1//************************************ bs::framework - Copyright 2018 Marko Pintera **************************************//
2//*********** Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md for full terms. This notice is not to be removed. ***********//
3#pragma once
5#include <cfloat>
7#include "BsCorePrerequisites.h"
8#include "Physics/BsPhysicsCommon.h"
9#include "Utility/BsModule.h"
10#include "Math/BsVector3.h"
11#include "Math/BsVector2.h"
12#include "Math/BsQuaternion.h"
14namespace bs
16 /** @addtogroup Physics
17 * @{
18 */
21 class PhysicsScene;
23 /** Flags for controlling physics behaviour globally. */
24 enum class PhysicsFlag
25 {
26 /**
27 * Automatically recovers character controllers that are interpenetrating geometry. This can happen if a controller
28 * is spawned or teleported into geometry, its size/rotation is changed so it penetrates geometry, or simply
29 * because of numerical imprecision.
30 */
31 CCT_OverlapRecovery = 1<<0,
32 /**
33 * Performs more accurate sweeps when moving the character controller, making it less likely to interpenetrate
34 * geometry. When overlap recovery is turned on you can consider turning this off as it can compensate for the
35 * less precise sweeps.
36 */
37 CCT_PreciseSweeps = 1<<1,
38 /**
39 * Large triangles can cause problems with character controller collision. If this option is enabled the triangles
40 * larger than a certain size will be automatically tesselated into smaller triangles, in order to help with
41 * precision.
42 *
43 * @see Physics::getMaxTesselationEdgeLength
44 */
45 CCT_Tesselation = 1<<2,
46 /**
47 * Enables continous collision detection. This will prevent fast-moving objects from tunneling through each other.
48 * You must also enable CCD for individual Rigidbodies. This option can have a significant performance impact.
49 */
50 CCD_Enable = 1<<3
51 };
53 /** @copydoc CharacterCollisionFlag */
54 typedef Flags<PhysicsFlag> PhysicsFlags;
57 /** Provides global physics settings, factory methods for physics objects and scene queries. */
58 class BS_CORE_EXPORT BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(m:Physics) Physics : public Module<Physics>
59 {
60 public:
61 Physics(const PHYSICS_INIT_DESC& init);
62 virtual ~Physics() = default;
64 /******************************************************************************************************************/
65 /************************************************* OPTIONS ********************************************************/
66 /******************************************************************************************************************/
68 /** Pauses or resumes the physics simulation. */
69 virtual void setPaused(bool paused) = 0;
71 /**
72 * Enables or disables collision between two layers. Each physics object can be assigned a specific layer, and here
73 * you can determine which layers can interact with each other.
74 */
75 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:ToggleCollision)
76 void toggleCollision(UINT64 groupA, UINT64 groupB, bool enabled);
78 /** Checks if two collision layers are allowed to interact. */
79 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:IsCollisionEnabled)
80 bool isCollisionEnabled(UINT64 groupA, UINT64 groupB) const;
82 /** @name Internal
83 * @{
84 */
86 /******************************************************************************************************************/
87 /************************************************* CREATION *******************************************************/
88 /******************************************************************************************************************/
90 /** @copydoc PhysicsMaterial::create */
91 virtual SPtr<PhysicsMaterial> createMaterial(float staticFriction, float dynamicFriction, float restitution) = 0;
93 /** @copydoc PhysicsMesh::create */
94 virtual SPtr<PhysicsMesh> createMesh(const SPtr<MeshData>& meshData, PhysicsMeshType type) = 0;
96 /** Creates an object representing the physics scene. Must be manually released via destroyPhysicsScene(). */
97 virtual SPtr<PhysicsScene> createPhysicsScene() = 0;
99 /**
100 * Updates the physics simulation. In order to maintain stability of the physics calculations this method should
101 * be called at fixed intervals (e.g. 60 times a second).
102 *
103 * @param[in] step Time delta to advance the physics simulation by, in seconds.
104 */
105 virtual void fixedUpdate(float step) = 0;
107 /**
108 * Performs any physics operations that arent tied to the fixed update interval. Should be called once per frame.
