.
909 * The scaling pivot is the center of scaling in coordinates relative to
910 * the node's origin.
911 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query.
912 * \return The current position of the rotation pivot (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
913 */
914 const FbxVector4& GetScalingPivot(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
916 /** Set geometric translation
917 * The geometric translation is a local translation that is applied
918 * to a node attribute only. This translation is applied to the node attribute
919 * after the node transformations. This translation is not inherited across the
920 * node hierarchy.
921 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
922 * \param pVector The X, Y, and Z translation values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
923 */
924 void SetGeometricTranslation(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
926 /** Get geometric translation
927 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query.
928 * \return The current geometric translation (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
929 */
930 FbxVector4 GetGeometricTranslation(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
932 /** Set geometric rotation
933 * The geometric rotation is a local rotation that is applied
934 * to a node attribute only. This rotation is applied to the node attribute
935 * after the node transformations. This rotation is not inherited across the
936 * node hierarchy.
937 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
938 * \param pVector The X,Y and Z rotation values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
939 */
940 void SetGeometricRotation(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
942 /** Get geometric rotation
943 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query.
944 * \return The current geometric rotation (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
945 */
946 FbxVector4 GetGeometricRotation(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
948 /** Set geometric scaling
949 * The geometric scaling is a local scaling that is applied
950 * to a node attribute only. This scaling is applied to the node attribute
951 * after the node transformations. This scaling is not inherited across the
952 * node hierarchy.
953 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to modify.
954 * \param pVector The X,Y and Z scale values (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is ignored).
955 */
956 void SetGeometricScaling(EPivotSet pPivotSet, FbxVector4 pVector);
958 /** Get geometric scaling
959 * \param pPivotSet Specify which pivot set to query.
960 * \return The current geometric scaling (the 4th component of the FbxVector4 is always 1).
961 */
962 FbxVector4 GetGeometricScaling(EPivotSet pPivotSet) const;
964 /** Reset a pivot set to the default pivot context.
965 * If the node has a geometry, reset the geometry's pivot to the identity matrix.
966 * \param pPivotSet Pivot set to reset.
967 * \remarks The default pivot context is a context with all the vector attributes
968 * set to (0,0,0) except the GeometricScaling attribute that is reset to (1,1,1).
969 */
970 void ResetPivotSet( FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet );
972 /** This version is an improved version of the ConvertPivotAnimation(). It fully supports all the
973 * attributes defined in the pivot sets and can process animation data defined on different animation
974 * stack.
975 * \param pAnimStack The animation stack on which the conversion will take place. If equals \c NULL, convert the animation on all the animation stacks.
976 * \param pConversionTarget If set to EPivotSet::eDestinationPivot,
977 * convert animation data from the EPivotSet::eSourcePivot pivot context
978 * to the EPivotSet::eDestinationPivot pivot context. Otherwise, the
979 * conversion is computed the other way around.
980 * \param pFrameRate Resampling frame rate in frames per second.
981 * \param pKeyReduce Apply or skip key reducing filter.
982 * \remarks Due to the intrinsic properties of the mathematical operations performed,
983 * sometimes, it is necessary to resample animation curves to maintain the accurate
984 * conversion. When this resampling is required, the method will use the \e pFrameRate
985 * value to specify the number of samples. To avoid a huge number of keys in the animation
986 * curves, a constant key reducer filter (FbxKFCurveFilterConstantKeyReducer) is
987 * automatically applied to all the affected curves to remove as much consecutive keys
988 * that have the same value. This filter is private and its settings cannot be changed.
989 * It is possible that, after the filtering pass, the animations curves do not contain keys
990 * anymore. This is a normal result and does not affect the overall results.
991 * \note Although it is possible to call this method several times with a different
992 * AnimStack name, users must be aware that some pivot computation can irreversibly
993 * modify the geometric nodes with a cumulative effect of the \e GeometricTranslation,
994 * \e GeometricRotation and \e GeometricScaling which will produce undesirable results. It is recommended
995 * to call ConvertPivotAnimationRecursive with \p pAnimStackName = NULL and let the method convert
996 * the animation on all the Anim stacks at once.
997 * In the case when there are no geometric nodes in the scene tree, specifying the animation stack
998 * is safe and somewhat faster.
999 * If any transform limits are active, they are applied during the conversion and disabled.
1000 */
1001 void ConvertPivotAnimationRecursive(FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack, EPivotSet pConversionTarget, double pFrameRate, bool pKeyReduce=true);
1003 /** Reset all the pivot sets to the default pivot context and convert the animation.
1004 * \param pFrameRate Resampling frame rate in frames per second.
1005 * \param pKeyReduce Apply or skip key reducing filter.
1006 * \param pToNodeCenter: Reset pivots to node center if \c true, or retain pivot places if \c false.
1007 * \param pForceResetLimits If \c true, this flag will reset all the Translation, Rotation and Scaling
1008 * limits and clears the enabled flags.
1009 * \remarks The resulting animation will be visually equivalent and all the pivots will be cleared.
1010 * The conversion is performed on all animation stacks.
1011 * \remarks Will recursively convert the animation of all the children nodes.
1012 * \remarks The \e pForceResetLimits flag has a destructive behavior and should be used only in very
1013 * limited cases where the values of the limits are not required after the call to this method.
1014 * \remarks Currently, this function just works under RSrs inherit type if pToNodeCenter is set to \c false.
1015 */
1016 void ResetPivotSetAndConvertAnimation(double pFrameRate=30.0, bool pKeyReduce=false, bool pToNodeCenter=true, bool pForceResetLimits=false);
1018 /** Set rotation pivot as node center recursively
1019 * \param pParentGeometricOffset Offset vector to be applied.
1020 */
1021 void SetRotationPivotAsCenterRecursive(FbxVector4 pParentGeometricOffset=FbxVector4());
1022 //@}
1024 /**
1025 * \name Node Evaluation Functions
1026 */
1027 //@{
1028 /** Retrieve the proper animation evaluator to use for this node.
1029 * \return If the object has no scene, returns the default evaluator, otherwise the object's scene evaluator. */
1030 FbxAnimEvaluator* GetAnimationEvaluator() const;
1032 /** Returns this node's global transformation matrix at the specified time. The node's translation, rotation and scaling limits are taken into consideration.
1033 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
1034 * \param pPivotSet The pivot set to take into account
1035 * \param pApplyTarget Applies the necessary transform to align into the target node
1036 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
1037 * \return The resulting global transform of the specified node at the specified time.
1038 * \remarks This function is the equivalent of calling Scene->GetEvaluator()->GetNodeGlobalTransform().
1039 */
1040 FbxAMatrix& EvaluateGlobalTransform(FbxTime pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet=FbxNode::eSourcePivot, bool pApplyTarget=false, bool pForceEval=false);
1042 /** Returns this node's local transformation matrix at the specified time. The node's translation, rotation and scaling limits are taken into consideration.
1043 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
1044 * \param pPivotSet The pivot set to take into account
1045 * \param pApplyTarget Applies the necessary transform to align into the target node
1046 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
1047 * \return The resulting local transform of the specified node for the specified time.
1048 * \remarks The local transform matrix is calculated in this way: ParentGlobal.Inverse * Global, all transforms such as pre/post rotation are taken into consideration.