109 */
110 virtual void update() { }
112 /** Checks is the physics simulation update currently in progress. */
113 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:IsUpdateInProgress,pr:getter)
114 bool _isUpdateInProgress() const { return mUpdateInProgress; }
116 /**
117 * Checks does the ray hit the provided collider.
118 *
119 * @param[in] origin Origin of the ray to check.
120 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction of the ray to check.
121 * @param[in] collider Collider to check for hit.
122 * @param[out] hit Information about the hit. Valid only if the method returns true.
123 * @param[in] maxDist Maximum distance from the ray origin to search for hits.
124 * @return True if the ray has hit the collider.
125 */
126 virtual bool _rayCast(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& unitDir, const Collider& collider, PhysicsQueryHit& hit,
127 float maxDist = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
129 /** @} */
131 static const UINT64 CollisionMapSize = 64;
132 protected:
133 friend class Rigidbody;
135 mutable Mutex mMutex;
136 bool mCollisionMap[CollisionMapSize][CollisionMapSize];
138 bool mUpdateInProgress = false;
139 };
141 /** Provides easier access to Physics. */
142 BS_CORE_EXPORT Physics& gPhysics();
144 /** Contains parameters used for initializing the physics system. */
146 {
147 float typicalLength = 1.0f; /**< Typical length of an object in the scene. */
148 float typicalSpeed = 9.81f; /**< Typical speed of an object in the scene. */
149 Vector3 gravity = Vector3(0.0f, -9.81f, 0.0f); /**< Initial gravity. */
150 bool initCooking = true; /**< Determines should the cooking library be initialized. */
151 /** Flags that control global physics option. */
152 PhysicsFlags flags = PhysicsFlag::CCT_OverlapRecovery | PhysicsFlag::CCT_PreciseSweeps | PhysicsFlag::CCD_Enable;
153 };
155 /**
156 * Physical representation of a scene, allowing creation of new physical objects in the scene and queries against
157 * those objects. Objects created in different scenes cannot physically interact with eachother.
158 */
159 class BS_CORE_EXPORT BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(m:Physics) PhysicsScene
160 {
161 public:
162 /******************************************************************************************************************/
163 /************************************************* QUERIES ********************************************************/
164 /******************************************************************************************************************/
166 /**
167 * Casts a ray into the scene and returns the closest found hit, if any.
168 *
169 * @param[in] ray Ray to cast into the scene.
170 * @param[out] hit Information recorded about a hit. Only valid if method returns true.
171 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
172 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
173 * detected.
174 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
175 */
177 virtual bool rayCast(const Ray& ray, PhysicsQueryHit& hit, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const;
179 /**
180 * Casts a ray into the scene and returns the closest found hit, if any.
181 *
182 * @param[in] origin Origin of the ray to cast into the scene.
183 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction of the ray to cast into the scene.
184 * @param[out] hit Information recorded about a hit. Only valid if method returns true.
185 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
186 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
187 * detected.
188 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
189 */
191 virtual bool rayCast(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& unitDir, PhysicsQueryHit& hit,
192 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
194 /**
195 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a box and returns the closest found hit, if any.
196 *
197 * @param[in] box Box to sweep through the scene.
198 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the box.
199 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
200 * @param[out] hit Information recorded about a hit. Only valid if method returns true.
201 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
202 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
203 * detected.
204 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
205 */
207 virtual bool boxCast(const AABox& box, const Quaternion& rotation, const Vector3& unitDir, PhysicsQueryHit& hit,
208 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
210 /**
211 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a sphere and returns the closest found hit, if any.
212 *
213 * @param[in] sphere Sphere to sweep through the scene.
214 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
215 * @param[out] hit Information recorded about a hit. Only valid if method returns true.
216 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
217 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
218 * detected.
219 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
220 */
221 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:SphereCast)
222 virtual bool sphereCast(const Sphere& sphere, const Vector3& unitDir, PhysicsQueryHit& hit,
223 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
225 /**
226 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a capsule and returns the closest found hit, if any.
227 *
228 * @param[in] capsule Capsule to sweep through the scene.