1049 * This will return a different value than LclTranslation, LclRotation and LclScaling at the specified time. To evaluate these properties separately
1050 * without taking pre/post rotation, pivots and offsets into consideration, please use GetNodeLocalTranslation(), GetNodeLocalRotation() and GetNodeLocalScaling().
1051 * This function is the equivalent of calling Scene->GetEvaluator()->GetNodeLocalTransform().
1052 */
1053 FbxAMatrix& EvaluateLocalTransform(FbxTime pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet=FbxNode::eSourcePivot, bool pApplyTarget=false, bool pForceEval=false);
1055 /** Returns this node's LclTranslation property at the specified time.
1056 * No pivot, offsets, or any other transform is taken into consideration. The translation limit is applied.
1057 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
1058 * \param pPivotSet The pivot set to take into account
1059 * \param pApplyTarget Applies the necessary transform to align into the target node
1060 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
1061 * \return The resulting value of LclTranslation property of the specified node at the specified time.
1062 * \remarks This function is the equivalent of calling Scene->GetEvaluator()->GetNodeLocalTranslation().
1063 */
1064 FbxVector4& EvaluateLocalTranslation(FbxTime pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet=FbxNode::eSourcePivot, bool pApplyTarget=false, bool pForceEval=false);
1066 /** Returns this node's LclRotation property at the specified time.
1067 * No pre/post rotation, rotation pivot, rotation offset or any other transform is taken into consideration. The rotation limit is applied.
1068 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
1069 * \param pPivotSet The pivot set to take into account
1070 * \param pApplyTarget Applies the necessary transform to align into the target node
1071 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
1072 * \return The resulting value of LclRotation property of the specified node at the specified time.
1073 * \remarks This function is the equivalent of calling Scene->GetEvaluator()->GetNodeLocalRotation().
1074 */
1075 FbxVector4& EvaluateLocalRotation(FbxTime pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet=FbxNode::eSourcePivot, bool pApplyTarget=false, bool pForceEval=false);
1077 /** Returns this node's LclScaling property at the specified time.
1078 * No scaling pivot, scaling offset or any other transform is taken into consideration. The scaling limit is applied.
1079 * \param pTime The time used for evaluate. If FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE is used, this returns the default value, without animation curves evaluation.
1080 * \param pPivotSet The pivot set to take into account
1081 * \param pApplyTarget Applies the necessary transform to align into the target node
1082 * \param pForceEval Force the evaluator to refresh the evaluation state cache even if its already up-to-date.
1083 * \return The resulting value of LclScaling property of the specified node at the specified time.
1084 * \remarks This function is the equivalent of calling Scene->GetEvaluator()->GetNodeLocalScaling().
1085 */
1086 FbxVector4& EvaluateLocalScaling(FbxTime pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, FbxNode::EPivotSet pPivotSet=FbxNode::eSourcePivot, bool pApplyTarget=false, bool pForceEval=false);
1088 /** Compute the node's bounding box and its center in global coordinates.
1089 * \param pBBoxMin The minimum value of the bounding box upon successful return.
1090 * \param pBBoxMax The maximum value of the bounding box upon successful return.
1091 * \param pBBoxCenter The center value of the bounding box upon successful return.
1092 * \param pTime If different from FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE, time used to compute the bounding box for deformed geometry.
1093 * \return \c true if successful, otherwise \c false.
1094 * \remark If geometry have been unloaded from memory, their bounding box cannot be calculated and will use any value set previously. */
1095 bool EvaluateGlobalBoundingBoxMinMaxCenter(FbxVector4& pBBoxMin, FbxVector4& pBBoxMax, FbxVector4& pBBoxCenter, const FbxTime& pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE);
1097 /** Compute closest ray intersection point with mesh attributes of this node (triangle meshes only!).
1098 * \param pOut The closest intersection point from pRayOrigin location in pRayDir direction. Variable is unchanged if return value is \c false.
1099 * \param pRayOrigin The origin location to cast the ray from.
1100 * \param pRayDir The direction the cast ray to test mesh triangles from.
1101 * \param pCulling If \c true, only test triangles that are front facing, otherwise test both sides.
1102 * \param pTime The time to use to evaluate mesh deformations.
1103 * \return \c true if a triangle intersect with the ray, otherwise \c false.
1104 * \remark This function will automatically fail if the node's meshes are not triangulated. */
1105 bool EvaluateRayIntersectionPoint(FbxVector4& pOut, const FbxVector4& pRayOrigin, const FbxVector4& pRayDir, bool pCulling=false, const FbxTime& pTime=FBXSDK_TIME_INFINITE);
1106 //@}
1108 /**
1109 * \name Character Link
1110 */
1111 //@{
1112 /** Get number of character links.
1113 * \return The number of character links.
1114 */
1115 int GetCharacterLinkCount() const;
1117 /** Get character link at given index.
1118 * \param pIndex Index of character link.
1119 * \param pCharacter Pointer to receive linked character if function succeeds.
1120 * \param pCharacterLinkType Pointer to receive character link type if function succeeds,
1121 * cast to \c FbxCharacterLink::Type.
1122 * \param pNodeId Pointer to receive the node ID if function succeeds. This ID should be casted
1123 * to \c FbxCharacter::ENodeId type when the character link type is \c eCharacterLink or
1124 * \c eControlSetLink else to the \c FbxEffector::ENodeId type if the character link type is
1125 * \c eControlSetEffector or \c eControlSetEffectorAux.
1126 * \param pNodeSubId For internal use.
1127 * \return \c false if the index is out of range or any of the pointer arguments is NULL.
1128 */
1129 bool GetCharacterLink(int pIndex, FbxCharacter** pCharacter, int* pCharacterLinkType, int* pNodeId, int* pNodeSubId);
1131 /** Looks if the given character link exists on this node.
1132 * \param pCharacter Character searched.
1133 * \param pCharacterLinkType Character link type searched. Its value must be one of
1134 * the \c FbxCharacterLink::Type symbols..
1135 * \param pNodeId Node ID searched. If \e pCharacterLinkType is \c eCharacterLink or \c eControlSetLink
1136 * the \e pNodeId value is casted to the \c FbxCharacter::ENodeId type. If the \e pCharacterLinkType
1137 * is \c eControlSetEffector or \c eControlSetEffectorAux then the \e pNodeId is casted to the
1138 * \c FbxEffector::ENodeId type.
1139 * \param pNodeSubId For internal use.
1140 * \return Index of found character link if it exists, -1 otherwise.
1141 */
1142 int FindCharacterLink(FbxCharacter* pCharacter, int pCharacterLinkType, int pNodeId, int pNodeSubId) const;
1143 //@}
1145 /** Find out start and end time of the animation curves for this node (and its children).
1146 * \param pInterval This node's animation interval.
1147 * \param pAnimStack Animation stack where to retrieve animation curves.
1148 * \param pAnimLayerId Specific animation layer on the animStack to use.
1149 * \return \c true if the node (or its children) is animated, \c false otherwise.
1150 * \remarks If pAnimStack is left NULL, the function will try to get the first AnimStack that is connected
1151 * to the scene. \e pAnimLayerId represent the index of the connection. For example, the call:
1152 * \code
1153 * lNode->GetAnimationInterval(span, myStack, 3);
1154 * \endcode
1155 * will scan all the animation curves of this node, and it's children, that are defined on the third
1156 * animation layer of \c myStack.