229 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the capsule.
230 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
231 * @param[out] hit Information recorded about a hit. Only valid if method returns true.
232 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
233 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
234 * detected.
235 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
236 */
237 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:CapsuleCast)
238 virtual bool capsuleCast(const Capsule& capsule, const Quaternion& rotation, const Vector3& unitDir,
239 PhysicsQueryHit& hit, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
241 /**
242 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a convex mesh and returns the closest found hit, if any.
243 *
244 * @param[in] mesh Mesh to sweep through the scene. Must be convex.
245 * @param[in] position Starting position of the mesh.
246 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the mesh.
247 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
248 * @param[out] hit Information recorded about a hit. Only valid if method returns true.
249 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
250 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
251 * detected.
252 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
253 */
254 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:ConvexCast)
255 virtual bool convexCast(const HPhysicsMesh& mesh, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation,
256 const Vector3& unitDir, PhysicsQueryHit& hit, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
258 /**
259 * Casts a ray into the scene and returns all found hits.
260 *
261 * @param[in] ray Ray to cast into the scene.
262 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
263 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
264 * detected.
265 * @return List of all detected hits.
266 */
267 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:RayCastAll)
268 virtual Vector<PhysicsQueryHit> rayCastAll(const Ray& ray, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const;
270 /**
271 * Casts a ray into the scene and returns all found hits.
272 *
273 * @param[in] origin Origin of the ray to cast into the scene.
274 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction of the ray to cast into the scene.
275 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
276 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
277 * detected.
278 * @return List of all detected hits.
279 */
280 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:RayCastAll)
281 virtual Vector<PhysicsQueryHit> rayCastAll(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& unitDir,
282 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
284 /**
285 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a box and returns all found hits.
286 *
287 * @param[in] box Box to sweep through the scene.
288 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the box.
289 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
290 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
291 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
292 * detected.
293 * @return List of all detected hits.
294 */
295 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:BoxCastAll)
296 virtual Vector<PhysicsQueryHit> boxCastAll(const AABox& box, const Quaternion& rotation,
297 const Vector3& unitDir, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
299 /**
300 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a sphere and returns all found hits.
301 *
302 * @param[in] sphere Sphere to sweep through the scene.
303 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
304 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
305 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
306 * detected.
307 * @return List of all detected hits.
308 */
309 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:SphereCastAll)
310 virtual Vector<PhysicsQueryHit> sphereCastAll(const Sphere& sphere, const Vector3& unitDir,
311 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
313 /**
314 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a capsule and returns all found hits.
315 *
316 * @param[in] capsule Capsule to sweep through the scene.
317 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the capsule.
318 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
319 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
320 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
321 * detected.
322 * @return List of all detected hits.
323 */
324 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:CapsuleCastAll)
325 virtual Vector<PhysicsQueryHit> capsuleCastAll(const Capsule& capsule, const Quaternion& rotation,
326 const Vector3& unitDir, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
328 /**
329 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a convex mesh and returns all found hits.
330 *
331 * @param[in] mesh Mesh to sweep through the scene. Must be convex.
332 * @param[in] position Starting position of the mesh.
333 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the mesh.
334 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
335 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
336 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
337 * detected.
338 * @return List of all detected hits.
339 */
340 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:ConvexCastAll)
341 virtual Vector<PhysicsQueryHit> convexCastAll(const HPhysicsMesh& mesh, const Vector3& position,
342 const Quaternion& rotation, const Vector3& unitDir, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
344 /**
345 * Casts a ray into the scene and checks if it has hit anything. This can be significantly more efficient than other
346 * types of cast* calls.
347 *
348 * @param[in] ray Ray to cast into the scene.
349 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
350 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
351 * detected.
352 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
353 */
354 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:RayCastAny)
355 virtual bool rayCastAny(const Ray& ray, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const;
357 /**
358 * Casts a ray into the scene and checks if it has hit anything. This can be significantly more efficient than other
359 * types of cast* calls.
360 *
361 * @param[in] origin Origin of the ray to cast into the scene.