1157 */
1158 bool GetAnimationInterval(FbxTimeSpan& pInterval, FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack=NULL, int pAnimLayerId=0);
1160 /**
1161 * \name Material Management
1162 */
1163 //@{
1164 /** Add a material to this node.
1165 * \param pMaterial The material to add.
1166 * \return non-negative index of added material, or -1 on error.
1167 */
1168 int AddMaterial(FbxSurfaceMaterial* pMaterial);
1170 /** Remove a material from this node.
1171 * \param pMaterial The material to remove.
1172 * \return true on success, false otherwise
1173 */
1174 bool RemoveMaterial(FbxSurfaceMaterial* pMaterial);
1176 /**
1177 * \return The number of materials applied to this node.
1178 * \remarks If this node has an instanced node attribute, it is possible
1179 * to have a material applied to this node more than once. The material
1180 * count may not reflect the distinct material count.
1181 */
1182 int GetMaterialCount() const;
1184 /** Access a material on this node.
1185 * \param pIndex Valid range is [0, GetMaterialCount() - 1]
1186 * \return The pIndex-th material, or NULL if pIndex is invalid.
1187 */
1188 FbxSurfaceMaterial* GetMaterial(int pIndex) const;
1190 /** Remove all materials applied to this node.
1191 */
1192 void RemoveAllMaterials();
1194 /** Find an applied material with the given name.
1195 * \param pName The requested name
1196 * \return an index to a material, or -1 if no applied material
1197 * has the requested name.
1198 */
1199 int GetMaterialIndex(const char* pName) const;
1200 //@}
1202 /**
1203 * \name Public and fast access Properties
1204 */
1205 //@{
1206 /** This property contains the translation information of the node
1207 *
1208 * To access this property do: LclTranslation.Get().
1209 * To set this property do: LclTranslation.Set(FbxDouble3).
1210 *
1211 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1212 */
1213 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> LclTranslation;
1215 /** This property contains the rotation information of the node
1216 *
1217 * To access this property do: LclRotation.Get().
1218 * To set this property do: LclRotation.Set(FbxDouble3).
1219 *
1220 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1221 */
1222 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> LclRotation;
1224 /** This property contains the scaling information of the node
1225 *
1226 * To access this property do: LclScaling.Get().
1227 * To set this property do: LclScaling.Set(FbxDouble3).
1228 *
1229 * Default value is 1.,1.,1.
1230 */
1231 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> LclScaling;
1233 /** This property contains the visibility information of the node.
1234 * The assumed behavior of this property is to affect the visibility of the node, all the
1235 * nodes attributes connected to it as well as all its descendants. This property can be
1236 * animated.
1237 *
1238 * To access this property do: Visibility.Get().
1239 * To set this property do: Visibility.Set(FbxDouble).
1240 *
1241 * Default value is 1.
1242 * \remarks \li This property holds values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 where the value 0.0 means
1243 * a totally invisible object, the value 1.0, a full visible object and anything inbetween, a
1244 * percentage degree of visibility.\n
1245 *
1246 * \li Since not all the applications may support a degree of visibility, it is agreed that
1247 * a value of 0.0 means invisible and anything else means visible.
1248 *
1249 * \see Show property.
1250 */
1251 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> Visibility;
1253 /** This property contains the visibility inheritance flag that allow applications to modify
1254 * the Visibility property interpretation. By default, this value is set to \c true because it is
1255 * assumed (as explained in the Visibility property description) that the node visibility is inherited
1256 * from its parent. In other words, applications should always process the Visibility property of the
1257 * node and, depending on its value, decide whether or not the node has to be displayed. After
1258 * this first assessment, check the node VisibilityInheritance flag. If its value is set to \c false then
1259 * move to the next object, else use the parent's Visibility value and modify this node display state
1260 * by performing the logical AND operation between this node Visibility property and its parent's.
1261 *
1262 * To access this property do: VisibilityInheritance.Get().
1263 * To set this property do: VisibilityInheritance.Set(FbxBool).
1264 *
1265 * Default value is \c true.
1266 * \remarks This property is non-animatable and is not used inside the FBX SDK but it is guaranteed
1267 * to exist in FBX files with version 7.2 and above.
1268 * \see Visibility property.
1269 */
1270 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> VisibilityInheritance;
1273 /** This property contains the quaternion interpolate flag of the node
1274 *
1275 * To access this property do: QuaternionInterpolate.Get().
1276 * To set this property do: QuaternionInterpolate.Set(EFbxQuatInterpMode).
1277 *
1278 * Default value is eQuatInterpOff.
1279 */
1280 FbxPropertyT<EFbxQuatInterpMode> QuaternionInterpolate;
1282 /** This property contains the rotation offset information of the node
1283 *
1284 * To access this property do: RotationOffset.Get().
1285 * To set this property do: RotationOffset.Set(FbxDouble3).
1286 *
1287 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1288 */
1289 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> RotationOffset;
1291 /** This property contains the rotation pivot information of the node
1292 *
1293 * To access this property do: RotationPivot.Get().
1294 * To set this property do: RotationPivot.Set(FbxDouble3).
1295 *
1296 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1297 */
1298 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> RotationPivot;
1300 /** This property contains the scaling offset information of the node
1301 *
1302 * To access this property do: ScalingOffset.Get().
1303 * To set this property do: ScalingOffset.Set(FbxDouble3).
1304 *
1305 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1306 */
1307 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> ScalingOffset;
1309 /** This property contains the scaling pivot information of the node
1310 *
1311 * To access this property do: ScalingPivot.Get().
1312 * To set this property do: ScalingPivot.Set(FbxDouble3).
1313 *
1314 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1315 */
1316 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> ScalingPivot;
1318 /** This property enables or disables the limit on translation.
1319 * When set to \c false the object can translate in any direction without limitations.
1320 * Else the
1321 * \ref TranslationMinX, \ref TranslationMinY, \ref TranslationMinZ,
1322 * \ref TranslationMaxX, \ref TranslationMaxY and \ref TranslationMaxZ flags are used to
1323 * limit the translation on each individual axis.
1324 *
1325 * To access this property do: TranslationActive.Get().
1326 * To set this property do: TranslationActive.Set(FbxBool).
1327 *
1328 * Default value is false.
1329 */
1330 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> TranslationActive;
1332 /** This property sets the minimum translation values the object can occupy on each individual axis.
1333 *
1334 * To access this property do: TranslationMin.Get().
1335 * To set this property do: TranslationMin.Set(FbxDouble3).
1336 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1337 *
1338 */
1339 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> TranslationMin;
1341 /** This property sets the maximum translation values the object can occupy on each individual axis.
1342 *
1343 * To access this property do: TranslationMax.Get().
1344 * To set this property do: TranslationMax.Set(FbxDouble3).
1345 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1346 *
1347 */
1348 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> TranslationMax;
1350 /** This property enables or disables the limit on translation X.
1351 * When set to \c true, the object translation is constrained by the value of \ref TranslationMin.
1352 *
1353 * To access this property do: TranslationMinX.Get().
1354 * To set this property do: TranslationMinX.Set(FbxBool).
1355 *
1356 * Default value is false.
1357 */
1358 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> TranslationMinX;
1360 /** This property enables or disables the limit on translation Y.
1361 * When set to \c true, the object translation is constrained by the value of \ref TranslationMin.
1362 *
1363 * To access this property do: TranslationMinY.Get().
1364 * To set this property do: TranslationMinY.Set(FbxBool).
1365 *
1366 * Default value is false.
1367 */
1368 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> TranslationMinY;
1371 /** This property enables or disables the limit on translation Z.
1372 * When set to \c true, the object translation is constrained by the value of \ref TranslationMin.
1373 *
1374 * To access this property do: TranslationMinZ.Get().
1375 * To set this property do: TranslationMinZ.Set(FbxBool).
1376 *
1377 * Default value is false.
1378 */
1379 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> TranslationMinZ;
1381 /** This property enables or disables the limit on translation X.
1382 * When set to \c true, the object translation is constrained by the value of \ref TranslationMax.
1383 *
1384 * To access this property do: TranslationMaxX.Get().
1385 * To set this property do: TranslationMaxX.Set(FbxBool).
1386 *
1387 * Default value is false.
1388 */
1389 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> TranslationMaxX;
1391 /** This property enables or disables the limit on translation Y.
1392 * When set to \c true, the object translation is constrained by the value of \ref TranslationMax.
1393 *
1394 * To access this property do: TranslationMaxY.Get().
1395 * To set this property do: TranslationMaxY.Set(FbxBool).
1396 *
1397 * Default value is false.
1398 */
1399 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> TranslationMaxY;
1401 /** This property enables or disables the limit on translation Z.
1402 * When set to \c true, the object translation is constrained by the value of \ref TranslationMax.
1403 *
1404 * To access this property do: TranslationMaxZ.Get().
1405 * To set this property do: TranslationMaxZ.Set(FbxBool).
1406 *
1407 * Default value is false.
1408 */
1409 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> TranslationMaxZ;
1411 /** This property contains the rotation order information of the node
1412 *
1413 * To access this property do: RotationOrder.Get().
1414 * To set this property do: RotationOrder.Set(EFbxRotationOrder).
1415 * Default value is eEulerXYZ.
1416 *
1417 */
1418 FbxPropertyT<EFbxRotationOrder> RotationOrder;
1420 /** This property contains the rotation space for limit only flag of the node.
1421 * When set to \c true, the Rotation space is applied only on the limit data (provided the \ref RotationActive is
1422 * also \c true).
1423 *
1424 * To access this property do: RotationSpaceForLimitOnly.Get().
1425 * To set this property do: RotationSpaceForLimitOnly.Set(FbxBool).
1426 *
1427 * Default value is false.
1428 */
1429 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationSpaceForLimitOnly;
1431 /** This property contains the x value of the rotation stiffness of the node
1432 *
1433 * To access this property do: RotationStiffnessX.Get().
1434 * To set this property do: RotationStiffnessX.Set(FbxDouble).
1435 *
1436 * Default value is 0.
1437 */
1438 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> RotationStiffnessX;
1440 /** This property contains the y value of the rotation stiffness of the node
1441 *
1442 * To access this property do: RotationStiffnessY.Get().
1443 * To set this property do: RotationStiffnessY.Set(FbxDouble).
1444 *
1445 * Default value is 0.
1446 */
1447 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> RotationStiffnessY;
1449 /** This property contains the z value of the rotation stiffness of the node
1450 *
1451 * To access this property do: RotationStiffnessZ.Get().
1452 * To set this property do: RotationStiffnessZ.Set(FbxDouble).
1453 *
1454 * Default value is 0.
1455 */
1456 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> RotationStiffnessZ;
1458 /** This property contains axis length information of the node
1459 *
1460 * To access this property do: AxisLen.Get().
1461 * To set this property do: AxisLen.Set(FbxDouble).
1462 *
1463 * Default value is 10.
1464 */
1465 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> AxisLen;
1467 /** This property contains pre-rotation information of the node
1468 *
1469 * To access this property do: PreRotation.Get().
1470 * To set this property do: PreRotation.Set(FbxDouble3).
1471 *
1472 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1473 */
1474 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> PreRotation;
1476 /** This property contains post-rotation information of the node
1477 *
1478 * To access this property do: PostRotation.Get().
1479 * To set this property do: PostRotation.Set(FbxDouble3).
1480 *
1481 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1482 */
1483 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> PostRotation;
1485 /** This property enables or disables the limit on rotation.
1486 * When set to \c false the object can rotate in any direction without limitations.
1487 * Else the
1488 * \ref RotationMinX, \ref RotationMinY, \ref RotationMinZ,
1489 * \ref RotationMaxX, \ref RotationMaxY and \ref RotationMaxZ flags are used to
1490 * limit the rotation on each individual axis.
1491 * \remarks The PreRotation value is applied before the limit, while the PostRotation is applied
1492 * after the limit.
1493 *
1494 * To access this property do: RotationActive.Get().
1495 * To set this property do: RotationActive.Set(FbxBool).
1496 *
1497 * Default value is false.
1498 */
1499 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationActive;
1501 /** This property sets the minimum rotation values the object can occupy on each individual axis.
1502 *
1503 * To access this property do: RotationMin.Get().
1504 * To set this property do: RotationMin.Set(FbxDouble3).
1505 *
1506 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1507 */
1508 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> RotationMin;
1510 /** This property sets the maximum rotation values the object can occupy on each individual axis.
1511 *
1512 * To access this property do: RotationMax.Get().
1513 * To set this property do: RotationMax.Set(FbxDouble3).
1514 *
1515 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1516 */
1517 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> RotationMax;
1519 /** This property enables or disables the limit on rotation X.
1520 * When set to \c true, the object rotation is constrained by the value of \ref RotationMin.
1521 *
1522 * To access this property do: RotationMinX.Get().
1523 * To set this property do: RotationMinX.Set(FbxBool).
1524 *
1525 * Default value is false.
1526 */
1527 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationMinX;
1529 /** This property enables or disables the limit on rotation Y.
1530 * When set to \c true, the object rotation is constrained by the value of \ref RotationMin.
1531 *
1532 * To access this property do: RotationMinY.Get().
1533 * To set this property do: RotationMinY.Set(FbxBool).
1534 *
1535 * Default value is false.
1536 */
1537 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationMinY;
1539 /** This property enables or disables the limit on rotation Z.
1540 * When set to \c true, the object rotation is constrained by the value of \ref RotationMin.
1541 *
1542 * To access this property do: RotationMinZ.Get().
1543 * To set this property do: RotationMinZ.Set(FbxBool).
1544 *
1545 * Default value is false.
1546 */
1547 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationMinZ;
1549 /** This property enables or disables the limit on rotation X.
1550 * When set to \c true, the object rotation is constrained by the value of \ref RotationMax.
1551 *
1552 * To access this property do: RotationMaxX.Get().
1553 * To set this property do: RotationMaxX.Set(FbxBool).
1554 *
1555 * Default value is false.
1556 */
1557 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationMaxX;
1559 /** This property enables or disables the limit on rotation Y.
1560 * When set to \c true, the object rotation is constrained by the value of \ref RotationMax.
1561 *
1562 * To access this property do: RotationMaxY.Get().
1563 * To set this property do: RotationMaxY.Set(FbxBool).
1564 *
1565 * Default value is false.
1566 */
1567 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationMaxY;
1569 /** This property enables or disables the limit on rotation Z.
1570 * When set to \c true, the object rotation is constrained by the value of \ref RotationMax.