362 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction of the ray to cast into the scene.
363 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
364 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
365 * detected.
366 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
367 */
368 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:RayCastAny)
369 virtual bool rayCastAny(const Vector3& origin, const Vector3& unitDir,
370 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
372 /**
373 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a box and checks if it has hit anything. This can be significantly more
374 * efficient than other types of cast* calls.
375 *
376 * @param[in] box Box to sweep through the scene.
377 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the box.
378 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
379 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
380 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
381 * detected.
382 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
383 */
384 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:BoxCastAny)
385 virtual bool boxCastAny(const AABox& box, const Quaternion& rotation, const Vector3& unitDir,
386 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
388 /**
389 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a sphere and checks if it has hit anything. This can be significantly more
390 * efficient than other types of cast* calls.
391 *
392 * @param[in] sphere Sphere to sweep through the scene.
393 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
394 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
395 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
396 * detected.
397 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
398 */
399 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:SphereCastAny)
400 virtual bool sphereCastAny(const Sphere& sphere, const Vector3& unitDir,
401 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
403 /**
404 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a capsule and checks if it has hit anything. This can be significantly more
405 * efficient than other types of cast* calls.
406 *
407 * @param[in] capsule Capsule to sweep through the scene.
408 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the capsule.
409 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
410 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
411 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
412 * detected.
413 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
414 */
415 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:CapsuleCastAny)
416 virtual bool capsuleCastAny(const Capsule& capsule, const Quaternion& rotation, const Vector3& unitDir,
417 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
419 /**
420 * Performs a sweep into the scene using a convex mesh and checks if it has hit anything. This can be significantly
421 * more efficient than other types of cast* calls.
422 *
423 * @param[in] mesh Mesh to sweep through the scene. Must be convex.
424 * @param[in] position Starting position of the mesh.
425 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the mesh.
426 * @param[in] unitDir Unit direction towards which to perform the sweep.
427 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
428 * @param[in] max Maximum distance at which to perform the query. Hits past this distance will not be
429 * detected.
430 * @return True if something was hit, false otherwise.
431 */
432 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:ConvexCastAny)
433 virtual bool convexCastAny(const HPhysicsMesh& mesh, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation,
434 const Vector3& unitDir, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS, float max = FLT_MAX) const = 0;
436 /**
437 * Returns a list of all colliders in the scene that overlap the provided box.
438 *
439 * @param[in] box Box to check for overlap.
440 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the box.
441 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
442 * @return List of all colliders that overlap the box.
443 */
444 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:BoxOverlap)
445 virtual Vector<HCollider> boxOverlap(const AABox& box, const Quaternion& rotation,
446 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const;
448 /**
449 * Returns a list of all colliders in the scene that overlap the provided sphere.
450 *
451 * @param[in] sphere Sphere to check for overlap.
452 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
453 * @return List of all colliders that overlap the sphere.
454 */
455 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:SphereOverlap)
456 virtual Vector<HCollider> sphereOverlap(const Sphere& sphere, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const;
458 /**
459 * Returns a list of all colliders in the scene that overlap the provided capsule.
460 *
461 * @param[in] capsule Capsule to check for overlap.
462 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the capsule.
463 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
464 * @return List of all colliders that overlap the capsule.
465 */
466 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:CapsuleOverlap)
467 virtual Vector<HCollider> capsuleOverlap(const Capsule& capsule, const Quaternion& rotation,
468 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const;
470 /**
471 * Returns a list of all colliders in the scene that overlap the provided convex mesh.
472 *
473 * @param[in] mesh Mesh to check for overlap. Must be convex.
474 * @param[in] position Position of the mesh.
475 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the mesh.
476 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
477 * @return List of all colliders that overlap the mesh.
478 */
479 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:ConvexOverlap)
480 virtual Vector<HCollider> convexOverlap(const HPhysicsMesh& mesh, const Vector3& position,
481 const Quaternion& rotation, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const;
483 /**
484 * Checks if the provided box overlaps any other collider in the scene.
485 *
486 * @param[in] box Box to check for overlap.
487 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the box.