1571 *
1572 * To access this property do: RotationMaxZ.Get().
1573 * To set this property do: RotationMaxZ.Set(FbxBool).
1574 *
1575 * Default value is false.
1576 */
1577 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> RotationMaxZ;
1579 /** This property contains inherit type information of the node
1580 *
1581 * To access this property do: InheritType.Get().
1582 * To set this property do: InheritType.Set(FbxTransform::EInheritType).
1583 *
1584 * Default value is eInheritRrSs.
1585 */
1586 FbxPropertyT<FbxTransform::EInheritType> InheritType;
1588 /** This property enables or disables the limit on scaling.
1589 * When set to \c false the object can scale in any direction without limitations.
1590 * Else the
1591 * \ref ScalingMinX, \ref ScalingMinY, \ref ScalingMinZ,
1592 * \ref ScalingMaxX, \ref ScalingMaxY and \ref ScalingMaxZ flags are used to
1593 * limit the scaling on each individual axis.
1594 *
1595 * To access this property do: ScalingActive.Get().
1596 * To set this property do: ScalingActive.Set(FbxBool).
1597 *
1598 * Default value is false.
1599 */
1600 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ScalingActive;
1602 /** This property sets the minimum scaling values the object can occupy on each individual axis.
1603 *
1604 * To access this property do: ScalingMin.Get().
1605 * To set this property do: ScalingMin.Set(FbxDouble3).
1606 *
1607 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1608 */
1609 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> ScalingMin;
1611 /** This property sets the maximum scaling values the object can occupy on each individual axis.
1612 *
1613 * To access this property do: ScalingMax.Get().
1614 * To set this property do: ScalingMax.Set(FbxDouble3).
1615 *
1616 * Default value is 1.,1.,1.
1617 */
1618 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> ScalingMax;
1620 /** This property activates or disables the limit on scaling X. When active, the object scaling
1621 * is constrained by the value of \ref ScalingMin.
1622 *
1623 * To access this property do: ScalingMinX.Get().
1624 * To set this property do: ScalingMinX.Set(FbxBool).
1625 *
1626 * Default value is false.
1627 */
1628 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ScalingMinX;
1630 /** This property enables or disables the limit on scaling Y.
1631 * When set to \c true, the object scaling is constrained by the value of \ref ScalingMin.
1632 *
1633 * To access this property do: ScalingMinY.Get().
1634 * To set this property do: ScalingMinY.Set(FbxBool).
1635 *
1636 * Default value is false.
1637 */
1638 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ScalingMinY;
1640 /** This property enables or disables the limit on scaling Z.
1641 * When set to \c true, the object scaling is constrained by the value of \ref ScalingMin.
1642 *
1643 * To access this property do: ScalingMinZ.Get().
1644 * To set this property do: ScalingMinZ.Set(FbxBool).
1645 *
1646 * Default value is false.
1647 */
1648 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ScalingMinZ;
1650 /** This property enables or disables the limit on scaling X.
1651 * When set to \c true, the object scaling is constrained by the value of \ref ScalingMax.
1652 *
1653 * To access this property do: ScalingMaxX.Get().
1654 * To set this property do: ScalingMaxX.Set(FbxBool).
1655 *
1656 * Default value is false.
1657 */
1658 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ScalingMaxX;
1660 /** This property enables or disables the limit on scaling Y.
1661 * When set to \c true, the object scaling is constrained by the value of \ref ScalingMax.
1662 *
1663 * To access this property do: ScalingMaxY.Get().
1664 * To set this property do: ScalingMaxY.Set(FbxBool).
1665 *
1666 * Default value is false.
1667 */
1668 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ScalingMaxY;
1670 /** This property enables or disables the limit on scaling Z.
1671 * When set to \c true, the object scaling is constrained by the value of \ref ScalingMax.
1672 *
1673 * To access this property do: ScalingMaxZ.Get().
1674 * To set this property do: ScalingMaxZ.Set(FbxBool).
1675 *
1676 * Default value is false.
1677 */
1678 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> ScalingMaxZ;
1680 /** This property contains geometric translation information of the node
1681 *
1682 * To access this property do: GeometricTranslation.Get().
1683 * To set this property do: GeometricTranslation.Set(FbxDouble3).
1684 *
1685 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1686 */
1687 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> GeometricTranslation;
1689 /** This property contains geometric rotation information of the node
1690 *
1691 * To access this property do: GeometricRotation.Get().
1692 * To set this property do: GeometricRotation.Set(FbxDouble3).
1693 *
1694 * Default value is 0.,0.,0.
1695 */
1696 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> GeometricRotation;
1698 /** This property contains geometric scaling information of the node
1699 *
1700 * To access this property do: GeometricScaling.Get().
1701 * To set this property do: GeometricScaling.Set(FbxDouble3).
1702 *
1703 * Default value is 1.,1.,1.
1704 */
1705 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble3> GeometricScaling;
1707 // IK Settings
1708 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1710 /** This property contains the x component of the minimum damp range angles of the node
1711 *
1712 * To access this property do: MinDampRangeX.Get().
1713 * To set this property do: MinDampRangeX.Set(FbxDouble).
1714 *
1715 * Default value is 0.
1716 */
1717 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MinDampRangeX;
1719 /** This property contains the y component of the minimum damp range angles of the node
1720 *
1721 * To access this property do: MinDampRangeY.Get().
1722 * To set this property do: MinDampRangeY.Set(FbxDouble).
1723 *
1724 * Default value is 0.
1725 */
1726 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MinDampRangeY;
1728 /** This property contains the z component of the minimum damp range angles of the node
1729 *
1730 * To access this property do: MinDampRangeZ.Get().
1731 * To set this property do: MinDampRangeZ.Set(FbxDouble).
1732 *
1733 * Default value is 0.
1734 */
1735 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MinDampRangeZ;
1737 /** This property contains the x component of the maximum damp range angles of the node
1738 *
1739 * To access this property do: MaxDampRangeX.Get().
1740 * To set this property do: MaxDampRangeX.Set(FbxDouble).
1741 *
1742 * Default value is 0.
1743 */
1744 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MaxDampRangeX;
1746 /** This property contains the y component of the maximum damp range angles of the node
1747 *
1748 * To access this property do: MaxDampRangeY.Get().
1749 * To set this property do: MaxDampRangeY.Set(FbxDouble).
1750 *
1751 * Default value is 0.
1752 */
1753 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MaxDampRangeY;
1755 /** This property contains the z component of the maximum damp range angles of the node
1756 *
1757 * To access this property do: MaxDampRangeZ.Get().
1758 * To set this property do: MaxDampRangeZ.Set(FbxDouble).
1759 *
1760 * Default value is 0.
1761 */
1762 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MaxDampRangeZ;
1764 /** This property contains the x component of the minimum damp strength of the node
1765 *
1766 * To access this property do: MinDampStrengthX.Get().
1767 * To set this property do: MinDampStrengthX.Set(FbxDouble).
1768 *
1769 * Default value is 0.
1770 */
1771 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MinDampStrengthX;
1773 /** This property contains the y component of the minimum damp strength of the node
1774 *
1775 * To access this property do: MinDampStrengthY.Get().
1776 * To set this property do: MinDampStrengthY.Set(FbxDouble).
1777 *
1778 * Default value is 0.
1779 */
1780 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MinDampStrengthY;
1782 /** This property contains the z component of the minimum damp strength of the node
1783 *
1784 * To access this property do: MinDampStrengthZ.Get().
1785 * To set this property do: MinDampStrengthZ.Set(FbxDouble).
1786 *
1787 * Default value is 0.
1788 */
1789 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MinDampStrengthZ;
1791 /** This property contains the x component of the maximum damp strength of the node
1792 *
1793 * To access this property do: MaxDampStrengthX.Get().
1794 * To set this property do: MaxDampStrengthX.Set(FbxDouble).
1795 *
1796 * Default value is 0.
1797 */
1798 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MaxDampStrengthX;
1800 /** This property contains the y component of the maximum damp strength of the node
1801 *
1802 * To access this property do: MaxDampStrengthY.Get().
1803 * To set this property do: MaxDampStrengthY.Set(FbxDouble).
1804 *
1805 * Default value is 0.
1806 */
1807 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MaxDampStrengthY;
1809 /** This property contains the z component of the maximum damp strength of the node
1810 *
1811 * To access this property do: MaxDampStrengthZ.Get().
1812 * To set this property do: MaxDampStrengthZ.Set(FbxDouble).
1813 *
1814 * Default value is 0.
1815 */
1816 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> MaxDampStrengthZ;
1818 /** This property contains the x component of the preferred angle of the node
1819 *
1820 * To access this property do: PreferedAngleX.Get().
1821 * To set this property do: PreferedAngleX.Set(FbxDouble).
1822 *
1823 * Default value is 0.
1824 */
1825 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> PreferedAngleX;
1827 /** This property contains the y component of the preferred angle of the node
1828 *
1829 * To access this property do: PreferedAngleY.Get().
1830 * To set this property do: PreferedAngleY.Set(FbxDouble).
1831 *
1832 * Default value is 0.
1833 */
1834 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> PreferedAngleY;
1836 /** This property contains the z component of the preferred angle of the node
1837 *
1838 * To access this property do: PreferedAngleZ.Get().
1839 * To set this property do: PreferedAngleZ.Set(FbxDouble).
1840 *
1841 * Default value is 0.
1842 */
1843 FbxPropertyT<FbxDouble> PreferedAngleZ;
1845 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1847 /** This property contains lookat property of the node
1848 *
1849 * To access this property do: LookAtProperty.Get().
1850 * To set this property do: LookAtProperty.Set(FbxReference).
1851 *
1852 */
1853 FbxPropertyT<FbxReference> LookAtProperty;
1855 /** This property contains the up vector property of the node
1856 *
1857 * To access this property do: UpVectorProperty.Get().
1858 * To set this property do: UpVectorProperty.Set(FbxReference).
1859 *
1860 */
1861 FbxPropertyT<FbxReference> UpVectorProperty;
1863 /** This property contains the show information of the node.
1864 * As opposed to the Visibility property, this one cannot be animated. The assumed behavior of
1865 * this property is to represent the show/hide state of all the nodes attributes connected to this
1866 * node only.
1867 *
1868 * To access this property do: Show.Get().
1869 * To set this property do: Show.Set(FbxBool).
1870 *
1871 * Default value is true.
1872 *
1873 * \remarks \li Because node attributes can be shared by multiple nodes (instances), the FBX SDK provides an utility
1874 * function FbxScene::SyncShowPropertyForInstance() to propagates the same Show value across all the nodes
1875 * referencing the node attribute. The applied logic is that as soon as one of these nodes has the Show
1876 * property set to \c false, all will be set to \c false (basically it is an AND operation on all the
1877 * Show flags).
1878 *
1879 * \li Depending on the support of the Show and Visibility properties that applications will implement, there
1880 * may be conflicts with these two states. In this case, it is suggested that the Visibility property
1881 * always overrides the Show.
1882 *
1883 * \see Visibility property.
1884 */
1885 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> Show;
1887 /** This property contains negative percent shape support information of the node
1888 *
1889 * To access this property do: NegativePercentShapeSupport.Get().
1890 * To set this property do: NegativePercentShapeSupport.Set(FbxBool).
1891 *
1892 * Default value is true.
1893 */
1894 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> NegativePercentShapeSupport;
1896 /** This property contains default attribute index information of the node
1897 *
1898 * To access this property do: DefaultAttributeIndex.Get().
1899 * To set this property do: DefaultAttributeIndex.Set(FbxInt).
1900 *
1901 * Default value is -1.
1902 */
1903 FbxPropertyT<FbxInt> DefaultAttributeIndex;
1905 /** This property contains manipulation state information of the node
1906 *
1907 * To access this property do: Freeze.Get().
1908 * To set this property do: Freeze.Set(FbxBool).
1909 *
1910 * Default value is false.
1911 */
1912 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> Freeze;
1914 /** This property contains level of detail mode information of the node
1915 *
1916 * To access this property do: LODBox.Get().
1917 * To set this property do: LODBox.Set(FbxBool).
1918 *
1919 * True: Bounding box
1920 * False: Geometry object is displayed.
1921 * Default value is false.
1922 */
1923 FbxPropertyT<FbxBool> LODBox;
1924 //@}
1927** WARNING! Anything beyond these lines is for internal use, may not be documented and is subject to change without notice! **
1930 class FBXSDK_DLL Pivot
1931 {
1932 public:
1933 static const FbxVector4 sZeroVector;
1934 static const FbxVector4 sOneVector;
1936 Pivot()
1937 {
1938 mRotationOffset = NULL;
1939 mRotationPivot = NULL;
1940 mPreRotation = NULL;
1941 mPostRotation = NULL;
1942 mScalingOffset = NULL;
1943 mScalingPivot = NULL;
1944 mGeometricTranslation = NULL;
1945 mGeometricRotation = NULL;
1946 mGeometricScaling = NULL;
1947 Reset();
1948 }
1949 ~Pivot() { Reset(); }
1951 void Reset()
1952 {
1953 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mRotationOffset);
1954 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mRotationPivot);
1955 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mPreRotation);
1956 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mPostRotation);
1957 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mScalingOffset);
1958 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mScalingPivot);
1959 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mGeometricTranslation);
1960 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mGeometricRotation);
1961 FBX_SAFE_DELETE(mGeometricScaling);
1962 mRotationOrder = eEulerXYZ;
1963 mRotationSpaceForLimitOnly = false;
1964 mPivotState = FbxNode::ePivotReference;
1965 mQuaternionInterpolate = eQuatInterpOff;
1966 }
1968 inline const FbxVector4& GetRotationOffset() const { return (mRotationOffset) ? *mRotationOffset : sZeroVector; }
1969 inline void SetRotationOffset(const FbxVector4& pV)
1970 {
1971 if( !mRotationOffset )
1972 {
1973 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
1974 mRotationOffset = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
1975 #else
1976 mRotationOffset = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
1977 #endif
1978 }
1979 else
1980 {
1981 *mRotationOffset = pV;
1982 }
1983 }
1985 inline const FbxVector4& GetRotationPivot() const { return (mRotationPivot) ? *mRotationPivot : sZeroVector; }
1986 inline void SetRotationPivot(const FbxVector4& pV)
1987 {
1988 if( !mRotationPivot )
1989 {
1990 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
1991 mRotationPivot = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
1992 #else
1993 mRotationPivot = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
1994 #endif
1995 }
1996 else
1997 {
1998 *mRotationPivot = pV;
1999 }
2000 }
2002 inline const FbxVector4& GetPreRotation() const { return (mPreRotation) ? *mPreRotation : sZeroVector; }
2003 inline void SetPreRotation(const FbxVector4& pV)