488 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
489 * @return True if there is overlap with another object, false otherwise.
490 */
491 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:BoxOverlapAny)
492 virtual bool boxOverlapAny(const AABox& box, const Quaternion& rotation, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
494 /**
495 * Checks if the provided sphere overlaps any other collider in the scene.
496 *
497 * @param[in] sphere Sphere to check for overlap.
498 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
499 * @return True if there is overlap with another object, false otherwise.
500 */
501 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:SphereOverlapAny)
502 virtual bool sphereOverlapAny(const Sphere& sphere, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
504 /**
505 * Checks if the provided capsule overlaps any other collider in the scene.
506 *
507 * @param[in] capsule Capsule to check for overlap.
508 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the capsule.
509 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
510 * @return True if there is overlap with another object, false otherwise.
511 */
512 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:CapsuleOverlapAny)
513 virtual bool capsuleOverlapAny(const Capsule& capsule, const Quaternion& rotation,
514 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
516 /**
517 * Checks if the provided convex mesh overlaps any other collider in the scene.
518 *
519 * @param[in] mesh Mesh to check for overlap. Must be convex.
520 * @param[in] position Position of the mesh.
521 * @param[in] rotation Orientation of the mesh.
522 * @param[in] layer Layers to consider for the query. This allows you to ignore certain groups of objects.
523 * @return True if there is overlap with another object, false otherwise.
524 */
525 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:ConvexOverlapAny)
526 virtual bool convexOverlapAny(const HPhysicsMesh& mesh, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation,
527 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
529 /******************************************************************************************************************/
530 /************************************************* OPTIONS ********************************************************/
531 /******************************************************************************************************************/
533 /** Checks is a specific physics option enabled. */
534 virtual bool hasFlag(PhysicsFlags flag) const { return mFlags & flag; }
536 /** Enables or disabled a specific physics option. */
537 virtual void setFlag(PhysicsFlags flag, bool enabled) { if (enabled) mFlags |= flag; else mFlags &= ~flag; }
539 /**
540 * Returns a maximum edge length before a triangle is tesselated.
541 *
542 * @see PhysicsFlags::CCT_Tesselation
543 */
544 virtual float getMaxTesselationEdgeLength() const = 0;
546 /**
547 * Sets a maximum edge length before a triangle is tesselated.
548 *
549 * @see PhysicsFlags::CCT_Tesselation
550 */
551 virtual void setMaxTesselationEdgeLength(float length) = 0;
553 /** @copydoc setGravity() */
554 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:Gravity,pr:getter)
555 virtual Vector3 getGravity() const = 0;
557 /** Determines the global gravity value for all objects in the scene. */
558 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:Gravity,pr:setter)
559 virtual void setGravity(const Vector3& gravity) = 0;
561 /**
562 * Adds a new physics region. Certain physics options require you to set up regions in which physics objects are
563 * allowed to be in, and objects outside of these regions will not be handled by physics. You do not need to set
564 * up these regions by default.
565 */
566 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:AddPhysicsRegion)
567 virtual UINT32 addBroadPhaseRegion(const AABox& region) = 0;
569 /** Removes a physics region. */
570 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:RemovePhysicsRegion)
571 virtual void removeBroadPhaseRegion(UINT32 handle) = 0;
573 /** Removes all physics regions. */
574 BS_SCRIPT_EXPORT(n:ClearPhysicsRegions)
575 virtual void clearBroadPhaseRegions() = 0;
577 /** @name Internal
578 * @{
579 */
581 /******************************************************************************************************************/
582 /************************************************* CREATION *******************************************************/
583 /******************************************************************************************************************/
585 /** @copydoc Rigidbody::create */
586 virtual SPtr<Rigidbody> createRigidbody(const HSceneObject& linkedSO) = 0;
588 /**
589 * Creates a new box collider.
590 *
591 * @param[in] extents Extents (half size) of the box.
592 * @param[in] position Center of the box.
593 * @param[in] rotation Rotation of the box.
594 */
595 virtual SPtr<BoxCollider> createBoxCollider(const Vector3& extents, const Vector3& position,
596 const Quaternion& rotation) = 0;
598 /**
599 * Creates a new sphere collider.