2004 {
2005 if( !mPreRotation )
2006 {
2007 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
2008 mPreRotation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
2009 #else
2010 mPreRotation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
2011 #endif
2012 }
2013 else
2014 {
2015 *mPreRotation = pV;
2016 }
2017 }
2019 inline const FbxVector4& GetPostRotation() const { return (mPostRotation) ? *mPostRotation : sZeroVector; }
2020 inline void SetPostRotation(const FbxVector4& pV)
2021 {
2022 if( !mPostRotation )
2023 {
2024 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
2025 mPostRotation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
2026 #else
2027 mPostRotation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
2028 #endif
2029 }
2030 else
2031 {
2032 *mPostRotation = pV;
2033 }
2034 }
2036 inline const FbxVector4& GetScalingOffset() const { return (mScalingOffset) ? *mScalingOffset : sZeroVector; }
2037 inline void SetScalingOffset(const FbxVector4& pV)
2038 {
2039 if( !mScalingOffset )
2040 {
2041 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
2042 mScalingOffset = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
2043 #else
2044 mScalingOffset = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
2045 #endif
2046 }
2047 else
2048 {
2049 *mScalingOffset = pV;
2050 }
2051 }
2053 inline const FbxVector4& GetScalingPivot() const { return (mScalingPivot) ? *mScalingPivot : sZeroVector; }
2054 inline void SetScalingPivot(const FbxVector4& pV)
2055 {
2056 if( !mScalingPivot )
2057 {
2058 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
2059 mScalingPivot = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
2060 #else
2061 mScalingPivot = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
2062 #endif
2063 }
2064 else
2065 {
2066 *mScalingPivot = pV;
2067 }
2068 }
2070 inline const FbxVector4& GetGeometricTranslation() const { return (mGeometricTranslation) ? *mGeometricTranslation : sZeroVector; }
2071 inline void SetGeometricTranslation(const FbxVector4& pV)
2072 {
2073 if( !mGeometricTranslation )
2074 {
2075 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
2076 mGeometricTranslation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
2077 #else
2078 mGeometricTranslation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
2079 #endif
2080 }
2081 else
2082 {
2083 *mGeometricTranslation = pV;
2084 }
2085 }
2087 inline const FbxVector4& GetGeometricRotation() const { return (mGeometricRotation) ? *mGeometricRotation : sZeroVector; }
2088 inline void SetGeometricRotation(const FbxVector4& pV)
2089 {
2090 if( !mGeometricRotation )
2091 {
2092 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
2093 mGeometricRotation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
2094 #else
2095 mGeometricRotation = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
2096 #endif
2097 }
2098 else
2099 {
2100 *mGeometricRotation = pV;
2101 }
2102 }
2104 inline const FbxVector4& GetGeometricScaling() const { return (mGeometricScaling) ? *mGeometricScaling : sOneVector; }
2105 inline void SetGeometricScaling(const FbxVector4& pV)
2106 {
2107 if( !mGeometricScaling )
2108 {
2109 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 4)
2110 mGeometricScaling = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >((FbxVector4&)pV);
2111 #else
2112 mGeometricScaling = FbxNew< FbxVector4 >(pV);
2113 #endif
2114 }
2115 else
2116 {
2117 *mGeometricScaling = pV;
2118 }
2119 }
2121 inline EFbxRotationOrder GetRotationOrder() const { return mRotationOrder; }
2122 inline void SetRotationOrder(EFbxRotationOrder pROrder) { mRotationOrder = pROrder; }
2123 inline bool GetRotationSpaceForLimitOnly() const { return mRotationSpaceForLimitOnly; }
2124 inline void SetRotationSpaceForLimitOnly(bool pVal) { mRotationSpaceForLimitOnly = pVal; }
2125 inline EFbxQuatInterpMode GetQuaternionInterpolate() const { return mQuaternionInterpolate; }
2126 inline void SetQuaternionInterpolate(EFbxQuatInterpMode pVal) { mQuaternionInterpolate = pVal; }
2127 inline FbxNode::EPivotState GetPivotState() const { return mPivotState; }
2128 inline void SetPivotState(FbxNode::EPivotState pVal) { mPivotState = pVal; }
2130 private:
2131 FbxVector4* mRotationOffset;
2132 FbxVector4* mRotationPivot;
2133 FbxVector4* mPreRotation;
2134 FbxVector4* mPostRotation;
2135 FbxVector4* mScalingOffset;
2136 FbxVector4* mScalingPivot;
2137 FbxVector4* mGeometricTranslation;
2138 FbxVector4* mGeometricRotation;
2139 FbxVector4* mGeometricScaling;
2140 EFbxRotationOrder mRotationOrder;
2141 bool mRotationSpaceForLimitOnly;
2142 EFbxQuatInterpMode mQuaternionInterpolate;
2143 FbxNode::EPivotState mPivotState;
2144 };
2146 class FBXSDK_DLL Pivots
2147 {
2148 public:
2149 Pivots()
2150 {
2151 for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
2152 {
2153 mIsDefault[i] = true;
2154 mPivotState[i] = FbxNode::ePivotReference;
2155 mPivot[i] = NULL;
2156 }
2157 }
2159 ~Pivots()
2160 {
2161 FbxDelete(mPivot[0]);
2162 FbxDelete(mPivot[1]);
2163 }
2165 Pivot& Get(int id)
2166 {
2167 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1);
2168 if (mPivot[id] == NULL && mIsDefault[id])
2169 {
2170 smDefaultPivot.SetPivotState(mPivotState[id]);
2171 return smDefaultPivot;
2172 }
2174 if (!mPivot[id])
2175 mPivot[id] = FbxNew< Pivot >();
2177 FBX_ASSERT(mPivot[id] != NULL);
2178 if (mPivot[id])
2179 mPivot[id]->SetPivotState(mPivotState[id]);
2181 return *mPivot[id];
2182 }
2184 #define MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(name, defVect) \
2185 inline const FbxVector4& Get##name(int id) const \
2186 {\
2187 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1); \
2188 Pivot* p = mPivot[id]; \
2189 if (p == NULL) p = &smDefaultPivot; \
2190 return p->Get##name(); \
2191 }\
2192 inline void Set##name(int id, const FbxVector4& pV) \
2193 {\
2194 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1); \
2195 if (mIsDefault[id] && pV[0] == defVect[0] && pV[1] == defVect[1] && pV[2] == defVect[2]) return; \
2196 mIsDefault[id] = false; \
2197 Get(id).Set##name(pV); \
2198 }
2200 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(RotationOffset, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2201 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(RotationPivot, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2202 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(PreRotation, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2203 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(PostRotation, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2204 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(ScalingOffset, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2205 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(ScalingPivot, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2206 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(GeometricTranslation, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2207 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(GeometricRotation, Pivot::sZeroVector);
2208 MACRO_PIVOT_VECTOR_FCTS(GeometricScaling, Pivot::sOneVector);
2210 #define MACRO_PIVOT_BOOL_FCTS(name) \
2211 inline bool Get##name(int id) const \
2212 {\
2213 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1); \
2214 Pivot* p = mPivot[id]; \
2215 if (p == NULL) p = &smDefaultPivot; \
2216 return p->Get##name(); \
2217 }\
2218 inline void Set##name(int id, bool pV) \
2219 {\
2220 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1); \
2221 mIsDefault[id] = false; \
2222 Get(id).Set##name(pV); \
2223 }
2225 MACRO_PIVOT_BOOL_FCTS(RotationSpaceForLimitOnly);
2227 inline EFbxQuatInterpMode GetQuaternionInterpolate(int id) const
2228 {
2229 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1);
2230 Pivot* p = mPivot[id];
2231 if (p == NULL) p = &smDefaultPivot;
2232 return p->GetQuaternionInterpolate();
2233 }
2235 inline void SetQuaternionInterpolate(int id, EFbxQuatInterpMode pV)
2236 {
2237 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1);
2238 // If pivot has default values, and we want to set default eQuatInterpOff,
2239 // return to avoid allocating memory for the pivot (in Get(id).)