600 *
601 * @param[in] radius Radius of the sphere geometry.
602 * @param[in] position Position of the collider.
603 * @param[in] rotation Rotation of the collider.
604 */
605 virtual SPtr<SphereCollider> createSphereCollider(float radius,
606 const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation) = 0;
608 /**
609 * Creates a new plane collider.
610 *
611 * @param[in] position Position of the collider.
612 * @param[in] rotation Rotation of the collider.
613 */
614 virtual SPtr<PlaneCollider> createPlaneCollider(const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation) = 0;
616 /**
617 * Creates a new capsule collider.
618 *
619 * @param[in] radius Radius of the capsule.
620 * @param[in] halfHeight Half height of the capsule, from the origin to one of the hemispherical centers, along
621 * the normal vector.
622 * @param[in] position Center of the box.
623 * @param[in] rotation Rotation of the box.
624 */
625 virtual SPtr<CapsuleCollider> createCapsuleCollider(float radius, float halfHeight,
626 const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation) = 0;
628 /**
629 * Creates a new mesh collider.
630 *
631 * @param[in] position Position of the collider.
632 * @param[in] rotation Rotation of the collider.
633 */
634 virtual SPtr<MeshCollider> createMeshCollider(const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation) = 0;
636 /**
637 * Creates a new fixed joint.
638 *
639 * @param[in] desc Settings describing the joint.
640 */
641 virtual SPtr<FixedJoint> createFixedJoint(const FIXED_JOINT_DESC& desc) = 0;
643 /**
644 * Creates a new distance joint.
645 *
646 * @param[in] desc Settings describing the joint.
647 */
648 virtual SPtr<DistanceJoint> createDistanceJoint(const DISTANCE_JOINT_DESC& desc) = 0;
650 /**
651 * Creates a new hinge joint.
652 *
653 * @param[in] desc Settings describing the joint.
654 */
655 virtual SPtr<HingeJoint> createHingeJoint(const HINGE_JOINT_DESC& desc) = 0;
657 /**
658 * Creates a new spherical joint.
659 *
660 * @param[in] desc Settings describing the joint.
661 */
662 virtual SPtr<SphericalJoint> createSphericalJoint(const SPHERICAL_JOINT_DESC& desc) = 0;
664 /**
665 * Creates a new spherical joint.
666 *
667 * @param[in] desc Settings describing the joint.
668 */
669 virtual SPtr<SliderJoint> createSliderJoint(const SLIDER_JOINT_DESC& desc) = 0;
671 /**
672 * Creates a new D6 joint.
673 *
674 * @param[in] desc Settings describing the joint.
675 */
676 virtual SPtr<D6Joint> createD6Joint(const D6_JOINT_DESC& desc) = 0;
678 /**
679 * Creates a new character controller.
680 *
681 * @param[in] desc Describes controller geometry and movement.
682 */
683 virtual SPtr<CharacterController> createCharacterController(const CHAR_CONTROLLER_DESC& desc) = 0;
685 /** @copydoc PhysicsScene::boxOverlap() */
686 virtual Vector<Collider*> _boxOverlap(const AABox& box, const Quaternion& rotation,
687 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
689 /** @copydoc PhysicsScene::sphereOverlap() */
690 virtual Vector<Collider*> _sphereOverlap(const Sphere& sphere, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
692 /** @copydoc PhysicsScene::capsuleOverlap() */
693 virtual Vector<Collider*> _capsuleOverlap(const Capsule& capsule, const Quaternion& rotation,
694 UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
696 /** @copydoc PhysicsScene::convexOverlap() */
697 virtual Vector<Collider*> _convexOverlap(const HPhysicsMesh& mesh, const Vector3& position,
698 const Quaternion& rotation, UINT64 layer = BS_ALL_LAYERS) const = 0;
700 /** @} */
701 protected:
702 PhysicsScene() = default;
703 virtual ~PhysicsScene() = default;
705 PhysicsFlags mFlags;
706 };
708 /** @} */