2240 if (mIsDefault[id] && pV == eQuatInterpOff) return;
2241 mIsDefault[id] = false;
2242 Get(id).SetQuaternionInterpolate(pV);
2243 }
2245 inline EFbxRotationOrder GetRotationOrder(int id) const
2246 {
2247 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1);
2248 Pivot* p = mPivot[id];
2249 if (p == NULL) p = &smDefaultPivot;
2250 return p->GetRotationOrder();
2251 }
2253 inline void SetRotationOrder(int id, EFbxRotationOrder pROrder)
2254 {
2255 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1);
2256 // If pivot has default values, and we want to set default rotation order eEulerXYZ,
2257 // return to avoid allocating memory for the pivot (in Get(id).)
2258 if (mIsDefault[id] && pROrder == eEulerXYZ) return;
2259 mIsDefault[id] = false;
2260 Get(id).SetRotationOrder(pROrder);
2261 }
2263 inline FbxNode::EPivotState GetPivotState(int id) const
2264 {
2265 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1);
2266 return mPivotState[id];
2267 }
2269 inline void SetPivotState(int id, FbxNode::EPivotState pVal)
2270 {
2271 FBX_ASSERT(id == 0 || id == 1);
2272 if (pVal == FbxNode::ePivotReference) return;
2273 mPivotState[id] = pVal;
2274 if (mPivot[id])
2275 mPivot[id]->SetPivotState(pVal);
2276 }
2281 void Reset()
2282 {
2283 smDefaultPivot.Reset();
2284 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
2285 {
2286 mIsDefault[i] = true;
2287 mPivotState[i] = FbxNode::ePivotReference;
2288 if (mPivot[i]) mPivot[i]->Reset();
2289 }
2290 }
2292 private:
2293 Pivot* mPivot[2];
2294 FbxNode::EPivotState mPivotState[2];
2295 bool mIsDefault[2];
2296 static Pivot smDefaultPivot;
2297 };
2299 class FBXSDK_DLL LinkToCharacter
2300 {
2301 public:
2302 bool operator==(LinkToCharacter& pLinkToCharacter)
2303 {
2304 if (mCharacter == pLinkToCharacter.mCharacter &&
2305 mType == pLinkToCharacter.mType &&
2306 mIndex == pLinkToCharacter.mIndex &&
2307 mSubIndex == pLinkToCharacter.mSubIndex)
2308 {
2309 return true;
2310 }
2311 else return false;
2312 }
2314 FbxCharacter* mCharacter;
2315 int mType;
2316 int mIndex;
2317 int mSubIndex;
2318 };
2320 void AddChildName(char* pChildName);
2321 char* GetChildName(FbxUInt pIndex) const;
2322 FbxUInt GetChildNameCount() const;
2324 FbxTransform& GetTransform();
2325 FbxLimits& GetTranslationLimits();
2326 FbxLimits& GetRotationLimits();
2327 FbxLimits& GetScalingLimits();
2328 Pivots& GetPivots();
2330 void UpdatePivotsAndLimitsFromProperties();
2331 void UpdatePropertiesFromPivotsAndLimits();
2333 void SetRotationActiveProperty(bool pVal);
2334 void PivotSetToMBTransform(EPivotSet pPivotSet);
2336 int AddCharacterLink(FbxCharacter* pCharacter, int pCharacterLinkType, int pNodeId, int pNodeSubId);
2337 int RemoveCharacterLink(FbxCharacter* pCharacter, int pCharacterLinkType, int pNodeId, int pNodeSubId);
2339 // Duplicate this node as well as all its node attributes and the Target and UpTarget objects.
2340 FbxNode* DeepCloneWithNodeAttributes();
2342 virtual FbxObject& Copy(const FbxObject& pObject);
2343 virtual const char* GetTypeName() const;
2344 virtual FbxStringList GetTypeFlags() const;
2345 virtual bool PropertyNotify(EPropertyNotifyType pType, FbxProperty& pProperty);
2347 enum ECullingType
2348 {
2349 eCullingOff,
2350 eCullingOnCCW,
2351 eCullingOnCW
2352 };
2354 ECullingType mCullingType;
2355 bool mCorrectInheritType;
2358 virtual void Construct(const FbxObject* pFrom);
2359 virtual void ConstructProperties(bool pForceSet);
2360 virtual void Destruct(bool pRecursive);
2362 void Reset();
2363 bool GetAnimationIntervalRecursive(FbxTimeSpan& pTimeInterval, FbxAnimLayer* pAnimLayer);
2366 typedef FbxSet<FbxHandle> GeomInstSet;
2368 void ResetLimitsRecursive(FbxNode* pNode);
2370 void ConvertPivotAnimationRecurseLoop(FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack, const EPivotSet pConversionTarget, const double pFrameRate, const bool pKeyReduce, GeomInstSet& pGeomInstSet);
2371 void ConvertPivotAnimation(FbxAnimStack* pAnimStack, const EPivotSet pConversionTarget, const double pFrameRate, const bool pKeyReduce, GeomInstSet& pGeomInstSet);
2372 bool ConvertPivotAnimation_SetupMatrixConverter(FbxAnimCurveFilterMatrixConverter& pConverter, const EPivotSet& pSrcSet, const EPivotSet& pDstSet, const double pFrameRate, const bool pKeyReduce, GeomInstSet& pGeomInstSet);
2373 void ConvertPivotAnimation_ApplyGeometryPivot(const EPivotSet& pSrcSet, const EPivotSet& pDstSet, GeomInstSet& pGeomInstSet);
2375 FbxTransform mTransform;
2376 Pivots mPivots;
2377 FbxObject* mAnimCurveNodeContainer;
2378 FbxArray<FbxString*> mChildrenNameList;
2379 FbxVector4 mPostTargetRotation;
2380 FbxVector4 mTargetUpVector;
2381 FbxNode::EShadingMode mShadingMode;
2382 FbxArray<LinkToCharacter> mLinkToCharacter;
2383#endif /* !DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS *****************************************************************************************/
2386inline EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const EFbxRotationOrder&){ return eFbxEnum; }
2387inline EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const FbxTransform::EInheritType&){ return eFbxEnum; }
2388inline EFbxType FbxTypeOf(const EFbxQuatInterpMode&){ return eFbxEnum; }
2390#include <fbxsdk/fbxsdk_nsend.h>